Home Categories contemporary fiction Qin opera

Chapter 40 thirty-nine

Qin opera 贾平凹 9046Words 2018-03-19
"Nine Nine" Eighty-one, the poor boy stood against the wall, even if he couldn't freeze it, he would only make his stomach hungry.This is a ballad that Qingfeng Street sang from the hands of my grandfather.This spring, the children in the village sang again, and I felt they were singing me.I took off my rotten padded jacket and put on a thin sweater and jacket. I didn’t shy away from the cold anymore, but I had a gnat in my stomach, and I couldn’t keep up with the next meal. , Whoever steamed the rice, whoever fried the chopped green onion, you can smell it all.Many people began to rummage through the sweet potato cellars, radish cellars, and potato cellars, picking out the damaged sweet potatoes, cleaning the radishes with roots and potatoes with sprouts, and putting them in the cellar again.The sweet potatoes in my cellar had black spots, I took them all out, picked out the good ones, washed them in a basin to eat, dug the black spots on the sweet potatoes and put them in the cellar.Laishun next door was on the mat at the door, mixing persimmons with cooked rice husks and barley, ready to dry and grind fried noodles. He kept watching me pick sweet potatoes and said, "You don't know how to live!" I said, "What? Can’t live a life?” He said, “You should eat sweet potatoes with black spots first!” I said, “Then I’ll eat them all the time!” Lai Shun didn’t understand me, he cares about living a life , I just haven't eaten a thick meal.Lai Shun asked me why I didn't use persimmon mixed with rice husks and barley to make fried noodles?I don't eat fried noodles, and I feel uncomfortable when I see him eating fried noodles and digging out shit with a stick.But Laishun laughed at me for having no daughter-in-law or children. He said, "I can't compare to you. I have to feed four people. You can eat enough for one person and the whole family!" I said, "Sparrow!" He said: "Sparrow?" Lai Shun had never heard of "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang", so he didn't know that "it's hard for a sparrow to know the lofty ambition".

The dumb and I rested on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and many migrant workers who went home to celebrate the New Year packed their bedding and went to the city again, and we also went to Qiligou.Passing the small river stone bridge, Qing Jin and his wife were planting potatoes on the two mat-sized fields dug out of the rocky nest on the river beach. Is it manure?" Xia Yi said, "Chicken manure produces thorns and weeds, which will bite the potatoes into pits. How many nests of potatoes can you grow? Do you want to plant them in Qiligou?" Qing Jin said, "You are here again!" Qiligou, can you do it physically?" Xia Yi said, "Are there any mutes and prostitutes? I'm just directing." After Xia Yi finished speaking, he left. Qing Jin looked at his father's back and said to me: "After a year, my father is much older." Shuzhen said: "Didn't you see that you are so old?!" Qing Jin's face was black and yellow, and his liver had been faintly aching since years ago. When it hurts, I have to hold my fist against it and have to rest for a long time.But Qing Jin was telling me that in Qiligou, he must take good care of his father, do what he can do, and resolutely rest when he is too tired.He said: "Brother, you are a good person. If you are not greedy, you will be the best person in Qingfeng Street!" I wanted to refute him, but he stuffed me with a cigarette and gagged my mouth.

Xia Yi really couldn't lift stones in Qiligou, and he couldn't dig the soil on the half-cliff. His legs trembled when he got up to the steep place.When we had lunch, we brought cold sweet potatoes with cold buns. He used to wipe his hands, pick it up, and gnaw it. After gnawing, he lay down by the spring water at the bottom of the ditch and drank it.Now I just eat one steamed bun, and just sit there and watch me and the dumb eat.He began to talk about how he ate six sweet potato steamed buns in one meal when he was young, and how he could lift up the horizontal bun with his belly, and scolded us for not being a good farmer. A good farmer has to eat fast, eat fast, Also sleeps fast.I said, "Why do you keep talking about your youth?" I spoke too harshly, but Xia Yi didn't get annoyed, he looked at me straight and said, "Am I old?" : "Second uncle, do you love money or not?" Xia Yi said: "Bullshit, who doesn't love money? I love money and money but not me." I said: "As the saying goes, there are three characteristics of old people: fear of death I don’t fall asleep when I love money. My second uncle is old! When you are old, you have to obey the old, so you just sit here quietly and watch me and the dumb lift the stone!" Xia Yi said, "You look like your father!" This is Xia Yi has given me the greatest compliment since I was with Xia Yi.On that day, he sat obediently and watched us work.But three days later, he asked his blind daughter-in-law to make him three-layered knee pads out of sacks and put them on his knees, and knelt down to lay stones in front of the stone dam, or knelt down and used a hoe to pull the stones dug from the cliff. earth.After kneeling for a long time, his legs became numb and numb, so he asked me and the mute to beat him again, but we couldn't get anywhere, so he cursed again, and crawled on all fours to smoke a cigarette in front of the thatched shed.I laughed at his appearance and said, "Second Uncle, you pouted your buttocks and stared like an old bull!" Xia Yi stopped moving, and turned around after a while and said, "Yingsheng, you recently Didn’t you see Junqi?” I said, “I don’t owe electricity bills, why would I see him? Hey, why are you asking him all of a sudden?” Xia Yi said, “Why can’t you ask? Pull a rock!”

Another morning, I just got up and walked to the gate of Zhongjie Dyefang. There was a car parked under the archway on West Street. I was still wondering if it was the return of Zhongxing or Xia Feng. Then I saw six or seven people getting out of the car. Running in a hurry, the leader is Shangshan.After running past the row of facade houses on West Street, Shangshan was knocking on the door of Aunt Wang's house, saying, "Yangbai, Yangbai!" The door opened a crack, and six or seven people rushed in, and immediately Aunt Wang's son Yangwa She got out with her arms twisted, and the baby sheep shouted: "Mom, mother!" Aunt Wang ran out, and the baby sheep was stuffed into the car, which roared and drove away.Aunt Wang fell to the ground crying, Shangshan patted the dirt on her hands, put her hands behind her back again, and walked straight over.I said: "What's the matter, what's the matter, who took the baby sheep?" Shangshan said: "The people from the police station in the provincial capital, the baby sheep killed him!" I was surprised and said : "Misunderstanding, the sheep boy is tall, can he kill people?" Shangshan said: "It is cruel to be extremely poor. The three of them worked as part-time workers. They wanted to earn some money back years ago, but they didn't For money, I went to a family to steal money in the middle of the night. The family was an old couple. If they were found out, they would kill the family... Guess how much money was stolen?" I said, "How much?" Shangshan said, "Two hundred Two hundred yuan will kill that kid! Did you see him being taken away?” I said, “Did you lead the way?” Shangshan said, “I’m a village cadre. If you are looking for me, I can only lead the way and identify the door! If you are a village cadre, will you lead the way?" I said, "I am not a village cadre." Shangshan said: "Remember, if you are about to break the law, I will also lead the way. Go and catch you!" Pooh, pooh, I thought his words were unlucky, so I spit in the sky a few times.As soon as Shangshan left, I ran towards Dongjiekou, where Xia Yi and Dumb had been waiting for me for a long time.I said that Yangba killed someone in the provincial capital, and was arrested by the provincial public security bureau just now.As soon as the mute heard this, he wanted to go to Yang’er’s house, but Xia Yi stopped him and said, “If it wasn’t for Qiligou, you and Yang’er would have gone to the provincial capital last winter!” I said, “Will Yang’er be shot? "Xia Yi said: "If he kills someone, he doesn't pay for his life?" My mind was full of the clapper head of the baby boy. , nestled in the pit and did not move.When the poor sheep boy was about to go to the provincial capital, he even seduced me to go with the mute, saying that life in the provincial capital is very easy, and you can make money by doing anything, and those who are worthless stay in the countryside.When he earns a sum of money, he will come back to build a house and fix his mother's teeth.His mother lost all her teeth and couldn't chew anything.But why did he go to steal? If the theft was discovered, he would be scolded and beaten. How could he kill someone so cruelly?I said: "The sheep boy definitely didn't kill anyone, maybe the other two did it, he just followed." Xia Yi said: "He went together, he is still a murderer if he doesn't do it!" I said: " He never stole in Qingfeng Street?" Xia Yi said, "Do you think the provincial capital is a paradise, and money is picked up on the ground? It's farmers who plant crops in the fields and run to the city. Let’s see if I’m still running?!” When I arrived at Qiligou, I couldn’t work for a whole day, and I was still thinking about the baby sheep, the persimmon face and the clapper head, and he called his mother when he walked out The sound, I reckon this is the ghost who ran into the baby sheep.There are ghosts when people are dead, and there are ghosts when people are alive. Now the one tormenting me is the ghost of the sheep boy.Xia Yi scolded me for not working hard, and scolded me for being clumsy with porcelain feet.I was in a daze, and said, "?" Xia Yi said, "About you, why are you selling porcelain eyes?" I shouted at the top of my voice, and countless goat heads scattered away.But my yelling made Xia Yi dumbfounded, the mute thought I was beating Xia Yi, and wanted to hit me in a rage.Xia Yi pulled him back and said, "Is he going to get sick?" I didn't get sick, and I wanted to cry after shouting, but I couldn't, so I washed my hair with cold water in the spring at the bottom of the ditch, and then took out a handkerchief Wipe your face.What I took out was Bai Xue's small handkerchief, and I thought of Bai Xue again.Thinking of Bai Xue, his sheep's head completely disappeared.What I want to say now is that Qiligou is a real place.When it was dark, we were about to call it a day, and the dumb man was peeing there, and I turned my back to pee, and when I looked up, I seemed to see a person in the top forest in the ditch, and I immediately felt that person was Bai Xue!How could Baixue be in the forest in the ditch, but I strongly feel that it is Baixue!I said: "Second Uncle, you go first, I'm going to take a shit." I went up the slope and got behind a big rock.

Xia Yi and the mute left first, and walked a hundred meters away, but Xia Yi sat down and waited for me.Bai Xue really came down the Mao Mao Road in Gounao, Xia Yi rubbed his eyes, and asked the dumb if that was Bai Xue, the dumb nodded, Xia Yi just watched my movements.I was also confused at the time. I didn't know that Xia Yi would stop and wait for me. When I lay down on the big rock and stared at Bai Xue and walked down, really, I felt that there was a cloud under her feet. It came from the sky by stepping on the clouds.Baixue walked across the slope under the big rock, I yelled "Ooooh" twice, Baixue stopped, looked back and forth, saw nothing, and started to trot all of a sudden.Xia Yi stood up and said, "Bai Xue, Bai Xue!" Bai Xue said, "It's the second uncle! You haven't returned yet?" Xia Yi said, "Why did you go from here? "There are married people in the Chenjiazhai in Xigou of the reservoir. We made it lively for them. I have a baby and I have to come back at night, so I took a shortcut." Xia Yi said, "Oh, who is getting married?" Lu's, second marriage." Xia Yi said: "Second marriage, please invite the music class!" Let Bai Xue and the mute go out of the ditch first, but he came up behind the big rock.I was still lying on the ground with my pants down to my knees.My face burned up all of a sudden, I stood up oh, I stood up and went down again, I stood up again and pulled up my pants, not daring to look at Xia Yi's face.Xia Yi said, "Hey?"Xia Yi didn't say anything, turned around and walked down the ditch. I followed him, as if he was pulling me with a rope.

When we arrived in the village, we ate at Xia Yi’s house as usual, but for Xia Yi’s meal, the mute and I had a rest in the courtyard. He rolled the noodles himself and fished them for us.The mute happily took his rice bowl and kicked it on the threshold to eat. I was sitting on the steps and eating, but there were grass knots in the bottom of the bowl.I didn't know that Xia Yi put the grass festival on purpose, so I said, "Second uncle, why is there grass festival in the bowl?" The second aunt who was sitting on the kang said, "Nonsense, you are not a livestock, your uncle gave you the grass festival." Do you put grass festivals in the bowl?!" My head buzzed, and I felt that there was a crack in the top of the pistol, and it was leaking out, and at the same time, countless sheep with persimmon faces and clapper heads were circling around me.

I got sick that night.This time when I fell ill, I was not as impatient as when I was ill before. There was a fire in my heart, and I always wanted to shout, run around, and kill people if I had a gun in my hand.This time, his face was swollen first, and then he forgot.I met Qingtang on the road, and Qingtang asked me if I had eaten. I kept my face flat, as if I didn't hear it, and he scolded me when I provoked him.Just scold, scold, it doesn't hurt.I went to Ding Bacao’s Wanbao restaurant to watch TV, my eyes were open, and I sat there like a log, but Ding Bacao turned off the TV, and I was still sitting in front of the TV with my eyes open.Xia Yi made a meal of dumplings stuffed with radish. If he wanted me to eat, I would eat. He served me a bowl, and I ate one bowl, served two bowls, and ate two bowls. He looked at me suspiciously, and didn't serve me any more, and I didn't eat it either.After eating, the second aunt said: "This dumpling stuffed with radish is delicious!" I said, "Is it stuffed with radish?" Standing up from the threshold, a dumpling rolled out of my throat again, still whole.Xia Yi said, "Yinsheng, are you sick?" I said, "No." He said, "It's really sick!" He led me to the Daqing Hall.Xia Yi walked in front, and I walked behind, with my feet raised high.Wencheng saw me and laughed at me, he hugged my waist from behind, twisted me in a different direction, and I walked straight forward again.Xia Yi walked for a while and heard my footsteps. Looking back, he saw that I was going back. He scolded Wen Cheng and pulled me forward again.Xia Yi asked Zhao Hongsheng to see a doctor for me. Zhao Hongsheng felt the pulse and gave me three plasters.Xia Yi said: "Why do you always put plasters?" Zhao Hongsheng said: "There is a medicine for his disease, but I can't prescribe it." Xia Yi said: "What medicine?" Zhao Hongsheng didn't say it, but wrote it on the paper. , Xia Yi looked at it, his face was ugly, and he led me back to the tail of the scorpion.What medicine did Zhao Hongsheng write on the paper?I found out afterwards that he wrote two words: Bai Xue.Zhao Hongsheng is a good doctor, he can recognize the disease but can't cure it, and they refused to treat me.When Jun Qi came to Xia Yi's house and saw me, he said that I had lost my soul.I heard what Jun Qi said, but I didn't say anything. I continued to listen to him talking to Xia Yi.Xia Yi said: "How do you know that you lost your soul when you were born?" Jun Qi said: "My mother told me before that she lost her soul when she was young, that's how it is." Xia Yi said: "Your mother also lost her soul. Soul?" Junqi said: "Later, Master Hutouya Chengzhao took her soul." Xia Yi said: "And this thing, how did you take it?" Junqi said: "Take a red thread and wrap it around a put the egg on it, then burn the egg in the stove, eat it when the egg is charcoal, and then call out her name, and she will answer, and the soul will come back." When Jun Qi said this, I thought Xia Yi would not believe it at all. Yes, I didn't expect Xia Yi to get up to get the red thread and eggs, and they really caught fire at the stove.Junqi said to me: "If you want to eat charcoal eggs, you will come back as soon as you eat the soul!" I said: "I often lose my soul." Junqi said: "Why did I lose it?" I said: "I lost my soul." When I get angry, I can see me standing in front of me." Junqi said, "Where do you see you standing now?" I said, "I can't see you now." Junqi said, "I lost it. I lost it so much that I don’t know where it is!” If Jun Qi’s words are correct, where did my soul go?Was it in Qiligou, or did Bai Xue take it away, or did Xia Yi humiliate me and throw it in the stove?But I don't want Xia Yi to collect my soul, so I just walk in.Junqi said: "You can't go! If you go, you are a walking dead!" If you don't go, don't go, I sat back in the kitchen.Xia Yi burned the eggs at the stove, turning them into charcoal. Surprisingly, the red thread was intact, which made Xia Yi dumbfounded.Xia Yi said: "This is really weird! Yinsheng, you go outside the courtyard gate, I will tell you to respond, and then come back and eat these eggs!" I stood at the gate of the courtyard.A rooster stood at the gate of the yard, leading three hens. The rooster flapped its wings and walked over with the air of a village official.Xia Yi said: "Hey - Yinsheng!" I said: "Hey!" Xia Yi said: "Come back - I!" I saw Bai Xue, but I didn't respond.Bai Xue was holding the child in one hand and carrying a bundle of vermicelli in the other, humming and chirping, she suddenly faced me, and looked at each other.Eyes can speak, and at that moment our eyes were saying: "Hey!" "Hey?" The latch was on, but it didn't catch and fell down.Xia Yi was saying: "Come back—— I!" I said: "Let me hang up." Xia Yi scolded me harshly: "Yinsheng, Yinsheng, you don't respond to your stupid talk?!" Bai Xue herself Hang up the vermicelli.I said, "Sit down and drink water?" Xia Yi walked out of the kitchen, saw Bai Xue hanging the vermicelli on the door latch of the main room, and I gave Bai Xue a small bench, kicked my ass and cursed : "Are you a bitch?! Get out!" kicked me out of the hospital, and didn't let me eat boiled eggs.

I didn't eat the boiled eggs after all, but my soul came back.Junqi didn't understand that I didn't eat the boiled eggs, why did my soul come back?Xia Yi knows.Three hours after I was kicked out of the hospital, I quietly returned to Xia Yi's house, standing in the courtyard, I heard Xia Yi and my second aunt talking in the main room.Xia Yi said: "Well, the facts of the world are hard to tell. Xia Feng doesn't value Baixue, but Yinsheng has a heavy heart for Baixue." The second aunt said: "You persuade Baixue, smile or say something to Yinsheng, that's okay. It’s nothing, what’s not to give up on Bai Xue, and it can cure the disease caused by it.” Xia Yi said: “I can’t say that.” It was Xia Yi’s words that offended me.I will never go to Qiligou again.I didn't go to Qiligou, and I did one of the most stupid things, which directly caused Xia Yitian to fall ill and fell asleep for three days.

Here's the thing.The regimental officer of the township government, remember, was the one who invited the village cadres to present the marriage ceremony. He later fell in love with photography.Knowing that Qiligou has grown a wheat king, he came to me and asked if he could give him the wheat king. If he took a photo, he would definitely be able to take an award-winning photo.I said, "I can't give it to you. It's nothing to do with us if you won the prize?!" He said, "Is it okay to give you five yuan?" I said, "No." He said, "Just take a photo and publish it It’s also for publicity!” I led him to the Temple of Earth.The ears of wheat were hung too high for him to take pictures, so we took them down and put them on the ground to take pictures.After I passed the photo, I asked him for money, but he regretted not giving it.I have never seen such a shameless person. Of course I quarreled with him, but a chicken on the street came in and took the ears of wheat away.When I took the money and found that the ears of wheat were gone, and when I came out and saw chickens pecking the ears of wheat into three pieces on the street, I was terrified, and so was the group leader.He was a ghost, he got another ear of wheat from another place and hung it in the air, saying: "If you don't tell Xia Yi, how will he know?"

I have never coaxed anyone in my life, can I not tell Xia Yi about this?But I dare not tell Xia Yi.I handed five yuan to Shuzheng's wife's restaurant, and served Xia Yi a bowl of jelly every day.After taking the first bowl, Xia Yi said, "You don't want to go to Qiligou, what kind of jelly can you buy me?!" I said, "Who said I won't go to Qiligou, I just rested for a few days " Xia Yi was happy and ate the bowl of jelly.For three days in a row, he ate the jelly that I brought, and said to people: "You are so filial!" However, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, so the mute knew about it somehow and told Xia Yi about it.I brought the fourth bowl of jelly. Xia Yi was sitting on a bench in the yard with a bamboo stick beside the bench.I said: "Jelly, second uncle would like a mouthful of jelly!" Xia Yi picked up the bamboo stick and knocked over the jelly bowl, then picked it up and hit the bend of my leg, and I fell to my knees with a plop.I said, "You hit me?" He yelled, "Where are the ears of wheat? Where are you taking my ears of wheat?!" I said in my heart, "It's over, it's over!" The bamboo stick fell on my back.He beat me and I didn't move until he knocked me down on the ground with blood coming from the corner of my mouth. Then he stopped beating me, his throat gurgled and he fell to the ground.

Xia Yi fell asleep for three days, and only managed to get off the kang three days later.I have been serving him, and he ignores me.During this period, Xia Zhi came to visit him, and the three aunts and four aunts came to visit him. They persuaded Xia Yi, but they didn't scold me, they only asked me to serve him well.All the juniors of the Xia family have come to visit Xia Yi, but Bai Xue has never been seen. Bai Xue began to contact people in the troupe after the beginning of spring.The actors have organized seven music troupes distributed throughout the county, and they have formed their own territory like thieves. No one will invade anyone's sphere of influence, and no one can maliciously lower the appearance price for the sake of competition.Several actors who were close to Bai Xue had invited Bai Xue to participate, but their territory was in the Guanzhen area of ​​the county seat. Bai Xue thought it was too far away from home, so she looked for music groups in Qingfeng Street, Xishan Bay, Chafang, and Qingyangzhai. , hope to join.Of course, this Leban was eager for Baixue to join, and even promised to give her the highest salary.Bai Xue put the child in the care of the fourth aunt, but the fourth aunt was a little reluctant at first, because the child was young, and it was hard for Bai Xue to go out to run, and second, she felt that her son was working in the provincial capital, and the daughter-in-law went to the village to be a human being. Playing and singing, afraid of being ridiculed.Xia Zhi agreed. He said there was nothing shameful about it. Others celebrated his celebrations and funerals, and sang and sang his own Qin opera. You don’t know how uncomfortable it is for an opera singer to stop singing. Can I still make money?How much money did the fourth aunt say she could earn?Xia Feng is not short of money!Xia Zhi became irritable, saying that your son is rich, did he send a penny to Bai Xue or a cent to us when he left this year?He is out of his mind, there is probably someone in the provincial capital who is forcing Bai Xue to divorce like this!The fourth aunt is still focused on her son, saying that my dog ​​can bite people?It is true that they have conflicts, and there is no one who is bickering and biting his tongue!He just has a friend in the provincial capital, isn't that the same as your disposition, my son is not good, you were honest when you were young?After a while, he might be able to change his mind. How can he really get a divorce? !Xia Zhi was silent.But Bai Xue's decision to go to Le Ban was decided, and the fourth aunt still took care of the child, and Xia Zhi didn't go out too often, and bought a dairy sheep specially, milking it several times a day and heating the milk. Often, as soon as the sky is clear and the snow is clear, I go out and leave until I come back at night.President Xia Zhi suggested that Xia Yu give Baixue the motorcycle so that it would be easier to walk, but Baixue resolutely refused, saying that she could not ride and would not learn to ride.Every morning, Xia Zhi got up early and looked up at the sky. When the sky was going to be cloudy, he put the umbrella at the door and reminded Bai Xue to take it with him when he went out.Every night when the family was asleep, the courtyard door was reserved for Bai Xue. As soon as the knocker rang, the fourth aunt would knock on the window of her sleeping room and say, "Bai Xue, are you back?" Bai Xue said, "Are you still asleep?" Said: "I came back so late! Have you eaten?" Bai Xue said: "I have." The fourth aunt said: "I filled the electric kettle with hot water, and you warm your feet." Bai Xue's heart warmed up, Said: "Mom, I ordered a dress for you in the store, remember to remind me to pick it up tomorrow." The fourth aunt said: "I want clothes to go to the city? You are also burning buns. If you earn a few money, you will go to the sea." Flowers! Give it back, I don’t want it.” After speaking, he picked up the child to urinate, but the child started to cry when he refused to urinate.Bai Xue said: "Let the baby sleep with me." The fourth aunt said: "The baby sleeps hot, and it is easy to catch a cold if you hold it in the past. Go to bed early, Xia Feng sent a letter today, I put it on your bedside table " Bai Xue went to soak her feet, and returned to her room, and the letter was indeed on the bedside table, untouched.Bai Xue didn't open it immediately, but looked at it one by one, and opened the envelope after she took off her trousers and warmed up under the quilt, but there was no letter in the envelope, only a completed divorce certificate.Bai Xue didn't panic or feel sad, she looked up at the ceiling, lifted the quilt and got in, the envelope and the piece of paper fell under the bed. Bai Xue had a good sleep, but she was so tired that when she fell asleep, she was like a puddle of mud, her arms and legs lay there without moving.The night was still cold, and the dew was heavy, and the last leaf of the previous winter was still hanging on the itchy tree outside the window, and now it fell, drawing an arc in the air, and it landed silently.But the three crickets living at the root of the tree were calling, an earthworm was calling, and a group of ants were climbing up the tree trunk, singing as they climbed.Later, the Laiyun and the rooster in the yard of Xiayi's house croaked, the pigs in Shuzheng's house croaked, and the donkey in the dyeing workshop also croaked.Xia Zhi was awake, but Bai Xue was in a deep sleep.However, the child suddenly cried, and Bai Xue woke up, and the fourth aunt scolded in the room over there: "Little ancestor, let you piss and you don't want to pee, but if you let you go, you can piss on the Yangtze River!" Bai Xue said: " Mother, mother, shall I put the baby to sleep?" The fourth aunt said: "You sleep in yours. I'll just change her to a small mattress." The fourth aunt made a rhythm with her mouth, and the baby's crying softened, and finally it was squeaking. There was a choking sound, as if he had been greatly wronged.Bai Xue never fell asleep again, biting the pillow towel and crying until dawn. It was also on this night that Shunwa asked me to play mahjong. We played at the cultural activity station. There was Shangshan and Lao Yang, who raised pigs in Zhongjie.I won, and I did whatever I wanted with the cards. I proudly said: "As the saying goes: money is hard to earn, but shit is hard to eat. This shit is really bad, but money is easy to earn!" But I was very sleepy soon, and proposed If I want to leave, Lao Yang scolds me to leave if I win, that’s not acceptable!I had no choice but to continue playing, half-closed my eyes, and wanted to lose some points before leaving, but I squinted my eyes to draw cards, and still dunked the bomb.I said: "No way, I can't lose, I'll share the money with you, let me go." The money was given to them, and I fell asleep as soon as I came back.After I fell asleep, I had a dream about eating persimmons on a tree.The persimmon trees on Yijiao Ridge are one after the other, and there are many red persimmons. I took a fancy to one, bit the tip of the persimmon with my teeth, breathed it in, and it was all soft and sweet. In the mouth, and then let out a puff of breath, the egg persimmon hollow skin bulged again, and returned to its original appearance.When I ate the third one, I blew into the persimmon skin. This time, poof, my front teeth fell out, and I woke up.Thinking: People often say that tooth loss in dreams is a family member who is in trouble, but what relatives do I have?No.If there is, it can only be Bai Xue, what will happen to Bai Xue?I startled immediately.At dawn, I originally went to Xiaoshiqiao to wait for Xia Yihe's mute, but instead I went to Dongjie Lane.The courtyard door of Xia Zhi's house was closed, I walked past the door, walked over, saw no one was in the alley, turned around and walked back, the courtyard door was still closed.After walking back and forth like this a few times, when the number of people in the alley increased, I dared not go any further.Seeing me, Zhuqing said, "What are you doing here?" I said, "I'm waiting for your father to go to Qiligou!" Zhuqing said, "My father and the mute have been waiting for you at Xiaoshiqiao!" In a daze, I had no choice but to leave the Dongjie Lane.In Qiligou, I was looking forward to the dark, and I would wander around the east streets and alleys after dark. I made up my mind that if I encounter Bai Xue, regardless of whether Xia Yi is present or not, even if Xia Zhi is present, I will Ask Bai Xue if there is anything wrong.I want to learn the flies when I eat, you catch them and come again, just want to lie on the edge of the bowl, it is annoying but it is brave!I kept looking at the sun in the sky, the sun was moving too slowly.Xia Yi said, "What are you looking at?" I said, "Why doesn't the sun have a tail? If it had a tail, I'd pull it off!" Bai Xue cried in her room until dawn.When Xia Zhi came together, Bai Xue didn't dare to cry anymore, she also got up to clean the yard, went to the field to carry firewood from the straw stack, and came back to boil water for washing, and boiled a pot of rice soup.Then the fourth aunt got up, and she said, "Mother, I have to go out today." The fourth aunt said, "Which village are we going to?" My aunt said: "Then you eat first, and get full." Bai Xue didn't eat, and went to see the child in the fourth aunt's bedroom. He stuffed his feet into his own mouth and kissed, tears streaming down again.The fourth aunt followed in, urging her to eat, Bai Xue hurriedly wiped away her tears, covered the child's feet, and said, "I don't want to eat anymore, I have to go earlier." The fourth aunt sent her outside the courtyard, saying: " Your eyeballs are so swollen?" Bai Xue said, "I'm afraid I didn't sleep well." She smiled hastily and left. Xia Zhi walked around Qingfeng Street, and when he came back, he knew that Bai Xue had left again, so he said, "She worked hard too." The fourth aunt said, "I can't sleep well, and my eyes are swollen." Xia Zhi said : "You have to tell her that the body is important, and the young don't care. I saw the second brother just now. If the second brother's body is not good, why not? Look at his look, I am really worried! Now the old couple, one is blind and the other is blind. I'm sick, how can I go on like this?" The fourth aunt said: "You worry about the second brother, what do you do with this matter, you worry about his five sons?" Xia Zhi said: "The five sons... hmph There are too many monks and no water to eat!" He stopped talking, pulled out the goat to be milked, and then went to Baixue's room to get a milk bottle, found an envelope and a piece of paper under the bed, picked it up, and shouted loudly. He called his fourth aunt, and fell to the ground in a jerk. In the evening, I came from Qiligou to Dongjie Lane, but I didn't see Bai Xue, but I knew that Xia Zhi suddenly fell ill again.Xia Yi entered the courtyard of Xia Zhi's house. I didn't go in. I only heard Bai Xue's child screaming and crying. Originally, the sky was still covered with rust-red clouds.
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