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Chapter 29 Incident of April 3rd.2

Yu Hua Selected Novellas 余华 9470Words 2018-03-19
They were obviously a little embarrassed to see his lack of response.Then they whispered something to each other and walked away together.They didn't even look back at him. Then he started walking there, bewildered by what had just happened.He felt that everything in the window had become dull.So he turned his eyes to the street. There were not many pedestrians on the street, and the sun shone on them, half-bright. "Why are you ignoring them?" Zhu Qiao's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and he was startled.Zhu Qiao had already stood in front of him.Zhu Qiao suddenly appeared as if he had been hiding for a long time, which made him dumbfounded. "Why are you ignoring them?" Zhu Qiao asked again.

He looked at Zhu Qiao suspiciously and asked, "Who are they?" Zhu Qiao was exaggeratedly taken aback, "They are your classmates." He seemed to remember that they were indeed his former classmates.At this time, he saw Zhu Qiao's funny smile, and he couldn't help feeling suspicious again. Zhu Qiao patted him on the shoulder affectionately and said, "What are you doing here?" He felt the intimacy was a little too much.But this is secondary, the important thing is why he asked.He had already experienced such an inquiry just now. "Are you waiting for someone?" Obviously, Zhu Qiao had some kind of unspeakable relationship with those people just now.It seemed they were all concerned about who he was waiting for now.

"No." he replied. "Then what are you doing standing there for so long?" He was taken aback, it was obvious that Zhu Qiao had seen him in the dark for a long time.It is therefore useless to plead at this moment that no one is waiting. "What's wrong with you?" Zhu Qiao asked. Seeing Zhu Qiao's expression was very uncomfortable, he thought Zhu Qiao already knew his vigilance.He turned his face away uneasily, looking around casually. So he was surprised to find that so many people were paying attention to them.Almost everyone who walks the streets strikes him as unusual.Although the way of that attention is different, he can still see the secrets in their hearts at a glance.

Opposite him, there were three people standing together talking and watching, and there were similar situations on his left and right.Those who were walking on the street quickly glanced here, and quickly looked away as if they were afraid of being discovered by him.At this time Zhu Qiao said something again, but he didn't listen.He suspected that Zhu Qiao was talking to him at this moment to distract him.He found that people who seemed to be strangers to each other were walking slowly close together. Although they separated quickly, he knew that they had exchanged a short word about him.

When he turned his face back later, Zhu Qiao had disappeared.He hadn't even noticed when he left. The stout figure in front of him reminded him of a certain stone tablet, and he had no time to think about when and what kind of stone tablet he saw.What is very real at the moment is that this figure is knocking on the door.And he knocked very carefully, he knocked with two fingers, but the sound was very loud, as if he were knocking with two fists.His feet hadn't moved yet, and if his feet did-- He assumes this - the consequences are disastrous. Standing at the door, he seemed to be waiting for the reverse of the figure to turn around.He wondered about the shape of the other side.He can be sure that the other side is more complicated than the back side.And is it the middle-aged man leaning on the plane tree?

But the man kept knocking, and now his knock was as mechanical as a machine tool.Desiring to see the opposite of the back—a desire that was so strong to him at the moment—he decided to say something to the man.There is no other way. "There's no one in the house," he said.So the back turned around, and the front appeared in front of his eyes.The man's front was not as thick as his back, but his eyebrows were frighteningly thick and short, as if he had four eyes.It was difficult for him to determine whether this person had ever leaned against a plane tree, but he did not want to dismiss that possibility rashly.

"There's no one in the house," he said again. The man looked at him as if he were looking at a door, and said, "How do you know there is no one?" "If there is, the door is already open," he said. "Will the door open without knocking?" said the man mockingly. "But it won't open if no one knocks again." "But someone knocks it down and it opens." He took two steps back and closed the door.He felt that the conversation just now was inexplicable.The knocking on the door continued.But he didn't want to bother, so he walked into the kitchen.There are two fried dough sticks waiting for him there.The fritters were bought by my mother early in the morning, as usual.The two deep-fried dough sticks were drooping down on the bowl.He picked them up and ate them, imagining how tall they looked when he first bought them.

When he finished eating, he was suddenly shocked by a strange idea.He thought there might be poison in the fried dough sticks.And he soon found himself convinced of it.Because he felt a slight commotion in his stomach, but he didn't feel the sharp pain coming.He stood still, waiting for the commotion to develop.However, after a while the commotion disappeared, and the stomach became calm again.He stood for a while longer, and then breathed a sigh of relief.The man was still knocking on the door.And the more he knocked, the more he seemed to be knocking on the door of his house.He began to suspect that the man was really knocking on his door.So he went to the door and listened carefully.It was indeed knocking at his door, and he seemed to feel it shaking.He took a deep breath and flung the door open.

What he saw was the scene of the door on the opposite side closing quickly. It was obvious that the door had been opened just now, because the stout figure was no longer there. If last night's imagination had come true, he would see Bai Xue again here now.This time Bai Xue didn't have any obvious hints.Bai Xue will walk past him without looking at him.But it's also implied.So he pretended to be walking and followed her.What will happen next, he still can't imagine. The girl standing at the stationery counter with her hair shawl was looking at him intently.At that time, Zhu Qiao disappeared suddenly like a camera transition in a movie, and he suddenly felt that he was in an extremely suspicious environment.He didn't notice the girl's gaze until he turned around.Because his turn was too sudden, the girl seemed caught off guard, and then she looked away nervously, then turned around and counted the ink bottles and paint boxes as if counting something.He didn't expect that someone was watching him from behind, and he was secretly surprised.But she was different from them after all, she seemed panicked when she was discovered, but they were able to pretend nothing had happened. ...he walked slowly.She was still counting, but already felt him standing behind her, and she could hear his breathing.So she seemed more nervous, and her shoulders began to shake slightly.Then she wanted to avoid him, so she turned her back to him and walked to the side.At this time he spoke, his voice was firm and calm, and he asked, "Why are you spying on me?" She stopped, her shoulders trembling even more violently.

"Answer me," he said.But his voice was kind at the moment. She hesitated for a moment, then turned around abruptly, and said sadly, "They asked me to do this." "I know." He nodded, "But why are they spying on me?" She opened her mouth, but there was no sound.She looked around in great fear.He didn't need to look to know that everyone in the store was looking at her threateningly at the moment. "Don't be afraid." He comforted softly. She hesitated for a while, then summoned up the courage to say to him, "I'll tell you."

He stood in the doorway of the store and kept staring at her.She counted for a while before turning around, but found that he was still looking at her, and immediately panicked again.This time instead of turning her back, she walked to the other end of the counter.So she was no longer in his sight, only ink bottles and paint boxes neatly arranged. He was thinking about whether he should go in, walk up to her, and have a conversation with her as he had just assumed.But he was not as firm and calm as he had assumed, and she was obviously not as kind and gentle as he had been assumed.Therefore, he lacks confidence in the outcome of this absolutely realistic dialogue without any imaginary color.He stood hesitantly at the door of the store, with chaotic footsteps behind him.He was vividly imagining their gazes.Now that his back was turned to them, they could watch him without any worries, even pointing fingers.But (he thought) if he turned back sharply, they (he thought) would be overwhelmed.He smugly admired his ruse for a moment, and then he acted immediately. But when he turned back, he didn't get the expected effect.When he quickly looked around, he didn't find anyone watching him.It was evident that they had read his mind, much to his chagrin.They are more cunning than before.he thinks.But Bai Xue appeared.According to the imaginary layout, Baixue should be walking slowly along the street (no matter which end is fine).But now Bai Xue walked down that bridge. Although there was a discrepancy in this point, his hypothesis was confirmed again. Baixue walked down from that bridge, but Baixue didn't look here.But he knew that Baixue had seen him, and he knew that he had seen her (it was Baixue who knew).Bai Xue didn't look here to prevent them from finding out.She walked down the bridge very calmly, and then walked in the opposite direction from him.He was amazed by Bai Xue's calmness, and he also walked there.Bai Xue was wearing a bright red dress, which was extremely eye-catching among pedestrians.He knew that it was meaningful for Bai Xue to wear such clothes, and he admired Bai Xue's carefulness.However, he soon realized that it was stupid of him to stare at the red clothes like this, because it was too easy to be spotted. He needs to work hard to remember the conversation his mother had with the neighbors on the balcony yesterday evening. "Are you almost ready?" Mother asked. "What about you?" The other side asked. When he was walking home just now, he saw the neighbor's child lying on the balcony looking around from a long distance.At the same time, he saw that the balcony door of his home was open, and he thought his parents had come back.As soon as the child saw him, he turned and ran into the house.He didn't pay attention at first, but when he went around the stairs and was about to go up, he saw the child again, and the child was pointing an electric pistol at him.Then the child hid in the house again in a flash.The door shut very loudly.When he walked into the house, he found that his parents were not there.He took a closer look at several rooms, and on the sofa in his parents' bedroom, he saw a nylon tote bag.There is no doubt that the parents have returned.Because at noon he saw his mother go out with the nylon bag.I remember that my father said at that time: "What are you doing with it?" He couldn't remember how his mother answered.But this is not important anymore, what is important is that he confirmed that his parents had returned before him. Now he has to seriously think about where his parents have gone.He couldn't help but think of the suspicious knock on the door by the middle-aged man in the morning.Therefore, the neighbors across the door also made him feel very suspicious.And even their children made him wary.Although the boy was only six years old, he was as cunning as a grown-up. It was obvious that the father was next door.As long as he closes his eyes at this moment, he can immediately see the scene of his parents and neighbors sitting together and discussing. "Are you almost ready?" "What about you?" (It's worth noting what they're preparing. He can only have a hunch, not a vision.) The boy is directed to the balcony, where he can be observed to see if he's back.Then there was the door again, and the boy slammed the door very loudly as he went upstairs.This sound will definitely not be meaningless.This sound would tell them that he was now upstairs.He knew exactly what to do next.He needs to confirm the hypothesis just now.And the way to prove it is also very simple, that is to open the door, and he stands at the door, staring at the opposite door. His eyes will not be the timid eyes of the past, his eyes will make people feel that he has seen everything.Therefore, parents will be at a loss when they come out from the opposite door.They thought the door was closed and he was inside.So they can pretend as if nothing happened from downstairs.But I didn't expect him to stand at the door. First they were taken aback, and then they were embarrassed because it happened so suddenly that they didn't have enough time to hide it.However, they immediately regained their composure, but their embarrassment was irreversible. The bright red clothes were always twenty meters away in front of him, as if frozen.That's because Bai Xue always walks with a well-proportioned pace. Baixue has been walking along this street, which is very dangerous.Because he felt more and more attention from others.He had already noticed that several people passed by Bai Xue and looked back at her, and then he looked at him again as if he had discovered something.He passed them too, and he felt as if they had gone a few steps and turned back to follow him.He didn't look back, and he absolutely can't look back at this moment.He only needs to hear the sound of footsteps following behind him to know everything.And when the footsteps started to sound chaotic, he knew that the number of people watching him was gradually increasing. But Bai Xue was still walking on this street.He is well aware of the length of this street, and there will be a dirt road at the end of it.At one end of the dirt road is a river, and at the other end is a vast field.And at the end of the dirt road is the cremation ground.The tall chimneys of the crematorium make people feel that the long dirt road has suddenly risen. Baixue hasn't reached the end of this dirt road yet, but it's not far away.Bai Xue hesitated at the entrance of several alleys, but she continued to walk forward.Only he can understand Bai Xue's hesitation.Apparently she's been found out that she's being watched. At this moment, Bai Xue stopped.If you do not stand now, you will lose your last chance, as the end of the street is approaching.Bai Xue stopped and walked into a shop.It was a small store selling daily necessities, and the goods in this store were available in several stores in front of him.Obviously Bai Xue didn't go in to buy anything.He slowed down. He knew that there was an alley about ten meters in front of the store, and it was a very narrow alley.He walked over slowly, and it seemed that there were not as many pedestrians on the street as before.He observed that there were only two people watching him in front of him, one was walking towards him, and the other was standing at the door of the scrap shop. He didn't look in as he passed the store, but he began to feel the footsteps following him lessening, and by the time he reached the mouth of the alley there were no footsteps behind him.He thought Bai Xue's trick had succeeded.But the man standing at the door of the scrap shop was still looking at him.He walked sideways into the alley.Because the sunlight was blocked by the high walls on both sides all day long, he collided with the oncoming damp as soon as he stepped into the alley.The alley is straight and deep, like a path in a dense forest.He walked around very silently, and went straight into the depths.On both sides of the alley, there are another alleys not far away. The alleys are narrower, can only accommodate one person, and are quiet.This alley is more than a hundred meters deep.He didn't turn around until he reached the dead end, and now the alley mouth looked like a crack.There was no one in the crack, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because no one was watching him for the time being.He stood there, waiting for Snow to appear over the crack.After a while, Bai Xue completed a graceful turn and walked in through the crack.He watched how the bright red dress turned dark red.Bai Xue walked over very calmly, and the sound of her footsteps was as moving as the sound of dripping water.There was a light behind her, so her body glistened as she walked. Everything is consistent with his assumptions, and then he will know everything.However, at this moment, two people suddenly came out of an alley and walked side by side towards the entrance of the alley.Their backs blocked Bai Xue. To his surprise, one of them was his father, and the other seemed to be the middle-aged man leaning against the plane tree and smoking.They turned their backs to him and walked toward the entrance of the alley, but they didn't see him.They were talking about something, and he could hear a little, albeit quietly. "When?" It was obviously the middle-aged man asking. "April 3rd," my father replied. He didn't hear the other words clearly.He watched them walk forward, the two figures were slowly shrinking, so the crack was slowly widening, but they still blocked Bai Xue.Their footsteps were very loud, as if they were beating a table.Then they hit the crack and they broke up.The father goes to the right, the man goes to the left. However, he did not see Bai Xue. The parents actually came up from downstairs.He knew who it was when he heard footsteps.Undoubtedly, when he entered the house, his parents had already come out by the opposite door and walked softly down the stairs.Otherwise the child's slamming door would lose its loud meaning.So when he stood at the door, his parents were already downstairs. Now they're coming up (they're much more experienced than he is, after all).Then he saw them staring at him in surprise, but it wasn't the surprise he'd expected. "What are you doing standing at the door?" He saw his father's mouth move, and the voice came from inside.Immediately afterwards, the two human bodies stopped in front of him.He saw that the buttons on his father's clothes were different from those on his mother. "what happened to you?" It was my mother's voice.Unlike the sound just now, this sound is like cotton. He suddenly felt that he was blocking the way for his parents to come in, so he hurried out of the way.At this time, he noticed that his parents exchanged glances, which were obviously meaningful.The parents didn't say anything, and after entering the house, they divided into two groups. The mother went to the kitchen, and the father walked into the bedroom.But he didn't know what to do, he stood there looking helpless.He slowly discovered a little stupidity from his behavior just now, because he first discovered that his parents had seen through his mind. Father came out of the bedroom and walked towards the kitchen. He stopped in the middle and said, "Close the door." He reached out and closed the door, listening to how the innocent voice was fleeting. After walking into the kitchen, my father said again, "Go and take out the trash." When he picked up the dustpan, he let out a long sigh of relief, so he was no longer helpless.When he opened the door he saw the child.The child was standing at the door just like before, with an electric pistol in his hand, aiming at him triumphantly.He knew why he was proud, even though the child was so young. He went up and grabbed the child's electric pistol, and asked, "Aren't my parents at your house just now?" The child was not afraid at all, he pulled back his pistol vigorously, and at the same time shouted loudly: "No." Well trained (he thought). He stood there for a long time, and he kept looking at the crack.It is as if you are at the bottom of a deep well and looking at the mouth of the well.Occasionally, someone would flash past the mouth of the alley, like a big bird flying over the mouth of a well with its wings spread. Then he walked forward cautiously, feeling his own footsteps bouncing and bouncing between the walls, touching his toes every now and then.He carefully inspected every alley he passed, and found that they were all exactly the same, and they were all silent.When he reached the entrance of the fourth branch alley, he saw a telegraph pole in front of him, so he realized that he had actually reached Hansheng's house. As long as you walk in sideways, the road is messy and slightly upward.Stand in front of the fourth door, you can push the door without knocking, and you will see the courtyard in front of you, the four corners of which are covered with moss.Then walk into a dark passage, the passage is a dirt road, and there will be a small puddle of water lurking somewhere.Hanson's door can be found there.Han Sheng's residence is very similar to Zhang Liang's, so the scene of them hiding in the house and whispering is reproduced vividly. What he needs to seriously imagine now is where Bai Xue will suddenly disappear.Yet the consequences of this vision would deeply disturb him.Because he felt that Baixue disappeared here.And (if you continue to think about it) Bai Xue stopped in front of the fourth door, then pushed the door in, and then walked up the dark passage.So at the moment Bai Xue is sitting at Han Sheng's house. He felt that his assumptions were very close to reality, so that his uneasiness was all the more real.At the same time, it also made him take the first step toward the Hansheng family.What he needs is not a hypothesis, but a confirmation.He stopped before the fourth door. Not long after, he had rounded the insidious puddle, and knocked on the rough door.Before that, he had already checked with his hands, and there were no iron nails on the door of Hansheng's room.So he has no scruples when knocking on the door. The door opened quickly, but only a little.Then Han Sheng's head stuck out.The head stuck out and froze.Let him feel that his head is hanging there.The light in the room streamed out, and Han Sheng's eyes were looking at him strangely.Immediately, Han Sheng asked nervously, "Who are you?" He hesitated for a moment, then replied, "It's me." "Oh, it's you." The door really opened. Han Sheng's voice startled him, because he was not prepared for such a loud voice.There is no snow in the house.But he seemed to smell a fragrance when he entered the room.It was difficult for him to determine whether this breath was emanating from the hair or the face.But he can definitely come from a girl.He thought Bai Xue might have left, but then he denied it.Because Baixue had to go the original way to leave here.But he didn't meet her.Han Sheng took him into his room, and Han Sheng's room was extremely clean.Han Sheng didn't let him see the other two rooms.One door was open and the other was closed. "Why do you want to come here?" Han Sheng asked him casually. He felt that "how to think" was not suitable for him, and he used to come and live often.But now (he thought again) it might be right for him. "I'm reading an interesting article," Han Sheng said again. He didn't answer.He didn't come here to have this kind of nonsense conversation with Han Sheng.Why he came was very clear in his heart, so he listened attentively at the moment. "This article is really interesting." He heard a slight sound, like something falling to the ground.He tried his best to identify the direction of the sound, but it turned out that it came from the room with the closed door. Han Sheng didn't say anything, but picked up a magazine and flipped through it. He thinks it's good so he can concentrate.But Han Sheng flipped through the magazine very loudly.This annoyed him.It was obvious that Han Sheng's move was intentional.Despite this, he heard a few slight movements intermittently.Now he was sure that Snow White was there.She had just hid when Han Sheng yelled loudly, and Han Sheng's yell covered up the sound of her closing the door. Obviously Bai Xue walked into the store just now to avoid him.Although it would make him desperate to find out that Snow White was with them.But he couldn't be so sure. He saw Han Sheng close the door as if remembering something.He thought to himself: It's too late. Never before had he observed the scene at night so carefully.After dinner he didn't wash the dishes, but went out to the balcony.Surprisingly, his father didn't blame him.He heard his mother walking towards the kitchen, and then the dishes clashed.At that time, the sunset glow was splashing like blood, and the sun slowly descended like a balloon and landed behind the building opposite.Then he heard his father coming towards him, and then felt his father's hand begin to stroke his hair. "Go for a walk." Father said gently. He smiled coldly in his heart.The gentleness of the father is hypocritical.He shook his head.Then he felt his mother coming too.The three of them stood in silence for a while, and then the father asked again, "Shall we go for a walk?" He still shook his head.Then the parents exchanged glances, and they left the balcony.After a while he heard the door slam.He knew they were out. So he lowered his gaze temporarily, and soon saw their backs, walking slowly.Immediately, he saw the three neighbors from the opposite door also appear, and they also walked very slowly.Almost at the same time, he saw many people in the building appear, and they walked in the same direction, all walking very slowly, pretending to be taking a walk. He heard a person say in a loud voice: "Spring is here, you should take a walk." He thought this person was talking to him.This man's words were as hypocritical as his father's invitation just now.Apparently, they all set off, they all pretended to go for a walk, and went somewhere to meet up with a lot of other them.What they were going to discuss when they got together, it was justifiable that their discussion would be about him. Some people in the building did not go, and a few stood on the balcony.He thought it was arranged by them, leaving a few people to watch him. He raised his head and continued to look at the sky, which seemed to turn pale.The red sunset glow just now has dissipated, and the deep blue has also gone.The sky is starting to pale.It was only now that he noticed for the first time how pale the sky was when the sun went down.But the paleness is short-lived, and there is still blue standing behind the paleness, faintly visible.Then the blue gradually darkened, while slowly oozing from the layer of paleness.That's how it got dark.He was still standing on the balcony after the sky was completely dark, and he saw that only four windows of the opposite building were lit.Then he leaned over to look at his building again, lighting up five windows.Only then did he enter the room and turn on the light. As he walked slowly down the stairs, it occurred to him that maybe those dark windows were watching him too.So when he got downstairs he pretended to be limping.That way they wouldn't recognize him.Since he left the lights on when he came out, they would think he was still at home. After getting out of sight of those two buildings, he resumed his walking posture.He turned into an alley.There is a tap water tower at the bottom of the alley.The water tower has been erected, but the equipment has not yet been installed.There were no street lights in the alley, but at the moment the moon was high above, and he walked lightly in the moonlight.The moonlight shines on the ground as bright as water.There were no footsteps behind. The alley was not long, and the water tower stood before his eyes in a short while.He first saw the tip of the pointed tower, eerily silent in the moonlight.But what he saw after walking out of the alley made him shudder.The water tower was like a huge shadow, and it was ethereal.The surrounding area is empty, except for the light on a simple house under the water tower.He quietly went around, and then walked under the water tower, and after finding the narrow iron ladder, he climbed up the steps.So he felt the wind getting stronger and stronger.When he reached the highest floor of the water tower, his clothes were already full of wind, making a sound like being torn.The hair fluttered desperately in one direction.Now he could take a closer look at the town.The whole town looked gloomy and terrifying under the moonlight, like a coma. It's a conspiracy.he thinks. Zhang Liang and the others rushed in like a tide, and he was still hiding in bed at that time.He saw Asia and they had a girl.He didn't know this woman.He looked at them in surprise. "How did you get in here?" he asked. They laughed as if they had heard a great joke.He saw that the woman fell into a chair laughing, and the creaking sound of the chair also seemed to be laughing. "Who is she?" he asked again.So they laughed harder, and Zhang Liang kicked the floor with his feet. "You don't know me?" The woman suddenly stopped laughing at this moment, and he was very surprised that such a strong smile could suddenly stop him. "I'm Snow White," she said.He was taken aback, thinking how he couldn't even recognize Bai Xue.Now that I take a closer look, I think she looks a bit like Bai Xue.And she was still wearing that red dress, but the color was no longer bright red, but dark red. "Get up." Bai Xue said.So his quilt was lifted by Zhang Liang, and the four of them grabbed his limbs, lifted him out and threw him to Bai Xue.After he cried out aloud, he realized that he sat down comfortably in the chair, while Bai Xue was sitting on the edge of the bed at the moment. He didn't know what they were going to do next, so he pretended to be waiting.Zhang Liang threw the clothes into his arms, apparently asking him to put them on.So he put his clothes on.After putting it on, he sat down in the chair again and continued to wait. Bai Xue said at this time: "Let's go." "To where?" he asked. Bai Xue didn't answer, but stood up and walked out.So Zhang Liang and the others walked over to lift him up, and pushed him to go out as well. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet," he said. For some reason, Zhang Liang and the others laughed like before. He was kidnapped by them and went downstairs. There were many people standing there, as if they had been standing there for a long time.They stood so long to see him. He saw them pointing at him and saying something.As he passed, he felt that they were all following him.At this time, he wanted to run away, but his arms were tightly held by Zhang Liang and the others, and he couldn't escape. Then he was taken to the street, and he found that the street was empty and there was nothing.They took him to the middle of the street and stopped.At this time Bai Xue appeared again, she had disappeared for a while just now.Bai Xue looked at him with pity, then walked away silently.I don't know if it was Zhang Liang, or Zhu Qiao and Han Sheng, or Asia, who said to him, "Look who is in front?" He took a closer look, and his father was standing not far in front of him. he smiles.At this moment, he suddenly felt a truck rushing towards him behind him.The strange thing is that at this moment he heard a knock on the door. Later, he walked down the iron ladder slowly, and then stepped into the alley without street lights again.But at this moment, the windows on both sides of the alley were lit up.The lights are spread on the ground section by section.Many windows were open, and voices from inside echoed clearly in the alley.But he couldn't make out what was being said. There are mostly one-story houses on both sides of the alley, and he walked hesitantly.He hesitated at every open window he passed.He wondered what they were talking about.That's because he felt they were talking about him.He knew their assembly had broken up and their parents were at home.So it is absolutely necessary for him to stick to the window.His hesitation was because there were people at the windows he passed, and the people inside were too close to the windows. ... He finally approached a suitable window.There was no one at this window, but the voice was very clear.So he walked over to the wall.The voice gradually became able to distinguish some words and sentences. "Are you almost ready?" "It's almost there." "When will we act? But at this moment he suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Who is it! "The man seemed to be yelling close to his ear. He immediately turned around and punched the man to the ground. Then he ran desperately. Then the man yelled, and there were many footsteps chasing behind him, and at the same time many A man poked his head out of the window. He walked out of the alley with such an assumption, and he felt that his assumption was very real, if he really posted it on a certain window.
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