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Chapter 5 Section five

transparent carrot 莫言 3106Words 2018-03-19
For more than ten days in a row, the girl and the little mason seemed to have forgotten Hei-hai, and never went to visit him together in the bridge opening.Every noon and night, Heihai would hear the melodious singing of a lark in the jute field, and a cold smile appeared on his face, as if he knew what the bird was calling.The little blacksmith didn't notice the lark's call until several days later than Hei Hai.He hid in the bridge hole and observed carefully, and finally discovered the mystery: as long as the lark sang, the shadow of the little mason would not be seen on the construction site, and Miss Chrysanthemum would fidget, look around, and soon drop the hammer and slip away.A moment after the girl slipped away, the lark stopped singing.At this time, the little blacksmith's face became even uglier, and his temper became more irritable.He started drinking.Every day, Heihai walks across the stone bridge to the village store to fill him with a bottle of sweet potato shochu.

That night, the moonlight was as bright as water, and the larks called again.The smoked wind in the jute field rushes towards the construction site like gentle love.The little blacksmith held the wine bottle and downed half of the bottle of soju in one gulp, his eye was burned with tears.Deputy Director Liu Sunyang has gone home to marry his daughter-in-law these days, and people on the construction site are distracted. Most of the stonemasons on the night shift are lying in the bridge hole smoking, there is no drill to repair, and the fire is beating half dead. "Hei boy... go, pull some radishes for me..." The alcohol burned the little blacksmith's stomach, and he felt as if his mouth was about to breathe fire.

Hei Hai stood beside the bellows like a stick, looking at the little blacksmith. "You, are you waiting for me to beat you? Go..." Heihai walked into the moonlight field, walked around the infinitely mysterious jute field under the moonlight, passed through the colorful sweet potato fields, and arrived at the radish field shaking desert mirages.When he walked back to the bridge opening with a carrot in hand, the little blacksmith had already fallen asleep on the straw bunk.Hei Hai put the radish on the anvil and turned on the fire with trembling hands, but he couldn't get the blue and yellow flames rising into the air. He changed the angle and looked at the one on the anvil. The radish, the radish was covered with a layer of dark red rags, it was extremely ugly, and the child hung his head in frustration.

That night, Heihai didn't sleep well.He was lying in a bridge hole, rolling over and over.Deputy Director Liu was away, and the migrant workers all ran home to sleep.Only a thin layer of wheat straw remained in the bridge hole.The moonlight shone obliquely into the bridge hole, and the bridge hole was filled with cold light, the sound of the river, the sound of jute, and the snoring of the little blacksmith in the westernmost bridge hole.And some other inexplicable voices got into his ears together.Wheatgrass glinted on the stones, piercing his eyes.He gathered all the straw and piled it into a small grass ridge, and then got in. The wind could still get in through the cracks in the grass, and he curled up hard, not daring to move.He tried to sleep, but couldn't.He always thought about that turnip, what kind of turnip it was.Golden, transparent.For a while he seemed to be standing in the river, and for a while he was standing in the radish field. He was looking everywhere, everywhere...

The next morning, before the sun came out and the moon had not completely lost its brilliance, flocks of black ravens flew over the construction site screaming in panic, leaving their dirty feathers shed on the floodgate.On the eastern horizon, there are more than a dozen gray clouds like big trees, and the branches are covered with tattered cloth strips.As soon as Heihai got out of the bridge hole, he felt chills all over his body, just like he had shivered when he swayed a few days ago.Deputy Director Liu came back yesterday and checked the situation on the construction site. He was very angry and scolded all the migrant workers.So today people came early and worked hard. The sound of hammers on the construction site was like the crowing of frogs in the pond.There are a lot of steel drills to be repaired today, and the little blacksmith is also very serious about his work, and the work is done quickly and beautifully.The stonemasons who came to change the steel drills kept praising him, saying that his hardening skills even surpassed the old blacksmith's. The steel drills he produced were fast and tough, and they bit the stone every time.

When the sun was two poles high, the little mason sent two steel drills to be repaired.These are two new diamonds, each worth four or five dollars.The little blacksmith glanced at the radiant little mason, and a cold light shot out from his one eye.The little mason didn't notice the little blacksmith's expression, and all he saw in his happy eyes was happiness.Hei Hai'er felt scared: he saw that the little blacksmith was going to play tricks on the little mason.The little blacksmith burned the two steel drills until they were as white as silver, and hastily punched out the sharp points on the anvil, and then immersed them in the water at once...

The little stonemason walked away with the steel drill in hand, and the little blacksmith smiled proudly. He looked at Heihai (目助) (目力) and said, "Grandson, he is worthy of making Lao Tzu out of it!" Drill? Son, do you think he is worthy?" Hei Hai shrank in a corner, shaking violently.After a while, the little mason returned to the blacksmith's stove. He threw the two drills in front of the little blacksmith, and scolded: "One-eyed dragon, what kind of fire are you quenching?" "Grandson, what are you calling?" said the little blacksmith. "Open that one eye of yours and look!"

"It's your bad drill." "Fart, you're deliberately teasing me." "So what's the point of playing tricks on you? Man looks at you and gets angry!" "You, you," said the little mason, his face pale with anger, "if you have the guts, come out!" "I'm afraid you won't succeed!" The little blacksmith tore off the oilcloth tied around his waist, walked over barebacked like a brown bear. The little stonemason stood on the sandy ground in front of the gate, took off his jacket and red tracksuit, and wore only a vest.He is tall, with a face like a scholar, and a body as strong as a tree.The little blacksmith's feet were still tied with the two anti-scalding oilcloths, and the sharp stones on the ground made a squeaking sound when the soles of his feet stepped on the ground. His arms were long and his legs were short, and his upper body was very muscular.

"War fighting or martial arts?" the little blacksmith said dismissively. "As you like." The little stonemason said dismissively. "You'd better go home and ask your father to make a written statement. Don't make me pay for my son if you kill him." "You'd better go home and nail the coffin first." Cursing, the two leaned together.Hei Hai squatted far away, shivering non-stop.He saw that the initial confrontation between the little blacksmith and the little mason seemed like a joke.The little mason rolled his tongue and spat on the little blacksmith's face. The little blacksmith raised his long arm and thrust his fist in. The little mason retreated, and the punch was in vain.Spit again.Another punch.Back again.Flash empty.But before the little mason's third mouthful of saliva came out of his lips, the little blacksmith punched him hard on the shoulder, and his body turned around involuntarily.

People screamed and gathered around, shouting: "Don't fight, don't fight." But no one stepped forward to fight.Afterwards, there was no shouting at all, and everyone opened their eyes wide and held their breath, watching these two young men with completely different figures compete for strength.Miss Juzi's face was ashen, and she grabbed the shoulder of a girl next to her with all her strength.When his lover ate the iron fist of the little blacksmith, she moaned in a low voice, her eyes like a blooming black chrysanthemum. The duel is still difficult to distinguish between high and low. If you punch me, I will punch you too. The little mason is tall, and his fists are beautiful and unrestrained, but obviously a bit floating, a little tricky, and not very strong. The little blacksmith moves a little slower , but the punch was fierce and solid, and if he punched him blankly, the little mason would turn around in a circle.Later, the little blacksmith was punched on the head, and a little dizzy, the little mason took the opportunity to step forward, and the fists rained down on the little blacksmith's body.The little blacksmith stretched his waist and got into the little mason's armpit. His two long arms wrapped around the little mason's waist like two eels. The little mason quickly grabbed the little blacksmith's head. Going forward, the little mason couldn't hold on, and fell on his back on the sand.

A burst of cheers erupted from the crowd. The little blacksmith stood up, spat the blood from his mouth, and tilted his head like a victorious rooster. The little mason got up and rushed towards the little blacksmith.The two bodies, one white and one black, twisted together again.This time the little mason lay down very low, protecting his Xiasanlu from the little blacksmith, his four arms were tightly entwined, sometimes the little mason lifted the little blacksmith up and swung it in a circle, But it couldn't throw the little blacksmith out.The little mason was out of breath and covered in sweat, but the little blacksmith didn't even shed a single drop of sweat.The little mason was exhausted, his steps were chaotic, and double images appeared in front of his eyes. When he slackened for a moment, his arms were pulled away. The little blacksmith hugged his waist, and the hoop made him gasp, and he fell to the ground again. In the third round, the little mason lost even worse. The little blacksmith picked him up with a mangy dog ​​in his crotch, and he fell two meters away. Miss Juzi rushed forward crying and helped the little mason up.In the cry of Miss Juzi, the joy on the little blacksmith's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of desolation.He stood dumbfounded.The little mason got up, pushed away Juzi's hand, grabbed a handful of sand, and hit the little blacksmith's face.The sand and dirt captivated the little blacksmith's one eye. He howled like a wild animal and rubbed his eyes vigorously.The little mason took the opportunity to pounce on him, grabbed the little blacksmith by the neck and knocked him down, and beat the little blacksmith on the head with his fist like a drum... At this time, a black shadow emerged from the gap between people's legs.This is black boy.He flew behind the little mason like a big bird, grabbed the cheeks of the little mason with his two chicken-claw-like black hands and pulled them back hard. , fell heavily on the sand again. The little blacksmith struggled to sit up, touched the broken stones on the ground with his two big hands, and threw them around. "Beasts! Dogs!" The curses and the stones swept across the surrounding crowd like hail, and the people dodged in panic.Miss Juzi suddenly screamed.The little blacksmith's hand stopped as if dead.The sand in his one eye had been washed by tears to the corner of the eye, exposing the pupil.He vaguely saw a white stone flake stuck in Miss Juzi's right eye, as if a white fungus grew out of her eye.He let out a strange cry, covered his eyes, and lay on the ground writhing in pain. Hei Hai let go of his hand when he heard the girl's scream.His fingers scratched the little mason's cheeks to reveal two rows of soot-stained bloodstains.Taking advantage of people's panic, he quietly ran back to the bridge hole, squatted in the darkest corner, his teeth chattering, and peeked at the chaotic crowd on the construction site.
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