Home Categories contemporary fiction you are not a layman
you are not a layman

you are not a layman


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 36954

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Chapter 1 one

you are not a layman 王朔 4643Words 2018-03-19
Originally published in Issue 2, 1992 "Is this the door?" Yang Zhong and Ma Qing climbed to the top floor of the building and turned their heads to look at the house numbers of the three doors on that floor. Yang Zhong stretched out his hand and pressed the doorbell of the house with the iron door in his left hand, winked and adjusted his expression, clasped his hands in front of his crotch, and waited reservedly for the master to come out. "Who is it?" A man inside the door asked. "Me." Yang Zhong replied in a deep voice. The wooden door opened, and a man as thin as a cobra appeared behind the iron door, with graceful eyebrows and eyes through the gauze net.

"Is it Mr. Wu Hanxiong?" Yang Zhong stretched out his neck to ask. "Who are you?" Mr. Wu Hanxiong Wu's cold eyes pierced through the fine mesh like needles. "We are your two admirers." Ma Qing squeezed forward and said with a smile on his face against the gauze net, "I have always admired you very much, but I was afraid that you were busy, so I was sorry to disturb you, but today I couldn't bear it." Yes, I am here to pay you a visit." "Just stay for a while." Yang Zhong stretched out a finger, "Look at you, and leave after asking a few words. I will never bother you."

"How do you know I'm here?" Wu Hanxiong asked while opening the iron gate. "I went to the police station to check, but you were not registered. Later, one of our classmates told us that you were hiding here." Yang Zhong stepped over the threshold and waited for Ma Qing to come in. Wu Hanxiong walked in front of him, then walked side by side respectfully and respectfully. "At first he didn't want to tell us." Ma Qing rushed to say, "We can't help but we keep pestering him all day long. I know you don't like to see people..." "What's his name?" Wu Hanxiong entered the reception room, sat down on a leather swivel chair, held a cigarette in his hand, and asked with his head held high.

"Hey, you have a lot of books here." As soon as Ma Qing entered the room, he raised his head to look at the books covering the walls, and asked, "Can you recite all these books, Mr. Wu?" "What's his name?" Wu Hanxiong raised his voice. "Yu Guan." Yang Zhong sat on a low sofa with his hips sideways, looking up at Wu Hanxiong with his hands on his chin like a child, "Mr. Wu, please don't blame him. I really don't blame him. It's because we want to see you too urgently." "He said he is very close to you and often drinks together." Ma Qing sat down next to Yang Zhong, "What have you written recently?"

"I don't know this person." Wu Hanxiong shook his head thinking, "I have no impression. Now there are people pretending to be familiar with me, but they have never met them at all-some people in the society like to spread me indiscriminately." "That's right!" Ma Qing enthusiastically continued, "When we talk about celebrities, some people say that you are so coquettish, unrestrained, and eccentric -- so many things that have been passed around you that we can't learn from you." "Xu Dafei?" Ding Xiaolu knocked on a door of the dark tube building and asked.

"It's him." Standing in the glaring light was a beautiful old man with a haggard face. "I recognized it at a glance." Ding Xiaolu smiled ambiguously, "I am a reporter from "Movie Fan Daily", and my name is Ding Xiaolu. This is Liu Meiping, the daughter of one of my colleagues, and also your fan. I heard that I’m here to interview you today, so I insist on following you.” "Come on, come on, please come in." Xu Dafei let the two ladies into the room, "The room is too messy, don't laugh." "You look different from the pictorial calendar." Liu Meiping said shyly.

"What's the matter?" Xu Dafei suddenly became vigilant. "Compare painting spirit." Ding Xiaolu looked sincere, "Watching the movie, I thought you were quite old, but I didn't expect to see someone so young. Meiping, sit down, why are you standing in a daze?" "A big star lives in such a small broken house." Liu Meiping turned around in confusion. "Whoever said that." Xu Dafei sat carelessly on the broken rattan chair, brushing back his Mao Zedong-style long hair one by one, "I thought Xu Dafei might enjoy it more, but actually...in fact, I'm still a Ordinary people."

"But, but, you should live more spaciously, let alone compare with Hollywood stars - I don't think you are worse than them in acting!" Liu Meiping pouted and pouted at someone Ding Xiaolu sat down beside him. "That's right, Xiao Xu—may I call you Xiao Xu?" Ding Xiaolu looked at Xu Dafei solemnly, "Our newspaper office has received many letters from movie fans asking why you haven't been seen on the screen in recent years. What have you been doing recently? Have you gone abroad with actresses?" "There are still so many audiences who care about me, remember Xu Dafei?" Xu Dafei was deeply moved.

"Of course, you can't imagine how important you are in the hearts of our ordinary audience." Ding Xiaolu felt a panic in his buttocks, pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them aside. Xu Dafei suddenly complained, "What are you doing these days? Just stay there. Play cards, sleep, grow flowers. Why can't I see Xu Dafei? Xu Dafei is out of action." "How could it be?" Ding Xiaolu was puzzled, "You also stopped working?" "It's Xu Dafei who wants to stop acting, it's those bastards who made an appointment without Xu Dafei, what else is Xu Dafei going to play?" Xu Dafei was furious, his eyes spewing fire.

"Think you are too old? No, I don't think so. I think you can still look radiant as long as you put on a little makeup. According to your actual age, you must be considered well-maintained." Liu Meiping said enthusiastically: "The little girls in our unit commented when they saw the movie: Why didn't this young man let Xu Dafei play? Xu Dafei must be better than this. Alan. What's wrong with Delong? Xu Dafei is no worse than him!" "You're scolding me." "I really praise you sincerely." Liu Meiping was aggrieved, "I didn't say this, it was the audience, the collective reflection of the female audience."

"You take Alan. It's wrong to compare Delong and Xu Dafei." Ding Xiaolu also disagreed with Liu Meiping, "It's not that Xu Dafei is not inferior to him, but he is not inferior to Xu Dafei at all." "Then of course we like to watch Xu Dafei more." Liu Meiping quickly corrected her point of view and explained, "I mean Alan. Delong's poor image can make one film after another, so don't Talk about Xu Dafei." "Why can I only play a handsome boy?" Xu Dafei said bitterly, "With my current waist and thick flesh, can I play a bandit killer? You must stop telling the world that Xu Dafei is good-looking. Xu Dafei just let This pretty face is ruined—the bastard is the one who looks good!" "Ms. Wu, we all love to read your books. You are very influential among our classmates, aren't you Yang Zhong?" Ma Qing smiled flatteringly. "Among our classmates, these scholars nowadays, ask everyone who doesn't know. Only when you are mentioned, everyone nods: Oh, him." "Then why are there only seven copies of my collection of essays?" "That's because Xinhua Bookstore doesn't know the goods. Yesterday one of our classmates was asking around where we could buy your books, and one of his Australian friends asked him to buy them. See, Australia is making a fuss." Yang Zhong's face was deep and serious. "I, you, tell me a joke, Mr. Wu, please don't take it too seriously. Yesterday I went to the girls' dormitory for a visit. As soon as I entered the room, I saw two of the most proud girls in our department with a book of yours spread out in front of each other. Praise each other: What do you think he thinks? How can you write so well? " "true?" "I can testify to that. The day before yesterday, these two girls pointed at my nose and scolded me: "How did you become a student union cadre? Net invited some unknown celebrities to give reports, why not invite Mr. Wu? '" Yang Zhong moved his numb feet. "Actually, even if you invite me, I may not go." "I answered them like this:" Do you think Mr. Wu is the same as ordinary celebrities?People are really scholars. '" Yang is heavy and dignified. "I heard that many well-known foreign writers don't want their books to be printed too much. A Japanese female writer was in a hurry with our publishing house when she heard that her book had been printed in China for 4,000 copies. : Do you take me for an ordinary one?" "Teacher Wu," Yang Zhong seemed to be enlightened suddenly, "it's rare for a university student like you to be lonely, right?" In a flashy street-facing room that looks like a hair salon or color photo printing shop from the outside, Yu Guan is talking with a chubby lesbian: "Why do you want to be like others? I think lesbians should grow their own hair." In terms of characteristics, things are rare and expensive. You all have beautiful features, but I am partial to the moon and the bird is hazy; you are all high and low, with beautiful curves, and I might as well be one, so that you can't tell who is who. I think you belong to an individual The ones with more prominent features are unforgettable at a glance, and it is difficult to use common words such as beautiful or not to describe..." Feng Xiaogang led a man who looked very exaggerated and looked like a cartoon character into the room, and introduced to Yu Guan very seriously: "Hey, Yu Guan, this is Mr. Hua Yuan, a reporter from the "Communication and Eloquence" newspaper, I want to ask you to know more The work of our 'Three Good Society'." "Okay, okay, Xiaogang, please don't go, this lesbian, please follow." Yu Guan got up and gave up his seat, "Mr. Hua, please." "Where did you just talk about?" Feng Xiaogang sat down and asked. "You can't judge a person by how beautiful they are." "Oh, when I came in and saw you just now, my eyes lit up, and I thought, this woman is not simple. Why is it not simple? Because... because... I don't know if you have noticed it yourself, but there is something melancholy in your temperament.I like melancholy, and I'm often melancholy, so when I see you, I'm... fascinated. " Feng Xiaogang himself smiled openly. Yu Guan led Huayuan into the back room, which was almost only half a room, full of outdated wallpapers and decoration materials, all left when the previous head of the household who used this room for business went bankrupt.The cabin can barely seat two people. "What do you want to know?" Yu Guan asked. "I would like to ask you to talk about how you came up with the idea of ​​establishing this so-called 'Three Goods Association'? I would like to ask you to explain what the 'Three Goods' refers to?" Mr. Hua sat up straight, took out his pen and notebook, but he kept moving like a spring under his buttocks. "Don't be nervous, talk casually," he comforted Yu Guan, "I haven't decided whether to publish or not. I just passed by today, and I was dragged in by that person just now." "Well, the establishment of the 'Three Good Association'..." Yu Guan's eyes were blank, and then he stabilized his mind and spoke fluently, "The establishment of the 'Three Good Association' is mainly because we are very disgusted with the current social atmosphere. 〖Mood particle, The character is left and right〗, and people either look down on each other or attack each other, without any sincere feelings." "Yes, I also have a lot of opinions on this phenomenon." Mr. Hua nodded in agreement. "Why do you have to tear and bite? What's wrong with saying something nice to each other?" Yu Guan suddenly became angry, blushing and staring at Mr. Hua thickly, and asked: "Is it difficult? Is it troublesome? Did you never teach it or have you forgotten it?" How do you say it? When I open my mouth, I feel yin and yang, and when I open my mouth, poisonous juice splatters! Sometimes when I hear two well-dressed people swearing at each other so badly on the street, I feel sad and feel distressed—it’s all the people and the people. !" Yu Guan's eye circles turned red from the bottom of his heart, Mr. Hua remained silent and respectful. "So I thought silently: We are an ancient civilized country, and it would be wrong to continue like this. How can we have the face to meet our ancestors who are famous for their morality after death? I am ashamed of my descendants. They will investigate in the future. Where did this fine tradition go from generation to generation?” Yu looked at Mr. Yanhua and saw that he was still listening, so he continued, his tone changed from deep pain to passionate, sonorous and frustrating: "So when we all met, we felt that we couldn't do it, we couldn't let it go on, we had to control it, we had to control it, and managed it desperately! Start now, start with me, and let mutual flattery become a common practice." A very bright and eye-catching brilliance appeared on Yu Guan's face, and then he quickly explained: "I'm talking about mutual flattery, referring to that kind of peaceful atmosphere." "I understand, I understand, I understand very well." Mr. Hua nodded like pecking rice, "Even derogatory compliments are better than insults." He said to the viewer very seriously: "To tell you the truth, I longed for a man who felt responsible for himself." Feng Xiaogang's voice came from the outer room, "Are you confident? This time, you are not afraid of anyone's gossip, right? That's right, go your way—the North is here." "The first is good intentions, and the second is all kinds of good words. It is best to combine them into an unforgettable dream. Well, what is hanging on this wall is our heartfelt voice: Sweet dreams are dedicated to you!" Yu Guan turned his head and raised his hand to point to the back wall.Mr. Hua just buried his head in the shorthand in his notebook, and after writing for a while, he looked up and searched. "Are you picking who you want to praise, or are you also picking people and only promoting famous people?" Mr. Hua asked again. "Whoever catches and praises!" Yu Guan said decisively, and at the same time, he made a decisive gesture with his hands down. "On this issue, we don't make any distinctions. If you think about it, often the least worthy of praise needs the most praise. This involves a question of why people. That is to say, whatever the masses need is what we are willing to give away. of." "So which part of the masses needs it the most?" "We have done market research on this, and I am afraid that the biggest potential customers are people in the literary and art circles. Of course they are very humble, and I believe their families will support our work." "That's for sure." Mr. Hua felt quite the same, and Xuan added, "As long as you do a good job of publicity, many people will immediately realize the significance and irreplaceability of your work." "Currently we are still in trial operation. The business has not yet been fully launched, and the personnel also need training. We have just started to send good words. We have a good dream and the next step is to open, and we are preparing." "Excuse me, if customers want to accept your service, do they need to make an appointment? Or do they just come to the door and receive them without asking where they come from?" Mr. Hua's pen dropped to the ground, and he lowered his head and crawled all over the ground. "Well, at present, we mainly deliver products to the door, find out the address, and take the initiative to provide door-to-door service. Customers often don't know it. The purpose of doing this is to train the team and increase popularity. You know that the initial stage of a business is always difficult." "Yeah, yeah, any store starts out with a lot of money. One more question: You guys do this work... it's mental work, right?" "I think it takes a lot of hard work to make it count, to hold it well and to hold it skillfully without showing any traces." "Then is your charging standard very high? What is the price based on?" "We don't charge." "What about after opening the market?" "There is no charge for that. This was decided at the beginning of our establishment of the 'Three Good Association'." "Obligation to support people?" "Think about it, this job itself is a job that is easy to misunderstand. If we take money, people will immediately make our noble behavior vulgar. Besides, why do you want money? We all only love the truth People who love money..." Yu Guanyu was ominous, at this moment, Feng Xiaogang walked in and took up the conversation: "We have no selfish interests, and this can be heard everywhere." "We were unable to do many good things in the past, and if we suffer losses, we will make people doubt our purpose." Yu Guan regained his fluency, "Feng Xiaogang sums it up well." "But you don't charge at all. Where does the money to maintain this stall come from? You can't pay for it yourself, can you?" "We can sell other things, but on the issue of principle, I won't give an inch." Yu Guan's expression turned cold.
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