Home Categories contemporary fiction never lost my love

Chapter 3 third quarter

never lost my love 王朔 3482Words 2018-03-19
"Did you find out that Shi Jing has a criminal record or something, so..." Xiao Qi worded his words clumsily, "Actually, this is turning a blind eye...you have to think so, who told me to Didn't meet her earlier...you still care about this? We're not rich." He smiled pretentiously. "Why can't I have 'love'?" I rolled my eyes and said in a tone, "Don't look down on the workers too much, the workers also have wrists when they hook up with people." "He Lei," Dong Yanping said with his elbows on the table, full of emotion, "we are vulgar but not hooligans, aren't we? Intellectuals are easy to do. We, Don't you always look down on me?"

"I don't like what you say. They are all human beings. Why can't I do what other people can do? Why can an intellectual have a hero and three gangs, a rabbit and three nests, and I have to eat and work all day long. Hanged from a tree, died of drought on a piece of broken ground? I’m not saying you, you can’t always be the master with confidence, and you feel that you’re three points shorter than a person. Who are the workers? Master! What’s the matter with a few women?” "He Lei, there has never been a hooligan in our ancestors." "Then come up with one, and don't let people say that we are special."

Xiao Qi sighed, and pulled his beard in distress. "I don't think you two should bother yourself," I said with lowered eyes. "Although we are brothers, there are certain things that neither of you can do for the other." "From now on, we will not be buddies." Dong Yanping said coldly, "Unless you act like buddies." " "Then save it." I said, "If you don't have a buddy, then don't be a buddy." "Since we've come to this point, there's nothing more to say." Dong Yanping stood up abruptly and looked at me, "You will never have peace!"

At noon, I came to the cafeteria and felt the unfriendly eyes of everyone, including the public contempt and the contempt behind it.All the people I knew well turned a blind eye to me and passed by with their heads held high.Even the fat girl at the vegetable window who always joked when she saw me had a frosty face when she saw me. The spoonful of vegetables in my rice bowl was obviously much less than usual. When I squeezed out of the crowd with the food , was deliberately collided by Dong Yanping and others. I stood in the middle of the cafeteria with my food in hand, and no one invited me to eat at their table.People seemed to intentionally fill up every dining table, even empty stools were filled with work bags and kicked up.In the distance, Dong Yanping's table was empty, next to Shi Jing who was eating silently, but I couldn't go.

I walked in the opposite direction, and there were men and women who were chewing and talking in low voices, and they rolled their eyes at me. Wu Shan stood up from the crowd and called me calmly: "He Lei, come here, there is an empty seat here." I looked at her, then glanced at the people around me who were watching me, shook my head, and walked out of the cafeteria with my food. I heard Dong Yanping swearing especially harshly amidst the buzzing of the crowd behind me. I eat by serving bowls next to a stack of concrete hollow-core slabs.On the opposite floor there is intense concrete pouring going on.A truckload of concrete was lifted by the winch cable, and was quickly raised and lowered between layers of scaffolding.The safety helmets of the busy workers on the roof reflected in the scorching sun.Downstairs the concrete mixer truck rumbled and the huge mixing drum was turning.A sparrow flew obliquely across the construction site in astonishment, and a chainsaw made a continuous and piercing sawing sound in the distance...

When Wu Shan found me behind the pile of concrete hollow slabs, she found me slumped there with a hideous face.His eyes were opened convulsively, his jaw was drooping, his teeth were grinning, his mouth hung on his chest, he couldn't speak, he couldn't move, his head drooped and he couldn't lift it up. She quickly picked me up and dragged me to the infirmary. I relied on her support to keep me from falling all the way. The slender and sharp needle pierced into my muscle, and I felt pain and swelling, and then the needle was pulled out, and an alcohol swab was pressed for a moment to release it, and a slight coolness shocked the touch.

The air is filled with the refreshing fragrance of alcohol. "I didn't expect you to use such a clumsy method." Wu Shan's white coat shook in front of my eyes, and then I saw her smooth face and big black and white eyes. I leaned my face on the pillow and smiled wearily: "This is the easiest way to be accepted and believed as true." "That's true." Wu Shan sighed, "Don't feel bad for everyone's attitude." "Not at all..." "I still said no." Wu Shan gently wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes with her hand.

"It's really not for others." I said hoarsely with my face pressed against the pillow, "It's for myself, I can't figure it out..." "Life and death...you also had moments of happiness..." "Too little, I feel too little now, if I knew this was the end, I wouldn't take it so lightly." "Do you think you won't regret it at the age of eighty?" Wu Shan gently stroked my hair with her slender fingers. "I wish it was a dream, but when I woke up, it turned out to be a dream." I murmured. "..." "I'm afraid, really Wu Shan, I'm afraid."

"fear death" "No, I'm not afraid of death or suffering. Can you promise me, Wu Shan?" "what" "If I can't move, can't walk, can't laugh, can only eat, drink and sleep, you give me sleeping pills, like Manager Chen——I don't want to live and suffer, just to suffer." "..." "promise me." "You don't do that." "Yes, I know, one day I will. I want to have the backbone, and I won't wait for that to come... I don't want to be annoying until everyone else is bored and expect me to die. I hope that when I die, someone will pay for me I'm sad."

"……"I promise you. "..." "Who is making noise outside?" "Your friends, there are many spectators." "What happened" "They're waiting for you to come out of my house." "I'm going out now." "No, they are on fire, and the leader is trying to persuade them." "I have to go." "Then I'll go out with you." "Why did you pay for it" "Can't you see that I've already lost money." "I explain to them." "It's useless. You don't have to worry about me, I will explain it clearly sooner or later."

When we left the infirmary, we saw that the corridor was full of people, all of whom were acquaintances and friends from the construction site, and several construction site leaders were doing the work of guiding everyone.Dong Yanping and others argued fiercely with them, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation to help Dong Yanping speak. As soon as we came out, the noisy voices in the corridor immediately subsided, even the bosses stopped talking, and everyone looked at us. We walked out, and the crowd automatically moved out of the way. I squeezed forward under the hostile gaze, my legs were weak, and I staggered when I walked.Wu Shan followed me closely, reaching out to help me. The crowd uttered low curses: "It's really shameless, you still hold hands." "I really didn't see such a person. I always thought she was a good person in the past." "Stinky bitch, I don't know how many men I have hooked up with!" "Bah bah!" Someone spits.People's resentment was directed at Wu Shan. There was a commotion and yelling in the crowd, and I turned my head suddenly, only to see someone throwing tomatoes at Wu Shan's back. The tomato smashed on her white coat, like a bullet hitting a human body, bursting open a big blood-red hole.Wu Shan endured it firmly, and dragged me vigorously towards the door without stopping. The strong white sun outside the door made my eyes black, and I saw Shi Jing standing in the distance looking at me, holding the furious Dong Yanping tightly by the hand, preventing him from coming forward. Shi Jing's face was as white as paper, and her eyes were like black holes. After I learned that Shi Jing and Dong Yanping had officially registered their marriage, I was accompanied by Wu Shan to the hospital.The head of the team and the labor union quickly rushed to the hospital to visit me after hearing the news, and promised to keep a secret for me under my Chen Qingyuan and repeated insistence. In order not to make them too emotional, I told them very much. Some cruel words made them feel that Shi Jing and I were regretful, but it was really a pity. Since the river diverted to the sea, there was absolutely no reason for anyone to pull it back to the old way. After I was hospitalized, I lived a life completely isolated from the world, living strictly according to the doctor's orders, taking injections and medications, and undergoing thymus radiation therapy.It should be said that the treatment attitude of the medical staff is positive, and my condition can be maintained thanks to their efforts.But "myasthenic myopathy" is currently beyond the control and conquest of human beings, just like the sunset of flowers, human will is powerless. I no longer have any hope of recovery. Wu Shan came to see me sometimes and brought me some news.She said that the project we undertook was completed on July 1st as scheduled.During the inauguration ceremony, a lot of prominent figures came to cut the ribbon, and the ceremony was very grand, with lanterns, festoons, firecrackers and other routine celebrations, all of which were routine. A grand group wedding was also held that day. The bride and groom who got married that day were given a grand reception.They were all invited to the rostrum, and stood in a row in pairs, facing the audience (I think the scene must be very similar to the awards ceremony).A very high-level leader invited as a guest gave them enthusiastic praise, and of course encouragement and hope were indispensable.It is said that the chief minister, who has always been funny, also played a role similar to that of a priest when foreigners hold weddings in churches.After the speech, he laughed and asked the bride and groom loudly. "Do you—do you love him (her)?" It is said that the audience was jubilant at that time, and no one heard how the bride and groom answered, because tens of thousands of voices in the audience answered first.They shouted overwhelmingly: "Love—!" drowned out all voices. Prolonged laughter and a chorus led by one man followed. Did she dance again later? Wu Shan said she didn't remember either, and her attention was focused on Shi Jing standing on the stage. She said that although Shi Jing was always facing everyone with a radiant face and joyful face like other brides and grooms, there was a strangeness in her eyes, which was not easy to be noticed by others. She thought it was: looking for. I think this is Wu Shan's delusion or rather the original case. If we stare long at a drooping flag, it will slowly flutter; if we stare long at a tree, a pair and I will appear between the leaves. Our eyes meet; if we stare long enough at a tall building, it will fall towards us. On the night of "October", the whole city is setting off fireworks, and the night sky is illuminated by bursts of gorgeous flowers from time to time. Why am I sitting on the hospital bed, and Wu Shan is flipping through one of my photo albums.Her hand pointed to each photo of me in turn, ending up on a photo of me standing next to a truck laughing on a sunny day.Seeing the affirmative look in my eyes, she took the photo down from the album.We are carrying out the work of selecting the remains, and we are doing this work calmly and methodically.The condition persists till now.Any change can no longer make our emotions fluctuate. For me, it is almost longing for the arrival of death. I didn't hear a sound, but saw Wu Shan suddenly froze facing the door, then her eyes were moist, she stood up without saying a word, and helped me to turn to the door... Shi Jing appeared in front of me in plain makeup, followed by Dong Yanping. Shi Jing walked towards me, she was crystal clear, her skin was like cicada wings, her eyes were like rain flower stones soaked in a vat of clear water, pure and smooth... I looked at her blankly - I couldn't express anything, even a smile was impossible, another thing was still free, it flowed from my eyes, ran across my unconscious cheeks, tapped Bit by bit in the beautiful hand stretched out to me...
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