Home Categories contemporary fiction Selected Works of Yu Hua's Short Stories

Chapter 12 death narrative

I wasn't going to drive the truck the other way either, so it was all meant to be.At that time, I drove the truck to a three-way intersection, and I saw a road sign pointing to the right-Qianmudang sixty kilometers.My truck made a right turn, and the next thing I did, I was in trouble.This is my second time getting into trouble.The first time was in the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui, more than ten years ago.At that time, my Jiefang car, not the Yellow River car later, hit a child into a reservoir more than ten feet below on a narrow winding mountain road.There was no way I could do it.At that time, my truck was sliding down the road. After completing the seventh sharp turn, I suddenly found a child in front of me. The child was only three or four meters away from me, and he was also sliding down on his bicycle.I ran out of time to brake, and the only recourse was to turn sharply left or right.But if I turn left, I will hit the mountain wall, and my liberation card will explode, and it will burn blazingly. Don't bother the cremation site, I will turn into ashes.And turn right, my Liberation card will crash into the reservoir, the sound of such a heavy thing falling into the reservoir must be scary, and the splashing water waves must be very fat, I have no other possibility except being suffocated by the water .All in all I had no choice but to knock the kid into the reservoir.I saw the child turn his head and look at me in panic, his eyes were dark and bright.I still remember it clearly until a long time later.As soon as you close your eyes, those two black and bright things will jump out immediately.The child only glanced at me, and immediately threw his body sideways, and the clothes on his body were also blown inflated by the wind. It was a work uniform worn by adults.I heard a cry, "Daddy!" That's it, and then nothing.The sound was sharp and loud, and it rang twice in the mountain, and the second sound was the echo of hitting the mountain wall.The echo sounded unreal, as if floating from a distant cloud.I didn't stop the car, I was totally freaked out.It wasn't until the truck left the winding mountain road and drove to the flat and wide road below that I came back to my senses, and I was surprised that I didn't fall off the mountain.When I am stupid, my hands are not stupid. After all, I have been driving trucks for many years.No one knows about it, so I won't say it.I guess that child is the son of a worker in the forest farm on the mountain.I wonder if the father cried when he fished his son out of the reservoir?Maybe that man has many sons, and it doesn't matter if one dies.People in the mountains have a lot of children.I think the child was about fourteen or fifteen years old.It was not easy for his father to raise him so big, after all, he spent a lot of money.It was a pity that the child died, and a bicycle was also lost.

I had long forgotten about this matter, completely forgotten.But my son grew up, and when he was fifteen years old, he clamored to learn how to ride a bicycle, so I taught him.The little guy is smart, and he can turn around by himself in a while, without me helping him at all. Seeing my son's joy, I was also happy in my heart.The appearance of the little guy when he was born fifteen years ago really shocked me. He didn't look like a person at all, but like a toy bought from a department store.At that time, he was always kicking his legs in the cradle, urinating for a while, shitting for a while, and farting loudly, and the farts stink strangely.But it became so big in a flash, riding a bicycle with a high spirit.This is the end of my life, and I will see my son in the future.My son is not bad, he is very uplifting to me, and the teachers at the school always praise him.In the past when I was driving, I always thought about my wife, but after I had a son, I no longer missed my wife, and always missed my son.When my son was riding his bicycle happily, for some unknown reason, it somehow reminded me of the child who was knocked into the reservoir more than ten years ago.The back view of the son when he was riding a bicycle was almost exactly the same as that of the child.Especially that head of black hair, it is simply a person.So that loose overalls also appeared in my mind.The worst part was the day my son crashed his bike into a tree and yelled "Daddy" in a panic.This cry made my heart tremble, and the scene when the child was thrown sideways and fell into the reservoir was immediately clear to my eyes.The strange thing is that the cry of my son who is close at hand sounds very far away to me, as if it is an echo in the mountains.The cry of panic that the child had lost for years now came through my son's mouth.For a moment, I felt as if the one who was knocked into the reservoir by me was my son.I often feel sad for no reason.I didn't tell anyone about that, not even my wife.I was always in a trance afterwards.It was unbearable for that child to appear in such a way after so many years.But I think maybe it will be better in a few years. When my son is eighteen years old, I may not see the shadow of that child in him again.Like the first accident, I had no premonition before the second accident.I remember it was a beautiful day and the sky was so blue that I couldn't even look at it.I'm neither in a good mood nor a bad mood.I opened the windows on both sides and my shirt, and the wind made me very comfortable.My Yellow River made a sound like a cow yelling, and that sound made me feel strong.I drove a fast car on the asphalt road like a joyride, at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour.

I saw the road go by under my wheels like cloth on a dyeing machine.My wife works in a printing and dyeing factory, so I think so.But I had only run thirty kilometers before the asphalt road came to an end.And a road full of holes began. That road seemed to have been bombed by planes, and I sat in the car like I was riding on horseback, trembling and trembling was very annoying, and I would bounce up suddenly.The contents of my stomach went on a rampage.Then I stopped the car.At this time, a Liberation card came across, and when I got close, I asked the driver, "What road is this?" The driver said, "Is this your first time here?" I nodded.He added: "No wonder you don't know, this is called a car jumping off the road." I sat in the car and jumped like a flea? , can the head not be dizzy?Later, I vaguely felt that the sea was on the right side, a large expanse of yellow sea water, and the tide was rising endlessly, and the sound of the tide made my stomach churn.I felt that yellow slice in my stomach too.I stuck my head out of the window and vomited desperately, and what I vomited out was also a piece of yellow.I vomited until my eyes were full of tears, my legs trembled from vomiting, and my waist on both sides hurt like a convulsion. I thought that if I continued to vomit like this, I would have to vomit out my stomach, so I covered my mouth with my hands.At that time, I had already seen a wide asphalt road not far ahead, and soon my truck would escape from the car in front of me and jump onto the flat road ahead.I vomited everything out and felt relieved that way, but my whole body was sluggish.I leaned on the seat and turned up and down, but it was no longer uncomfortable, but I felt a little more comfortable.Looking at the flat asphalt road in front of me getting closer and closer, I couldn't help feeling elated.But the worst thing is that after I drove the truck onto the flat road, my stomach was churning again.I knew it was somersaulting, and I had nothing to throw up.But somersaults are more painful for me.My mouth was always open because I couldn't close it, and a series of strange sounds came out of my throat, as if there was an inch-long fishbone blocking it.I knew I was throwing up again, but all I could get out was a sound and a foul smell.I was tearful again, my legs were no longer trembling but trembling, and the convulsions on both sides of my waist made me seem to hear two kidneys moaning.Bitter saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, then trickled down his chin, passed through his neck and reached his chest in a short while, then continued to develop, and finally stagnated at his waist, where the convulsions were.I felt that the saliva was cold and sticky, and I really wanted to wipe it off with my hands, but at that time I didn't even have the strength to do so.It was at that time that I saw a figure flashing in front of me, and there was a "buzz" in my head.Although I was dizzy and my limbs were weak, I knew what happened.

I don't know when the strength returned, I stepped on the brakes, and the truck stopped without sliding.But the car door kept me from opening it for a long time, and my hands kept shaking.I saw a passenger car passing by me, and many passengers were looking at my car from the windows.I think they must have seen it, so they let go, and sat on the seat blankly, waiting for the bus to stop not far away, waiting for them to run over.But after a long time, they didn't run over either. At that time, some country women came towards me, and they also stared at my truck. I thought I must have been seen this time, and they must be about to make that weird noise, but they went away without incident past.So I wondered, I wondered if I was dazzled just now.Then I opened the car door smoothly, ran to the front of the car and looked, but there was nothing.I walked around the car twice more, but still saw nothing.Now I am relieved, I am sure that I was dazzled just now.I couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, and then I became weak again.If I hadn't seen the blood on the wheel afterwards and got in the cab and kept driving, maybe it would have been fine.But I saw it.Not only did I see it, but I also touched the blood on the wheels with my hands. The blood was wet.I knew I wasn't dazzled just now.

So I lay down on the ground and looked under the car, and saw a girl lying curled up inside.Then I stood up again and looked around blankly, waiting for someone to come and find out.It was a noon in summer, the sun was lazily setting down, and smoke seemed to be rising all around.I saw a small river on the left side of the road. The river didn't seem to be flowing, and the surface of the river looked like it was covered with moss.Nearby is a concrete bridge with railings on only one side.A dirt road covered with grass on both sides stretched forward, and the dirt road brought my eyes to the distance. There were a few scattered houses in that place, and there seemed to be a few figures.

I waited like this for a long time, and no one showed up.I stared at the bloodstains on the wheels again, and after looking for a long time, I realized that there were not many bloodstains, only a few drops.So I grabbed a handful of soil and began to wipe the few drops of blood slowly. Halfway through the wipe, I stopped to light a cigarette, and then wiped again.I didn't wake up until the blood was wiped off.I want to run away quickly, so why bother.I got into the car immediately.However, when I closed the car door and started the car, I suddenly saw a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy in front of me, wearing baggy work clothes and riding a bicycle.The child who was knocked into the reservoir by me more than ten years ago reappeared at that time.It's all preordained.Although the scene in front of me disappeared in a flash, I couldn't drive the car away.I got out of the car and dragged the girl out from under the car.

The girl's forehead was in tatters, but fortunately, blood was still flowing from it. Although her breathing was very weak, she was still continuing.Her eyes were still open, and those eyes were black and bright, as if they were more than ten years ago.I took her in my arms and walked over to the concrete bridge with only one rail, and then I walked to the dirt road.I felt her soft body very hot, and her long black hair fell down and rested on my arm like a willow branch.At that time, I felt infinitely sad, as if it was my own child who knocked down.When I held her, she had her head on my breast, like my own child.I hugged her like this and walked for a long time. The few houses I saw just now standing on the road were much bigger now, but the figures I saw just now did not appear now.A surge of excitement suddenly surged up in my heart, and I vaguely felt that I was doing something amazing.I seem to have returned to the car accident more than ten years ago, as if I didn't drive away, but jumped into the reservoir and rescued the boy.What I held in my arms seemed to be the boy in the baggy overalls.The long black hair fell on the arms, making me feel that the boy's hair has grown so long after more than ten years.

I walked to the vicinity of those houses, and then I found that there were many houses inside.A large tree blocked my way, and in the shade sat a naked old lady with her shriveled breasts hanging down to her waist, and she was looking at me.I walked over and asked her where is the hospital?After she glanced at the girl in my hand, she immediately let out a strange cry: "What a crime!" she yelled, and I woke up.I just realized that not running away was a big mistake, but it was too late.I looked down at the girl in my arms. Her tattered forehead was no longer bleeding, and her long black hair was no longer fluttering. The black hair was clotted with blood.I felt that her body was cooling down rapidly, but in fact it was my heart cooling down rapidly.I asked the old lady again, where is the hospital.And she screamed again.I think she was dumbfounded by the tragedy, and I knew that if I asked again, there would be no answer.I walked around the big tree in front of me and walked inside.

But the old lady followed up, shouting one after another: "Sin!" After a while, she rushed to the front of me, and she kept shouting in front of me, and her voice was as piercing as breaking glass.I saw a few piglets running ahead.At this time, several old ladies suddenly appeared again, and when they came to me, they all screamed strangely: "What a crime!" So I followed these old ladies who kept calling.At that time, my heart was in a state of confusion, and I didn't even know what I meant by walking like this.Not long after, I was surrounded by many people. My ears were full of chaotic human voices, and I couldn't hear anything. I just saw that there were men, women and children among these people.At that time, I seemed to understand that I was in the countryside, how could I come to the countryside to find a hospital?I find it funny.Then the road in front of me was blocked by many people, so I turned around and prepared to go back, but the retreat was also blocked.Then I found myself standing in front of a family's grain drying field. The house in front of me was a two-story building, which looked like it was newly built.At that time, a big man jumped out of that house, he grabbed the girl in my hand, followed by a woman and a boy in his teens.Then they turned and rushed into the house again.The swiftness of their movements dazzled me.After the girl was taken from my hand, I felt a lot easier and thought it was time to get back on the road.But when I turned to go, someone punched me in the face, which made me feel like I was hit on a sandbag, and the sound was dull.So I turned around again and looked at the house again.The teenage boy sprang out of it, holding a shiny scythe high in his hand.He swung the scythe down as he pounced, and the scythe slashed into my stomach.The process was very simple, the scythe cut through my skin like a piece of paper, and then cut off my cecum.Then the sickle was pulled out. When the sickle was pulled out, it not only cut off my rectum, but also cut a long gash in my abdomen, so the intestines inside gushed out.Before I had time to cover my intestines with my hands, the woman swung a hoe and chopped off my head. I quickly tilted my head, and the hoe hit my shoulder blades, chopping my shoulder blades like chopping wood. into two halves.I heard a "squeak" as the shoulder blade snapped, but the sound of a door opening.The big man was the third to rush over, and what he was waving was a handful of iron? .When the woman's hoe has not been pulled out, iron?Four of the thorns have been cut into my chest.The two iron spikes in the middle cut off the pulmonary artery and the aorta respectively, and the blood in the artery gushed out like a basin of footwashing water.The iron spikes on both sides were inserted into the left and right lungs.The iron spike on the left side went through the lung and then into the heart.Then the big man used his hand strength, iron?Was pulled out, iron?After being pulled out, my two lungs also swung out of my chest.Then I fell to the ground, lying on my back, my blood crawling all around.My blood is like the roots of a century-old tree protruding from the ground.I'm dead.

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