Home Categories contemporary fiction Shanghai King

Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

Shanghai King 虹影 4232Words 2018-03-19
When she offered sacrifices to Chang Lixiong, she placed chopsticks, spoons and wine cups in front of his grave, including bowls, snacks and dishes from restaurants. She knelt down, inserted three sticks of incense, and lit them. Then she took out tin foil and paper money from the paper bag beside her, and while she was burning it, she was talking to him. Before leaving, she planted twelve evergreens for him. I don't know how those evergreens look like, whether they have been eaten or bitten by insects. Recently, she thought more and more about the grave near the ancient town. Strange to say, her body has basically recovered since she had this strange sexual experience. Her long-term sickness is over, and now her face is full of spring.The Chinese medicine doctor said that her yin and yang were in harmony, and the diagnosis was extremely accurate.Of course, she and Huang Peiyu had been having sex, but they were just pleasing men on the bed. She herself had no sexual pleasure, and gradually she forgot that she was a woman.

After this special experience, she found that her sexual desire began to increase, and she was both happy and worried. The phone rang, and Xiao Yuegui picked up the receiver. It was the owner of Laoshun Tea House—the eyeliner she bought.As she agreed with him, contact him by phone.The owner of the teahouse looked honest and shrewd in his work. The phone call was not long, but after the call ended, Xiao Yuegui took out a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat off his face. "You old fox!" she cursed.Huang Peiyu really did what she thought, and sent someone to spy on her. Fortunately, she did not commit any reckless deviance that night.Of course, she also knew that Huang Peiyu would test her on purpose, just like his own concubines.Maybe Xiufang's new boyfriend was deliberately arranged by Huang Peiyu, it's okay to be careless.It's really pitiful to be Huang Peiyu's concubine, the fourth concubine who could speak foreign language but passed away early, now she doubts whether the woman really died of illness.Huang Peiyu can do that to Aunt Six. If other women are in his hands, the result will not be much better.

She remembered one time, the only time Huang Peiyu was upset on the bed, and Huang Peiyu woke her up with just a few words.She likes the fox fur coat in the closet very much, and she also misses being able to take a hot bath every day, including the white porcelain flush toilet, which is her sore spot.There are rumors in Shanghai that her thin skin and tender flesh are due to bathing with milk every day. This is not entirely groundless, and she often has a pint of milk in her bath water. She was ruthless: I am too worthless, is it worth it, value these enjoyments?Not only bathing, life can be spared!This poisonous oath gradually became her only comfort.

Xiao Yuegui went to the garden to cut off the branches of roses. She hadn't done physical labor for a long time, and her body was a little uncomfortable.The fallen leaves were on the lawn, and she grabbed them in one place with her bamboo claws. Li Yu saw her in the kitchen and came to help her. "In the spring of next year, I have to plant cherry trees." Xiao Yuegui said to Li Yu, "If I still live here." Li Yu looked at her and said, "I'm sure I can eat cherries. I'll give them to Mama to taste." It is said that Xin Daiyu adopted an orphan, loved the girl very much, and even sent her to a foreign school to receive a foreign education.Xiao Yuegui took the bamboo paw in her hand, stroked a lock of hair that fell on her cheek and said to Li Yu, "Send the child's New Year's money to Mommy early, she will need the money."

Li Yu said: "Miss, don't worry, I will do it on time." An oceanic typhoon blew across Shanghai in 1914. Where there were sycamore trees, there were often crawling insects jumping under the trees. In the first ten days of November of this year, at the end of autumn and early winter, people were very calm, and it was the time when business in the entertainment industry was booming. "Young Mistress's Fan" has been performed for a year, and the show is still full.Everyone in the Ruyi class is looking forward to a good year with a big red envelope.However, Xiao Yuegui was tired of acting in "Young Mistress's Fan".She discussed with Liu Ji about making a new play, and selected a number of scripts tailored for her, but she was not satisfied.Liu Ji said: "If it doesn't work, then I have to do it myself. But I don't have enough time, so I have to find a way."

"Maybe we can change a costume drama into a modern drama." Xiao Yuegui said, "You can put local wine in foreign bottles, and you can also put new wine in old bottles." "Today I will meet Yu Qiyang, that young man from Hongmen. He told me last week that a friend of his is also a screenwriter and has just returned to Shanghai from France." "Are you going to meet him tonight?" "He got married on a very happy day." Liu Ji asked back, "Why, you don't know?" "Oh, I forgot." Xiao Yuegui said, "But I have to finish the play before going to the wedding." She suddenly felt very annoyed, Yu Qiyang should have not informed her, she understood exactly what he meant .When Liu Ji was talking to others, she withdrew and left.She came out from the exit, took a shortcut back to her dressing room, and said to Li Yu, "I didn't feel well rested last night, and I want to sleep for a while."

She was afraid that she would fall asleep and not wake up, so she didn't lock the door, but just covered it up, so that Li Yu could come in and wake her up when the time came. The windows are English-style shutters, and she thinks it is too dark when the screens are drawn down, so she might as well close the casements.The sunlight leaked in, and she was restless on the wooden couch. After tossing for a while, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep for a while. The sunlight shone on her body and face.Within a few minutes, she really felt sleepy and fell into sleep. There was the sound of the door being pushed and closed, and the footsteps stopped after a few steps. After a while, she approached her. After a while, she felt that the man was in front of her, "Li Yu? What's the matter, oh, What time is it?" She said ignorantly.

"It's still early." A man's voice was clearly not Li Yu's. She was a little stunned, and immediately woke up halfway from her sleep. Out of instinct, she murmured to herself: "Qiyang?" No, this is absolutely impossible, today is a happy day for him to do important things, and he has almost forgotten her up. "It's me." It was the same familiar voice, a little astringent and deep, with the smell of seaweed. She didn't say anything, her right hand moved on the side of the couch, holding a big and strong hand.Her heart immediately warmed up, tears streaming down her face, "If you're not the bridegroom officer, why are you here?"

He started to kiss the tears welling from the corners of her eyes, "Don't do that." She pushed him away, "I don't need your pity. You go." "I just want to see you before that unlucky wedding. It's your bad idea to ask Huang Peiyu to preside over the wedding, but I know you're angry, and I don't blame you," "I misunderstood you. You go." Yu Qiyang leaned over her body and put his face next to hers, "Don't you want me?" "No, I've never wanted you!" Her voice was firm, but her hands didn't listen to her and wrapped around his neck, "Why don't I want you, just once in my life! Who do I want? , no one can control it!"

Suddenly she burst into tears, and Yu Qiyang sealed her with his lips, preventing her from continuing.She broke free from his embrace, stood up, raised her head with a haughty expression.She took off her clothes one by one, and he also stood up and began to take off his clothes. The two looked at each other and understood that they were challenging and meeting: what they dared not do for so many years, they are going to do now . No one can stop, because they are compared with each other.Yu Qiyang saw Xiao Yuegui put her hands behind her head when she raised her arms to take off the last blouse, and her front breasts protruded like a statue. He imagined how many years her breasts were full, and the nipples on them stood majestically like a warrior.The moment she took off the last underwear, her naked body was tensed like a crossbow, turning into a pure hue.

He looked more robust than in clothes, well-proportioned, almost perfect except for a scar on the right breast, his skin somewhat tanned.His hair was a little disheveled, his eyes were burning with fire, and even his Adam's apple was throbbing.The two of them just looked at each other, motionless, and then she moved closer to him, and suddenly, like two rushing rivers, the two of them were crazily wrapped around each other.She grabbed his back, her nails sank deeply, and her hand was caught by him, and she fell to the ground. The costumes and her usual clothes were torn down, and they overwhelmed each other. He was on top for a while, and immediately She turned it up and pressed it down.Neither of the two wanted to enter each other first, as if to offset the long-term longing.The more this is the case, the more they feel that their bodies have never been so eager to burn into each other's bodies. He kissed her face, her full breasts, especially a mole between her cleavage, and she moaned softly as her crotch began to heave, hurting her heart more than his direct penetration. However, she just wouldn't let him in, he guessed her mind, and wouldn't let her hold his hard penis.Whenever her hand grasped it, he took her hand away, and he felt his swollen pain against her, sliding on the hot and wet lips teasingly. She already felt the opening and closing of the cervix, and even began to convulse, as if she had entered a happy state, but she still couldn't hold anything. At this moment, her body suddenly sucked him in, wrapping him layer upon layer, swallowing him inch by inch.He held her face in his hands, and because her legs were struggling, he held her legs, trying to penetrate to the bottom, to the deepest point.Her hands grabbed his hair excitedly, her body was still struggling, as if she wanted to push him out, but his body refused. She exhaled and started kissing his ears, his eyes.At this moment, their bodies are like whales in the deep sea, tormented by desire and swollen to death, they suddenly soar into midair, and there is a graceful pause, gazing at each other, like gazing at themselves in a mirror, that is their other half! Suddenly, the two of them fell into the sea together, sank, and dived to the rocky seabed. All the creatures were shocked by this momentum, and they automatically moved away, leaving a vast ocean to them.When they re-emerged from the water, they became two curves bent to meet each other, a spiral of rising desire. When they fell to the bottom of the sea again, they fell into the center of the flame, as if they were going to melt the whole life, turned into a burning liquid. Her moaning turned into a cry, and her body hit him even more crazily. He kept holding back his cry, but gasped, getting heavier and heavier, with a choked sob in his throat, like a wounded beast.Her voice was superimposed on his, and suddenly she felt a cloud of fog in front of her eyes. She knew that the hallucination she had been waiting for for many years had come again: a train was speeding towards her, and the roar of the train had just been heard, The front of the car had already rushed in front of her, and before she could figure it out, it was completely knocked away from the front.She heard the sound of her own bones shattering into powder and scattered.She closed her eyes tenderly, imagining that this was on the stage, how many people were watching and shedding tears for their consummation.Thinking of this, tears welled up in her eyes, and she felt that the light of this afternoon, the bright and warm light, turned around and shone all over. The sunlight has been so intimately reflecting her own naked body and his naked body through the window casement, and she and him are lying flat on the ground.He turned over and raised his face to look at her. She said, "What? Have you never seen a woman? The little cock who grew up in a brothel, never touched a woman?" "No." He said, "I just haven't seen a woman like you." "Why do you say you haven't seen it?" She looked at his face and asked curiously. He said: "So dignified on the stage, so slutty on the bed." It seems that he has been thinking about this question in his heart. "Isn't that what you men want?" she said. "I like it," he said. "Other men want women to be reserved, even whores should be shy, and say that men like it." "As long as you want me, other men will find another shy woman!" She said and hugged him, and they kissed passionately again.I don't know how many times this is the first time they have had sex. The whole afternoon, the two stopped and stopped, ups and downs, as if they wanted to swallow all the joys of the previous years and the future years at once. I could hear someone from outside looking for Xiao Yuegui, but Li Yu stopped her at the door.After that, Li Yu was worried that someone would knock on the door again, so he simply took a stool and peeled melon seeds there by himself.She said to the person who came to look for Xiao Yuegui: "Miss didn't sleep well last night and was resting. Otherwise, how would you go on stage at night?" The sunlight moved from the wooden couch to the vanity mirror, slightly flushed.Yu Qiyang withdrew from Xiao Yuegui's arms and began to put on his clothes, "Little Yuegui, I can't come here often." Xiao Yuegui's voice was extremely low: "I understand." She didn't look at him, but she knew in her heart that what he said was very tactful: this is the first time, and it may also be the last time. Yu Qiyang sighed and said, "It's all fate." "I see." "You don't blame me?" "With such an afternoon, this life is enough." "I'm leaving." Xiao Yuegui turned around and leaned against the pillow, biting a strand of hair in her mouth, listening to the sound of him putting on his clothes.The room was so quiet, there were voices and footsteps in the aisle.Xiao Yuegui knew in her heart that it might be almost six o'clock now.The sun has sunk to the bottom of the Huangpu River, can Yu Qiyang not leave?Still waiting for the wedding!She turned to look at him. He had already put on his tie and was bending over to tie his shoelaces. He used his hand as a comb to comb his hair, then found his suit jacket among the pile of clothes and put it on. He made his way to the door, and she watched.Will he come back?she asked herself.He stopped at the door, which seemed to her hesitant and worried, but he immediately unscrewed the latch and went out.She turned and lay on her back, the ceiling was too high to touch. "What are you worried about? The end has not yet come. But you go, I won't blame you." Xiao Yuegui looked at the light cast by the afterglow on the wooden couch, "I can live without you. Without you, I should I can do what I do.”
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