Home Categories contemporary fiction don't take me for a human

Chapter 15 Chapter fifteen

don't take me for a human 王朔 5003Words 2018-03-19
On the opposite slope of the wilderness covered with hills, swamps, lakes, rivers and bushes, a grandstand with snowy days was erected. There are watermelons, soft drinks and cigarettes in the stands. Zhao Hangyu accompanied managers, peasant entrepreneurs, self-employed and hundreds of shareholders wearing straw hats and sunglasses fanning fans into the stands, and took their seats one by one. Bai Du led the two station ladies to distribute a telescope to each of the guests and hold a big notebook and invite the guests to sign in one by one. The guests raised their binoculars and adjusted the focus to the lonely wasteland, looking around: "The actor will appear soon," Zhao Hangyu turned around and said to everyone, "Everyone can pay attention to the cliff on the opposite mountain. You have to jump off that first." "Tsk tsk tsk, it's so high, is there any protective measures underneath?"

"There is nothing, it all depends on the actor's skill." "It's amazing, this actor is amazing, Langya Mountain should have sent him to guard back then." "Xiaobai," Zhao Hangyu greeted Baidu, "notify the other side that it's time to start." On the opposite cliff, Sun Guoren was checking the attire of Tang Yuanbao, who was fully armed and held a large rifle with grenades in his waist. "The buckles are strict, and the belt is tight. Take off the shoes under your feet. This performance stipulates that you are not allowed to wear shoes." Yuan Bao took off his shoes, and Sun Guoren inserted the two shoes into the backpack behind Yuan Bao.

"Remember, the people of the motherland are watching you. If you can go forward, you will see death as your home. Come back after victory, and I will ask for credit for you." If I can't come back, tell everyone not to cry. " "Just let everyone cry, nothing else can help you." "To persuade them, just say that I died for the people, and that death deserves more than justification." "I'll teach them to put their account on Emperor Xiufan." Two red flares rose from the opposite mountain. "It's time to set off." Sun Guoren urged Yuan Bao, "Let's go if you don't have anything to say." Yuan Bao walked to the edge of the cliff with heavy steps, and when he looked down, his world was spinning.

"No bears!" Sun Guoren shouted sharply from the side. "Long live the great unity of the people of the world!" Yuan Bao shouted, closed his eyes, and jumped down. Seeing Yuanbao jump off the cliff, Sun Guoren scrambled and ran to the valley, and ordered a team of security guards in camouflage hiding there: "Enter the battlefield! Remember, if anyone is not beaten according to the regulations and hurts a hair of Yuan Bao, I will skin his skin when he comes back!" "Cha!" The security team cheered up and ran to their positions along the traffic trench as deep as one person.The stands were filled with excitement, audio clips of war movies were playing on the loudspeakers, and gunshots and cannons rang together, accompanied by a majestic symphony.Everyone was watching intently through the binoculars.In the field of vision of the telescope, Yuan Bao jumped off the cliff like a feather, and slowly landed in the thorn bushes at the bottom of the cliff. After a while, he stood up shaking, covered in dirt, and slapped himself twice. , settled down, and ran away.

I saw him crawling and crawling sometimes, and when there was a hidden object, he got up and ran quickly. A big man kissed him from behind a dirt bag and hugged him, and he threw him lightly like a bale of grain. , lay down motionless.When he ran under a tree, another big man jumped down from the tree and rode on his back, and he fell unconscious with his back. The Yuan Leopard ran wildly among the trees and on the hills; trudged through the swamps; scrambled through ditches and climbed up cliffs; fought and defeated the enemies that kept appearing.Run to the stands.He jumped into a rushing stream and swam hard.A water ghost emerged from the river, and a fierce fight began.One after another, Yuan Bao and Shui Gui were dragged into the water by each other, gulped and drank water, gasped and punched each other with their wet faces exposed, and finally Shui Gui sank and disappeared.

Yuan Bao climbed ashore exhausted.Four or five Zai Han surrounded them with bayonets in their hands. Yuan Bao clenched his fists and walked around the field, fighting with them in turn, performing a stunt of grabbing a gun with his bare hands.After four or five big men were disarmed and knocked down, Yuan Bao jumped into another river and swam across with all his strength. Water ghosts emerged from the river again, so they fought again.Yuan Bao climbed ashore and met four or five big men with bayonets in their hands.So he took the gun empty-handed "" The artillery fire was roaring, and a round of large-caliber shells exploded around Yuan Bao who was running, kicking up dust soaring into the sky and blowing up a large crater. Go, Yuan Bao jumped up and continued to run forward.A group of enemy tanks crawled slowly like snails, appeared in front of Yuanbao, lined up in a row, like a firing squad executing unarmed prisoners, turned the turret, aimed at Yuanbao—boiling water together.Yuan Bao stood in front of the tanks where the gunpowder smoke had dissipated. As soon as he punched, a tank emitted thick smoke. The tank soldiers jumped off the tanks and fled in all directions. Yuan Bao repeatedly punched, and a puff of red smoke rose from each person's hat. A tank rushed over and ran over Yuan Bao's body—the tank was knocked over, and Yuan Bao stood up calmly shaking the ground.

Yuan Bao charged all the way and continued to move forward, it seemed that nothing could stop him.Although his steps were staggering, his face was full of desire for victory. "A gas tank across the road was on fire, and the fire was raging, Yuan Bao stepped over, put his hand into the fire, and turned off the gas valve. As he continued to run, a house was on fire.He plunged into the sea of ​​flames, rushed out with flames all over his body, turned around, puffed his cheeks, blew twice, and made several gestures. The flames were weak, dimmed, and turned into ashes. He continued to run, but a brick wall blocked his way. He took a few steps back, adjusted his pace, and took a big stride into the air—hitting his head... He continued to run, and the brick The wall was behind him, leaving a human-shaped gap in it.He ran towards the stands with light footsteps, as vigorous as flying, and sections of the road behind him collapsed—they were all traps paved with weeds and floating soil.

He ran with the deftness of a ballet dancer on the spiked red-hot iron.He splashed in like a water skier on a lake. He ran towards the stands, getting closer, bigger, and clearer, the equipment on his body and the smile on his face were very clear, and he could even hear the clang of guns and grenades on his body and his bare feet stomping on the gravel "Plop" sound on the road. "The stands were boiling, people put down their binoculars one after another, stood up and looked at Yuan Bao who was running up the mountain step by step with their naked eyes, applauded enthusiastically, and cheered loudly:

"Come on a few more—" "Hey—good!" "Hey—yes!" Amid applause and cheers, Yuan Bao finally reached the finish line. The applause was like waves, the flowers were like rain, Yuan Bao put his hands on his waist and walked slowly, smiling and waving to Huan Shao's people.Baidu and the two girls ran up, put a towel over his shoulders, stuffed a bunch of flowers in his arms, and surrounded him and walked towards the lounge. A large group of reporters carrying video cameras and holding up cameras followed the crowd, rushing to take pictures of Yuan Bao, and the flash turned into a dazzling spot of light.

"Pi Li Huo La, Pi Li Ba La." A dazzling spot of light. A group of reporters held a group of cameras in their hands and kept pressing the shutters and entered the hall backwards.In the direction the camera was facing and in the brightly lit space, Zhao Hangyu and more than a hundred shareholders walked in step by step, smiling and clapping their hands. Yuan Bao was shyly standing alone on the scaffold-like wooden steps draped in a towel.Zhao Hangyu and the shareholders walked over clapping while watching him. They walked over and turned their heads to look at him, and finally stood in a large circle, smiling kindly and watching Yuan Bao clapping.Amidst the applause, the manager leaned over to look at the grenade in Yuan Bao's waist and asked:

"You use these weapons to overcome difficulties?" Sun Guoren squeezed out from the crowd and replied: "He didn't use any weapons, chief, these are just decorations, he just came here with a red heart and two cocoons." "Really?" The manager held up a yuan leopard Touching the hard calluses on his hand in amazement, "It's like a bear's paw, anyone who gets slapped with this slap will be crippled. "Show the chief your feet." Sun Guoren lifted one of Yuan Bao's feet, with the sole of the foot facing up, to show the surrounding shareholders. "It's all grown by myself. I didn't slap my palm. If you don't believe me, touch it." A few fat fingers pressed on the soles of Yuan Bao's feet, and they were amazed: "It's stronger than that donkey's hoof." "How do you practice your kung fu?" the farmer entrepreneur asked Yuan Bao. Sun Guoren immediately beckoned, and the two men immediately brought up a hanging sandbag. "He beats it every day, he's used to it, and he's done it himself." The manager waved his fist on the sandbag with great interest, kicked it twice, and said loudly to everyone: "Okay, with such a strong man, we are afraid that someone will make trouble for us!" "Come on, let's take a photo." Zhao Hangyu said, "Let the reporter take a photo with us." Shareholders climbed up the wooden frame one after another, standing in a row with shoulders, shoulders, hands, hands, chest, belly, and fat faces. .Bai Du led the staff to move some chairs, and let Zhao Hangyu, economics, entrepreneurs and other leading figures among several shareholders sit down in the first row. Yuan Bao was squeezed off the stage, turning around and unable to find a place to plug in.The reporters over there were already snapping photos, and all of them were patronizing and solemnly facing the camera, and no one paid attention to him.It was the manager who noticed Yuan Bao standing dingy on the side, and even waved and called: "Come, come, come to me, why did you forget our protagonist." Yuan Bao came to the front row and had no place to stand or sit. The manager pointed at his feet: "Just kneel here, and I'll put my hand on your shoulder." Yuan Bao knelt in front: "Kneel on one leg or both feet?" "Just one leg, what do your legs look like?" Everyone faces the camera, and the flashes are intertwined to form a dazzling spot of light.Behind the dazzling light spots, a reporter fiddled with the camera that couldn't be pressed and asked Baidu who was standing quietly beside him: "Didn't you say watch punches? How to change to field fights?" "You can watch whatever I show you." Baidu replied expressionlessly, "You don't have to ask after you have seen it." Luo Jing, who was squinting at one side of the fluorescent TV screen, hurriedly turned his face and said seriously Said: "This afternoon, a full martial arts performance was performed in the western suburbs of Beijing. Tang Yuanbao, a Chinese man with a head, showed his skills in a report performance organized by the General Mobilization Committee of the People's Republic of China. He was invincible within a radius of more than 50 kilometers. The realm of Kanren. Conquered four high mountains, waded four rivers, flattened four swamps, defeated forty opponents, put out four fires, and crossed four brick walls, making the more than four hundred people present The guests were amazed, please see the detailed report of our reporter Reheman below: "On the TV, there were scenes of Yuan Bao trekking through mountains and rivers, fighting fires, interspersed with the open mouths of the audience and trembling hands holding binoculars. Offscreen: "Experts believe that there is no other man like Tang Yuanbao who has great endurance and superhuman skills in China. He should be listed as a national treasure and be protected as a key protection. In addition, Tang Yuanbao should be thoroughly investigated. Study and see how he made trouble, which may be inspiring to improve the quality of the whole nation. According to the staff of the ACFTU, he hadn't had a good meal for more than a month before this dazzling performance. He just charged his battery and received two injections of chicken blood every day and drank a bowl of boy's urine, but his spirit became more and more trembling. We have to re-recognize some of the techniques of supporting the master that have been handed down from the people in our country that were dismissed as superstitious in the past. Relevant experts pointed out that since the "All-General" can cultivate people with simple conditions and primitive means To produce such an astonishing Tang Yuanbao, if the country pays more attention to it, provides some better conditions, sums up experience, and finds out a method of rapid growth with Chinese characteristics, then it is not a dream to manufacture Tang Yuanbao in large quantities... Our station "Observation and Thinking 'The program will have a special discussion on this photo next week, and I hope that the audience will watch it... The tank that was overturned by Yuan Bao was lifted high, and the barrel fell backwards towards the sky.Yuan Bao calmly pulled himself up from the ground, dusted the dirt, turned to the camera in slow motion, and ran... "Pinch me, pinch me." A seasoned veteran stared at the TV dumbfounded, hurriedly He said to his daughter who was sitting next to him, "I'm not in a dream, am I?" The sound of firecrackers resounded throughout the city, and the fireworks that suddenly rose across the night sky from time to time, appearing colorfully in the sky, and falling like snowflakes. The 'full production' spectacles each held a burning broom or mop in their hands, and stood separately at the downstairs of each residential building and shouted loudly: "Come out, hey, go to the street, go to the street..." Young men and women with guns on their backs and hand grenades in their waists walked out of their homes barefootedly, forming a torrent and marching silently on the street. When we came to an intersection, another team of young men and women in the same attire came head-on. The two sides met, cheered and embraced, and marched along the street together as one, singing the Internationale: "Internationale" It must come true!" The headquarters building of the ACFTU is brightly lit, and in the conference room, all the leaders are sitting at the conference table and having a tense meeting.Zhao Hangyu, who presided over the meeting, said excitedly to everyone: "This report performance was unprecedentedly successful and caused a huge response in the society. We were overwhelmed by the flood of congratulatory messages and remittances from all over the world. We must strike while the iron is hot and try to hold more activities. Make a lot of money." Liu Shunming with a haggard look said: "The hearts of the people are available." "Yes!" Zhao Hangyu continued, "We want to set off an upsurge of learning from Yuanbao and chasing Yuanbao, so that life will be filled with sunshine..." A pair of glasses broke in sweating profusely, and stammered, "Here we come! ..." "Who's here?" Sun Guoren grabbed him and asked sharply. "public security bureau?" "The crowd... the crowd is here, come to congratulate us..." The spectacled hand pointed out the window.Noisy human voices, footsteps, cheers and singing came from the square outside the window, the sound was like a tide.Zhao Hangyu kicked the chair away, rushed to the window, and blew kisses with open arms to the crowd in the square below the window.Countless young men and women just rushed to the top floor to cheer and wave. Zhao Hangyu looked up, Yuanbao was wearing pajamas by the window above him, waving to the crowd with one pocket in one hand and the other in the other. Zhao Hangyu walked to the conference table in dismay, and said sullenly: "Let's continue the meeting... I think the promotion of Yuan Bao should be done in moderation and not cause confusion..." "Thank you, Yuan Bao, for honoring the country." Someone in the crowd yelled at Yuan Bao who was standing by the upstairs window. With tears in his eyes, Yuan Bao choked up and waved his fist to the crowd with his mouth pursed. People's eyes were red, they all lowered their heads to wipe away their tears, then raised their heads and looked eagerly at Yuan Bao. "Comrades, compatriots." Yuan Bao said after everyone quieted down, "I am very happy." After saying this, he broke down in tears. There was warm applause in the square, and tears flowed down everyone's faces. "Say something exciting!" The men and women with guns shouted together. "Exciting?" "Yuan Bao wiped his tears and shouted loudly, "Man, man, if you are ambitious... why don't you let a man take a Wu hook...""Be more energetic! ""...you kill me! " "The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes." Zhao Hangyu covered his face and ears as if he had a toothache, listening to the questions and answers from the crowd outside and Yuan Bao. "This Tang Yuanbao doesn't know how to speak, go find two people and pull him away from the window. Don't ask him to come out alone when we talk to the masses in the future, otherwise there will be trouble. "What I'm more worried about now is Tang Yuanbao's jittery tail." Liu Shunming said, "It will be difficult to manage in the future." "I'm not afraid of him cocking his tail." Sun Guoren said. "Since we can praise him, we can also destroy him." "We must focus on publicizing how we dragged him into adulthood." Zhao Hangyu said, "Let the masses distinguish between right and wrong." Yuan Bao has disappeared by the windows.The people in the square were still shouting with undiminished interest: "We want to see Yuan Bao, we want to see Yuan Bao." Fleets of police cars came quickly from all directions with their sirens on. Countless police lights were flashing, and a large number of policemen surrounded the crowd in the square.The loudspeaker on the police car repeatedly broadcast: "All down, put down the weapons in your hands, and walk this way with the head and the other in your hands..." The crowd in the square lay down like fallen crops.
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