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Chapter 6 chapter Five

alive 余华 9872Words 2018-03-19
Youqing studied for two years, and when he was ten years old, life at home was easier. At that time, Fengxia also went to work with us, and Fengxia was already able to support herself.There are also two sheep at home, and Youqing cuts the grass to feed them.Every day at dawn, Jiazhen wakes Youqing up. The child throws the sickle in the basket, holds the sickle in one hand, rubs his eyes with the other, and stumbles out of the house to mow the grass. It's so pitiful, child She is the most sleepy at this age, but what can I do?Without Youqing to mow the grass, the two sheep would starve to death.When Youqing came back with a basket of grass, he was about to be late for school, so he hurriedly stuffed a bowl of rice into his mouth, and ran towards the city while chewing.When I ran home at noon, I had to mow the grass, feed the sheep, and then eat by myself. Naturally, it was too late to go to school.When Qing was in his teens, he had to run more than fifty miles twice a day.

If Youqing runs like this, the shoes will of course wear out quickly.Jiazhen was born in a wealthy family in the city, and felt that Youqing was a child in school and could no longer go barefoot, so she made him a pair of cloth shoes.I think it doesn't matter whether you wear shoes or not.It has only been two months since Youqing put on the new shoes, and I saw Jiazhen picking up the soles of the shoes again, and asked her who made the shoes for, and she said it was for Youqing. The work in the field has already exhausted Jiazhen to the point that she has no energy to speak, and Youqing must exhaust his mother to death.I picked up Youqing's two-month-old shoes and took a look. They were not shoes, not to mention the soles were worn out, and even the upper of one shoe fell off.When Youqing came back with a basket full of grass, I threw the shoes over and grabbed his ear to show him:

"Are you wearing it, or eating it?" Youqing touched his sore ear and grinned, wanting to cry but not daring to cry.I warn him: "If you keep wearing shoes like this, I'll cut off your feet." In fact, I have no reason. The two sheep in the family depend on Youqing to feed them. This child does such a heavy job at home, and he always runs after school.Not to mention the sheep manure to fertilize the fields, but the money from shearing the wool every year and selling it, and I don't know how many pairs of shoes I can make for Youqing.After I said this, Youqing ran barefoot to school, and put on shoes when he got to school.

Once it was snowing, and he was still running to school barefoot in the snow, which made my father feel very distressed, so I called him: "What are you holding in your hand?" The child stood in the snow and looked at the shoes in his hand. He was probably confused and didn't know what to say.I say: "Those are shoes, not gloves, put them on for me." He just put on his shoes and waited for my next words with his head shrunk. I waved to him: "You go." Youqing turned around and ran towards the city. After running not far, I saw him take off his shoes again.

There's nothing I can do about this kid. In 1958, the People's Commune was established.All the five acres of my family's land were allocated to the people's commune, leaving only a small piece of private land in front of the house.The village head is no longer called the village head, but the captain.Every morning the captain stands under the elm tree at the entrance of the village and whistles. All the men and women of the village gather at the entrance of the village with their stuff on their backs. Just like soldiers, the captain assigns a day's work, and everyone splits up.Everyone in the village thought it was a novelty. They lined up to work in the fields, and looked at other people’s faces and laughed. Jiazhen, Fengxia, I, and I walked in a line, which was fairly neat. Some people were old and young, and there was a The old lady was still twisting her feet, and the queue was so ugly that even the captain said:

"Your family, it doesn't look good when you look at it horizontally and vertically." The family's five acres of land belonged to the people's commune, and Jiazhen was naturally reluctant to part with it. For the past ten years or so, our family has been supported by these five acres of land. In the blink of an eye, the five acres of land have become everyone's. "If the fields are divided in the future, I still want the five acres." Unexpectedly, in a few days, even the pots at home belonged to the people’s commune, saying they were going to cook steel. That day the captain took a few people from house to house to smash the pots. When they arrived at my house, he said to me with a smile:

"Fugui, did you take it out yourself, or should we go in and smash it?" I thought to myself that everyone's pot would be smashed anyway, and my family couldn't escape, so I said: "Take it yourself, I will take it myself." I took out the pot and put it on the ground, and the two young men swung their hoes and smashed it. It only took three or five hits, and the good pot was smashed.Jiazhen stood aside and looked at the distressed tears. Jiazhen said to the team leader: "What will you eat after this pot is smashed?" "Eat the cafeteria." The captain said, waving his hand. "There is a cafeteria in the village, and no one needs to cook at home if the pot is smashed. Save your energy and go to communism. If you are hungry, just lift your legs and put it on the threshold of the cafeteria. Fish and meat will kill you."

A canteen was set up in the village, and all the rice, salt, and firewood at home were confiscated by the village. The most regrettable thing was that the two sheep, which Youqing raised to become fat and strong, were also confiscated.That morning, when our family was carrying rice and salt to the cafeteria, Youqing led two sheep and headed down to the drying ground.He was completely unwilling in his heart. He raised those two sheep with one hand. He ran to school every day and came back again, all for the sheep at home.He led the sheep to the drying ground, and other families in the village also took the cattle and sheep there, and handed them over to the breeder Wang Xi.Although the others said they were reluctant, they all walked away after handing it over to Wang Xi. Only Youqing was still standing there, biting his lips and motionless, and finally asked Wang Xi pitifully:

"Can I come and cuddle them every day?" As soon as the canteen in the village opened, it was very nice to eat. Each family sent two people to get the food, and formed a long line, which looked the same as when I lined up to get steamed buns after I was captured.Every house is for women to go, and the chirping sound is as loud as sparrows flying in groups when the rice is drying.The captain is right, having a cafeteria really saves trouble, if you are hungry, you only need to line up to eat and drink.The food is open to eat, as much as you can eat, and you have meat every day.In the first few days, the team leader held a job bowl and giggled as he went from house to house and asked everyone:

"Have you saved yourself trouble? Is this people's commune any good?" Everyone was also happy, and they all agreed, so the captain said: "This life is more comfortable than being a bum." Jiazhen was also happy, and every time he and Fengxia came back with food, they would say: "I'm eating meat again." As soon as Jiazhen put the food on the table, she went out to call Youqing.After shouting happily for a while, I saw him running across the field with a basket full of grass. The boy was delivering grass to two sheep.The three cows and more than 20 sheep in the village were all locked in a shed. Once the herd of livestock returned to the people's commune, they were unlucky and often starved. As soon as Youqing entered, they would surround them and shout at them. :

"Hey, where are you?" When his two sheep came out of the sheep pile, Youqing poured the grass on the ground, and had to push the other sheep away, and waited for his own sheep to finish eating, and Youqing was wheezing and sweating After running home, he was almost late for school. The child ate his meal like drinking water, grabbed his schoolbag and ran away. Seeing him still running around like this every day, I was so angry in my heart, and I couldn't express it out of my mouth. I was afraid that others would say that I was behind when I said it. Once I couldn't help it, so I said: "Why do you wipe your ass when other people shit?" After hearing this, Youqing didn't understand. After looking at me for a while, he burst out laughing. I was so angry that I almost slapped him. I said: "This sheep has long since returned to the commune, don't care about your business." Youqing delivered grass to the sheep three times a day, and when it was getting dark, he went to hug the two sheep once more.The king who was in charge of the livestock was delighted to see that he liked his sheep so much, so he said: "Youqing, you can take it home tonight, and bring it back early tomorrow morning." Knowing that I would not let him do this, Youqing shook his head and said to Wang Xi: "My father wants to scold me, so I'll just give him a hug." As the days get longer, there will be fewer sheep in the shed, and one will be slaughtered in a few days.Later, only Youqing went to deliver the grass alone. When Wang Xi saw me, he often said: "Yeqing still thinks about them every day. Others only think about them when they eat meat." Two days after the opening of the canteen in the village, the captain sent two young men into the city to buy iron and steel pots. Those smashed pots and iron sheets were piled up on the drying yard. The captain pointed to them and said: "We have to cook them quickly, we can't keep them idle." After the two young men went into the city with straw ropes and poles, the captain accompanied the Fengshui master invited from the city to wander around the village, saying that he was looking for a piece of Fengshui treasure to cook steel.The feng shui master in long gown walked back and forth with a smile on his face, and when he came to a house, that family would have to gasp. If the hunched old gentleman just nodded, the house of that family would be ruined. The captain accompanied Mr. Feng Shui to the door of my house. I stood in front of the door and beat the drum in my heart. The captain said: "Fugui, this is Mr. Wang, I'm here to take a look." "Okay, okay." I nodded repeatedly. Mr. Feng Shui put his hands behind his back, looked around for a while, and said: "Good place, good Feng Shui." My eyes darkened when I heard this, and I thought it was over.Fortunately, Jiazhen came out at this moment. Seeing that it was Mr. Wang she knew, Jiazhen called out. Mr. Wang said: "It's Jiazhen." Jiazhen smiled and said, "Let's go inside and have a cup of tea." Mr. Wang waved his hand and said, "I'll drink it another day, I'll drink it another day." Jiazhen said, "I heard from my father that you are too busy these days?" "Busy, busy." Mr. Wang nodded. "Everyone who asks me to read Feng Shui is queuing up." While talking, Mr. Wang looked at me and asked Jiazhen: "This is it?" Jiazhen said, "It's Fugui." Mr. Wang narrowed his eyes with a smile, nodded and said: "I know I know." Looking at Mr. Wang's appearance, I knew he was remembering my past gambling of all my family property.I just smiled at Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang clasped his hands together and said to us: "Let's talk about it another day." Said he turned to the captain and said: "Look elsewhere." As soon as the captain and Mr. Fengshui left, I was completely relieved. My thatched hut was fine, but the old Sun’s family in the village was in trouble. Mr. Fengshui took a fancy to his house.The captain asked his family to vacate the house, but the old grandson cried and squatted in the corner but refused to move. The captain said to him: "Why are you crying, the People's Commune will build you a new house." The old grandson held his head in his hands, still crying, and said nothing.In the evening, the captain saw that there was no other way, so he called some young people in the village to pull the old man out of the house, and moved the contents outside.After the old grandson was pulled out, he hugged a tree with both hands and refused to let go. He pulled his two young men to look at the captain and said: "Captain, I can't pull it anymore." The captain looked back and said: "Okay, you two come over and light the fire." The two young men took the matches, stood on the stool, and struck the matches against the thatch of the roof.The thatch on the roof is moldy, and it rained again yesterday, so they can't burn it anyway.Captain said: "Damn it, I don't believe that the fire from the People's Commune can't burn down this dilapidated house." Speaking of the captain rolling up his sleeves and preparing to do it himself, someone said: "Pour oil on it, and it will burn at one touch." After thinking about it, the captain said, "That's right, damn it, why didn't I think of it, go to the cafeteria to get some oil." At first, I only thought that I was a prodigal, but I didn't expect that our captain was also a prodigal.I, standing less than a hundred paces away, watched the captain and the others pour good oil on the thatch. The oil was dug out from our mouths, and they burned it up.The thatch was doused with the oil we ate, and the flames rushed upwards, and the black smoke rolled around the roof.I saw that the old grandson was still hugging the tree, and he watched his nest disappear.The old grandson was pitiful. He wiped his tears and walked away when the roof was burned to ashes and the surrounding earth walls were blackened. People in the village heard him say: "The pot was smashed, the house was burned, it looks like I have to die too." Neither Jiazhen nor I could sleep well that night. If Jiazhen hadn’t known Mr. Wang, a feng shui practitioner in the city, my whole family would have gone nowhere.After much deliberation, this is fate, but the old grandson suffered, and Jiazhen always felt that we pushed this disaster on him, and I think so too.I don't say that with my mouth, I say: "It was a disaster that found him. It cannot be said that we pushed it to him." The place for cooking steel has been vacated, and those who went to the city to buy pots have also returned.They bought a gasoline barrel and came back. Many people in the village had never seen a gasoline barrel before, and they looked very strange. They asked what it was. I saw it before in the war, so I said to them: "It's a gasoline can, it's a car's rice bowl." The captain kicked the car's rice bowl and said: "Too small." The person who bought it said: "There is no bigger one, so I can only cook it in one pot." The captain is a person who likes to listen to reason, no matter what anyone says, he will believe it as long as it sounds reasonable.He said: "That's right, if you can't become a big fat man by eating one bite, just cook it in one pot." The kid Youqing saw many of us gathered around the gasoline tank, carrying a basket full of grass to the sheep shed, and squeezed to us first. His head came out of my waist, I thought who it was, I looked down and saw that it was my son.Youqing yelled at the captain: "Water should be put in the steel barrel for boiling." Everyone laughed when they heard this, and the captain said: "Put water in? You kid wants to cook the meat." Youqing laughed when he heard this, and said: "If the steel is not boiled, the bottom of the barrel will be boiled first." Unexpectedly, the captain raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looked at me and said: "Fugui, this kid is really right. A scientist came out of your family." The captain praised Youqing, of course I was happy, but Youqing actually came up with a bad idea.The gasoline barrel was set up at the old Suntou's house, and smashed pots and iron sheets were thrown into it. Water was actually put in it, and the barrel was covered with a wooden lid, and the steel was boiled like this.As soon as the water inside boiled, the wooden lid would jump, and the steam would rush out. Boiling steel is really similar to boiling meat. The captain went to see it several times a day. Every time the wooden cover was lifted, the steam rushed out like a flood, which scared him so much that he jumped several steps away and shouted: "It burns me to death." When the water vapor was less, he reached into the bucket with a pole and knocked, and cursed after finishing knocking: "Damn it, it's still hard." During the time when the village was cooking steel, Jiazhen fell ill.Jiazhen suffered from a disease of lack of strength. At first I thought it was because she was getting old.That day, the village picked sheep manure to fertilize the field. At that time, the field was full of bamboo poles. There were small red flags made of paper on the bamboo poles. After a few rains, the red flags disappeared. Only some red paper scraps were stuck on the bamboo poles.Jiazhen was also carrying sheep dung, and she sat on the ground with a limp leg as she walked. The villagers laughed when they saw it, and said: "Fugui fucked hard at night." Jiazhen herself laughed too, she stood up and tried to pick again, her legs trembled, and her trousers trembled as if blown by the wind.I thought she was tired, so I said: "You take a break." As soon as she finished speaking, Jiazhen sat down on the ground again, and the sheep manure in the burden was poured out to cover her legs.Jiazhen's face turned red all of a sudden, and she said to me: "I don't know what's wrong." I thought that as long as Jiazhen got a good night's sleep, she would be strong the next day.Who would have thought that Jiazhen would no longer be able to bear the burden in the next few days, and she could only do some light work in the fields.Fortunately, it was a people's commune at that time, otherwise this day would be difficult again.When Jiazhen got sick, she naturally felt uncomfortable. At night, she would secretly ask me: "Fugui, will I drag you down?" I said, "Don't think about it, it's like this when you get older." At that time, I hadn't paid much attention to Jiazhen's illness. I thought that Jiazhen hadn't had a good life since she married me, and now that she's getting older, it's time for her to rest.Unexpectedly, after a month or so, Jiazhen suddenly became seriously ill. That night our family was guarding the gasoline tank to cook steel. When Jiazhen fell ill, I was shocked and thought of sending Jiazhen to the city. Check out the hospital. At that time, the steel had been boiled for more than two months, and it was still hard. The captain felt that the strongest labor force in the village could not be allowed to guard the gasoline tank all day and all night. He said: "From now on, we will go door to door." When it was my turn, the captain said to me: "Fugui, it's National Day tomorrow, so heat up the fire, and you'll have to cook the steel for me anyway." I asked Jiazhen and Fengxia to go to the cafeteria early to watch, so that they could bring back the food early, and take over for others after they finished eating. I was afraid that they would gossip if they were late.But when Jiazhen and Fengxia came back from ordering food, they waited and waited for Youqing to come back. Jiazhen stood in front of the door and shouted until her forehead was sweating. I knew that the child must have cut the grass and sent him to the sheep shed.I said to Jiazhen: "You guys eat first." After I finished speaking, I went out to the sheep shed in the village, thinking that this kid was too naive, instead of helping Jiazhen with some housework, he only knew how to cut sheep grass all day long, and kept turning his arms out.I walked to the sheep shed and saw Youqing was pouring the grass on the ground. There were only six sheep in the shed, and they all rushed up to grab the grass. Youqing asked Wang Xi with the basket: "Will they kill my sheep?" Wang Xi said: "No, I've eaten all the sheep. Where can I find fertilizer? Without fertilizer, the crops in the field will not grow well." Wang Xi saw me walking in and said to Youqing: "Your father is here, you go back quickly." Youqing turned around, and I reached out to pat him on the head. The child's pitiful tone when he asked Wang Xi just now made me angry.We walked home, Youqing saw that I was not angry, and said to me happily: "They won't kill my sheep." I said, "Just kill it." In the evening, our family would watch the gasoline barrel and cook steel. I was responsible for adding water to the barrel, Fengxia fanned the fire with a fan, and Jiazhen and Youqing picked branches.It worked until midnight, and everyone in the village fell asleep. I added water three times and poked it with a branch, but it was still hard.Jiazhen was so tired that her face was covered with sweat, she knelt on the ground when she bent down to put down the branch.I put the wooden lid on and said to her: "I'm afraid you are sick." Jiazhen said, "I'm not sick, I just feel weak." At that time Youqing leaned against a tree and seemed to be asleep, Fengxia moved her hands back and forth to fan the wind, her arms hurt.I pushed and pushed her, she thought I was going to replace her, she turned her face and shook her head, I pointed at Youqing and asked her to take Youqing home, she just nodded and stood up.A bleating sound came from the sheep shed in the village, and Youqing, who was asleep, giggled when he heard the sound. When Fengxia was going to hug him, he suddenly opened his eyes and said: "It's my sheep that are bleating." I thought he was asleep, but when he opened his eyes and said it was his sheep, I got angry and said to him: "It's the people's commune's sheep, not yours." The child was startled, his drowsiness disappeared, and he looked at me fixedly.Jiazhen pushed me and said: "Don't scare him." Then he knelt down and said softly to Youqing: "Youqing, go to sleep, go to sleep." The child looked at Jiazhen, nodded and closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep. I picked Youqing up, put him on Fengxia's back, and told Fengxia with gestures, let her be with You Qing goes home and goes to sleep, don't come. After Fengxia left with Youqing on her back, Jiazhen and I sat in front of the fire. It was very cold at that time, and sitting in front of the fire was warm, and Jiazhen was so tired that she had no strength at all. Jiazhen leaned against me and said: "Just close your eyes and sleep for a while." Jiazhen's head leaned on my shoulder, and my drowsiness also came, and my head kept falling down. I tried my best for a while, but fell down again unconsciously.After I added branches to the fire for the last time, the head fell and didn't come up again. I don't know how long I slept, and then there was a loud bang, and I was so scared that I sat up from the ground. At that time, it was almost dawn, and I saw that the gasoline barrel had fallen on the ground, and the fire was like water. The flow was burning, and I was covered with Jiazhen's clothes. I immediately jumped up and ran around the gasoline tank twice. I didn't see Jiazhen. I was terrified and shouted: "Jiazhen, Jiazhen." I heard Jiazhen agreeing softly from the pond. I ran over and saw Jiazhen sitting on the ground, trying to stand up. When I helped her up, I found that her clothes were soaked. After I fell asleep, Jiazhen stayed up and kept adding branches to the fire. Later, the water in the bucket was almost boiled dry, so she took the wooden bucket to fetch water from the pond. She had no strength and held an empty bucket. Tired, let alone a bucket full of water, she picked it up and walked five or six steps before falling to the ground. She sat on the ground and rested for a while, then fetched another bucket of water, and now she took a step Take a break, but the person slipped and fell on the pond just now, and the two buckets of water poured on her body. She sat on the ground and couldn't get up. I waited until I was woken up by the loud noise. Seeing that Jiazhen was not hurt, my hanging heart was relieved. I helped Jiazhen to the gasoline barrel, and there was still a little fire burning. I saw that the bottom of the barrel was boiled, and I thought it was a bad situation.Seeing this situation, Jiazhen was also dumbfounded, she kept complaining to herself: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault." I said, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have fallen asleep." I thought I should report to the captain quickly, so I helped Jiazhen under the tree and let her sit against the tree.I ran to the former house of my house, later Long Er, and now the captain's house. When I ran to the captain's house, I shouted: "Captain, captain." The captain agreed inside: "Who is it?" I said, "It's me, Fugui, the bottom of the barrel is boiled." The captain asked: "Is the steel boiled?" I said, "It's not cooked." The captain scolded: "Then you are a fart." I didn't dare to cry anymore, and I stood there not knowing what to do. It was dawn at that time, and I thought about sending Jiazhen to the hospital in the city first. Jiazhen's illness seemed serious. I will explain to the captain when I come back from the hospital.I'll go home first and wake Fengxia up, and let her go too. Jiazhen can't walk anymore. I'm getting old, and it seems impossible to carry Jiazhen back and forth for more than 20 miles. I can only take turns with Fengxia. carry her on her back. I carried Jiazhen on my back and walked into the city, with Fengxia walking beside me, Jiazhen said on my back: "I'm not sick, Fugui, I'm not sick." I knew she was reluctant to spend money on medical treatment, so I said: "If you are sick, you will know when you go to the hospital." Jiazhen didn't want to go to the hospital, so she muttered along the way.After walking for a while, I ran out of strength, so I asked Fengxia to take my place.Fengxia was stronger than me, she walked with her mother on her back and made a loud noise when Jiazhen got on Feng's back, stopped mumbling, suddenly laughed, and said with relief: "Fengxia has grown up." After Jiazhen said this, her eyes turned red, and she said: "It would be great if Fengxia didn't suffer from that illness." I said, "It's been so many years, why mention it?" The doctor in the city said that Jiazhen had schizophrenia, and said that no one could cure this disease. Let us carry Jiazhen home and feed her better if we can. Jiazhen’s illness may get worse and worse. Heavy, and that might be it.On the way back, Fengxia was carrying Jiazhen on her back, and I was in a panic as I walked by. Jiazhen had a disease that no one could cure, and the more I thought about it, the more frightened I was. Jiazhen has a skinny face, I think she hasn't had a good day since she married me. On the contrary, Jiazhen was a little happy. She said on Fengxia's back: "It's better if it can't be cured. How can there be money to treat the disease?" When approaching the entrance of the village, Jiazhen said that she was better and wanted to come down and walk by herself. She said: "Don't scare Youqing." She was worried that Youqing would be scared seeing her like this, and as a mother, she was thinking carefully.She got off Fengxia's back, we went to help her, she said she could walk, and said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with it." At this time, the sound of gongs and drums came from the village, and the captain led a group of people out from the entrance of the village. When the captain saw us, he waved his hands happily and shouted: "Fugui, your family has made great contributions." I, the monk Zhang Er, couldn't figure out what great achievements he had made. When they approached, I saw two young people from the village carrying a messy piece of iron with a half-pot shape on it, and a few pieces of iron. A piece of red cloth hung on the protruding iron piece.The captain pointed to the rotten iron and said: "Your family has boiled steel. It's a good time for the National Day. Let's go to the county to announce the good news." I was dumbfounded when I heard this. I was still worried about how to explain to the captain when the bottom of the bucket was boiled, but who would have thought that the steel would be boiled out.The captain patted me on the shoulder and said: "This steel can make three cannonballs, all of which will go to Taiwan. One will hit Chiang Kai-shek's bed, one will hit Chiang Kai-shek's dining table, and one will hit Chiang Kai-shek's sheep shed." After finishing speaking, the captain waved his hand, and a dozen or so people with gongs and drums began to beat vigorously. After they walked over, the captain turned around amidst the sound of gongs and drums and shouted: "Fugui, we eat steamed buns in the canteen today, and each steamed bun is filled with a sheep, and it's all meat." After they left, I asked Jiazhen: "Is this steel really boiled?" Jiazhen shook her head, she didn't know how it was cooked.I thought it must be when the bottom of the barrel was boiled, and the steel was boiled.If Youqing hadn't come up with a bad idea to put water in the bucket, the steel would have been boiled long ago.When we got home, Youqing stood in front of the house crying and his shoulders shook. He said: "They slaughtered my sheep, both of them." Youqing was sad for several days. The child didn't have to run to school after getting up every morning.I watched him wandering around in front of the house, not knowing what to do. Usually at this time he would be mowing the grass with a basket.Jiazhen called him to eat, and he came in and sat down at the table after eating. After eating, he carried his schoolbag and walked around to the sheep shed in the village to have a look, and then went to the school in the city listlessly. All the sheep in the village were slaughtered and eaten, and the three cows survived because they had to plow the fields, and the food was almost gone.The captain said that when he went to the commune to order some food, he brought a dozen or so young people with him each time, carrying a dozen poles, as if he was going to carry a mountain of gold back, but every time he came back, there were still a dozen or so people. A shoulder pole was brought, but not a single grain of rice was brought. The captain came back for the last time and said: "From tomorrow onwards, the cafeteria will be disbanded. Everyone hastened to the city to buy pots. It's still the same as in the past, each family eats their own." At the beginning, it was based on the captain's word to smash the pot, and it was also based on the captain's word to buy the pot.The cafeteria distributes the leftover food to each family on a head-by-head basis, and my family only got enough food for three days.Fortunately, the rice in the field will be harvested in another month, and no matter how hard it is, we can survive this month. People in the village started to record work points when they went to work in the fields. I was considered a strong laborer, so I counted 10 points. If Jiazhen was not sick, she could count her 8 points.Fortunately, Fengxia has grown up. Fengxia is considered strong among women, and she can earn seven work points a day. Jiazhen felt uncomfortable. Her work points were reduced by half, and she couldn't help it. She always felt that she could still do heavy work. She went to the team leader several times and told her that she knew she was sick, but now she could still do heavy work.she says: "Give me four points when I really can't do it anymore." The captain was right when he thought about it, so he said to her: "Then go and cut the rice." Jiazhen went down to the rice field with a sickle, and at first the cutting was really fast. I looked at it and wondered if the doctor had made a mistake.But after one cut, her body shook a little, and the second cut was much slower. I walked over and asked her: "can you?" At that time, her face was covered with sweat, she straightened up and complained to me: "What are you doing, what are you doing here?" She was afraid that if I passed by like this, other people would pay attention to her, so I said: "You keep an eye on your body." She was in a hurry and said, "Go away." I shook my head and had to walk away.Not long after I walked away, I heard a thud over there, and I thought something bad, so I looked up and saw that Jiazhen had fallen to the ground.When I walked up to her, although Jiazhen stood up, her legs were trembling. When she fell, her head hit the scythe, her forehead was cut, and blood flowed out there.She looked at me with a wry smile. I carried her on my back and went home without saying a word. Jiazhen did not resist. After walking for a while, Jiazhen cried. She said: "Fugui, can I still support myself?" "Yes." I said. From now on, Jiazhen will give up. Although she feels sorry for the lost four work points and thinks that she can still support herself, Jiazhen can still comfort herself to some extent. After Jiazhen's illness, Fengxia was even more tired. She didn't lose any work in the fields, and she also did more homework. Fortunately, Fengxia was young and tired all day long, so she regained strength after sleeping. Spirited up.Youqing started to help with some work on the private plot. One evening when I came home from work, Youqing who was weeding in the private plot called me. "I learned a lot of words." I said: "OK." He looked up at me, and said: "These words are enough for me to use for a lifetime." I thought the kid was really loud, and I didn't care what he meant, so I said casually: "You still have to study hard." Then he spoke the truth, saying: "I don't want to study anymore." My face sank when I heard that, and I said: "no." In fact, I also thought about letting Youqing drop out of school. I dismissed the idea because of Jiazhen. If Youqing didn't study, Jiazhen would feel that his illness was dragging him down.I said to Youqing: "If you don't study hard, I will kill you." After I said this, I regretted it a little. Youqing didn't want to study because of his family. This kid is so sensible at the age of twelve, which made me both happy and sad. Thinking about it, I won't be able to beat and scold him casually in the future.I went to the city to sell firewood that day, and when I sold out, I bought five candies for Youqing for five cents. This was the first time I bought something for my son as a father, and I thought it was time to love and love Youqing. I walked into the school with an empty load. There were only two rows of houses in the school, and the children were babbling and studying inside. I went to see Youqing from classroom to classroom.Youqing was in the classroom at the far end. A female teacher was standing in front of the blackboard and was talking about something. I stood at a window and saw Youqing. As soon as I saw Youqing, I became angry. Something was thrown on the head of a child in front.For him to study, Fengxia gave it to others, and Jiazhen didn't let him drop out of school when he became so ill, so he ran to the class to play happily.At that time, I was so angry that I couldn't care about anything else, I put down my burden, rushed into the classroom and slapped Youqing in the face.Youqing saw me after being slapped, his face turned pale with fright, and I said: "You're mad at me." When I yelled loudly, Youqing's body trembled, and I slapped him again, Youqing shrank his body and was completely frightened.At this time, the female teacher came over and asked me angrily: "Who are you? This is a school, not a country." I said, "I am his father." I'm getting angry and very loud.The female teacher Huo also followed, and she said in a shrill voice: "You go out, you don't look like a father, I think you look like a fascist, like a Kuomintang." I don't know about fascism, but I know about the Kuomintang.I knew she was scolding me, no wonder Youqing didn't study hard, he got a scolding teacher.I say: "You are the Kuomintang. I have seen the Kuomintang, just like you scolding people." The female teacher opened her mouth and started crying without saying a word.The teachers from the next classroom came and pulled me out. They surrounded me outside and spoke to me from several mouths at the same time, but I didn't hear a word clearly.Later, another female teacher came over. I heard they called her the principal. The principal asked me why I beat Youqing. I sent Fengxia there to send her away. I told you all about not letting Youqing drop out of school after Jiazhen fell ill. , the headmistress said to the other teachers after hearing this: "Let him go back." When I took the load away, I saw that the windows of all the classrooms were crowded with small heads, watching my excitement.Now I have offended my son. The saddest thing for Youqing is not that I beat him, but that I made a fool of myself in front of so many teachers and classmates.I was still angry when I got home, so I told Jiazhen about it. Jiazhen complained to me after hearing it, and she said: "You, how do you make Youqing behave in school like this." After I heard it, I thought about it and felt that I had gone too far. Not only did I lose my face, but I also lost my son's face.Youqing came home from school at noon that day, and I called him, but he ignored me, put down his schoolbag and went outside, Jiazhen called him, and he stopped, Jiazhen let him go.When Youqing walked up to his mother's side, his neck twitched, crying so sadly.
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