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Chapter 34 Thirty-three

Qin opera 贾平凹 20740Words 2018-03-19
When Zhongxing's father was buried, Zhongxing did not come back. He attended a half-year training class at the Central Party School in Beijing. The funeral was very simple and there was no meal.On the 14th day, that is, "February 7", Zhongxing came back in a small car, and there was a snowfall on Qingfeng Street.The snow is not heavy, and the grains are grainy. When it falls, the wind blows all over the ground, but the cold in the early winter is worse than that in the third winter.What I hate the most is winter, when people feel cold in their bodies, so they have to be bored and use all their strength to lift stones in Qiligou.Xia Yi said that I am getting better and better, Uncle Tian Yi is stupid, what should I tell you?Thinking about Bai Xue can forget about lifting the stone, and after lifting the stone, she can forget about Bai Xue.Carrying stones in Qiligou warmed my body, but my hands were cut with countless bloody cuts.Xia Yi asked me to go to the store to buy gloves. There was no one on Qingfeng Street. Laiyun and Saihu were making elegiac couplets under the East Street archway. I cursed: Get out!Take stones and beat them away, but you can't beat them away.At that time, Zhongxing and his driver carried two cages to his father's grave. Zhongxing was calling me, and he said he knew that I carried his father back from Hutouya, and he wanted to thank me. , took out a roll of money and stuffed it over.When I was about to pick up the money, the wind blew it away, and I knew it was his father's ghost preventing him from giving me the money, so when his driver picked up the money and gave it to me, I resolutely refused, saying: " If you are sincere, give me the leather gloves on your hand!" Zhongxing gave me the gloves.After all, Zhongxing is more generous than his father.As the saying goes, the mouth of eating people is soft, but the hands of taking people are short, so I helped Zhongxing carry the cage to the grave, and kowtowed to his father.Zhongxing didn't cry on the grave, he burned three whole bundles of paper, and a large pile of printed ghost tickets, all of which were "one million" and "one hundred million".After burning the paper, he burned his father's old clothes that he brought back, including a pile of clothes, pillow covers, furring cloth, and the bag that he carried when he went out to do fortune-telling.He threw them one by one onto the fire and said, "Father, father, I came back from Beijing. You know, if you go to the party school in Beijing, you will be promoted after you come back." I said, "Really? , are you going to be promoted to Zhoucheng?" Zhongxing looked at his driver and said, "I'm coaxing ghosts." I immediately said, "Uncle Rong, Qingfeng Street wants to tell people, he Xia Feng is the little finger, Zhong Xing is the thumb, now you should be smiling under the Nine Springs!" He threw the bag on the fire.The bag was very heavy, so when I dug it out, I found a roll of yellow mounted paper, cinnabar powder mud, lightning strike jujube wood seal, and the miscellaneous notebook I had read.The miscellaneous diaries recorded all the hexagrams of Father Zhongxing, and they were also interesting, so I said: "Brother Zhongxing, Uncle Rong has been a fortune teller all his life, who can leave him for weddings, funerals, funerals? He passed away, so I have to keep something to do. Let’s keep it as a souvenir.” Zhongxing said, “Then take this miscellaneous diary.” I put the miscellaneous diary in my arms.

That night, I sat on the kang of my house and read miscellaneous notes.When I read the eighteenth page, there was a paragraph where he was scolding me, saying that I was chatting and laughing with people in front of the small temple of the God of the Earth, but I didn’t talk about it when he passed by. It was because he didn’t trust him, and what made him even more angry I distributed cigarettes to everyone, even Wulin was dispersed, and Chen Liang was also dispersed, but he was not dispersed.He wrote: "Yinsheng is not only a hooligan who always misses Xia Feng's daughter-in-law, but also looks down on others. I have a gun in my hand, so I shot him." I blushed suddenly, afraid that this miscellaneous notebook would be stolen by others When I saw it, I tore up that page and threw it in the corner of the kang.I was sleeping alone on the kang, but I couldn’t sleep, so I read the miscellaneous notebook again, and there was no more scolding words in it. There were almost twenty paragraphs in which he was trying to tell the fortune-telling about his illness. It may be the end of life before, but the new wheat steamed buns are definitely not available.He was resenting that his life was too short, that in his life, Qingfeng Street owed him a lot, and people were plotting against him.On the fifth-to-last page, he wrote: "I have a stomachache tonight, and I am rolling on the fire. The food in the pot is not cooked properly. The fire slipped out of the fire and lit the firewood. Die, firewood The fire caught fire and burned the house, and burned me too. But the house was reserved for the Chinese, so I got up to put out the fire, and poured a bucket of water to put the fire out." On the fourth-to-last page , he wrote again: "My days are numbered. There are people in Qingfeng Street who are older than me, but I am about to die?! Divinate this morning, let's see how they are? The new students died in the water. Qin An can live until Sixty-seven. Tianyi couldn't be buried in the tomb. Sanju died in a rope. Xiafeng never returned to Qingfeng Street. The apples and pears in the yard will bear fruit next year, and the apple tree will only bear one apple the year after. Qing Jinniang is Longevity man, her sons are dead and she is still alive. The house where Xia Zhi lives has returned to the Bai family. Junting will crawl on the ground in the future, and Junqi’s mother will also be buried in Qiligou. Junqi will be the village director. Qingfeng Street 10 Two years later there will be wolves." This is how the passage was written, and I said, "Ridiculous! Ridiculous!" My hair stood on end in fear.I looked up at the beams of the roof, wondering if it was the ghost of Father Zhongxing coming, I stroked my hair vigorously, sparks crackled from my hair.I read that paragraph again, looked for my name, and saw what he said about me, but he didn't say me.I searched for Xia Zhi's name, but there was none.I most wanted to see what he said about Bai Xue, but he didn't.It's fine if you don't say anything, but Xia Feng is "never going back to Qingfeng Street", so, is Bai Xue going too?I scolded Zhongxing Dad: "You die as soon as you die, what are you farting before you die!" Angry, I got off the kang and set the miscellaneous notebook on fire in the urinal.

The next day, instead of going to Qiligou, I went to Yijialing with an axe. I wanted to be a hero once and cut some wild peach trees to be nailed on the grave of Zhongxing’s father, in case he prophesied about Qingfeng Street. But I nailed the mahogany peg on Zhongxing’s father’s grave, but I didn’t show it off to anyone, because that day I was sorry for Bai Xue, and I did something that I still regret now. I cut wild jujube trees and went back to Qingfeng Street, and as I walked, it started to snow again. When I saw snow, I thought of Baixue, so I stuck out my tongue to catch the falling snow.There is a large pile of corn stalks on the side of the road, probably a shed set up in autumn to protect the melon fields. Half of the shed has collapsed, and the corn stalks are stacked there in a mess.I sat there to rest my feet, my tongue was still sticking out to catch the snow, and said: "I will eat you to the stomach, to the stomach!" A voice said: "Yingsheng, you will eat me to the stomach ?" I was taken aback, and when I fixed my eyes, Bai'e was standing by the side of the road.Didn't Bai'e leave Qingfeng Street long ago, why did she appear again?Bai'e said: "Yingsheng Yinsheng, why are you here?" I said: "Why are you here?!" Bai'e said: "Can't I come to Qingfeng Street?" Called?" Bai'e said: "Don't mention Sanju! Are there no men in the world except Sanju?" She actually sat down beside me.I got up quickly, and she said: "If I were Bai Xue, you can't afford it?" She also knew about me and Bai Xue, so I blushed a little and said, "Aren't you Bai Xue?" Bai'e was not angry, but smiled , said: "You are telling the truth, it is rare for a man like you to exist!" She pinched my nose and said: "Look at your nose is as cold as a carrot! Are you dressed too plainly? No sweater?" I said, "Yes." I lifted up the jacket and showed her the sweater.But she lifted up my jacket again, saying that there was a hole in my sweater, and if she didn't mind, she would mend it for me.Just this sentence, my heart softened.After my father died, I was used to seeing people with high eyebrows and low eyes. Who would ever ask me if I was hungry or cold?I have a good impression of Bai'e.Bai'e moved towards me, and I was embarrassed to get up, but I didn't look at her any more, I shrunk, shrunk down to a small size.Bai'e said: "Did Sanji say that you are very brave, so you are still ashamed?" I said: "..." I didn't know what to say.Bai'e said: "Yingsheng, let me see your nose, why is your nose so tall? I just like your nose..." I just said that she was going to pinch my nose again, If she dared to pinch my nose again, I would hit her hand, but Bai'e lowered her head and said softly: "Actually, I have been paying attention to you when I was at the brick yard and wanted to talk to you, but you I don’t care about you, you only have Bai Xue. A man is so infatuated with a woman, but I think Bai Xue is too ruthless towards you, she is not worthy of your love..." I said: "You can't say bad things about Bai Xue !" Bai'e said: "What's so good about her?" I said: "She is good!" Bai'e said: "Isn't she just white, she is so thin..." She suddenly leaned over She leaned over to grab the corn leaves above my head, and pressed her breasts to my face.Her tits were so big I could feel them so soft through the clothes.The first time I touched a woman's body, there was a sudden ringing in my head, like a lightning flash, everything was white, and immediately it was all black, and my whole body fell into a deep ditch, into a deep ditch When it falls, people tremble with panic.But Bai'e laughed and said, "You still love Baixue with your appearance?!" She leaned down and looked at me with burning eyes.I said: "Bai Xue!" I was confused at that time, I really thought she was Bai Xue, I arched her breast with my face, and immediately put my hands in it again, she suddenly fell down, and her whole body was overwhelmed I, I can't get out of my anger, and my hands are still moving, but she is someone who dare not touch her hands, her eyes turned white when she touched her, and her lips trembled.I can't remember what happened after that, how we turned over there, which leg was mine, and which arm was hers, and the corn sheds all fell down, if anyone saw , must have thought that there were two pigs feeding on the grain stalk.I can't do that, but I pick her and rub her, she has endless water coming out, my stuff comes out, and then it's all quiet, and she's lying beside me, with her belly in one jump.When she pulled the corn leaves on my head and said, "You are a good man, Yinsheng, I hate Baixue even more now!" She was still saying, "Yinsheng, Yinsheng." I got up again and walked away from the bales.I regretted it very much at that time, why did I have this kind of thing with Bai'e?Bai'e, why is it Bai'e and not Baixue?I feel ashamed and sorry for Snow White.The snow is still falling, and the wind is blowing on the body to lose flesh.I ran to Zhongxing's father's grave in a fit of rage, and nailed the wooden peg into the soil with all my might.

For four or five days in a row, I was disgusted with myself, and I didn't add more clothes to keep me cold, and I worked silently in Qiligou.Back to Qingfeng Street, I don't want to talk to people.Zhang Shun asked me to inhale an alcohol catheter at the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative, but I didn't do it. Zhang Shun said, "You are rich? Running errands with Xia Yi, you are also Xia Yi?!" I said, "×Your mother!" Zhang Shun Said: "How dare you scold me?" I scolded, who else would I want to fight with? Wulin, who couldn't stand the cold, had already put on a padded jacket. The padded jacket was an old one from last winter, and the cotton was exposed everywhere.He was listening to Chen Xing singing in the shoe shop, the wind in the doorway was blowing in, the red coals in the brazier could warm his chest but freeze his back.Chen Liang said: "Do you understand?" Wu Lin said: "Listen, I don't understand. Sing, sing, sing, Qin opera!" Chen Liang said: "Do you want to listen to Qin opera? Qingyu's fourth and fourth uncle's house, go home, you don't go, are you afraid of seeing Qingyu?" Wu Lin said: "I'm not, ah, I'm not afraid of him, he Qingyu, I'm afraid of dirty, dirty, dirty Oh, my eyes!" Chen Xing ignored the lawsuit between the two of them, and continued to sing: "Who can get drunk with me, we know each other every year..." His voice was crying, and his eyes were full of tears. tears.Someone ran past the shop door.Although the street was paved with cement, it was still muddy and snowy. A stream of dirty water splashed into the door from the feet of those who passed by and landed on Chen Xing's legs.Chen Liang scolded: "Are you in a hurry to go to Funiuliang?!" The dead in Qingfeng Street were buried under Funiuliang.People passing by stood still, but there was no sign of them, and the voice came to the door: "Hey, do you want to buy a stall?" Chen Liang said, "You want, you want me to jump off a cliff?!" Laughing, he said: "Jun Ting, now head, ah, the farmer's market is delicious, eat, ah, it's delicious but hard to overcome! Chen Xing, you sing, sing, sing like crying, crying, Do you think, think of Cui, Cui Cui?" Chen Xing looked at him, his neck was thickened, and said, "You wiped your nose!" Wu Lin wiped his nose with his hands and wiped it on the heels of his shoes.

The stalls in the farmer's market are full of onions, potatoes and lotus flowers. The buyer repeatedly explained that he would accept as much as he ordered; Some of them were also resold from the surrounding villages, and they all wanted to sell them to the purchasers at once.However, the large cargo truck that had been waiting since the early hours of the first day still disappeared after one night and two and a half days.In front of the theater building, there were six or seven households pulling pigs. The people from the county pig buying station stopped after taking three pigs.Shunwa's pork chops were at the end, but the pig pooped before it was weighed. Shunwa was so angry that she kicked the pig's butt and scolded: "You can't hold it for a minute? What you are sucking is my money, lord! The purchaser said: "The pig is more enlightened than you! If the portion is a few catties less, I will accept it for you. Who will accept those vegetable sellers who have lined up for two days? The company that collects vegetables has closed down!" When we arrived at the farmer’s market, people roared, saying, “Don’t come to buy vegetables? Who said, who said that the company went bankrupt?!” But Shangshan was still charging booth fees, and many people confronted Shangshan again. , Higher and lower, the more you speak, the worse it sounds.Since the establishment of the stalls in the market, the stall owners have changed several times. One batch was withdrawn, and another batch came in immediately. Those who retreated knew that it was a puddle, and they would be submerged as soon as they entered it. There are fish in it, and you can catch a few with just touching it.Shuzheng's daughter-in-law regretted buying the booth, and charged too much lotus flowers, declaring that whoever bought her booth would buy those lotus flowers together.No one would fall for her.Shu Zheng came over from the township government and asked if he had made a move. His daughter-in-law said, "Show me your head! The restaurant I run is good, and you let me buy a stall. Now it's all right. The sow gave birth to a litter of piglets for nothing!" Shu Zheng He picked the rotten ones on the white pile of lotus flowers and smashed them on the electric poles in the distance, one after another, but he couldn't hit them correctly.The daughter-in-law picked it up from the mud again, she wanted to take it back to feed the pigs, and scolded Shuzheng: "Why didn't you smash it, why didn't you smash your end?!" Shuzheng threw a lump of vegetables on the daughter-in-law's back.

Ma Dazhong was standing at the entrance of Wanbao Restaurant, and he saw Shuzheng and his wife coming from the farmer's market. They were fighting on the muddy ground first, and then Shuzheng was pressing his wife on the roadside with a fan with the soles of his shoes, and he walked away. Closer to pull the two apart.Shuzheng and his daughter-in-law complained to Ma Dazhong about their grievances, and each had their own reasons.Ma Dazhong listened to them with a smile all the time, and then they said something, the two of them fell silent, the daughter-in-law went to the stall in the market again, and Shuzheng went into Chen Xing's shoe shop while shaking the mud and snow off his body.

Chen Liang said: "Shuzheng, what did Boss Ma Ma tell you, the anger disappeared all of a sudden, gone?" Shuzheng said: "He said there was a contradiction, go back and sleep with your arms around That's it!" Wu Lin laughed again, and said: "Old Ma, ah, boss, I know both of you, and you two have your own temperament!" Shuzheng said: "We two are fighting, and we can't get divorced. It's a harmonious sex life." Chen Xing was singing, and Pu Chi also laughed.Shuzheng said: "What are you laughing at? You are not married, you are laughing ass! In fact, Boss Ma told us that the business at this stall is not good, so we will grow shiitake mushrooms, and he can invest on credit in the early stage of growing shiitake mushrooms." Chen Xing said: "Look at how generous he is! Look, he won't stay in Qingfeng Street for long." Shuzheng said: "I'm afraid you are the one who won't stay long?" Apple didn’t sell for much money, and a customer came to the store every now and then, and Cui Cui also left, so why didn’t I stay long? He Ma Dazhong is even more powerful than Jun Ting. I heard that Jun Ting had begged him , asked him to find some big buyers for the farmer's market, but he refused. He doesn't look like a boss now, he looks like a village director, Junting can let him sit big?" Everyone stopped talking, thinking that Chen Xing made sense , Just look at the entrance of Wanbao Restaurant.At the door, Xia Yu pushed the motorcycle out, and Jin Lian's niece sat in the back seat. There was a loud engine sound, and the two drove past like the wind.There was another discussion in the shop, and Wu Lin said: "No girl, it's not too cold, ah, it's cold, and she wears skirts and legs, ah, like two big, big, radishes!" Chen Liang said: "Don't worry about it." Shuzheng said: "Xia Yu took her to the county to buy clothes again! Jin Lian's niece also works in the restaurant?" Chen Liang said: "It's the foreman, who is in charge of the women's clothes, the waiter, the waiter. That matter." Wu Lin said: "What, what, what?" Shuzheng said: "Fuck your head!" He slapped Wu Lin on the head.

Xia Yu bought a new motorcycle, and often took Jin Lian's niece to run around, and let Jin Lian's niece ride around by herself to show off.Xia Zhi was preparing funds for his granddaughter's operation, and was tight on hand. He bought a horse spoon with facial makeup on Qingfeng Street, and learned that each horse spoon in the shop in Chafang Village was 10.5 cents cheaper. to buy.Xia Yu didn't go by herself and sent Jin Lian's niece. In order to please Xia Zhi, this woman bought a horse spoon and a bag of steamed mutton from the village's snack powder.The fourth aunt said, "Is that the Chafang Village you went to?" The woman said, "I went." It will be here in a while, and I also ate a bowl in Chafang Village." As soon as the girl left, the fourth aunt said to Xia Zhi: "Look, you let the girl ride a motorcycle to save a quarter, Eat and buy, can’t make it for twenty yuan? Carrots have become the price of meat!” Xia Yu came back again, and Xia Zhi urged him to turn over the responsibility field on the rear plateau, so that the red sweet potato could be planted in the spring.Xia Yu said: "What are you doing with all that effort, the land is no longer planted!" Xia Zhi opened his eyes wide: "I don't plant any more, what are you doing?" Xia Yu said: "How many people in the village don't plant land? Who do you see starving to death? How about buying a bag of flour for the family every month after I take charge?” Xia Zhi said, “Why don’t you learn from the good ones? You don’t plant in the village? You just take other women around on motorcycles all day long?!” The fourth aunt said, “How are you doing with other women? I heard that the woman is not stable. The boss is laughing." Xia Yu said: "Who can your son get a cuckold? Boss Ma helped her set up a labor agency for going out." The fourth aunt said: "I heard about this too, it only introduces women If she doesn’t introduce men, why would she introduce female dolls?” Xia Yu said, “You mean she kidnapped and trafficked people, forced them into prostitution? You just listen to other people talking nonsense all day long! You can’t trust her, and you can’t trust your son either. Huh?" The old couple were so choked that they couldn't catch a word for a while.

After all, Xia Zhi was worried, so he went to Junting and asked about the Wanbao Restaurant and Ma Dazhong, but Junting only said: "Does Ma Dazhong think he is rich?" No brains.I didn't sleep well all night when I got home, and when I got up, I felt a headache. After resisting for a long time, it became heavier and heavier. The fourth aunt called Zhao Hongsheng to take the pulse, and went to the Daqingtang with Zhao Hongsheng to grab three sets of traditional Chinese medicine.Xia Zhi was very particular about taking traditional Chinese medicine. He asked his fourth aunt to pay for it, and Zhao Hongsheng was not allowed to take medicine for nothing, and he was not allowed to pay the bill. When the Chinese medicine was caught, he had to scoop water from the spring and boil it himself, saying Only in this way is it worthy of Chinese medicine.When drinking the medicine, he washed his hands, sat cross-legged for a while, and then drank it slowly.After drinking it, he remembered what Jun Ting had said, and wondered if there was something in Jun Ting's words, and whether Xia Yu was hiding something from him when he was away, so he ordered his fourth aunt to find Jun Ting and ask for the truth from Jun Ting. .But Junting and Qingyu had already left for Gaoba County.

Junting was very worried that Qingfeng Street’s local products could not be sold, and Qingyu came to talk to him about his marriage with Hei’e again. Junting responded casually, but when Qingyu talked about Gaoba County, he had something to say. There are several large state-owned enterprises, where there is a great demand for local products. Junting had an idea and thought of Zhongxing, who was the county magistrate in Gaoba County. After his father passed away, the village took care of his funeral.Junting decided to go to Gaoba County, and specially asked Qingyu to accompany him, because in the Xia family, Qingyu and Zhongxing were the best friends.

This is the incident of "Junting taking the high-speed bus", which has become a good story, and the township head has praised it as a typical example in several meetings.How this incident made Junting have a good reputation, I won’t say much here, only that when Junting and Qingyu arrived in Gaoba County, Zhongxing was very enthusiastic, and when they received them in the office, they scattered cigarettes and invited them. I drank tea and made two cups of coffee.Junting stopped drinking after taking a sip, and Qingyu finished his cup of coffee, his face flushed and flustered, as if a cat had been drilled in his stomach, and he almost didn't spit it out after digging and scratching.The people who were looking for Zhongxing to do business went on and on. His secretary announced to everyone who came that there was only ten minutes, but Junting and Qingyu had been waiting in the office. I had to make a phone call before I could talk to them, and when I called, I gestured to them to keep them silent, and when I finished the phone call, I said, "It's Governor Zhang, and he's coming to inspect the work in a week! "There were several phone calls one after another, either from Secretary Han in the city, or Director Lei from the Provincial Agricultural Office.Jun Ting was shocked when he saw it, and said: "I stumbled with the villagers all day, but you have made friends with great leaders!" Zhongxing said: "It's annoying, annoying, the more leaders you know, the more things you have to do. "Qingyu said: "I have opened my eyes, Zhongxing, you can still go up!" Zhongxing said: "Who doesn't want to make progress, you can ask Junting, can he go to the township government when he can't tell?" Junting said, "I didn't think about it." Qingyu said, "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier." Junting said, "I'm worthless, and I really haven't thought about it." I believe it. The section chief thinks of the director, the director thinks of the bureau chief, and the section chief doesn't want the governor. Isn't that too far away?" Qingyu said: "Zhongxing thinks of the mayor! It should be Think about it, didn’t we have a saying more than ten years ago, how bold are people and how productive is the land.” Zhongxing said: “You are auspicious! If I become a mayor at some point, I will call Qingfeng Street. Appropriate funds to build Qingfeng Street into the largest town on the 312 National Highway!" Jun Ting said: "Don't tell me how much money will be allocated to Qingfeng Street in the future, but now you can do things for your hometown with just a little effort. When we came, the second uncle, the fourth Uncle specifically confessed that you are the most powerful person in our Xia family, and they asked you to contribute to your hometown, and they asked us to bring you some apples." Zhongxing said: "They still miss me! Okay, okay, where is Apple?" Jun Ting said: "In the hotel, I'm afraid it will affect you badly if you get it here." Zhongxing said: "What are you afraid of? ?” After clapping, the secretary came in immediately.Zhongxing said: "Go to the hotel and bring those apples!" Qingyu went with the secretary.After a while, the secretary called and asked if the apple could be brought to the office.Zhongxing said: "How much?" The secretary said: "Two boxes." Zhongxing said: "Just put it in the mail room. Whoever comes from the agency will send a few." I went to buy these two boxes of apples from Liu Xinsheng, and I was afraid that people would see them, but Zhongxing did it like this!So he said: "I really can't sell it." Zhongxing said: "I know the people there. What do you want me to do for my hometown?" Junting complained that the things on the Qingfeng Street Farmer's Market could not be sold, Gaoba County There are many large enterprises, can you please contact us to find a way out for those local products and vegetables.Zhongxing said "um, um", and called the director of the office, and said, "Has the approval document for the 707 factory's renovation fee been issued?" The director said, "It will be issued today." Zhongxing said, "You notify Tell Zhang, the director of Factory 707, and tell him casually, and ask him to send three trucks to Qingfeng Street, Changfeng County to do some welfare for the workers, where the fungus, lily needles, and lotus cabbage are famous in the whole province." He asked Mr. Ting: "What else?" Jun Ting said: "There are potatoes, all of which are purple-skinned." Zhongxing said: "Yes, there are also potatoes, all of which are purple-skinned, and the dry noodles are like chestnuts." The director nodded and went out up.Jun Ting was dumbfounded and said: "You are so quick and neat in handling things!" Zhongxing said: "Is that what prestige is? I am now focusing on the business transition!" Jun Ting said: "What is business transition?" Zhong Xing said: “It’s just that some companies can’t continue to operate, and they are bought out by private individuals. You know the winery in Gaoba. Now a boss in the province has proposed to buy it for 30 million yuan. Once he buys it, the original employees will buy it. It has to be arranged, which puts a big burden on the county!" Junting said: "Can it still be like this?" Zhongxing said: "This is very complicated, and the resistance is also great! To do these things, it is the leader We have to make a decisive decision and cut the mess quickly! No, once the winery changes production, the province will also summarize our experience!" Jun Ting was stunned again. At noon, Zhongxing set up a banquet in the hotel. After eating and drinking seven dishes and eight bowls, he said goodbye to Junting and Qingyu, saying that he would have a few meetings, so he would not accompany them any more, and let his car take them off. go back.Qingyu resolutely refused to let her go.As soon as Zhongxing left, Jun Ting said: "Why didn't you let me give it away?" Qingyu said: "We finally came here, why don't we stay for a day or two?" Then he said: "Hei'e has come, she is here In the hotel at the station." Jun Ting said: "You two agreed to come and visit?! I won't report the travel expenses to you." Qingyu said: "Hei'e didn't report it, why didn't you report it to me?" Junting said: "Well, just stay for a long time. Even if you don't go back tomorrow, I have to go back." Qingyu said: "I will stay for two more days, but I have to tell you clearly, I am for Qingfeng. What a big deal the street has done, you can't lose me a penny for the business trip." Went to the station hotel, Hei'e was indeed there.This night, Junting and Qingyu's rooms were separated by a wooden board, and Qingyu and Hei'e tossed and tossed all night.Jun Ting couldn't sleep, so he looked through the cracks in the wood and saw a white ball, and then realized that Qingyu pushed Hei'e on the wooden partition to stand upright, and Hei'e let out a fart.Junting was in trouble, and it was hard to say. When I came out to drink in a small tavern, I remembered something.What Jun Ting thought was that China Star would transform its business in Gaoba County, and it would be difficult to get rid of the burden of the boss. There is a lot of barren land in Qingfeng Street, why not put away these lands and let outsiders rent and plant them?Thinking of this, I felt refreshed, and didn't return to the hotel until the middle of the night.The next door was quiet, but Jun Ting was always worried that Qingyu would do it again, so he waited until Qingyu went to sleep again and would not be disturbed again, but when it was almost dawn, the next door didn't do it anymore , Junting closed his eyes and fell asleep for a while. Three large trucks from Gaoba County came to buy similar vegetables and local products from the farmer's market. Everyone on Qingfeng Street laughed and laughed.Jun Ting was dressed in clean clothes, but he just kicked on the stone bars under the archway of the market with those people who came to buy, and he shouted to Sanhe: "Go get some bottles of wine, and have a few drinks with the masters!" I bought three bottles from the store. There were no dishes and no wine cups. You took a sip while holding the bottle.Sanhe said: "You did a good job this time, I have to go to your house to hang the lottery!" Jun Ting said: "I will burn high incense if you don't sue me!" Sanhe said: "Such a big village , If you sing red face, someone has to sing bad face, isn't it just to live a good life?" Jun Ting said: "What does that surnamed Ma do these days?" Cards! Jinlian’s niece has introduced three more, and this woman sent it out, and the introduction fee is 200 yuan.” Jun Ting said, “Where did the introduction go?” San Po said, “This time I heard that it was Qinghai. By the way, Ma Dazhong used to work in Qinghai. The old man Zhang at the post office said that Li Guihua on West Street had gone there a few days ago. The day before yesterday, he sent a telegram to Jinlian's niece, eight words: You are stupid, you have a lot of money, give it away quickly Damn it, who is stupid and has a lot of money? There are a lot of workers in the oil field, and I don’t see women all the year round. I’m afraid there are too many!" Junting said: "Ma Dazhong messed up our place." Sanji said: " I understand what you mean. Just look at him, what kind of thing is he? Get up and go. The next day, it was colder than usual. Small restaurants on the street poured slops, and the streets were frozen over.Aunt Wang went to the dyeing workshop to dye cloth, slipped and broke her hip.Many people went to visit Aunt Wang as usual, but they didn't go, and they all flocked to read a small-character poster at the gate of the Earth Temple.The small-character poster reads: "Wanbao Restaurant does not have Wanbao, and they do everything from eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. There lives a big horse monkey. He wants to be the leader, and people's hearts are in chaos. The people should wake up, and Monkey King wants to beat the bone spirit." Everyone knows this. It's about Ma Dazhong. Ma Dazhong has been drinking all year round, his face is always red, and he has a rosacea.However, bad things happened. Some people guessed that I wrote the small poster.I am really wronged, worse than Dou E, there are many ways to live in Qiligou, Xia Yi is like the king of Hades, let us dig the soil after lifting the stone, dig the soil and lift the stone again, work hard all day, and I will still smell it at night That little handkerchief.Speaking of the small handkerchief, I scolded Zhao Hongsheng for cheating me and making me embarrass myself in front of Bai Xue.Zhao Hongsheng returned to my homework and asked: Do you really love Baixue?I said: love!He said: This is not what you love.I said: Why, I also want to eat when you eat!He said: People are divided into categories, and those who come here are all Saihu from the township government!I said: Then I don’t have a woman in this life?He said: There are many women, Bai'e has come to Qingfeng Street again.When he said that, I was taken aback. I thought he knew about my relationship with Bai'e, so I immediately said: Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with Bai'e!He said: I know you're fine, but this woman's body shakes a lot, she smiles silently, throws her hands back when she walks, she's a flirt.She has had three times, and once she has a man, she can have two or three, and she has become attached to Ma Dazhong again. How can you not be better than Ma Dazhong?I said: I have no money.He said: Ma Dazhong is rich, but Ma Dazhong's nose is disgusting!If you dare to wag her tail, she will definitely kick you out, maybe she will give you back some of Ma Dazhong's money!I said: bah bah bah!That might as well be with my own hands!He said: Oh, you are a craftsman.That's how Zhao Hongsheng made a fool of me.However, I made up my mind to guard myself like a jade for Baixue. I still chanted Baixue's name at night and smelled the small handkerchief by myself.The small handkerchief really has the effect of confusing people, it confuses me.Every time I smell it, I get confused.Ding Bacao once told me that if you smoke opium, you can come to whatever you want. I have never smoked opium, but when I get confused, I come to happiness, and I can see Baixue.At this stage, I lived a fulfilling life. I was exhausted after a day of work. When I went home to watch Baixue, my fatigue was relieved. I went to work the next day, and when I came back, I was exhausted. I still had the mind to take care of the village. Is it a matter of long hair and short hair?I'm too lazy to care about it!However, this morning, I went to Qiligou. The trees on both sides of the ditch were stiff, and the branches rattled in the wind. They said together: "Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold!" Blocked me, they said: "Yinsheng, you can do it!" I said: "It's okay." They said: "Some people respect Ma Dazhong as the God of Wealth, but what did Ma Dazhong bring us? The rich and the poor get poorer, they are all the same person, why do I drink thin ones when he eats dry ones?!" I said, "Do you eat dry ones too!" They said, "Where is there dry ones?" I asked Said: "Work, work to get rich!" They said: "Small money depends on hard work, big money depends on life." I said: "That's Fa'er, his mother killed Fa'er, there is no way!" They said: " You are so funny, you are teasing us to support you! We support you, your small-character posters are well written!" I said: "So you are talking about small-character posters? I didn't write them!" They said: " You wrote it!" I said, "No!" They said, "Yes!" The shit-eating ones took care of the shit-eating ones, so that's right.Bai'e walked over with a flowered kerchief wrapped around her head, stopped, coughed while standing beside her, and hooked her eyes on me.She hooked me with her eyes, but I didn't move, and said, "The thief is here!" I said, "Is there a thief in Qingfeng Street?" They lowered their heads and laughed strangely, and said, "Why are there no thieves? Thieves specialize in stealing men, so please fasten your trouser belt!" Only then did I understand that they were scolding Bai'e.Bai'e also heard what they said, her face turned blue, and said: "Who is the thief? I stole you?!" The man said: "You just put your things there, and I will pick up a tile to cover it.上,我也就走过去了!”白娥就乍拉着手扑过来要抓那人的脸,但她还没近身,倒被那人一把推了去,一屁股坐在了地上。这就有些过分了,我拨开了那人,说:“王牛,你这就欺负人了,你手那么重,她挨得起你?”那人说:“你没看见她要来抓我脸吗?她不要了脸,我还讲究个面子哩!”白娥在地上哭,说:“你还讲究面子?!前日你把我堵在巷子里说啥来?”那人骂道:“你还嘴硬,你再说,我撕了你的嘴!”他往白娥跟前走,我把他挡住了,我是拉起了白娥,让她走开。但白娥感激我,却说:“引生,引生……”我说:“你甭叫我,我和你州河里宰羊,刀割水洗!” 我讨厌了白娥,更讨厌了那伙人,我离开他们钻到了陈星的鞋铺里,陈星在用楦子楦鞋,问我买不买棉鞋,我说不买,陈亮进来说上善把小字报也看了,揭下来交给了君亭,君亭可能要整治马大中的,而丁霸槽却在酒楼门口破口大骂哩。我问骂谁哩,陈亮说:“骂你你没碕了还×,×,×他的勾子!”我一听,出门就走。我刚走到万宝酒楼门口,丁霸槽果然就挡了路,我往右走,他往右挡,我往左走,他往左挡。我说:“好狗不挡路!”丁霸槽说:“小字报是你写的?”我说:“写得不对?!”丁霸槽说:“你啥意思,是要撵马大中呢还是眼红我们的生意?”我说:“我眼红你?笑话!”丁霸槽一把将我掀倒。我是不注意而让他掀倒的,我当然就也去打他。我个头不高,但丁霸槽比我更低,四只胳膊撑起来,他用脚绊我的腿,我闪开了,我用脚绊他的腿,他也闪开了,我们是势均力敌。周围立即来了人,都不劝架,还笑了起哄。我终于把丁霸槽绊倒了,他趴在地上像狗吃屎,但他从地上摸了一块砖,吼着:“我拍死你!”我害怕了跑,丁霸槽提着砖在后边撵,但围观人多,跑不开,两人就兜圈子。我就喊:“哑巴!哑巴!”我本来是给自己壮胆吓唬丁霸槽的,没想哑巴竟真的跑过来了。哑巴在东街口等着我,他并没有听见我喊他,而是等不及了开着手扶拖拉机过来,看见了我和丁霸槽打架,就过来抱住了丁霸槽,把砖头夺了。丁霸槽被抱住,又没了砖头,我便咚咚地打了几拳。丁霸槽反过来要咬哑巴的手,哑巴趁势一拨,丁霸槽摔在地上。这时候上善来叫丁霸槽和夏雨去村部,丁霸槽一边走一边说:“引生,我日你娘!”我说:“我日你娘!”他丁霸槽竟然说:“你拿啥日呀,你脱了裤子让人看看!你敢脱裤子吗?脱呀!”周围的人都哈哈地笑,连上善也在笑。我不嫌丁霸槽骂我,我嫌的是这么多人都在笑。我说:“笑你娘的×哩?!”周围人更是笑,我受不了,浑身哆嗦起来,嘴里就吹着白沫。是哑巴抱住了我,我动弹不了,但我突然觉得我在哑巴的怀里忽地蹿高了,有二丈高,就踩着人群的肩臂和头,恨恨地踩,再飞了起来,撵上了丁霸槽,叭叭叭地在他的脸上左右开弓。事后,我是躺在了大清堂的台阶上,我看见了大门上新换了一副对联:但愿你无病;只要我有钱。赵宏声在说:“醒过来了!你这个货,丁霸槽打了你,你拿我屁股蛋出啥气,想吃屎喝尿呀?”我嚎啕大哭。 我在大清堂门口哭的时候,丁霸槽在村部里也哭,他说他得罪谁了,连残废的引生都欺负他,要求君亭出面主持公道,惩治我。君亭没有理他,等他哭闹得没劲了,才说:“哭完了没?”丁霸槽说:“完了。”君亭说:“那我现在给你说!”君亭说街上出现小字报那只是个爆发点,其实近来群众到两委会反映万宝酒楼的人多了,而且惊动了乡政府。并说群众之所以对万宝酒楼有意见,不是指万宝酒楼,是针对马大中的,马大中如果只搞香菇,两委会是支持的,但马大中把那么多女子介绍出去从事不良职业,就坏了清风街风气,而且人心惶惶,都不安心在清风街了。夏雨一直没言语,听到这里,说:“你的意思,是对我的对象有看法了?”君亭说:“群众是有看法。我说了,再有看法那都是马大中惹的事,咱的人咱要保护。”夏雨说:“有啥证据说介绍出去的人都是卖淫了?”君亭说:“有啥证据她们出去不是从事卖淫?”夏雨说:“这话就不说了,说了伤和气。我要问的是,马大中可以不在万宝酒楼长住,但有什么理由不让人家住?陈星可以承包果园,又办鞋铺,马大中不是特务不是逃犯,咱能拿出哪一条法哪一条律给人家说?”君亭倒生气了,说:“我是把群众意见集中起来告诉你们的,你们要是不听就不听吧。以后出什么事了,也不要来找两委会。现在清风街荒芜的地不下二十亩,二叔为了地和我闹得红脖子涨脸,长年都住在七里沟,一方是为一分一厘地下力出汗,一方却把几十亩地荒着不种,再发展下去这责任我就担不起了!”夏雨说:“责任让万宝酒楼担当?土地收拢不住人了,为啥土地就收拢不住人了,这都是万宝酒楼的事吗?如果没这个酒楼,我和丁霸槽恐怕早也出外了,如果你不搞那个市场,也恐怕清风街走的人更多!我服了你能建个农贸市场,可你却就不容个万宝酒楼?”君亭竟然没了话,停了一会儿,就又笑了,说:“没看出你夏雨不是混混了!”丁霸槽说:“君亭哥的话我听明白了,万宝酒楼你是支持的,你反对的是马大中。马大中的事我来处理,清风街是清风街人的,清风街就听两委会;他马大中要在清风街呆,就好好搞他的香菇,他要披了被子就上天,那他就走人,最起码万宝酒楼上没他的地方!至于君亭哥的难处,我能不理解?说一声不该说的话,君亭哥,你听不听?”君亭说:“丁霸槽有头脑,你说。”丁霸槽说:“村里荒了那么多地,可以统收起来么!”君亭说:“收起来谁种?”丁霸槽说:“你要肯承包给我,我种!”君亭看着丁霸槽,却说:“你要种?你要种那两委会得研究研究。” 君亭找丁霸槽和夏雨谈话,注定了是谈不出个结果的。但君亭已经达到了他的目的,因为马大中知道自己处境难了,就让顺娃负责经营,他离开清风街回老家去住了一段日子。马大中在万宝酒楼的房间没有退,白娥就住在了那里。白娥名义上还是给顺娃跑小脚路,顺娃却啥事也不让她插手,她又在酒楼上干些服务员事体。两委会召开了三次会,决定把荒芜的土地收回来,并让丁霸槽来承包,丁霸槽却和陈星说好,到时候陈星老家的人来租种,丁霸槽就从中间白吃差价。马大中离开了清风街,三踅才站出来说那张小字报是他写的,讽刺我该尿泡尿照照,是能写出那一段文字的人吗?但他三踅没有想到,收回来的土地让丁霸槽承包了又要转租给外乡人,他便爆火烧着了碕了,一蹦三尺高地骂,并第一次到七里沟见夏天义。 三踅来给夏天义拿着一包卷烟的,往夏天义面前一放,我的鼻子里就哼了一声,转身要去抬石头。夏天义喊我把草棚里那半瓶烧酒拿出来给三踅喝,我没吱声,夏天义就骂我逞什么能呀,凭你这样是搅屎棍呀?三踅说:“你是说我哩么!”夏天义说:“你还知道你是搅屎棍呀!”三踅没有恼,反倒赖着脸笑,说:“清风街没了你当主任,没有个搅屎棍能行吗?这回我就要叫丁霸槽当不成个地主,天义叔你得支持我!”夏天义说:“你反对丁霸槽承包,我也反对丁霸槽承包,农民么,弄得穷的穷富的富,差距拉大了,清风街能有安生日子?可我不会支持你去承包的!我这次写了告状信,真的是写了,我想的是一些人把地荒了,一些人却不够种,与其收起来不如重新分地,使每一寸地都不闲,使每一个人也都不闲。你要愿意了就在我的告状信上签名,你要不愿意了,你把你的卷烟拿上,另外去告你的状。”三踅说:“你要重新分地?我第一个就反对,我爹我娘死了,我还种着他们的地,要重新划分,那我就吃亏了!”夏天义说:“你吃亏了,那些娶了媳妇生了娃娃的人家没有地种就不吃亏?”三踅站起来就走了。走过了那一片已栽了葱的地边,顺手拔了一捆。哑巴要去夺,夏天义说:“三踅,那葱我早晨才喷了些农药,吃时你得洗干净啊!” 天还是冷,冷得满空里飞刀刃子。但那棵麦子竟然结出穗了,足足有一乍二寸。天神,这是麦穗子么!我和哑巴害怕风把它吹倒,就找了三个树棍儿做支撑。旁边树上的鸟巢里,它们一家三口,都趴在巢边朝我们看,叽叽喳喳说话。我说:“冬天里麦子结这么大长穗,没见过吧?”鸟说:“没见过!”我听得出鸟是这么说的。我说:“没见过的事多着哩!”就把牙子狠劲挖到岸边的一个多年前就被砍伐的树桩上,牙子扎在树桩上,把翘得高高的,我想,明日可能还有奇迹,这把能发出芽的。但这把到底没有发出芽来,惹得一家三口的鸟把白花花的稀粪屙在把上。 麦子结了穗子,夏天义他还没有看到。他已经是连着几天没来七里沟了,而是在东街、中街、西街各家的地里查看,凡是荒了的地,或者在自己分得的地里起土掏取盖房用的细沙的,挖了壕打胡基土坯的,或者像书正那样,在地里修了公共厕所的,或者老坟地以前平了现在又起隆修了墓碑的,一一丈量了面积。又将谁家在分地后嫁了女,死了老人或出外打工两年不归的,和谁家又娶了媳妇,生了孩子的一一统计。然后他拿着这些材料和夏天智交换意见,要夏天智修改他写成的状子。夏天智看罢了,竟庄严了,认为这不是告状的事,是了不得的建议,就让四婶做饭,当然是四菜一汤,桌上还摆了那盘木鸡,说是给二哥补一补身子,也为二哥庆贺。兄弟俩吃毕,擦了桌子,夏天义说:“咱起草个建议吧,你说,我来写!”写了一页,有一句话没说妥,揉了又写,又写还是有两个字写错了,涂了墨疙瘩,撕了再写。四婶在旁边看着,说:“爷呀,纸就这样糟踏?”夏天智说:“这可是大事。”四婶说:“给皇帝写折子呀?!”到院子里用小石磨磨辣子。这一家人都是辣子虫,一天没一顿捞干面不行,捞了干面不调辣子不行。书正的媳妇来借笸篮了,为了能借到笸篮好话就特别多,问四婶的身子骨可强,问四叔的胃口可旺,问白雪,又问娃娃,再是树呀花的,猫呀狗的,她都要问个安的。夏天智就写不下去了,出来训斥四婶。四婶赶紧打发书正的媳妇走,二返身进屋抱了白雪怀里的孩子,说:“咱都出去转呀,你爷办大事哩,你要哭了,你爷就该又骂了!”出了院门,还在门外上了锁。 建议书上相当一部分内容是说两委会收回荒地和另作他用的土地的决策是正确的,也是及时的。这话当然是夏天智的意思。但对于如何由人承包,而又由承包人转租给外乡人的做法,他们认为不符合村民的利益。为了使每一寸土地都不荒芜,使每一个农民都有地种,公平合理,贫富相当,所以建议重新分地。建议书写成后,夏天义在落款处第一个写了他的名字。夏天智因为是退休干部,他是不分地的,就替四婶和夏雨签名。夏天义在以后的日子里,逐户走动,希望每家每户也能签名,但他没有想到的是,他在东街签名时竟有一半人不肯签。有的是家庭减员不愿签,有的是家中有人在外打工担心以后若不再打工了怎么办,还有的是自己不耕种让别人耕种而收取代耕口粮的人家更不愿意。东街前边三个巷子的人家找过了,消息传到后边几个巷子,有人就背了背篓赶西山湾集市去了,走了亲戚家了。到了书正家,书正的媳妇说书正是一家之主这得书正说话,而书正从乡政府回来往东?子的地里垒地堰了。夏天义就去寻书正,来运厮跟着,刚过了小河,赛虎就跑了来。两个狗钻进河边的毛柳树丛去,再叫不回来。书正在地边放着收音机,收音机里播的是《金沙滩》:“君王坐江山是臣啊啊创哎,臣好比牛吃青草蚕吃桑。老牛力尽刀尖死,蚕把丝作成在油锅里亡。吃牛肉不知牛受苦,穿绫罗不晓得蚕遭殃。实可恼朝朝代代无道的昏王坐了江山,先杀忠臣和良将,哎哎骂一声祸国殃民狐群狗党的奸贼似虎狼,一个个都把良心丧,将功臣当就草上霜。任意放起……”书正看见了夏天义,放下锨,坐在?塄上吃旱烟,打老远就说:“天义叔是不是让我签名呀?文化大革命的时候我签过名,现在什么社会了,你还搞运动呀!”夏天义说:“谁是搞运动呀?!”书正说:“天义叔,你真个是土地爷么,一辈子不是收地就是分地,你不嫌泼烦啊?”夏天义说:“农民就靠土么,谁不是土里变出的虫?!”书正把他的旱烟锅擦了擦,递给夏天义,夏天义没接。书正说:“梅花签了没?庆玉签了没?”夏天义说:“他们敢不签?!”书正说:“他们不敢不签,我却不签的!”夏天义说:“你咋不签?”书正说:“我要一签,公路边的公共厕所就用不成了,那个厕所比我养头猪还顶事哩!”夏天义便瓷在了那里。收音机里还在唱:“因此上辕门外将儿绑了。绑了怎样?绑了斩了。当真斩了?当真斩了。儿斩子与国家整一整律条!”两厢争吵起来,一个比一个声高,都是长脖子,脖子上暴了青筋。?塄上一吵,毛柳树丛中的来运就跑了来,睁了眼睛看书正。书正只要身子往夏天义面前挪一下,来运就汪一声,书正的手指头一指夏天义,来运就又汪一声。书正说:“你汪啥的?你也要强要了我的手指头按印不成?!”这话有些骂夏天义,夏天义能听来,来运也能听来,来运前爪腾空立起来了,连续地汪汪。书正说:“你要咬我?我是乡政府的人,你敢把我动一下!”来运呼哧一声,双爪搭在书正的肩上,舌头吐得多长。书正一抖身子就跑,一脚没踏实,竟从?塄上跌了下去。 ?塄三米多高,书正一跌下去,夏天义就呆了,赶忙从旁边的斜路上下去拉书正。书正被拉起来了,夏天义一松手,书正又倒下去,说:“我腿呢,我的腿呢?我站不起筒子了!”龇牙咧嘴地喊疼。夏天义汗已经出来,蹴下身揉书正的右腿,书正说是左腿左腿,夏天义又揉左腿,书正却疼得不敢让碰。夏天义知道断了骨头,不能再揉了,说:“咬住牙,书正,咬住牙!”背着书正往赵宏声的大清堂跑。书正在夏天义的背上大声叫喊,夏天义先是劝他不要喊,书正还在喊,夏天义就生气了,说:“你再喊,我就不管了!”书正不喊了,说:“鞋,我没穿鞋!”夏天义才发现书正的一只脚光着,就对厮跟跑着的来运说:“还不快去取鞋!”来运却突然上来小咬了一下书正的脚,才一股风似地往?塄下跑去。 赵宏声给书正诊断是左腿踝骨断了,贴了一张膏药,用一块木板固定住,开了一包止痛片,三天的中药。书正说:“我会不会瘫痪呀?”赵宏声说:“你想得美,让人伺候一辈子呀?!”夏天义不放心,说:“宏声,咋不见你捏骨呢?”赵宏声说:“用不着,只要他好好卧硬板床不动,这三天的中药吃了,七天后保证能站起来!”书正说:“我是活人不是个木头,咋能卧在床上不动,拉屎尿尿不起来?”赵宏声说:“硬木板床上开个洞,拉屎尿尿不就解决了!”书正说:“那骨头长歪了咋办?”赵宏声说:“打断再接么!”书正就急了,说:“宏声宏声,你可不能整我!”赵宏声说:“你要这样说,我就不给你治了!”动手又解木板上的绳子。书正忙回话说:“爷呀爷呀,有手艺的人这牛么?!”书正肯定和夏天义前世里结了什么冤仇,夏天义在以前为养牛的事骂过他,为争水浇地打过他,现在又使他断了腿。但这回夏天义倒霉了,他得掏书正的医疗费,更头疼的是赵宏声开的中药里还缺一种簸箕虫,得想办法寻找。夏天义觉得十分丧气,把寻找簸箕虫的任务交给了我。 我在许多人家的鸡圈里、土楼上寻找簸箕虫,就是寻不到。簸箕虫是小甲虫,黑丑黑丑的,像屎扒牛,喜欢在潮湿的地方呆。又到几家的红苕窖里寻找,但仍是寻找不到。我对赵宏声建议:能不能不要簸箕虫,或者换一种别的虫?赵宏声说:“不行。没有簸箕虫这药就没用。”我说:“你开的中药里带有虎骨,你还不是用狗骨替代吗?”赵宏声说:“谁给你说的,你看见啦?我用的是真虎骨!”我说:“国家总共就那几十个虎,你哪儿弄虎骨,虎在你床下养着的?!”他就笑了,说:“算你赢!但跌打损伤的药不能没有簸箕虫,你在红苕窖里找过没有?”我说:“去过了,找不着。”赵宏声说:“如果谁家的红苕窖里放过草木灰,绝对能生簸箕虫的。”我把赵宏声的话说给夏天义,四婶正好也在夏天义家,四婶说她家红苕窖里草木灰没放过,但种土豆时剩下了一笼土豆种存放在窖里,这些土豆种切了块,曾经用草木灰拌搅过。夏天义说:“你快跟你四婶到窖里看看。”我就去了夏天智家。 自白雪嫁给了夏风后,我这是第一次去的夏天智家。我一进院门,那架牡丹就晃悠,一半的月季开着花给我笑。就是在这一天,我突然觉得月季为什么要开花,花是月季的什么?我认为花是月季的生殖器官,月季的生殖器官是月季最漂亮的部位,所以月季把它顶在了头上。院子里,从西北角到东南角斜着拴了一道铁丝,晾着三件白被单,白雪抱着孩子就站在白被单前,逗孩子看痒痒树上的鸟。鸟长尾巴,白着嘴。白雪说:“瞧,瞧见了吗,花喜鹊!”我说:“不是花喜鹊,是野扑鸽!”白雪掉过头来,看见了我,抱着孩子就回堂屋,一块尿布掉下来,她蹲下去捡了,头没再回,进了堂屋。堂屋门里黑洞洞的,一声咳嗽,堂屋东间的那个揭窗里坐着夏天智,戴着眼镜,眼光从镜片上沿看我。夏天智一看我,我就钉在院子里了,他从堂屋出来,端着水烟袋,对我说:“你怎么来了?”我说:“四叔!”他没有应声。他的脸板着,我腿就发软,开始摇。我暗里说:“甭摇,甭摇。”腿摇得很厉害。夏天智很鄙视地说:“瞧你这站相,摇啥的?!”我说:“是痒痒树在摇。”野扑鸽飞走后痒痒树真的也在摇。四婶就说:“他是去红苕窖里给二哥寻簸箕虫的。”夏天智在屋台阶上的椅子里坐下来,他吸他的水烟袋,包谷胡须拧成的火绳有二尺长。红苕窖在厨房里,揭了窖盖我下去,窖壁湿滑湿滑,一个壁窝子没蹬住,咚地掉了下去。窖拐洞里是有一笼拌搅了草木灰的土豆种,我翻了翻,果然有几个簸箕虫四处爬动,立即捉了往带着的一个小布袋里装。一只,两只,三只……捉到第八只,我想,真是怪事,书正从?塄跌下来怎么就断了腿,而需要簸箕虫竟偏偏夏天智家的红苕窖里有,这不是天设地造的要我见白雪吗?白雪,白雪。我在窖里轻轻地唤白雪,我希望白雪有感觉。你想谁,谁就会打喷嚏的。我立在窖里听地面上的动静,果然有一声喷嚏,是白雪在说:“娘,谁想我了?”四婶说:“是夏风吧,他怕是天天等你们去的。”白雪说:“上善今日去县上,我已托他买票了。”又是一声喷嚏,还有一声喷嚏。四婶说:“打一个喷嚏是被人想,打两个喷嚏是遭人骂,连打三个喷嚏就是感冒了。你要感冒了吗?”白雪说:“是不是?”我在窖里轻声说:“白雪你没事,那是我想你想得厉害了才打了三个喷嚏!”我想白雪而能让白雪连打喷嚏,使我有些得意,于是我大胆了,从怀里掏出了那件小手帕,贴在脸上,我就又恍恍惚惚了。我是看见白雪抱着孩子进了厨房,她看见了红苕窖口往外冒白气,就把孩子放在灶火口的麦草上,然后顺着窖壁的蹬窝子下来了。下来的先是一双脚,左脚踩在蹬窝里,右脚在空中悬着,那是一只红色的皮鞋。我把皮鞋握住了,脚却收了上去,皮鞋就在我手里。这时候我噔地清白了,因为孩子大声哭,四婶在说:“你收拾去,我来哄娃!”孩子的哭声越来越大,是四婶抱了孩子进了厨房,喊:“引生,寻到了没有,这么长时间还不出来?”我看着怀里的红皮鞋,红皮鞋变成了簸箕虫钻进小布袋里。我从红苕窖里爬出来,四婶抱着孩子就在灶台边,四婶说:“寻到了没?”我说:“寻到了。”四婶说:“书正就会折磨你二叔!”我说:“书正是属牛的,他就像个牛二叔!”四婶说:“书正是属牛的?你二叔一辈子和牛不卯,不是他见了牛就打,就是牛见了他便!”我说:“这是为啥?”四婶说:“谁知道为啥!”我看着孩子,孩子也看着我,我就不说夏天义和书正了,孩子是白雪身上的一疙瘩肉,孩子就是小白雪,我说:“乖,乖!”伸过了嘴去亲孩子的脸。我亲孩子的脸是我想起了巢里老鸟给小鸟喂食的样子,而我听到了扑哧一声,以为是她在笑,但她是屙下了。四婶在听到了响声立即紧张,说:“你快,娃屙下了,我得给娃收拾呀!”我只好从厨房出来往院门口走。四婶并没有端了孩子让屙屎,院子里没有白雪的人。我说:“那我走啦!”白雪还是没出堂屋。我说:“我走了呀!”我走了。 书正开始熬喝有着簸箕虫中药的那天,夏天智和白雪抱着孩子去了省城。清风街没人知道他们为什么这个时候去省城,反倒取笑夏天智是千里送儿媳。我夜夜做梦去夏天智家的院子,夏天智家的院子是从东街牌楼下的巷子斜进去再拐三个弯儿才能到的,但梦里每一次去那个院子却都是从东街牌楼下进巷子,拐一个弯儿就到了。我不知道这是为什么。当我再去夏天义家时,路过夏天智家院门口就心里是说不出的一种滋味,人走院空,白雪还会回来吗?我在院门口寻找白雪的脚印,终于寻找到了一个,是雨天踩在泥上的,泥干了,鞋印就硬着,我把我的脚踏上去。书正的媳妇偏巧从巷子里过,说:“引生,你咋啦,这冷的天你光着脚?”我说:“鞋壳里钻了个石子。”书正的媳妇是要去找夏天义的。书正不能去乡政府做饭,乡政府物色了新炊事员,也知道了清风街把荒芜的土地承包给个人又转租于外乡人的事。乡长紧急阻止了转租外乡人的做法,但丁霸槽就不愿承包了,而君亭又以相当多的人反对搁置了重新分地的建议。夏天义白忙活了一阵,鼓鼓的劲就泄了。可恶的是书正的媳妇又不停地索要误工赔偿,夏天义烦得没去刮胡子,下巴上的胡子乱哄哄的,人也瘦了一截。书正媳妇再去生事,夏天义说:“你说说,你要多少?”书正媳妇说:“书
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