Home Categories contemporary fiction Abandoned city

Chapter 6 Chapter 3.1

Abandoned city 贾平凹 17401Words 2018-03-19
At the gate of the Literary Federation compound, as soon as Liu Yue saw Zhuang Zhidie, she asked where she had gone.Zhuang Zhidie said to develop the photos, Liu Yue had to read her description, saying that she had always lost money taking pictures.Zhao Jingwu also reminded her: In the future, when you fall in love, you must let the man see her in person, not just rely on photos.Seeing that she was so eager to see the photos, Zhuang Zhidie didn't want to take out the photos, and lied that they hadn't been developed yet, and prevaricated.Liu Yue lost her spirits, but lowered her voice, and said how angry her eldest sister was when she bought a magazine, and how she fell asleep alone.Zhuang Zhidie suddenly felt more weak in his hands and feet, and put aside the matter of the photo. When he went upstairs, he took the magazine and went to the study to read it again. He came out to smile at Liu Yue, and said softly: Tell her to eat.Liu Yue said: I dare not.Zhuang Zhidie lowered his head and thought for a while, then went into the bedroom.

Niu Yueqing slept there wrapped in a towel and quilt, and covered his face with a cattail fan. Zhuang Zhidie shook it and said: Why are you sleeping now?Get up and eat!Niu Yueqing closed his eyes and ignored him.Zhuang Zhidie pulled it again, and Niu Yueqing leaned back like a log, but fell asleep with his eyes closed.Liu Yue covered her mouth and snickered at the bedroom door.Zhuang Zhidie said: Yueqing, Yueqing, why are you pretending to be sleepy?Niu Yueqing remained motionless and fell asleep in one position.Zhuang Zhidie deliberately put his hands in front of her mouth and nose to try, and Niu Yueqing sat up suddenly.Zhuang Zhidie laughed and said: I tried to be unheated, and thought you had passed!Niu Yueqing said: You wish I could die in one breath!Zhuang Zhidie said: Liu Yue, look at the weather outside, why is it windy and rainy when the sky is sunny?Niu Yueqing said: There are bed sheets hanging on the balcony.Liu Yue laughed out loud, and went into the kitchen in a flash.Only then did Niu Yueqing understand the meaning of Zhuang Zhidie's words, and he smiled shortly before realizing it, then changed his face and cursed: You are so good at winning people, a pile of shit doesn't stink.Still have to fuck with a stick!Do you think your previous work was glorious?Is it to prove that you live a chic life with a celebrity affair?Zhuang Zhidie said: Did you read the article written by Zhou Min?The above is full of nonsense.You don't know about Jing Xueyin and I?Niu Yueqing said: Then you let him write like that?Zhuang Zhidie said: How did I know he wrote these!You also know that I never read this kind of article. I just said that he is a newcomer, and if he wants to gain a foothold in the literary world, he might as well use me as a material for his article.

If I knew it was written like this, I would have withheld it a long time ago!Niu Yueqing said: He is new here, but how does he know those things?Zhuang Zhidie said: It may be that Yunfang and the others have made up gossip.Niu Yueqing said; it must be you bragging to them outside, they are the children of high-ranking cadres, talk about the matter with Jing Xueyin, so as to raise your social status!Zhuang Zhidie said: I need to rely on her to increase my status now! ?Niu Yueqing said: Then I understand, you are talking about spiritual enjoyment because of the unbroken old relationship with Jing!The more he spoke, the more he burst into tears.Liu Yue heard them quarreling in the kitchen, so she hurried over to try to persuade her, saying: "Sister, don't be angry, why are you angry!"Teacher Zhuang is a celebrity, and such things are indispensable for celebrities, so what's the matter?Zhuang Zhidie said: Liu Yue, what you said, I really have this matter!Niu Yueqing also laughed, pulled Liu Yue into his arms, and said: "Liu Yue just came, it's time to make a joke and we're noisy."Liu Yue said: Ya often bites his tongue, who doesn't make noise?I saw the child’s house, the man had a girlfriend outside, others said he knew the woman, but the woman said I didn’t care, he finally earned money and put it in the cabinet of my house and didn’t put it in other places go!Niu Yueqing smiled and twisted Liu Yue's mouth again.Liu Yue said: "Okay, I'm out of breath now, let's eat!"Niu Yueqing said: I have nothing to do with it, I just ruined your teacher Zhuang's reputation.But having said that, I know that your Mr. Zhuang is not that kind of person. He has a heart but no guts, and he has no strength.I don't believe what other people say about him, I only hate him when he is happy outside, and he loves to talk about it.After that, another tear fell.After hearing this, Liu Yue found it novel, and what else could she say, when someone knocked on the door, Niu Yueqing hurriedly wiped away her tears, hinting to Zhuang Zhidie to hide in the study, and asked loudly: Who?Outside the door said: I.Zhou Min.The door opened, Niu Yueqing smiled and said: Didn't you go back after get off work?Come here with a strange mouth, let's eat together!Zhou Min said that he got off work early and had already had dinner when he got home. He originally went for a stroll on the top of the city wall early in the morning, so he turned here first.Zhuang Zhidie also came out of the study to meet Zhou Min. He was happy that Zhou Min came at the right time, so he asked Zhou Min to eat a piece of pancake. Zhou Min still didn't eat it, so Zhuang Zhidie put a tape on the VCR and asked him to enjoy the music first. Well, I sat around the table with Niu Yueqing and Liu Yue for dinner.The tape was playing, and Zhou Min said: Teacher Zhuang likes folk music?Zhuang Zhidie nodded while eating pancakes, and suddenly said: I have a tape here, the recording is not clear, but listen, it tastes really good!After changing the tape again, a slow and faint sound spread like water.Zhou Min hurriedly asked: This is Xunle, where did you record it?Zhuang Zhidie was proud: Have you noticed that there are always people blowing xun on the top of the city wall every morning and night. I once secretly recorded it in the distance all night, and the recording was not very clear, but you close your eyes and slowly experience the artistic conception , you will feel as if you are in the prehistoric, there are a group of grieving ghosts whimpering, and a little phosphorous fire is shining; you step into the dark ancient pine forest, and you hear a dewdrop slowly sliding along the branches, and then you can’t get it off. , suddenly fell to pieces, you felt a kind of fear, a kind of mystery, and an unstoppable passion to find out; as you walked farther and deeper, you saw a pimple The miasma rising from the lumps, and seeing the sun shining through the branches and the thorns that have grown and shortened in the miasma, but you can't find the way back... Zhuang Zhidie said that he couldn't help himself, so he gave up his job. Putting it down, Liu Yue shouted: Teacher Zhuang is reciting lyric poems!Zhuang Zhidie saw Zhou Min lower his head, and said: Zhou Min, don't you think so?Zhou Min said: Teacher Zhuang, I played this xun.Zhuang Zhidie let out a cry, his mouth opened and he couldn't close it.Niu Yueqing and Liu Yue also stopped eating.Zhou Min said: I'm just bragging, just to relieve boredom, I didn't think about it but you heard it.If you really like it, I will record a record and send it to you some other day.But I don't understand, you are a famous person now, you can get what you want, and you can get what you want, but you like to hear the sound of Xun?After finishing speaking, he took out a small black clay pot-like thing from his satchel and said it was Xun.Zhuang Zhidie knew what the sound of the Xun was, but he had never seen the appearance of the Xun. He picked it up and looked at it. I don't know what Xun is.Zhou Min said that this is an ancient musical instrument, and few people use it now. When he was in Tongguan, he heard an old folk artist play it, and learned it for a while.After arriving in Xijing, he dug earth in Qingxu Nunnery and found this small clay pot. No one knew what it was, so he kept it.I just went to the top of the city wall to practice blowing, but I didn't do well in blowing.The two of them got hot talking for a while, and Zhuang Zhidie said: Somehow I heard the right taste, and I also bought a tape. You hear the smell is stronger!So I changed another tape, and it was sad and happy when it was released.Niu Yueqing came over and turned off the machine in a choked voice, and said: I have seen anyone who appreciates sorrow and joy? !Zhuang Zhidie said: Listen carefully, and you will like it after listening to it.Niu Yueqing said: I will never like it!If you let it go like this, others will think that our family is dead!Zhuang Zhidie had no choice but to smile wryly, and turned off the VCR.Sit down and eat.Liu Yue said: Teacher Zhuang is also afraid of his wife?Zhuang Zhidie said: Why am I afraid of my wife?It's just that my wife is not afraid of me.Niu Yueqing deliberately ignored his funny words, Zhuang Zhidie said to himself: This porridge is well cooked!After finishing a bowl of porridge, he put down his chopsticks and asked Zhou Min if there was anything else. If there was nothing else, he would go to Meng Yunfang's house to chat at night.

Zhou Min's face became embarrassed for a while, he hesitated for a while, and said: I have something to tell you, you should eat first.Zhuang Zhidie said: I'm done eating, tell me!Zhou Min said: I only said that I would repay my kindness and write an article for the teacher to promote it. I didn't expect to cause trouble.Jing Xueyin is back, she is making a lot of trouble, and the leaders in the hall may also come to you to check the facts.Let me write a letter first to hear your opinions.Niu Yueqing said: Your teacher Zhuang and I have already read that article.Zhou Min panicked all of a sudden, and said: Master's wife has seen it too? !Niu Yueqing said: Don't seek trouble if you have nothing to do, and don't be afraid of trouble if something happens.I should be the one who caused this trouble, what is she, Jing Xueyin, doing?Although the article was not written by Zhuang Zhidie, if you don't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, you don't cherish the past relationship at all, and you turn your face if you say it? !Zhuang Zhidie didn't answer Niu Yueqing's words, but just turned dark, asked about the situation in the hall and the magazine in detail, and sighed: I have repeatedly told people to explain when they come back, don't you care?Now that this happened, her opponent must be talking nonsense and gloating, and Wu Kun took the opportunity to fan the flames and put pressure on her through her husband. Everyone has self-esteem. If she doesn't make a fuss, others will think her is the default.Now that there was a quarrel, she might not lift it up and put it down quietly. She is someone who has never suffered a disadvantage, and if she gets used to it, she will not be able to retreat if she is dragged to Banpo.Niu Yueqing said: Now that the surname Jing has completely turned his face, are you still only thinking from her point of view?Zhou Min wrote this article and the magazine can publish it. Subjectively, which one is not good for you?When you put it that way, how many people are frustrated when one stone hits three bells!After hearing this, Zhuang Zhidie became angry, endured it, and said: Then what should I do?Zhou Min said: If someone in the hall comes to ask you about your situation, you just need to insist that what you write is true, and you can even say... I am afraid that my teacher will not like to hear this.Niu Yueqing said: You talk through it.Zhou Min said: You can say that you are the same as her, and the writing is not enough.

Such things are common in love, you say yes, she says no, where to find witnesses?When a pool of water is muddied, who can tell?Zhuang Zhidie stood up immediately, his face changed: How could you come up with such an idea? !Let's not talk about responsibility when we talk, at least we have to have a conscience!Niu Yueqing also said: Zhou Min, I dare not say that.You, Mr. Zhuang, have social status, not comparable to you and me.Speaking of this, the outside world has a wave of wind. Couldn't you, Mr. Zhuang, become the role of a ruffian in Xijing City?What did I say to people when I went out? !Zhou Min's face turned red when he heard this, and he slapped himself on the mouth with his hand, saying that he was in a daze, and that he had no experience in the world for coming up with such a goddamn idea, and he was afraid when he heard the instructions from the provincial leaders He repeatedly begged his teacher and his wife to forgive him.Zhuang Zhidie was so angry that he grabbed the teacup and drank it. The teacup was already on his lips, only to realize that there was no water in the cup. He put down the cup and turned his face away.Niu Yueqing came over to refill Zhuang Zhidie's tea, then refilled Zhou Min's teacup, and said: Zhou Min, why are you doing this again?How can your teacher Zhuang not understand you?Don't talk about forgiveness or unforgiveness anymore, if you talk too much, it will make people feel unbeautiful!Zhou Min became honest and honest and said: I also said that because I was angry in front of you.How to deal with it?Zhuang Zhidie said: What can I do?But there is one thing, I cannot admit love.Niu Yueqing said: "The matter is in the past. I didn't want to talk about it. As for whether you and Jing have been in love, I can't care so much before I know you, but we are already engaged. You are still entangled with the person surnamed Jing, I am not blind, I see it all, I advised you not to associate with her, you always protect her at the expense of hurting me, I thought she was so noble, I have so much affection for you, I didn't expect her to be able to beat you out of the cliff!Zhuang Zhidie said: Can you say a few words less?Once you get involved in this matter, you will be even more eye-catching!Niu Yueqing said: Do you think I'm jealous?I feel sorry for you!Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Liu Yue quickly tried to persuade Zhou Min to resent her own badness, so Niu Yueqing said: "I can bear with it, but at this point, you don't hate Jing Xueyin, which disappoints me."If you don't admit it's love, what about your relationship with her?Zhuang Zhidie said: They are comrades and friends.Niu Yueqing said: Why didn't the incidents mentioned in the article happen with other people from the magazine?Zhuang Zhidie said: Is it friendlier than ordinary comrades and friends.Niu Yueqing said: It's all up to you.But have you faced reality?Now the tune written in the article is the tune of love, if you insist on not admitting that you are in love, then only the magazine and Zhou Min will eat it up!But in this way, how will the society treat you?It is said that Zhuang Zhidie was able to put to death a group of friends who supported him to promote him for a woman!Zhuang Zhidie said: You are forcing me to submit!Zhong Yueqing said: "Others say it's rotten copper, but if you insist that it's gold, you really can't let go of that character, so you can do it with your own ideas!"Then he said to Zhou Min, Zhou Min, tell Zhong Weixian and the others that this is what you want to promote Zhuang Zhidie, so you should have done it yourself; you also packed your luggage, and go to Qingxuan to be your little worker tomorrow!He got up and went to sleep in the bedroom.

Zhuang Zhidie was pacing up and down the living room with a mournful face, while Zhou Min just stayed there, neither sitting nor standing.Liu Yue looked uncomfortable, and took a plate of plums and plums from the freezer for Zhou Min to eat, but Zhou Min refused to eat, and the two pushed back and forth.Zhuang Zhidie went to pick one up and gave it to Zhou Min, but he ate one by himself and said: Let's do this.You only insist that what you wrote is based on facts, and you can also say that it was provided by me.But I did not specify what happened with Jing Xueyin when I provided it. I only provided information about many women I had contacted in my past life.Now the content written in the article may or may not include Jing Xueyin’s affairs. Although what you write is a documentary, according to the law of literary writing, it concentrates and summarizes the affairs of many women I have interacted with. , Summarized to this A × symbolic image.Is that okay?On such grounds, meet any censure of any kind, and you may have nothing at all.Zhou Min pondered for a long time, then Fang said: Let's do it this way.Say goodbye and go out.Niu Yueqing heard the door knock and knew that Zhou Min had left, so she called on the bed in the bedroom: Zhidie, come here!Zhuang Zhidie pushed open the door and saw his wife was leaning on the bed and using facial cleanser to scrub the oily dirt on her face, so she said: You are so kind, in front of Zhou Min, you don't say his fault, but you talk like that , How do you make Zhou Min think of me, thinking that I will sacrifice him and the people from the magazine?Niu Yueqing said: I don't say that, can you finally come up with such an idea?Zhuang Zhidie said: Do you know Zhou Min's roots?After all, I just met him, and I was not happy that he used my name to go to the magazine, and now there are so many gossips, and you are swaying towards him!How would I talk to Jing Xueyin after this?Niu Yueqing said: You still want to get along with her? !Zhuang Zhidie let out a cry of hatred and closed the door.Sitting in the living room to smoke, at this moment I vaguely heard the sound of xun.When the sound of the xun ended, Liu Yue, who was already sitting on the sofa and dozed off, went back to the empty room to sleep. She still stayed in the living room, and put the mourning tape into the VCR and started it in a low voice. Then I turned off the lamp, and my body and mind were immersed in a state that I couldn't even explain clearly.

In the past few days, Zhou Min left early and returned late, staying at the magazine office, and did not play with Tang Wan'er for fun when he returned home.The woman couldn't sit still, so she said several times that she hadn't gone to the Sheraton Song and Dance Hall for a long time. Zhou Min just postponed today to tomorrow, and tomorrow to the day after tomorrow. The woman also mentioned the one on the left of the Forest of Steles Museum. On the street, Mr. Zhuang’s family has opened a bookstore, and we should go to see it, firstly, to see if there are any good books to read, and secondly, to look concerned about the teacher. Ai Zhoumin impatiently said, “I don’t have such idle thoughts like you.” , I want to go to you.Either carry a xun instrument and blow it on the top of the city wall, or fall asleep when the head is knocked down.The women are also angry, and they ignore each other day and night.During the day, Zhou Min left for work. In fact, the woman did not go shopping alone. She just dressed up carefully at home. Butterfly is here.The first thing happened that day, the woman was so happy that a piece of window paper was finally pierced, thinking that this body already belonged to Zhuang Zhidie, she couldn't help but swell her face with excitement, looking at the people coming and going at the gate of the courtyard, facing them Looking indifferently at the pear tree in the yard and her under the pear tree, she smiled cruelly in her anger: "Just wait, one day you will know who I am from Zhuang Zhidie, let's see how you flatter me I, I have to be so ashamed that you have nowhere to put your face!However, after so many days, Zhuang Zhidie didn't come, so he vented his anger on himself, messed up his combed hair, and made a red circle on the mirror with blood-red lips, and then on the door leaf red circle.This night, the moonlight was like water, Zhou Min went to the top of the city wall and blew the Xun, Tang Wan'er closed the courtyard door and took a bath in the bathtub.Later, I sat naked in my pajamas on the cool bed under the pear tree. I sat for a long time, feeling very lonely. I thought, Zhuang Zhidie, why didn't you come again?

Like other men in the world, was it just a sudden impulse that day, and it was forgotten afterwards, just to get the memory of possessing one more woman?Or, Zhuang Zhidie is a writer, does he want to experience a feeling with me just for writing?After thinking about it like this, I recalled the scene of that day, but completely denied it.Zhuang Zhidie would not be like that. The first time he saw her eyes, his timid approach to her, and his later crazy behavior, the woman is confident that Zhuang Zhidie really loves her her.In previous experience, the woman's first man was a worker, and he forcibly pushed her down on the bed, and when she was overwhelmed, she married him from then on.In the days after marriage, she was his land, and he was her plow. She had to let him plow the land whenever he wanted to. She climbed up in the dark, and she didn't even have time to feel it.He is done.Being with Zhou Min, of course, has the joy that the first man doesn't have, but Zhou Min is a corner of the small county after all, so he can't compare to the big celebrities in Xijing City.In particular, Zhuang Zhidie was shy and timid at first, but once she entered Hong Kong, with all kinds of caress and tenderness, various tricks and means, she knew what the difference between urban and rural areas is, what is the difference between knowledge and ignorance, and what is Real men and women too!Thinking of this, Tang Wan'er rubbed her hands underneath, and couldn't help herself for a moment, so she called out to Brother Zhuang!Then he moaned with trembling tongue, and whispered coquettishly, writhing and jumping on the cold bed like a bug.

A mouthful of mouth and mouth (the author deletes thirty -seven words) waiting for the cold bed to squeak inch and move against the pear trees. With a face, he stuck out his tongue and wanted to put a pair of legs on Zhuang Zhidie, so he kicked on the tree trunk.As soon as I stood up straight, the pear tree rattled and shook the moon, until finally it kicked away suddenly, and when it was quiet, three or four pear tree leaves floated down in diagonal circles, covering the woman's eyes. body.The woman exhausted her body and mind, she didn't get up, she was still lying there, her body was as limp as if a bone had been picked, and she was still in a daze.After blowing the Xun, Zhou Min came back and said: Are you still asleep?The woman brushed off the leaves from her body, moved her pajamas to cover her white leg, and said, "I'm not asleep."Lying down and not getting up.Zhou Min boredly looked at the moon over the yard, and said: The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.The woman also said: Good.But he thought: What is Zhuang Zhidie doing now?Are you reading in the study, or are you already asleep?I said silently in my heart: Brother Zhuang, let me leave you temporarily, I have to live with another soul under this roof.Don't close your door, the wind will still blow towards you, maybe you will wake up suddenly, as if you heard a quiet sound, don't move, my Zhuang Zhidie, close your eyes, we The conversation began.Zhou Min finished washing his face in the kitchen, saw Tang Wan'er still lying there in a daze, and said, "Why don't you go to sleep?"Tang Wan'er hated him and said: I hate it!Talk so much, go to sleep!But he took off his slippers and went to open the courtyard door.Zhou Min said: You want to go out?this late!Tang Wan'er said: I can't sleep, go to the crossroads to buy a cup of ice cream.Zhou Min said: Are you going out in that pajamas?The plain white pajamas flashed, but the woman had already gone to the street.

Tang Wan'er didn't go to the cold drink shop to buy ice cream, but borrowed someone's phone from that shop to make a call.It was Liu Yue who answered the phone.Liu Yue asked who it was, and Tang Wan'er said, can't you hear my voice?Just ask Mr. Zhuang how is he, how is his wife?Liu Yue liked him over there and said: It's Sister Tang Wan'er, what's the matter so late?Tang Wan'er said: I don't have anything urgent, I just ask if there is any labor-intensive work at home, such as pulling coal, buying rice noodles, changing liquefied gas tanks, Zhou Min has strength!Then I heard Liu Yue calling Niu Yueqing, whose phone number did Niu Yueqing ask?Liu Yue said it belonged to Tang Wan'er, and asked if there was any work at home for them to do.Niu Yueqing came over to answer the phone, and said: Tang Wan'er is caring, thank you so much, why don't you come to visit the house?Tang Wan'er said, I don't want to go, it's just that Teacher Zhuang is busy with writing, so why bother?Niu Yueqing said, "Your teacher Zhuang is not at home, and you are going to open the city's National People's Congress meeting. I'm afraid it will be about ten days. Come and play!"Tang Wan'er said: Definitely, definitely.I felt relieved, and thought, wouldn't it be more convenient to find him during the meeting?Putting down the phone, I regretted that I forgot to ask Zhuang Zhidie where the meeting was held?

Second big night.Zhou Min came back early, and lay down on the table to write something after dinner.Tang Wan'er went to watch it, but Zhou Min covered it with her hands. Tang Wan'er curled her lips and walked away, moving the TV to the bedroom to watch.Originally, I went to sleep after killing a while, but I didn’t expect that the special report of the Municipal People’s Congress meeting happened on TV. Zhuang Zhidie appeared on the screen, sitting decently on the rostrum of the meeting, thinking for a while that I would become a How nice Zhuang Zhidie's wife should be. The news spread to Tongguan City. Tonight, when people in Tongguan County saw Zhuang Zhidie on TV, they must have talked about her. Then those who knew her would immediately change their attitude towards her. I am so envious that I don't know what to say!That worker who lost his wife, what else can he say? The reason why he and Zhou Min are arguing is because Zhou Min's status and reputation are not much higher than his; but she is really Zhuang Zhidie's wife , he could only be ashamed and divorced automatically.Thinking like this, I couldn't bear it anymore, I moved my hand under it again, and some stuff came out unconsciously.After Fang Bi, Zhou Min packed up his pen and paper and came in, the two of them naturally fell silent again.Turn off the lights and go to sleep.Women have a problem. They like to sleep naked, and they have to curl up their legs like a cat and snuggle in a man's arms to fall asleep.Previously, Zhou Min suggested that sleeping like this was too tiring, and everyone should sleep in their own quilts. She refused to agree, but now she took the initiative to make two quilts.Tang Wan'er slept until she was in a daze and was about to fall into a dream, but she was startled all of a sudden. It turned out that Zhou Min got through the quilt, and she immediately opened his hand and said: I'm sleepy!After being hit, Zhou Min stopped moving, and went back to his bed in a fit of anger, but couldn't sleep, sat up and sighed.Tang Wan'er just ignored it.Zhou Min turned on the lamp, threw a book next to his pillow on the ground, and then choked up and cried.Tang Wan'er became more and more disgusted, and said: Crazy, why are you crying in the middle of the night?Zhou Min said: I am so upset, you are not comforting me, but also angry with me.As the saying goes, home is a safe haven, but when I returned to the port with a broken boat, it was full of wind and waves.Tang Wan'er said: What kind of family are we? !A woman is a man, I lost a stable life, lost my child, reputation, and job, and followed you out, but I just wandered like this, I don’t know how I will live tomorrow, and the road ahead is full of darkness Come on, is this still a home?What's more, people look down every day, Wang Ximian's wife taunted me in public that day, and I didn't see you farting loudly!I don't comfort you?These days, when you don't go out early and come back late, you leave me alone and can't say a word all day, who will miss me? !Zhou Min said: "It's for your sake. I took care of the huge difficulties by myself, and you blame me."Tang Wan'er said: What a big deal, I'm a cultural person now, so I feel uncomfortable.Zhou Min recounted the troubles caused by that article in this way, and said: If I were in Tongguan County, I would ask my brothers to beat up that surnamed Jing to vent my anger, but there are not many people in the cultural circle here. Xing this method.We were able to go to the magazine office thanks to Mr. Zhuang's help, but when something happened, he didn't have the strength to attack.Now he wants to insist that he is not in a relationship, and wants to get things right; but Jing is not an easy-going lamp. If he is put under more pressure, Mr. Zhuang is afraid that what he wrote is not true. Then, he was the one who succeeded me, and maybe he will be the one who failed me in the future.Tang Wan'er became nervous when she heard this, got out of bed and poured Zhou Min a glass of water, seeing that he was really thinner than before.Zhou Min held her in his arms, but she felt disgusted again, and her heart flickered: This is good, he really can't get a foothold in the Xijing literary world, and she will have a better chance to be with Zhuang Zhidie.Then he broke free and went back to lie on his bed, saying: Don't blame Mr. Zhuang, I'm afraid he also has his own difficulties.Zhou Min said: I hope he won't betray me.But I also thought about it, I have to leave a way out for me.Tang Wan'er said: What is the way out?Zhou Min said: At present, I have followed what he said, only admitting that what I wrote is the truth, but it does not refer to a single person, but a comprehensive summary.If Mr. Zhuang took the side of Jing and said that what I wrote was not true, I would have to say that all the materials were provided by him, with the interview book as proof, and I just wrote the facts based on the records.Tang Wan'er said: Where did you interview him?Not just hearsay.Zhou Min said: I have a solution.Tang Wan'er didn't speak, she turned on the light and fell asleep under the quilt, her heart beating wildly. Early the next morning, Zhou Min got up and went to the magazine office in a hurry.Tang Wan'er hurriedly turned on the TV.She knew that the news from last night would be broadcast again the next morning, and sure enough, Zhuang Zhidie's footage came out again. She remembered that the meeting was held at the Ancient Capital Hotel outside the South Gate, so she bald and cleaned up, and went to the Ancient Capital Hotel .Sure enough, the gate of the hotel was covered with colorful flags.A huge red silk slogan hangs down from the top of the building, on which it is written Warmly celebrate the grand opening of the XX Municipal People's Congress in our store!But the gate was closed; four or five people wearing security armbands guarded the small gate next to it, and non-conference personnel were not allowed to enter.A row of small cars were parked in the yard across the iron fence. The representatives who had just finished lunch and took a walk in the yard picked their teeth with toothpicks, and went to the hut next to the concierge to collect cigarettes by ticket.There was a group of people swarming outside the fence, shouting something messily.Tang Wan'er likes to watch the excitement, so she squeezed forward, and the high-heeled shoes on her feet were trampled dirty by someone's feet, so she took out the toilet paper to wipe it with displeasure, and saw three people with sticky hair next to the fence. The woman and a rough man, the man held up a blank piece of paper with both hands, on which it was written: Please redress my grievances for me, and the grievances were roughly written in densely packed small characters.The three women fell to their knees and shouted: We want to see the mayor!We want to see the mayor!Weeping.A few men wearing police armbands came over to pull her. The woman grabbed the fence and held on tightly. The clothes gathered up, revealing her dark belly and shriveled nipples, and said, "Why doesn't the mayor see us?"Officials don't make decisions for the people, so why not go home and give your wife a baby!If you pull again, I'll hit my head and die here!The person wearing the armband stopped pulling it, and said: Then you can mess around, and see what you can do? !Stand aside and smoke.Tang Wan'er stood by and watched for a while, seeing more and more people watching the bustle, many men looked at her instead of the woman, knowing that she was with these three women, the ugly ones became uglier, and the beautiful ones became more beautiful , not shy, with a calm face, looking up, and then swinging his willow waist and going in through the small door.The gatekeeper didn't seem to stop her. She had already walked three steps, but she was stopped again and asked: Comrade, your representative card?Tang Wan'er said: I'm not a representative, I'm looking for Zhuang Zhidie!The man said: I'm really sorry, the conference system does not allow a non-conference member to enter. If you want to find Zhuang Zhidie, I will ask him to come out to see you.I told someone in the courtyard that I saw Zhuang Zhidie and told him that someone was looking for him at the door. Sure enough, Zhuang Zhidie came out after a while, and said happily: Ah, why are you here?Tang Wan'er said: Let me in quickly, I have something to tell you.Zhuang Zhidie told the guard, and led Tang Wan'er to the courtyard, but said: You are too gorgeous, I will go up first.Room 703, remember, don't make a mistake.He went into the building without looking back. Tang Wan'er then went to room 703, Zhuang Zhidie closed the door at once, and picked up the woman.The woman was obedient, and let him hug her, with her legs crossed around his waist, and her hands wrapped around his neck, as if sitting on Zhuang Zhidie's hands.The woman said: Look at how cautious you were just now, you are so crazy now!Zhuang Zhidie just laughed and said: I miss you so much, I dreamed about you last night, guess what, I carried you up the mountain and carried you all night.The woman said: I'm not afraid of exhausting you to death!Zhuang Zhidie put the woman on the bed and kneaded it like a ball of soft noodles.The woman gasped with laughter, and suddenly said: If you dare not move, water will run down below you.Zhuang Zhidie became sexual for a while, swallowing the saliva that came up, while trying to strip the woman's dress.The woman stood up but took off her dress, saying that she was sweating from walking and it smelled bad, and she wanted to take a shower.Zhuang Zhidie went to put water in the inner bathtub and asked her to wash, calmed down and took off her clothes by the bed and waited.As soon as he couldn't wait, he pushed the bathroom door open, and saw the woman with her long hair loose and her white body standing in the bathtub, with the shower head in one hand and the breasts in the other, she rushed towards her.The woman suddenly softened, lost the nozzle, and kept talking (the author deleted one hundred and twelve characters). The woman's head was resting on the edge of the basin, her long hair was scattered on the ground, and Ren Zhuangzhidie was standing upright. After biting off four red teeth marks on his neck, Fang said: Don't let your hair get wet.Zhuang Zhidie got up, turned off the nozzle, and brought her out flat on the bed.There is a small table next to the bed, and a huge mirror is embedded in the wall above the table. The woman looked in the mirror for a while, and said with a smile: "Look at yourself, how do you look like a writer?"Zhuang Zhidie said: What should a writer be like?The woman said: It should be elegant.Zhuang Zhidie said: That's good.He lifted up the woman's legs and looked at the acupuncture point. She was so ashamed that she quickly said: No, no.But he was unable to speak anymore, and something had already gushed out.Then he pulled the quilt under his head and only looked at it in the mirror.Until the woman yelled, Zhuang Zhidie hurried up and blocked it with her tongue, and both of them could only gasp. The mouth and mouth (the author deleted five hundred words) The woman heard that she had a mole there, looking at the mirror, thinking that Zhuang Zhidie loved her too much.The worker in Tongguan didn't notice it, neither did Zhou Min, and she didn't even notice it herself, so she said: Is there a mole?Zhuang Zhidie said: Maybe it's okay, I also have moles here.When I looked at it, there was indeed one.The woman said, "That's all right, we'll be able to find each other when we reach the end of the sky!"After finishing speaking, he asked, is the door closed? No one will come at noon, right?Zhuang Zhidie said: You only remember the door now!My room alone, nobody's.The woman asked Zhuang Zhidie to hold her in her arms, and said: Let's do this as soon as we come, the enthusiasm is hotter than when we were young!In fact, I dared to come to the meeting to tell you one thing.Did Zhou Min's article get you into trouble?Zhuang Zhidie said: You know?I warned him, don't tell you, I'm afraid you won't be able to worry about it, so why did he tell you? !Tang Wan'er recounted the situation introduced by Zhou Min, and asked if this was the case?Zhuang Zhidie nodded, and Tang Wan'er said: Although I live with Zhou Min, everything is yours now, so you have to guard against him!Zhuang Zhidie said: What's wrong with him?Know about us?Tang Wan'er talked about Zhou Min's second-hand preparations, Zhuang Zhidie fell silent, and sat there sneering twice.Tang Wan'er said: Are you angry?Are you going to punish him?I'm here to tell you this, just to keep you on guard against him, but not to punish him.Zhou Min is smart, sometimes he is so smart that he becomes a thief, but he is not a bad person.Zhuang Zhidie said: I know this.Tang Wan'er's face suddenly twitched, and two streams of clear tears flowed down her face.Zhuang Zhidie hurriedly asked what's the matter?Tang Wan'er said: "I don't know if it's our fate, or the marriage between Zhou Min and me is over. When I saw you, I felt so sad all over the place. I didn't feel so hurt when I was 17 or 18. I was so panicked all day long." I can't catch it in my hand to do it.What is the same bed with different dreams, I have really experienced it!Zhuang Zhidie said: Why am I not like this?Those who dare not cry, crying at this time is not good for the body.Obedient, um!Wiping the woman's tears with his hand, he loves like a child.The woman said: I listen to live, I will not cry.But I still have to tell you, if I don't say it, I will be suffocated to death!我越是大着胆儿跟你往来,心里越是害怕,害怕这样下去,日子该怎么个过呀? !庄哥,我要嫁你,真的,我要嫁了你!妇人说着,不等庄之蝶反应,就又说:我想嫁给你,做长长久久的夫妻,我虽不是有什么本事的人,又没个社会地位,甚至连个西京城里的户口都没有,恐怕也比不了牛月清伺候你伺候得那么周到,但我敢说我会让你活得快乐,永远会让你快乐!因为我看得出来,我也感觉到了,你和一般人不一样,你是作家,你需要不停地寻找什么刺激,来激活你的艺术灵感。而一般人,也包括牛月清在内,她们可以管你吃好穿好,却难以不停地调整自己给你新鲜。你是个认真的人,这我一见到你就这么认为,但你为什么阴郁,即使笑着那阴郁我也看得出来,以至于又为什么能和我走到这一步呢,我猜想这其中有许多原因,但起码暴露了一点,就是你平时的一种性的压抑。我相信我并不是多坏的女人,成心要勾引你,坏你的家庭,也不是企图享有你的家业和声誉,那这是什么原因呢? 或许别人会说你是喜新厌旧的男人,我更是水性杨花的浪荡女人了。不是的,人都有追求美好的天性,作为一个搞创作的人,喜新厌旧是一种创造欲的表现!可这些,自然难被一般女人所理解,因此上牛月清也说她下辈子再不给作家当老婆了。在这一点上,我自信我比她们强,我知道、我也会来调整了我来适应你,使你常看常新。适应了你也并不是没有了我,却反倒使我也活得有滋有味。反过来说,就是我为我活得有滋有味了,你也就常看常新不会厌烦。女人的作用是来贡献美的,贡献出来,也便使你更有强烈的力量去发展你的天才……我这么想的时候,我就很激动,很激动,但激动了却又想,这可能吗?要是不遇着你,我也不觉得我有这个自信,是你给了我一点太阳我才灿烂的,是不是想入非非,便不知天高地厚了?我也提醒我自己,你是有家有室的人,老婆又漂亮贤惠,更要命的是你名声大,你已不是你个人的庄之蝶,你是社会的庄之蝶,稍有风吹草动就满城风雨,你是敢冒这个险吗,能受得了折腾吗?如果真把一切都折腾坏了,我既是爱你却不把你害了? !所以,我你那一场事后,我心里说,风流一次就风流一次算了,以后见面只说话儿,再也不敢往深处陷了,但我无法控制我……。庄哥,我说这些,你不要耻笑,你让我说出来,事情能不能成,你肯不肯要我嫁你,这我不管,我只要当着你的面说出来,说出来我心里就好受多了!妇人说完,就趴在那里不动了。庄之蝶不防顾她说了这席话来,更觉这妇人可爱,一下子把她抱在怀里,脸对脸地看着。倒自己心里难受,一颗泪先禁不住地滚下来。他说:宛儿,我怎么敢耻笑你?谢你也谢不及的。你有这么个心思,我这几天也惶惶不可终日呢!十多年前,我初到这个城里,一看到那座金碧辉煌的钟楼,我就发了誓要在这里活出个名堂来。苦苦巴巴奋斗得出入头地了,谁知道现在却活得这么不轻松!我常常想,这么大个西京城,于我又有什么关系呢?这里的什么真正是属于我的?只有庄之蝶这三个字吧。可名字是我的,用的最多的却是别人!出门在外,是有人在崇拜我,在恭维我,我真不明白我到底做了些什么让人这样?是不是人们弄错了?难道就是因为我写的那些文章吗?那算是些什么玩意儿? !我清楚我是成了名并没有成功的,我要写我满意的文章,但我一时又写不出来,所以我感到羞愧,羞愧了别人还以为我在谦虚。我谦虚什么呀?这种痛苦在折磨着我,可这种痛苦又能去对谁说,说了又有谁能理解呢?盂云房是我最好的朋友,而我和他在这些地方说不拢,他总骂我是瘦猪吭吭,肥猪也吭吭。牛月清是我的老婆,她确实是贤惠的老婆,在别人看来,有她这样的老婆是该念佛了,可我无法去给她说这些。我心里苦闷,在家自然言语不多,她又以为我怎么啦,总是拿家里的烦事嘟嘟嚷嚷。也是我不好,就和她吵闹,越吵闹相互越少沟通。你想想,这样我还能写出好作品吗?什么感觉都没有了,心里却又焦急,怨天尤人,终日浮浮躁躁,火火气气的,我真怀疑我要江郎才尽了,我要完了。一年多来,就连身体也垮下来,神经衰弱得厉害,连性功能都几乎要丧失了!就在这个时候认识了你,我可以如实地对你说,我接触过的女人也并不少,但我仅仅是认识着罢了,我周围的一些人津津乐道杯水主义,我向来看不起他们这样做,也想象不来没有感情的投入怎么就干那事,如果死猫烂狗地见着就吃,吃过便走,真不如自个儿去手淫了!见了你,我不知道怎么就怦然心动,也不知道哪儿就生出了这么大的胆儿来!我觉得你好,你身上有一股我说不清的魅力,这就像声之有韵一样,就像火之有焰一样,你是真正有女人味的女人。更令我感激的是,你接受了我的爱,我们在一起,我重新感觉到我又是个男人了,心里有了涌动不已的激情,我觉得我并没有完,将有好的文章叫我写出来!但我又是多么哀叹我们认识得太晚了,那些年你怎么就不来西京呢?而我怎么也在潼关没有碰上你呢? !我是想到了我们结婚的事,甚至设想到过结婚后的情景。可现实怎样呢?我虽然恨我为声名所累,却又不得不考虑到声名。如果立即提出离婚,社会必然要掀起轩然大波,领导怎么看?亲戚朋友怎么看?牛月清又会怎样?这就不可能像一般人那样十天八天一月两月叫事情过去……。宛儿,我说这些,你要谅解我,我并不想说甜言蜜语来哄你,我只能把一切想法告诉你,但我的感觉里,我们是会成功的,我要你记住一句活:你等着我,迟迟早早我要娶了你的!只要你信我。妇人在怀里点着头,说:我信的,我等着你!庄之蝶就吻了妇人,说:那你给我笑笑,妇人果然就笑了。两人重新抱在一起滚在床上,庄之蝶就又趴上去,妇人说:你还行吗?庄之蝶说:我行的,我真行哩!口口口口口口(作者删去五百一十七字)这时,就听得楼道里有人招呼:开会了!开会时间到了!便举过手腕,瞧着手表时针分针已转到下午两时过五分,低声说:不敢啦!两人赶忙穿好衣服,庄之蝶说:下午大会发言,我还是第一个哩。唐宛儿说:谁能想到一会儿你在台上庄庄重重发言,这会儿却在干这事!今日晚上看电视,你在电视里出现,多少人看了,准在说:瞧,那就是我崇拜的偶像庄之蝶!我却要想,我可知道他那裤子里的东西是特号的哩!庄之蝶就咬了她一下脖子,说:我先走啦,你过会楼道没人再出去。出门就走了。唐宛儿梳头描眉,重涂了口红,又整理了床铺,直到听见楼道毫无动静时,树叶一般飘出房门。 会又开了三天,三天里唐宛儿来过两次,又约定了还要再来,喜得庄之蝶精神亢奋,心里也不多想了那文章引起的烦恼。这天晚饭,餐厅的桌子上碰着了黄德复,倒吃了一惊!黄德复整个儿瘦了一圈,原本白净的脸干黄如蜡,眼眶发黑,问是得了什么病吗?德复说:困的。庄之蝶就把要清虚庵那套单元楼房作文艺沙龙的请求让他通融市长,给予关照。德复口里应允了,却直说不要太急,现在市长要办的事多如牛毛,样样都重要,一时是没个时间来料理这等小事的。庄之蝶说:这能费了市长多少时间的,还需要写书面报告,开办公会议研究吗?你两三句话一说就完了,人大的会议,市长不正好能趁机休息吗?德复说:你们这文人,该怎么说呢,你以为这种会议,领导就能休息吗?就拉了庄之蝶到一边,悄声说,开人代会比打一场战争还紧张的。会议前,他和秘书长每天晚上开车去郊县和市内各区政府了解情况,找人谈话,该讲明的就讲明,该暗示的就暗示,他是囫囵囵五个晚上没得睡觉。会议期间,更是复杂得了得,原定的人事安排,是要换掉人大主任,但有人私下串联,偏偏还要选他,说不定最后那日选举,他真要选票多当选了,事情就糟了。而市长的连任问题是不大,但如果票数虽过半或是过半不多,那不也是给市长难看吗?黄德复说:这些情况你知道?庄之蝶说:我哪里知道?整个会议庄重热烈,里边还有这么多根根蔓蔓的事!黄德复说:你们文人不懂得政治也好。可你想想,现在你要我立马三刻给市长说房子的事,市长心绪好了事情或许好办,他正烦着,一个随便的理由都能先否定了你,以后再也说不得了。这事我见机行事,你放心,我不会压着不办的。一席话,的确是肺腑之言,却听得庄之蝶目瞪口呆,也不再提说这事。再见到市长或黄德复满面笑容地在楼厅里与代表们握手寒暄,也不近去招呼,远远离开,到自个房间去看书。也就在这日下午,大会主席团通知小组讨论,服务员就送来了大会期间给代表订的三份报纸。发言的继续发言,未发言的就翻开报纸。庄之蝶先读了省报第三面的文艺版,又看市报,几乎一二面全是有关大会的各类报道,觉得没甚意思,就去读第三份叫《周未》的报纸,一下子被一条消息吸引。 消息的标题是:市府大院上班拖拉,半小时后来人过半。内容竟是本报记者于X月X日上班时突然在市府门口作调查:上班后十分钟来了多少人,二十分钟后来了多少人,半小时后来了多少人。局长迟到的有几位,副市长迟到的有几位。立时会上议论纷纷,话题由讨论市长的政府工作报告变成了对此报道的争论。庄之蝶听了听,无非是乱哄哄地发牢骚话。觉得索然无味,就回到房间给家里拨电话,询问有没有要紧事。接电话的是柳月,直问谁呀?who?庄之蝶正要说话,电话里却传来嘻闹声。他想听听嘻闹的是谁,便不说话,柳月在那边说:神经病!咔地把听筒放下了。庄之蝶再拨,柳月不问青红皂白,吼道:错了,这是火葬场!电话又按了。气得庄之蝶又一次拨了电话,一等那里拿了听筒就骂道:柳月,你在家就这样接电话吗? !柳月听清了声音,忙说:庄老师,怎么是你呀?这几天你不在,每日几十个电话寻你的,我说你不在的,过会儿电话又来,大姐就让我接了说号码错了。倒没想到竟误了你的电话。庄之蝶还在发火:谁在那里和你说话!柳月说:是洪江。他是才来寻你的,你要给他说话吗?电话里就有了洪江的声音,先是支吾不清,后来说到书店的事,立即说那一部书稿已印出两天了,发散到各地零售点,销路十分地好。洪江咕咕嘟嘟说了半天,庄之蝶没吭声,洪江就说:庄老师,你听着了吗?Zhuang Zhidie said: Yes.洪江说:这一次是捞住了,我大概计算了一下,咱们投资十万,能纯收入三万的!照眼下的行情看,我想过十天半月咱再印一万,所以想是否招待一下邮局发行科那个姓贾的?此人不敢得罪的,除了正经发行渠道外,他手里有个黑道发行联络图哩,如果你觉得这主意行,你是否能出面见见他,明天,还是后天?庄之蝶说:我没空,你给你师母说吧。就把电话放了,拉展床铺,一直睡到吃晚饭的时辰。 吃罢饭,去院门外看了看,没有发现唐宛儿来。大会安排晚上去易俗社看秦腔的,许多代表已三三五五结伙一边散步一边往剧院去了,有人喊庄之蝶一块走,庄之蝶说他得回家一趟,外地来了客人的,推辞了。待看戏的都去看戏了,回到房间等候约好的唐宛儿,却想该拿什么吃的招待妇人,便才去商店买了一盒口香糖回来,黄德复却敲门进来,说:市长找你呢!庄之蝶说:市长找我?当下虚掩了门,两人去至对面楼二层的一个套间。推门进去,市长正歪在长沙发上吸烟。一见庄之蝶,市长起身说:大作家来了,这些天都在会上,你怎么不来见我?庄之蝶说:你太忙,不敢打扰么?市长说:别人不见,你来能不见吗?德复给我谈了你的请求,要支持嘛!有人说我是只抓文化,不抓政治经济,该当文化部长而不是市长。嘿,落了这么个名儿,我倒真要为知识分子办些实事。清虚庵那套单元房,就给了你们吧,以后搞什么活动,如果觉得我还可以当个听众,别忘了通知我哦!庄之蝶从沙发上跳起来,说:真谢谢市长了!市长抓文化,这是抓住了西京的特点。文化搭台,经济唱戏,这怎么仅仅是文化的事呢?别的行业中我了解不多,在文艺界,你的政绩可以说是有口皆碑!市长说:德复,你把钥匙交给之蝶吧。黄德复果然从口袋掏出房证和钥匙,说:市长心倒比我细,说你们去办理房证,又得到处寻人,作家的时间耽搁不起,今中午特意让我去办理了。庄之蝶接过钥匙,真不知说些什么好。市长又说:你们文艺界以后还有什么事就来直接找我,听说西京城里有四大名人,我倒只认识你庄之蝶和阮知非。 德复呀,你拣一个星期天,把他们四大名人召集在一块,我请他们吃顿饭,交交朋友!黄德复说:这大好了,周恩来总理一生就喜交文艺界朋友,他说过,一个政治家没有几个文艺家朋友就成不了什么大政治家。市长说:这些人都是市宝嘛!古话说,铁打的衙门流水的官。我这市长,今日当了今日是市长,明日不当了我什么也不是。你们却不同了,有了好的作品,千古留名的!庄之蝶笑着说:市长也太谦虚了,干我们文艺这一行毕竟是虚东西。上个月我去六府街口。见那里修有一座水房,墙上红漆写了六个大字:吃水不忘市长!我就感触极深,真正千古留名的都是给百姓办了实惠事情的。现在杭州的白堤、苏堤、甘肃的左公柳就是明证。市长哈哈笑了,说:六府街口那儿一直没有通自来水,尤其是夏天,居民盆盆罐罐要到三里外的别的街巷去提水,群众意见很大。我知道这情况后,把城建局、自来水公司的领导叫来,让他们说说是怎么回事,当然他们有许多实际困难。我就发火了,不管你说一千道一万,西京这么大个现代城市竟然还有一块没水吃? !必须十天之内水要到那里,如果第十一天我去那里发现还没有水,谁的责任我就撤谁的职!水果然第九天就通了。那日几千人在那里敲锣打鼓,鸣放鞭炮,还做了匾要送到市政府来。我知道了,赶紧让德复去制止。我心里在想,老百姓太好了,只要你真正为他们办一点事,他们会永远忘不了的!庄之蝶说:哎呀,这么好的题材,我们文联应该组织一些人去写写!市长说:这你们不要写,它牵涉到个人的事。这里倒有一篇文章,是下边一些同志写的,送到我这儿让我过目,我看了觉得还不错的。据说省报准备刊发,但什么时候发,就说不准了,听他们说,现在风气不好,连党报刊发文章也得有熟人,真是岂有此理!市长说着,就取了一沓稿件给庄之蝶,说:你看看。庄之蝶收了,市长便说:这样吧,德复你和大作家到你的房间去看吧,我再过三分钟还要去市委开个会的。之蝶,改日我去你房间聊吧,你住七零三房间?庄之蝶说:你要有空,你打电话我下来就是了。两人又到了隔壁房间,黄德复关了门,说:你先看看稿件。庄之蝶看了,文章的题目是:市长亲自抓,改革作先锋。副题是:西京市府大院的新风气。内容几乎是从另一个角度来针锋相对了《周未》报的批评。黄德复说:今日《周未》上的文章你看到了吧,那是有人在搞政治阴谋。这样的文章原本是该发在市报上的,但偏偏发表在《周未》,他们的目的很明确,就是选举前诋毁市府工作。这篇文章影响极坏,经查,就是那个人大主任手下人写的。上午我们赶出这份稿子,决定省市两家党报同时发出,市报当然无误,只是省市两报常闹别扭,一向不大好好配合;而省报是省上的,咱市上却无权管得了人家。你在省报那儿认识人多,这你得出面,一定要他们保证明日刊出来,又必须在头版头条。你觉得要给什么人打招呼,由你决定,花钱的事你不要管,哪怕咱几万元买下他们版面来也行。庄之蝶说:熟人是多,可明日刊出,这来得及吗?黄德复说:后天就要选举,只能明日刊出来,这就看你的本事了!今晚车已经派好,我陪了你去。庄之蝶说:那好吧,现在寻主编已来不及,编排室主任是我的朋友的哥哥,让他抽下别的稿子,把这篇塞进去。便写了一些人的名字,要求给人家买些礼品什么的。黄德复即刻委托了人出去采买电饭锅、烤箱、电子游戏机一类东西去,说:今晚可是稿子不发咱就不回来啊!庄之蝶却面有难色了。黄德复问:你晚上有事?庄之蝶说:倒也没什么事,这样吧,你在这儿等我,我去我的房间取个包儿。黄德复说:我跟了你去,你是名人,找你的人多,说不定一去又碰上什么人缠住了身。庄之蝶心里叫苦不迭,只好说:那我就不去了。这一夜里,庄之蝶果然没能回来。他和黄德复去找他的朋友,朋友偏巧出远门不在,只好直接去找编排室主任,送了礼品,谈了要求,稿件就编了上去。但谁也没想到,这晚值班的一位副总编在看报样时说了一句:这稿子是谁写的,怎么内容和《周未》报的文章正好相反?到底西京市府的情况如何,咱要慎重着好。主任就不敢作主了,来他的宿舍见庄之蝶和黄德复。他们就又去找副总编说明情况,副总编说:一个是市府大秘书,一个是作家名人,我当然信服你们,上稿于是没问题的,但不一定就上明日的这一期,后天一定发排怎么样?黄德复说:这不行呀,让抽下来的稿件后天发不一样吗?副总编说:这你不知道,此稿已压了三天,人家是赞助了报社一个征文活动,厂长来闹了几次。黄德复说:一个小厂的报导有一个市府的报导重要吗?就正说反说,硬缠软磨,最后达成协议,给报社一万元,稿件总算排了上去。庄之蝶见事情已毕,心急唐宛儿不知去找他等候了多长时间,就催黄德复回饭店。黄德复却要等着报纸最后一次打出校样,亲自校对了再走。两人在主任房间打了一会儿吨,校样出来,黄德复又嫌标题太小,主任就叫苦,说工人不耐烦了。黄德复出去在夜市买了几条香烟,一人一条分发给车间工人,又买了一只鸡一瓶酒,来和副总编、主任喝。主任一杯酒下肚,话就多起来,直夸黄德复工作态度如此负责认真,这样的年轻人实在是不多见了,激动起来,竟提出他要写一则编者按,说写便写,乘醉写得文笔流畅,观点分明,又抽下一则短消息,排进去,乐得黄德复又送自己名片,又留主任的电话,一再说明有什么事就来找他。这么折腾到半夜,等到拿到了一沓新报,庄之蝶已困得抬不起头了,迷迷糊糊被黄德复拉扯到车里欲往饭店去,天几乎要大亮了。车驶过清虚庵前的路口,庄之蝶突然清醒过来,说已到了这里,何不去看看那套单元楼房。黄德复就陪他上了那楼的五层,打开房门,三室一厅,因为在楼顶,十分安静。黄德复就保证今日中午,他出面让古都饭店运来几个旧沙发和一张桌一把椅一张床来,甚至再让送一套被褥。文艺家都穷,恐怕谁也不能自费买这些东西供大家享用的。庄之蝶又说了一番感激话,就听见楼下有人起了哄:再来一段,再来一段!不知什么卖艺人在近旁摆了摊子。两人下得楼来,却见是那收破烂的老头被一伙年轻人围着,正说出了一段谣来:十七十八披头散发。二十七八抱养娃娃。三十七八等待提拔。四十七八混混耷耷。五十七八退休回家。六十七八养鱼务花。
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