Home Categories contemporary fiction Xu Sanguan Sells Blood

Chapter 8 Chapter VII

Xu Sanguan Sells Blood 余华 5718Words 2018-03-19
Xu Sanguan works as a cocoon delivery worker in a silk factory, and one advantage is that he can get a pair of white knitted gloves every month. The female workers in the workshop are very envious when they see it. They first ask: "Xu Sanguan, how many years did you get a new pair of gloves?" Xu Sanguan raised the pair of tattered gloves in his hand, and when he shook his hand, the broken threads and severed ends on the glove shook like a rattle. Xu Sanguan said: "The gloves have been worn for more than three years." They said, "Can this be considered a glove? We are standing so far away, you can see all ten fingers clearly."

Xu Sanguan said: "One year new, two years old, three years of sewing and mending, I can wear these gloves for three years." They said: "Xu Sanguan, you wear a pair of gloves for six years, and the factory gives you a pair of gloves every month. In six years, you have seventy-two pairs of gloves. After you use one pair, there are seventy-one pairs left. Why do you need so many gloves? Give us the gloves, we only have one pair of gloves for half a year..." Xu Sanguan folded the newly issued gloves neatly, put them in his pocket, and went home smiling.Back home, Xu Sanguan took out the glove to Xu Yulan, and the first thing Xu Yulan did after taking it was to go outside, raise the glove over her head, and take a look at the brand new glove under the light of day. Slubbed or worsted.If it was worsted gloves, Xu Yulan suddenly shouted:

"Oh!" Xu Sanguan was often taken aback, thinking that the gloves distributed this month had been bitten by insects. "It's worsted!" There are two days in every month, when Xu Yulan sees Xu Sanguan coming back from the factory, she reaches out to him and says: "Give me." Of these two days, one is the day of salary distribution, and the other is the day of distribution of gloves.Xu Yulan put the gloves at the bottom of the box. When she got four pairs of gloves, she could weave a sweater for San Le; when she got six pairs, she could knit a sweater for Er Le; Le also had a new sweater; Xu Sanguan's sweater and gloves did not exceed twenty pairs, and Xu Yulan dared not do it. She often said to Xu Sanguan:

"Your armpits are getting thicker, your waist is getting bigger, your belly is getting bigger, and now twenty pairs of gloves are not enough..." Xu Sanguan said, "Then you can weave for yourself." Xu Yulan said, "I don't knit now." Xu Yulan didn't knit her own sweater until she had 17 or 18 pairs of worsted gloves.Xu Sanguan could only get back two or three pairs of worsted gloves in a year.They were married for nine years, and the accumulation of the previous seven years allowed Xu Yulan to weave a worsted linen for herself. When the thread garment was finished, it was just when the flowers were blooming in the warm spring. Xu Yulan washed her hair by the well, and then sat at the door of the house, holding the unbroken mirror in her hand, and commanding Xu Sanguan. After cutting his hair, she sat in the sun to dry it, then put a thick layer of cream on her face, put on the newly woven worsted sweater, and She dug out the silk scarf before marriage from the bottom of the box and tied it around her neck. She stepped over the threshold with one foot, lifted the other foot and put it back on the spot. She turned her head and said to Xu Sanguan:

"Today you wash rice, wash vegetables and cook. Today is the holiday. I don't do any work today. I'm leaving. I want to take a walk in the street." Xu Sanguan said, "You only celebrated the festival last week, why are you celebrating it again?" Xu Yulan said, "I'm not menstruating. Didn't you see me put on a worsted sweater?" Xu Yulan wore that worsted sweater for two years, washed it five times, and mended it once in between. Xu Yulan took off a worsted glove and mended it.Xu Yulan hoped that Xu Sanguan could often bring back worsted gloves from the factory, so...she said to Xu Sanguan:

"I'll have a new sweater." When Xu Yulan decided to take off her gloves, she always opened the window before going to bed the night before, and poked her head out to see if the stars were shining brightly in the night sky. When she saw the moon shining brightly and the stars shining brightly, she She will conclude that the sun must be fine the next day, and she will take off her gloves the next day. Two people are required to remove the gloves. Xu Yulan finds the end of the thread on the glove. After pulling it out, she can pull it all the way down. She needs to wrap the pulled thread around the two outstretched arms to straighten the thread.The thread drawn from the glove is crooked, unable to weave a linen, and has to be soaked in water for two or three hours, and then put on a bamboo pole to dry in the sun. The weight of the water will weigh the Bent lines straightened.

Xu Yulan was about to take off her gloves, so she needed two outstretched arms, so she called: "One joy, one joy..." Yile walked in from the outside and asked his mother: "Mom, did you call me?" Xu Yulan said, "Yile, help me take off my gloves." Yile shook his head and said, "I don't want to." After Yile left, Xu Yulan called Erle: "Er Le, Er Le..." Er Le ran home and saw that he wanted him to help take off the gloves, sat down happily on the small stool, stretched out his two arms, and asked his mother to wrap the drawn thread around his arms.At that time, San Le also came over. San Le came and stood beside Er Le, stretching out his two arms. His body was still squeezing Er Le, trying to squeeze Er Le out.Xu Yulan saw San Le stretched out her two arms, and said:

San Le, "Go away, your hands are full of snot." As soon as Xu Yulan and Er Le sat there, the two of them would talk endlessly. A thirty-year-old woman and an eight-year-old boy walked together on the street after eating and before going to bed. In life, the two often talked more and more speculatively. Xu Yulan said: "I saw the girl from Zhang's family in the south of the city. The longer she grows, the more beautiful she becomes." Er Le asked, "Is that the girl from the Zhang family whose braids are dragging to her ass?" Xu Yulan said: "Yes, that girl who once gave you a handful of watermelon seeds, didn't she grow more beautiful?"

Er Le said, "I heard someone call her Big Boobs." Xu Yulan said: "I saw Lin Fenfang in the silk factory wearing a pair of white sneakers with red nylon socks inside. I have seen red nylon socks before. Lin Pingping, who is diagonally opposite our house, was wearing them a few days ago. Women's This is the first time I have seen white sneakers." Er Le said, "I've seen one pair on the counter of a department store." Xu Yulan said: "I have seen a lot of men's white sneakers. Lin Pingping's brother has a pair, and Wang Defu on our street."

Er Le said: "That skinny guy who often goes to Wang Defu's house also wears white sneakers." Xu Yulan said: "..." Er Le said: "..." Xu Yulan and Yile didn't have so much to say, and Yile was always unwilling to follow Xu Yulan or do anything with Xu Yulan.Xu Yulan was about to go to the street to buy groceries, she called out to Yile: "Yile, carry the basket for me." Yi Le said, "I don't want to." "Yi Le, come and help me with my needlework." "I do not want to." "Yile, put away your clothes and fold them."

"I do not want to." "Yi Le..." "I do not want to." Xu Yulan got annoyed, she yelled at Yile: "What do you want?" Xu Sanguan paced back and forth in the room, looking up at the roof, he saw a few rays of sunlight coming in from several places on the roof, he said: "I'm going to go up to the roof to clean it up. Otherwise, when the rainy season comes and it rains heavily outside, it will rain lightly in this house." Yile heard it, and said to Xu Sanguan: "Father, let me borrow a ladder." Xu Sanguan said, "You're still young, you can't lift a ladder." Yile said: "Father, I'll borrow the ladder first, and you can move it later." The ladder was brought in, and Xu Sanguan wanted to climb from the ladder to the roof, so he said happily: "Father, I'll hold the ladder for you." Xu Sanguan climbed to the roof, and the roof creaked when he stepped on it. Yile was also busy downstairs. He took Xu Sanguan's teapot to the ladder, brought out a washbasin, filled it with water, and put Xu Sanguan's teapot on it. Sanguan took the towel, then held the teapot in both hands, raised his head and shouted: "Father, come down and rest for a while and drink a pot of tea." Xu Sanguan stood on the roof and said, "No tea, I just came up." Yile wrung out Xu Sanguan's towel, held it in his hand, and shouted after a while: "Father, come down and rest for a while and wipe off your sweat." Xu Sanguan squatted on the roof and said, "I'm not sweating yet." At this time, San Le walked over waddlingly. When Yi Le saw San Le approaching, he waved him to go away. He said: "San Le, go away. It's none of your business here." San Le refused to leave, he went to the ladder and held on to it.Yile said: "There's no need for ladders now." San Le sat on the bottom step of the ladder, and Yi Le had no choice but to raise his head and shout to Xu Sanguan: "Father, Sanle refuses to leave." Xu Sanguan yelled at San Le on the roof: "San Le, go away, this tile will kill you if it falls." Yile often said to Xu Sanguan: "Father, I don't like being with Mom and the others. They talk about who is beautiful and who wears good clothes. I like to be with you men. What do you say?" I like to hear anything." Xu Sanguan carried the wooden bucket to fetch water from the well. The hemp rope hanging from the handle of the wooden bucket had been soaked in the water hundreds of times, and had been exposed to the sun hundreds of times. After throwing the wooden barrel down, the wooden barrel was not lifted up, only a cut hemp rope was lifted up. The wooden barrel fell to the bottom of the well and was eaten by the well water. When Xu Sanguan returned home, he took down a bamboo pole for drying clothes from the eaves, moved a stool and sat at the door, bent a piece of thick iron wire into a hook with pliers, and found a thin iron wire to hold the hook. Tie the iron hook to the tip of the bamboo pole.Yile saw it, came over and asked: "Father, did the barrel fall into the well again?" Xu San nodded, and said to Yile: "Yile, help me carry the bamboo pole." Yile sat on the ground, carried the bamboo pole to his shoulder, and watched Xu Sanguan tie the iron hook firmly. Then he carried the end of the bamboo pole on his shoulder, and Xu Sanguan held the other end of the bamboo pole with his hand. A man came to the well. Usually, it only takes an hour for Xu Sanguan to stick his bamboo pole into the well water, and after a few minutes or an hour of groping, he can hook the handle of the wooden barrel and lift the barrel up.This time he groped for an hour and a half, but he still hadn't hooked the handle of the barrel. He wiped the sweat from his face and said: "Not on the top, not on the left, not on the right, and not around. The handle must be pressed down by the wooden barrel. This is over, and this is troublesome." Xu Sanguan took the bamboo pole out of the well, put it on the well platform, and touched his head with both hands, not knowing what to do.Yilepa looked in by the well for a while, and said to his father: "Father, look at me, I'm so hot that I'm covered in sweat..." Xu Sanguan hummed, and Yile continued: "Father, do you remember? Once I buried my face in the water of the washbasin. I stayed in the water for one minute and twenty-three seconds without changing my breath." Xu Sanguan said, "I've put my hand down, what the hell should I do?" Yile said: "Father, this well is too high, I dare not jump down; Father, this well is too high, I can't climb up after I go down. Father, find a hemp rope and tie it around my waist, Put me down bit by bit, I can stick a stick for one minute and twenty-three seconds, I'll grab the barrel, and you can lift me up again." When Xu Sanguan heard this, he thought that Yile had a good idea, so he ran home to find a brand new hemp rope. He didn't dare to use the old hemp rope, in case Yile would be destroyed like a wooden barrel. If the well water is eaten in, it is really finished. Xu Sanguan looped the two ends of a hemp rope around Yile's thighs, tied it to Yile's trouser belt, and lowered Yile down the well bit by bit... At this moment San Le wobbled over again, and when Xu San saw San Le approaching, he said: "San Le, you go away, you will fall into the well." Xu Sanguan often said to Sanle: "Sanle, go away..." Xu Yulan also often said to San Le: "San Le, you go away..." There are also Yile and Erle, who sometimes say: "Sanle, go away..." They told Sanle to go away, Sanle had no choice but to go away, he often wandered alone in the street, stood outside the candy store for a long time swallowing his saliva, squatting by the river alone watching the small fish and shrimp in the water, sticking He listened to the humming electric current while leaning on a wooden telephone pole, and fell asleep with his knees hugged at the door of someone else's house... He often walked without knowing where he had gone, and then asked the way back home. Xu Sanguan often said to Xu Yulan, "One Le looks like me, the other Le looks like you, and who does San Le look like?" When Xu Sanguan said this, he was actually saying that among the three sons, he liked Yile the most, and in the end it was this Yile who became someone else's son.Sometimes when Xu Sanguan lay on the rattan couch, thinking about it would make him sad and shed tears. When Xu Sanguan was crying, Sanle walked over, and seeing his father crying, he also cried along with him.He didn't know why his father was crying, and he didn't know why he was crying.His father's sadness was contagious to him, just as he sneezed when others sneezed. When Xu Sanguan was crying, he found that there was a person beside him who was crying more sadly than him. He turned his head and saw that it was San Le, and waved to him and said: "San Le, you go away." San Le had no choice but to walk away.At this time, San Le was already a seven-year-old boy. He was walking around with a slingshot in his hand and a pocket full of pebbles. The slingshot took aim and knocked out the pebbles. He couldn't hit the sparrows, but scared them into flying away, chirping away.He stood there and shouted angrily to the fleeing sparrow: "Come back, come back." Sanle’s slingshots are often aimed at street lamps, at cats, at chickens, at ducks, at clothes hanging on bamboo poles, dried fish hanging by windows, glass bottles, baskets, and vegetables floating on the river. Leaves aim.One day he hit a boy on the head with a pebble. The boy was the same age as Sanle, he was walking on the street in good order, when suddenly a stone was hit on his head, his body shook a few times, and he reached out his hand to touch the place where the stone was hit for a while, and then wow burst into tears.He cried and turned around, and saw Sanle grinning at him with a slingshot in his hand, so he walked up to Sanle while crying, and stretched out his hand to slap Sanle, but the slap didn't hit Instead of hitting Sanle on the face, he hit Sanle on the back of the head.San Le received a slap in the face, and also stretched out his hand to slap him back. The two children took turns to slap each other, making each other's face slap, but their cries were even louder. , Sanle was also crying. The kid said, "I'll call my brother. I have two brothers. My brother will beat you up." San Le said: "You have two older brothers, and I also have two older brothers. My two older brothers will beat your two older brothers to pieces." So the two children began to discuss. They stopped slapping each other for the time being. They both went home and called their elder brother. They will see each other at the same place an hour later.San Le ran home and saw Er Le sitting in the room yawning, so she said to Er Le: "Er Le, I got into a fight with someone, come and help me." Er Le asked, "Who did you fight with?" San Le said, "I can't pronounce his name." Er Le asked, "How old is that person?" San Le said, "It's the same age as me." As soon as Er Le heard that the child was as old as San Le, he patted the table and cursed: "Damn it, there are still people who dare to bully my brother, let me teach him a lesson." When San Le brought Er Le to that street, that child also brought his elder brother, who was a full head taller than Er Le. San Le behind said: "You just stand behind me and don't say anything." The elder brother of that child saw Er Le and the others approaching, pointed at them, and asked his younger brother dismissively: "Is it them?" Then he swung his arms to meet him, and asked Er Le and the others with wide eyes: "Who fought with my brother?" Er Le spread his hands, smiled and said to him: "I didn't fight your brother." As Er Le raised his hand to his shoulder, he pointed to San Le behind him with his thumb: "It was my brother who fought with your brother." "Then I'll beat your brother to the ground." "Let's talk about the truth first," Er Le said to the kid's brother. "The reason doesn't make sense. If you beat my brother again, I will definitely not intervene at that time..." "So what if you interfere?" The man stretched out his hand and pushed Er Le several steps away. "I'm still expecting you to intervene. I want to beat you both up." "I'm sure I won't interfere," Er Le said, waving his hands, "I like to reason..." "Tell me your mother's fart." The man said and punched Er Le, and he said: "I'll beat you up first, and then I'll beat up your brother." Er Le backed away step by step, and asked the child as he retreated: "Who is he to you? Why is he so unreasonable?" "He is my eldest brother," the child said proudly, "I also have a second brother." As soon as Er Le heard that he had another second brother, he immediately said: "Don't do it yet." Er Le pointed to San Le and the child, and said to the child's brother: "It's not fair. My younger brother called the second brother, and your younger brother called the eldest brother. It's not fair. If you have the courage, let my younger brother call his eldest brother. Do you dare to compete with my elder brother?" The man waved his hand and said: "There is nothing you dare not do in this world, go and call your elder brother, I will beat your elder brother, and you, you, to the ground." Er Le and San Le went to call Yi Le.Yile came, and before he got close, he knew that the man was half a head taller than him. Yile said to Erle and Sanle: "Let me take a pee first." As he said that, Yile turned into an alley, and when Yile came out after urinating, he held a triangular stone with his hands behind his back.Yile walked up to that person with his head down, and heard that person say: "This is your elder brother? You dare not lift your head up." Yile raised his head to see where the man's head was, and then lifted a rock and smashed it hard on the man's head. The man let out a "wow", and Yile hit him on the head again With three blows, he knocked the man to the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground.Yile saw that he would not get up again, so he threw away the stone, patted the dust off his hands, waved to the stunned Erle and Sanle, and said: "Go home."
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