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Chapter 12 Chapter Six (2)

Dionysus 莫言 10878Words 2018-03-19
two Teacher Mo Yan: Hello! I have conveyed your opinion to Mr. Yu Yichi, and he said triumphantly: "How about it? I said he would write a biography for me, and he really did." He also said the gate of the Yichi Hotel Always open to you.Not long ago, the city government allocated a large sum of money to renovate the Yichi Hotel, which is open 24 hours a day. It is full of jewels and beautiful things. To be modest, it has reached the three-and-a-half-star level.They recently received a group of Japanese, and the little devils they sent were very satisfied. Their group leader also wrote an article and published it in the "Traveler" magazine, speaking highly of Yichi Restaurant.Therefore, when you come to Liquorland and stay in Yichi Hotel, you can enjoy the bliss in the world without paying a penny.

Regarding the documentary novel "One Foot Hero" I sent you, there are a lot of games in it.I also stated in my letter to you that this article is my gift to you for your reference when writing his biography.However, I still considered the teacher's criticisms very humbly. My problem is that my imagination is too rich, so I often play it arbitrarily, branch out, and deviate from the basic principles of the novel.In the future, I must keep your criticism in mind, and work hard to write novels that meet the norms. Teacher, I am extremely looking forward to your departure to the country of wine as soon as possible. Born on the earth, if you don't come to the country of wine, it will be a waste of life.In October, the first Ape Wine Festival was grandly opened. This is an unprecedented event in the country of wine. It will be lively for a whole month. You must not miss this opportunity.Of course, the second Ape Wine Festival will be held next year, but it will not be as grand as the first and open up Hongmeng.In order to develop ape wine, my old father-in-law has lived with monkeys on Baimao Ridge in the south of the city for three years.

I read the "Wonderful Events in the Wine Country" you want at my father-in-law's place a few years ago, but I couldn't find it again.I have called my friends from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and asked them to make a copy for you no matter what.There are many vicious innuendo articles in this pamphlet, which are undoubtedly made by people nowadays, but it is doubtful whether it was done by Yu Yichi.As you said, Yu Yichi is a demigod.He also has mixed reputations in the wine country, but because he is a dwarf, most people don't fight with him, so he almost has no scruples and does whatever he wants, and he probably brings out the good and evil of people to the fullest. Come on!As a student, I have little talent and knowledge, and I can't grasp the inner world of this character. There is gold here, just waiting for the teacher to come and dig it.

Those few novels of mine have been given to "National Literature" for a long time, so I dare to ask the teacher to ask them.Please also tell them that you are welcome to attend the first Ape Wine Festival. Naturally, I will try my best to arrange the board and lodging. I believe that the generous people of the wine country will satisfy them. Enclosed is a novel titled "Cooking Class".Teacher, for this novel, I carefully read almost all the works of the popular "new realism" novelists, absorbed their essence, and transformed it.Teacher, I still hope that you can help me forward this novel to the editorial department of "National Literature". I firmly believe that if you send it uninterruptedly, you will be able to move these gods who live in Qionglou Yuge and watch Chang'e comb their hair every day. them.

Tribute Zhuanan! Student: Li Yidou three "Cooking Class" Before she went crazy, my mother-in-law was a charming beauty--a milf.At one point, I felt she was younger, prettier, and sexier than her daughter.Her daughter is my wife, which is nonsense, but it has to be said.My wife works in the feature department of the "Liquorland Daily" and has written several interviews with strong responses. In this small place of Liquorland, she can be regarded as a prominent figure.My wife is dark and thin, with brown hair, a face full of rust, and a smell of fish in her mouth.My mother-in-law, on the other hand, has plump muscles, fair skin, and oily black hair, and the aroma of barbecue is released from her mouth all day long.The contrast between my wife and my mother-in-law is very reminiscent of class and class struggle.My mother-in-law was like the concubine of a well-maintained landowner, and my wife was like the eldest daughter of an old poor farmer suffering from hunger and cold.For this reason, my wife and my mother-in-law formed a deep hatred, and the mother and daughter did not speak a word for three years.My wife would rather sleep out in the newspaper yard than go home.Every time I go to see my mother-in-law, my wife gets hysterical and she curses me with obscenities that can't fit on paper, as if I'm not visiting her mother but a whore.

Frankly speaking, in those days, I did have some vague longing for the beauty of my mother-in-law, but this evil idea was bound by a thousand thick iron chains, and there was absolutely no room for development and growth. possible.My wife's scolding burned those chains like a fire.So I said angrily: "If one day I slept with your mother, you have to take full responsibility." "What?!" my wife asked angrily. "If it wasn't for your reminder, I would never have imagined that a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law can still have sex with their mother-in-law," I said viciously, "I have only an age difference with your mother, but no blood relationship. Moreover, it was recently published in your daily newspaper. An anecdote, Jack, a young man in New York State, USA, married his mother-in-law immediately after divorcing his wife."

My wife let out a strange cry, rolled her eyes, fell down, and passed out.I hastily poured a bucket of cold water on her body, and then stabbed her in the middle with a rusty iron nail, pierced the tiger's mouth, and tossed for half an hour before she came back to life lazily.She lay in the muddy water with her eyes wide open, like a stiff dead log.There was a shattered, hopeless gleam in her eyes that made me shudder.Tears welled up from her eyes, down the corners of her eyes, and flowed to her ears.I think there is only one thing to do at this moment, and that is to sincerely apologize to her.

I called her name affectionately, suppressed my disgust, and kissed her stinky mouth.When I kissed her mouth, I thought of her mother's mouth that always smelled of barbecue. I should drink a sip of brandy and kiss that mouth.The strange thing is that the years have not been able to erode the youthful charm on the lips, which are also bright and dripping without lipstick, which is full of sweet mountain grape juice.And her daughter's lips are not even as good as the skin of a mountain grape.She said in a thin voice: "Don't lie to me, I know you love my mother and don't love me, you married me because you fell in love with my mother, I'm just a substitute for my mother, when you kiss my lips, think of me Mother's lips, when you make love to me, think of my mother's body."

Her words were so sharp that they peeled off my skin like a skinning knife.But I said angrily——I patted her face lightly with a slap and said with a sullen face: "I'll hit you! You are not allowed to talk nonsense. You are dreaming, you are hysterical, others will laugh you to death if they find out. Your mother will die of anger if she finds out. My Dr. Liquor is an upright man, no matter how shameless Go do something that's not as good as a beast." she says: "Yes, you didn't do it, but you want to do it! Maybe you will never do it in your life, but you want to do it all your life. If you don't want to do it during the day, you want to do it at night. If you don't want to do it when you wake up, you want to do it in your dreams. You don't want to do it while alive." , you want to do it even if you die!"

I stood up and said: "You're insulting me, your mother, and yourself!" she says: "Don't get angry. Even if you have a hundred mouths on your body, even if you spit out sweet words from a hundred mouths at the same time, you can't deceive me. Hey, people like me, what are you doing alive? Living to be a stumbling block? Living to be annoying ? Living to seek guilt? If you die, forget it. If you die, you will be quick..." "You can do whatever you want after I'm dead," she waved her two fists as strong as donkey's hooves, beating her two nipples, yes, when she was lying on her back, there was only one on her shriveled chest Two jujube-like nipples, and my mother-in-law's two breasts are as plump as a young woman's, showing no signs of weakness or slippery slopes. Even if she is wearing a thick woolen sweater, they are still brave peaks.The physical inversion of mother-in-law and wife pushes a son-in-law to the edge of the abyss of crime.Can this blame me?I roared unbearably.I don't blame you, I blame myself.She let go of her fists, tore the clothes with chicken-claw-like hands, ripped off the buttons, and exposed the bra. God, it was like a person without feet still wears shoes, but she was still wearing a bra!Her bony chest tilted my head.I say:

"Enough, don't bother, you are dead and your father will be there!" She sat up with her hands on the ground, her eyes glaring fiercely, and said: "My father is just your shield, he only knows wine, wine, wine! Wine is his woman. If my father is normal, why should I worry so much?" "I've never seen a daughter like you." I said helplessly. "So, I beg you to kill me," she said on her knees, pounding her hard head against the concrete floor, "I beg you on my knees, I beg you on my knees, kill me. Doctor, there's an unused stainless steel knife in the kitchen, it's like the wind, you go get it, kill me, please kill me." She raised her head and raised her neck, which was slender like the neck of a chicken with its feathers plucked, blue in color, rough in skin, with three black moles, blue blood vessels swollen and beating rapidly.Her eyes were half-rolled, her lips drooped loosely, her forehead was covered with dust, oozing some tiny beads of blood, and her hair was disheveled like a magpie's nest.Where is this woman a woman?This woman is actually my wife. To be honest, my wife’s behavior terrifies me. After the fear, I feel disgust. Comrades, what should I do?She sneered sneeringly, her mouth was like a cut on a rubber tire, I was worried that she was going crazy, I said my wife said that a couple in a day is a hundred days of kindness, a couple in a hundred days is deeper than the ocean, we have been married for several years Nian, how can I have the heart to kill you?If I kill you, I might as well kill a chicken. If I kill a chicken, I can cook chicken soup. If I kill you, I'll be shot. I'm not that stupid yet! She touched her neck and said softly: "You really don't want to kill me?" "Don't kill, don't kill!" "I advise you to kill me," she gestured with her hands, as if she had already grasped the sharp, wind-like steel knife, and said, "Chi - as long as such a light blow Pull, the arteries in my neck will be disconnected, and the bright red blood will flow out like a fountain, and half an hour later, I will become a piece of transparent human skin, at that time," she smiled sinisterly Say, "You can sleep in the same bed with that old baby-eating goblin." "Fuck your motherfucker!" I cursed roughly.Comrades, it is not easy for a gentle scholar like me to swear such dirty words. I am mad because of my wife.I am ashamed.I scolded her, "Fuck you..., why do you want me to kill you? Why should I kill you? You don't come to me for good things, but you come to me for such things! Whoever wants to kill you will kill you, anyway, I Not to kill you." I stepped aside angrily.I don't want to offend you, can't I still hide from you?I picked up a bottle of "Red Maned Horse" and poured it into my mouth.I didn't forget to observe her movement from the corner of my eyes when pouring wine into my mouth.I saw her lazily getting up, smiling and walking towards the kitchen.I was taken aback when I heard the sound of running water from the water pipes.I followed quietly and saw her rushing with her head under the strong jet of water.She held onto the edge of the greasy sink with both hands, her body was folded into a right angle, and her buttocks were dry. My wife's buttocks were like two slices of bacon that had been dried for thirty years. I dare not take these two pieces of bacon. Compared to my mother-in-law's two-pronged ball butt, but the image of her ball butt lingers in my mind.I finally understand that my wife's jealousy is not purely vexatious.Xuebai must also be the cold water column flowing to the back of her head, smashing into clusters of white waves, making a loud sound.Her hair turned into patches of brown bark and foamed white.She was choking in the water, making a sound like a choking old hen eager to eat.I'm afraid she'll catch a cold.For a moment my heart was filled with pity for her.I feel that I have committed a heinous sin in torturing a thin woman into this condition.I went up to touch her spine with the palm of my hand, and her spine was cold.I said it's ok, don't bother, let's not do this kind of stupid thing that makes loved ones hurt and enemies happy.She straightened up abruptly, staring straight at me with fiery red eyes, without saying a word. For three seconds, I was terrified and backed away.Suddenly she pulled out the white steel knife newly bought from the hardware store from the knife holder with a swipe, drew a half circle on her chest, and cut it right at her neck. I rushed up and grabbed her neck and grabbed the knife without thinking about myself.I'm disgusted by her behavior.You bastard, you want my life!I slashed the knife hard on the vegetable pier, the blade penetrated into the wood two fingers deep, and it took a lot of effort to pull it out.I hit the wall with my fist, the wall echoed, and the neighbor shouted: What are you doing? !I was as angry as a leopard, circling in the iron cage.I said, I can't go on, I can't fucking go on with this day.After turning around dozens of times, I thought that I still have to live with her. Divorcing her is equivalent to reporting to the crematorium.I say: "We have to figure things out today! Let's go, find your father and mother, and let them judge. You can also ask your mother face to face, what is going on with her." She wiped her face with a towel and said: "Just go, you guys are not afraid of incest, what else should I be afraid of!" "Whoever doesn't go is a bastard tortoise." I said. she says: "Yes, whoever doesn't go is a turtle bastard." We walked to the brewing university, and on the way, we met the city government's convoy to welcome foreign guests. Two brand-new policemen sat on the motorcycle in front of us, both wearing dark crystal glasses and snow-white gloves.We temporarily stopped quarreling and stood beside the locust tree on the side of the road like trees.A thick stench of rotting livestock carcasses rose from the gutters.Her cold hands timidly grabbed my arm, and I despised the convoy of foreign guests and felt disgusted by her cold paws.I saw that her thumb was disproportionately long, with blue dirt hiding between the hard nails.But I couldn't bear to break her hand. She grabbed me for protection, completely subconsciously, like a drowning person grabbing a straw.son of a bitch!I cursed.Among the crowd dodging the majestic convoy, a bald old woman turned her head to look at me.She was wearing a baggy cardigan with a row of white plastic buttons across the front, big buttons.I have a physical aversion to big white plastic buttons that grew out of my mumps childhood and a smelly nose doctor with big white plastic buttons on his chest with sticky fingers like octopus arms Touched my gills, and I immediately vomited.Her fat head was crouched on her shoulders, her face was puffy and her teeth were of brass.She tilted her head and looked at it, making all the muscles in my body twitch.I turned around to leave, but she jogged forward.It turned out that she was an acquaintance of my wife.She grabbed my wife's hand affectionately and shook it vigorously. While shaking my wife's hand, she moved her fat body upwards, and the two of them almost hugged and kissed.She was like my wife's own mother.So I thought very naturally of my mother-in-law, who was simply fooling around with such a daughter.I was walking alone to Wine Country Brewing University, and I wanted to ask my mother-in-law right away if her daughter had been a foundling from an orphanage, or had been switched by the nurses during delivery at the maternity hospital.If so what should I do? My wife chased after her, and she giggled—as if she had forgotten about the spatula on her neck—and said: "Hey, doctor, do you know who this old lady is?" I said I don't know. "She is the mother-in-law of Minister Hu of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee!" I hummed pretendingly. "What are you humming?" she said, "Don't look down on people, don't think that you are the only one who is smart in the world, tell you, I will be the director of the cultural life department of the newspaper soon." I say congratulations, director of the cultural life department, I hope you can write an article to introduce Sapo's experience. She stopped in amazement and said: "You say I'm sloppy? I'm the kindest woman in the world. If it's someone else, seeing my husband hook up with my mother-in-law, I've already exposed the sky!" I said go away and let your father and mother judge! "I'm so stupid," she stopped, and said as if waking up from a dream, "why should I go with you? To see you flirt with that old flirt? You can be ashamed but I have to be shameless. Men in the world are like There are as many cow hairs as there are countless, so I am so rare about you? You can sleep with whoever you want, and I will let go of it." After speaking, she walked away very coolly.The autumn wind shakes the crown of the tree, and the golden leaves flutter and fall, falling silently.My wife walks through the poems of autumn, and the black figure establishes a certain connection with the delicate beauty.Her big letting go actually made me feel a little bit lost.My wife's name is Yuan Meili. Yuan Meili and the autumn leaves form a sad lyric poem. It tastes like the "Riesling" produced by Yantai Changyu Winery.I stared at her, but she never looked back, which is called no turning back.In fact, maybe I hoped that she would look back at me, but the incoming director of the cultural life department of the "Liquor Country Daily" did not look back.She took office.Director Yuan Meili.Director Yuan.director. The director's back disappeared into the white-walled and blue-tiled buildings in Seafood Lane.From there a flock of mottled pigeons shot straight into the blue sky.Three large apricot-yellow balloons floated in the sky, with bright red ribbons embroidered on the ribbons.A man stood there bewildered, it was me, Dr. Li, Li Yidou.Li Yidou, you wouldn't jump into the bubbling Liquan River filled with the smell of wine to commit suicide, would you?how could be?My nerves are as tough as cowhide tanned with caustic soda and thenardite, which cannot be torn or pulled.Li Yidou, Li Yidou, walked forward with head held high, and soon entered the Brewing University, standing at the door of the mother-in-law's house. I think I must clear things up.Maybe I'll go all out with my mother-in-law--maybe not--at all.This will undoubtedly be a revolution in my personal life.A note was taped to the door: Cooking class in the morning, practice classroom in the special food center of the college. I'd heard for a long time that my mother-in-law was an accomplished cook and a star at the culinary academy, but I'd never seen her in class.Li Yidou decided to listen to his mother-in-law's lecture and see her heroic appearance. I entered the Culinary Institute campus through the small back door of the Brewing University.The aroma of wine is still there, and the aroma of meat comes back again.There are many strange flowers and trees planted in the yard. Dr. Liquor is shallow and ignorant in front of the plants. They squint at me proudly, with leaves like eyes.More than a dozen campus policemen in dark blue uniforms were lazily moving around in the yard. When they saw me, they all perked up like hunting dogs that had found prey. Their pancake-shaped ears stood up, and they exhaled heavy breath from their nostrils. .But I am not afraid of them.I know they'll go back to their slack just by saying my mother-in-law's name.The campus structure is complex, similar to the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou.A huge pig-liver-colored boulder inexplicably stands in the middle of the road, with the words "Xiu Shi Zhi Tian" written on the stone in yellow paint.I obtained the consent of the campus police to find the Special Food Research Center in a detour, passed through the iron fences, and left aside the exquisite buildings for raising meat children, the artificial hills and fountains, and the rare birds and animals taming room. Enter a dark cave, spiral down to the brightly lit place.This is already a place where idlers are not allowed to enter.A lady gave me a set of work clothes for me to change into.she said you The person who came back was videotaping the associate professor.She mistook me for a reporter from the city TV station.As I put on my cylindrical white work hat, I smelled a fresh soapy scent.At this time the lady also recognized me.She said that my eldest sister Yuan Meili and I were classmates in middle school. At that time, my academic performance was much better than hers. However, she became a big reporter, but I became a janitor. She said dejectedly, with hatred eyes Look at me as if I ruined her bright future.I nodded to her apologetically, and she immediately changed her frustrated face into a complacent one, and said arrogantly: I have two sons, both of whom are extremely smart.I said viciously: Aren't you going to sell them to the special food department?Her face quickly turned purple.I don't want to look at the purple woman's face anymore, I strode towards the practice room, I heard her gnash her teeth and say from behind: Someone will come out one day to clean up you man-eating beasts. The words of the female gatekeeper made my heart tremble. Who is the man-eating beast?Am I also a member of the Man-Eating Beast team?The words of the important officials of the Liquorland City government came to my mind when they were serving the famous dish: what we eat is not human beings, but a delicacy made with special techniques.The inventor of this delicacy is my beautiful mother-in-law.She is teaching her students in that spacious and bright practical classroom at the moment. She is standing on the podium, illuminated by bright lights, and I have already seen her big moon face that is as clean and bright as a porcelain vase . Sure enough, there were reporters from the municipal TV station recording the video. One of them, named Qian, was the director of the feature department. I had a drink with him at the same table.He was wandering around the classroom with a video camera on his shoulders. His assistant, a fat little white man, was holding a bright light and dragging black wires. Following his orders, he shone the incandescent light on my mother-in-law's face, and then turned it on. On the chopping board in front of my mother-in-law, and suddenly among the students who are listening attentively.I chose an empty seat and sat down. I felt the loving light in my mother-in-law's big taupe eyes stay on my face for two seconds, and I lowered my head shyly. Four words carved deeply on the desk with a knife jumped into my eyes: I want to fuck you.It was as if four stones had been thrown into my mind, causing splashing waves.My whole body was numb, and my limbs trembled like a male frog stimulated by a weak electric current. A little bit in the middle, I was very disturbed... My mother-in-law's unhurried and pleasant words came up from far and near like a tide, making my heart tremble. The body is wrapped in a huge warm current, bursts of pleasure run quickly in the spinal cord, run quickly... … Dear students, have you ever thought that with the rapid development of the four modernizations and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, eating is not just for satiety, but a kind of artistic appreciation.Therefore, cooking is not only a technique but also a profound art. A qualified cook should have a pair of hands that are more accurate and sensitive than a surgeon, and have a sharper sense of color than a painter. A nose more sensitive than a police dog, and a tongue more flexible than a snake.A cook is a synthesis of all schools.At the same time, the level of gourmets is getting higher and higher. They have noble tastes, love the new and dislike the old, and it is not easy for them to eat satisfactorily.However, we must study hard, refurbish tricks, and try our best to meet their requirements.This is related to the prosperity of our Liquorland City, and of course it is also related to the great future of all of you.Before today's main class, I recommend to you a delicacy-- She picked up the electronic pen and wrote five flamboyant characters on the magnetic blackboard: stewed platypus.When she was writing, she turned her face to the students, treated people politely and gracefully.She dropped the pen and pressed the button under the teaching desk, and a curtain slowly opened on the wall, as if a general pressed the button to flash a battle map.Behind the curtain turned out to be a large water tank, and several flat-billed beasts with slippery fur and webbed limbs were swimming anxiously in the water.She said, I will tell you the ingredients and the specific production method below, and you can take notes.This unremarkable little beast once embarrassed Engels, the great mentor of the proletariat and the erudite man. It is a peculiar phenomenon in the history of biological evolution. It is the only egg-laying mammal that can be known on the earth now. .The platypus is a real rare animal, so we should be extra careful when cooking, and we must not waste it because of our wrong operation.Therefore, I suggest that you make more turtles before making platypus, so as to get a feeling.Let me introduce the specific method: Take a platypus, hang it upside down after slaughter, and control the blood dry in about half an hour.Note that when slaughtering, a silver knife should be used to pierce it from under the mouth, so that the edge of the knife should be as small as possible.After purifying the blood, remove the hair with hot water at about 75°C, and then carefully remove the viscera, liver, heart, and eggs (if any). The beast becomes an unpalatable waste.Take out the intestines, turn them over and rinse them with lye.Scald the mouth and four toes with boiling water, rub off the hard shell on the mouth and the rough skin on the toes, and pay special attention to protecting the integrity of the web between the toes.After rinsing, put the viscera in boiling oil for a while, stuff them into the abdominal cavity, then add seasonings such as salt, garlic, shredded ginger, chili, and small ground sesame oil-don't forget to add monosodium glutamate-put it on a low heat to simmer, Until it turns dark red and emits a peculiar fragrance.Under normal circumstances, eggs and internal organs are oiled and filled into the abdomen at the same time. If there are larger and more formed eggs, they can be made into a delicacy alone. The specific operation method can be modeled on the method of braised turtle bastard eggs. After introducing the cooking method of the platypus, she brushed her hair together, and looked at the students like a chief about to announce an important decision. Every student felt her kind eyes caressing her face. I felt that my mother-in-law touching my soul.She said sternly: Next, we will start to teach the cooking method of braised babies.I felt as if a rusty awl had poked a hole in my heart, and streams of cold liquid flowed into my chest and accumulated, oppressing my internal organs and making me panic.Sticky and cold sweat gushed out from the palm of my hand.My mother-in-law’s students blushed one by one, and their hearts beat faster with excitement, just like a group of medical students participating in the dissection of human reproductive organs for the first time. The flustered and somewhat excited mood was vividly expressed through those twitching cheek muscles and those unnatural coughing sounds.My mother-in-law said: This is the finale of our culinary academy. Due to the scarcity of supplies and the high price, it is impossible for everyone to get a chance to do it. A substitute for practice. First of all, she clearly emphasized that the chef has a heart of iron and does not allow the abuse of feelings.The babies we are about to slaughter and cook are not actually human beings, they are just small humanoid beasts produced according to strict, consensual contracts to meet the special needs of economic development and prosperity of Liquorland.They are essentially the same as these platypus swimming in the water tank waiting to be slaughtered. Please relax and don’t think about it. You have to say it a thousand times, ten thousand times in your heart: they are not human beings, they are small human-shaped beasts .She smartly grabbed the rattan pointer and tapped on the edge of the water tank, repeating again: they are essentially no different from platypus. She grabbed the phone hanging on the wall and spoke orders into the microphone.She put down the phone and said to the students: This is of course a famous dish that will shock the world one day, so every link in our production process must not be sloppy.Generally speaking, the great mental stress before the slaughter of livestock will affect the content of glycogen in the meat, resulting in poor aroma of the finished product due to poor metabolism.Therefore, experienced butchers always like to use lightning-fast actions to end the life of animals, so as to improve the quality of animal carcasses.Meat boys are animals with higher intelligence than ordinary livestock. Therefore, in order to ensure the high quality of the raw materials of this big dish, we must find ways to keep them happy.The traditional method is to use a stick to knock the raw material unconscious, but this will inevitably cause the soft tissue of the raw material to bruise or even break the bone, which will seriously affect the appearance of the finished product.In recent years, the method of knocking unconscious with a stick has been gradually eliminated and replaced by ethanol anesthesia.The University of Brewing has recently developed a new type of wine pulp with a sweet taste and a very high alcohol content, which has created conditions for us.Experience has proved that meat boys slaughtered after anesthetized with alcohol, because the alcohol molecules penetrate into the cell tissue, effectively weakened the milky smell that was the most troublesome in the cooking process of meat boys in the past. The nutritional value of the meat boy has also been greatly improved.She took the microphone off the wall again and said: send it! My mother-in-law said something casually into the microphone, and five minutes later, two young women in snow-white coats and snow-white square hats carried a naked fleshy child into the classroom on a special small stretcher.Both women were fairly pretty in appearance, but their pale faces made me feel very uncomfortable.The woman put the stretcher on the chopping board and stepped aside with her hands down.My mother-in-law looked down at the pink meat boy, poked his chest with her slender index finger, and nodded in satisfaction.She straightened her waist, and reminded solemnly again: Don't forget that this is just a small humanoid beast. Before she could finish her words, the small humanoid animal on the stretcher rolled over, and the students let out a suppressed exclamation , They, including me, thought this little guy was going to get up.But luckily he didn't get up, he just rolled over and evenly spread sweet little snores all over the classroom.His round, chubby, red face was facing the students sideways.Nature also turned to me.We clearly saw that this was a beautiful, healthy little boy.He has black hair, long eyelashes, a small bulbous nose, and a small pink mouth.The little pink mouth clicked, as if eating candy in a dream.My wife and I have been married for three years and have no children. I love children. I really want to run to the chopping board in front of the classroom and pick up this little guy. Kiss his face, kiss his belly button, and touch his dick , bit his little feet.His feet were fat, and there were several rings of ribbing at the junction of his legs and feet.From the mesmerizing eyes of the students, especially those female students, I can guess that their hearts are also rippling with warm love at this moment, the love for the little people.So my mother-in-law's suddenly cold voice echoed in the classroom again, suppressing the little guy's even snoring.Let me tell you clearly, you must clean up the unhealthy feelings in your heart, otherwise we will not be able to continue this class.She grabbed his arm and turned his body 180 degrees, so that his face was facing the platypus in the glass cabinet, and his two buttocks were facing the faces of the students.My mother-in-law poked his ass and said: He's not human, no. But the little guy let out a big fart that didn't fit his body as if protesting her words. The students were startled and looked at each other. Ten seconds later, a burst of laughter broke out in the classroom.My mother-in-law's face was tense, and finally she couldn't hold it anymore, and she also opened her mouth and laughed with the students. She knocked on the table, trying to silence the laughter of everyone.She said: This little thing can do anything.The students wanted to laugh again, but she stopped them.She said stop laughing, this is the most important lesson in your four years of school life, as long as you master the meat boy's cooking method, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.Are you looking forward to going abroad?As long as you master this super-level dish, you will have received a permanent visa, and you will be able to conquer foreigners, whether they are Yankees, Germans or whatever. Her words seemed to hit the vital point of the students. They regained their concentration, holding a pen in one hand and pressing the notebook in the other, looking at my mother-in-law.She said that in this dormant state of happiness, no matter what we do, the meat boy will not know, let alone protest, he is always intoxicated in happiness.She beckoned and asked the two white-clothed women who were standing at the corner of the classroom to come over and help her, and carried the meat boy into a special birdcage-shaped shelf with a hook at the top for Connect with the lifting ring above the operation chopping board.With the help of two women in white clothes, the cage was suspended in the air. The meat boy was in the cage, his body was imprisoned, except for a small white and fat foot protruding from under the cage, which looked very cute.My mother-in-law said, the first step is bloodletting.It is necessary to explain that for a period of time, some comrades believed that not bleeding the meat would make the meat taste more delicious and have higher nutritional value. Their main theoretical basis is that Koreans never use a knife to bleed dogs when they cook dogs.After repeated tests and comparisons, we feel that the meat boy after bloodletting tastes much more delicious than the meat boy without bloodletting.The purpose of this step is very simple: to drain the blood from the meat boy's body, the cleaner the drain, the better the color of the meat.Meat boys with incomplete bloodletting will have a dull color and a strong fishy smell after being made into finished products.So don't take this step lightly.我岳母伸刀攥住了肉孩的小脚,肉孩在笼架上嘟嘟哝哝地说了一句什么话,学员们都竖起耳朵,辨别着那句话的内容。我岳母说,选择切口的位置,是为了保持肉孩的完整性,一般采用从脚底切口,暴露出动脉血管,然后切断引流。她说着,手里便出现一柄银光闪闪的柳叶刀,对着肉孩的小脚……我慌忙闭上了眼睛,我似乎听到那小家伙在笼架中大声啼哭,教室里的桌椅噼噼啪啪乱响,学员们好像都嚎叫着蹿了出去。睁开眼睛后,我才知道方才的一切都是幻觉,肉孩不哭也不叫,刀口已切开,一线宝石一样艳丽的红血,美丽异常地悬挂下来,与他脚下的那只玻璃缸联系在一起。教室里也安静异常,男生和女生们都睁着圆溜溜的眼睛,盯着肉孩那只脚,脚下那线血。市电视台的摄像机也盯着那只脚,脚下那线血,强光照耀,那线血晶莹极了。渐渐地我听到了学员们的呼吸声如同沉闷的潮汐声,血流注到玻璃缸中的声音清脆悦耳,宛若深涧中的溪流。我岳母说,大概一个半小时后,肉孩的血被控干,第二步,要尽可能完整地取出内脏;第三步,用70℃的水,屠戮掉他的毛发…… 我实在懒得再去描述我岳母无聊的、令人恶心的烹饪课了,我想在夜幕降临的时候,酒博士奇想连翩的大脑,应该在酒精的刺激下,去构思一部题名《采燕》的小说,他不应该在吃人的宴席上浪费才华。
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