Home Categories contemporary fiction Abandoned city

Chapter 5 Chapter 2.2

Abandoned city 贾平凹 22614Words 2018-03-19
But that night there was no sound of xun, not even the cries of the old man who collected the rags.The next day, Niu Yueqing went to the pastry shop of Laoguanmiao shopping mall to order birthday cakes, and specially asked the master to pour cream into congratulations to Mrs. Wang's 70th birthday. Laojiao, a bag of cured mutton, two catties of brown sugar, and half a catty of Longjing.Zhuang Zhidie didn't want to go.Niu Yueqing said: "You don't want to go, what will Wang Ximian's wife say if she asks me?"Zhuang Zhidie said: There must be a lot of people there today, it's a mess, and I don't bother to talk to them.When Wang Ximian asked about it, she said that the mayor had invited me to a meeting, and he couldn't leave.Niu Yueqing said: People want you to go because they want you to embarrass Wang Jiazhuang. Wang Ximian sees that you don't get angry anymore. I ask people to borrow money. It's fine if I'm generous. If I feel embarrassing, how can I bear it?If you really don’t want to go, or if you think I’m going to show you off, then I won’t go.Zhuang Zhidie said: You woman has a lot of things!I'll write a letter and you take it with you, the old lady will be happy.It is said that Bi Zhanzhi wrote that the setting sun is infinitely good, and the world is full of late love.Urged the woman to go.As soon as Niu Yueqing left, Zhuang Zhidie thought about going to Zhou Min's house, thinking about what to bring to Tang Wan'er.I rummaged through the cabinet in the bedroom for a long time, just some snacks and candies, and went to the old lady's room to find a piece of colored silk in the closet.But the old lady wants to talk to him, eh, your father is so annoying at dawn, I asked why I was so angry early in the morning, your father said, I can't control them, and you don't care about them!Zhuang Zhidie asked: Who are they?The old lady said: I also asked who they were.Our son-in-law is such a big figure, who eats on an equal footing with the mayor, who dares to bully you?Your father said, it's not the new young couple next door, who quarrel and fight all day long, so hard that he can't sleep well, and he can't eat well.I thought about it, your father will not lie, since you are not going to be a guest for a banquet today, you must go to your father's place to have a look, there really is that annoying next door, you nailed it there with a peach wedge!After finishing speaking, the old lady went to the yard to cut peach knots on a peach tree with a knife.

Zhuang Zhidie laughed angrily, hurriedly helped her back, cut off three or four peach sticks, and agreed to go and have a look.Originally, the old lady could walk away when she was settled down, but Niu Yueqing's dry cousin came from the suburbs and brought the old lady a bag of millet.The old lady liked it so much, she burst into tears with a smile, saying that the girl didn't remember her, asked her what her father was doing, and didn't come to see her for a year or so, now that the village is rich, forget about the old sister, The sisters didn't borrow money from him.The cousin hurriedly explained that his family contracted the brick kiln in the village. Although the father could not do physical work, the father was a famous fireworker, and he was in control of the fire, so he really couldn't get away.The old lady said: I can't get away now, why did I come here every three or five days, eat and drink, and take a bag of coarse grains back when I left, so I was free? !To put it bluntly, my cousin's face turned red and white.Zhuang Zhidie just smoothed things over and said that his mother was old, her mind was not clear, and she was talking nonsense all day long.The dry cousin said: I blame the old man there?What she said was also the truth. Back then our family had many children and we lived in panic, all thanks to the help from the old aunt's family.So I said to the old lady, old lady, you scolded my father well, and my father also felt that he hadn't seen you for a long time.In ten days, there will be a temple fair in the village, and there will be a big show. This time my father specially asked me to pick you up.The old lady said: There are Yisu Club, Sanyi Club, and Shangyou Club in the city. Your brother-in-law never buys tickets for the theater, so I go to the countryside to watch the theater instead?Cousin Gan said: Watching plays in the theater garden is different from watching plays in the dirt field. Besides, the village is rich, and my father said that he will pick you up and take good care of you.The old lady said: I have to go now!But you only invited me, why didn't you also invite your old uncle?Cousin Gan's face turned pale, and she looked straight at Zhuang Zhidie.Zhuang Zhidie said: She is like this, talking human words for a while, and talking nonsense for a while.The dry cousin said: Please, my old uncle.The old lady said: Zhidie, that's all right, you and your cousin go to your father's grave and punish the neighbor, your father is willing to go.Zhuang Zhidie had no choice but to let the dry cousin eat something before going. The dry cousin said she was not hungry, but she still ate some of the pastries and fruits that Zhuang Zhidie took out, and asked, how much is the refrigerator at home worth? Money, how much is the VCR, and the combination cabinet, bedside table, and the desk lamp on the cabinet.

When the two were about to go out, the old lady suddenly asked Sister Feng to stay behind and talk about women, and let Zhuang Zhidie go out first.Zhuang Zhidie waited in the courtyard for a while, and the dry cousin came out with a flushed face. Zhuang Zhidie asked: What did my mother say again?Cousin Gan said: She asked Yueqing sister if she had taken the medicine brought by her sister, if she was healthy, and reminded your brother-in-law not to drink... Clever, I have humiliated you.Zhuang Zhidie didn't know what to say for a while, so he hesitated and baffled, and then talked about the interesting story of the old lady's indistinguishable yin and yang.Cousin Gan said that the old lady is getting older, and she has to talk about things.But as soon as a person gets old, the world between the underworld and the yang will be connected, and he dare not think it is all nonsense when he speaks. This kind of thing often happens in our village.Zhuang Zhidie smiled wryly, and said: I didn't expect my cousin to be the same as my mother!The two rode Mulan out of the North City Gate and headed for a ditch on the west side of the Seoul ruins.It was extremely hot, the motorcycle stopped at the intersection, and we walked across a piece of dirt covered in sweat, and when we reached the edge of the ditch, we saw a stone monument erected from a distance.The dry cousin burst into tears first.Zhuang Zhidie said: Sister, why are you crying?Cousin Gan said: Don’t cry, if the old uncle is angry, don’t talk about it, the ghosts around will laugh at the old uncle.He cried three more times before stopping. To Zhuang Zhidie's surprise, there was a new mound just to the left of his father's old grave. Drowning in the mud, I thought for a moment: This must be the new neighbor that my father said.His chest was thumping tightly.Cousin Gan was already kneeling there burning paper money, mumbling endlessly.

Zhuang Zhidie walked up the ditch and asked a villager who was digging the soil, who was in the new grave?The villagers said that a month ago, a young couple surnamed Xue in Xuejiazhai took their children into the city and were run over by a truck at a three-way intersection. The family buried them in a tomb.Zhuang Zhidie's face was pale with fright, knowing that what the old lady said was true, he hurriedly nailed peach wood wedges around the new grave, pulled his cousin and turned away.After returning from the grave, the old lady was picked up by her cousin to go to the suburbs.Zhuang Zhidie saw that it was getting late, and guessed that Niu Yueqing should have returned from lunch at Wang Ximian's house, so he ate something randomly.Recalling the scene on the grave, I no longer dared to believe that the old lady was talking nonsense, so I tried my best to search for the absurd words she had said on weekdays, recorded them in a small notebook and pondered them over and over again.At that time, the sky suddenly turned cloudy, and the wind blew the windows and crackled, as if it was raining heavily. Zhuang Zhidie hurriedly closed the windows, and went to the yard to collect the clothes and bedding that were hanging to dry.After waiting for an hour, no drop of rain fell, and the sky was filled with dark clouds, changing strange images in an instant.Zhuang Zhidie sat alone by the window. After watching for a long time, he suddenly saw that the dark clouds were gathering more and more. In the end, it was a running image that looked like a human but not human, especially those two bare feet were so huge that they could almost distinguish the upturned Five toes, and dustpan and bucket patterns on the toes.He found it interesting and wanted to write down the image, but he couldn't find the right words for a while, so he drew it according to the image, but Leng Ding felt scared.Looking back at the old lady's room, she became more and more frightened and uneasy, locked the door and came to the courtyard of the Federation of Literature and Art.

Niu Yueqing didn't come back in the afternoon, nor did he come back in the evening.At around ten o'clock at night, a person came to send a message, saying that Madam asked Zhuang Zhidie to tell Zhuang Zhidie: Mrs. Wang insisted on keeping her and would not let her go. She would also invite Mrs. Wang and Wang Ximian's wife to play mahjong with her. They agreed to come to our house as a guest tomorrow.Zhuang Zhidie said: So, do you want me to go shopping for vegetables tomorrow morning?The visitor said: That's what Auntie means.So I handed him a grocery shopping list.When Zhuang Zhidie looked at it, the list read: two catties of pork, one catty of pork ribs, one catty of carp, one catfish, half catty of fish, half catty of sea cucumber, three catties of lotus vegetables, two catties of chives, one catty of bean pods, and one catty of cowpeas , two catties of tomatoes, two catties of eggplant, two catties of fresh mushrooms, three catties of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, seven barrels of Sprite, three catties of tofu, half a catty of Korean side dishes, two catties of mutton, one catty of beef stock, five eggs, and roast chicken One, one roast duck, half a catty each of cooked pork liver, hairy tripe, and smoked sausage.In addition, I brought a bottle of Wuliangye, ten bottles of beer, a pack of peanuts, a pack of mushrooms and fungus, a bowl of glutinous rice, a bag of red dates, and a handful of vermicelli from Shuangren Fu Niang.Then buy a bottle of canned peas, a bottle of canned bamboo shoots, a bottle of canned cherries, a catty of sausages, two catties of cucumbers, a tael of lettuce, and three taels of lotus seeds.Zhuang Zhidie said: It's so troublesome, it's better to go to a restaurant and book one or two tables!The person who came said: Auntie guessed that you would say this, she asked me to remind you, this is Mrs. Wang Ximian's coming, the restaurant is to eat mountains and drink the sea, there is no atmosphere like home cooking, and you can talk about something.Zhuang Zhidie said in his heart: Does she really think I like Wang Ximian's wife? !After sending the visitor away, I thought about it, since I was entertaining so much at home, I might as well take the opportunity to invite Meng Yunfang and Zhou Min to have a good time. First, let Niu Yueqing see that he has no intention of being interested in Wang Ximian's wife. Tang Wan'er came to the house to have a look.Having made up his mind, he called Zhao Jingwu overnight and asked him to come and help him go to the Tanshi Street Non-staple Food Market to buy this package of vegetables tomorrow morning.Getting up early in the morning, Zhuang Zhidie rode his bicycle to Zhou Min's house at No. 8, Fuzi, Ludang Lane.

Tang Wan'er had already gotten up, put on her makeup, and tidied her hair in front of the mirror.Zhou Min squatted under the vines and brushed his teeth with froth in his mouth. Seeing Zhuang Zhidie enter the yard, he fell in love with it like he was reciting Buddha's name.When the woman heard it, she hurriedly greeted him with her hands on her head, her face flushed a little, but she walked aside after asking and continued to twist her hair.Zhou Min said: Haven't you tidied up your head yet?Why didn't you pour tea for Mr. Zhuang?The woman took it easy, and went to make tea in a hurry; the tea was too hot, so she held it with her hands upside down, and when she put down the cup, she sucked and shook her hands, and she was embarrassed, so she gave Zhuang Zhidie a smile.Zhuang Zhidie said: Is it great?The woman said: It doesn't hurt.Fingers are sucked in the mouth.The woman had a good night's sleep, and when she got up, she dressed up carefully, her face looked fair and moist. She was wearing a pink round-neck sleeveless tight-fitting blouse, and a very short narrow skirt underneath. .Zhuang Zhidie said: Are you going out today?The woman said: "I don't know where to go!"Zhuang Zhidie said: So dressed up so vigorously?The woman said: What clothes do I have, I just put on makeup.I do the same thing at home every day, put on makeup, and feel refreshed. Even when people come, seeing people is also respect for others!Is it time for Mr. Zhuang to laugh at our vulgarity? !Zhuang Zhidie said: How can you laugh, this is like a woman.This dress is handsome enough!As Zhuang Zhidie said, his heart skipped a beat. The woman was wearing the leather shoes he gave him that day.The woman saw it too, and said loudly: "Mr. Zhuang, all these clothes are old clothes from five years ago, only these shoes are new. Look, how are my shoes?"Zhuang Zhidie felt relieved, knowing that what the woman said was firstly for Zhou Min to listen to, and secondly to hint to him that she didn't say anything about delivering the shoes.Zhuang Zhidie also said: Not bad.In fact, there is no good or bad clothes, shoes and socks, it depends on who wears them.Zhou Min picked a bunch of grapes from the yard and came back and said: She is a clothes hanger!There are so many shoes, but I bought this pair again, and I won't be able to use new ones anymore!Zhuang Zhidie was overjoyed.Why didn't the woman tell Zhou Min the source of the shoes, and she lied naturally in front of Zhou Min, so, did she have that kind of meaning for herself?He said: Zhou Min, I came to you so early today to invite you to have a meal with me at noon. You have to let go of the big things, you have to go!Also invited were the mother and wife of the painter Wang Ximian, and Meng Yunfang and his wife.I can't stay here any longer, and I have to inform Lao Meng, who is in a hurry to buy on the street.The woman said: Please, can you bear it?Zhuang Zhidie said: Didn't I come to eat and invite you last time?The woman said, "I'm really sorry. We are looking forward to seeing the door, and we should meet the teacher's wife."But invite so many people, what kind of face are we, shame on you!Zhuang Zhidie said: We are already friends, so don't say different things.Wan'er, is it you who asked Xia Jie to give me a jade bracelet?The woman said: "Why, isn't the teacher's wife willing to show my face?"Zhuang Zhidie said: She didn't want to accept it, she just felt that she hadn't even seen her face, so what kind of gift was she receiving for nothing? !Tang Wan'er said: Oh, what a valuable thing!Zhou Minnian thought that Teacher Meng introduced you to us, and gave Sister Xia a bracelet. I thought about giving one to Sister Xia, and I must give one to my teacher, so I asked her to give it to me.Zhuang Zhidie took out a cloth bag from his arms and said: Your teacher asked me to send something back. I don't know if you like it or not?The woman took it first, and said, "Master's wife has such a heart, and I would like to send a lump of soil!"When it bloomed, it turned out to be an ancient bronze mirror, so it yelled: Zhou Min, come and see it!Zhou Min also looked at it and said, "Mr. Zhuang, you're embarrassing me. This is a priceless rarity!"Zhuang Zhidie said: What is the price, let's have fun!But the woman had already taken a picture of herself, saying that she had heard about a bronze mirror before, but she wondered what a bronze mirror would look like. Who knew that it was as bright as glass, so she took a drawing tray off the table and put it on the mirror. The bronze mirror was placed on the bracket, taking pictures again and again.Zhou Min said: Look at you!The woman said: I think this bronze mirror should belong to that woman in ancient times. Why did she have yellow decals on the mirror?After saying that, he pecked his lips and said: Zhou Min, you don't take those tiles I gathered up before, you don't take them seriously, just stuff one here, one there, return one and break it. The mirror is my treasure, you can't move it here!Zhou Min said: How can I not know the importance?Looking at Zhuang Zhidie, he felt a little embarrassed.The woman said: Zhou Min, then you can run errands for Teacher Zhuang and inform Teacher Meng to buy some gifts when you come back. Maybe today is Teacher Zhuang's birthday or Teacher's wife's birthday.Zhuang Zhidie said: It's not anyone's birthday. Eating is a small matter, and the main thing is to get together with friends.Zhou Min wanted to leave, and Zhuang Zhidie also wanted to leave. Zhou Min said, "If I inform you, don't be in a hurry. Let Tang Wan'er go to the street to buy some steamed cakes and tofu nao. You must have eaten breakfast." .Zhuang Zhidie also sat down and said, let's take a breath before leaving.As soon as Zhou Min left, Tang Wan'er closed the courtyard door, but when she came back, she said: Teacher Zhuang, let me buy you steamed cakes.Zhuang Zhidie got up unnaturally for a while, stood up, sat down again, and said: I am not used to eating in the morning, so I can buy it for you if you want to eat.The woman smiled and said: If you don't eat, I won't either.Stare at Zhuang Zhidie with a pair of hairy eyes.Zhuang Zhidie was hot all over, sweat dripped from the bridge of his nose, but he looked at the woman bravely.The woman was sitting opposite him, the stool was very small, one leg was stretched out behind, the other leg slanted and softened, the toes were pointing to the ground, the shoe was half on and half off, revealing half of the heel, balancing the stool.Zhuang Zhidie looked at the pair of small and exquisite leather shoes again.

The woman said: "These shoes really fit your feet, and you will feel refreshed when you walk in them!"Zhuang Zhidie stretched out his hand, but drew a half circle in the air, and supported his chin with his hand again, unable to sit still.The woman paused for a while, lowered her head, put her feet back, and said: Teacher Zhuang.Zhuang Zhidie said: Yes.Looking up, the woman also looked up at him, and the two of them lost their lives for a while.Zhuang Zhidie was taken aback and said: Don't call me teacher.The woman said; what shall I call you?Zhuang Zhidie said: Just call the name directly, calling the teacher will be the birthright.The woman said: How do you call it an exit?Standing up, at a loss, he went to the table to fiddle with the bronze mirror, and said: I heard from Mr. Meng that you like to collect antiques, so you are willing to give us such a fine bronze mirror?Zhuang Zhidie said: As long as you think it is good, I will be happy!Your surname is Tang, and this is also something from the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty. It is more appropriate for you to keep it. You only saw the mirror light just now, and you haven't looked at the back decoration carefully, right?The woman turned the bronze mirror over to look at it, only to see that under the button on the back of the mirror there is a mandarin duck standing on a lotus flower; The crane has a drooping neck and a slow mouth with a concentric knot.And the raised narrow edge of the comb-tooth pattern has an inscription belt pattern for a week, the text is: Zhaoren Chengde, longevity and prolongation, Zhili Zhenyi, Jianyou Changquan, peeping makeup and appearance, distinguishing soap and beauty, blooming and dispersing shadows, The moon is pure and round.The woman looked at it, her eyes were full of brilliance, and she said, "What's the name of this mirror?"Zhuang Zhidie said: The bronze mirror with the inscription on the double crane and the mandarin duck with the inscription on it.The woman said: "Then why is the teacher's wife willing to give me this mirror?"Qing Zhidie choked for a moment and was speechless.The woman's face was pink, and there were thin beads of sweat on her forehead, and she said, "Are you hot?" !Stand up by yourself and use a wooden stick to support the window fan.The windows are old-fashioned windows, the lower half is fixed, and the upper half can be pushed open.The wooden stick couldn't be supported several times, and she raised her hands up with her feet, and the woman's waist became thinner and longer, clearly showing a bare waist under the blouse on her upper body. Zhuang Zhidie hurried over to help She just supported the stick, and the stick fell again with a loud sound that she didn't want to be, and the opened window sash closed with a bang, and the woman screamed in fright, Zhuang Zhidie helped her body that was about to fall, then But he fell into Zhuang Zhidie's arms as if a shaft had been placed underneath his body.Zhuang Zhidie twisted his wrists and hugged, his mouth was glued together indiscriminately, and only his nose was panting heavily for a long time.The mouth mouth and mouth (the author deleted twenty -three words) Zhuang Zhidong exported to feed him and said: Tang Wan'er, I finally hugged you, I like you so much, really, Tang Wan'er.The woman said: Me too, me too.Actually flutter Lai Lai fell to the moor.Seeing her crying, Zhuang Zhidie became more and more fond of her. He wiped her with his hand and kissed the teary eyes with his mouth. , All the strength was spent on sucking, and unconsciously, the four hands rubbed each other's body at the same time.Zhuang Zhiciao's hand went down like a snake, the skirt was too tight, and his hand was so anxious that he could only grab the waist of the skirt, the woman unbuttoned the skirt at the back, and then his hand went in, touching the wet patch. .Koukoukoukoukoukoukoukoukoukoukoukoukoukou (the author deleted eleven characters) Zhuang Zhidie said: I gave you shoes that day, I really wanted to touch your feet.The woman said: I can see it, I really want you to touch it, but your hand stopped.Zhuang Zhidie said: Then why didn't you express it?The woman said: I dare not.Zhuang Zhidie said: I am also worthless. Since I saw you, I have loved you with my heart. I feel destined, but you are the first woman I receive, and I am timid in my heart. I just think, as long as you show something , I am very brave.The woman said: You are a celebrity, I thought you looked down on me.Zhuang Zhidie put the woman who was as soft as a noodle on the bed, and began to peel off the short skirt, and the stockings were taken off to the knees.In Zhuang Zhidie's feeling, it was peeling the tender skin of spring willows by the Yellow River in Tongguan when he was a child, or peeling an old onion in the kitchen, with Bai Shengsheng's meaty legs naked in front of him.The woman wanted to take off her shoes and take off her socks completely. Zhuang Zhidie said that he loved wearing high heels like this the most, so he raised his legs and stood by the bed to do good deeds.The mouth and mouth (the author deletes 379 characters) The woman shouted with a touch of touching. This was never experienced by Zhuang Zhidie. Baixia didn't have premature ejaculation, even he was surprised.Tang Wan'er's face was already flushed and her black hair was disheveled, but she sat up and said: Let me change your posture for you!Get out of bed and crawl on the edge of the bed.Zhuang Zhidie still hadn't ejaculated prematurely, staring at a blue mole on the left side of his buttocks, he didn't speak, just panting.The woman took a break, simply took off her shoes and stockings, and kept talking (the author deleted two hundred and thirteen characters) Zhuang Zhidie was drunk and saw the woman swaying like a bug, her lips twitched, her eyes turned white, There was a sudden cry of surprise, and I kept talking (the author deleted the fifty words).Zhuang Zhidie got dressed, but the woman was still lying there as if she was dead. He laid her flat, sat on the sofa opposite the bed and smoked, admiring the sleeping beauty of the beautiful woman at a glance.The woman opened her eyes and looked at him, she seemed a little shy; she smiled silently, but still had no strength to get up, and the butterfly on the bed remembered the verse in the Tang poem about describing the powerlessness of the imperial concubine after getting out of the bath, and realized that it was not writing about the bath, but a complete description The scene after having intercourse.

The woman said: You can do it!Zhuang Die said: Can I do it? !The woman said: I really haven't felt so comfortable before, you play women so well!Zhuang Zhidie was very proud, but he said seriously: Except for Niu Yueqing, you are the first woman I contacted. Today is a bit strange, I have never been able to do this before.Really, Niu Yueqing and I always have premature ejaculation.I just said that I'm done, I'm not a man anymore.Tang Wan'er said: There is nothing wrong with a man's family, otherwise, it's all a woman's business.After hearing this, Zhuang Zhidie couldn't help but rushed over again. He hugged the woman, buried his head in her arms and cried, and said: Thank you, Tang Wan'er, I will never forget you in this life!The woman helped Zhuang Zhidie up, and called softly: Brother Zhuang.Zhuang Zhidie said: Yes.The woman said: I'd better call you teacher.Zhuang Zhidie said: You laughed at me for being so pitiful?The woman said, "I keep calling you teacher, but it's bad if I don't call you all of a sudden."I will call you teacher in front of people, but I will call you Brother Zhuang when people are behind!The two hugged and kissed again, the woman began to dress, tidied her hair, repainted her eyeliner, put on lipstick, and said, "Brother Zhuang, I am yours now. If you invite Wang Ximian's wife today, she must be a fairy." Ordinary people, I really won't be ashamed if I go, right?Zhuang Zhidie said: Let you go, you will know your self-confidence!The woman said: But I am afraid.Zhuang Zhidie said: What are you afraid of?The woman said: "Master, can you welcome me?"Zhuang Zhidie said: It depends on how you socialize.The woman said: I believe I will socialize, but my heart is always empty.Also, this outfit should make her laugh.Zhuang Zhidie said: This dress is also beautiful, it is too late now, or if I give you the money, you can go buy a high-end fashion to wear.The woman said: I don't spend your money, I just want you to come here and see which one I wear.He opened the cabinet and tried on all the clothes one by one. Zhuang Zhidie became anxious. After choosing a black dress, he hugged and kissed again, and hurried out and went back first.

When he got home, Zhao Jingwu had already bought all the food, but because he couldn't get in, he put the whole pile at the door, but no one was there. Zhuang Zhidie opened the door and was cleaning up when Niu Yueqing and Wang Ximian's wives came.Seeing Zhuang Zhidie squatting in the kitchen and cutting fish, Wang Ximian's wife exclaimed: Oh, what a blessing I enjoy, such a great writer cuts fish for me in the kitchen!Niu Yueqing said, "Okay, don't act like that!"Sister-in-law, my house is not as good as yours. You are wronged and choose a clean place to sit and let Zhidie talk with you. I should be busy in the kitchen!Zhuang Zhidie said: Where's Ximian?Why hasn't he arrived yet?Is it a taxi with the old lady?Niu Yueqing said: Ximian is going to Beijing today, and the ticket was bought a few days ago, so he is not allowed to come.The old lady had promised to come last night, but she woke up this morning with a dizzy head, probably because she was happy yesterday and was tired after playing mahjong for half the night.She said that she really couldn't come, if there is anything delicious, I'll take some to her before it's ready, as if she had been here too.Zhuang Zhidie said: It's a pity, the old lady has never been here before.Wang Ximian's wife said: "It doesn't matter if she doesn't come, sooner or later I will be free. With the old man present, we can talk casually!"Niu Yueqing smiled and said: Today my sister-in-law is alone, so how can she feel at ease with me!He took off his high heels, put on an apron, and pushed Zhuang Zhidie and Wang Ximian's wife to sit in the study.Zhuang Zhidie settled Jiang Ximian's wife to sit in the study, and asked: Why are people so thin?The wife touched her face and said she had lost weight, so thin that she lost her shape.Zhuang Zhidie said that being thin means getting thinner, but people are getting more handsome. Does it mean that you need to lose weight to be slim?Then the wife said: Why lose weight when you are old?From the beginning of the year to the present, I can't keep up my spirits all day long, and I get cold and catch a cold at every turn. Even taking a lot of medicine doesn't help.A few months ago, an old Chinese doctor saw it, and said that my disease is a pot of water that cannot be boiled. It is useless to take any medicine. Only a major adjustment can get better, but what doll am I pregnant with now?Even if I want to conceive, I can't conceive!Zhuang Zhidie said: People often say, how old are you when you work hard at fifty-nine and give birth to a kang at sixty?If you really want to give birth to a doll, I will be responsible for finding out an indicator for you!Wang Ximian's wife said: You are younger than us, why don't you have a baby?The wife didn't mean to talk about it, but Zhuang Zhidie blushed. It happened that Niu Yueqing went from the kitchen to get the pepper seasoning from the door opposite. Decided to raise a doll. In the past, Zhidie was always busy with her career, afraid that a doll would distract her.Now it seems that there is no doll, and the two adults are deserted at home.I advised him that when the article is written, it is enough, and the name is almost wasted!Wang Ximian's wife hurriedly said: That's right.Zhuang Zhidie was there for a while, just smiling on the surface.Niu Yueqing gouged him out and said: Zhidie, you idiot, you only talk and don't let your sister-in-law eat fruit? !Zhuang Zhidie hurriedly fetched fruit for Wang Ximian's wife, so he remembered to call Zhao Jingwu and asked him why he went back again, come and help cook!At this time, the horn in the yard blew three times, and a voice shouted: Zhuang Zhidie is coming down to pick up the guests!Zhuang Zhidie came down to pick up the guests!Wang Ximian's wife said: Who is calling this?Zhuang Zhidie said: I hate it very much. The concierge Mrs. Wei is in charge, but she is too rigid. If you accept me to pick up guests like this, I look like a prostitute!Wang Ximian's wife was so happy that there were fine lines on her face.

Zhuang Zhidie was about to go out, so Niu Yueqing called from the kitchen: "There are distinguished guests at home today, but all other visitors were rejected, and the old woman just said you were not at home."Zhuang Zhidie said: I also invited Lao Meng and Zhou Min.Niu Yueqing pondered for a moment, and said: You know how to plan.That's okay, it's all bustling.But he said in a low voice: Meng Yunfang's mouth is clouded with mist. If he wants to be present, he can't say anything. How can he bring up the matter of borrowing money?Zhuang Zhidie said: Tell her now.Niu Yueqing said: When you encounter embarrassing things, you shrink your glans? !Zhuang Zhidie smiled and left.Niu Yueqing brought the kettle to the study to refill Wang Ximin's wife's teacup, talking and laughing about the loan.Wang Ximian's wife was straightforward and agreed immediately.Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, and Meng Yunfang's voice was poking dryly, shouting: "Where is Mrs. Wang?"Niu Yueqing and Wang Ximian's wife stayed behind and greeted them.Meng Yunfang had already arrived at the door, and he opened his mouth and shouted: I haven't seen you for a year, and I only said that you look old, but you are younger and younger than Xia Jie, do you want us to be alive?I now know that Wang Ximian's creativity is so strong, the source is not old!Wang Ximian's wife said: You old crow's mouth, if you don't insult me, I will have nothing to say. If you want to see me, you and Ximian will change!Meng Yunfang said to Xia Jie: I am willing. You must be more willing than me. Ximian sells a painting for thousands of yuan, which is better than living with me!Xia Jie glared at Meng Yunfang, smiled and said, "Wang Ximian won't take a fancy to me, it's okay for you to be a cook for your sister-in-law."Wang Ximian's wife came over and pinched Xia Jie's mouth, and the two of them messed up and became as affectionate as children.Meng Yunfang sat down to drink tea, still looking at the wife with his eyes, and said: Sister-in-law, you still don't believe me when I say you are young, Zhidie, look at how high the flame is on her head!Wang Ximian's wife was taken aback: Is there a flame on your head?Meng Yunfang said: All animals have flames on their heads, and the size of the flames indicates the strength of their vitality.Zhuang Zhidie said: Don't you know that Lao Meng is learning Qigong now?Wang Ximian's wife said: I've heard of it, and it's really a godsend.Meng Yunfang said: What is the divine way?I have already figured out "Plum Blossoms", "Da Liuren", and "Huang Ji Jing Shi Suo Yin" three times, and I have given three reports outside.Now I am working on "Shao Zi's Divine Number", this is a heavenly book, understand, what was your transformation in your previous life, what did you change after death, who are your current parents, when did you give birth, married your wife He, and gave birth to a boy It's still a daughter, it's all clear... Zhuang Zhidie said: According to you, everything has a definite number, so there is no need to struggle.Meng Yunfang said: There are definite numbers, of course, but it doesn't mean that people don't have to struggle in this world.I thought about it, it is the emphasis on struggle within a certain number that can make life fully consummated. There are very few original copies of "Shao Zi's Divine Number" that have been circulated at home and abroad, and the key to unlocking this book originally existed in a book, which can be said to be extinct now. There are six numbers in it, and I finally opened up two numbers.Don't laugh at this, Master Zhixiang of Yunsulph Temple can't do anything about it, people who study this book are crazy now... Niu Yueqing came over and said: Yunfang, don't let the sea and the sky open here, your task today is still to be a chef!Meng Yunfang said: Look, this is my destiny. When I become the president of the country in the future, I also want to cook for the Politburo.I went to the kitchen.Seeing that Meng Yunfang had left, Wang Ximian's wife said to Zhuang Zhidie: Zhidie, why didn't you tell me about that?Zhuang Zhidie said: What's the matter?Wang Ximian's wife said: What else is there? !If I said it at my house yesterday, the ready-made things would be brought!Zhuang Zhidie said: This is Yueqing Hu Chengjing.I am under your care.Xia Jie didn't understand, and asked: What's the matter, you are sneaky!Zhuang Zhidie was speechless, but Wang Ximian's wife said: Zhidie, you can't tell her about this. See you at the third railing at Dongxing Bridge in Lianhu Park tomorrow. See you soon.Zhuang Zhidie also said: The password remains the same.Xia Jie pouted and said, "Good boy and girl, I'll inform Yueqing!"Having said that, I felt displeased. Knowing that they were deliberately telling jokes to distract from the real thing, and treated her as an outsider, I asked Zhou Min and his wife why they didn’t come, and whether they had backgammon at home. Tang Wan’er came, and she must have won this time No.Before the words were finished, someone knocked on the door, and the woman went to open the door and scolded: "Little Sao Jing, you are arrogant, the teachers and mothers are all here, you just came here leisurely, dare you go out after messing around at home?" ?As soon as the door opened, there was Zhao Jingwu standing at the door, and a little beauty carrying a big package behind her blushed, covering her mouth and calling Zhuang Zhidie.Zhuang Zhidie was also surprised when he came out.The little beauty said: Teacher Zhuang, I'm here to report!Zhuang Zhidie was caught off guard for a moment and stayed there.Zhao Jingwu said: Liu Yue came to me just now and said that the house would come over after saying goodbye.I said another day, Mr. Zhuang's house is a treat today.But Liu Yue was even happier when she heard it.Are you saying that this is not what I need?I thought it was right, so I brought her here!Zhuang Zhidie carried the big package with one hand, and led Liu Yue to the kitchen to meet Niu Yueqing with the other.Said: Yueqing, look who is here?A few days ago, I told you to find a nanny, but today Jingwu brought it!Niu Yueqing laughed when he saw it: What's the matter today, our family is going to have a beauty meeting!One sentence made Liu Yue feel a lot more relaxed, and she called out to Mrs. Ma, you will teach me more in the future!His eyes were watery, and he saw that his new housewife was of medium build, a little fat, with a fashionable short hairstyle, but was held there by a cheap plastic headband, with a big round face and a straight nose. The eyes are so big that there are no corners, but there are some faint brown spots on the face.Niu Yueqing asked: What's your name?Liu Yue said: Liu Yue.Niu Yueqing said: My name is Yueqing, and your name is Liu Yue. What a coincidence, the word for one month!Liu Yue said: This is why I deserve to enter your house.Niu Yueqing liked it: This is really fate!Liu Yue, as you can see now, our family is like this. If we say that we are not very tired, it is just that there are many visitors, that we can have water in our eyes, and that we can receive people.If you don't enter this door, you are an outsider, but if you enter this door, you are a family. Your teacher Zhuang is busy with his career all day long, and the two of us sisters can live on!Liu Yue said: Eldest sister speaks like this, I, Liu Yue, have fallen into the Fuwo.It's just that I was born in the village, and I'm careless and careless. I'm afraid that if I make a mistake in receiving people and things, it's okay for others to scold me, but it will affect your reputation.You have the right to be my own elder sister, or the adults of my family, please give me advice, if you can't do it, just say, scold, beat!The conversation made Niu Yueqing happier, so Liu Yue pulled her hair back into a ponytail with a hairpin, rolled up her sleeves and went to wash the vegetables.Niu Yueqing stopped him and said: Don't do anything, you just arrived and you haven't lost your sweat, who wants you to work hard? !Liu Yue said: "My good sister, I can't compare to the guests who came here. The reason why I rushed to come today is because I know that there are many people and they need to work. Otherwise, why should I come to have fun?" !Niu Yueqing said: Then take a breather!Zhuang Zhidie led Liu Yue to meet these frequent guests, and then visited the house. Liu Yue saw that the living room was quite large, and on the front wall were the words "God is silent" written by the owner, which was hung in a black-edged glass frame.觉得这话在哪儿看过,想了想是读过的庄之蝶的书上的话,原话是百鬼狰狞,上帝无言,现在省略了前四字,一是更适于挂在客厅,二是又耐人嚼味,心里就觉得作家到底不同凡响。靠门里墙上立了四页凤翔雕花屏风,屏风前是一张港式椭圆形黑木桌,两边各有两把高靠背黑木椅。上帝无言字牌下边,摆有一排意大利真皮转角沙发。南边有一个黑色的四层音响柜,旁边是一个玻璃钢矮架。上边是电视机,下边是录放机。电视机用一块浅色淡花纱中苫了,旁边站着一个黑色凸肚的耀州瓷瓶,插偌大的二束塑料花,热热闹闹,只衬得黑与白的墙壁和家具庄重典雅。

柳月感叹,有知识的人家毕竟趣味高,哪里会像照管孩子的那家满屋子花花绿绿的俗气。客厅往南是两个房间,一个是主人的卧室,地上铺有米黄色全毛地毯,两张单人席梦思软床,各自床边一个床头矮柜。靠正墙是一面壁的古铜色组合柜,临窗又是一排低柜,玫瑰色的真丝绒窗帘拖地,空调器就在窗台。恰两张床的中间墙上是一巨幅结婚枷民照,而门后却有一个精致的玻璃镜框,装着一张美人鱼的彩画。柳月感兴趣的是夫妇的卧室怎么是两张小床,一双眼睛就疑惑地看着庄之蝶。庄之蝶知道她的意思,说:这床能分能合的。柳月就咯咯地笑。这一笑,书房里的汪希眠老婆、夏捷就跑出来,柳月窘得满脸通红。庄之蝶介绍了,夏捷一把拉了柳月到书房,直盯盯看着,说:这哪里是保姆,来了个公主嘛!问,是哪里人?柳月说:陕北人。汪希眠老婆说:我知道,那里有两句活:清涧的石板瓦窑堡的炭,米脂的婆姨绥德的汉,你一定是米脂人!柳月点了头说:汪家大姐真有知识!汪希眠老婆说:有知识的是你家主人哩,你瞧瞧人家这书房!柳月扭头看起来,这间房子并不大,除了窗子和门外,凡是有墙的地方都是顶了天花板高的书架。上两层摆满了高高低低粗粗细细的古董。柳月只认得西汉的瓦罐,东汉的陶粮仓、陶灶、陶茧壶,唐代的三彩马、彩涌。别的只看着是古瓶古碗佛头铜盘,不知哪代古物。下七层全是书,没有玻璃暗扣扇门,书也一本未包装皮子,花花绿绿反倒好看。每一层书架板突出四寸空地,又一件一件摆了各类瓦当、石斧、各色奇形怪状石头、木雕、泥塑、面塑、竹编、玉器、皮影、剪纸、核桃木刻就的十二生肖玩物,还有一双草鞋。窗帘严拉,窗前是特大的一张书桌,桌中间有一尊主人的铜头雕像,两边高高堆起书籍纸张。靠门边的书架下是一方桌,上边堆满了笔墨纸砚,桌下是一只青花大瓷缸,里边插实了长短书画卷轴,屋子中间,也即那沙发前面,却是一张民间小炕桌,木料尚好,工艺考究,桌上是一块粗糙的城砖,砖上是一只厚重的青铜大香炉。炉旁立一尊唐代侍女,云髻高耸,面容红润,风目娥眉,体态丰满,穿红窄短衫,淡紫披巾,双手交于腹前,一张俊脸上欲笑未笑,未笑含笑。柳月一看见这唐侍女就乐了,说:她好像在动哩!庄之蝶立即兴奋了,说:柳月的感觉这么好,立即就看出来了!便点了一柱香在香炉,炉孔里升起三股细烟上长,一直到了屋顶如白云翻飞,说:现在再看看。众人都叫道:越看她越是飘飘然向你来了哩!夏捷就说:这真是缘分,你们看看这唐侍女像不像柳月?眉眼简直是照着柳月捏的!柳月看了,也觉得酷像,说了句:是我照着人家生的吧!说罢倒羞起来,歪在门框上不语了。 庄之蝶说:柳月,平日你和你大姐在家,得空就可以来书房看看书的。夏捷说:哟,你这书房是皇帝的金銮殿,凡人不得进来,今日我也是沾了汪嫂的光方坐了这半天,柳月一来倒给这么大的优待了!庄之蝶脸也红了,说:柳月从此是我家人嘛!夏捷越发抓住不放,说:哟哟,说得好亲热的,你家人了? !走过去,附在庄之蝶耳边悄声说:请的是保姆,可不是小妾,你别犯错误啊!庄之蝶大窘,面赤如炭。柳月并没有听见他们耳语了什么,却明白一定与自己有关而羞了主人,就说:让我看书,我是学不会个作家的。每日进来打扫卫生,我吸吸这里空气也就够了!门外却有人在说:打扫卫生可不敢打死了蚊子,蚊子是吸过庄老师的血,蚊子也是知识蚊子,让我们来了叮叮我们,也知识知识!众人回头看去,书房门口站着的是一位美艳少妇,少妇身后是周敏,笑容可掬的,提了一包礼品。庄之蝶霍地站起来,站起来却没了活。少妇是极快地目掠了他一下,嘿嘿嘿地笑说:庄老师,我们来迟了,你不给我们介绍介绍吗?庄之蝶立即活泛开来,接过周敏的礼品,拥他们进得书房,一一介绍了。轮到说这是大画家汪希眠的夫人,那老婆就说:要介绍就介绍我,我可不沾汪希眠的光。伸了手和唐宛儿先握了,说:天下倒有这么白净的人,我要是男人,舍了命都要去抢了你的!一句话却说得唐宛儿噎了气,脸上顿时灰了光彩,直到庄之蝶让她与柳月认识了,才缓过劲来,但再不正眼儿看汪希眠老婆,只和柳月说个不停,甚至拉了柳月的手捏来捏去,还从头上拔一支红发卡别在柳月头上,说:我怎么见你这般亲的,总觉得在哪儿见过了面的!小妹妹,你可要记着我,别以后我来拜见庄老师了,你就是不开门!柳月说:你是庄老师的乡党、朋友,我要不开门,你就向庄老师告状,这张脸也就全让你掐了!夏捷一直不言语,未了说:小骚精,话说完了没有,我一直等着你下棋哩!唐宛儿说:急死你,我还得去见见师母的。柳月就说:我也该去厨房了,我领你去。去了厨房,柳月说:大姐,来了客人啦,你快去歇了说话,我给孟老师做下手。周敏忙把唐宛儿介绍给牛月清,牛月清急忙拍打身上灰,一抬头见面前立着一位鲜活人儿,兀自发了个怔。 柳月俊是俊,眉眼儿挑不出未放妥的地方;这唐宛儿眼睛深小,额头也窄些,却皮肉如漂过一样,无形里透出一种亮来。牛月清瞧着那鬓发后梳,发根密集,还以为是假贴了的,待看清是天生就的美鬓,就大声他说道:是唐宛儿呀,咱虽是头次见面,可你的名字我差不多耳朵要听得生茧子!总说让你庄老师引我去看看你,却总走不脱身。跟了他这名人,他一天到黑忙,我也忙,却也不知道忙些什么!可话说回来,咱是没脚的蟹,不为人家忙着服务又能干什么?常言说,女人凭得男子汉,吃人家饭,跟家转嘛!孟云房说:这话没说完,吃人家饭,跟人家转,晚上摸人家XX蛋!牛月清说:你这张屎嘴,甭说唐宛儿叫你老师,人家也是多大点的嫩女子,不怕失了你架子!孟云房说:初认识时称老师,你以为咱真就是老师?三天五天熟了,狗皮袜子有什么反正!之蝶没出名时候,也不恭敬叫过我老师?现在怎么着,前年叫老孟,去年叫云房,现在是下厨房的伙夫了!你说唐宛儿是嫩女子,唐宛儿什么没经过?前个月我去华山脚下的华阴县去讲,长途车一路不停,好容易司机停了车,一车人都拥下去解手,一个小伙子一下车门口就尿,后边下来母女两人,老太太忙拦了女儿,就说啦,你这人太不像话,尿尿好赖避着人呀!小伙说,大妈呀,你这般年纪了,我在你面前还不是个娃娃吗?没有啥的。那姑娘却撇了嘴,说,你还是娃娃,你骗谁的?瞧你那东西成了啥颜色了,你当我是外行哩? !牛月清抄起扫面笤帚就在孟云房头上打,拉了唐宛儿出了厨房,说:甭理他,他越说越得能的!两人在沙发上坐下了,牛月清便谢呈了送她玉镯儿的事,忽想着庄之蝶曾说过唐宛儿脸上没一根皱纹的,看了看,果然没有。就问平日用的什么面奶,搽的什么油脂,说:你见过汪大嫂子吗?她告诉我白天用黄瓜切成片儿,一页一页贴在脸上十五分钟,让皮肤吸收那汁水儿,夜里睡前拿蛋清儿涂脸,蛋清儿一干,把脸皮就绷紧了,这样就少皱纹的。唐宛儿说:我倒不用这些!有那么多黄瓜和鸡蛋我还要吃的,那是有钱有闲的人家用的法儿,我胡乱地用些化妆品罢了!牛月清说:我现在知道了,你是天生的丽质,我怎么也比不得的了,况且这家里里里外外都是我操持忙乱,没心性也没个时间清闲坐在那儿拾掇脚脸!唐宛儿便提高了声音说:师母真是贤惠人!你口口声声为庄老师活着的,其实外边谁不知道有了你这贤内助才有了庄老师的成就。出门在外,人们说这就是庄之蝶的夫人,这就是对你的尊重和奖赏嘛!唐宛儿的话自然传到书房,汪希眠老婆一字一句听在耳里,脸上就不好看起来,低声问夏捷:这小肠肚蹄子,倒揶开我了,我可没得罪了她呀!夏捷笑笑,附在耳边说了周敏和唐宛儿私奔的事,汪希眠老婆叫了苦:天呀,我刚才说那话,可真是无意的,她就这么给我记仇了? 这么心狠的人,跑了就跑了,男人不说了,孩子毕竟是心头肉也不要了? !如此乱糟糟说了许多话,自鸣钟敲过十四下,牛月清就拉开厅室的饭桌,孟云房摆上了八凉八热,四荤四素,各类水酒饮料,招呼众人擦脸净手都人席了。孟云房不吃酒不动荤,声明他一人在厨房忙活,未了炒些素菜自个享用,就不坐席。众人说声:那就辛苦您了!遂吃喝举杯。庄之蝶先碰了汪希眠老婆的杯,再碰了夏捷的杯,依次是周敏、唐宛儿、赵京五,最后是柳月。 柳月说:和我也碰呀?我是该敬你的!庄之蝶说:酒席上不分年龄大小,资历高下。柳月说:那也轮不到我,你和大姐碰了,我再碰!牛月清说;我们两个还真没碰过杯喝酒的。众人便说:今日你们就碰碰,来个交杯酒!牛月清说:来就来吧,老夫老妻了,来一个给大家凑凑兴!竟用拿杯的手套了庄之蝶的胳膊,众人又是一声儿笑。唐宛儿笑着,却没有声,拿眼儿看柳月,怪她多言多嘴落好儿。柳月正笑得开心,拿眼也看了唐宛儿,唐宛儿却并没对应,别转了头去,看一只从窗台花盆上起飞的苍蝇。那苍蝇就飞过来落在了庄之蝶的耳朵梢上,庄之蝶一手举了酒杯,一条胳膊又被牛月清套了,动弹不得,头摇了摇,苍蝇并不飞走。唐宛儿在心里说:若是天意,苍蝇能从他耳朵上落到我头上的。果然苍蝇就飞过来,停在唐宛儿的发顶上了,这妇人会心而笑,丝纹不动。周敏却看见了,吹了一口气来,苍蝇就在桌上飞来飞去的,唐宛儿恼得拿眼剜他。这一切夏捷看见了,说:瞧着人家老夫妻要喝交杯酒,这小两口也忍不住了!唐宛儿就笑慎道:快别节外生枝,让老师师母喝呀!便动手去扇已经停在猪蹄盘沿上的苍蝇,这么一扇、苍蝇竟直直掉进了牛月清的酒杯里。当牛月清套了庄之蝶的胳膊要喝交杯酒,唐宛儿眉字间闪过二道阴影,心里酸酸地不是味道,寻思牛月清年纪大是大了,五官却没一件不是标准的,活该是有福之相,远近人说庄夫人美貌,也是名不虚传。 但是,唐宛儿总觉得这夫人的每一个都标准的五官,配在那张脸上,却多少有些呆板,如全是名贵的食物不一定炒在一起味道就好。于是又想,我除了皮肤白外,眼睛是没有她大的,鼻子没有她的直溜,嘴也略大了些,可我搭配起来,整体的感觉却要比她好的。这当儿,苍蝇落在酒杯里,众人都一时愣住,不言语了,她心里一阵庆幸,脸上却笑着说:师母,要喝喝大杯的。换了我这杯吧!便将自己的酒杯递给了牛月清,交换了牛月清那杯,悄声泼在桌下。庄之蝶和牛月清交杯喝了,牛月清倒感激唐宛儿,亲自拿了酒瓶,重新给唐宛儿倒满了酒,说:唐宛儿,这里都是熟人,我也用不着招呼,你和柳月初来乍到,不要拘束,作了假,我就不高兴了!唐宛儿说:在你这里我做什么假?我借花献佛,敬师母一杯,上次你没去我家,过几日我还要请你去我那儿再喝的。两人又喝了一杯。牛月清不能喝酒,两杯下肚脸就烧得厉害,要去内屋照镜子,唐宛儿说:红了多好看的,比涂胭脂倒匀哩!三巡酒喝罢,只有周敏。赵京五和庄之蝶还能喝,妇道人就全不行了。 庄之蝶说:今日就是来喝酒的,你们都不喝这不行,咱们行个酒令才是,还是按以往的规矩,轮流说成语吧!柳月说:我真是开了眼了!唐宛儿说:开什么眼了?柳月说:没来之前,我就想这知识分子家是怎么个生活法?来了以后瞧你们什么话都说,和常人一样嘛,可一上酒桌就又不一样了!以往我见过的酒席上不是划拳就是打老虎杠子,哪里有过说成语的,这成语怎么个说法?庄之蝶说:其实简单,一个人说句成语,下边的人以成语的最后一字作为新成语的首字,或者同音字也行。以此类推,谁说不上来罚谁的酒。柳月说:那我就去换了孟老师来!牛月清说:柳月,你年轻人哪个不高中毕业,还对不出来?要说对不上来的,只有我哩!孟云房在厨房接了话碴说道:常言说,要得会,给师傅睡。你能对不上来?牛月清就又骂孟云房。庄之蝶便宣布开始,起首一个成语是:嘉宾满堂。下边是赵京五,说:堂而皇之。下边是周敏,说:之乎者也。下边是柳月,说:叶公好龙。下边是夏捷,说:龙行雨施,下边是汪希眠老婆,说:时不待我。夏捷说:这不成的,施与时并不同音,何况这成语是自造的!庄之蝶说:可以的,可以的。下边是唐宛儿,似乎难住了,眼睛直瞅了庄之蝶作思考状,突然说:我行我素。庄之蝶说:好!下边是牛月清,说:素,素,素什么呀,素花布。众人就笑起来,说:素花布不行的,请喝酒!牛月清把一杯酒喝了。开始由她起头,说:现在倒想起来了,素不相识,就再说素不相识。庄之蝶说。识时度势。赵京五说:势不两立。周敏说:立之不起。 柳月说:起死回生。夏捷说:生不逢时。汪希眠老婆说:拾金不昧。唐宛儿说:妹妹哥哥。 庄之蝶吓了一跳,唐宛儿就笑了,众人都笑,唐宛儿急又改说:眉开眼笑。庄之蝶又说好!牛月清说:笑了就好。众人说:这不行,不是成语,你再喝一杯,重开始。牛月清说:我说我不行的,这瓶酒全让我喝了。唐宛儿坐在我上边,她尽说些我难对的,我要错开。柳月说:大姐,你坐在我下边,我不会为难你的,让唐宛儿为难庄老师吧。牛月清真的起身坐到柳月的下边,说:还是从我开始,福如东海。夏捷说:海阔天空。汪希眠老婆说:空谷萧声。唐宛儿说:声名狼藉。庄之蝶说:积重难返。赵京五说:反覆无常。周敏说:长鞭未及。柳月说:岌岌可危。牛月清想了想,又是想不出来,端起杯子又喝了。众人都说女主人厚道:可这酒席是招待大家的,主人却只是自己喝。牛月清也就笑,笑着笑着,身子却软起来,双手抓了桌沿,但双腿还是往桌下溜。庄之蝶说:醉了,醉了。一句未落,果然已溜在桌下。 几个人忙过来要让喝醋或让喝茶,庄之蝶说:扶上床睡一觉就过去了。今日主人家带头先醉了,下来谁输了都不得耍奸。夏捷嫂子,轮到你该说了!孟云房在厨房吃完了自炒的素菜,出来说:你们今日怎么啦?酒令尽说些晦气的成语。这样吧,每人各扫门前雪,都端起来碰杯一起喝干,我给大家上热菜米饭呀!众人立起,将酒杯一尽喝干,个个都是面如桃花,唯周敏苍白。孟云房就端热菜,摆得满满一桌。吃到饱时,上来了桂元团鱼汤,众勺全伸进去,庄之蝶说:今日酒席上,月清最差,她自然是该要喝醉的,大家评评,谁却对得最好,就赏她喝第一口鲜汤!夏捷说:你要让唐宛儿先喝,我们是不反对的,偏要使这心眼!唐宛儿说:我说的哪有夏姐的好,夏姐是编导,一肚子的成语的。孟云房说:噢,原来是一肚子成语,我总嫌她小腹凸了出来,还让她每日早起锻炼哩!夏捷就走过去拧了孟云房的耳朵,骂道:好呀,你原来嫌我胖了,老实说,看上哪个蜂腰女人了?孟云房耳朵被扯着,却还在夹着菜吃,说:我这夫人,就是打着骂着亲爱我哩!唐宛儿说:让我瞧瞧,你们几个男的,谁的耳朵大些!就拿眼睛瞅庄之蝶,众人只是会心地笑。庄之蝶装着不理会,第一勺桂元团鱼汤并未舀给唐宛儿,却给了汪希眠老婆。汪希眠老婆喝罢了汤,便用香帕擦嘴,说她吃好了。她一放碗,唐宛儿、夏捷也放了碗。柳月就站起来给每人递个瓜子儿碟儿,自个收拾碗筷去厨房洗涤去了。庄之蝶让大家随便干什么,愿休息的到书房对面的那个房间床上去躺,要看书的去书房看书。汪希眠老婆要了一杯开水喝了些药片儿,说她喝酒多了,去倒一会。夏捷嚷道要和唐宛儿下棋,硬拉了周敏去作裁判。 庄之蝶和孟云房在客厅坐了,孟云房说:之蝶,还有一事要问你的。上次慧明师父的那个材料你交给了德复,德复很快让市长批了,现在清虚庵要回来了所占的房产,正在扩大重建,慧明也就成了那里掌事的。她好不感念你,要求了几次,请你去庵里喝茶哩!庄之蝶说:这黄德复还够意思的。要去庵里,能让德复去去也好。孟云房说:这盼不得的,只怕他不肯。庄之蝶说:我要邀他,他也多少要给面子的。孟云房说:他要能去,还有一件大事就十有八九了!清虚庵东北角那块地方,原本也是这次一并收回的,但那里盖了一幢五层楼,住的都是杂户人家。市长的意思,这幢楼就不要让清虚庵收回,因为居民再无法安排住处。慧明师父也同意了,只是五楼上一个三居室的单元房一直没住人,慧明师父想要把这房子给她们,作为庵里来的非佛界的客人临时住所,市长是有些不大愿意。我思谋了,如果这单元房间市长能给了清虚庵,而清虚庵又能让给咱们,平日谁要搞创作图清静去住十天半月,还能规定个日子在那里聚会研讨,这不就成了个文艺家沙龙场所?庄之蝶听了,脸上生动起来,说:这真是最好不过的事!我给德复说去,估计问题不大吧。又压低了声音说:可你得保密!除过搞文艺的人外,对谁也不能说。记住,我老婆也不要说,要不我在那里写作,家里来了人,她会让人又去找了我的。孟云房说:这我明白。庄之蝶说:还有一事,我倒要求你,你真的能卜卦了?孟云房就张狂了:奇门遁,我不敢说有把握,一般地纳甲装卦我却要拍腔了!庄之蝶说:你咋呼这么大声干啥?你真能卜,给我卜一卦。孟云房小了声说:什么事,你倒也让我卜卦了?庄之蝶说:这事你先别问,到时没事就不给你说,真有了事少不得你帮忙。盂云房却说这需要蓍草,卜卦最灵验的是要用蓍草。他托人从河南弄来了一把蓄草,只是放在家里的。庄之蝶说:这你本事不中找借口了? !盂云房说:那好吧,就以火柴梗儿代替蓍草。当下从火柴盒里取出四十九根来,让庄之蝶双手合十捂了。然后又让他随意分作两堆,自个就移动这个,移动那个,拢集一起,取出单数在一旁,把剩余的又让庄之蝶随意分两堆。如此六遍,口里念叨阴、阳、老阴、少阳不绝,半晌了,抬头看着庄之蝶,说:什么事,还这么复杂?庄之蝶说:你是卦师,你还不知道是什么事吗?孟云房说:以你这几年的势头,是红得尿血的人,怎么这是个困卦? !你报个生辰年月吧!庄之蝶一一报了,孟云房说:你是水命,这还罢了。 此事若要问的是物事,物为木,木在口内是困;若要间人事,人在口内为囚。庄之蝶脸色白了,说:当然是人事。孟云房说:人事虽是囚字,有牢狱或管制之灾,而可贵的是你为水命,囚有水则为泅,即你能浮游得救。但是,即便是能浮游,恐怕游得好得救,游不好就难说了。庄之蝶说:你尽是胡说。起身去给孟云房茶碗续水,心里却慌慌的。夏捷和唐宛儿下了三盘棋,唐宛儿都输了;输了又不服,拉住夏捷还要下,卧室里就啊地一声惊叫。庄之蝶续了水正把壶往煤炉上放,听见叫声,壶没有放好,哗地水落在炉膛将煤火全然浇灭,水气和灰雾就腾浮了一厨房。他已顾不得捡那空壶,跑进卧室,牛月清已满头大汗坐在地毯上,床上的凉席也溜下来,一个角儿在牛月清身下压折了。众人都跑进来,问怎么啦?牛月清仍是惊魂未散说:我做了个噩梦。听说是梦,大家松下气来就笑了,说:你是给我们收魂了,吃了你一顿饭真不够你吓的!牛月清也不好意思地爬起来,先对了穿衣镜理拢头发,说:梦真吓死我了!孟云房说:什么梦?日本鬼子进村啦?牛月清说:这一醒来我倒忘了。众人就又笑。牛月清摇了摇头,认真他说:我多少记些了。好像我和之蝶正坐了汽车,突然车里冒烟,有人喊:车上有炸药要爆炸了!人都打跳,我和之蝶就跳下来跑,之蝶跑得快,我让他等我,他不等,我跑到一个山崖上了,没事了,他却来对我说:咱俩命大哩。我不理他,关键时候你就自顾自了? !汪希眠老婆和夏捷就看庄之蝶,庄之蝶说:看我什么,好像我真的那样干了? !大家又一阵笑,牛月清就又说:我说着就拿手去推他,没想这一推,之蝶就从崖上掉下去了……夏捷便说:好了好了,那谁也不吃亏了,他没有带着你跑,你也把他推下崖了。我看你是做主人的先醉了,醒来不好意思,就编一个谎儿调节尴尬场面的吧。牛月清说:我都吓死了,你还取笑!谁是醉了?有能耐咱再喝一圈儿!庄之蝶说:你那能耐大家都领教过了,我提议难得这么多人聚一起,咱照相留个纪念吧!唐宛儿首先响应,待赵京五第一个给庄之蝶和牛月清拍过合影,就立于两人背后,偏要把一颗脑袋担在牛月清的肩上,说:给我们也来一张,就这么照!接着相互组合,一卷胶卷咔咔咔立时照完。 周敏看了一会
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