Home Categories Internet fantasy Golden Coffin Mausoleum Beast

Chapter 18 Chapter Nine: The Curse of Silver Ingots

Golden Coffin Mausoleum Beast 张牧野 4421Words 2018-03-12
Let’s talk about the extremely rare golden cat with moon shadow and black pupils, which was terrified. Zhang Xiaozhuan grabbed the cat’s ears and carried it in the air. It just happened to be face to face with that strange monk. Now, the hair all over his body is standing on end, as if being held by a ghost, and he looks like a different cat than usual. The strange monk who can repel rats was suddenly stared at by a pair of bloodshot cat's eyes, and he was quite frightened. He was caught off guard, screamed suddenly, and fell backwards on his back. It should also be that cats and mice are incompatible with each other, and this person is naturally afraid of black cats. I saw the strange monk lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, his short and thick limbs twitching uncontrollably, as if he had epilepsy, and the pain between his chest and lungs Take a breath and never turn back.

Sun Dazi took the opportunity to turn over and jump up from the ground, swung the stick in his hand and smashed it down head-on.He was a man of fierce strength and fierce heart, a stick was sent out, and the strong wind howled, and hit the top of the strange monk's head, so that his flesh and blood flew, and he was killed under the stick on the spot. The large group of rats in Chopsticks City lost their master, and they suddenly woke up from a dream. Before Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi could make a move, they rushed out of the city. There were many rat holes in the surrounding area, and they escaped completely in the blink of an eye. .

Zhang Xiaozhuan, who had just recovered from the shock, hurriedly hugged the black cat in his arms, and said to Sun Dazi: "It's really a good fortune this time, and it's all thanks to the blessing of Grandpa Cat Fairy; thanks to the quick wit of the third master, he used the black cat to break the evil monk's evil spirits." With the help of brother Mazi's heroic means and heroic insight, he was able to punish this mouse monk." Sun Dazi wiped the splashed blood on his face, and said to Zhang Xiaozhuan: "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. There are gods and Buddhas all over the sky, there are officials, kings and laws in the middle, and hell and ghost judgments below. Is it blind? This mouse monk abducted other people's children to eat, it is really unacceptable, but it turned out that I ended up killing this dog with just one stick. It was too cheap for this thief. He should be captured alive and sent to the yamen for punishment, and he will inevitably be smashed."

Zhang Xiaozhuan said: "This guy died here, it's finally a bad retribution. Our brothers survived a catastrophe, and there will be future blessings. Now most of the gold and silver treasures hidden in Chopsticks City are in our pockets." Yes. Since the time when the third master met the ghost in the golden coffin tomb, he has experienced many difficulties, suffered many setbacks, suffered many frights, and finally got the right fruit. Dai Yin has been used..." When it comes to what he is proud of, he can't help but forget about it, but he doesn't know the things in the world, he has always been capricious, his life is beyond his bounds, and he will have to repay it one day.

The two remembered the disgusting state of the strange monk eating steamed living people just now, and they still felt a little bit of hatred. They kicked the mouse monk's corpse a few times, and then rushed to the chopsticks building.There is a mountain of silver in that building, which is eye-catching.How could two people and four hands move this much money? After discussing for a while, Zhang Xiaozhuan turned around and came up with a crooked idea: I guess it will be dawn soon, why not go back for now and return it to the iron shopkeeper. He got the key to Huaiyuan, and lied to him, saying that the haunted house was really haunted, and he didn't dare to go in for the night. Then at night, he pushed the donkey cart to the gate of the backyard, and climbed over the wall to bring in the money.The street is not inhabited at all, and doing so is the safest way to go without anyone noticing.

The two hit it off immediately, and immediately wrapped a heavy bag of silver around their bodies, drilled a hole and returned from the original path, and covered the secret passage in Huaiyuan.After all the busy work was over, the sky was already pale, and they went to Maoxian Temple to find Xiaofeng, and the three of them kowtowed a few more times to Maoxian Lord, and waited at the alley for the old soldier Tie Zhong who was hunting for the night. Xiaofeng hid alone in the ruined temple for the middle of the night, and then heard the two emphatically talking about all kinds of weird things about rats building a city in the locust garden and stealing children to cook for food.The three of them couldn't guess the origin of the strange monk who could drive the group of mice to steal the silver.

According to Zhang Xiaozhuan's previous temperament, he would definitely be curious and couldn't help but stir up some things, but at this time and at that time, he only said that one more thing is worse than one less thing, because now Mr. Zhang's worth is different. Human life is the most precious thing, how can we go into danger again?Now that the first-class wealth has been obtained, what should be done at this time is to find a way to take a large amount of money out of the city and fly far away. The three of them murmured for a long time at the alley, first discussing how to transport the money tonight, and then discussing how to spend the money when they got it, until Zhang Xiaozhuan wished to share the wealth with Sun Dazi.Because Zhang Xiaozhuan met an old ghost in the forest by chance at the Golden Coffin Grave, and got the guidance of the immortal family, only then did he know that there were silver coins buried in the Huai Garden in Lingzhou City.It stands to reason that this wealth is all due to Zhang Xiaozhuan's fate, but Zhang Xiaozhuan claims to be righteous and has contributed a lot to his grandson, so he gave him 20%.

Sun Dazi was very grateful, and thanked Zhang Xiaozhuan a thousand times: "Living in this chaotic world with constant natural disasters and man-made disasters, I am satisfied if I can have enough food every day. Thanks to my virtuous brother, I have given my grandson Dazi a good deal." In the future, I am willing to lead the horses and stirrups for the Zhang family, but if you want to use it, I will rely on orders, and I will not hesitate to do so." Zhang Xiaozhui likes to hear others talk about his loyalty, but he is always dissatisfied with Xiaofeng, and he doesn't want to give a penny to this country girl who is holding back.But considering that she is a fellow from the village, let her be a servant of Zhang Sanye from now on, hand over all the hard work to Xiaofeng, and have two meals a day, morning and evening.During the holidays, if the third master's mood goes well, I can't help but be happy and reward her with two small flower jackets to wear.

Xiaofeng was so angry that he burst into tears, and the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. This is really "a proud fox is as strong as a tiger, and a defeated phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken." In the past, in Jincoffin Village, who would treat this little thief Zhang San see it.He is a wild child without father and mother, he can beat and scold whenever he wants, who knows that today he has become a rich man, even his grandson has become his lackey, but he has a broken family and no one to rely on In the future, I will have to swallow my breath and serve Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Xiaozhuan had been bullied by Widow Wang, the mother and daughter of thieves, and now she has figured out this bad breath, and was about to ask Xiaofeng to beat her back and legs, but suddenly became worried: "It's not good, look at the sun in the sky It's higher than the mountain, why didn't Tie Zhong, who was playing the watch, come to get the key? Doesn't the old man think that we are dead?" The three of Zhang Xiaozhuan waited left and right, but they didn't see the old man Tie Zhong coming to pick up the key to the Huai Garden, so they had to go to Songhetang Pharmacy to return the key in person.Unexpectedly, when I arrived in front of the drug store, I found that the door of the store was covered with a board, and it was almost noon. When I came back, there was a mess in the Songhetang pharmacy, and they were busy looking for people everywhere, so the business in the store had to stop.

The clerks and lockers in the store were discussing a lot, saying that the iron shopkeeper had always been used to keeping his money at home and never going out after nightfall.Some people also thought that maybe the Tie shopkeeper went to find a good friend at night, and he didn't come back from a hangover, so there was no need to make a fuss, and it was inappropriate to report this matter to the official, and everyone was talking too much, and the mess was beyond the point. Zhang Xiaozhuan felt something bad in his heart, Tie Rooster stayed at home well, why did he suddenly disappear without a trace?Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he took the zombie beauty from Wengzhong Mountain?But this matter was deeply hidden, Zhang Xiaozhuan didn't know what Iron Rooster wanted Beauty Yu to do, he couldn't figure it out even after guessing, so he had to ignore it, and planned to go to Huaiyuan to carry money after nightfall. The three of them had made up their minds, so they went to the clothes shop on the street to buy some new clothes, weighed more than a dozen catties of sauced meat at the delicatessen shop, returned to the Maoxian temple, and put away their dirty and tattered clothes. In exchange, he ate the bread rolls and meat until he was full, and distributed the remaining sauced meat to the wild cats in the temple, then hid behind the shrine and fell asleep. I wanted to sleep until night and start working, but my body was rich and burned, and I tossed and turned like sleeping pins and needles. I just felt that the day had passed very long, and the sun refused to set. Zhang Xiaozhuan wanted to learn how to be the ancient Houyi, Zhang Gong He took an arrow and shot the sun down that day. Finally, he couldn't bear his temper anymore, so he said to Sun Dazi and the others: "It's hard to be free. Anyway, what we have now is silver. Instead of sitting in the temple, it's better to let the three Master will take you to the Eight Immortals Tower to eat big dishes, you will be full and have a good night's work." Sun Dazi and Xiaofeng claimed that they had heard the name of Lingzhou Eight Immortals Restaurant a long time ago, and within a few hundred miles, no one knew that it was the largest and most luxurious restaurant in the city.Lingzhou is a famous and prosperous city through the ages, and the Eight Immortals Tower is also an old sign and time-honored brand for hundreds of years. Most of the people who go there to eat and drink are high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen who come and go from south to north. How can the poor in the countryside enjoy it?I can't even dream of the delicacies of mountains and seas in the Eight Immortals Building. The three of them were greedy, and they all wanted to open their eyes by the way, so naturally they left, so they took the black cat and inquired all the way to the Eight Immortals Tower.The Baxian Building is located on the most prosperous street in the south of the city. There are many restaurants and teahouses on both sides of this street. There are the most merchants and sellers in Lingzhou, all of whom are rich and wealthy. Although there is a war outside the city, this place is still full of music and music. ,Crowded. Zhang Xiaozhui's ears were sharp, and when he heard the voice of storytelling in the teahouse on the road, he couldn't move under his feet. Seeing that it was still early, and it was not time to go to the Eight Immortals Building for dinner, he took Sun Dazi and Xiaofeng into the teahouse, and ordered After ordering good tea and snacks, imitating the appearance of a rich man, sitting down drinking tea and listening to books. The storyteller in the library is talking.Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi like listening to this set of books the most, especially the deeds of Wu Erlang, a hero who fights tigers. If we say it today, these two are "super die-hard fans" of such heroes as Wu Song and Yan Qing.When they heard that Zhang Dujian framed Wu Song and the hero was in distress, they gritted their teeth angrily, slapped tables and benches; , and at the same time clapped their hands and applauded loudly. When they had heard enough books and it was almost time for dinner, the three of them went straight to the Eight Immortals Tower. Before they reached the door, they could already smell the smell of wine and meat mixed in the building.None of the three had ever been in such a magnificent restaurant, but they had money in their pockets, so they became more courageous. When they stepped in, a waiter immediately came to greet them. That guy is specialized in dealing with customers. Seeing a pockmarked face and a country girl looking around with her head down, it seems that her eyes are not enough, and the other guy has a face full of naughty and rascal, so I know that he probably has never seen the world However, seeing that the three of them were unkempt, their clothes were neat and shiny, and they didn't look like beggars. I thought that there were so many customers in the business at this time, and it was not worth driving them out with beatings and scolding. If there is no money to pay for the meal, stripping off the few clothes on them will be worth it. So the clerk greeted Zhang Xiaozhuan and the others to take their seats, he was a shop bully, he asked the three guest officials what they wanted to eat, and said that our Eight Immortals Restaurant doesn't sell Yangchun noodles. Sun Dazi and Xiaofeng had never been to a big restaurant, they were ashamed of themselves, they just looked around, and when asked by the waiter, they didn't know what to eat.Only Zhang Xiaozhui was rich and powerful, and slapped the table and scolded: "Your grandma, dare to bully the third master who has no money in his pocket? How can the third master come to your shop if he wants to eat Yangchun noodles with clear soup and little water?" Out of two large silver coins, he said carelessly: "Today, the third master is the host, and I invite two friends to dinner. You don't have a good eye, why don't you report to the third master what special dishes you have in your shop?" .” Generally speaking, the shop assistants who are used to greet and send off are mostly snobs who have an eye for money.The guy scolded Zhang Xiaozhuan, and was about to get angry when he saw Yinzi again, his anger disappeared, and he immediately changed his face, squinted his eyebrows and smiled apologetically: "Yes, what you taught me is that the boy is indeed If you have eyes but no eyes, please be kind to the distinguished guests. In our Eight Immortals Building, we invite famous chefs from all over the world. They specialize in cooking all kinds of dishes from north and south. Those who want to eat, those who swim in the water, there is everything you want to eat, and let the boy give the name of the dish to the three." Since ancient times, it has been said that "the owner of a shop is not afraid of a man with a big belly". Since the person who eats has money, there is no reason for the owner of the shop to save money for him. I saw the waiter busily pouring tea and water, and then stood by and sang all the way Road menu. Zhang Xiaozhuan and others have never heard of it, and they don't know what those North and South dishes are. After playing with the guy enough, he finally told him that the third master never asks the price for his meals, and just eats the famous dishes in the Eight Immortals Building. It is accompanied by a dozen or so.Not long after, the waiter brought up the wine and dishes like water. Seven plates and eight bowls filled the table. The dishes of Lingzhou Baxianlou lived up to their reputation, and they were all delicious in color, aroma and taste. The three of Zhang Xiaozhuan rolled up their arms and sleeves, held up their chopsticks for luck, and were about to let go of their hands and feet to eat and drink, but before they could move their chopsticks, they suddenly heard a shout outside the Eight Immortals Building, and a thunderstorm seemed to break into dozens of people tolerance.This group of people moved like tigers and wolves, they entered the restaurant and kicked over a few tables, they couldn't help but push Zhang Xiaozhuan, Sun Dazi, and Xiaofeng to the ground like hawks and sparrows. Take out the rope and tie it into four horses and all hooves. Zhang Xiaozhui's face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly shouted: "The upper and lower card masters hold their hands high. The villain came to the city to sell frogs. It's not the secret work of Cantonese bandits, but did he take the wrong person?" Sun Dazi also shouted: "Oh my god His injustice! We are all good citizens!" One of the official arresters was furious when he heard the words. He swung his hands, bowed left and right, and each slapped Zhang Xiaozhuan and Sun Dazi more than a dozen times. , and lost a few teeth. Sun Dazi still wanted to complain, but he saw a leader of the gang nodded and cursed: "You three murderous thieves dare to talk too much? Shut up as soon as possible, and honestly follow me!" Grandpas can go back to see the officials, and they will suffer less flesh and blood. A lawsuit against Tian Zihao is enough for you to fight." This is exactly: "People's hearts are like iron but not iron, official laws are like furnaces are really like furnaces." If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter.
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