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Abandoned city

Abandoned city


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 371506

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Chapter 1 foreword

Abandoned city 贾平凹 806Words 2018-03-19
stone remains Wasted City was once a sensational novel.At that time, Jia Pingwa was also the most popular Jia Pingwa, much better than today's stars. Some say it is modern.I don't know how to comment, but I like them anyway.The first time I read Jin Ping Mei was borrowed from an old man in the country. It is a very pure and clean version with many deletions.I was young at that time and hadn't read many books. Knowing that the opportunity was rare, I extracted some sayings, poems and couplets.At that time, I was more optimistic about Jin Ping Mei than Dream of Red Mansions.Probably because of living at the bottom, Jin Ping Mei reflects a wider and more realistic social aspect; while Dream of Red Mansions is elegant, so I don’t understand it very well, or it is too far away from the lives of our bottom people.

It's all because the hype was so fierce at the time.I bought it in the cultural market, probably a pirated copy. (I was studying very unsatisfactorily at that time, saving money for breakfast, wandering around the cultural market on Sundays, and every time I spent one or two yuan to buy an old and unread good book.) At first, I was curious, flipping through, and inadvertently found I was attracted by the sophisticated and casual words.A good novel lies not in what it writes, but in how it is written. Food, sex, and sex.Sex, like eating and dressing, is a main content of life, so why not write about it?

In the abandoned capital, there are many boxes that the author has drawn, and here, the author has deleted some words.Quite a bit of imitation of Zhang Zhupo Jin Ping Mei Jie's example. This inevitably has the suspicion of self-hype.Seeing that Zhang Zhupo's Jinping Mei Jie was originally after the capital was abolished.That frame is no more framed than this frame, and after the frame is passed, it is obviously a little unsmooth.And this frame, more frames and less frames, does not hinder reading, and is still very smooth.It cannot but make people think that there is a suspicion of intentionally increasing the selling point.And according to a certain writer in the magazine, he had read Mr. Jia's manuscript, and there was no deleted part at all.After reading the full version of Jin Ping Mei, in terms of sexual description, I realized that Fei Du was just a sideshow.Of course, a large number of specific descriptions of Jin Ping Mei are inseparable from the social background at that time.

It is said that those rules have greatly increased the author's income.It’s okay, since it’s the 1990s, it’s hard for a writer to sit down in his study without a few pennies in his pocket.Those who really know the goods will not underestimate or value it just because of the frame. There are those who specialize in novelty, and pay 20 yuan to look through the frame. If you are not happy, let him go).Not guilty. Jin Ping Mei is a very good book, but not everyone can let him read it.Abandoned Capital is also a very good novel, and I hope everyone likes it too, and it's not because of the frames and the words around the frames.

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