Home Categories contemporary fiction Selected Works of Yu Hua's Short Stories

Chapter 11 Traveling at the age of eighteen

The asphalt road is undulating, and the road seems to be attached to the waves.I am walking on this mountain road, I am like a boat. I was eighteen years old this year, and the few yellow beards on my chin fluttered in the wind. They were the first batch of beards to settle here, so I cherish them very much.I've been on this road for a whole day and have seen a lot of mountains and a lot of clouds.All the mountains and all the clouds remind me of familiar people.I call them by their nicknames.So even though I walked for a day, I was not tired at all.So I passed through the morning and now into the end of the afternoon, and saw the hair of the evening.But I haven't stepped into a hotel yet.

I met many people on the road, but they didn't know where was ahead or if there was a hotel in front of them.They all told me: "Go and have a look." I think they said so well, I really did go and have a look.But I haven't stepped into an inn yet.I feel like I should worry about the hotel. I was surprised that I only encountered a car once a day after walking.It was noon, I just wanted a ride, but I just wanted a ride, I didn't worry about the hotel at that time, I just thought it would be great to get a ride.I stood by the side of the road and waved at the car. I tried to do it smartly.But the driver didn't even look at me. The car, like the driver, didn't even look at me.I just ran after the car for a while, just for fun, because I hadn't bothered about the hotel yet.I chased the car until it disappeared, and then I laughed to myself, but I immediately realized that laughing too much was affecting my breathing, so I stopped laughing immediately.Then I continued to walk happily, but I began to regret in my heart, regretting that I didn't put a big stone in my waving hand just now.Now I really want to take a ride, because the evening is coming, but the hotel is still in its mother's belly.But I didn't see another car all afternoon.If I stop the car now, I think I can stop it.I'll lie down in the middle of the road and I'm sure all the cars will slam on my ear.But now even the sound of the car's motor can't be heard.Now I just have to go and see.That's a good word, let's go and have a look.

The road was undulating, and the high point was always tempting me to run up to the hotel to see the hotel, but every time I saw only another high point, with a depressing arc in the middle.Even so, I still ran to high places again and again, every time I ran desperately.Now I'm running uphill again.This time I saw it, not a hotel but a car.The car was parked in my direction, at a low point in the road.I saw the driver's buttocks raised high, with sunset glow on his buttocks.I can't see the driver's head, it's stuck in the front of the car.The lid of the front of the car is tilted up, like turned up lips.Baskets were piled high in the carriage, and I thought the baskets must be filled with fruits.Of course the best is bananas.I think he should also have it in his cab, so I can pick it up and eat it as soon as I sit in it.Although the car will go in the direction I came from, I don't care about the direction anymore.I need a hotel now, and if there is no hotel, I need a car, and the car is right in front of me.

I ran over excitedly and greeted the driver: "Hi, fellow." The driver didn't seem to hear it, and was still fiddling with something. "My fellow, smoke." Only then did he use all his strength to pull his head out of it, and stretched out a black hand to grab the cigarette I handed over.I quickly lit the fire for him, and after he took a few puffs of the cigarette in his mouth, he stuffed his head in it again. So I felt at ease, as long as he took my cigarette, he had to let me sit in his car.I wandered around the car, wandering around to scout the contents of the basket.But I couldn't see clearly, so I went to smell it with my nose, and I smelled apples.

Apple is not bad, I think so.After a while he fixed the car, put on the hood and jumped off.I hurried up and said, "My fellow, I want a ride." Unexpectedly, he pushed me with his black hand and said roughly, "Go away." I was so angry that I had nothing to say, but he slowly opened the car door Drilled in, and then the engine roared.I know that if I miss this opportunity, there will be no more.I know it's time to go all out.So I ran to the other side, opened the door and got in.I'm going to have a big fight with him in the cab.When I went in, I first yelled at him: "You still have my cigarette in your mouth." At this time, the car was already moving.Yet he looked at me with such a friendly smile that I was baffled.He asked: "Where are you going?" I said: "Wherever you want." He asked kindly again: "Want to eat an apple?" He still looked at me.

"You don't need to ask." "Go to the back and get it." He drove the car so fast, would I dare to climb out of the cab and go to the back?So I said, "Forget it." He said, "Go get it." His eyes were still on me. I said, "Don't look, I don't have a road on my face." He turned his head to look at the road. The car drove in the direction I had come from, and I sat comfortably in the seat, looking out the window, chatting with the driver.Now I have become friends with him.I already knew he was individual trafficking.The car is his own, and so is Apple.I also heard the clink of money in his pocket.I asked him, "Where are you going?" He said, "Go and see."

It's almost like my brother said it, it's really kind.I feel closer to him.Everything outside the car window should be familiar to me. Those mountains and clouds reminded me of another group of familiar people, so I called up another group of nicknames.Now I don't care about hotels at all, the car, the driver, and the seat make me feel at ease.I don't know where the car is going and neither does he.Anyway, it doesn't matter to us what is ahead, as long as the car is driving, let's drive over to have a look.But the car broke down.At that time we were already the best friends.I put my hand on his shoulder and he put his hand on mine.He was telling me about his relationship, and was about to talk about what it was like to embrace a woman for the first time, when the car broke down.The car broke down when it was going uphill. At that time, the car suddenly stopped calling, and suddenly stopped moving like a dead pig.So he climbed on the front of the car again, turned up that upper lip again, and stuffed his head in again.I'm sitting in the cab, I know his ass must be up high again at this moment, but the upper lip is blocking my view, I can't see his ass.But I can hear him repairing the car.

After a while he pulled the head out and put the hood back on.His hands were even darker then, and he wiped and wiped his dirty hands on his clothes, then jumped to the ground and came over. "Is it fixed?" I asked, "It's over, it can't be fixed." He said. I finished thinking, "What should I do then?" I asked. "Just wait and see," he said casually. I'm still sitting in the car, not knowing what to do.Now I'm thinking of an inn again.The sun was about to set at that time, and the evening glow was rising like steam.In this way, the hotel came to my mind again, and gradually expanded, filling my head in a short while.At that time, my head was gone, and a hotel grew in the place of my head.At this time, the driver started broadcasting exercises in the middle of the road. He worked very seriously from the first section to the last.After finishing, he trotted around the car again.The driver may have spent too much time in the cab, and now he needs to exercise.Seeing him moving outside, I couldn't sit still inside, so I opened the car door and jumped down.But I didn't do radio exercises or trot.I was thinking of inns and inns.

At this time, I saw five people riding bicycles down the slope, and two large baskets were tied to the back seat of each bicycle. I thought they were probably farmers nearby, and they probably came back from selling vegetables.When I saw someone coming down, I was very happy, so I went up to greet him and shouted: "Hello, fellow townspeople." When the five people rode up to me, they jumped out of the car. I happily went up to meet them and asked, "Is there a hotel nearby?" Instead of answering, they asked me, "What's on the car?" I said, "It's apples." The five of them pushed their bicycles and walked to the car. Two of them climbed onto the car, and then they turned over ten baskets of apples. .I didn't know what happened for a while, and the scene left me dumbfounded.When I realized it, I rushed up and asked, "What are you guys doing?"

None of them paid me any attention and continued pouring apples.I went up and grabbed the hand of one of them and shouted: "Someone is robbing apples!" At this moment, a fist hit me hard under the nose, and I was knocked several meters away.I got up and touched it with my hand, and the nose was limp instead of sticking to the face, and the blood flowed like sad tears.But when I saw the strong and strong man who hit me, the five of them had already stepped on their bicycles and rode away.The driver was walking slowly at the moment, panting heavily with his lips turned, he was probably tired from running just now.He didn't seem to know anything about what just happened.I yelled at him: "Your apple has been taken away!" But he didn't pay attention to what I was yelling, and was still walking slowly.I really want to go up and punch him and hang his nose up too.I ran over and yelled into his ear, "Your apple has been taken."

Only then did he turn around and look at me, I found his expression getting more and more happy, and I found that he was looking at my nose.At this time, many people rode bicycles down the slope. There were two large baskets behind each bicycle, and there were some children among the bicycle riders.They swarmed and immediately surrounded the car.A lot of people jumped on top of the car, and baskets of apples poured down, and apples came out of some broken baskets like my nose bleeds.They all loaded apples into their baskets like crazy.In just a split second, all the apples in the car fell to the ground.At that time, several walking tractors rumbled down the slope, and the tractors were parked beside the car. A group of big men jumped off and began to load apples on the tractors, and those empty baskets were thrown out one by one.At that time, the apples were rolling all over the ground, and everyone squatted like toads to pick them up. It was at this time that I rushed forward desperately, and I cursed loudly: "The robber!" I rushed forward.So countless punches and kicks came to greet me, and almost every part of my body was beaten at the same time.When I got up from the ground with support, several children hit the apple at me. The apple hit my head and shattered, but my head didn't shatter.I was about to pounce on the kids when a foot kicked me hard in the side.I wanted to call out, but there was no sound when I opened my mouth.I fell to the ground, and I couldn't get up anymore, I could only watch them grab the apples.I started to look for the driver with my eyes, and this guy was standing in the distance and laughing at me, so I knew that my appearance must be more exciting than the nose just now. At that time, I didn't even have the energy to be angry.I can only see with my eyes what makes me so angry. I'm most annoyed at that driver. Some walking tractors and bicycles came down the slope, and they also joined the catastrophe.I saw fewer and fewer apples on the ground, and I watched some people leave and some people come.The latecomers started working on the car, and I watched as they took the windows off, the tires off, and the boards off.The car with the tires removed looks particularly dejected, lying on the ground.Some children went to pick up the baskets that had just been thrown out.I saw that the ground was getting cleaner and there were fewer and fewer people.But I could only watch at that time, because I didn't even have the energy to be angry. I sat on the ground and couldn't get up, I could only let my eyes walk around.Now the surrounding area is empty, only a walking tractor is still parked next to the lying car.A man was looking around the car to see if there was anything else he could take. After watching for a while, they climbed onto the tractor one by one, and the tractor started.At this time, I saw that the driver also jumped on the tractor, and he was still laughing at me after he sat down in the tractor.I saw that he was holding my red backpack in his hand.He snatched my backpack.In the backpack were my clothes and my money, as well as food and books.But he took my backpack away. I watched the tractor climb up the slope and then disappeared, but I could still hear it, but then it was gone.The surroundings suddenly fell silent, and the sky began to darken.I'm still sitting on the ground, I'm hungry and cold, but now I have nothing.I sat there for a long time, and then slowly got up.It was very difficult for me to get up, because every time I moved, my whole body was in severe pain, but I got up anyway.I limped to the side of the car.The appearance of that car was really miserable, it lay there covered with bruises, and I knew that I was also bruised all over. It was completely dark, and there was nothing around, only the car covered in bruises and me covered in bruises.I looked at the car with infinite sadness and the car looked at me with infinite sadness.I reached out and stroked it.It was cold all over.At that time, the wind started to blow, the wind was very strong, and the sound of the leaves shaking on the mountain was like the sound of the sea waves. This sound scared me and made me as cold as a car. I opened the car door and got in. The seat was not pried off by them, which gave me a little comfort.I just lay down in the cab.I smelled gasoline leaking, and it smelled like blood coming out of me. It's getting windy outside, but I'm starting to feel a little warmer in the seat.I felt that although the car was covered with cuts and bruises, its heart was still healthy and warm.I know that my heart is also warm.I've been looking for an inn, but I didn't expect you to be here.Lying in the heart of the car, I thought of a sunny and mild noon, when the sun was so beautiful.I remember playing happily outside for a long time, and then I came home, and saw my father packing a red backpack in the house outside the window, I jumped at the window and asked, "Dad, are you going out?" The father turned around and said gently, "No, I asked you to go out." "Let me go out?" "Yes, you are already eighteen, you should get to know the outside world." Then I picked up that beautiful red backpack, and my father patted me on the back of the head, like Slapped on the horse's ass.So I rushed out of the house happily, and ran happily like a happy horse.
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