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Chapter 15 The Fall of the South.2

juvenile blood 苏童 8715Words 2018-03-19
The sea can be seen from a drop of water, and I later came up with a philosophical formula: South = Academy Lane = 95 flies Whether the formula is valid or not, people familiar with the South can participate in the discussion. One rainy morning, the Meijia teahouse was empty, with few tea customers. Yao Bizhen and Li Chang sat on a table and a chair, singing "Double Pushing the Mill" duet.Yao Bizhen once sang Tanhuang opera, and she sang a passionate sister-in-law in a very serious and detailed way.Li Chang, on the other hand, winked his eyebrows and raised his head, which completely violated the prototype of the character and ruined the art of local opera.

A tea guest said, Li Chang, stop singing, or my tea will stink. At this time, I saw Miss Hongling crashing into the door of the teahouse from the rain, her whole body was wet, and she had a standard image of a drowned chicken.With an extremely bewildered look, she glanced at the opera singer, and then staggered upstairs.Miss Hongling's strangeness caught everyone's attention, and Yao Bizhen immediately jumped off the table and chased her upstairs. "Where did you die? The water bottles are empty." "I saw that there were few customers today, so I went out." "Where did you die?"

"Hospital, go see a doctor." "See a doctor, don't lie, what's wrong with you?" "I'm really sick, I'm a beast to lie to you." "Who cares if you are sick or not, go downstairs and pour water," "I'm sick and I don't have any strength at all. Please let me lie down for a while. The doctor said I will lie down for three days." "Lie down for three days? What kind of affliction do you have?" Miss Hongling shook her head, bit her lip and sat on the edge of the bed, her legs twisted together intentionally or unintentionally, she sat on the bed where the dead Jin Wenkai slept, her yellow hair was still dripping drops of water.Yao Bizhen put her hands on her waist, examining the expressionless girl Hongling like a puppet.Suddenly Yao Bizhen sneered, and she said, Slut, I know what's wrong with you, you ran out secretly to have an abortion.

"No, the doctor said that I am poor in nutrition and should eat more meat." "Whose species? Li Chang's?" "No, the doctor said just eat more meat." "Eat more meat, you are not afraid of being stuffed to death? Eat three bowls of rice in one meal, and still eat meat?" Miss Hongling grabbed a towel and wiped her hair and face, her eyes are now indifferent.Yao Bizhen continued to examine her, her eyes from top to bottom, staying on the relatively hidden part of Miss Hongling's body, she suddenly kicked Hongling's feet and said, spread your legs apart.Hong Ling subconsciously let go of her tense legs.Yao Bizhen's piercing eyes immediately found an astonishing evidence.On Miss Hongling's thin chemical fiber trousers, there was a faint pool of blood.

"I mean, your ass doesn't look right no matter what," Yao Bizhen said, "how many months?" At this point, Miss Hongling completely lost her ability to resist. She raised her fingers in a daze, and when she reached the third finger, she stopped. She said, "About three months." Yao Bizhen rolled her eyes, and she also did some calculations in her mind, and when she was done, she said, "So, I wronged Li Chang. There really is nothing wrong with Li Chang." Hong Ling said: "The proprietress is making fun of me again, how can someone like Cousin Li like me?"

Yao Bizhen said, "Then, do you want me to lead the way for you?" Hong Ling said: "How can he see me?" Yao Bizhen spat on the ground, and then changed a gentle tone: "Tell me, whose seed is in your stomach?" Hong Ling said: "I can't say it, you wouldn't know him if I said it, he is shooting the sun." Yao Bizhen said, "Oh, you're still serious, go ahead, I like to hear these things." Hong Ling said, "I can't say it, even if you beat me to death, I won't say it." Yao Bizhen said, "If you want to tell me, I will pay you an extra five yuan this month."

Hong Ling was silent, her hands scratched back and forth on the bed, after a while, she raised her head and looked at Yao Bizhen: "You really mean what you said? Don't lie to me?" Yao Bizhen said: "My old lady keeps her word and never regrets it." Hong Ling said: "If you really give it to me, then you really say it." Yao Bizhen said, "Tell me, a sentence is worth five yuan." Hong Ling closed her eyes, and said two words very simply. my dad. Yao Bizhen couldn't believe her ears, she asked, who is it? Hong Ling opened her eyes this time, facing Yao Bizhen's approaching face indifferently, she said it again.

my dad. This time Yao Bizhen heard it clearly, she slapped her hands and shouted, there are still such things in the world.Suddenly thought of a question, asked again, is it your own father? So Hong Ling had no choice but to explain in more detail. My dear father. Hong Ling finally grabbed Yao Bizhen's sleeve and begged, don't tell others: If you tell others, I will lose face.Yao Bizhen patted her on the shoulder and said, "I won't tell others. Women know women's suffering. You can lie down for a day today and go downstairs to work tomorrow."The five yuan will be given to you next month.

The next day was still a rainy day, and the rain kept falling, and the news about Miss Hongling flowed like rain along the Toon Street.Almost every resident of Toon Tree Street knew this shocking news.In this lingering rainy day, they finally knew the real reason why Miss Hongling fled here, and they felt relieved. I carried a soy sauce bottle and walked across the Monk Bridge under an oilcloth umbrella, and saw people in the Meijia Teahouse under the bridge beaming with joy, in an inexplicable state of excitement.Miss Hongling stood by the tiger stove, staring at the people on the bridge through the window.She looks at me, I look at her, she doesn't know me, but I know her.I just don't understand that at this time of humiliation and humiliation, she still has the leisure to look around on the bridge.

I walked into the soy sauce shop, and heard the woman selling soy sauce ask the woman who bought the soy sauce, is it the real father or the stepfather?The woman who bought the soy sauce said that it was my dear father, my dear father. For a whole street of toon trees, such rumors are as abundant as rainwater, swaying, or like hailstorms, hurting the top of my head.I walked across the Monk Bridge again, and saw that the girl Hongling in the teahouse was still the same, looking over the bridge. Besides seeing a boy with a soy sauce bottle, what else would she want to see?My disgust for her rose spontaneously, and I imitated a woman with a toon tree, and spit at the person I hated.Miss Hongling just blinked her eyes.

Long ago I embraced a pessimistic philosophy.There is no meaning in life, and there is no meaning in death, and those recluses who are inappropriate for neither death nor life may be the philosophers of the times. In a sense, Jin Wenkai, the last descendant of Meijia Teahouse, is this kind of philosopher. He hid in a small dark and closed building, meditated, reveled in various daydreams, and abandoned many worldly troubles.He refused to talk to people, so others thought he was dumb. He refused to have sex with Yao Bizhen, so Yao Bizhen slandered him for being impotent. He even refused a normal diet. He only ate one meal a day, porridge and eggs.These two simple and lively foods, one white and one black, arouse my deep feelings of nostalgia. Toon Tree Street generally believed that Jin Wenkai was a mentally ill patient. They analyzed the historical, social, family and personal reasons for his illness, and believed that Jin Wenkai's tragedy was inevitable. Historical reasons: The glorious achievements of the Mei family are a big burden to Jin Wenkai. He cannot surpass his predecessors, so he is extremely afraid. Social Causes: There are two worlds of old and new society.The socialist system completely shattered Jin Wenkai's dream of money, resulting in despair. Family reasons: Jin Wenkai failed to find a good wife and mother, and the flirtatious Yao Bizhen entangled the thin and sickly man too much, so Jin Wenkai's physique deteriorated from bad to worse. Personal reasons: Jin Wenkai is narrow-minded, loves to be too horny in everything, and pays too much attention to money, so he can't bear the blow of the revolutionary movement. I scoff at these pretentious summaries, I never thought he was a psychopath.He is the only hermit on Toon Street, in 1979 when all things are awakened and spring thunder is heard, how sober and ethereal he looks, he said to me, run, boy... Someone told me that Jin Wenkai was born at an untimely time and died with regret.He just left in the summer of 1979 and never came back.That was the eve when relevant departments decided to return the assets of Meijia Teahouse to Jin Wenkai.Jin Wenkai's life is nothing, even the flashlight full of gold that he secretly hid will fall into the hands of others one day. I totally agree with this point, on Toon Tree Street, everything can fall into the hands of others, including a chick, a mop, a pair of smelly socks, even if you accidentally fart, someone will Steal it with the usual covetousness. Yao Bizhen is a tigress. During the years when she occupied the Meijia teahouse, some real tea drinkers complained about the quality of Meijia tea until they were completely desperate. Go to Baodai Street, go to the Wang's Teahouse there to drink tea, and once the regular customers of Mei's Teahouse are torn off their coats, their faces will look abominable and hateful. and bums.In name, it is to drink tea, but in essence, it is to make money. Some people would often slap Yao Bizhen on the ass and make Yao Bizhen scold them, and then Yao Bizhen would forget to take their tea money.Later, this method was tried by many people, and all of them worked. These people were cheap and behaved, saying that I didn't ask her for the manual fee, and she didn't ask me for the tea money, so it happened to be clear. Yao Bizhen is a rare coquettish woman. If it weren't for the new society, she would definitely be listed as a prostitute. Yao Bizhen's young adulterer, Li Chang, is a standard bum. He has no ideals, let alone enlightenment.He considered London to be the capital of the United States and Lebanon to be the capital of the United Kingdom. As for Miss Hongling hired by Yao Bizhen for five yuan, what is she? I really hate poor Miss Hongling.When talking about her various performances on Toon Street, I always get mixed up with anger and hatred. I have never seen such a stupid, lowly, and miserable woman in my life. In the winter of this year, Miss Hongling was pregnant again. Yao Bizhen went to check her toilet and found the problem immediately.Yao Bizhen said, you are lucky, like a sow, you got pregnant when you said you were pregnant.Hong Ling said, I don't know what's wrong, I got pregnant when I said I was pregnant.Yao Bizhen said, whose is it this time?It's Li Chang's bastard who can't escape this time.Hong Ling shyly acquiesced.Yao Bizhen said again, what are you going to do, Hong Ling thought for a while: I said very firmly, I want to let the child be born, Yao Bizhen said, what are you going to do when it is born?Hong Ling said puzzledly, what's the matter, born is born, I want his flesh and blood in my heart.Yao Bizhen waved her hand and slapped Hongling across the face, she scolded: Bitch, thank you for being able to speak. Miss Hongling stopped Li Chang on the stairs, she was not used to saying the word "pregnancy", she just smiled obsequiously at Li Chang, and then gently stroked her abdomen with her hands. You have a stomachache?Li Chang said. It doesn't hurt yet, it's still a few months until my stomach hurts. If I have a stomachache, I go to the hospital. An injection of aspirin will relieve the pain. The injection is very effective and can cure all diseases. It's not a stomachache, it's a falling stomach, and it's a panic to fall down. Then you eat too much, don't eat so hard in the future. Cough, cousin, you really don’t understand?I am pregnant. Pregnant?What are you pregnant with? Child, your child. whose child?How did my child get into your stomach? Cousin, you forgot, you got into my bed that night. Li Chang's face immediately changed color. He rubbed Hong Ling and said, stop talking in your sleep, so I won't go under your bed. Do you think you are the most popular beauty in the world?How could I drill into your bed? Li Chang kicked and walked downstairs, and Miss Hongling chased after her. Hongling hugged Li Chang's white leather shoes, and she lay down on the stairs and poured out her heart to those shoes.She said, cousin, what can I do if you say that?I really want your flesh and blood, it doesn't matter if it's male or female, as long as it's your flesh and blood, I want it. Li Chang actually dragged Hong Ling's body downstairs, and couldn't move after a few steps. He said, what flesh and blood?What use is it for, to eat or to spend?After he finished speaking, he put his hands on the handrail of the stairs, soared into the air, and flew over Hongling's head deftly like an ape.Li Chang looked back at Hong Ling lying on the stairs, made a face at her, and then walked out of the Meijia Teahouse. Miss Hongling was left alone on the stairs, facing the deserted teahouse in the afternoon.The sunlight came in from the south window, onto the tea-stained Eight Immortals tables by the window. Now the Eight Immortals tables were very warm, but Miss Hongling felt a piercing coldness in the dark place.She was sitting alone on the stairs with her arms folded, vaguely remembering the night when Li Chang got into her bed, she wondered how could Li Chang forget?How could such a thing be forgotten?It's not about drinking a cup of tea, nor taking a pee, so how can you just forget about it? brute. Miss Hongling scolded Li Chang with a moist warmth.She clenched her frostbitten fists and punched the place where Li Chang had stood on the stairs. Yao Bizhen went downstairs after taking a nap, and saw Hongling still sitting on the stairs in a daze. Yao Bizhen looked at Hongling's strong back and wide pelvis, and she said, why are you sitting here, son, waiting to give birth? Hong Ling turned her head, looked at Yao Bizhen with a confused look, and said, how did he forget? Yao Bizhen giggled until she couldn't breathe. After laughing, she said, "You have never seen a man. I know the virtues of a man best." Hong Ling said, how could he forget? Yao Bizhen walked downstairs, saying as she walked, didn't she forget?Men are all the same, they forget everything when they are done. Hong Ling said that he drank alcohol and took off all his clothes as soon as he entered the room. He also taught me how to do it, but I couldn't say it. Yao Bizhen yelled angrily, shut your stinky mouth, you don't think it's disgusting.Tell me, what's the matter?How much do you want, just make an offer. Hongling said, this time I don't want money, I just want his child. Yao Bizhen sneered, wanting a child?What you think is too beautiful, do you think you want a child because you have a big butt and can give birth and raise it?There is no such thing as cheap.How can you have children if you are not married?How can you give birth to a child when no one is willing to be a father after giving birth? Hong Ling started to sob at this time, she wiped her tears and said, what should I do?I can no longer go back to Sheyang with my stomach straight. Yao Bizhen gritted her teeth and said, get rid of it, get rid of it.Just like last time, go for an abortion.I'll give you another five dollars. Hongling's body trembled, her eyes dimmed for a while, then suddenly brightened again, she stood up, clutched her stomach and ran upstairs, shouting as she ran, no, no, I just want this child. Yao Bizhen patted the banister of the stairs and shouted, if you don't go, get out of here, get out of bed with your father.If you want to give birth, go home and give birth with your father. At this time, the first group of tea guests came in, and just heard Yao Bizhen shouting, let your father have a baby.The tea guests roared with laughter, and when they finished laughing, they said, "It's not good to have a child with your father. It's hard to call the child whether it's a brother or a son. If anyone wants to have a child, you can have it with me. It's safe to hit it with a shot, and it will be a red seedling." strong. Over the years, insidiousness and sin have filled the world and this short Toon Tree Street.There is no need to list events, just find the "Unofficial History of Xiangjie" published underground during the Qing Dynasty, and after reading it, you will have an understanding of the history of our region and all the outstanding figures. The "Unofficial History of Fragrant Street" is almost extinct now.I remember when I was a primary school student, I once sneaked into the warehouse of the junkyard to pan for gold.From a bundle of yellowed, dusty old books, I randomly picked out a book, and what I got was this "Unofficial History of Fragrant Street".I stole it home along with a batch of comic strips.The book lay hidden in a shoebox under my bed for years until puberty, perusing it on a dreary rainy day, trying to find, ashamedly, some chapters about sex, But what is annoying is that at every critical moment, the book has missing pages, ink smears, etc. At that time, I thought the previous owner of this book must be a real scumbag. Now, when I try to recall the relevant fragments in "Xiangjie Unofficial History" and find various historical roots for the reality of the south, I find that I am almost a new unofficial history author, chasing rumors irresponsibly, embellishing vulgarity with ulterior motives, and exposing vulgarity. It made my behavior itself stained with vulgarity.This confirms what the people of Toon Street think of me as an eccentric, spooky, dangling half-bottle of vinegar.If they knew that I wrote this novel, they would spit and spit at me until they drowned me. There is a passage in "Xiangxian Unofficial History" that describes the soft affairs of the Mei family. The excerpts are as follows: During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, a big joke was made in the Meijia teahouse because of the disharmony between the husband and wife and their personal affairs.It is said that Mei Erlang and his wife Zhang Shi have always been at odds, and each has an affair outside.However, there has been a long-standing rift between Erlang's mother and Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and the mother-in-law is determined to seize the opportunity of her daughter-in-law's adultery, which can be described as well-intentioned.One day, the mother-in-law found out that Mrs. Zhang was having a tryst with someone in the east neighbor Wang's house. The mother-in-law was overjoyed, but the Wang's high-rise building and deep courtyard made it difficult to sneak in. The mother-in-law had an idea and went home to get a ladder. trace.The mother-in-law went upstairs to look again, found Erlang's room, and saw the window was open.The ladder was actually placed outside the window, with one end in the courtyard of Liu's house on the west.The mother-in-law was eager to grab the ladder, and hurried up to pull the ladder up. When she was about to pull the ladder up, she suddenly heard Erlang's voice from the back room of Liu's house, saying, "I can't pull the ladder, I can't pull the ladder."It turns out that Erlang is also making a couple with Liu's daughter-in-law.Poor old lady of the Mei family, she wanted to cry in front of the ladder, but she couldn't laugh or cry. There is also a section in "Xiangjie Unofficial History" that describes the sensational nail murder case in the history of Meijia teahouse.It's creepy to read. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Meijia teahouse was jointly operated by the Mei brothers. The two brothers worked together, and the business of the teahouse was prosperous and the financial resources were prosperous.Later, for the distribution of money, the two brothers quarreled and fought repeatedly.The younger brother is five-year-old and three-faced, quite strong, but the elder brother is emaciated and not good at using martial arts, so he often suffers in fights.After a long time, the elder brother said to his wife, if he is not poisonous, he will not be a husband. I will put him to death and hurry up.The wife said, he is so strong, why did you put him to death?My brother said, a strong person must die suddenly, just wait, tomorrow that guy will definitely die suddenly on the bed.He has not yet married a wife and had children. Tomorrow, your sister-in-law must hug the dead body and cry loudly to comfort the spirit of the ancestors in heaven.The next morning, my sister-in-law went into my uncle's room and saw him lying on the bed straight up. When he touched his nostrils, it was as if his breath was cold.The sister-in-law burst into tears immediately, and hung white cloth and hemp pieces on the lintel of the teahouse, attracting many tea drinkers and street people to look at the dead man, whose complexion was still rosy, as if still immersed in a dream.It was said to be a violent death, everyone believed it, my brother invited a coroner to come, and the coroner searched all parts of the body, but found no wounds, palpated his tongue coating, and it was not caused by poison.The corpse was buried for three days, and people were buried for the funeral. Unexpectedly, a clever nailer realized the cause of the death of the deceased. At that time, the nailer was holding a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other, and was waiting to drive the last long nail into the coffin. The man's eyes lit up, and he screamed suddenly, nails, nails.He opened the planting board and untied the bun on the dead man's head, and sure enough, he found an iron nail embedded in the dead man's celestial spirit cover.At this time, my brother knelt down and confessed, and the truth of the so-called violent death came to light.The next day, my brother was thrown into prison.The Meijia Teahouse was empty for a while, and was supported by orphans and widows. Miserable. Records like this are common in the unofficial history of novels in the past dynasties, but "Xiangjie Unofficial History" records the historical stories of our street like smoke and clouds, especially the Mei family that I am familiar with is mentioned twice in the book. Teahouse, mentioned the anecdote of Jin Wenkai's ancestors, I think the author of the book is full of foresight about today's life, the life hundreds of years ago is still scattered in every corner of this street, rape and murder are full of reality and our dreams middle.Every chapter in the book made me feel like I was there. Some people speculate that the author of "Unofficial History of Fragrant Street" is Jin Wenkai, saying that he lived in seclusion at home in his later years to write this strange book full of crimes, hypocrisy and fraud.I can't agree, because I remember very clearly that the book was published underground in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and it could not have been written by Jin Wenkai.In order to prove my point of view, I went under the bed and looked through all the books in my collection, but the result was very strange, the book disappeared, and I can't find it again. I don't know when I lost the precious "Unofficial History of Xiangjie", maybe it has been lost for many years.Now I am faced with a certain desperation, and should the townspeople of Toon Street attack my work, I will have no other evidence. When the first heavy snow fell in winter, Miss Hongling's body floated up from the river, and the river slowly lifted her swollen and heavy body, flowing from upstream to downstream. Miss Hongling came from this river and returned to this river. The residents of Xiangtongshu all flocked to the head of the Monk Bridge, condescending, pointing to the gray female corpse in the river, which was like a pile of industrial waste, moving slowly in people's sight.When Miss Hongling passed through the hole of the Monk Bridge peacefully, the women noticed that the abdomen of the deceased was swollen abnormally, which was far beyond the comparison of ordinary drowning people, so they agreed that there were two lives, and there was another life in her belly. And went. Someone poked Miss Hongling's body to the shore with a bamboo pole, then put the dead body into a sack, and the dumb brothers on East Street carried it one after the other to Yao Bizhen's Meijia Teahouse.At the door of the tea coffin, the dumb brothers were stopped by Yao Bizhen, who blocked the door with both arms. She said, who told you to carry the dead to my house?Is she my mother or my daughter?Carry me back, carry me back.The dumb brother couldn't speak, so he put the big sack on the ground, and the person next to him who could speak began to speak, and your lady boss could speak, so carry it back?Carry it back to the river?She is from the Meijia teahouse, where will she go if she doesn't go back to the teahouse?Yao Bizhen cursed herself, who said she was from a teahouse?She stays here dead, beat her and won't leave, scold her for sure, do you still want me to collect the body after she dies?Who of you went to fish it? It’s none of my business to do good things to the end. The one who fished up the corpse was the dumb brother. At this time, the dumb brother opened his hands to Yao Bizhen. What are you waiting for? Yao Bizhen said, what do you want with your open hands?The dumb brother gestured carefully, and it turned out that he was asking for money.Yao Bizhen was so angry that she jumped up and cursed, asking me for money?My old lady rewards each of you with a menstrual belt, do you want it? Yao Bizhen's brutal attitude did not frighten the people from Xiangchunshu Street who came to pay their respects to the deceased, and they sighed at the wet sacks on the ground.Why did such a big girl die in the river?Go open her mouth and ask her, why did she die in the river?I want to hear it too.At this time, a sharp voice sounded from the crowd, "Deliberate murder, deliberate murder at Meijia Teahouse."Many people present did not understand the meaning of premeditated murder. They looked at the man, whose face turned red and then turned white. He covered his excited eyes with a peaked cap, turned around and fled from the crowd. That person was me. After I announced my judgment in front of the crowd, I turned around and ran away from the crowd. I passed by a large number of people who were going to the Meijia teahouse to see the dead, and walked in the opposite direction.The snowflakes in the sky floated to my shoulders one by one, floating on the street of Toon Tree, and quickly accumulated into a thin layer of snow. Looking back, our Toon Tree Street was covered with snow for a day, and it was so clean. Facts have proved that my judgment is correct, Miss Hongling was indeed deliberately murdered. On a snowy night in the winter of 1979, Li Chang threw the sleeping girl Hongling out of the window along the river and into the river.Li Chang was captured on the way to flee Xinjiang, and was taken back to his hometown on Xiangchunshu Street.Li Chang's unsuccessful escape was purely the result of a misunderstanding, or a false sense of distance.Li Chang thought that the distance between Xinjiang and Toon Tree Street would not exceed the distance to Shanghai, so he ran to the coach station and asked the conductor for a ticket to Xinjiang.The conductor gave him a ticket to Xinjiang Town.He got on the long-distance bus to Xinjiang Town.What needs to be explained is that Li Chang only went to primary school for one year, and he knew the word "Xin" but not the word "Jiang", so people have nothing to regret about Li Chang's failure to abscond. The conversation between Li Chang and the interrogators when he was interrogated was widely circulated on Xiangchunshu Street. Li Chang, you killed someone, are you guilty? guilty.Otherwise I will not run. Li Chang, what is your motive for killing? There is little motivation.I didn't use a gun or a knife. I picked her up from the bed and threw her into the river, but she didn't say a word. Li Chang, why did you kill someone? She said she had a baby in her belly, and she said it was mine, and she wanted me to take her to elope, and she said she was willing to eat bran and swallow vegetables.I annoy her, I warned her three times not to bother me, but she didn't listen, so I can't blame me. Li Chang, do you know that she will die if she falls into the river? I wanted to scare her at first, who would have thought that she would sleep so dead without saying a word or calling for help. Li Chang, since he frightened her, why didn't he go into the river to save her later? I wanted to go down the river, but I was afraid of the cold. It was snowing heavily that day, and it was too cold to wear cotton clothes, so going down the river was even colder. Li Chang, is the child in her belly yours? I don't know, only God knows, everyone is dead, so go to someone to testify, she said it's mine, it's mine, it's a pity I don't have the blessing to be a father. Li Chang, don't be glib, be serious. I don't have a greasy tone, and I don't dare to be glib. Every sentence is true. If there are lies, you will shoot me down right now, leaving my chest pierced, my back pierced, and my heart chilled. After Li Chang was put on trial, an even bigger piece of news caused a great shock in Xiangchunshu Street. The eye-catching flashlight of Meijia Teahouse was actually tied to Li Chang’s waist belt. It is said that Li Chang slept on the pillow before Jin Wenkai’s death found in the core.According to Li Chang's own account, Jin Wenkai was still alive before he stole the gold. Jin Wenkai watched him put his hand into the pillow core with his eyes open, and then died. One day Yao Bizhen took a basket to visit the prison.She brought Li Chang his favorite stewed pork head meat, and passed it to Li Chang through the iron fence. Holding down Li Chang's hand and kissing, he took out a kitchen knife from the basket with one hand, and quickly chopped at Li Chang's hand.Both of them screamed, Li Chang's three hands.The fingers were chopped off, and they lay greasy and bloody in Yao Bizhen's bamboo basket, like three red lentils. Yao Bizhen said, Li Chang, I can't break your heart, as long as you have three fingers, go back and feed the dog, Yao Bizhen will leave without changing expression or beating heart, carrying the bamboo basket.Yao Bizhen adopted the principle of equivalent exchange in this way, exchanging a flashlight for Li Chang's three fingers. The south drifted silently in the dark. Year after year, I walked up and down Toon Tree Street.I have exhausted my memory, emptied every pocket full of gossip, and returned them to this Toon Street.But I have become very fragile now. Some people have accused me of spreading rumors, wantonly slandering my neighbors, accusing me of being ashamed of the Toon Tree Street that gave birth to me and raised me. Will betray Toon Tree Street more sinisterly than I, after all it has become a symbol of depravity. The Meijia Teahouse is getting more and more dilapidated and ancient.In the summer of 1989, the teahouse was deserted and deserted.One hot afternoon, I saw the door of the teahouse was ajar, with more than a dozen Eight Immortals tables and 50 chairs resting, dreaming nostalgic dreams.Yao Bizhen was already a bloated old woman. She dozed off on a table, her gray hair was disheveled by the wind from the electric fan, exuding an eternal charm. I walked across the head of the Monk Bridge, habitually looking at the window of the second floor of the teahouse covered with old newspapers, and heard the voice of the late owner of the teahouse Jin Wenkai, passing through this hot afternoon and the damp and sticky air, hitting me eardrum. He said, boy, run. Run, kid. So I really started to run, and I heard the familiar noise from the whole south chasing me closely, like a wronged soul, chasing me closely, pouring out its tears and misfortunes to me.
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