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Chapter 28 Incident on April 3rd.1

Yu Hua Selected Novellas 余华 8863Words 2018-03-19
At eight o'clock in the morning, he was standing at the window.He seemed to see a lot of things, but he didn't take them into his heart.He just felt that there was a warm yellow outside, "That's sunshine." He thought to himself.Then he put his hand into his pocket, and there was an indifferent metallic feeling on his hand.He was slightly taken aback, and his fingers began to tremble a little.He was surprised by his excitement.But as the fingers slowly advanced along the metal, the strange feeling didn't develop, it was set.So his hands froze immediately.Gradually it starts to warm up, as warm as lips.But not long after, the warmth suddenly disappeared.He thinks it has merged with the finger at this moment, so it seems to be nothing.Its ostentatious ostentation has become a thing of the past.It was a key, and its color was similar to the sunlight outside the window at the moment.Its irregular and undulating rack made him imagine a rough and difficult road for no reason, and maybe he would walk on this road.

Now he should think about who it is closely related to.It's the lock.What happens when the key is inserted into the lock and turned.It can be imagined that a folded paper fan is half opened like an accordion, which is the arc of the door when it is opened.There is no doubt that this arc is elegant and calm.At the same time, there will be a certain sound, like the first sound of an accordion after it is pulled up. If you continue to think about it, it must be that he is walking from the outdoors to the indoors at this moment.And he also smelled a smell of sweat, which belonged to him.He wants it to be his, not his parents'.

Let him know that when he imagines himself pushing the door open, his body begins to act against it.Very simple, he opened the door and walked out.And he is now standing outside the door.He reached out and pulled the door over.At the last moment he slammed the door against the frame.The voice was rough and commanding, and it made him—get out.There is no doubt that he is walking on the street now.However, he didn't feel like moving, as if he was still in front of the window inside the house.In other words, he just knew, but didn't feel that he was walking on the street.He was secretly surprised.

At this moment, fluttering black hair appeared in his sight, and the black hair fluttered.That was Bai Xue walking up to him.Bai Xue's sudden appearance without preconditions made him quite panicked.She once wore a light yellow shirt and sat at the desk diagonally opposite him.She moved him deeply at that moment, although he didn't know whether it was her or the shirt that moved him.But he had tasted the consequences of that touch, which made him shudder every time he saw her. But at this moment when she suddenly fell in front of him like a leaf, he was only a little panicked.They used to be classmates, now there is nothing between them.She didn't wear that disturbing yellow shirt anymore either.Yet she stood in front of him.

Obviously she didn't mean to step aside, so he should step aside.As he stepped down the sidewalk, he suddenly found himself stepping on the shadow of her lying on the ground, which was black as hell.The shadow didn't move.This surprised him.He raised his eyes to look at her.She just happened to glance over.Her eyes are very strange.It seemed that she was very nervous at the moment.And she seemed to be suggesting to him, as if suggesting that there was a trap nearby.Then she hurried away. He was puzzled, and he looked around after she walked away.Not far away, a middle-aged man was leaning on a plane tree and looking at him. When he saw him, he quickly looked away, and at the same time he stretched his right hand into his chest.He was pretty sure he had a big pocket on his chest.Then his hand came out again, with a cigarette between his fingers.He casually lit a cigarette and smoked.But he felt his nonchalance was feigned.

He hid in bed almost all night without closing his eyes.It was extremely quiet outside, and the pale moonlight made the curtains faint and moving.The shadows of the trees outside the window were pasted on the curtains, faintly visible. He is reminiscing about the past years.He was so sentimental that even he himself was a little surprised.He sees a boy walking away from him with a pond and willows in the background.The boy always looked back at him every few steps. The boy walked on a path like a rope.The boy is by no means reluctant, nor is he reluctant.The boy made him feel strange, but his handsome face and disheveled black hair made him kind.Because the boy is what he is, his past years.

The days past have traveled far, but the days to come have yet to act.He seemed a little overwhelmed lying on the bed.But he has watched the handsome boy go, and soon he will turn his back on him. That's how he lay, and he was celebrating his birthday.He treats this birthday that has just arrived and will leave immediately with such seriousness.That's because he walked into the eighteen-year-old station, which was filled with harmonica sounds. In the evening, he saw neither beer nor cake.He ate his dinner as usual, and then he went into the kitchen to do the dishes.At that time, my parents were standing on the balcony chatting.After washing the dishes, he went to their bedroom and stole one of his father's cigarettes.Now that the cigarette butt was next to his pillow, he didn't want to throw it away right away.And there was a small pile of soot on the floor in front of his bed.He had seen the boy go away while he was smoking.

Today is his birthday, no one knows.His parents had long since forgotten about it.He doesn't blame them because it's his birthday, not theirs. At this moment, when the boy gradually went away, he seemed to hear his own strange footsteps coming.It just hasn't knocked yet. He imagined the scene when he woke up tomorrow morning. When he opened his eyes, he would see the sunlight through the curtains. If there was no sunlight, he would see a gloomy scene.Maybe you will hear the sound of water dripping from the eaves.I wish it wasn't so, I wish it was sunny then, and he would hear all kinds of sounds outside, as bright as the sun.The neighbor's four pigeons were circling gracefully on the roof.Then he got up, and when he got up he stood at the window.At this time, he suddenly felt uneasy when he stood at the window tomorrow, and the uneasiness was because he suddenly felt helpless.No one to rely on.He found the theme for this eighteenth birthday night.

Now he clearly felt that his eyes were changing, they suddenly became cold and flickering.So he started thinking, thinking about what he would see tomorrow.Although what he saw tomorrow might still be what he saw in the past, he had a hunch that it would be different. Now he is going to Zhang Liang's house. Bai Xue's hint just now and the appearance of the middle-aged man puzzled him, and at the same time made him find it funny.Maybe it was just an illusion, he thought later.But then it felt so real again.He felt that he shouldn't let his thoughts sink in, but he couldn't help himself.That's because of Bai Xue.It seems that there is a yellow shirt fluttering in the shadow of this thinking all the time.He had already entered a narrow alley, with high courtyard walls on both sides, and a little moss on the wall, which was pasted like a slogan.There is a road paved with stones under the feet, which has become very unstable due to the passage of time, and the stones shake when stepping on it.He was walking down a rickety alley.Over his head there is a sky like the alley, but this sky has been sliced ​​thinner by a few wires.He thought he should have walked to the door of Zhang Liang's house.There were two shiny brass rings on the dark door.He felt that he had grasped the brass ring, that he had pushed the door open.And he should have heard an old-fashioned thump as the door was pushed open.In front of you is a wet patio.On the right is Zhang Liang's house.Perhaps it was at this moment that the yellow shirt disappeared from his mind, drifting away like a floating cloud dyed yellow by the sun.Zhang Liang's image became clear only when he approached his home. ... "It's you the fuck." Zhang Liang said when he opened the door.

He smiled and walked in, as if walking into his own home. They are no longer classmates, they are already friends.The moment they left school for good, he felt he had friends who had only been classmates before.The doors and windows are closed, and the white curtains are closed at the moment.Air guns and slingshots are painted on the curtains, and an air gun bullet and a slingshot pellet are about to collide.This was painted by Zhang Liang himself. He thought he wasn't home, but when he got to the door, he heard whispers inside.He pressed his ear to the door, but couldn't hear clearly.So he knocked on the door, and the sound inside stopped abruptly.After a while, the door opened, and Zhang Liang was taken aback when he saw him.Then he muttered something in his mouth, and turned around by himself.He couldn't help hesitating for a moment before walking in.So he saw Zhu Qiao and Han Sheng again.They were also taken aback when they saw him.Their manner surprised him secretly.As if they didn't know him, as if he shouldn't be here at this hour.In any case his presence surprised them.

He sat down on a chair near the window, when Zhang Liang was already lying on the bed.Zhang Liang seemed to want to say something, but he just smiled at him.Such an inexplicable smile appeared on Zhang Liang's face, and he couldn't help being startled. At this moment Zhu Qiao spoke, and he asked, "How do you know we're here?" Zhu Qiao's question disturbed him more than Zhang Liang's smile.He didn't know how to answer.He came to look for Zhang Liang.But Zhu Qiao asked him like this. Han Sheng lay on the couch, and he closed his eyes.It was as if he had slept for two hours.When he went to see Zhu Qiao again, Zhu Qiao was seriously flipping through a magazine. Only Zhang Liang still looked at him as before.But Zhang Liang's gaze made him restless.He felt that he seemed to be a boring ceiling in Zhang Liang's eyes. …He told them: "Yesterday was my birthday." They all jumped up and scolded him angrily.Why not let them know.Then they went out of their pockets, and only got enough money to buy a bottle of beer. "I'll go buy it." Zhang Liang said and walked out. Zhang Liang was still looking at him, he was at a loss.It was obvious that his sudden appearance displeased them, and they seemed to be discussing something he should not have known.It was a sad discovery he had made on such a sunny morning. He suddenly thought of Bai Xue.It turned out that she didn't go far away, she just temporarily hid behind a certain telegraph pole.At any moment she would suddenly appear and block his way.Her glance is so unpredictable. "What's the matter with you?" He seemed to hear Zhang Liang asking, maybe it was Zhu Qiao or Han Sheng asking.He wants to get out of here. He stopped in front of a dusty building, then looked up for the window he was looking for.That window stood above all the windows, and the window stood open like the open mouth of a dead man.A briquette stove stood on the window sill, and a thick smoke billowed out, filling the sky.This window is like a chimney. He entered the building as if entering a dark cave.His feet touched the stairs, and he walked up the steps carefully.He heard his own footsteps, it was so hollow, it was unbelievable.Then he heard another, equally hollow footstep, which at first he thought was the echo of his own.However, the voice was slowly descending, and suddenly disappeared when it landed at his feet.Only then did he feel that someone was already standing in front of him, and this person blocked him.He heard his slight gasp, and he thought he heard it too.Then the man's hand reached into his pocket, and the small noise made him suddenly uneasy, and he suddenly felt that he should be kicked to the ground before the man's hand could be stretched out, and let him roll down the stairs.But the man's hand had already been stretched out, and then he heard a click and saw a burning fire at the same time.The fire illuminated half of the man's face, while the other half was still eerie in darkness.That one half-closed eye made him shudder.Then the man went around to his left, and he went downstairs as if he were playing an organ.It was at this moment that he seemed to remember who this person was, and he reminded him of that middle-aged man leaning against a plane tree and smoking a cigarette.Not long after, he stood in front of a certain door on the fifth floor.He kicked the door lightly with his foot.Nothing happens inside.So he put his ear on it, and an iron nail stuck into his ear at this moment, and he was taken aback.It was only later that the iron nails were nailed to the door.Through groping with his hands, he found that there were four more nails around.The height of the nail is exactly the height when his ears are close together.The door opened suddenly at this moment, and a bright wave surged up, making him dizzy.Then a pleasant voice followed. "It's you." He took a closer look, and it was Zhang Liang standing in front of him.Thinking that he had just left his house not long ago and met here again at this moment, he was stunned.Moreover, the happy expression on Zhang Liang's face at this moment is completely different from that just now. "Why don't you come in?" He walked in and saw Zhu Qiao and Han Sheng again.One of them was sitting in a chair, the other was sitting on a table, and they both looked at him with smiles. An inexplicable uneasiness suddenly surged in his heart.He smiled awkwardly and asked, "What about him?" "Who?" The three of them asked almost simultaneously. "Asia".he answered.After answering, he felt surprised. Is this still a question?Asia is the master here. "You didn't meet him?" Zhang Liang looked very strange, "You didn't meet him on the stairs?" How did Zhang Liang know that he met someone on the stairs?Could that person be Asian?Then he saw the three of them smiling at each other.So he concluded that the man had just left here, and that the man was not Asian. He sat down on a chair near the window, which was the window where the briquette stove had been placed just now, but there was no such stove.There was sunshine, and the sun shone on his hair.So he imagined the color of his hair at the moment.He thought the color must be incredible. Zhang Liang and the others were still laughing, as if they had been laughing for a long time, before he came in.So now the smiles on their faces are dying. He suddenly felt worried.When he first entered the room, he forced a little smile out of surprise, but now his face was glued to his face.He couldn't shake the smile, and it bothered him. "What's wrong with you?" He heard Zhu Qiao or Han Sheng ask, and then he saw Zhang Liang looking at him questioningly. "You've changed a bit." It was still Zhu Qiao or Han Sheng who said.The voice felt strange to him. "Are you talking about me?" He looked at Zhang Liang and asked.He felt that his own voice was also unfamiliar. Zhang Liang seemed to nod his head.At this moment he felt as if they had wiped his face with their hands, and the dead smile was wiped away.They began to look at him gravely, as the math teacher with the glasses had looked at him.But he felt that it wasn't real when they looked at him. He was in a bit of pain because he didn't know what they were talking about before he came in, but he wanted to know. "When did you come?" He seemed to hear the voice of Asia, which came from here.It seems that Asia is speaking from the window.Then he actually saw Asia standing in front of him, and he couldn't help being surprised.He didn't even notice when Asia came in, as if he never went out at all.Asia was now looking at him with a grin.This smile is exactly the same as that of Zhang Liang and the others just now. "What's wrong with you?" It was Asia who asked him.That's what they all asked him.Asia asked and turned away.So he saw Zhang Liang's confusing smile reappeared, and he thought that Asia must be smiling like this at this moment.Not wanting to look at them any more, he turned his head out of the window.At this time, he saw a briquette stove on the opposite window, but there was no billowing smoke.Then the stove suddenly disappeared on the window sill, and he saw the back of a girl, and the back disappeared in a flash.So he felt that there was nothing to see, but he didn't want to turn his head back immediately. He heard some of them get up and move about, and presently there was a murmur and a chuckle from the direction of the balcony.Only then did he turn his head away, Zhang Liang and the others were no longer here, Asia was still sitting where he was, and he was casually playing with a lighter. When he came out of Zhang Liang's house, a gray-haired old lady was shouting someone's name in that gloomy alley.He didn't know if that was her grandson's name, but it sounded like he was calling "Asia." So he decided to go to Asia's house.Although Asia is his friend, he has almost no contact with Zhang Liang.The hostility between him and Zhang Liang always put him in a dilemma.He didn't go straight to Asia's house, but walked slowly along a certain street.On both sides of the street, there are piles of bricks and tiles or sand every not far away, and a roller truck drives back and forth as if wandering.He walked down the street like he was walking on a construction site. For a moment, he leaned against a pile of bricks and tiles, looking at the steamroller, which was as boring as he was.The huge roller in front of it rumbled as it rolled across the ground.Yet he was irritated again, and the noise was unbearable to him.So he let his feet walk.He felt funny when the foot moved, and the hand moved as if walking.Later, he didn't know the exact time, but he knew it was later.He seemed to be standing in the doorway of a tobacco and sugar store, or a silk shop.It didn't matter exactly where, he saw a lot of color anyway.It is probable that he was standing in the middle of two stores which were not in fact next to each other, or that he had stood there separately.Anyway, he saw many colors, and the colors were colorful.It was at this moment that he felt a sense of relief in his heart, which surprised him so suddenly.Then he saw Bai Xue. He watched her dragging the black shadow over.He thought she might stop when she got to the plane tree, and she might glance at him.Her suggestive glance would confuse him.These were all the scenes when he saw her just now, and for some reason he repeated it for her. She did, however, stop when she got to the plane tree, she did glance over at him, and her glance did imply what had been implied.And then left in a hurry just like before. He was amazed to see how true his assumptions were.Then his heart became tense, and he seemed to feel a middle-aged man leaning against the plane tree.He looked around sharply, but saw nothing.However, I saw a suspicious figure flashing in at the entrance of an alley.The color of the mouth of the alley made him feel like the mouth of a well, and it made his hair stand on end.But he ran over anyway.He seemed to hope that the back was the middle-aged man, but at the same time he was afraid that it was him. When he was at the entrance of the alley, he almost bumped into a man, a middle-aged man, who muttered something and then walked away.The direction he walked was exactly where he was going to Asia's house.Why doesn't this person go in the other direction.He suspected that this person was the figure from the back just now, and after hiding in the alley, he walked out pretending to be nonchalant.It seemed that he knew that he was going to Asia's house, so this person also walked in that direction. He stopped when he saw him walk about twenty meters, stood there looking around, and quickly looked away when he saw him.He felt that he was paying attention to himself.In order not to let him find out, he pretended to look around. The man stood there all the time, but he stopped looking at him, but his head turned slightly.He felt that he was still in the man's sight.He, too, had been standing where he was, and had been staring at him.Another middle-aged man walked up, said a few words with this person, and then the two left together.After walking a few steps, the man looked back at him.His companion immediately patted him on the shoulder, and the man didn't look back. It is dusk now.He stood on the balcony looking at the building opposite.The windows in the building are some bright and some dark.The bright windows made him feel like rectangular lights forming a wonderful pattern.The pattern is asymmetrical, but it makes perfect sense.He wondered what the pattern looked like, but couldn't come to a conclusion.Because every time he gets something, one or two windows suddenly light up, his idea is completely destroyed, and everything has to start all over again. While he was washing dishes in the kitchen just now, he suddenly felt that his parents might be talking about him.He immediately listened attentively. The voices of his parents from the balcony were faint, but they were indeed talking about him.He hesitated and walked over, but they were talking about another topic.And what they said made him half understand.He seemed to find their conversation difficult, evidently they were struggling to find the words that baffled him but they understood. Suddenly he felt himself standing between them as an obstacle. At this time, his father asked him: "Have you finished washing?" "No." He shook his head.His father looked at him dissatisfied.Mother was chatting with the person on the balcony next door at this time.He heard her ask, "Are you almost ready?" The other side asked: "What about you?" Mother did not answer, but talked about other topics. Then he went back to the kitchen, where he tried to be as light as possible while washing the dishes.After a while he seemed to hear them talking about him again.Their voices began to speak, and his name appeared several times in the voice.Then they seemed to realize their negligence, and their voices suddenly became quieter.He put the bowl into the cabinet, then walked to the balcony and leaned sideways on the other corner of the balcony.Even so, it seemed to him that he was still between them. Apparently his reappearance displeased them.Because my father was looking for trouble again, my father said: "Don't always be doing nothing like this, you should also go to school." So he had to leave.After returning to the room and sitting down, he picked up a book to read.He doesn't know what book it is, he only knows that there are words on it. The parents continued to talk on the balcony, laughing slightly at the same time.They laughed without hesitation.He felt restless, hesitated for a moment, and then took the book to the balcony. This time his father didn't say anything, but both he and his mother looked at him in silence.Although he didn't look at them, he also knew how they looked. After standing like this for a while in silence, they left the balcony and went back to the bedroom.Then he could no longer hear their voices.But he knew what they were still talking about.Then dusk came, and he just looked listlessly at the building.He longed to hear what they were talking about.But he could only see an incredible pattern.He was taken aback afterwards when he found himself standing in the doorway of their bedroom.The door was closed.They don't talk incessantly like before, they only say one sentence every so long, and it's very vague.He only heard the phrase "April 3rd" clearly.However, it was difficult for him to discover the meaning of these words. The door opened suddenly, and his father appeared in front of him, asking seriously and very unhappy: "What are you doing here?" He saw his mother looking at him pretending to be surprised.Yes, mother's surprise was feigned. He didn't know how to answer his father's words, just stared at him blankly, and then walked away.When he walked away, he heard the bedroom door shut again, and his father muttered something dissatisfied.He went back to his room and lay down on the bed.It was dark all around at the moment, but he felt his eyes sparkle.The sound outside is very noisy from far and near, but when it comes to his house, it becomes a monotonous hum. According to the arrangement he imagined last night, it should be 8:30 when he wakes up today, and then he will see the sunlight pass through the curtains and stay on his socks hanging on the bed rail, and he will hear knocking on the door after he gets up . He sank into a swirl of lethargy before the old-fashioned desk clock struck a very lonely chime.Although he was drowsy, he could clearly hear various noises outside the house at that time, which made him exhausted.Then the old bell rang.The sound of the bell was like a sudden flash of light in the dark.So he woke up.He found himself sweating profusely.Then he propped himself up tiredly and sat on the bed, feeling a lot lighter.At the same time he glanced at the clock--half past eight.Then he leaned his body against the bed rail and began to think about something.He was startled suddenly, and looked at the clock again, so he was sure that he woke up at half past eight.Look at the sunlight again, it really is staying on the socks, and the socks have a bad smell.All of them were arranged as he had imagined last night.Next came a knock at the door.And the knock on the door should have sounded after he got up.Although the above two points were confirmed, he was dubious about whether there would really be a knock on the door.He stayed on the bed and refused to get up.In fact, he wanted to destroy the possibility of hearing a knock on the door after waking up.If there was a knock at the door, he would rather lie in bed and hear it.So he stayed in bed until half past nine.His parents left home for work at 7:30, so he could simply listen to the sound of the clock moving without worrying about the interference of other sounds in the house. At half past nine, he didn't think he would hear any knocking on the door, after all, it was the imagination of last night.He decides to get up. After he got up, he opened the window first, and the sunlight broke in unscrupulously, and at the same time there was wind and noise.Sounds disturbed him because they sounded like a world away to him now.He was walking towards the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door, right after he got up.As it happened, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright. When he imagined hearing the knock on the door last night, he wasn't shocked, just slightly puzzled, so he went to open the door.What surprised him should have happened after opening the door, because he saw a middle-aged man (that is, the middle-aged man leaning on the sycamore tree smoking a cigarette) walked in without saying a word. He obviously asked, "Who are you looking for?" But the man didn't answer, but approached him step by step, and he backed up step by step.Later, he was stuck against the wall and couldn't move back, so the man stopped.Then he had a premonition that something was going to happen.But what exactly happened, he could no longer imagine last night.He tensed up now when he heard the voice, and he stood still, as if unwilling to open the door.The knocking on the door was getting louder and louder, making him feel that the person who knocked on the door was convinced that he was in the house. Since the person was so determined, he felt that there was no way to avoid what was about to happen.At the same time, on the other hand, he was curious to know what was going to happen.He opened the door, and he was taken aback (as he imagined last night), because the man was knocking on the opposite door (unlike imagined).He saw a thick back, judging from the back that it was a middle-aged man (as a middle-aged man, this is consistent with imagination).But is it the one who is closely related to the sycamore tree?He finds it difficult to judge.It seems to be, and it seems not to be. The shop windows are a bit of a mirror.He was walking around there, looking sideways at his own image, a moving image that was blurry, and various exhibits were obliterating his image.When he stopped in front of the window of a pharmacy, he found that three boxes of upright Shuangbaosu cleverly formed his abdomen, while his shoulders were replaced by bottles of calcium tablets arranged in a triangle, and the tip of the triangle just touched his chest. The nose, eyes are not damaged.He looked into his own eyes, as if another pair of other people's eyes were looking at him. Then he came to the window of the department store, when his stomach was restored, but his chest was hidden by a child's shirt.The head was missing and its place was taken by a pair of swimming trunks.But his hands are free. When his right hand stretched to the right, he just rang the bell of a bicycle. When his left hand stretched to the left, he almost reached a pair of badminton rackets, but not nearly. At this time, a few blurred figures were reflected in the window, and they were cut off by some exhibits. He saw that half of the head and most of the face were talking, and there were some legs moving beside them, and some shoulders were also moving. move.Then he saw a full face exposed, but without a neck, in place of a red bra.These broken shadows made him feel sneaky, so he turned around and saw a few people standing on the sidewalk across the street, pointing and saying something to him. They seemed flustered by his sudden turn. "What are you doing?" asked one of them. He was startled, he saw that they were all looking at him with a smile, he didn't know who was asking just now.He didn't feel like he knew them, even though they were familiar. "Are you waiting for someone?" He still didn't realize who was talking.But he was indeed waiting for someone, but how would they know.He couldn't help being surprised.
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