Home Categories contemporary fiction life and death fatigue

Chapter 49 Chapter Forty-eight

life and death fatigue 莫言 5882Words 2018-03-19
Jinlong called me and said that his mother was seriously ill.As soon as I stepped into the hall of Ximen's house, I knew I had fallen into his trap. The mother was indeed ill, but not dying.Holding the prickly prickly ash wood walking stick full of hard thorns, my mother sat on a bench on the west side of the hall, her white-haired head trembling constantly, and muddy tears gushed out continuously.The father is sitting on the right side of the mother, between the two elders, there is enough distance to sit in one person.As soon as he saw me coming in, my father peeled off a shoe, roared in a low voice, jumped in front of me, couldn't help but pointed at my left cheek, and slapped the sole of the shoe hard.I felt a "buzz" sound deep in my ears, golden flowers were rushing in front of my eyes, and my cheeks were burning.I saw that the moment my father jumped up, the bench suddenly tilted up, and my mother's body fell to the ground, and then leaned back.The crutch in her hand was like a spear, held up high, as if pointing directly at my chest.I remember I yelled "Mother—" and wanted to rush up to support my mother, but my body couldn't help but backed up, backed all the way to the door, and then sat on the threshold.At the same time I felt the pain of my coccyx being hurt by the threshold, my body leaned back, and the moment I felt the pain of the back of my head being touched by the stone on the steps, I was already lying down with my head down and my feet high. The embarrassing posture inside and halfway outside the door.

Nobody helped me.I get up by myself.There was a "buzzing" in my ears, and there was a taste of rust in my mouth.I saw my father was hit by the reaction force on my cheeks and turned around in the hall several times. After standing still, he rushed up again wiping his shoes.Dad's face was half blue and half purple, with green sparks in his eyes.My father, who has survived decades of heavy wind and rain, has been angry countless times. I am familiar with his appearance when he is angry, but this time, father's anger is also mixed with many emotions. Sad, and a huge shame.When he hit the sole of my shoe, it was definitely not for show, but he used all his strength.If I hadn't been in the prime of my life and my bones were hard, this sole would have knocked my head flat.Even in my prime, with strong bones, this sole shook my head.Standing up, I was dizzy, and for a moment I forgot where I was. The people in front of me seemed to be weightless, phosphorescent, erratic ghosts.

It seemed that Ximen Jinlong blocked the blue-faced old man who was about to attack me a second time.After he was hugged, his body was still bouncing up and down like a black fish caught out of the water.He also threw the black and heavy shoe in his hand at me.I didn't dodge, the part of my brain that directs my body to dodge was dormant at that moment.I just watched that big old ugly shoe flying towards me like a monster, like flying towards a body that has nothing to do with me.The big shoe touched my chest, lingered on it for a moment, and then rolled and landed on the ground without any trouble.I probably thought about looking down at the shoe-shaped monster, but dizziness and vertigo stopped my inappropriate, meaningless movement.I felt a hot and humid sensation in my left nostril, followed by the itching of insects crawling out.I reached out and touched it, and in the extreme dizziness, I saw that there was a dark golden liquid on my finger that was stained with green oil.In a trance, I heard Pang Chunmiao's gentle voice saying deep in my ear: You have a nosebleed.As the nosebleeds flowed out, I felt as if there was a gap in my chaotic head, and the fresh air poured in from this gap, and the cool area continued to expand. I was freed from the idiot state, my brain began to work normally, and my nervous system returned to normal .This was the second time in ten days that I had a nosebleed. The first time was when Hong Taiyue's petition team stumbled on the ground in front of the county government gate.Ah, I regained my memory.I saw Baofeng help my mother up.The mother's mouth was crooked, saliva flowed to her chin, and she said vaguely:

"Son...don't hit my son..." Mother's pepperwood walking stick lay on the ground like a dead snake.A familiar song sounded deep in my ears, and a few bees flew around the melody: mother, mother, white-haired mother~~ I feel deeply guilty, I feel great sadness, and tears flow Into my mouth, it turned out to be an aromatic taste.The mother struggled in Baofeng's arms with astonishing strength, and Baofeng couldn't hold her in his arms alone.From my mother's posture, I could see that she wanted to pick up the dead snake-like crutch.Baofeng understood her mother's intentions, put her arms around her, stretched out one leg, hooked the crutch closer, freed up one hand, picked up the crutch, and put it in her mother's hand.The mother raised her crutches and pounded towards the father who was hugged by the golden dragon, but her arms were no longer strong enough to control the heavy prickly ash wood stick, and the crutches fell to the ground again. The mother gave up her efforts and cursed vaguely:

"You ruthless... don't hit my son..." The chaos lasted for a long time and gradually calmed down.My mind has mostly returned to normal.I saw my father squatting at the foot of the south wall of the hall, holding his head in his hands, but his face could not be seen, only a head of messy hair like a hedgehog.The bench had already been lifted up, and Baofeng sat on it with his mother in his arms.Jin Long bent down to pick up the shoe, put it in front of his father, and said to me indifferently: "Man, I didn't want to get involved in such a mess, but the old people asked me to do it. As a junior, I can only obey."

The golden dragon's arm made a circle and a half, and my eyes spun along with it.I saw my parents who had finished their performance and fell into pain and helplessness. I saw Pang Hu and Wang Leyun sitting behind the famous Eight Immortals table in the middle of the hall. I felt ashamed to face them. I saw Huang Tong and Wu Qiuxiang sitting side by side on the bench on the east side of the hall, and Huang Huzhu standing behind Wu Qiuxiang, constantly raising his sleeves to wipe away tears.Even in such a tense situation, I did not ignore the fascinating fluorescent light of her thick, thick, magical hair.

"Everyone knows about the divorce between you and cooperation," Jin Long said, "and everyone knows about you and Chunmiao." "You little blue face who has lost his conscience..." Wu Qiuxiang screamed and screamed, stabbing her arms and trying to pounce on me, but Jinlong blocked her.Huzhu sat her down on the stool, and she continued to yell and curse, "What is my daughter sorry for you? What is my daughter not worthy of you? Lan Jiefang, Lan Jiefang, if you do this, won't you be afraid of thunder?" "You can marry if you want, and leave if you want? When my family cooperated to marry you, what kind of thing were you? Now that you have just become a human, you want to kick us? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?" Huang Hitomi said angrily, "Go to the county party committee, the provincial party committee, and the central government!"

"Brother," Jin Long said earnestly, "Divorce or not is your personal matter. It is said that even your biological parents have no right to interfere, but this matter involves too many aspects. Once it is publicized, it will have a great impact. You should listen to it." Let’s listen to what Uncle and Aunt Pang have to say.” From the bottom of my heart, I don't pay much attention to my parents and the attitude of the Huang family, but facing the Pang family, I feel ashamed. "I shouldn't call you Liberation anymore, I should call you Deputy County Magistrate Lan!" Pang Hu coughed a few times and said mockingly.He glanced at his bloated wife beside him and asked, "When did they enter the cotton processing factory?" Before his wife could answer, he continued, "It was 1976. What did you know about Lan Jiefang? You were crazy at that time." , do not understand anything. But I put you in the laboratory to learn cotton inspection, which is easy and decent work. Many young people who are more talented, more beautiful than you, and have more background than you are carrying big baskets. A basket of cotton weighs more than 200 catties. One shift is eight hours, sometimes nine hours, and you don’t stop running as soon as you get to work. You should know what it’s like to work like that. You are a seasonal worker and you should work for three months. I sent you back home, but I thought about the benefits your father and mother had done to us, so I never let you go. Later, I tried my best to get you away because of the important person in the county society. You know how the leaders of the county society treated you at that time. Did I say that? They said, 'Old Pang, why did you recommend a blue-faced pawn to us?' How did I tell them then? I said, this guy is ugly, but he is honest, honest and talented. Of course, later on you did a good job, you got promoted step by step, I am happy for you and proud of you, but you would know that if I hadn’t recommended you to join the county club, if my family hadn’t secretly supported you in anti-Americanism, you would have been liberated Can you have today? You are rich, and you want to stop your wife and marry another. This kind of thing has happened since ancient times. If you are not afraid of losing your conscience and being scolded by thousands of people, you can leave and marry. What do you have to do with our old Pang family? But you How the hell did you dare to take my Chunmiao... How old is she, Lan Jiefang? She is twenty years younger than you, and she is still a child. If you do this, she is not as good as a beast! If you do this, I am sorry Are you worthy of your father-in-law and mother-in-law? Are you worthy of your wife and son? Are you worthy of my old Pang’s wooden leg? Lan Jiefang, I am a narrow escape. I didn’t shed a single tear after the landmine exploded. During the Cultural Revolution, those Red Guards called me a fake hero and beat me on the head with my wooden leg. I didn’t shed a tear, but you let me…” Pang The old tiger burst into tears, and his wife cried and wiped away the tears for him. He pushed his wife's hand away, and said angrily, "Lan Jiefang, you are riding on my old man's neck to shit..." He bent down and shouted Panting heavily, he tore off the prosthetic limb, lifted it up with both hands, and threw it in front of me, saying solemnly, "Deputy Magistrate Lan, please take care of this wooden leg. I left Chunmiao because of my friendship with your parents for many years. You want to destroy yourself, we can't control it, but you can't let my daughter be buried for you!"

I didn't say sorry to anyone.Their words, especially those of Pang Hu, stabbed my chest like a knife. I have a thousand reasons, and it seems that I should say sorry to them, but I didn't say it; I should sever ties with Pang Chunmiao and reconcile with Huang Hezuo, but I know I can't do it. Not long ago, when Huang He used blood letters to protest against me, I really thought about giving up, but as time went by, the longing for Pang Chunmiao made me lose my soul. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or do anything. Work.I don't fucking want to do any work either.After returning from a meeting in the provincial capital, the first thing I did was to go straight to the children's department of Xinhua Bookstore to find Pang Chunmiao.Standing at her working position was a strange woman with a purple face. She told me in an extremely indifferent manner that Chun Miao was on sick leave.I saw the familiar faces of the few salesgirls in the store looking at me furtively.Look, scold, I don't care about anything anymore.I found the single staff dormitory of Xinhua Bookstore, and her room was locked.I leaned over the windowpane and saw her bed, her table, the washbasin on her washstand and the round mirror hanging on the wall, and I saw the pink teddy bear on the head of her bed.Chunmiao, my dear, where are you? I found Pang Hu and Wang Leyun's home in the county seat by roundabout ways. It was also a rural courtyard with an iron lock on the gate.I yelled so loudly that the neighbor's dog barked.Even though I knew that Chunmiao would never hide at Pang Kangmei's house, I still had the courage to knock on her door.This is the No. 1 dormitory of the county party committee, a small two-story building with high walls and heavy security.It was only by showing off my identity as the deputy county magistrate that I managed to get away with it.I knock on her door.The dogs in the yard were barking wildly.I know there are cameras over the gate of her house, and if anyone is in the house, they can identify me.But no one ever opened the door.The gatekeeper who let me in ran over with a frightened expression, not ordering me to go, but begging me to go.I go.I walked to the busy street, wishing I could shout in the street: Chun Miao, where are you? I can't live without you, I'd rather die without you.What reputation, status, family, money... I don't want all of these, I just want you.I want to see you for the last time, if you say you want to leave me, then I will die immediately, and you go...

I didn't apologize to them, let alone express my opinion to them.I knelt down and kowtowed to my parents who gave birth to me and raised me, then turned around and kowtowed to the Huang family. After all, they were my parents-in-law.Then, facing north, I kowtowed to Pang Hu and his wife most solemnly and solemnly.I am grateful to them for supporting and helping me, and I am even more grateful to them for giving birth to spring seedlings for me.Then, holding the prosthesis that symbolizes history and glory in both hands, I stepped forward on my knees and placed it on the table of the Eight Immortals.I stood up, stepped back to the door, bowed deeply, straightened my waist, turned around, and walked west along the street without saying a word.

I already knew from the attitude of the driver Xiao Hu that my official career was over.When I came back from the provincial capital, the first time I saw him, he complained to me that my wife called the bus under my banner.When I went back to my hometown this time, he actually refused to drive on the grounds that the electric circuit of the car was broken.I hitchhiked from the Farm Bureau.Now, I am walking, heading west, that is the direction to the county seat, but do I really want to go back to the county seat? What am I going back to the county seat? Where is Chunmiao, I should go there, but where is Chunmiao? Golden Dragon's Cadillac caught up and stopped beside me silently.He opened the car door and said to me: "boarding!" "No need." I said. "Come up!" he said in an undeniable tone, "I have something to ask you." I got into his limo. I enter his luxurious office. Leaning back on the soft fuchsia leather sofa, he took a long puff of smoke, stared at the crystal chandelier, and said leisurely: "Brother, do you think this life is like a dream?" I didn't say a word, waiting for him to continue. "Do you still remember the scene when we were grazing cattle on the river beach?" He said, "At that time, in order to force you to join the commune, I beat you once a day. Who would have thought that after more than 20 years, the people's commune would be like a pile of sand? The house fell apart in an instant. We never dreamed at that time that you could become the deputy county magistrate and I could become the chairman. Many sacred head-losing things back then seem like shit today.” I still don't say anything, I know what he wants to say is not these. He straightened up, pressed the cigarette that had just been burned less than a third into the ashtray, stared at me and said: "There are many beautiful women in the county. Why do you provoke such a skinny little girl? You can't help but tell me, what do you want to play? Black, white, fat, thin , I can get it for you. If you want to open up foreign meat, that's easy, those Russian girls only cost a thousand yuan a night!" "If you ask me to tell you this," I stood up and said, "then I'm leaving!" "Stop!" He slapped the table angrily, and the ash in the ashtray was blown up. He said, "You are a complete bastard! Rabbits don't eat the grass beside the nest, let alone it is not good grass!" He lit it again A cigarette, choked on it, coughed, stubbed out the cigarette, "Do you know what relationship I have with Pang Kangmei? She is my mistress! This Ximentun Tourism Development Zone is, to put it bluntly, a business between the two of us. Great prospects, all messed up by your cock!" "I'm not interested in your affairs," I said, "I only care about Chunmiao's affairs." "So you don't want to give up?" he asked. "You really want to marry the little girl?" I nodded firmly. "No, absolutely not!" Ximen Jinlong stood up and paced back and forth in his spacious office. He stood in front of me, punched me in the chest, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Stop interacting with her immediately. Whatever you want to fuck, leave it to me. Fuck a lot, and you'll know, woman, that's what it is." "I'm sorry," I said, "your words make me sick, you have no right to interfere with my life, and I don't need you to help me organize my life." I walked away, he grabbed my shoulders and held me, and said in a gentler tone: "Of course, love may really exist. We discussed a compromise plan: You first stabilize your energy, don't get divorced, and don't contact Pang Chunmiao for the time being. We'll get you outside Go to the county, or further away, in the city, the provincial capital, at least level-up, do some work and you will be promoted to a higher level. At that time, I will cover the divorce between you and the cooperation. The big deal is money, Three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, one million, there is no woman who doesn't fucking see money! Then, transfer Pang Chunmiao over, and you can enjoy love! Actually," he paused, said, " We don't want to do this, it takes a lot of effort, but who makes me your brother and she her sister?" "Thanks," I said, "thank you for all the tips, but I don't need it, I really don't need it." I went to the door, took a few steps back, and said, "As you said just now, you are my elder brother, and she is her elder sister, so I advise you not to have too much appetite, and the Skynet is back! I Lan Jiefang's extramarital affairs are nothing more than a moral issue in the final analysis, but once you play Head over..." "You have taught me a lesson," Jin Long sneered, "then don't blame me for being rude! Now, get the hell out of here!" "Where do you hide the spring seedlings?" I asked him coldly. "Get out!" His snarls were cut off by the leather-wrapped door. I was walking on the street in Ximentun, tears filled my eyes for no reason.The sun in the west is very bright, and tears make me see the colorful light of seven colors.Several half-grown children followed behind me.A few dogs followed me.I strode so fast that the kids couldn't keep up with me.To see the tears in my eyes, or to see my ugly blue face, they had to run past me and back away, looking at me. When I passed by Ximen’s compound, I didn’t look sideways, even though I knew that my parents might die soon because of me, and I was an unfilial son, but I never backed down. At the head of the bridge, Hong Taiyue stopped me.He was half drunk, he floated out of the Bridge Tavern, not out.He grabbed the clothes on my chest with his fingers like iron pincers, and shouted loudly: "Liberation, you little bastard! You detain me, you detain an old revolutionary! You detain a loyal soldier of Chairman Mao! You detain a warrior against corruption! You detain my body, but you cannot detain the truth! Thorough materialists are fearless, I am not afraid of you!" Several people came out of the tavern and tore Hong Taiyue away from me.Blurred eyes made it difficult for me to see the faces of these people. I walked onto the bridge, and the river was shimmering with golden light, like a great road.I heard Hong Taiyue yelling loudly behind me: "Little bastard, you give me back my cow's hip bone!"
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