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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

brother (below) 余华 3122Words 2018-03-19
Baldy Li's shabby business was booming. A year later, he got a passport with a Japanese visa affixed inside, and he was going to visit Japan to do international shabby business with the Japanese.Before he went abroad, Baldy Li went to King Tong, Zhang, Guan and Yu, and asked if they would like to invest again? Baldy Li is no longer short of money. Seeing that he is about to become a 10,000-ton oil tanker, Baldy Li thought of these five former partners and felt that he should give them another chance to follow in his footsteps. The road to common prosperity. Baldy Li came to the blacksmith shop in tattered clothes. Unlike the last time he was holding a world map, this time he held his passport in his hand and shouted at the sweating blacksmith Tong:

"Tiejiang Tong, have you never seen a passport?" At this time, Tiejiang Tong had heard of passports but hadn't seen them before. He wiped his hands on his apron, took Baldy Li's passport and looked at it again and again, with a look of envy on his face. He was surprised when he opened it and looked inside. Shout out: "Is there a piece of foreign paper pasted inside?" "This is a Japanese visa." Baldy Li took back his passport triumphantly, put it carefully in the pocket of his tattered clothes, sat down on the bench where he had sex with men and women when he was a child, crossed his legs, and grandly talked about the great prospects of his tattered career, he said One China can no longer meet his business needs. I don’t know if the whole world can satisfy him? He will go to Japan to purchase first... Tiejiang Tong asked him:

"What to buy?" "Purchasing junk." Baldy Li said, "I've started an international junk business." Then Baldy Li asked Tiejiang Tong if he would like to buy shares again? He said that he is a big business now, which is different from more than four years ago. Yes, even one thousand yuan a piece, also let Tiejiang Tong pick up a big deal.After Baldy Li finished speaking, he looked at Tiejiang Tong with a look of whether you want to do it or not. Tiejiang Tong recalled the painful lesson from the previous time, and looked at Baldy Li, who was dressed in rags, feeling really uncertain.I thought that this bastard was staying in Liu Town, not going anywhere, and he really did something; if this bastard left Liu Town, what kind of disaster would happen? Tiejiang Tong shook his head and said He no longer owns shares, he said:

"I am a little rich and I don't expect to make a fortune." Baldy Li stood up with a smile on his face, and when he reached the door, he took out his passport again, shook Tiejiang Tong and said: "I'm an internationalist fighter now." Baldy Li left the blacksmith shop, and went to Tailor Zhang and Scissors Guan respectively. Tailor Zhang and Scissors Guan were hesitant after hearing about Baldy Li's international junk business, and asked Baldy Li if Blacksmith Tong would take a stake? Baldy Li shook his head, saying that Blacksmith Tong was a little rich and had no great ambitions.These two people immediately said that they are also a little rich, and they have no lofty ambitions.Baldy Li looked at his former partner with pity, nodded and said to himself:

"It takes courage to be an internationalist fighter." Baldy Li walked forward, Tailor Zhang and Xiaoguan Scissors entered Blacksmith Tong's shop behind them, and asked about the human stock.Blacksmith Tong frowned and said: "As soon as this Baldy Li leaves Liu Town, I feel panicked. Besides, it's not a good way to talk about shabby business." "Yes." Tailor Zhang and Xiaoguan Scissors nodded. Tong Tiejiang spat on the ground and continued: "More than four years ago, it was 100 yuan a piece, but now it is 1,000 yuan a piece, and they said it was cheaper for us, and the price of this bastard has risen too fast. "

"Yes." Tailor Zhang and Xiaoguan Scissors said. "Even during the Anti-Japanese War, prices did not rise so fast." Tong Tiejiang was a little angry, "Now is a time of peace, and this bastard still wants to make a fortune for the country." "Yes." Zhang Tailor and Xiaoguan Scissors said, "You bastard." Baldy Li met Wang Popsicle on the street, and because Tong Blacksmith, Tailor Zhang, and Xiaoguan Scissors had a cold attitude, Baldy Li lazily mentioned the matter of buying shares to Wang Popsicle, as if it was a routine.Wang Popsicle fell into deep thought after listening to Baldy Li's words. Wang Popsicle also thought of the painful lesson from the previous time. He was different from Tiejiang Tong. Baldy Li can survive in a desperate situation.Then Wang Popsicle began to think about his pitiful situation. At this time, there were already 1,000 yuan in the passbook, but 1,000 yuan was definitely not enough for his retirement, so he might as well take another gamble. If he loses, he loses. Anyway, most of his life Come alive.Li Guangtou stood there, watching Wang Popsicle bowed his head in thought, and said impatiently without saying a word for a long time:

"Do you want to do it?" Popsicle Wang raised his head and asked, "Is there only half of five hundred yuan?" "Half of it is cheaper for you." Baldy Li said. "I'll do it." Wang Popsicle gritted his teeth and said, "I'll offer one thousand yuan." Baldy Li looked at Wang Popsicle in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you, Wang Popsicle, to have great ambitions? You really can't judge people by their appearances, and sea water can't be measured." Then Baldy Li came to Yu Pulling the Tooth.At the moment, Yu Tuya is suffering from a career crisis. The county health bureau issued a notice that quack doctors like Yu Tuya must take an exam, and if they pass the exam, they will be issued a medical license. If they fail, they will be disqualified from practicing medicine.When Baldy Li walked over, Yu Tuya was holding a thick copy of "Human Anatomy" and was reciting with his eyes closed. He had recited the first half of the sentence, but forgot the second half. In the second half of the sentence, I closed my eyes and forgot the first half of the sentence just now.Yu Tuya's eyes kept closing and opening, as if he was doing eye exercises.

Baldy Li came over and lay down on his rattan recliner. When Yu Pulled his eyes closed, he thought a customer had come, but when he opened his eyes, it was Baldy Li.Yu Tuya immediately closed "Human Anatomy" and said angrily to Baldy Li: "What do you say is the most wicked thing in the world?" "What is the most wicked?" Baldy Li didn't know. "The human body is the most wicked." Yu Tuya patted the "Human Anatomy" in his hand and said, "A good human body has grown so many organs, and even more muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. How do you recite it when you are old enough to pull your teeth out? Do you think you are immoral or not?"

Baldy Li nodded in agreement with Yu Tuya's words: "It's fucking wicked." Yu Tuya was filled with emotion, saying that he had walked in the rivers and lakes for more than 30 years, pulled out countless teeth, everyone loved him, and he was known as the first tooth extraction in a hundred miles.The fucking county health bureau is going to take an exam suddenly, and I'm so fucking sad about this threshold.Yu Tuya's eye circles were red, and he was famous for a lifetime, but in the end he capsized in the gutter and fell on this "Human Anatomy".Yu Baya looked at the people coming and going on the streets of our Liu Town, and said sadly:

"The masses watched helplessly as the number one within a hundred miles was pulled out and disappeared." Baldy Li couldn't stop laughing. He reached out and patted the back of Yu Baya's hand, asking if he would like to invest again? Yu Baya squinted his eyes and calculated like several former partners. Thinking of Li Baldy's previous failure, I was at a loss for tooth extraction, but looking at the "Human Anatomy" in my hand, I was even more at a loss.After thinking about it, Yu pulled his teeth and asked if the four Tong Zhang Guan Wang would also invest in shares again.Baldy Li said that Tong, Zhang, and Guan didn't take part in the shares, but only Wang Popsicle did.Yu Tuya was full of surprise, thinking that he had already suffered a loss before, and Wang Popsicle dared to buy shares! Yu Tuya started talking to himself:

"Where did this Popsicle King get the guts?" "He has lofty ambitions." Baldy Li praised Wang Popsicle, and then said, "Think about it, Wang Popsicle is someone who has no hope, so naturally he is counting on me, Baldy Li." Yu Baya looked at the "Human Anatomy" in his hand, thinking that he had nothing to hope for, so he immediately looked bold, and he stretched out two fingers and said: "I also have great ambitions for tooth extraction. I will offer two thousand yuan and ask for two copies." After pulling out his teeth, Yu threw "Human Anatomy" on the ground, stepped on it, and took Baldy Li's hand and spoke impassionedly; "I have to pull my teeth out to follow you, Baldy Li. You, Baldy Li, have made a big business even if you are a junk business. If you don't start a junk business, I don't know what you will do. It's hard to say that you are a country..." "I'm not interested in political power." Baldy Li interrupted Yu's words with a wave of his hand. Pulling teeth Yu was still not satisfied, and continued to say passionately: "Where is your world map? Are the dots on it still there? After pulling teeth with you and making a fortune with Baldy Li, I will definitely go all over those little dots." When Baldy Li spread his wings and left Liu Town for the second time, he still ate meat buns at Mama Su's dim sum shop.Baldy Li bit his bun, and took out his passport from his tattered clothes to open Mama Su's eyes. Mama Su held Baldy Li's passport in amazement, looked left and right, and compared the photo on the passport with Baldy Li in front of her. , Su Ma said: "The person in the photo really looks like you." "What do you call an image?" Baldy Li said, "He is me." Su's mother continued to look at Baldy Li's passport with admiration, and asked in amazement, "With this, can I go abroad to Japan?" "Of course." Baldy Li said as he took back the passport from Mama Su's hand, and said to Mama Su, "Your hands are all greasy." Mama Su wiped her hands on the apron embarrassingly, and Baldy Li carefully wiped the oil stains on the passport with his torn sleeve.Mama Su looked at Baldy Li's tattered clothes and said: "Are you going to Japan in this suit?" "Don't worry, I, Baldy Li, will not embarrass the people of my country." Baldy Li patted the dust off his tattered clothes, "When I arrive in Shanghai, I will buy clothes that look like dogs." Baldy Li had a full stomach, and when he walked out of Su Ma's snack shop, he remembered that Su Ma almost bought a share four years ago, and felt that he should give her a chance.Baldy Li stood still, and briefly talked about the re-entry stock issue.Su's mother's heart moved, and she immediately thought of the loss-making transaction last time. Su's mother thought that she didn't pay the loss last time because she happened to go to the temple to burn incense.Recently, the dim sum shop is doing well, and I am too busy to leave. I have not gone to the temple to burn incense for three weeks.Su's mother thought that she couldn't do it without burning incense, so she shook her head and said that she would not invest this time.Baldy Li nodded regretfully, turned around, and walked boldly to our long-distance bus station in Liu Town, where the Kunpeng spread its wings for the second time.
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