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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Altar

sandalwood punishment 莫言 12307Words 2018-03-19
He opened his eyes and saw a blinding ray of light shooting down from between the willow branches.As soon as the tragic scene he witnessed on the treetop flashed in his mind, his heart contracted painfully like a cow's testicles that had been hit suddenly.From this moment on, in his ears, the urgent sound of gongs and drums sounded like beacon fire, just like the prelude to an upcoming feline drama. The piano is played continuously and repeatedly.These voices that have accompanied him for half of his life blunt the sharp pain in his heart, just like erasing the peaks of a high mountain, filling up a thousand-foot ravine, turning his pain into a long plateau.Flocks of magpies, following the roar of the music in his heart, are flying dramatically, like a swirling cloud of tile-blue light; and the tireless woodpeckers are pecking wood, which is the rhythm of this rapid music.Liusi fluttered in the breeze, just like his handsome beard back then. ——I, my, carrying a winter wooden stick ~~ holding a snow knife in my arms~~ I took one step and wept and wailed~~ I took two steps and I was angry~~ I, I, and I hurriedly walked down the narrow path to hate Lu Yao——The sad and angry singing voice is in his With a roar in his heart, he held the trunk of the tree with his hands, stood up with difficulty, shook his head, and stomped his feet on the ground. ——Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!Bitter wow -!With Sun Bing, I raised my eyes to the north to look at my home, and there was a raging fire billowing black smoke in the midair.My wife, she, she, she was chased by poisonous hands and buried in the belly of a fish, my son was miserable!A pair of children also died in Huangquan~~ I hate this foreign devil with white hair and green eyes, his heart is like a snake, and he has no conscience.He killed innocent people in vain, and made my family ruined and shabby. My, my, miserable~~ He staggered out of the willow forest with the jujube stick that brought him disaster. ——I am I am like a lone goose that has lost its flock, I am like a tiger falling on the plains, and a dragon trapped in the shallows... He picked up the jujube stick, pointed east and hit west, and pointed north to hit the willow skin. The trees are crying—the German devils!You, you, you, killing your wife and children are so cruel~~ This bloody revenge must be avenged——咚咚咚咚咚——Rig Rig Rig Rig Righ—If you don’t take revenge, you’re not a man——He waved a big stick, stumbled to the Masan River.The river water soaked to his stomach.Although the river water in February has started to freeze, it is still bone-chillingly cold.But he didn't realize that the anger of revenge was burning in his heart.It was very difficult for him to walk in the river. The water was like a group of foreign soldiers, blocking him and dragging him.He rushed straight, beat the skin of the water with a club, pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa papa!The sound of water splashing, the water splashing in all directions - as if the tiger entered the flock - the water splashed on his face, it was misty, gray and white, and blood red - broke into the tiger's lair, killed it, blood flowed into a river, I, I I am the judge who urged me to die, Impermanence who demanded my life—Using both hands and feet, he climbed up the embankment, knelt down on the ground, and caressed the blood on the embankment that had not completely dried—My Jiaoer, see Jiaoer’s life Going to Huangquan, my liver and intestines are broken~~ I am dizzy, I am spinning, and I am angry-his hands are covered with blood and mud.The burning houses released scorching heat waves.Hot dust filled the sky.He felt fishy, ​​sweet, bitter and salty in his throat, and when he lowered his head, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

In this massacre, twenty-seven people in Masang Town were killed.People carried the bodies of their relatives to the embankment and lined up, waiting for the county magistrate to come and watch.Under Zhang Erye's control, several young men jumped into the river, and brought back the bodies of Xiao Taohong and Bao'er Yun'er who had been washed five miles away by the river, and put them together with the corpses of the villagers.She was covered with a worn-out jacket, and her white, rashed legs were stretched out stiffly.Sun Bing remembered that when she played Huadan in Tsing Yi, she wore a pheasant tail on her head, a sword on her waist, embroidered shoes with fist-sized red velvet flowers on the toes, long sleeves, singing and dancing, her face like a peach blossom, her waist like a willow , opening the mouth to sing tenderly, looking forward to Bai Meisheng——my wife, how can I imagine that the hail shattered the spring red, and the wind knife and frost sword, my blood and tears... Seeing the red sun sinking to the west, I have already seen it again. There is a silver hook hanging high~~The sad song of the shepherd boy, the old crow sings the night~~The sound of the gong and the trembling of the sedan chair, the magistrate of Gaomi County came from over there...

Sun Bing saw that Mr. Qian came out of the sedan chair with his waist bent.His waist, which was always stretched and straight like a door panel, bent strangely.His normally smiling face convulsed horribly.His usual ponytail-like beard was disheveled like a skinny donkey's tail.His usual clear and sharp eyes became dull and dull.His hands clenched into fists helplessly for a while, and slapped his forehead nervously for a while.Several guards with knives followed behind him cautiously, not knowing whether to protect him or monitor him.He checked the bodies on the embankment one by one.The villagers watched him silently as he examined the body.He glanced at the solemn people with the corner of his eyes, and the bright sweat soon soaked his hair.Finally, he stopped his hurried footsteps, raised his sleeves, soaked in sweat, and said:

"Fathers and folks, you must restrain yourself..." "My lord, you have to decide for us..." The villagers cried violently and knelt down in black. "Folks, get up quickly. This tragedy has happened, and my heart is like a knife, but the dead cannot be brought back to life. Please prepare a coffin. Collect the dead and let them be safe..." "Did our people die in vain like this? Could it be that foreign devils are allowed to run amok like this?" "Folks, your grief is actually mine," the county magistrate said tearfully, "your parents are my parents, and your children are my children. Please be safe, my fathers and my fellow villagers. Don't be impatient, don't be impulsive. I will go to the provincial capital tomorrow to see the governor, and I will definitely seek justice for you."

"We carried the corpse into the provincial capital!" "Impossible, absolutely impossible," he said anxiously, "Please believe in me, I will definitely fight for your reasons, fight it out and don't want the flower feather on the top of your head!" Amidst the wailing of the common people, Sun Bing saw that Mr. Qian came forward avoiding the shadows, and said hesitantly: "Sun Bing, please go with me." The revolving music in Sun Bing's heart suddenly set off another climax, like a crack in the ground, like a landslide, and it soared into the wind.He raised his brows upside down, his tiger eyes wide open, and held up the jujube stick high up—Guan Gou, you are a hypocrite, and what you say to ask for your life for the people is clearly an opportunity to arrest people and do meritorious deeds.When you are an official, you don't make decisions for the people, and you are willing to be an accomplice.My, my, and my wife died in despair, revenge is authentic.Even if you have two Jinshi and know one county, even the emperor Laozi will not be selected.I'm gearing up, rubbing my hands, beating the stunned officials with a club without mercy—aiming at Mr. Qian's head, and slamming it down—stop, stop, cut off the head, but the scar is the size of a bowl, I'll kill you bastard The cannibal county magistrate, Mr. Qian, cleverly dodged to the side, and Sun Bing's stick smashed through the air with a gust of wind.Seeing that the master was in danger, the yamen servants raised their waist knives and stepped forward to capture Sun Bing.Sun Bing uttered a cry, it was a man who was desperately fighting, and a thousand troops could not reach him.Sun Bing jumped into a rage, like a mad beast, scorching sparks shot out from his eyes.All the people showed their power in unison, and the tide of anger was raging.Sun Bing made a whistling wind with a stick, and a fat yamen servant couldn't dodge, got hit in the middle with a stick, rolled a few somersaults and rolled down the embankment.Grandpa Qian looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Hey, I have good intentions, only the heavens can learn from it. Folks, it is about foreign affairs, so don't act rashly. Sun Bing, I let you go today, but I guess you escaped the first day of the junior high school, you can't escape Fifteen. Take good care of yourself!" Under the guard of the yamen servants, Mr. Qian got into the sedan chair.The sedan chair was started, and the wind was blowing under the bearers' feet, and the group of people was soon swallowed up by the heavy night. That night, Marsang Town stayed awake all night, the women cried one after another, and the sound of axes and chisels in the coffin shop continued until dawn.The next day, the neighbors helped each other and buried the dead.A row of white stubble coffins, crackling and crackling with iron nails.

After burying the dead, the living became a little confused, as if they had just woken up from a nightmare.Everyone gathered on the embankment, looking at the railway shacks in the field.The tall railway embankment has been laid to Liuting, a small village in the east of Northeast Gaomi Township, only six miles away from Masang Town.The graves of the ancestors will be suppressed, the waterways for flood discharge will be blocked, the thousand-year-old Feng Shui will be destroyed, the legend of cutting the braids to tie the soul to the railway will come alive, and everyone's head will not be safe.Parents and officials are the lackeys of foreigners, and the hard days of the common people are coming.Sun Bing's hair turned white overnight, and the few remaining beards turned into dead grass, which broke off one after another.He hopped around town dragging a stick like an old samurai out of his mind.People looked at him sympathetically, thinking that his mind was no longer clear, but they didn't expect that what he said was extraordinarily shrewd:

"Fellow folks, I, Sun Bing, killed the German technician, brought disaster, and affected all the neighbors. I am ashamed, I am terrified! You tied me up and offered it to Qian Ding, so that he could fight with the Germans." People talk about love, as long as they agree to reroute the railway, Sun Bing will die without complaint." Everyone helped Sun Bing up, and talked to him in one go: Sun Bing, Sun Bing, you are a good man with blood all over your body, you are not afraid of officials or foreigners, you are a hero.Although the cauldron in Masang Town was caused by you, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later.It's better to happen late than early.As long as that foreign devil builds the railway, we will not live in peace.I heard that when the dragon car ran, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and our adobe houses would either collapse or collapse.I heard people say that there was a uprising and Shenquan in Caozhou Mansion, and they were fighting against those foreign devils for supremacy.Tell Sun Bing to pack up and run for your life, go to Caozhou and move back to Shenquan to rescue the soldiers.Xinghua Tianyang ghost saves the common people.

Everyone pooled together some money and sent Sun Bing on the road overnight.Sun Bing sang with tears in his eyes: "Folks, how beautiful is the water of my hometown, and the love of my hometown is so dear. I, Sun Xi, have no teeth and never forget the great kindness. I won't return if I can't move to rescue the soldiers." The crowd sang: Take care of yourself when you go to the high mountains and high waters, and be smart when you go to the mountains.The folks are waiting for you eagerly, looking forward to your early return with heavenly soldiers and generals. two One afternoon twenty days later, Sun Bing was wearing a white robe, silver armor, six silver command flags on his back, a silver helmet on his head with a red tassel the size of a fist, and his face was painted cinnabar red. , with eyebrows drawn as inverted swords, wearing thick-soled boots and carrying a jujube stick, he returned to Masang Town with three steps and three swings.Behind him, there are two tiger generals, one is exquisite, light-legged and quick-footed, wearing a tiger-skin skirt around the waist, wearing a gold hoop, and carrying a wish-fulfilling stick. The great sage Sun Wukong.The other one with a big belly, wearing a straight black gown, and a Pilu hat on his head, is dragging a dung rake backwards. Needless to say, he is the canopy marshal Zhu Wuneng.

As soon as the group of three appeared on the embankment of the Masang River, they were just illuminated by the sun shining through the dark clouds.They have distinctive armor and strange shapes, and Yi Ran is a heavenly soldier who has just landed from the clouds.Young Master Wu who saw them first did not recognize Sun Bing.Sun Bing smiled at him, making him puzzled, and then frightened.Young Master Wu watched the three monsters enter the bun shop at the west end of the town, and never showed up again. At dusk, people in the town follow the old habit of drinking porridge on the street with large thick porcelain bowls.Young Master Wu ran from the east end of the street to the west end of the street, spreading the news that the demon had entered the village.Young Master Wu's words have always been covered in clouds and mist, and people listened with dubious confidence, right to be a pickle for dinner.At this time, from the west end of the town, there was a sudden sound of clanging gongs.I saw Sixi, the little boy in the stove bun shop, with a black kitten skin on his head, he drew the face of a civet cat, and jumped over like a tiger, with the tail of the kitten skin on his neck Then swing back and forth.He beat the gong and shouted:

"There is Sun Xi, who is extraordinary. Caozhou has learned Yihequan. Sun Zhu and two great immortals have moved in, paved the railway, killed traitors, and expelled foreign ghosts to keep safe. In the evening, Yihequan will be practiced at the bridgehead. Men, women and elders I went to see it when I was young. Everyone learns Yihequan. After learning Yihequan, guns and knives can't enter the body, and prolong life. After learning Yihequan, everyone is a brother. You don't need money for food. Learn Yihequan , the emperor wants to recruit security. Once recruited, everyone will become a high-ranking official. Confer wife and shade son, distribute food and land..." "So it's Sun Bing!" Young Master Wu exclaimed in surprise, "No wonder he looks familiar, no wonder he's smiling at me!" After dinner, a fire was lit at the bridgehead, and the flames lit up half the sky.With enthusiasm and curiosity, people gathered around the spring fire, waiting for Sun Bing to perform boxing. Beside the reed fire, a table for the Eight Immortals had been set up long ago. On the table was an incense burner, and three sticks of incense were burning in the burner.There are two candlesticks next to the incense burner, and two large red sheep oil waxes are inserted in the candlesticks. The candle flames dance and flicker, adding a lot of mystery.On the yellow fire, the flames were buzzing, shining so that the river water was like rotten silver.The door of the furnace bag shop was closed, and people were a little anxious.Someone shouted: "Sun Bing, Sun Bing, I've only been away for a few days, who doesn't know who? Why are you pretending to be a ghost? Come out quickly and show us the magical boxing exercises you have learned." Sixi squeezed out from the crack in the door of the stove bag shop, lowered her voice and said: "Stop making noise, they're drinking the rune!" Suddenly the door of the store opened wide, like a giant beast opening its mouth.The crowd was silent, their eyes widened, waiting for Sun Bing and the immortal he moved, just like waiting for a famous actor to appear on the stage.But Sun Bing still didn't come out.Quiet, quiet, the flowing water was blocked by the pier, making a splashing sound, and the flames were popping like red silk shaking in the wind.When people were feeling a little annoyed, there was movement, a lot of movement.The high-pitched voice, the singing voice of Xu Sheng in Maoqiang opera, is extremely high-pitched, slightly hoarse, but more charming: In order to repay the deepening of the back home—— The sound was like a green bamboo sticking up, poking into the eyes of the clouds, slowly falling down, and then suddenly rising again, higher than before, until it was so high that it could not be seen - Sixi beat the gong hurriedly Like the wind, without rhythm, knocking randomly.Sun Bing finally appeared from inside the door.He was still wearing the same daytime outfit, white robe and silver helmet, red face and sword eyebrows, thick-soled facing boots, and a jujube stick held upside down.Behind him, Wukong and Bajie followed closely.Sun Bing ran round the field around the reed man, almost keeping his feet on the ground. Based on the Wusheng's gait, he absorbed the gait characteristics of Daomadan. His small steps moved quickly, which really seemed to be flowing.Then there are kicks, body shakes, lower backs, somersaults, zombie falls, and finally a heroic and tragic appearance, followed by singing: Caozhoufu learned Yihe Shenquan.Immortals from all walks of life came to help, so that the foreign devil would not survive.At the time of parting, the big brother repeatedly asked me to go back to Gaomi and set up an altar.Teaching Shenquan to practice martial arts, people can move Mount Tai with unity of heart.Brother Monkey and Pig are specially sent to protect the Dharma. Both of them are true immortals who have just come down to earth. After Sun Bing sang the feline melody, the masses already underestimated him.What is said about Yihe Shenquan is nothing but a repeat of the old drama.Sun Bing clasped his fists and saluted everyone: "Dear neighbors, my brother went to Caozhou this time to meet Zhu Hongdeng, a master of Yihequan. He heard that the German devils built a railway in Northeast Gaomi Township and killed innocent people indiscriminately. He was really indignant and angry. He The old man originally wanted to lead the magic soldiers to destroy the oceans, but he was busy with military affairs and couldn't get away. The old man passed me the magic of the magic boxing, and ordered me to come back and set up an altar, teach the magic boxing, and expel the foreign ghosts from the Central Plains. They are Brother Hou Er and Brother Zhu San who were sent by the elder brother to help the altar to practice boxing. Both of them have invulnerability, and I will practice it for you later. Next, I will practice it for the folks first, even if it is a good example ." Sun Bing put down the jujube stick, molded a stack of yellow mounting paper from the bundle that Sun Wukong was carrying, and lit it with a candle.The paper burned in his hand, and the ashes curled and flew up, swirling in the air of the campfire.After burning the paper, he knelt down in front of the incense table and respectfully kowtowed three times.Then he stood up, took out a talisman from the bag, and burned it in a big black bowl.He poured water from a cardboard gourd into a black bowl.Using a new red chopstick, he stirred the paper ashes evenly, placed them on the incense table, knelt down and kowtowed three more times, then, still kneeling, picked up the black bowl on the incense table with both hands, poured the gray water in the bowl drink up.After drinking the magic general, he kowtowed three more times, then closed his eyes tightly and muttered something.Of course he was reciting a spell.The incantations were so vague that the masses could only hear individual words, but could not understand their meaning.His incantations fluctuated up and down, and the melodious tune was like a beautiful brocade, which made the crowd's eyelids sticky, yawning, and sleepy.Suddenly, he yelled loudly, foamed at the mouth, twitched all over, and fell backwards.Everyone was awakened, and they were about to come forward to save each other, but they were stopped by Wukong and Bajie. Everyone waited quietly for a while, but they saw Sun Bing jumping up from the ground like a carp.His burly and heavy body unexpectedly soared into the air like a feather, flying a full three feet high, and then landed firmly on the ground.Everyone knew Sun Bing's details, and knew that he was just a wild actor who would be out of breath after two somersaults on the stage. Seeing him suddenly display such outstanding lightness kung fu, they were all dumbfounded and secretly amazed.With the help of the blazing fire, everyone saw that Sun Bing's eyes radiated a strange look.On that red face, there was also a high spirit.The expression on this face was both familiar and unfamiliar to everyone.As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone had long been familiar with the ears of Sun Bing's voice, and immediately recognized that it was not Sun Bing's voice.This strange voice was cadenced, mighty and majestic, exuding an awe-inspiring and inviolable righteousness: "A certain Marshal of the Song Dynasty, surnamed Yue Mingfei, styled Pengju, born in Tangyin, Henan." Everyone's hearts suddenly hung high, like heavy red apples hanging on soft branches, swaying slowly, and then fell down with a bang, arousing the tension between gold and stone. "It's Marshal Yue!" "Yue Wumu is possessed!" One person in the crowd knelt down, and everyone followed, kneeling in unison.I saw Sun Bing, who was possessed by Marshal Yue's spirit, flying around the field, spinning around, light and floating, very handsome and handsome.His body was ups and downs, and the handsome flag on his back fluttered vigorously.The silver armor on the body has scales and light spots.Sun Bing at this time was not a human being, he was the dragon among the human beings.After flying around, he picked up the smooth jujube stick, like a silver spear, stabbed in the left side, picked up and down, like a strange python, like a long snake, everyone was dazzled and convinced, and kowtowed like a hammer garlic.He put away his stick, opened his golden voice, and sang: "I hate the Twelve Ways of Gold Medals that spoiled the country. All the three armies roared together, and the rolling Yellow River set off raging waves.... The most lamentable is the dire straits of the elders, and the most lamentable is that the Lord's car has not returned. When will the dust on the north bank be swept away? Traitorous hatred is hard to get rid of! Filled with grief and indignation to tell someone, hold the sword in the sky and scream! "So, Yue Pengju is also ordered by the Emperor of Heaven to descend from the spirit altar, possess Sun Bing, and teach you martial arts, so as to fight to the death with those foreign ghosts. Wukong obeyed the order—" The second senior brother dressed as Wukong took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, and said in a childlike voice: "The end is here!" "This commander ordered you to practice the eighteen monkey sticks for everyone to watch." "Decree!" Wukong tightened the tiger skin skirt around his waist, raised a hand, and wiped his face.When he took off his hands, it was as if he had changed a mask, that face became lively and lively.Seeing him squeezing his nose and making eyes, he looked like a monkey spirit, everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.After practicing the expression on his face, he let out a strange cry, leaned on a stick with both hands, and turned somersault on the flat ground.The crowd cheered in unison.After receiving the praise, he became even more energetic, and threw the Ruyi stick high into the sky, his body bounced up, he did two somersaults in the air, and landed firmly on the ground, without shaking or shaking, without making a sound , stretched out a hand, and just caught the wishful stick that fell from the sky.This series of movements was done precisely and just right.The crowd clapped wildly.Amid the applause and firelight, the Monkey King unleashed his cudgel technique.The side is like a dragon with a stick, and the stick is like a dragon.Poking, hitting, wiping, sweeping, smashing, pressing, blocking.Pumping, stirring, and picking, none of them is not good, and none of them is not good.The sound of the stick is buzzing, and the shadow of the stick is erratic.At the end, he poked the stick to the ground, and the stick stood like a pole. He jumped up and jumped onto the tip of the stick, with one leg standing alone like a golden rooster, with his palm covering his eyebrows, making a monkey look into the distance.Then, he did a backflip, landed in the air, and clasped his fists at everyone.But to see him, not panting, not sweating, generous and natural, really extraordinary.The crowd applauded and cheered: "OK!" Marshal Yue issued another general order: "Bajie obey orders!" The third senior brother Bajie ran over in a turbulent manner, and said in a low voice: "The end is here!" "This commander ordered you to practice the 18 sets of nailing and raking techniques for everyone to watch!" "The end will be ordered!" Bajie dragged the iron rake and smirked ho ho ho ho ho ho at the crowd, just like a silly big brother dragging a nail rake down the ground to pound dung.Everyone also saw that his weapon was originally an ordinary dung rake, which is available in every household and is a farm tool that everyone knows how to use.He dragged the rake and giggled around the field, and then around the field, and then around the field.Everyone was bored and amused, thinking to themselves, why does this third senior brother just laugh around in circles?After circling the field three times, he threw away the dung rake, landed on his hands and feet, and even climbed up around the field.While crawling, coaxing, like an old sow looking for food.Everyone finally couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.But looking at Marshal Yue, he stood majestically like a stone statue.Everyone wondered again: This third senior brother may have a unique trick behind him! Sure enough, after learning how the old sow arched the ground, the third senior brother used his hands and feet to crawl on the ground, running faster than a real pig.He made the same pig noises as he crawled.After climbing a few laps, he rolled on the ground.Rolling and rolling, it became a black whirlwind, twisting and erecting abruptly.The iron-toothed rake also came into his hands at some point.His movements seem clumsy and clumsy at first glance, but an expert can see that there is a cleverness hidden in the clumsiness, and every move is in place.The audience also applauded for him. Marshal Yue said: "Listen, fellow villagers, this commander has come to take charge of the altar under the order of the Jade Emperor, gather people to practice boxing, and soon will fight the foreign devil. The foreign devil is the reincarnation of the golden soldier, and you are all descendants of my Yue family army. Think of the foreign soldiers equipped with foreign guns and cannons, which are very sharp. How can you resist them if you don’t practice martial arts? God ordered me to pass on the magic fist to you. After practicing the magic fist, you will be invulnerable to weapons, water and fire Achieve the indestructible body of vajra, are you willing to listen to a certain general?" The crowd cheers: "Willing to listen to Marshal Yue!" Marshal Yue said: "Sun and Zhu Er will obey orders!" "The final general will obey orders!" "The final general will obey orders!" Marshal said: "Let the two of you show the golden bell cover of the Divine Fist for everyone to watch!" "Decree!" Sun Zhu and Sun Zhu agreed in unison. Marshal Yue burned two spells with his own hands, and ordered the second general Sun Zhu to drink them.Then, the marshal squeezed the formula with both hands, and spoke the truth, this time he read it very clearly, as if he deliberately let everyone hear and memorize it: "The golden bell cover and the iron cloth shirt all belong to Yihequan. Yihequan stands against the sky and becomes an iron fairy after drinking the magic talisman. The iron fairy sits on the iron lotus platform, with an iron head and iron waist and an iron wall. Come……" After chanting the incantation, Marshal took a mouthful of water, sprayed Wukong all over with a "poof", then took another mouthful of water, and sprayed Bajie all over with a "poof".Marshal said: "It's done, let's practice!" Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to his head.Zhu Bajie picked up the dung rake, pointed it at Monkey King's head, and beat the guy.Sun Wukong straightened his neck, but his head was unharmed. Zhu Bajie transported his breath to his stomach.Sun Wukong picked up the Ruyi stick, aimed at Bajie's stomach, and hit him.The huge force bounced Wukong back.Bajie rubbed his belly and laughed ho ho. Marshal Yue said: "If you don't believe me, you can come up and try it yourself!" There was a Lengtouqing, whose surname was Yu and whose name was Jin. He was so strong that he once knocked down a cow with one punch.He jumped into the circle, picked up a brick, and threw it at Wukong's head.The bricks shattered, but nothing happened to Goku's head.Yu Jin asked Sixi to go to the shop to get a kitchen knife, and said to Marshal Yue: "Marshal, how are you doing?" Marshal Yue smiled and remained silent. Zhu Bajie nodded. Yu Jin picked up the kitchen knife, exerted all the strength of sucking milk, and slashed at Bajie's belly.There was only a clang, like chopping steel.There was a white mark on Bajie's belly, but the blade of the kitchen knife was broken. At this moment, everyone was convinced and asked to learn boxing one after another. Marshal Yue said: "The best thing about Shenquan is quick success. Even if you don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, as long as you have a sincere heart, you will be effective. If you drink the spell, you will be possessed by gods. Whatever gods you want, they will come. Think Huang Tianba is Huang Tianba, and Lu Dongbin is Lu Dongbin if you think about it. When the spirit possesses your body, you will have great martial arts skills and infinite power. If you drink another spell, you will become an indestructible body, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire. The benefits of learning Yihequan are endless. You can defeat the enemy in the battle and keep you safe in the next battle. The crowd cheered in unison: "May I worship Marshal Yue as my teacher!" three Ten days later, it was the Qingming Festival of the Gengzi Year.In the morning, in the drizzle, Sun Bing gave orders to gather the troops he had just trained to attack the German road-building shacks. For ten days and nights, he, Sun and Zhu, two protectors, set up an altar at the bridgehead, worked tirelessly, drew amulets and chanted mantras, and practiced the skill of avoiding guns and bullets.All the strong men in the town joined the god group, worshiped the altar, and practiced magic fist.Even young people from surrounding villages came to participate with their own dry food.On the south bank of the Masang River, Mu Du, a young sheep herder, and Yu Jin, a stupefied young man, became Sun Bing's loyal followers.Mudu is supporting Zhang Bao in front of the horse, and Yu Jin is supporting Wang Heng, the queen of the horse.On the day of practicing boxing, everyone chose the gods and gods, famous generals, and heroes from ancient and modern times that they admire the most in their hearts, and became their own gods.Yue Yun, Niu Gao, Yang Zaixing, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Li Kui, Wu Song, Lu Zhishen, Tu Xingsun, Lei Zhenzi, Jiang Taigong, Yang Jian, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde, Yang Qilang, Hu Yanqing, Meng Liang, Jiao Zan... In short, all the characters in the play, the heroes in the books, and the ghosts in the legends all came out of their caves, went down the mountain, and attached themselves to the people of Masang Town, showing their supernatural powers.Sun Bing, that is, the loyal minister Yue Fei, the famous general who fought against gold, gathered all the heroes from all over the world under his command. Everyone has a heart of loyalty, and each of them possesses peerless martial arts. They all practiced in just ten days to become the indestructible body of King Kong , to compete with the German devils. Marshal Yue's prestige was high, and everyone responded.There are already 800 generals under his followers.He also actively mobilized women to dye a large amount of red cloth, tailor it into red headscarves and red sashes, and distributed them to his subordinates.He also designed a fiery red flag with the Big Dipper embroidered on it.He divided the eight hundred people into eight teams, and each team was divided into ten classes.There is a leader in the team and a leader in the class.The squad leader listens to the command of the captain, the captain listens to the command of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, who protect the law, and the two protectors follow the command of Marshal Yue. When the sky was bright in the morning of the Ching Ming Festival, Marshal Yue and two guardians set up an incense table at the bridgehead and raised a banner with the word "Shuai".The red turban and red belt were distributed the night before.The order to gather at the bridgehead when the rooster crows three times was also passed down.The women in every family get up in the middle of the night to cook.What kind of food can you make?Marshal Yue ordered: Go to battle today and eat better.Rolled white flour cakes, boiled brown eggs.When a man goes to war, he eats his stomach.In order to taste delicious, Marshal Yue also ordered the women of every family to prepare croissants, spring onions and bean paste.The women liked to listen to Marshal Yue's words, and they followed suit.Marshal Yue said that anyone who doesn't do so will be in big trouble.What trouble?On the battlefield, the talisman doesn't work, and the gun doesn't have eyes.Marshal Yue also asked the members not to touch women at night, otherwise they would not be able to avoid bullets.Marshal Yue's words were related to his personal safety, and no one dared to take them as a joke. When the early birds got tired of singing, the heroes from all walks of life finally rushed to the big market, like a group of three, a group of two, gathered in front of the bridgehead.Marshal Yue was very dissatisfied with the procrastination of his subordinates. He wanted to punish some of them severely, but after thinking about it, he had to give up.Ten days ago, everyone was a farmer, and they were used to being free and unrestrained. Now it is the slack season, and it is good to be able to come if it is a big holiday.Of course, there are also a group of determined elements who came earlier than Marshal Yue. Marshal Yue looked up at the sky, but the sun was not visible due to the mist.It is estimated that it will be mid-morning.I originally wanted to trap the Germans in bed, but it seems that it will not work.But things have been like this, and it will be too late. It is not easy to gather people together.Fortunately, enthusiasm is still high.Some were talking, some were laughing, and those who died at home in the last catastrophe had different expressions.Marshal Yue discussed with the two protectors and decided to start immediately, offering altars and flags. Sixi, who had been promoted to Marshal Yue's personal orderly, had a cat's skin on her head and beat the gong loudly, suppressing the commotion of the crowd.The marshal jumped onto a square stool and ordered: "Teams look for teams, shifts look for shifts, line up to sacrifice to the altar." The crowd was chaotic for a while, barely standing in a formation.They all wrapped their heads with red cloth and wrapped their waists with red cloth.Some held spears, machetes, and tiger-tail whips—these are all descendants of Lianjiazi, and the family has weapons—and more people were holding ordinary furniture: shovels, wooden branches, Two-toothed hook, manure rake.But there are a lot of people, and seven or eight hundred people gather together, which is quite powerful.Marshal Yue was very excited. He knew very well that iron must be tempered in the furnace to become steel, and the team must be baptized in the flames of war to grow.It took more than ten days to train a group of peasants to be like this, which has already created a miracle.Marshal Yue didn't know anything about these operations of dispatching troops and arranging troops, and he relied on Zhu Bajie's behind-the-scenes guidance.He had served as a soldier at the Tianjin Station and had received training in the new style of drills. He even met Master Yuan Shikai, who was famous for presiding over the training at the station.Marshal Yue ordered: "Altar! Banner!" The so-called altar is symbolized by the Eight Immortals table with the incense burner.Behind the table are two flags, one white and the other red.The flagpole is made of fresh willow wood, and the green bark has not been peeled off.The red flag is an altar flag with the Big Dipper embroidered with white thread.The white flag is a handsome flag, with a big "Yue" character embroidered with red thread on it.The work of embroidering the flag was done by the two ingenious and handy daughters of Du Tailor's family.Married women cannot do this work.Married women have dirty hands and break the law. At the beginning of the flag sacrifice, there was a drizzle in the sky, and there was no breeze.Both flags were hanging heavily, not unfurled at all.This is a fly in the ointment, but there is no way around it.But because of the cloudy and drizzle, the red cloths on everyone's heads were extraordinarily bright.The wet red color entered Marshal Yue's eyes, which made him very excited. Sixi beat the gong more vigorously.This kid stands against the hero Ai Hu in the movie.In the past few days, he almost broke a copper gong, and the hand holding the gong was worn out and wrapped in white cloth.Amid the urgent sound of the gong, everyone's energy was finally concentrated, the feeling of solemnity and solemnity gradually became stronger, and the atmosphere of mystery gradually thickened.Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie carried a sheep with four hooves tied up and placed it on the table of the Eight Immortals.The sheep was dishonest, raised its neck awkwardly, rolled its gray eyes, and let out a miserable cry.Everyone's hearts were tightly gripped by the cry of the sheep, and they all felt that the sheep was a bit pitiful.It doesn't matter if you are pitiful, you have to sacrifice if you want to fight.When fighting foreign devils, kill a sheep first to get auspicious.Sun Wukong held down the sheep's head and tightened the sheep's neck. Zhu Bajie picked up a big guillotine, spit a few mouthfuls into the palm of his hand, clenched the handle of the knife, stepped back a few steps, and swung the guillotine. Cut off the sheep's head.Sun Wukong raised the sheep's head for everyone to watch.The blood in the amniotic cavity came out like a spring. Marshal Yue looked dignified, took the sheep's blood with both hands, and splashed it on the lowered flag.Then he knelt down and kowtowed.The crowd followed and knelt down.Marshal Yue stood up and sprinkled the rest of the sheep's blood on everyone's heads.There are too many people with less blood, and it can't be spilled.The person with the sheep blood on his body was particularly excited.When Marshal Yue was spilling blood, he was muttering something.This is a collective appeal to God, which has been agreed a long time ago.Because of time constraints, it is impossible for everyone to drink a spell to invite their gods to possess them.All the gods were invited by Marshal Yue.Sincerity leads to spirit, Marshal Yue asked everyone to meditate on their gods and enter a state of confusion.After an unknown amount of time, the marshal yelled: "The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, I invite the patriarchs to show their spirits. First, Tang Monk Zhu Bajie, second, Sand Monk Sun Wukong. Third, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, fourth, Guan Gong Zhao Zilong. Fifth, please help the Buddha, and sixth, please Li Kui Black Whirlwind. Seven Please Shiqian Yang Xiangwu, eighth please Wu Song and Luo Cheng. Ninth please Bian Que to treat the illness, tenth please the third prince Jinzha Muzha Nezha, the King of Tota, to lead a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, and go down to earth to help me destroy the foreign soldiers, and the world will be peaceful after destroying the foreign soldiers. , the Jade Emperor is in such a hurry as to order—" 众人的身上,突然都像被神力贯注,一个个血脉贲张,精神健旺,肌肉饱绽,充满力量,齐声呐喊着,虎豹豺狼般地跳跃起来,吹胡子瞪眼,伸胳膊踢腿,个个表现出非凡姿态。 岳元帅发令: "出发!" 岳元帅手提枣木棍子一马当先,孙悟空执着红色的坛旗,猪八戒执着白色的帅旗,小侠艾虎敲着铜锣,簇拥在后。在他们身后,各路神仙齐声呐喊着步步紧跟。 马桑镇依河而建,镇南是横豆的马桑河大堤,镇北是一望无际的平原。为防兵匪,镇子用半圆形的围墙圈起来。有西门,有东门,有北门。围墙有一人多高,围墙外有壕沟,壕沟里有水,门前有吊桥。 岳元帅的队伍,出了北门。队伍后边,跟随着一些看热闹的顽童。他们举着树枝、高粱秸秆和葵花的杆子,脸上涂了锅底灰或者是红颜色。他们学着大人们的样子,用稚嫩的童声呐喊着,走得也是昂昂扬扬。老人齐集在围墙上,点燃了香烛,祈祷着胜利。 出镇之后,岳元帅的脚步越来越快。小使艾虎的锣声也越来越急促。人们都踏着他的锣声前进。铁路窝棚距离镇子不远,一出围墙就能望见。细雨纷纷,田野里有一簇簇的云雾。地里的冬小麦已经返青,泥土的气息很重。向阳的沟畔上苦菜花开了,星星点点,金子一样。路边的野杏花开了,一树树雪白。队伍惊起了两只斑鸠,斑鸠翩翩飞。布谷鸟儿在远处的树林子里啼叫。 胶济铁路青岛至高密段已经基本上修好,它冷漠地伏在原野上,宛若一条见首不见尾的孽龙。有一些人正在铁路路基上干活,铁器打击,叮叮铛铛响。铁路窝棚里,冒出一绺乳白色的炊烟。虽然还隔着几里路,岳元帅就嗅到了炒肉的奇香。 距离铁路窝棚大约还有一里路的光景,岳元帅回头望了望自己的队伍。这支刚出镇时还算齐整的队伍,已经散乱得不成样子。由于田野里没有路,黑土泥泞,每个人的脚上都沾了很多泥巴。走起来扑通扑通,大狗熊一样笨拙。元帅让孙悟空和猪八戒放慢步子,让小艾虎暂停敲锣。等人们集中的差不多时,他一声令下: "孩儿们,甩掉脚上的泥,准备进攻!" 人们齐甩脚,有的人把泥巴甩到别人的脸上,引起了一阵骚乱。有的人用力过猛,把鞋子都甩掉了。元帅看看时机成熟,大声喊: "铁头铁腹铁壁寨,挡住枪炮不敢来。将士们,快冲锋,扒铁路,杀洋兵,子孙万代享太平!" 岳元帅动员完毕,高举起枣木棍子,呐喊着,奋勇朝前冲去。孙悟空和猪八戎摇着大旗紧跟在后边。小艾虎摔了一个嘴啃泥,鞋子也让黑色的粘泥沾掉了。他爬起来,顾不上穿鞋,赤着脚,跟着跑。众人齐声呐喊着,一窝蜂般,拥向了铁路窝棚。 正在铁路上干活的小工们,起初还以为是演戏的来了呢。待到近前,才知道是百姓造反了。他们扔下家什,撒腿就跑了。 保护铁路施工的是德国海军陆战队的一个小队,总共十二个人。他们正在吃饭,听到外边呐喊连天,小队长出来一看,知道大事不好,慌忙进去,命令士兵们赶快操枪。岳元帅的人马冲到距离窝棚十几米的地方,德国兵已经端着枪跑出了窝棚。 岳元帅看到从几个跪着的德国兵的枪口里冒出了几朵白烟,耳边同时听到几声脆响,身后有人惨叫了一声;但他顾不上回头,也没有时间去想。他感到自己仿佛是一根被汹涌的潮流推动着的浪木,脚不点地地就冲进了德国鬼子的窝棚。他看到窝棚正中安放着一张大桌子,桌子上摆着一盆猪肉,还有一些亮晶晶的刀子叉子。猪肉的香气扑鼻。一个德国兵的上半截身体钻到一张床的下边,两条长长的腿摆在外边。猪八戒一耙子就撸到了那两条长腿上,随即就是一声漫长的叫声,听不懂他叫什么,估计是喊爹叫娘。岳元帅出去追赶那些逃窜的德国兵。他们大多数朝着铁路路基那边跑去,众人呐喊着,在后边穷追不舍。 只有一个德国兵逃向了相反的方向。岳元帅带着艾虎追上去。这个德国兵跑得不很匆忙,他们之间的距离很快就接近了。元帅看到德国兵长长的腿笨拙地蹽动着,如同僵硬的木棍子,样子很是滑稽。突然,德国兵在一道沟渠那里趴了下去,从渠畔前随即冒出了一绺青烟。冲在前边的艾虎突然地往上蹿了一下,然后就一头扎在了地上。他还以为是这个小家伙不小心摔了一跤呢,但马上就看到一股鲜红的血从艾虎的头上流出来。他知道艾虎中了德国兵的枪弹。他的心里,马上一阵悲歌轰鸣。他挥舞着棍子就朝那个德国兵扑过去。一颗枪弹几乎是贴着他的耳朵滑过去。但此时他已经扑到了那个德国兵的眼前。德国兵端着上了刺刀的枪捅过来,他一棍子就把枪敲掉了。德国兵哇哇地怪叫着,沿着沟底往前跑。岳元帅在后边穷追不舍。德国兵穿着大皮靴子,噗嗤噗嗤地踩着沟底的烂泥,仿佛拖着两个沉重的大泥罐子。岳元帅一展劲儿,棍子就直直地掏在了他的脖子上。他听到了德国兵发出的怪叫声,并且还嗅到了从他身上散出来的膻气。这个家伙可能是个羊生的,他一闪念地想。 德国兵一个前仆,脑袋扎进沟底的烂泥里。等到他懵懵懂懂地爬起来,岳元帅一棍就把他的高帽子砸扁了。元帅刚想继续地敲打他的头,突然看到德国兵天蓝色的眼睛跟那只被祭了旗帜的绵羊的眼睛一样,可怜巴巴地眨巴着,元帅的手脖子顿时软了。但元帅的手并没有收住,枣木棍子从德国兵的脑袋正中偏过,落在了他的肩膀上。
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