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Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

brother (below) 余华 2187Words 2018-03-19
At this time, more than a year had passed since Song Gang and Lin Hong's newlywed life, and their permanent bicycles had been shining on the streets of Liu Town for two years.Song Gang's bicycle was wiped spotless every day, as clean as the morning after the rain, and Lin Hong sat on the back seat every day.Lin Hong hugged Song Gang's waist with both hands, and pressed her face against his back, with an expression as if she was sticking to a pillow in the middle of the night.Their permanent brand bicycles went on the street rain or shine, and the ringtones came and went. We old people in Liu Town said they were a match made in heaven.

Lin Hong was happy when Baldy Li fell into trouble.In the past, when Lin Hong heard Baldy Li's name, Lin Hong's face immediately turned ugly. Now when she heard this name, Lin Hong couldn't help but burst out laughing. She said: "I knew he would have today, this kind of person..." Lin Hong snorted a few times, and didn't say the following. This Baldy Li has a lot of bad deeds, and if he talks too much, he will get burned and get involved in his own ass.After Lin Hong finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Song Gang, and said to Song Gang: "dont you agree?"

Song Gang remained silent, and Baldy Li's situation made Song Gang worry about sleeping and eating.Song Gang's silence made Lin Hong a little unhappy, she pushed Song Gang: "say something!" Song Gang could only nod his head, but murmured, "When he was the director of the factory, he was very good..." "Factory director?" Lin Hong said disdainfully, "Can the director of the welfare factory be considered the factory director?" Song Gang looked at his beautiful wife and smiled gratefully for his happiness.Lin Hong didn't know why he laughed? Ask him:

"why are you laughing?" Song Gang said, "My fate is good." Song Gang was immersed in his happy life, but Li's bald head was always with him, lingering like his own shadow in the sun, making Song Gang always feel like there was a stone pressing down on his heart.Song Gang secretly complained about Baldy Li, who instead of being a good factory manager, went to do his own business, but ended up losing everything, owed a whole lot of debt, and was beaten to pieces. One night Song Gang dreamed of Li Lan. At first it was Li Lan holding his hand and that of Li Baldhead walking on the streets of Liu Town, and then there was the scene of Li Lan dying.Li Lan took his hand and asked him to take good care of Baldy Li.Song Gang cried in his dream and woke Lin Hong from his sleep. Lin Hong woke him up and asked him nervously what was wrong. Song Gang shook his head, thought about the scene in his dream, and told Lin Hong that he dreamed of Li Lan up.Song Gang hesitated for a while, and continued talking about the sad moment in his sleep. Li Lan took Song Gang's hand and asked him to take good care of Baldy Li. Song Gang assured Li Lan that there was only the last bowl of rice left. I will give it to Baldy Li to eat, there is only the last piece of clothing left, and I will let Baldy Li wear it... Lin Hong yawned and interrupted Song Gang:

"She's not your own mother." Song Gang was startled when he heard this. He wanted to argue a few words, but when he heard Lin Hong's even breathing, knowing that she was asleep, he swallowed the following words silently.Lin Hong was vague about the childhood experiences of Song Gang and Baldy Li. She didn't know that these experiences had been engraved on Song Gang's mind.All she knew was that Song Gang was her husband, who would put her arms around her every night when she went to sleep, making herself fall asleep sweetly. After getting married, Lin Hong was in charge of the family's money. Lin Hong felt that Song Gang's size would make him hungry faster than others, so she put twenty cents and two taels of food stamps in Song Gang's pocket, and told Song Gang that it was Give him money to nourish his body, and go to the snack shop to buy food when he is hungry.The careful Lin Hong checked Song Gang's pockets every day, and if the money and food stamps were spent, she would make up for them.For a long time after marriage, Song Gang never spent a penny or a tael of food stamps. Every time Lin Hong reached into Song Gang’s pocket, all she found were the original money and food stamps. One day Lin Hong became angry. , asked Song Gang why he didn't spend money?

"I'm not hungry," Song Gang said with a smile, "I haven't been hungry since I got married." Lin Hong also laughed at that time.Lying in bed at night, Lin Hong touched Song Gang's chest sweetly, and asked Song Gang to tell her honestly why she didn't spend money? Song Gang followed Lin Hong and said a lot of moving things. He said that Lin Hong usually saves on food. Frugal, wishing to break a penny into two cents to spend, put something delicious in his bowl, think about what he lacks when he goes to the store, and never think about himself.Song Gang couldn't help but confess at the end. He said that he often felt hungry, but he was still reluctant to spend the money and food stamps in his pocket.

Lin Hong said that Song Gang's body belonged to her, and she wanted Song Gang to take good care of her own body; she wanted Song Gang to swear that she would buy some food when she was hungry.Song Gang was mesmerized, and when Lin Hong said a word, he would nod his head and say "um".Then Lin Hong fell asleep, as quiet as a baby, breathing lightly on Song Gang's neck.Song Gang had trouble falling asleep for a long time. He held Lin Hong with his left arm, and stroked Lin Hong's body with his right hand. Lin Hong's body was hot and smooth, like a warm flame. From now on, Lin Hong would still take out the original money and food stamps from Song Gang's pocket every day. At that time, Lin Hong would gently shake her head, and blame Song Gang for not spending a penny.

Song Gang no longer said that he was not hungry, he said the truth: "unwilling." In the following days, Lin Hong said to Song Gang several times: "You promised me." Song Gang always replied stubbornly: "I don't want to part with it." Once when Song Gang said this, he was riding on a bicycle, sending Lin Hong to work in the knitting factory. Lin Hong hugged him on the back seat, put her face on Song Gang's back, and said to Song Gang: "Just treat it as spending money for me, okay?" Song Gang still said "I don't want to part with it", and then rang a series of bells.This time Song Gang had no money in his pocket, so he sent Lin Hong to the knitting factory. On the way to work in the hardware factory, he met Baldy Li who was hungry.Baldy Li was picking up a sugarcane head from the ground, and walked over while biting it.At this time, Baldy Li was poor and destitute, he ate his last meal without resting, his arms and legs were hanging, and he was still dignified.He bit the sugar cane head thrown away by others, as proud as eating the best delicacy in the world. When he saw Song Gang riding his bicycle, he turned his head away pretending not to recognize him.Seeing Baldy Li's desperation, Song Gang felt uncomfortable. He stopped the car in front of Baldy Li, took out money and food stamps from his pocket, jumped out of the car and shouted:

"Baldy Li." Baldy Li bit his sugarcane head and turned around, looked around, and said, "Who called me?" "I call you," Song Gang said, handing over the money and food stamps in his hand, "Go and buy buns to eat." Baldy Li originally wanted to continue to put on a show, but when he saw the money and food coupons Song Gang handed him, he immediately laughed. He grabbed them and said affectionately: "Song Gang, I knew that you wouldn't ignore me, why?" Baldy Li asked himself and answered: "Because we are brothers, even if the world is turned upside down and generous, we are still brothers."

From then on, whenever Baldy Li saw Song Gang riding a bicycle on the street, he would wave his hand and call Song Gang to his face, and then take away the money and food stamps from Song Gang's pockets, with a confident appearance, as if it was himself The money was temporarily stored in Song Gang's pocket.
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