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  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 foreword

alive 余华 1283Words 2018-03-19
A real writer always writes only for the heart, and only the heart can truly tell him how prominent his selfishness and nobility are.The heart allows him to truly understand himself, and once he understands himself, he understands the world.I understood this principle many years ago, but it takes hard work and long-term pain to defend this principle, because the heart is not open all the time, it is closed more often, so only writing, Only by writing constantly can you open your heart and put yourself in the midst of discovery, just like the light of the sunrise illuminates the darkness, and inspiration will come suddenly at this time.

For a long time, my works are derived from the tension with reality.Indulging in imagination and tightly controlled by reality, I clearly feel the split of myself, I can't make myself pure, I once hoped that I would be a fairy tale writer, or a writer of real works Possessor, if I could be either of these two, I think my inner pain would be much less, but my strength would be much less at the same time. In fact, I can only become the writer I am now. I always write for the needs of my heart, and reason cannot replace my writing. Because of this, I have been an angry and indifferent writer for a long time.

This is not just a difficulty I face personally. Almost all good writers are in a tense relationship with reality. In their writing, the reality in their works only shines when it is in a state of remoteness.It should be noted that although this past reality is full of charm, it has been cast a layer of illusion, which is full of personal imagination and personal understanding.Real reality, that is, the reality in the writer's life, is inexplicable and difficult to live with. When a writer wants to express the reality that he lives with day and night, he often feels unbearable. The swarming truth almost tells the ugly and sinister, and this is the reason why the ugly things are always around, while the beautiful things are always around. Far away on the cape.In other words, human love and sympathy often come only as emotions, while the opposite fact is within reach.As a poet expressed: Human beings cannot bear too much truth.There are also such writers who spend their whole lives solving the tension between self and reality. Faulkner is the most successful example. He found a gentle way. The reality of the south is put into the history and humanistic spirit, which is the literary reality in the true sense, because it connects the past and the future.

Some unsuccessful writers are also describing reality, but the reality they write is just an environment, a fixed, dead reality, and they can't see how people come or go.When they describe characters who care about everything, we will feel that the writer himself is also calculating. Such writers are writing realistic works, not realistic works. As I said before, I have a tense relationship with reality, to put it seriously, I have always viewed reality with a hostile attitude.As time went on and my anger subsided, I began to realize that what a true writer is looking for is truth, a truth that precludes moral judgment.A writer's mission is not to vent, not to accuse or expose, he should show people nobility.The nobility mentioned here is not the kind of simple beauty, but the detachment after understanding everything, treating good and evil equally, and viewing the world with sympathy.

It was in this state of mind that I heard an American folk song "Old Black Slave". In the song, the old black slave experienced a lifetime of suffering, and his family members died before him, but he still treated the world in a friendly way. A word of complaint.This song moved me deeply, and I decided to write the next novel, which is this one, about people's ability to bear suffering and their optimistic attitude towards the world.The process of writing made me understand that people live for life itself, not for anything other than life.I feel that I have written noble works.

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