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Chapter 5 chapter Five

the castle 贾平凹 12004Words 2018-03-19
After the harvest, the mountains are thin and the rivers are fat. The village is rising, but the lanes are narrowing.The trees in front of each house, the walls of the courtyard, and the eaves are all hung with corn sticks; the hot peppers are very long, strung with twine, and hung down from the rafters under the eaves; the tobacco leaves are braided in a herringbone shape, Under the word "ji" on the gable wall, they are hung horizontally one by one; soybeans, black beans, cloud beans, and red beans are exposed to the sun in the courtyard and alleyways.Everyone ate a few meals of glutinous rice cakes made from tender buns, and a few meals of vegetables, tofu and rice porridge, and the fatigue of the autumn harvest subsided.The women soaked the pots of black beans in warm water, filled them into wooden barrels, and put them in the flowing water of the river bend to grow sprouts.Sprouts grow very fast, and half a barrel of beans grows to the height of the barrel beam. The women went to pick them up, and chatted across the river, saying: "Did the boss come to your house last night to buy eggs?" This side said : "Buying eggs? He is too popular in life, and the strong guy wants to eat eggs?" The other side said: "You are so stupid! He is for Yun Yun to eat, you have not seen Yun Yun's waist, how stupid!" Said the other side "You mean..." Over there winked and waved his hands: "It's ugly, it's ugly, it's time to plant stubble crops!" The person here was very interested and said:

"I said, a few days ago, I saw that the boss bought a few knives of soft paper from the town, thinking that he was pasting the windows, but when he arrived at Yun Yun's house, he was thrown in the latrine! It's not necessary to raise a wild species with a dirty body. Cotton sleeves, use such good paper!" He spit across the river, squinted at the door of Yun Yun's house in the distance.Yunyun was sitting under the tree in front of the door, his body was much clumsy, he used the persimmon rotary knife to rotate the yellow persimmons, shaking the handle of the shelf with one hand, and pressing the knife with the other, the persimmon skin came out like a tape measure, and then dried on the tree on the bamboo pole.She didn't hear the discussion by the river, but when she looked up, she saw the woman collecting bean sprouts coming.

She asked anxiously: "It's busy, didn't you go digging mines?" The woman said: "No." But her eyes were fixed on her stomach, and she saw the egg skins lying in the corner of the yard, and said: "Yunyun, you are so busy this day." You're not thin, you've gained weight!" Yun Yun was so startled that he didn't dare to stand up.But the woman shouted again: "Oh, Yunyun, why do you have butterfly spots on your face?" Yunyun was extremely embarrassed, so he said, "You haven't slept well." The woman said, "Haven't you slept well?" With a laugh, he staggered away.

The woman gave a strange laugh, which made Yunyun feel ashamed, and went back to the house and told his grandmother, who said: "It's a shame to be ashamed, but it's like this anyway, let people talk about it if they have a mouth! Yes, the doll sits on the lap, and it will be born as soon as you touch it." Yunyun said: "Grandma, I can't stand this spittle!" The grandma said, "The woman of the Han family still has the face to criticize you? Her mother-in-law stole men very fiercely. In those years, her father-in-law went to Nanyang, Henan Province to carry water pipes as a porter. After going there for a year, the daughter-in-law came back with a big belly, and the baby was born without knowing whether it was Wang or Li! You are now a member of the Zhang family, Huai De

Zhang’s body, who are you afraid of talking about it? I’ll ask the boss’s parents, they must have an idea!” Yun Yun saw that Nai’s words were wrong again, so she sat in the back of the house without saying a word. to cry by the side of the gutter. After a few days, grandma asked Yunyun to sleep with her at night, and she had already fallen asleep, but said: "Yunyun, the eldest father and mother have been sitting here these few nights, and I talk about you, do they like it? The baby was born as a boy, so please don’t let it hurt you. I said: Yunyun is thin-skinned, so you can’t give birth to the baby in her mother’s house. Your mother-in-law said: Let the boss and Yunyun get married as soon as possible. Your mother-in-law’s idea That's right!" Yunyun hurriedly put on her clothes and went to her bedroom to sleep.The grandma asked: "Why?" Yunyun said: "How many years have the boss's parents been dead, and you always talk about them, I'm afraid!"

Li complained that grandma was confused, and he shouldn't have told her about it.Sleeping in a daze until midnight, but waking up again, thinking about what my grandma said was reasonable, so I made up my mind, when I will discuss it with my boss-it would be better if I really got married in advance. The boss is always too busy to stay at home. On both sides of the main road of the mine, branch holes have been dug one after another. Every family has them. Whoever opens the branch holes will mine.The family dug too much, and every family held back their energy to compete, and there were a lot of mines piled up outside the cave.The boss bought a lot of books to read, and learned some knowledge about mining, so he went to various caves every day at three o'clock to check and point out where there are mines.How to dig where the mine is, and it is absolutely required to erect a support after digging a section, without his consent.Do not dig randomly.I bought another batch of hard hats and resold them to everyone, but they had to wear them whenever they entered a cave.Every two or three days, I drive a walking tractor to the county to deliver goods.First of all, he went to hand in the mine, and he didn't need to be paid, only charged for diesel fuel.Each family packs ore in sacks, writes their names and surnames on the bags, and settles accounts one by one when they come back.After the antimony ore was delivered several times, the people from the township tax office came, and then the county mine management bureau and the road management station also came. They collected money all over the place and spoke arbitrarily.The miners quarreled with them, but they couldn't quarrel, but they didn't dare to fight, and they kept complaining to the boss.The boss negotiated several times.Then he became smart, and when these tax collectors came, they invited them to their homes and accompanied them with smiling faces.Respect good cigarettes and good wine, and then please eat, seven dishes and eight bowls, drink three times and drink four times. After eating and getting drunk, these people can say anything and do anything, and the taxes will be paid according to the truth. receive.Let's say: "Policy, policy is like a sweet potato, human feelings are fire, when the fire is hot, the sweet potato is soft, when the fire is low, the sweet potato is hard!" After eating it once, it will be two or three times. Second, he said: "Brother, why bother? Everyone is mining. We manage the transportation and delivery of mines. If you don't say that you want to be paid, why doesn't anyone say that you have lost money and want to pay you? These tax collectors There is no bottom pit, let's eat and drink. If this goes on, we will be worse off than anyone else!"

The boss said: "I know that. At the beginning, let the people in the village get some real benefits. After a long time, can they still let us run for nothing? Everyone has a conscience, and there are not many people now. Don't tell me it's ours?" Yunyun understood the painstaking efforts of the boss, so he didn't mention the matter of getting married early.After making clothes, enlarge the size to make it wider and bigger. If you want to go out, give yourself courage: “What are you afraid of? Jump. The boss inspected safety as usual, delivered minerals, and received tax collectors, but none of the villagers offered to compensate him for his losses, as if he felt that this should be done.Even when he came back to settle the account after handing over the ore, someone still suspected that the weight of his ore did not match, and said: "This is so strange, if the boss didn't benefit from it, how could he be so stupid?" Annoyed.Since then, I have changed my mind and set up a collection point at the entrance of the village, where all mines are mined.They all dug up and said by heart: the county mining company charged thirty-five cents a catty, and he charged thirty-five cents a catty, and settled the account on the spot, and he didn't owe a penny.

People get red-eyed when they get cash at the mining site.Every time those bachelor men entered the cave, they would shout: "Let's go, dig a wife!" Sure enough, not long after, someone took wads of money to find Ji Linniang, begging her to go to the North and South Mountains to find a suitable woman; They began to buy bricks and tiles, and prepared to exchange their slate houses for green halls and tile houses.When a person has money, he speaks loudly. Several families reconcile husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are close, and several families fight and quarrel. The wife called the daughter, served food and tea, and said, "I fed you stupid pigs!" After the boss took over the mine, Yunyun came to help with the scale and payment, and he dared not use force even though he was clumsy.The barber once again threw the burden of shaving upstairs to help his son-in-law, but the family account clearly stated that all the money was put in the same box, and no one moved a cent.In the evening, one uses the abacus, the other uses grain, and the other pulls the finger, and the three accounts agree.Yun Yun tied her share with hemp rope and hid it at the bottom of the box, but often took out one or two for her grandma.Grandma saved up money, but didn't go to buy clothes, but forced the barber to go to the town to buy burnt paper, and melted it at the bottom of the hall, saying that Grandpa Yunyun came and wanted to give him some money; When they come, give them some money too, emphasizing that "if you have money, you will forget the sinful virtues of your ancestors!"

Niu Mozi dug the mine for a few days, and then fell ill. His face was sallow, and his feet and hands were feverish. He showed it to a doctor of Chinese medicine and said that he needed enough rest. "Blood returns to the liver when a person lies down."Do not get angry, "excessive qi hurts the liver".Niu Mozi drove his wife, son, and daughter-in-law to dig: his son was young, and he married a daughter-in-law who was five years older than him, and was called "sister-in-law".The sister-in-law is from Dongshan Laolin, she is extremely ugly and extremely useless.After digging for a while, I am in my menstrual period.The blood flowed down, and hay ash was filled in the belt seamed with cloth, and the hole was damp.Then he fell ill, became more and more serious, and fell asleep.Niu Mozi was suspicious

There is a strange place.Asking an onmyoji to come and treat him, he really said that it was a ghost.Niu Mozi asked: "Is it the ghost in the cave, or is there a wild ghost on the mountain?" The onmyoji asked instead: "There has been an accident in this cave. I heard that there is a 'Red Square'; what happened on the mountain?" Niu Mozi The master said: "There was a musk deer on the mountain. It was a strange musk deer. It was obviously killed, but there was another one." The onmyoji also affirmed: "Then this must be a wild ghost!" Guiyi said that within a year, he needs to be very careful, and he will come back in ten days, if the condition does not decrease, he has to hire Gao Ming.Ten days later, the Onmyoji came again, looked around the house, and suddenly pointed to a locust tree and said, "Okay, the disease has recovered!" Everyone saw a big pimple on the locust tree.The onmyoji said: "This is to cause a tumor in the patient's stomach. After the treatment, the tumor was transferred to this tree." Niu Mozi's face was ashen-colored.Convinced.

Niu Mozi kept the Onmyoji's words in mind, and dared not let his family dig mines again.And every time he sees other people get money, but forgets the instructions of the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and his stomach is swollen with anger, he goes around lobbying for the efficacy of onmyoji, saying that his daughter-in-law's illness is caused by mining.But people didn't believe it, and said: "If the musk deer is a bad omen, how can the filmmakers come? Once the cave is reopened, don't they all get rich?" Niu Mozi said: "They all got rich? How much money can you make? Why don't you look in the mirror, everyone has become the Black Dragon King, right?" People asked what he said, and he played it up: "You know, the old man doesn't work hard, he doesn't sweat, he just collects ore there, hard How much profit do you want to make? Mining to make a fortune, he is so capable, why doesn't he dig? This is obviously trying to exploit the villagers!" This is very poisonous, and many people have a heart attack, and they talk about the boss's treacherous ability up. The boss ignored this for a while, he did earn a lot of money, bought some furniture for the house, bought three new clothes for Xiaomei, and changed Yunyun's outfit from head to toe.The sister-in-law and sister-in-law were handsome at first, but the horses were equipped with new saddles, and they became even more outstanding. The four actors also said: "Xiaomei and Yunyun are almost from the city!" , people are much more active.Yun Yunjing dared to go anywhere, and went to the cave to deliver meals to Guangda and Guangxiao. His shoes and socks were stained with dirt and he slapped them vigorously; , wear on the feet leather shoes.The villagers said: "Look, money has made people look like dolls! Why are you so rich?" Yunyun heard it and said, "We earn one and spend one. You put the money at home to have a son!" Others said: "We don't have as much money as you, you stretch out your little finger, it's bigger than our waist!" Yunyun said: "Aren't they all earned the same? We didn't steal it!" The answer was: "You are The owner of the mine, the big boss!" So angry that Yun came back and got angry, the boss said, "I'm just talking for fun!" He didn't care. two At the beginning of October of the lunar calendar, the crew of the filming team arrived. The filming crew was equipped with a generator, and when it started suddenly, there was electricity. Everyone in the village had heard of this thing, but few had seen it. Even the milk was taken to watch.In order to thank the villagers for their support in the selection and setting of the scene, and to ensure the smooth progress of the filming work in the future, the film crew specially connected a line to the village.The director said to the boss: "I wanted the villagers to use the electric lights, but the electricity is insufficient. If you buy an electric grinder, everyone won't have to carry the mill stick to push the stone mill, and spend more labor to mine. One The Taidian mill is three or four hundred yuan. If you can’t take it out at once, we can lend you a sum first. Once the mill is turned, the money will be paid. Will be back soon. The boss said: "Now it's not the same as before. Three or four hundred yuan can be paid for." "Just as I was delivering ore, I bought an electric grinder by the way. When the electric grinder was turned on, every family came to grind grain, and no one did not say good things about the film crew. The boss said to Everbright: "The film crew is so kind to us. There are more than 40 people living here. We have to show it! I'm thinking about it. We don't have any good food for them. People in the city are good." I am used to eating good things and rare game, you should stop mining these few days, go out and hunt wild animals, let’s treat them to a game feast!” Guangdabi’s eldest is two years old, and he has arranged for Xiaomei’s marriage, and has been He sweetly called the eldest brother, and couldn't help but say, "Brother, it's okay. I haven't hunted for a long time, and my hands are itchy!" Guangda put his gun on his back and went up the mountain to find the target.Sure enough, I got three rabbits on the first day.Small Mei was cooking for the film crew and told the actors about the Everbright hunting. Everyone was happy, and Xiaomei kept her ears open to listen to the movement in the mountains.When the gunshots weren't too loud, she said it must be a hare, or a pheasant; the louder gunshots were probably goats or something.Because when encountering a big wild animal, the medicine will be filled with more, and iron bars will be put in the medicine.She hoped that Guangda would be able to fight a big wild animal, which would show his ability; but she was also worried that if he met a big wild animal, would he be able to deal with it alone: ​​Guangda is a fool, but he is stronger than his elder brother.She has strength, but she lacks the spirituality of her elder brother! Xiaomei was feeling uneasy when she heard a heavy gunshot from the direction of Tianfeng Castle.The political commissars at the mine heard.They also ran out to watch; the film crew also heard it and ran out to watch.Xiaomei stood at the front, both happy and anxious, not knowing what she was hitting, whether she was killed or not: Suddenly, Guangda's hysterical shout came from the old castle: "Hit, hit again! I killed the musk deer! It was a male musk deer, a male musk deer! I killed all musk deer!" When Shanxia heard that musk deer had been killed again, he was surprised at first, and almost everyone couldn't react.There was a deathly silence in the valley.After a few minutes, there was cheering.The director said: "Is it male musk deer? Doesn't male musk deer have musk?" Immediately, more than a dozen actors and actresses ran to Tianfeng Mountain.Xiaomei ran the fastest, but she tripped over a stone and rolled in the grass nest. She lost her strength and smiled silently, with lines of laughter all over her face. Guangda on the mountain, after shouting wildly, was also shocked by his own victory. He stood in front of the dead musk deer, stared blankly for a while, then suddenly knelt down on his knees, and slapped the musk deer with both hands; shouted: " How did you die? You are amazing! Come again! How did you die?!" He fell beside the musk deer, covered in blood, and burst into tears.In the morning, when I arrived at the castle, I shot a hare and a pheasant one after another.The pheasant's tail is more than two feet long and comes in five colors. He pulled it off and pinned it to his back collar one by one, saying: "This is my Xiaomei's. No one will give it to me, even if the director wants it!" About to go down the mountain, suddenly a small stone slipped under his feet, rolled down with a thud, and rolled on a side of the soil.He cursed a few times, and just got up, but found a musk deer emerged from the grass nest over there, and immediately disappeared.He was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help yelling "Ah", then ignored the hares and pheasants, raised his gun and came over, hid in the grass and packed the medicine, put all the medicine in it, and shot another stick iron bar. This is the male musk deer. The belly of the female musk deer grows bigger day by day, and the male musk deer looks for food even more blindly.The people down the mountain are busy digging in the mine, and it is happy that no one comes up the mountain to disturb it.However, it is too careless.When I came out of the cave this morning, I didn't intend to go to the ditch, but I was greedy for the clear water in the ditch, so I went to have a drink.It doesn't matter if you come back immediately after drinking the water, but after drinking the water and thinking about the female musk deer in the cave, I found another bamboo tube filled with water and brought it up.It doesn't matter if you come back quickly with a bamboo tube of water, but it thinks that the water is too little, remembering that there is a gourd full of water on the window sill of a single house in the back mountain, so it goes there and steals it again, pretending Get out of the water and go to the cave.It happened that in Caowo, I met Guangda, the enemy met each other, and I was extremely jealous.Guangda recognized it as the second ominous musk deer; it also believed that it was the murderer who killed its mother.But if the male musk deer leaves the water hyacinth and climbs over the cliff at this time, Guangda can’t come over anyway, and it’s not easy to find it, but it is reluctant to leave the water hyacinth behind, and instead of going down the cliff, it walks along a grove of shoots He ran, but Everbright shot... Guangda walked down the mountain with the dead musk on his back, and the actors surrounded him.There was a light on his face.He proudly narrated the process of hunting musk deer.Finally, rubbing his nose with his hands, the red blood was painted all over his face.Said: "All the musk deer were killed by me! Everyone said that the musk deer was a disaster and brought disaster to this place. Now, let me kill all musk deer!" He laughed for a while, and after a while, there was Taking advantage of his inattention, an actor cut off the musk deer's genitals with a knife, winked at the other actors, and several of them ran across the foot of the mountain and returned to the film crew's residence first.The actor went to the director and said: "Director, musk is a precious medicinal material and it is not easy to get it. Cut this baby back, don’t you have arthritis, I heard that drinking musk and angelica wine can cure it!” The director blushed and said: “Fuck! Everbright is a strong person, you provoke him, be careful beat you!" Guangda carried the musk deer into the village, and the villagers regarded him as a hero. They surrounded him to see that he tied the musk deer by its hind legs, hung it upside down on a tree, and peeled it open.Xiaomei stood there, holding the pheasant tail that Everbright had given her in her hand, a little shy and a little joyful.After Guangda finished sharpening his knife, he took off his shirt, grabbed the musk deer, and cursed, "Gou Ri's eyes are still staring!" He picked out the eyes with a knife and stepped on them, Xiaomei yelled "ah", and covered her hands with her hands I dare not look at my face.At this time the director came, took the genitals of the musk in his hand, and said: "Guangda, I'm really sorry, some actors secretly cut musk, I criticized them. Now, I send this thing back, I hope you can forgive me! Guangda was quite surprised, and went to look under the musk deer, only to find that the musk deer really had no genitals, so he laughed so hard that the director Zhanger monk couldn't figure it out.Guangda said: "You people in the city are mistaken! People say that the musk is the despicable thing of the musk, but it is actually in the belly button of the musk!" After hearing this, the director suddenly realized, laughed, and shouted: "Ah! Huang, Ah Huang!" Ah Huang squeezed in from the crowd, the director threw the disgusting stinky meat in his hand to the dog, Ah Huang took it, jumped happily in the air, and ran to find his little "love" love". three The venison feast was held the next morning, and the people in the city ate so much that their faces were greasy and their bodies were full of energy.After the meal, the first shot officially started shooting in the valley.Villagers came out in full force, sitting layer upon layer along the soil slope to the north of the shooting site.From the top to the bottom, there are human heads. Those with bald heads can be identified as men, while the women's heads are oiled with oil and watered without oil. They are tightly combed and smooth.Seen from the bottom up, there are a lot of feet, all kinds of shoes, and the only three-inch golden lotus is Yun Yun's milk.The director and cameraman tried the shots tirelessly, and the make-up artist was busy making up the actors on the spot.Since most actors are going to play bandits, there are Some of their heads were shaved bluish, and some of their hair was disheveled like felt.The make-up artist uses a kind of loess sieved ointment and rubs it on every fleshy face.Then, all the wires were pulled on the ground, the lighting was on, and the recording was in a hurry, the director said loudly to the crowd: "We are recording at the same time, when I say 'ready to start', please don't talk, and you can't cough! "Yun Yun said to the grandma: "If you are about to cough, cover your mouth with a handkerchief!" The grandma was so nervous, but said: "Grandma knows!" The director suddenly shouted "Get ready to start".Then three or four bandits came from one side, sat in disorder in the straw nest, drank wine and gnawed chicken.At this time, a child shouted: "It's not wine, it's water!" The child was right.Because he just saw the actor use this jar to catch mountain spring water.But the director yelled: "Stop!" The people around looked at the child with fierce lights.The child's father slapped the child on his shoulders and scolded: "If you don't tell me, others will treat you as dumb? If there is really wine in that jar, if you drink so much in one go, won't you drink to death?" This sentence provoked everyone again. burst out laughing.The barber said to his mother: "It turns out that everything in the movie is fake!" The director shouted again: "Do it again! Get ready-start!" Shuba sat down, took a wine jug to drink, and gnawed on the cooked chicken.The director said again: "Stop! The wine should flow from the mouth, and the eyes should straighten after drinking!" After that, "Get ready-start!" "Stop!" Going to point out the position of the chicken eater.Repeated this seven or eight times, Grandma Yunyun couldn't take it anymore. When the director yelled "Stop!", he coughed repeatedly, and when he yelled "Start", he gagged his mouth with a handkerchief, his neck and face turned black.The director still said, "Do it again!" Grandma Yunyun said to her son, "It's not good to make a movie, you can carry me back." , just talking about the top hats the actors wore, and the suits, and the black mirrors, and the tight jeans.Later, I talked about the discarded film, and when it came to taking pictures in the city, it cost six to seven cents for a two-inch piece. I spent tens or hundreds of yuan this noon.So someone said loudly: "Oh, we have worked hard for more than ten days to dig the mine, and the money we earn is not as much as a bag of cigarettes!" It’s my fault!” The one standing beside him fell silent.The person who was running in the distance shouted as he ran, "Hurry up! Watching a movie!" The director could only frowned and shouted "stop", and when the shouting stopped, the boss went over and gestured to stop him from a long distance, and he was sweating profusely from running back and forth. Then the village chief came over, squatting beside the boss, pulled out the dry pipe dangling from his mouth and handed it over, saying, "Boss, are you not going to mine today?" The boss said: "It's the first time to make a movie, who doesn't want to watch it?" The village head asked: "How much have you dug these days?" The boss said: "It's getting more and more every day." The village chief lowered his voice and said: "Boss, I didn't go to the mine, I don't know the situation, and the mining was approved by the higher authorities, which is a good thing. But I heard that you are now collecting mines, and you collect and hand over the mines. , earn five or six cents from it?" The boss nodded. The village head said, "I don't know if this is in line with the policy? Some people reported that you are making profits from it, and you are going to be a capitalist!" The boss cursed: "Who the hell said this?" The village head said: "Think about it, can I name you? People say they are afraid of retaliation! In my opinion, the matter of mining You have to be careful. I didn't care about this at first, but I deserve you and my ancestors. If you make any mistakes, just..." The boss said: "It's right for me to do this. If I don't collect the mine, I will use my own procrastination for nothing." Pulling the machine to transport ore for others, there will be no second one in the world.If every miner is asked to carry the ore to the county to hand it over, I think the income from selling the ore will not be enough for food, accommodation, and travel expenses! I will be responsible for this if something goes wrong!" The village head said: "Well, that's what you said!" Standing up, he was about to leave.But the boss stopped him and said, "There is one more thing I'm looking for you." The village chief said, "What's the matter? As long as you respect me, I'm the village chief, how can I not help you?" The boss said: " Now almost everyone in the village is going to mine, I think, this kind of silo is not a long way after all, can we make a report to the village in the name of the village, organize the whole village and arrange production in a unified way." The village chief Called: "Do you want to start a collective enterprise?" The boss said: "There are many advantages in this way. One is to plan the mining, the other is to make full use of the mineral resources, and the third is to reduce disputes. It is better if the village can send people to manage it. If no one comes, we can take the lead. The state looks down on this mineral deposit, as a village enterprise, our village can be a professional village!" The village chief scratched his head in a dilemma, and said: "Boss, I'm not sure, I have to ask the village for instructions. I can report first. If the higher-ups have such an idea, let's make a formal report. Who is the mine manager? Who is the instructor, how many people are recruited, how much is spent, and how much profit is handed over, this matter is very complicated!" The boss had no choice but to stop talking, he went to the crowd and knelt down, watched the movie silently, and finally finished shooting the scene of the bandits drinking and eating chicken, and then helped the film crew back the equipment.The director asked him to chat in the dormitory, but he didn't answer the question.The director said: "What's the matter with you today, you're so listless, don't you get angry with Yunyun?" The boss said: "No." The director said: "Then why?" I narrated the conversation again, and finally said: "Director, you are from the city, and you have seen a lot of people in the world. Tell me, why is this person so difficult to do? My boss took his heart out, and others still said he was not popular Ah!" The director said: "You have to remember that just using money can't maintain good relationships! As for the unified organization and management of mining, this is the right way. Not only can you make more money, but the quality of people will gradually improve. Changes happen, people change, and everything is easy to handle. If people stay the same, even if money earns gold and silver mountains, there may be other troubles! If you will be enthusiastic about doing this, why don’t you run around yourself?” The boss said: “You don’t know that, the two heads and deputy heads of the township can’t urinate in the same pot. The deputy is not convinced. The right one must suppress the vice one. The home of the head of the township is in the west of Daqingshan It’s a poor place to live in. It’s a poor place where people touch their noses when they go up the mountain, and it’s a poor place when they go down the mountain. Last year, he wanted to move his family here, and he told the village chief that he had agreed, but when the masses objected at the meeting, the matter fell through: I’m looking for him , can he not wear shoes for me? Let the village chief go, he can talk. "The director said: "Then go to the deputy mayor!" The boss said: "The two of them are fighting for power and profit so fiercely that the mayor won't do it.The deputy is also afraid that one thing more is worse than one thing less, can you offend the mayor for us?" The director clapped his hands and shouted: "That's just right!" The boss was puzzled and asked: "What's the best?" The director said: "As far as I know, no matter where we go now, there is almost no leader in a unit that agrees.Many people scramble to become officials for personal gain, but there are also many people who want to do good things, but they can't do it without the right.You might as well take advantage of the conflict between the chief and the deputy head of the township, and go through the cracks to do the serious things you should do. The boss said: "Speak clearly!" The director said: "The deputy mayor is dissatisfied with the head of the town, and the head of the town will definitely not let you do it, so you go to the deputy head and explain the reason, and the deputy will definitely do it." support you.He may not be sincere, but he will wholeheartedly want to use your affairs to find fault with the head of the township for not supporting you in starting a business, and take the opportunity to attack the head of the township.Maybe this thing can really come true!" The boss said: "Is it a little bit like this..." The director laughed: "Now you have to do something, and you can only do it like this.If you’re serious, go try it out, and you won’t be able to do it!” The boss also felt that this made sense, and he couldn’t help but admire the director’s sophistication and insight into the world, so he said, “Okay, let’s do it like this! " Four As expected, the village head went to the village to find the head of the village three days later, but the job was not done, so he fell drunk in the village, fell asleep all day, fell off the bed and cut his face.After returning to the village to see the boss, the wound was covered with chicken feathers, and he said that he was planted by walking at night, and told him: "The township chief means that the current policy changes very fast, don't rush everything, because it is easy to make mistakes if it is not done well. , It’s better to be safe, and keep the same to cope with all changes!” The boss went to the deputy head of the township, who was playing mahjong. Although it was not for gambling, the loser had stinky shoes on his head.The deputy head of the township had an unusual outlook, saying that everyone was equal before mahjong, and put on his head the square-toed shoes of a woman sitting across from him.The boss was talking about his plan. He stared at the card and said, "Your village has a lot of things!" He was very unhappy.According to the plan, the boss told how the head of the village did not agree, and the villagers were desperate, so he was asked to look for the deputy head of the township.This trick really worked, Fuxiang pushed the mahjong, pretended to bend down to pick up the dropped cigarettes under the table, pinched the woman's bare feet, got up and pulled the boss to the next house to ask about the situation carefully.Then he said: "Okay, everyone is reforming, and his surname Ma dares to suppress the creativity of the masses like this?!" He quickly wrote a letter of reflection to the county party committee.The boss almost didn't expect it, and the deputy head of the township didn't expect it. The feedback letter was quickly approved, thinking that the boss and their ideas were right, and the township should support them to help them organize the labor force of this village and run it well. collective enterprise.Therefore, the deputy head of the village visited the antimony mine several times, held a village meeting, appointed the village head as the instructor, and the eldest as the mine manager.And he is, of course, an advisor to the mine.The village head spoke on the spot: "We must not disappoint the teaching and hope of the deputy head!" The boss corrected in a low voice: "Is it an expectation?" We must work hard to defend the country. Socialism is good!" The boss knew that the village head would speak when he came to a formal occasion, and he would use nouns without commas when he spoke, but at this moment he still couldn't help but feel nauseous .Guang Xiao, who was sitting next to him, also gritted his teeth angrily, and suddenly felt itchy on his neck, touched it with his hand, it was a louse, and said, "I thought it was a louse!" Looking around on the ground, he muttered: "Hey, is it a louse after all?!" It made the audience burst into laughter. With a unified organization, a new set of plans was formulated: one was to further expand the mine; the other was to borrow the support of the county and the township to apply for wood for supports, iron picks and shovels, and even a hoist; Strive to include explosives and cement in the county distribution plan; the fourth is to establish an attendance system.One month later, the appearance of the mine changed drastically, and the net income reached 3,000 yuan. In addition to 1,000 yuan as a fund for expanding reproduction, 2,000 yuan was distributed according to work, with an average of 82.34 yuan per family.More than 80 yuan, for the villagers, the figure is not small, especially for those households who lack strong labor, they are even more fond of reciting Buddha.However, the second child and Guang Xiao are bored, their income is much less than before, so they complain in front of the boss.The boss was reasonable, but they didn't listen, so the boss used his status to suppress others, reprimanding them not to cause trouble for him and affect the overall plan.The two bachelors often sneaked away to watch the crew filming movies after completing their own blasting missions. The actresses of the film crew opened their eyes. After shooting a certain scene, the actors and actresses were talking, laughing, and fighting, and their eyes and hearts were not enough.The people in the city smiled and frown, raised their feet and raised their hands, trying to steal their souls away.The two secretly sighed with emotion, hating themselves for their pitiful life. One day, the two of them went to watch a movie again. It was raining and the Zhuang River was flooded. When the actress needed to cross the pontoon bridge on the river, the bridge swayed violently. When it fell, the bridge fell with it. As soon as I looked at the river, I felt that the bridge was moving down with the waves, so I screamed loudly, squatted down and dared not move again.The second child and Guangxiao barely discussed, stood up at the same time, and ran over at the same time, holding the actress in the middle of the pontoon.They smelled a very strong scent of perfume, a hot smell that only city girls can emit, and the black hands held the tender white hands, as if they were holding a piece of hair cake, a piece of cotton. Feeling ecstatic, mind can not be clear.Said: "Walk slowly, walk slowly, don't look at the river, look at my head!" The actress Jing followed them closely, leaning on them as hard as she could, almost letting them carry her back. This time pulling people on the bridge caused the second child and Guangxiao to have endless memories. They often reviewed during the construction and lost their minds.The two of them stopped again and walked out of the cave. One said: "When are you going to shoot movies in the river?" The other said: "These foreign women, can we get close to them on weekdays? But at that time she wanted to We carried her on the back! Pulling across the bridge, I scratched her palms, and she thanked each mouthful!" The two laughed.Another said: "Such a good woman, just sleep with me once, and I won't regret it if I get shot!"One sighed and said, "Oh, that's what men in the city enjoy. Is there a difference between urban and rural areas?" They talk too much, and a certain part of the body cannot be controlled, so they run to the candlestick bee together.Going up the candlestick peak is a kind of psychological relief.Because when they wake up, they understand that they are a kind of insulation to those city women, just like facing a good painting on the wall, a bright moon in the mirror.于是就要说:“这些城里女人那么好,都是狐狸精变的,是仙,是神;是鬼,反正不是人。”他们要到道观去看那些比他们更可怜的道人;在道人面前,他们是最有福的人了。 小道士又在那山泉挑水了。这是一个满脸长了粉刺的出家人,一边舀水一边拿眼看远处草坡上牧羊的女子。老二便笑说:“又在看啥哩?”小道士吓了一跳,手中的水瓢掉在泉里,见是老二和光小,便说:“看见那边有一个狼。” 光小说:“是狼,你不怕狼吃了你?”小道士顺嘴溜了一句:“我爱狼哩!”说出口就觉失言,拿水泼光小。老二拉小道士在林间坐了,说:“这儿没人,道长不在.你给我们说说,你怎么就当了道人,你能受得住吗?”小道士说:“你们尽说瞎话!道长知道了我就没命了!”光小说:“我们要是给道长说,我们就是地上爬的!每天来观里烧香的有那么多女人,你们见了心就不动?”小道士说:“我静坐面壁哩。”老二说:“你能坐住?你别哄我们了!”小道士就说:“静坐面壁就是克制自己哩,道家讲究炼丹,人本身就是个丹炉,炼就是守精,精守住了丹就炼成。也就是得了道了。”老二说:“我知道了,你们一直是在和性欲作斗争的。盘脚静坐,就是强制压住那个东西不起来,是吗?”小道士点头。光小就说:“你们道人可怜!你能守得住吗?夜里不跑马吗?”小道士说:“跑的。”老二就同情起这小道士,替他挑了水往观里去。突然道长在远处喊小道士,小道士忙自己挑了水,一步一步急去。 老二和光小皆没有说话,看着小道士走了,坐了一会,也到了观里。却见道长正指着晾在院中的被褥质问是不是那小道士的?小道士应声说是,道长就指着被褥上的点点圈圈问这是什么?问得小道士面无颜色,不敢回答一句,道长就让去静坐诵经,不背过就不得吃晚饭。正训斥完,抬头见老二和光小,过来说:“上山来了?”老二说:“道长没下山去看拍电影吗?”道长说:“导演来过一次,我还夸奖了他的名字好哩!” 老二说:“导演姓和名谷,有什么好处?”道长说:“这你不懂,上讲:'知其有,守其雌,为天下谿。为天下豀,常德不离,复归于婴儿。知其白,守其黑,为天下式。为天下式,常德不忒,复归于无极。知其荣,守其辱,为天下谷。为天下谷.常德及足,复归于朴。'我送了他八个字:谷神不死,是谓玄牝。他要我解释,我说:'谷形容虚空,神形容不测的变化,不死喻变化的不停竭,玄牝即微妙的母性。总起来说,意思是:道的虚空的变化是永不停竭的,这就是微妙的母性,母性就是生殖力。因道,也就是谷神生殖天地万物,其过程没有一丝形迹可寻,故以'玄'形容。”道长的经论对于老二、光小自然是对牛弹琴,老二就说:“道长这么关心城里人,却不肯到我们矿洞去一次。”道长说:“我虽未去,但那里情况却是知晓,你大哥此人是能人,精明敢干,只是学问太差,他应致虚极,守静笃,知晓万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和才是,我建议他去读一本书哩。”老二说:“读什么书?能使我们发财吗?”道长说:“你尽是发财,那知无为而知无不为呢?既然他要一心办矿业,他就要读读历史,知道知道商鞅的事情。”光小说:“老听人说你讲商鞅,商鞅那是古人,读写他的书,能顶了我们挖矿?”道长说:“道可生一,一可生二,二可生三,三可生万物,万物则又归一。商鞅当时辅秦,定变法之令,编制居民或为十保,或为五保,什、伍之中,一家有罪,其余诸家当联名举发,若不纠举,九家或四家连坐。匿藏罪犯者杀,告发者赏。民间有丁男二人以上而不分居另外干活的,一人须出两份赋税。勇于公战的,均依照规格高下升爵受赏,私斗的以情节处以大小不同的刑罚。努力耕织的,免其本身徭役或豁除本身的赋税,因懒惰不事事而至贫的,将没其妻、子为宫中的奴役。国君的亲属没有年功的不许载入谱牒,有功勋的其占田宅、侍从、服役等等,须各随其家爵的班次。有功者就显荣,无功者就是再富也没地方可显示他的尊荣。” 道士越说越口若悬河,老二和光小你看看我,我看看你,再不耐烦。说:“道长,你说的都好,只是我们全是不懂,改日让我大哥来向你讨那书去看吧。”道长才猛地住口,满脸清高之气,叹一声说:“既如此,让你大哥也不要来了!”拂袖而去。老二和光小却不知哪里得罪了他。
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