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Chapter 14 Chapter Twelve

impetuous 贾平凹 9306Words 2018-03-19
The night of the fifth day was a very boring night. Xianyouchuan’s "Coyote" barked once while making dinner, and then all the "Coyote" barked. It turned into a chaotic buzzing sound, which made the evening class bell in Bujinggang Temple lose its melodiousness in the past.Han Wenju, who was eating at home, felt it was strange, he felt anxious, and was drenched in sweat after eating, and the mosquitoes with mottled feet swarmed and bit him. He slapped his palms, sometimes on his legs, sometimes on his face. The blood was muddy, and the mosquitoes were still screaming like a gong.He put down the bowl, didn't bother to wash the pot, and went to the ferry. There were no mosquitos on the ferry, but the "watching mountain dog" barked even louder.Han Wenju got into the cabin, took out the ancient book with no beginning and no end, scattered six copper coins on the board of the boat with a clatter, and then looked at the moon.The moon was miserable white, and extremely wide swirling clouds formed around it, as if the night sky was the water surface of the Zhou River, and the moon was a hole, and the water swirled and cascaded down at a great speed.He said, "Is it going to rain? Well, it's time to rain!" He got into the cabin, put his head down and fell asleep.

Han Wenju's words really hit the mark, and it began to rain in the middle of the night, and it rained heavily.Han Wenju was woken up by the noise, but the temperature dropped after the rain, and it was suitable for sleep, so he fell asleep again. At dawn, the water on the river rose up, and the boat was no longer in the same place, but was washed along the river by the water. Lean on the shore.Fortunately, the boat rope was tied to a bent willow tree, so the boat was not washed away.The man on the river bank with a flying tiger claw and a bag to catch floating firewood said to Han Wenju, "Han Bo, why didn't you rush to the mouth of the Zhou River? Even if the boat went up to the sky, you are not afraid that others will catch you." That jobless job!"

Han Wenju said: "Fuck your mother! Is the boat afraid of water? When the water rises, the boat will rise!" The man on the shore said: "Water can carry the boat, and the water will capsize the boat. Which line will you do and which line will you die in? Just wait, this time. If you don’t die, you will die if the water rises again!” Han Wenju said: "I am not surnamed Tian, ​​and I am not surnamed Gong. What have you done wrong? Lord Dragon took me?" When he went ashore to the root of the willow tree and looked at the ropes of the boat, he was surprised: the boat was not Stopping the swing, the boat rope was worn on a rock and almost broke in half.He remained silent, quickly tied the boat rope to the willow tree again, and said: "If the water rises again, I will die? Boy, you don't know how to watch the sky. The rain will stop soon. If you want to get firewood, go get it quickly. Don't let the water fall, you go to fish for stones!"

The firewood collectors were scattered on the river bank to do their own work. There were no big logs or thick stumps in the river, just dead branches and fallen leaves washed down from the mountain, mixed with white foam and floating down along the direction of the vortex.But the rain was still falling, and it was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a wind, and the people on the shore were all wet, bewitched by Xiaoli, and refused to go home, and small piles of firewood appeared on the shore.Half an hour later, the river rose rapidly, and someone shouted: "Run, the water is coming up!" As soon as the person left the place, the waves came rushing, and took back the piles of firewood one after another. Go to Yoyo and go down.Han Wenju laughed happily, but the wind and rain filled his mouth, so he had no choice but to tie the boat rope to the willow tree again, and then ran back to the village with the villagers.

It rained for another two days and two nights, and God seemed to have held back his anger for many years, and it seemed that it was going to be poured out in one fell swoop.The entire Zhou River runs down both sides, and every branch of the Qinling Mountains has water. The water flows into the small ditch, and when the ditch is full, it flows to the big river.Liangcha Township kept receiving calls: The upstream ×× reservoir broke the dam! The village of ×× was flooded!The state city has been threatened! The downstream is required to do a good job in flood control.Fortunately, the terrain of Liangcha Town is high, and the water will not rush up the town street.Because of the safety of their own living, although it has been rare for decades for floods to fill the river, seeing the thick trees and giant trees, dead cows and pigs washed down from the river, they all rely on their strength and luck to salvage them and make a fortune. .A lot of small wood and firewood were collected, but watching the big tree flashing down in the middle of the river, people inevitably shouted: Where is the golden dog? The golden dog is about to make a fortune, only he dares to go to the middle of the river what!

However, there was no golden dog on the river bank, and the golden dog was coming to Zhoucheng at this time. In the late Qing Dynasty, boats from Baishizhai could go directly to the city of Zhou. Later, the river channel was blocked, the water flow was shallow, and there were no more boats.Jingou took a car to Zhoucheng the day before it rained, but the car stopped in a county town in front, and the road there was washed away by the water. Jingou stayed there for two days and two nights, and it was around four o'clock in the afternoon on the third day The car just drove to Zhoucheng. Zhoucheng, an ancient border city, is famous throughout the province today because it still retains four complete ancient city walls.It is built close to the Zhou River. The city wall is not made of clay or blue bricks, but the outer layer is completely covered with black stone strips. The stone strips do not grow moss, and they are oily in the sun. Crows, brambles, and even medlar trees grow from the cracks in the stone strips, which is the habitat of crows. At dusk, flocks of crows will land there and scream loudly, dropping their shit on the stone strips. Very dazzling.As soon as Jingou got out of the station, he heard the deep roar of the river, and rushed to the gate tower of the north city. This gate tower was built on the river embankment, and the north city wall was also the river embankment. When I went to the gate tower, I saw people coming and going, and there was a panic. Countless migrant workers carried sacks filled with sand and went to the northeast corner of the city wall.The golden dog hurriedly asked: What are you doing with so many sandbags?The person next to him said: "The city wall, a section of stone strips twelve feet long has collapsed in the northeast corner!" The golden dog rushed over, and sure enough, there was no stone section for a long section in the northeast corner of the city wall. After pouring the pounded soil layer, sandbags have been piled up in twelve layers side by side, and wires are used to weave the outer layer into a net for protection.The golden dog stood there, listening to the people's discussion, saying that when the water rose, the city people thought it was fun, and crowded to the city wall to watch the fun. Seeing the water rising, some people even sat on the city wall to wash their feet, shouting Washing your feet on the city wall will not cause athlete's foot.They didn't believe that the water would destroy the city wall, because more than 40 years ago, in the fall when Tian Laoliu led the guerrillas to attack the city of Zhou, there was a flood in the Zhou River, and the water only washed away the northwest corner of the city. There has never been a flood in the past, so I thought that the Zhou River would never flood again. The city wall of this border city will remain intact as a cultural relic forever.Until the stone strip in the northeast corner collapsed to a length of twelve feet, the people watching the excitement panicked and fled home in a hurry to protect their property and lives. The moat came up, but fortunately, the river stopped rising .

Listening to people's discussion, Jingou was also amazed that the Zhouhe River is usually calm, but such a big storm can occur, and it is so fierce and violent!He stared at the surface of the river and saw that the upper reaches were vast, the water seemed to come from the sky, countless waves were churning, and layers of grayish-yellow ridges appeared, and the ridges quickly approached, hitting the city wall embankment again and again On the ground, the sound was as loud as thunder, stirring up thousands of piles of white snow.Every time a big wave came, the people on the top of the city wall screamed, covered their ears with their hands, and repeatedly yelled at the golden dog to stand back, so as not to get dizzy and fall into the river.The golden dog didn't move, he was thinking about what would happen to Xianyou River, what would happen to Liangcha Town, and if the villagers were fishing for firewood again with such a large amount of water?If his golden dog doesn't leave, he will swim in like a water ghost

The river went to pull that big log ashore!At this moment, the sky cleared and the sun came out again. This golden sunset made every cloud in the sky inlaid with gold, dyed the river surface with a yellow light, corroded the city wall, and the city wall was also bronze-colored.Then, the setting sun was half submerged and half floating in the distant water, undulating there like a huge red ball, and it seemed that the river was giving birth to a bloody fetus.Jingou suddenly felt the magnificence of this scene!He has been sailing on the Zhou River for so many years, but he has never seen this kind of scene. All of a sudden, what came to his mind was: After this flood, the silt and rocky beaches of the Zhou River will be gone. The force of nature It will make the Zhou River unobstructed, and how enjoyable it will be to row boats!

Golden Dog gets excited at the thought of rowing, but he immediately realizes that he will never do that kind of work again now, that he will say goodbye to life on the water forever, and go to break out new horizons.With his head down, the golden dog silently walked across the embankment of the city wall, and walked into the cave below the city gate without looking back at Zhouhe. After passing through the cave gate and descending 20 stone steps, you will find yourself in Old North Street. The houses are low but antique, the pavements are crowded but dirty, and the corrugated and wall skins are built after long rains. The moss was as thick as velvet, and in front of the snack pickers in the sewage and mud, people were clamoring and arguing loudly.The state city is divided into the old city and the new city, and this is the old city.Passing through this street, there are towering buildings, a wide street, flower beds, traffic police, neon lights, colorful shop windows and fashionable men and women dressed in modern clothes, that is the new city.The Golden Dog walked forward with luggage on its back, and the excitement and beauty came rushing in, because the Zhou River was no longer rising, and although the corner of the northeast city wall collapsed with twelve feet of stone, the water would not rush in and destroy the border town. The citizens in the city felt at ease after a few days of panic. From the old city to the new city, there were tape recorders playing popular songs and impatient disco at the door of every store. Sitting like a tree, or slender waist and big buttocks swaying to the music.Every seven or eight houses passed by, various advertisements were posted on the wall, and the content introductions of martial arts movies and TV videos were written bloody and shocking.And the newsstands peddled on tricycles and bicycles were filled with homicide detectives and pornography.People in Zhoucheng have the aesthetics of people in Zhoucheng. Jingou felt fresh and surprised when he was in it. When he stood there and asked a group of men and women: Where is the newspaper office in Zhoucheng?The men and women looked at him together, suddenly burst out laughing and separated.They laughed at the golden dog from the country, despised him, and taunted him. The golden dog blushed at first, but immediately he laughed louder. He built up his self-esteem in the strong inferiority complex: Is the state city your state city?The leader of this state city is also a countryman, Gong Baoshan!My golden dog is here now too, just watch!

Arriving at the most prosperous crossroads in Xincheng, there were as many people as the tide, the golden dog did not lower his head, nor did he timidly walk along the wall, he looked at every strange face, and looked back at the arrogant with arrogance, The girls with thick white powder and blood-red lips looked back at him in surprise.A row of three carriages came from a nearby alley, passed through the intersection and then drove to another alley. The carts were filled with sand and were transported to a construction site of a certain building in the city.The drivers were a few countrymen, yelling in a nasal voice, and the city people on bicycles yelled loudly, cursing the horse and cursing the driver.The driver kept apologizing, with a timid smile on his face. As a result, this cowardice was not forgiven, but led to even more arrogance from the city people, who even stopped the horse's head, grabbed the driver and beat him.The golden dog suddenly became angry, stepped forward to fight against the injustice, and pushed those city people away with three strokes.A man in a suit screamed: "Scared, the bumpkins are so fierce when they enter the city! Could it be that there has been more food in the past few years, and they have gained strength?!"

The golden dog smiled coldly and said, "My boy, it's just that there is more food, and you have more strength to eat. You are so skinny and monkey-like, do you think you can't eat good food without raising your salary?" The man in the suit became angry and said, "What are you, are you looking for repairs?" The golden dog slapped the ground and slapped the face, and roared: "If you can't eat good food, I'll give you a slap, and you'll be relieved!" People in the city are flamboyant but have no strength, so they were slapped by the golden dog suddenly, and they were extremely angry and arrogant. The golden dog put down the luggage roll, picked up a shovel from the carriage, and said: "Come on!" , boy, the country people really want to try their strength when they go to the city!" The boy was really stunned, he didn't dare to approach, but he shouted: "Okay, bumpkin, see you at the 'Drum Tower' of "Zhoucheng Daily"!" The "Drum Tower Down" column of "Zhoucheng Daily" is dedicated to publishing critical articles. Hearing what he said, Jingou became more proud and said: "You write, the manuscript has been sent, and I can help you correct it. typo!" The man was stupefied, and the accomplice at the side shouted: "This is from the newspaper office!" The golden dog chuckled, stopped his posture suddenly, and said word by word: "The country people are not just good at pulling carts and pulling sand, right?" The troublemakers fled on their bicycles, and the quarrel ended like this.The drivers thanked Jin Gou thousands of times, but Jin Gou sealed his face and taught him a lesson: "If you want to enter the city, just come here with a straight face. If you don't treat yourself as a human being, others will treat you like a dog! "After that, walk away.However, after another section of the road, the golden dog calmed down, and unconsciously smiled: he reprimanded the driver not to be inferior, and he was so excited, isn't it just another manifestation of inferiority?Jingou, Jingou, when we were on the Zhou River, Zhoucheng was an unattainable place, but now I want to be a member of Zhoucheng, and a member of the Zhoucheng newspaper, what kind of environment will I face? , Can you adapt to the ability you need to play? Jingou was first assigned to work in an editorial office. His task was to be in charge of the housekeeping chores of the editorial office, while at the same time familiarize himself with the editing business and learn to improve his knowledge of news writing.There are six people in the office, and the director is a long-faced man in his fifties who treats the golden dog like his own son.Golden Dog is obedient, diligent, and comes early every day to fetch water, mop the floor, and take out the trash.After a while, I realized that the only person the director can lead is himself.The one in jeans is the brother-in-law of the head of the organization of the state city, and he can openly argue with the director over a small matter. The young girl is also the daughter of the regional cultural perimeter. The old Gong who wears glasses originally went to the newspaper office with the director, and his qualifications and knowledge do not put him in the eyes of the director. send wife.The last one was a thirty-nine-year-old middle-aged widow. Some people saw that she could not come out in the editor-in-chief's office in the middle of the night. When she came out to meet people, she claimed that she was "reporting to work."In the small office, the walls are covered with newspapers, the cupboards are full of manuscripts, and the phone rings for three or five minutes. All kinds of authors come to inquire about manuscripts, ask for advice, and ask why His manuscript was not published.From time to time someone would bring gifts, a pack of melon seeds, a pack of cigarettes, a bag of plucked sweet persimmons, and even an author from a garment factory would bring a bundle of discounted underpants and throw them in front of everyone. put one.After such a lively scene, the office door is closed, and everyone will comment on which author is stupid, which author has a good haircut and body shape, and discuss the pornographic news of ×× and ×× in the newspaper office. Of course, this is absolutely In the absence of the widow editor.Until everything that needs to be said has been said, everyone bows their heads to process their manuscripts, the men smoke, and the women drink tea.The widowed editor finally said, "Jingou, are you from Baishizhai County?" Jingou said, "Baishizhai is from Xianyouchuan." Arranged." "Oh, are your relatives in Zhoucheng?" "No." "No? You still keep it a secret!" Jingou didn't say anything, just read the manuscript carefully, if you have doubts, if you don't understand , I respectfully seek advice from all of you.Every time he raised his head, he would see the beautiful clothes of the cultural director's daughter who was sitting across from her. She seemed to be leading the new trend of clothing in the city, changing out a new one every three days.Now she is wearing a bright red tie again. When the golden dog looks down at the manuscript, he always feels a red light in front of his eyes. When he looks at her stupidly, she notices it and asks for comments on her clothes.Jingou couldn't say it, so he could only give his approval, and the daughter of the director of culture would say: "Golden Dog, you don't know how to dress, so you should tell us about the weird people and strange things on the Zhou River. The manuscript is a headache to read, so adjust it." Get on your nerves!" Golden Dog's thoughts went to the river, to the boat row, and finally, under the instigation of everyone, he talked about how to sail the boat in the waves. In the middle of the night, he heard a strange cry, which the old boatman said was the voice of a water ghost.Talking about how frightening the river beach in summer is, some people are suddenly possessed by evil spirits while walking, and they will stick their heads into the sand, and as a result, their mouths and noses will be stuffed with sand, and they will suffocate to death.Telling about a certain family on the river bank, how the daughter-in-law fell in love with a boatman, hooked up with him, was discovered by the villagers, hung naked from a tree and beat him, the man and woman fled later, and when they were found, they drowned on the moon beach Hug tightly, inseparable.But Jingou talked more about how the Zhou River flooded, how the boatmen sacrificed their lives to save the drowning people; how a dozen boats salvaged together when the boat capsized; Sleeping on the hot kang of Shanren, the hostess sleeps on the east end of the kang, the hostess sleeps on the middle of the kang, the boatman sleeps on the west end of the kang, the oil lamp is kept on all night, and they take turns in a large toilet bucket Send out your own voice to explain.At this time, the Golden Dog is active, restless, and has legs to aid in show movements.But often when he was talking about it, he would think of the blacksmith shop in Baishizhai, and there was a girl pulling a bellows in the blacksmith shop, so Jingou didn't talk about it. As soon as the golden dog left Zhouhe, Yingying disappeared from his mind. He seemed to have a kind of mentality, secretly delighted with the relationship he had with Yingying, and punished the Tian family in a small way, even for Yingying. Ying gloated at his current situation.However, Xiao Shui's image followed him like a shadow!He originally thought that as long as he left Zhouhe, Xianyouchuan and Baishizhai, the guilt towards Xiaoshui would gradually calm down and even fade away, but he never thought that the farther away from Xiaoshui, the stronger the guilt would be , The pain was biting his heart like a bug!After entering Zhoucheng, he was in contact with the fashionable beauty of the city every day. This kind of fashionable beauty could not but envy him. Only then did he understand the four words often written in ancient books: like flowers and clouds.On one side is Xiao Shui, who feels guilty for worshiping the Bodhisattva, and on the other side is fashionable and beautiful, who is impulsive in front of the female beast.When Jingou came into contact with all kinds of Zhoucheng women, he often thought: If Xiaoshui can come here and wear such clothes, Xiaoshui will definitely not be inferior.This kind of thought became stronger and stronger, so that Jingou had the illusion that Xiaoshui and the fashionable woman in the city became one.Such a hallucinatory woman tortured his emotions, so that after he couldn't help talking about the story on the State River in the office, he would sneak out of the office alone, sit alone with a jug of wine in the tavern diagonally opposite the newspaper office, and then When I came back, I didn't say a word for a long time. The comrades in the office began to comment on the golden dog: it is extremely crazy when it is excited, and it is extremely depressed when it is silent. It is an elusive character! Later, an incident happened in the newspaper office. Many people found that their letters could not be received on time, and when they were received, they always seemed to have been torn apart.Jingou can receive Yingying’s letter in three days. The letter is always three to five pages densely filled with the most revolutionary words. They are all in the style of middle school students. The most common words, such as "dear brother", "your sister", and describe what happened at Jingou's house that night.As soon as Jingou saw her describing the events of that night, his face became hot, he broke out in a cold sweat, and his heart was full of frustration and remorse!The letter was burned immediately.He was afraid that such a letter would be known to outsiders, so he always went to the letter column to take it away in advance every time he went to work.When someone secretly opened the letter in the newspaper office, he also noticed that the seal of Yingying's letter was also wet.He spent two nights lurking in the dark not far from the post, investigating what was going on.Sure enough, it was already two o'clock that night, a figure jumped up to the post and hurriedly took away all the letters. Two hours later, that person came quietly again and wanted to put the letter back where it was. up.The person who stole the letter was a 60-year-old editor from another editorial team!After the review was clear, the old editor secretly took someone else's letter, gently opened it with a razor, read the letter, carefully repacked it, and sent it back to the letter column overnight.This incident made all the employees of the society furious, and they unanimously demanded to find out his political purpose and dark psychology of stealing the letter.However, it turned out that he was purely a psychopath.Afterwards, Jingou heard that the old editor was a graduate of a famous university. Although he was not classified as a rightist in 1957, he was always listed as an "internal control" element because of his excessive words. Even in the small meeting of the editorial team, when it is his turn to speak, he must draft a speech draft for one or two minutes, announce it according to the draft, and at the end there must be four sentences "hold high the red flag and move forward" Such jingle poems.In addition, he married a young daughter-in-law who controlled the family's political, economic, and diplomatic power, and had committed adultery with a deputy editor-in-chief for a long time.He bumped into the room a few times, so angrily he sat on a chair, took a newspaper to read, blocked the scene of evil, and said: "Despicable! Despicable!" He was always named and criticized for his poor editing skills: a manuscript was rejected, but the author actually posted it to "People's Daily" and published it. This incident greatly stimulated the golden dog!Realizing that if a person's soul is always in extreme torment, he will lose his self-reliance and self-reliance, become psychopathic, and degenerate into a "waste".Golden Dog has awakened himself from the old editor, and he must work hard and embrace his career with all his strength. Only in this way can he save himself and heal that painful heart! Three months later, Jingou was transferred to the reporter department.The reporter department is even more lively. Those young reporters always have press cards in their jacket pockets, and they have a red finger on the outside, attracting everyone's attention on the street.Following the old reporter, Golden Dog learned to interview, deal with various complicated situations, deal with all kinds of people, and learn to be a reporter.He is trying to overcome the peasant consciousness, and he has to put on a posture. When he meets anyone and goes to any department, he is not afraid of anything when he thinks that he is a reporter.He now truly understands that the power of a reporter means nothing, nothing, and everything!Every day, a lot of invitations are sent to the reporter department, and the invitation calls are also constant. A certain company is about to open, and a certain company holds a symposium, and the reporter is invited to sit on the table.For dinner, seven plates and eight bowls of Youyu, sea cucumber, white fungus and mushrooms are placed on the table, white wine, liqueur, beer, soda, colorful baskets are served, inscriptions, photos, and a package of gifts at the end, small electric cups, electric irons, rice cookers, and electrical appliances , as large as bed sheets, blankets, wool suitcases and high-end supplies.So, the next day's newspaper published the news of such-and-such company and such-and-such company, and the product did not need to be advertised, and the buyer went to place an order with confidence.Jingou was taken aback, he didn't expect the newspaper to be so powerful, and there were so many strange things inside the newspaper office! Once, a manager of a self-employed restaurant came to the newspaper office and asked the newspaper to publicly support them, accusing many departments of blackmailing them with excuses.Jingou and a reporter went there to find out the situation, and learned that the restaurant had treated more than 100 guests from the declaration to the opening, and spent 2,000 yuan.In a few days, the tax collectors will come, eat; the sanitation inspectors will come, eat; the water managers will come, eat.have to eat!Four people who were in charge of the electricity came, and when one table had eaten half of the meal, two more came and said, "Those four are only in charge of indoor electricity, and they are in charge of outdoor electricity."I had no choice but to welcome in again with a smiling face, reopen a table and eat again.The garbage cleaner in that area alone, a skinny old man, also stood at the entrance of the hotel and shouted loudly, accusing the store of dumping garbage on the garbage table once when it was repairing the shop. "Do you have a receipt for the procedures for declaring to take out the garbage here?" No, then fine, the old man took out a stack of receipts: "Pay three hundred yuan, and I will issue a receipt for you!" .The old man opened his mouth and shouted: "Do you know, I'm in charge of garbage in this area!" Then he invited someone to eat again.After eating, the old man would actually take out a lunch box from his arms and say, "There is still a silly son at home, so just pack some leftovers for him!" He had to get a new box of good food!After hearing this, Jin Gou was so angry that he cursed again and again, and promised to expose these blackmailers publicly.The manager said: "Okay, let's have a light meal, it's ready!" The meal was very rich.After eating, the reporter went to check out, and when he came back, the golden dog asked: "How much?" The answer was: "No money." The golden dog was anxious: "No money? Aren't we eating for free! We are investigating people being eaten for free It’s too severe, we also eat them?!” The colleague said: “There’s no way, it’s like this now, if you don’t eat it, the manager will suspect that we can’t support them!” The golden dog thought: In a society that is so perfect, why is the atmosphere like this?In Zhouhe, I feel that Liangcha Town is not good, Baishizhai is not good, but the same is true in Zhoucheng!The golden dog was really angry, blood rushed to his face, and his face was red.The colleague actually laughed and said, "When you get angry, you are showing your childishness! What is society? This is society! We are reporters, and we are not officials, but ordinary officials are afraid of reporters." If we rely on this advantage to get something cheap, we can get it, but if we don't do it, it would be too shameful. We can only use this advantage to do one or two good things for the people. Today Let's go back and write something and publish it in the newspaper, after all, this kind of blackmail will stop." Jingou felt that this was reasonable, and it seemed that there was not much reason, but after the publication of this report, it really attracted the attention of the city leaders, and launched a campaign to crack down on "water tyrants", "electricity tyrants", "tax tyrants", and "road tyrants". Rectify work.When the leader of the hotel went to the newspaper office to thank them in person, Jingou seemed to realize that impulsiveness and passion are too direct and too fierce. This is indeed a heroic act, but now is not the era of such heroes, masculine Too much qi, not only can't do what you want to do, but it will do bad things, and even turn masculinity into a kind of useless.Jin Gou follows these old reporters and finally realizes that the reason why these old reporters are reused and prestigious and they have actually done good things for the people is that their lives are full of a kind of "ghosts haunting the world" style of humor. At the end of this month, the newspaper needed someone to go to Dongyang County to write a batch of large-scale newsletters about getting rich in mountainous areas.This was requested by the secretary of the Dongyang County Party Committee who came to the newspaper office in person. He introduced many situations in his county. The editor-in-chief was very interested and felt that he could set a model and make a big fuss.However, when the task was assigned to the reporter department, many old reporters could not leave for a while because of family problems, and refused to do so.Over the years, because reporters have been unwilling to go to remote mountainous counties for interviews, each county has set up a reporter station, and rigidly assign reporters to station there. Slowly, all the stationed reporters in the counties were replaced by locals, and some correspondents became full-time reporters.Dongyang County is the most remote and poorest of these remote counties. The reporters don’t want to go, let the local people write it. The Secretary of Dongyang County doesn’t trust it, nor does the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, so Jingou volunteered to go. up.Jingou came from the banks of the Zhou River. He knows how difficult it is for the mountain people to get rich. He really hopes that if there is a good experience there, he can tell the people in his hometown how to emulate it. The day before departure, Yingying sent another letter.The letter was very long, without any impassioned words, and the voice seemed to be begging to the golden dog, and there was a kind of needle prick in the begging from time to time.She was asking Golden Dog: Why didn't you reply?Even if you are too busy at work, you can't even write a few text messages, right?In the end, she directly explained the matter: she knew that Jingou was nostalgic for Xiaoshui's old love, but she had already let Xiaoshui down, so she wanted to hurt another woman's heart?Faced with this letter, Jingou's heart softened, so he had to write back to her for the first time, but the letter only mentioned his coming to the Zhoucheng newspaper office, and said that he would go to Dongyang County for an interview.After writing the letter to Yingying, he wrote another letter to the blacksmith shop in Baishizhai, so that he felt psychologically balanced.In his letter to Xiaoshui, he could no longer use the words "dear" and "love". He told Xiaoshui about his guilt and pain, and ended up writing an endless letter and stuffing it into the mailbox.That night, Jingou came to the woods outside the south gate of Zhoucheng alone.He needs a quiet place to calm his mind, but in the woods, a couple of boys and girls are dating in it. They sit on the stone chair, under the big tree, in the grass nest, and the golden dog stops there as soon as he sees it. Two bicycles reflecting the moonlight and distant street lights, he knew that the vicinity was a forbidden area of ​​love, so he walked around it.He couldn't calm down, his ears were filled with whispers, giggles, loud noises, crying, and physical fights.What is love?The golden dog experienced the sweetness of love in the laughter, and knew the hypocrisy, deceit and unbearable vulgarity of love in the crying.A nameless fire was generated from the bottom of my heart, and I couldn't excrete it, when I suddenly heard a sharp cry "catch the hooligan"!When there was a sound of fighting, he went in like a hungry tiger and grabbed a young man who was running away, beating down like raindrops with his fists.It turned out that the little rascal was hiding in the woods and eavesdropping on the love story of a couple of lovers, so jealous, he secretly hit the man on the shoulder with a stone.The golden dog threw the little poppy to the ground, and watched him beg for mercy with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and he was like a deflated ball, unable to stand up even when he was lying under a tree.
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