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Chapter 47 Chapter 2 Seven Wonders of Lingzhou

Golden Coffin Mausoleum Beast 张牧野 3271Words 2018-03-12
Besides, when the thunderstorm in the mountains was coming, Zhang Xiaozhuan ordered more than 2,000 soldiers from the Yanying Camp to go to Qingluo Town to take shelter from the rain.But Li Si on the wild goose row next to him is the one who often walks in the crowd, and he is the most alert. He looked down from a high place and saw that the ancient town was very quiet and there was no trace of people. I escaped completely, but the ancient town in the deep mountains is dark, cold, and gloomy. It is not a good place no matter how you look at it. Li Si of Yan Pai had a thought, so he told Zhang Xiaozhuan that Qingluo Town was surrounded by mountains and the terrain was dangerous. It didn't matter if we all camped in the ancient town, but if there were Guangdong bandits nearby, we would definitely take advantage of the wind and rain. , attacking condescendingly, the goose camp will inevitably suffer a big loss, but it is better to leave all the troops on the ridge, and only take a part of the soldiers to go to the town to find out the situation. trend.

Zhang Xiaozhuan didn't want to stay in the tent with the army in the rain to sleep in the tent on the mountain, so he sent outposts to explore the way, and led the wild goose platoon Li four brothers and sisters and a group of Tuanyong, and went straight to Qingluo Town in the mountains.Gradually approaching, but there is no one in the town, the sky is cloudy and there is no rain, and the surroundings are getting darker and darker. Apart from the rolling and muffled thunder, the huge ancient town is so empty that even the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs cannot be heard. Just because the world was in chaos at that time, the law of the court was useless, whether it was rebel bandits, or the officers and soldiers of the Qing court, and the regiments were no different from bandits and bandits. The activities of the people are even more commonplace, no matter where they go, the people all flee, and the place is empty.

Therefore, even though Yanling'er and the others saw that the town was empty and dead, they were not too surprised. They knew that even if there were some old and weak women and children in the town who could not escape, they would have seen the Qing army at this time. They all closed their doors and hid, so they asked the following regiment warriors to hold their swords and spears and carry their guns, and guard tightly on both sides of the battalion officer, carefully guarding against them. Zhang Xiaozhui was walking with the army, he didn't pay attention to the commotion in Qingluo Town, and just stared at the long-faced Arhat cat.As long as the cat hadn't opened its mouth, even if the sky fell, it wouldn't be able to hit even a single hair of the third master, but once it saw the ominous omen and opened its mouth, its own little life would be coming to an end, but I don't know if it can escape.

Zhang Xiaozhuan was dressed in a military uniform on the outside, and a black cicada light armor that could avoid water and fire on the inside, and concealed a sharp-edged musket.Although he is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, he still inevitably shows a look of restlessness, happiness and worry. Yan Pai Li Si who is following him is full of eyes, and then asks him, saying that most of our Yanying brothers are from thieves and thieves. We are always guarded and suspected by the government, and those Cantonese invaders also hate us to the bone, but the third brother doesn't have to worry about it, as long as the brothers are still alive, no matter whether he comes with open or hidden arrows, he can block it for the third brother.

Zhang Xiaozhuan knew that Yan Pai Li Si was very loyal, but the old ghost in the forest was too weird to tell, so he couldn't tell the truth, so he reasoned that it was not because he was worried about his own safety, but that when he entered Qingluo Town, he remembered the old things. Yes, although it has been several years, but in retrospect, I still hate it so much that the roots of my teeth itch. Yan Pai Li Si and Yan Ling'er heard this, and felt even more strange in their hearts, not knowing what it was.In fact, this is not Zhang Xiaozhuan's nonsense. It turns out that Lingzhou is a prosperous place for thousands of years, and the land of fish and dragons. It has been known as the "Seven Wonders" since ancient times. tower shadow.In the past, the ancient pagodas of Tawang Temple were high into the sky. Whenever the mist gathered in the distant mountains outside the city and the shadow of the sun shone, there would be a vision of a group of pagodas coming to court. It was called "Tashi" among the people, and it has always been associated with Dengzhou Haishi. The same name, but with the destruction of Lingzhou Pagoda King in the war, the wonders of Pagoda City have long since disappeared.

The second is the cat fairy temple in Lingzhou City. Thinking about the country, the north and the south, and the inside and outside of the pass, although the land is vast and the resources are abundant, the strange custom of worshiping cats as immortals only exists in Lingzhou, so it can be called a unique place. Absolutely. Some of the Lingzhou Seven Musts refer to historical sites, some are customs, and they are different. The last one refers to green snail pancakes.Qingluo Ancient Town, on the edge of Lingzhou, produces high-quality five-spice beef and crispy sesame seed cakes with butter. It is even more amazing to eat the sesame seed cakes with beef, which is really endless aftertaste.There are many sesame seed shops in the town, each with its own unique folk crafts and ancestral secret recipes.

In the first two years before Zhang Xiaozhuan made his fortune, he went to Qingluo Town to steal chickens and dogs.He was greedy and wanted to order something from the biscuit shop, but he was caught by the braid on the spot, and he got the stolen goods. bosom.But he couldn't say the same about Yan Pai Li Si and Yan Ling'er. The third master couldn't afford to lose that man. He only said that the hero was at the end of his life and was down and out. It is true that his skills need to be taught, so he asked him to ask for some biscuits to support the eighty-year-old mother at home.Who would have thought that the baker who made sesame seed cakes was extremely stingy, and he was a petty man who saw people as inferior in the eyes of a dog, so instead of refusing to give alms, he would fight with a raised fist.The third master's ribs were also broken by his kick, and now as long as the weather is cloudy and rainy, the pain in the bones will be unbearable.

Yan Pai Li Si was annoyed when he heard this: "This guy is really deceiving people too much. You must know that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Third brother, do you still remember which sesame seed shop it is? When the brothers come to the door, kill his family first. Shit, let's set a big fire again, burn him clean, not leave a single tile, that's why he got rid of this bad breath." Zhang Xiaozhuan pretended to be free and easy and said: "Times have passed and the situation has changed, why do you still care about those old things? I just feel the situation, remembering that I was wandering around and suffering from hunger and hunger. I always thought that if I got rich in the future, I would be able to live comfortably and be happy all day long. But now Today, even though he is a member of the Gong family all in his body, with the third-rank top-wearing flower feathers on his head, he no longer has to worry about food and clothing, but he has many difficulties that he could not even think of before. It seems that Living in this world, living this life, it is true that wild flowers grow every year without planting, and troubles without roots are born every day."

After everyone was talking, they arrived at the center of Qingluo Town.In the center of this ancient town is a thousand-year-old temple. When it was prosperous and prosperous, it was also a famous temple in Lingzhou.It has been deserted for a long time now, only the temple gate is ruined, the road to the gods is bleak, and the clay sculptures of goblins, judges, bull heads, and horse faces in the hall are all swaying here and there, missing arms and heads. At this moment, a thunderbolt rang out in half a day, shaking the roof tiles of the ancient temple, dark clouds covered the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, the howling wind roared, and heavy rain came.At first it was a drizzle, and then it was pouring down like a urn, just like the trend of overwhelming the river, the rain and fog covered the wild and the space was lost.Waterfalls hang in front of the eaves, boats sail on the land, waves surge in the streets, houses soak in torrents, rivers overflow, streams and alleys are everywhere, and a moment of heavy rain pours into the sea.

Yan Pai Li Si hurriedly led the crowd into the Crock Temple.Those who marched and fought did not have so many taboos, and when they sat on the ground in the temple, seeing that the rain would not stop for a while, they ordered Tuan Yong in the camp to boil water and cook food. Zhang Xiaozhuan was in a trance, neither sitting nor standing, just in a state of agitation, saw that there was an apse of Taoism in the temple, and wanted to find some peace and quiet, so she strolled away.The four brothers and sisters of Yanpai Li followed him inseparably for fear that he would encounter an assassin.The three of them, with a few relatives, turned from the corridor to the door of the back hall, and suddenly heard a cow cry from the door, and couldn't help but feel weird. Cattle?What's more, in this deserted ancient temple?

Zhang Xiaozhuan said: "Most of these cattle were stolen by a wine and meat monk to raise them here. It is the wild monk's skill to kill and eat meat in the ruined temple. Since he was hit by the third master, he happened to stew it for the brothers in the camp. Pot beef, isn’t it better than chewing on those rough and hard dry food.” As he spoke, he lifted his foot and kicked open the door of the hall, and looked inside, only to see a dim oil lamp lit in the hall, the ground was full of dust, cobwebs were hanging everywhere, and there were five people in the shrine. The statue of Dao Shenjun has long since lost its face. A green ox is tied to a pillar at the door, and there is a pot and stove panel in the corner. There is raw meat in the pot, and the basket next to it is full of sesame cakes. Looking at this arrangement, it looks like It is a shop that butchers cattle and makes sesame seed cakes. This kind of shop is usually very common in Qingluo Town, but it is hidden in the temple for some reason, and what is even more strange is that there is a shiny and dark coffin in the house.Zhang Xiaozhuan and the others were all surprised, could it be that the zombie in the coffin became a spirit and opened a shop here to slaughter beef, stew meat and make sesame cakes? Yan Pai Li Si was born in the green forest, he is courageous and wise, he has killed people like hemp since he joined the army, and he is not concerned about life and death, so he doesn't care about these strange things.He snorted coldly, and was about to tell the left and right to come forward, pull out the green cow, slaughter it and eat the meat on the spot. Zhang Xiaozhuan has studied "Clouds and Things Tongzai", not only can distinguish between cats and dogs, but also all kinds of cattle and horses.When it comes to naming horses and good horses, they are often worth tens of millions. Among them, the names are nothing more than black-headed horses, rouge horses, Aiyeqing, hay yellow, flame horses, green-maned beasts, white dragon horses, and jade-topped horses. After walking for eight hundred years, Bole knew how to look after horses in ancient times, and these things are not a problem. But when it comes to the art of ox matching, I think there are only green ox, yellow ox, and buffalo. Although they are huge, they are mostly used to plow the fields and pull plows. Isn't ox matching a nameless dragon-slaying technique?In fact, there are good, bad, and ugly cows, Zhang Xiaozhuan saw that the blue cow tied up in the house was very strange.It turns out that all docile and strong cattle must be "should have a long life, and want to grow", that is, they must have a broad forehead and long horns. However, this unowned green cattle has less hair and more bones, a cold tongue and high hooves There are curling hairs on the pearly springs on the bottom of the forehead, and the corners of the eyelashes are chaotic. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a scary ghost. When the green bull saw someone coming in, it raised its head up, its eyes showed a fierce look, and it snorted and groaned continuously.Yan Pai Li Si started to kill, and said to Zhang Xiaozhuan: "Third brother, I have seen a lot of cows and horses, but I have never seen such a wicked animal that does not die. This cow must be killed but not kept." Zhang Xiaozhuan also said strangely: "It is said that the old ox crows often, probably because there is a sign of treasure in the belly." As he spoke, he walked up to the ox and touched the back of the ox, wanting to see whether the ox is a dying ox or just a normal one. A healthy year.All green cattle have two teeth at the age of three, four teeth at the age of four, and six teeth at the age of five. Every year thereafter, a joint of the spine is attached. scale.Zhang Xiaozhuan's heart tightened suddenly, and he realized that the blue cow in front of him was not a cow at all. He hurriedly lowered his head to look at the long-faced arhat cat following behind him on the ground. The heart is broken, the heart is broken and the soul is ecstasy."If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the next chapter.
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