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Chapter 33 Chapter 5: Catching the Scorpionfish

Golden Coffin Mausoleum Beast 张牧野 3183Words 2018-03-12
As the saying goes: the five fingers are not the same length.It can be seen that although people all over the world have one head on their shoulders, when it comes to beauty, ugliness, goodness, evil, height, shortness, fatness, and martial arts skills, there are so many differences that it is impossible to generalize them. This is true of humans, and so is cats. For example, if cats can catch mice, it is like humans can open their mouths to eat. This is their innate ability, which is not surprising.Domestic cats and wild cats all over the world, apart from catching mice and climbing trees, also have thousands of different schools of abilities depending on their appearance, so they can't be exactly the same.

Therefore, some cats are good at catching mice and guarding houses, and some cats are good at stealing food and stealing sparrows, and there are many rare and strange abilities, which are not included in this answer.This list shows that during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Li Shimin, the king of Qin, led his army to conquer the east and west. One day he rode alone to explore the camp, but his whereabouts were exposed. He was chased by a large enemy army and fled to the bank of the Yellow River. Seeing that he was desperate, he was about to be killed. Captured alive.But he is a real dragon emperor, and he is inevitably protected by a hundred spirits. At the critical moment, he saw a big cat shaped like a gourd in the Yellow River, floating with the current and floating down from the upper reaches.

Qin Wang Li Shimin fell into the water in desperation, grabbed the cat's tail with both hands, struggled to swim to the opposite bank, and finally got rid of the enemy's pursuit.Afterwards, even he himself wondered how there could be a cat that could cross the river, so he asked his subordinates about it.In front of King Qin, there was Xu Maogong, a strange man who knew everything about the world. He first said that this is my master, "Auspicious people have their own celestial appearance", and then talked about a kind of water-crossing hyacinth cat. This kind of gourd cat is said to be a cat, but it is not a cat. It is many times larger than ordinary cats. It should be a kind of civet cat in the deep mountains. It has a round body, long tail and long hair. It has abnormal habits and can dive across the Yangtze River.It feeds on catching small fish and shrimps in the water, and it may not go ashore for seven days and seven nights.

The wild cats in Lingzhou City suffered a loss in the ancient well of Tawang Temple. If it is normal, they have no choice but to go to the water. After all, the wild cats can’t go into the water to catch fish, but the golden-scaled squid in the deep pool is a rare creature in the Bragandze Kingdom. , eating can prolong life.The group of cats couldn't hold back any longer when they smelled the smell of fish, and made up their minds to eat the two golden scales at the bottom of the well. The wild cats saw that the squid in the water was very powerful, and it was really difficult to deal with them. Jin Yunu, the leader of the group of cats, was the most shrewd and wise. I don't know how they discussed and calculated, so they went out to find the water hyacinth cat for help.

I saw the gourd cat dragging its clumsy body, swaying to the edge of the pool.It didn't cross the water directly, but found an extremely wet place, and used its claws to push away the bricks and stones on the ground.The bottom of this well is dark and humid all year round, and it has fattened many poisonous insects such as centipedes and spiders. They are red and black, and extremely poisonous.They realized that they had lost their hiding place, so they swam out one after another, biting and biting the fat water hyacinth cat. It turns out that the gourd cat has rough skin and thick flesh, which can withstand severe poison.It was bitten by centipedes and scorpions, and it began to swell up from head to tail.And those poisonous insects rolled and writhed to death nearby after spitting out the poison, and Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi, who were hiding aside, got goose bumps all over their bodies.

The dirty gourd cat was stung all over his body, and he felt that he was almost done, so he crawled to the edge of the pool and dipped its strangely long tail into the water.The majesty of a cat lies entirely in its tail, and it is even more important to use the tail to adjust the wind when climbing a house or a tree, so as to maintain balance.Some wealthy families keep cats just for ornamental purposes, and they don’t need them to catch mice. In order to prevent it from running around, they deliberately cut off a part of the cat’s tail, and the cat will become honest and well-behaved up. Water hyacinth cat’s tail is divided into nine sections. According to the "Cat Spectrum", the cat’s tail is long and the tail section is short. That is to say, the longer the cat’s tail and the higher the frequency of swinging, the more agile the cat is. , able to catch mice tirelessly.But the big cat of Gourd Cat has a thick and round tail. It is a lazy and sleepy tail. It sinks into the water like a rudder.

The two golden-scaled old squids in the water have lived by guarding the wind and rain clock for a long time. The cat's tail, I don't know what it is, it looks a bit like a water snake, but it seems too clumsy, if it is a water plant or something, why does it have a strange fishy smell? Although a pair of catfish were suspicious, they couldn't resist the fishy smell. They swam up to the water and bit the water hyacinth cat's tail.The gourd cat had just been stung by a poisonous insect, and its skin and flesh were full of poison.The catfish also has seven poison sacs in its body, and it will naturally transport the poison to resist after encountering the poison. The two old fishes bit the cat's tail and did not let go, and they vomited out the poison in a short time.The old man devours the highly venomous water snake and water spider, and only then can he produce a poison sac every few decades, which is where his own essence is.

The gourd cat took the opportunity to use its strange strength and dragged the two old cats ashore with its tail, and the rest of the wild cats rushed up with red eyes and surrounded them.But the two old cats knew they were in danger, and tried their last strength to escape back into the water, but the chains on the fish's backs were firmly held down by the calabash cat's fat body. They were really "fat pigs" Going into the butcher's gate, you're doomed." The wild cats had no choice but to let the wild cats tear off the fish scales one by one, revealing the fresh and bloody flesh.

The cats in Lingzhou ate the two golden-scaled catfish like a storm, and they were really fresh and delicious.The wild cats were all satisfied, and had long forgotten the strange fox jade. They surrounded Jin Yunu and the water hyacinth cat. . Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi sneaked out from behind the stone Buddha, found the chain among the remains of dead fish on the ground, dragged it together, and slowly dragged the wind and rain bell in the water to the shore.The copper bell was only about a foot long, and was green all over, etched through the color of cinnabar and mercury, and covered with patterns of gluttonous fish, dragons and waves, wisps of light smoke and mist exuded from it, like auspicious clouds.

Zhang Xiaozhuan tried to tap it with his knuckles, and the sound was pleasant. Knowing that it was the treasure, he felt very proud, laughed, and said to Sun Dazi: "It really is a treasure of Lingzhou, it is so eye-catching, it seems This is the blessing of Grandpa Cat Fairy, so we can have our good luck, why not wrap up the wind and rain bell and escape from the city, where will we need to worry about food, drink and clothes in the second half of our life?" Sun Dazi hurriedly persuaded him: "Third brother, don't have any evil thoughts. How could this treasure be kept by ordinary people? It is a credit to you, brother, to dedicate it to the government as soon as possible."

Generally, when dealing with people, you must not have selfishness. If you have selfishness together, you will often do some reckless activities.Fortunately, the world is in turmoil at this time, taxes and labor are heavy, no one is willing to pay for bronze relics, so Zhang Xiaozhuan had no choice but to let go of this idea, and thought that as long as he mastered the art of matching cats, he would gather rare treasures from all over the world. Treasures are just like picking things out of a bag. Mr. Zhang is a prime minister, so why be short-sighted and only care about this wind and rain clock. At this time, the bronze bell came out of water, and the white mist gushing from the well mouth gradually dissipated, and all of them condensed into cumulonimbus clouds at high altitude. Leng Yue Lone Star.Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi recruited a sentry Lingzhou Tuanyong who was waiting for orders, asked them to wrap up the wind and rain bells, and carried them back directly to the magistrate Ma. All Tuanyongs are natives of Lingzhou. In the past few days, they have witnessed Zhang Xiaozhuan's outstanding achievements repeatedly.Zhang Xiaozhuan is also good at boasting, blowing up to the sky, down to the ground, and blowing the air in the middle, even if something as big as a sesame seed is put into his mouth, it will become earth-shattering, earth-shattering, and words will give it, The eloquence is eloquent, and those things that have no shadow can be said vividly with nose and eyes.Therefore, Tuan Yong and Tolerance all admired him, and they all admired that the card head is really a skill, such a genius and great strategy, it can be used to great effect, and he will definitely be promoted and rewarded by the court in the future. Don't forget to take care of the brothers when the time comes. As he spoke, he came to the gate of Mr. Ma's mansion. Although it was the middle of the night, the siege of the city was very tight and the whole city was heavily guarded.Master Ma was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and couldn't sleep well at night. After hearing the news, he ordered Zhang Xiaozhuo and Sun Dazi to meet in the back hall. That Xiaofeng worked as a maidservant in Ma's mansion, and finally lived a stable life for a few days. Seeing that Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi had become the top cards of Lingzhou's yamen, she couldn't help but feel happy for them, but Mr. Ma was anxious. Wanting to ask questions, she couldn't allow her to talk too much, so she had to stand aside and wait on her. Ma Tianxi had seen the wind and rain clock, and was even more impressed by Zhang Xiaozhuan. He really didn't expect that this person was so capable in handling things, and he was as easy as waiting for all difficulties, so he didn't hide it, and told Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi the truth.He wanted the wind and rain clock to be useless, but Admiral Fucha Tuhai, who guarded Lingzhou, begged for it.This person was born in Shangsanqi, and his family is full of party members in the court. He can be said to have a solid foundation and strong feet. When he came here to take up his post, his family and relatives were also brought in the city.Old Tuhai has a daughter who has always been regarded as the apple of her eye, so she was named Fucha Mingzhu. Now she is sixteen years old, and she is as beautiful as a flower, and she is beautiful. Unfortunately, since she came to Lingzhou, she has a strange feeling. sickness, healed everywhere to no avail.It is said that there was a famous doctor who gave a secret recipe. You need to use a wind and rain clock to catch enough rainwater, and then heat it up to take a bath, so that you can recover. It is difficult to find it everywhere. Now it is fortunate that you fished this thing out of the ancient well of Tawang Temple. After Tu Hai knows about this, he will be rewarded with a lot of rewards, and the official will take the opportunity to praise you. Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi hurriedly thanked him, but Zhang Xiaozhuan had other plans in his head.The old ghost in the forest instructed him to do a few important things in the Maoxian Temple. If he can do all of them, he will naturally rise to the top.Those few things were to go to the barren burial mountain to capture and kill the god mastiff; the second was to lead a group of cats to fish out the wind and rain bell in the ancient well of Tawang Temple.These things are closely connected to one another, and all of them are related, and now the third thing is to arrest the leader of the animal cult, Master Baita. So Zhang Xiaozhuan told Master Ma that Miss Fucha Mingzhu's illness was not caused by medicine, but because of the evil spirits hidden in the admiral's mansion. This is exactly: "Scatter the golden thread net with both hands, and fish out right and wrong from it." If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter.
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