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Chapter 24 Chapter Twenty-Four

brother (below) 余华 1594Words 2018-03-19
Baldy Li Kunpeng spread his wings and went to Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe in Japan, including Hokkaido and Okinawa. He wandered around Japan for more than two months and bought 3,567 tons of junk suits.These junk suits all looked brand new, they were all very well made, and they were all as sharp as the suits worn by Italian tailor Armani that Baldy Li would later wear.The Japanese sold these suits to Baldy Li as junk, and Baldy Li hired a Chinese freighter to transport the Japanese junk suits to Shanghai.Baldy Li didn't dare to hire Japanese freighters. He said that Japanese freighters were too expensive. He said that even the labor and money of hiring people at the Japanese wharf to load the garbage suits onto the freighter was more expensive than the 3,567 tons of garbage suits. expensive.When Baldy Li was in Shanghai, he sold Japanese junk suits. In the past few days, rag kings from all over the country gathered in Shanghai. I heard that a four-star hotel on Nanjing Road was full. Put the cash in the sack, check in at the front desk of the lobby of the four-star hotel with the sack, squeeze into the elevator with the sack, and leave their respective rooms with the sack.In the end, all the money in their sacks flowed into Baldy Li, and Baldy Li's junk suits were sent to all parts of the country via railways, highways, and waterways. Junk suits from Japan.

Of course, Baldy Li will not forget Liu Zhen's folks. He specially left 5,000 sets of junk suits and brought them back to our Liu Town.At this time, wearing a suit is already a fashionable thing. The young men in Liu Town have to make a suit before they get married. They all ask tailor Zhang to make it. Tailor Zhang has made Chinese tunic suits for more than 20 years. The suit is fashionable. So I started to make suits. Tailor Zhang said it was very simple. The shoulder pads are the same as Chinese tunic suits, and you can change the collar to make a suit.The young men in Liu Town wore rustic suits made by Tailor Zhang. After two months, the suits became deformed and crooked.When Baldy Li's junk suits arrived in Liu Town, Liu Town was a sensation, and the crowd rushed towards the warehouse one after another, jumping into Baldy Li's junk suits as if they had jumped into a river, looking for it. A suit that fits you.People say that these suits are as new as if they have never been worn, but the price is cheaper than the old clothes.Within a month, the 5,000 junk suits that Baldy Li brought back were sold out.

In those days, Baldy Li's Li Ji Recycling Company was more lively than a teahouse. After Baldy Li returned to Liu Town, he immediately put on his tattered clothes and sat there in high spirits. The crowd surrounded Baldy Li all day long. Listening to him tell the story of Japan over and over again, the masses never get tired of hearing it.Every time Baldy Li talked about how expensive Japanese things were, he would grin his teeth. Baldy Li said that for the price of soy milk and deep-fried dough sticks in the morning in Japan, we could almost eat a pig in Liu Town.The soy milk is pitifully scarce, unlike the big bowl full of soy milk in our Liu Town, the bowls for drinking soy milk in Japan are smaller than the teacups we drink tea in Liu Town, and the fried dough sticks are as thin as chopsticks.The masses were filled with emotion after hearing this, and they all said that Japan cannot go, even if Zhu Bajie goes there, he will starve to death.

"Yes, you can't go." Baldy Li said, waving his hands, "Japan has money but no culture." "Is there no culture in Japan?" The masses don't understand. Baldy Li jumped up, and the crowd immediately got out of the way for him. Baldy Li walked to the blackboard hanging on the wall and was dedicated to keeping accounts of broken waste products. He picked up the chalk and wrote a "9" on the blackboard, then turned to ask the crowd: "What does this read?" The crowd said: "9." "Yes." Baldy Li wrote an "8" after the "9", "What does this read?"

The crowd said: "8." "Yes." Baldy Li nodded in satisfaction, "Both of these are Arabic numerals." Baldy Li threw away the chalk as he spoke, sat back on his original chair and said, "The Japanese don't even know Arabic numerals." "Really?" The crowd opened their mouths in surprise. Baldy Li crossed his legs and said triumphantly: "I, Baldy Li, am earning money in Japan, and I want to spend some money. Where should I spend my money? Of course, go to the most western-style places to spend money; where is the most western-style? Bars, of course." But I, Baldy Li, don't know where the bar is? I can't speak Japanese at the bar, and the Japanese at the bar can't understand Chinese, what should I do?"

Baldy Li played tricks, wiped his mouth and looked at the crowd in Liu Town, appreciating the eager eyes of the crowd for a while, and then said slowly: "I, Baldy Li, had an idea and thought of Arabic numerals. The Japanese don't understand Chinese characters, so they should understand Arabic numerals, right?" The crowd nodded, and Baldy Li continued, "I just wrote the two numbers '98' on the palm of my hand. Doesn't '98' mean 'bar'?" "Yes," the crowd cried, "'98' pronounced 'bar'." "I, Baldy Li, never would have imagined," said Baldy Li, "show '98' to seventeen Japanese, and all the seventeen Japanese would not be able to understand it. They don't know what I'm going to do? Tell me, do the Japanese have no idea?" culture?"

"It's uneducated." The crowd shouted in unison. "But they have money." Baldy Li finally said.
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