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Chapter 25 twenty four

Qin opera 贾平凹 6743Words 2018-03-19
Zhong Xing's father said that he would be invincible when he died. He didn't make a box and sneak in to seek death, but he still made divinations about his illness every now and then.Hmph, his words are not as useful as mine. I said: You must live, you must live!My tree, the wooden stick pulled from the roof of the wooden shed, actually came alive when it was inserted into the ground, sprouting buds and growing leaves.I happily sat under the tree and sang the Qin Opera tune "Coincident Meeting": I was singing Qin opera tunes in Qiligou, the clouds were flying in the sky, and the big bird's wings were floating flat in the air.But the ginkgo tree in Daqing Temple was crying.The tears are real.Jin Lian was drafting the family planning plan alone on the big table in the village meeting room. He heard the sound of tinkling rain. out of the water.Jin Lian felt that it was rare, so she called everyone in the soil field in front of the theater building to come and see, some people frowned, saying that the ginkgo tree was as sick as the big white poplar in the Xinsheng Orchard, one ghost clapped her hands, the other shed tears, this year's Qingfeng Street Fleeting Year unfavorable?Jinlian withered, unwilling to tell Junting about it.But Ginkgo Tree's tears didn't stop and shed for three days.The ginkgo tree is an ancient tree with hundreds of years. The villagers have always regarded it as a Fengshui tree in Qingfeng Street. The ginkgo tree suddenly shed tears. Protect ginkgo trees.The folk way to protect ancient trees is to irrigate the roots with vegetable oil, but to irrigate ginkgo trees with vegetable oil requires 50 catties of vegetable oil. There is no vegetable oil in the village, and buying it is a lot of expenses. The best idea is to protect the old trees Let every family donate vegetable oil in the name ofShang Shan then went to find Zhong Xing's father, who spread the ginkgo tree for hundreds of years and it has become mature. If the tree is sick, whoever donates vegetable oil will definitely be good to them. One tael is not too little, and ten catties is not too much.Zhongxing's father was the first to donate half a catty of vegetable oil, and tied a red thread to the tree.Zhongxing's father was such a stingy person, if he could donate, the villagers would donate too. Two Streets donated 21 catties, Middle Street donated 25 and a half catties, and the people of Dongjie actively donated.It was windy the night before, and it was clear that Xia Yi woke up early, but saw that Wulin was already picking up dung. The dung pole contained a few lumps of dung in one basket, but there were some dry branches in the other basket. There is also a bird's nest the size of an old bowl, and a small oil bottle is hung on the head of the burden.When Wu Lin saw him, he said, "Uncle Tianyi, you got up early!" Xia Yi said, "It's not as early as you!" Pick up, pick up dung!" Xia Yi said: "Are you picking up dung or firewood?" Wu Lin said: "The wind blows down the bird's nest, the nest, I pick it up, ah pick it up. Uncle Xia Yi Uncle, you donated the vegetable oil, didn’t you?” Xia Yi said, “Qing Tang donated it for me.” Wu Lin said, “I’ll transfer to the village, the village department, I’ll donate too!” Xia Yi said: "Just the little oil in the bottle, how much is there?" Wu Lin said: "One, one tael." Xia Yi said: "One tael?" Wu Lin said: "I am borrowing the book, ah I borrowed it , I said borrow, borrow half a catty, ah, he, he is stingy, only borrow, borrow one or two." Xia Yi said: "Your family has no vegetable oil?" Wu Lin said: "I, how many months, no See the oil, the oil blossoms!" Xia Yi said: "Look at your life!" Wu Lin said: "The year is good, the moon is good, ah, the day, the day is difficult, difficult, sad! Uncle Tianyi, the country is not, is it not? Old, I always have relief money, money, why don’t you give it, give it, give it?” Xia Yi said: “You old relief household, are you used to eating? Who will give you relief now? Ah! There was a bumper harvest a few years ago, where is the grain and oil you saved?" Wu Lin said: "Hei'e, て, だ sells X, and transfers my oil, oil, and transfers. This sells, sells X! Xia Yi suddenly choked, and said: "You are ashamed of your old man!" He hurried past.After passing by, he turned around again and said, "Give me this bird's nest." Wu Lin gave the bird's nest, and said, "This cooking is beautiful, beautiful, very beautiful!"

Xia Yi took the bird's nest and didn't use it for cooking. He thought of my tree and wanted to tie the bird's nest to the tree to attract the birds.He held the bird's nest and walked to the bridge by the small river, where the dumb and I made an appointment, but I went there late that day, and the dumb also happened to be late, Xia Yi thought that the dumb was tired and lazy, and that I was busy He went to Qiligou alone first because of his own affairs. After entering Qiligou, the fog in the ditch was still covered. Xia Yi choked his nose and sneezed, and the fog flowed around him like water, and he saw those black and white stones, and the growth between the stones. mace.Xia Yi tied the bird's nest to my tree, and then squatted down to imitate the bird's call, trying to attract the birds, but no bird came, and there was no response to the bird's sound, so he grabbed it with his hand like a wave. The same fog that rolls around the trees, catches it but can't stay, stretching out five fingers, there is nothing, only steam from the fingers.It was at this time that Xia Yi saw that the Qiligou was flat and flat, as if it had been silted up with flat land. The field was full of corn and rice, and flowers bloomed on the ridges of the fields. The tall ones are sunflowers, the small ones are sesame seeds and day lilies, and the fireflies fly out from among the flowers.Oh, fireflies are so big!Hey, it's dark, hey, it's bright, it's green light.Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, and saw clearly that it was not a firefly, but a pair of wolf's eyes, and a wolf was standing there with four legs upright.Xia Yi suddenly cleared his mind, facing him, it was a wolf!He hadn't seen a wolf for twenty years. In the year of land reform, when he was planting trees on the embankment, he ran into a wolf at noon. The wolf opened its mouth and jumped at it.His big fist touched the wolf's throat, and the wolf couldn't close its mouth, and couldn't breathe, so he stretched out his other hand to pick the wolf's eyeballs, and the wolf broke free and ran away.He told people about beating wolves, but no one would believe it, and he didn't believe that he could put his fist into the wolf's mouth, but he did put his fist into the wolf's mouth, and the wolf lost its strength. Under the embankment were the hoofprints of wolves and a trail of dung left by wolves when they fled.This incident was once a sensation.Now, Xia Yi met the wolf again, and Xia Yi told me afterward that this may be a destiny, or why did he face the wolf again, is this wolf the wolf from back then, or the wolf? The descendants of wolves come to revenge?But Xia Yi is no longer the Xia Yi of the past. He is old, and his joints often rattle when he is working or walking. He is no longer the opponent of the wolf.Xia Yi looked around at that time, there was no commanding height in front of him and behind him, even if there was a big rock, he could no longer jump on it.He didn't dare to move any more, but held on, warning himself: Since you can't escape, don't move, lest the wolf be sure that you are old.Xia Yi just stood there motionless for a long time, when he vaguely heard a dumb wow sound from Mizoguchi. He looked at the wolf and lowered his head, then turned around and got into a piece of white cotton. In the fog, the mopping tail disappeared in a sweep.

Xia Yi didn't tell people about this matter like when he fought with wolves on the embankment decades ago, he told me and the mute twenty days later.I was half-believing, I believed that Xia Yi never lied, he took this matter as something he was ashamed of in his life, so he told us twenty days later; what I doubt is that there are still wolves now, I don’t know. He and the mute went to Qiligou three times in the middle of the night, walked through every cliff foot, every clump of forest, but never saw a wolf.But I think back now, that day when the mute and I went to Qiligou late, Laiyun ran to Xia Yi first, screaming, Xia Yi stood straight, his face was pale, and his facial features were as stiff as woodcuts.I said, "Uncle Tianyi, did you come early?" He didn't answer, nor did he look at me.I said, "What's wrong with you, Uncle!" I pulled him, and he fell to the ground like a bundle of firewood.He said, "Where's my leg, where's my leg?" I squeezed his leg, but he didn't feel it.After a while, Xia Yi said that he was dizzy, we helped him into the wooden shed to rest, and I saw that his crotch was wet and smelled like bad smell.

Both the mute and I thought that Xia Yi was really sick, and didn't think about it elsewhere. At noon, when Xia Yi came out of the wooden shed, he turned into another appearance.He suddenly roared three times, and three rock chickens on the opposite cliff took off, which made me shiver.I looked at him suspiciously, and he waved to me, asking me and the mute to wrestle arms with him.As soon as I joined hands, he pushed my hand down and squeezed me so hard that I felt like my bones were about to be crushed, but he didn't lose his hand.The mute had great strength, and the two held each other for two minutes, but in the end he pushed down the mute's hand.Xia Yi said: "You are so angry, a young man is not as good as your father!" I said: "Uncle Tianyi, if my father is still alive, are you older or my father is older?" Xia Yi said: "Your father is older than me." Three years younger, your father is impatient and died early." I said, "With Uncle's hand strength, you can live to be a hundred years old!" Of course I meant it as a compliment, and I only said that he laughed when he heard it, but Xia Yi didn't She laughed, but turned around and asked, "What's the difference on my head?" I said, "The hair on the front is white, but the hair on the back is still black." Xia Yi said, "It's half white and half black, that's I'm only halfway through. I'm seventy-five years old, and I'll live another seventy-five years! Let me tell you, I became a village cadre when I started the land reform at the age of twenty. I have never been convinced, the big and small landlords and rich peasants in Qingfeng Street are all given by me. The paddy fields and dry fields in Qingfeng Street up and down the slopes are all distributed to each household by me with a ruler. Built in my hands The embankment, the embankment was built and repaired, and when you repaired the embankment, you still twisted the tendons on your father’s thigh. The thick calluses formed on my knees took three years to shed. Meat bumps are all made from poles and poles! The power station project I ran used the electricity imported from Hubei later. Our power station was abandoned, but the canals of the power station are still used for irrigation. It is the terraced fields that I led people to repair, yes I led people to the construction site of the reservoir. Reforms have taken place, society has changed, and it is my brick yard and orchard. The awards and pennants on the wall of the Qingfeng Street village department are earned in my hands. Qingfengjie took off the poor village hat in his hand. Tell me, can I do it or can’t, ?” The mute and I stood obediently and listened, as if listening to his lectures.When Xia Yi was still in office, he was good at lecturing, wearing a gown, holding a black cigarette in his hand, and speaking in a set manner.My father can't speak well. I helped my father analyze Xia Yi's speech, and found that the reason why he speaks with style and provocation is that he likes to use parallel sentences, but my father also used parallel sentences later, but there is no rhythm of high, low, fast or slow. My father's speech is not attractive.Now, when Xia Yi asked him whether he could do it or not, I said, "Uncle Tian Yi can do it very well!" But Xia Yi said, "I can do it!" After finishing speaking, I said, "I, Xia Yi, failed. If I failed, I failed on Qiligou. But I don’t accept it. I believe I am right. With the responsibility of an old party member and the perspective of a rural cadre, Qiligou will definitely be silted up! I told You guys, if you can trust me, you can do it with me, but if you can’t, you can leave at any time, do you hear me?” The mute screamed, and I hurriedly said: “I heard it!” Xia Yi said: “I heard it Do you want to go?" I said, "If you don't go, I won't go!" Xia Yi said, "Okay, then go back to Qin An's house and get the firecrackers left at his house!"

I went to Qin An's house according to his order, and he arranged for the dumb to dig a trough for slipping soil on the cliff, but he went over the ditch and went to the reservoir to scold the station master, asking why he agreed to take four. A fish pond was exchanged for Qiligou, and the stationmaster was forced to rummage through boxes and chests to find the plan that was left on the station when the water was silted up, and then returned to Qiligou without stopping. I was looking for firecrackers at Qin An's house, and Qin An asked me to help him to Qiligou, but I refused to help him.What can he do, he can only drag me down!He asked me to bring the school head of his house to Xia Yi, saying that the school head had gone, and it was right that he had gone too.The firecracker was not at Qin An's house. On the day Xia Feng got married and entertained guests, it was Zhao Hongsheng who took the firecracker from Qin An's house, and it was still with Zhao Hongsheng after it was used.But Zhao Hongsheng was interested. Why do you want firecrackers in Qiligou?What are you doing?I can't tell.Zhao Hongsheng followed me.When we got to the ditch, the big bird stood on the stone and pecked the chest hair under its armpit with its beak. Zhao Hongsheng started to beat him. I stretched my legs and hooked him and fell. I said: "It provoked you, you beat it It?" Zhao Hongsheng scolded me: "The wild bird is your father, you protect it?" I said: "It's my father!" Zhao Hongsheng said: "It's your father, it's your father, you crazy!" I said: "My father said that Qiligou looks like a woman's x." Zhao Hongsheng said, "Have you seen x?" I kicked him again, but suddenly I heard a barking sound somewhere.I looked around, but there was no sign of Laiyun, nor the mute, so I shouted: "Dumb, dumb!"We ran over there, where the big rocks piled up, forming a rock gap, looking down, it was dark.I said, "What are you calling for?" Laiyun was still calling, and I looked into the crevice again, only to see the dumb man in the crevice.Zhao Hongsheng said, "Dumb, did you crawl there to die?" The dumb still didn't respond, so Zhao Hongsheng said, "It's the dumb who fell!" When he woke up, he shook his head, wiped his eyes, and could still see Zhao Hongsheng in front of him. He stood up and took out a bird egg from his mouth.We all thought it strange that the mute had a bird's egg in his mouth. He gestured, and we realized that he was digging a dirt channel on the cliff, and found a bird's nest in the grass, and there was a bird's egg in the nest. I wanted to put the eggs in my bird's nest on the tree, but I was afraid that the eggs would be broken in my pocket, so I held them in my mouth and fell down the cliff.How grateful I was to the mute, I hugged him and took the egg and put it in the nest.But Zhao Hongsheng said: "It's either a lunatic or an idiot. You're going to lose your life because of an egg?!" Looking at the topography of Qiligou, he actually said: "Qiligou is shaped like a vampire, Uncle Tianyi's grave is right on the clitoris, so he came to Qiligou to protect his grave!" , The mute punched him on the forehead, and a lump immediately appeared on the forehead.Zhao Hongsheng said: "You are so heartless, I rescued you and hit me?" The mute jumped up again, yelling, I quickly hugged the mute by the waist, and said: "Hongsheng, run, if you don't run, I can't hold on anymore!" Zhao Hongsheng ran away, and after running a few feet away, he saw Xia Yi coming down from the ditch, and shouted: "Uncle Tianyi, Uncle Tianyi!" Xia Yi walked down, his face darkened, and said: "Fighted, fought here?" The mute said, I couldn't understand, Zhao Hongsheng couldn't understand, Xia Yi said: "You said that I came to Qiligou to protect my grave?" Zhao Hongsheng said: "I'm joking, but the dumb can't listen." Xia Yi said, "Did he hit you?" Zhao Hongsheng said, "He punched me." Xia Yi said, "You owe it! Your Uncle Tianyi It's not so bad!" Zhao Hongsheng said: "Uncle Tianyi, if I don't believe you, why would I come to Qiligou? I'm looking for soft legs?" Xia Yi said: "My grave is Qingyu's. Let his father-in-law from Wulin come to investigate, but I have decided to build the grave here. If this place is really a good cave, then it will be very good. After I die, I will be buried here to benefit the descendants of the Xia family. Qili The ditch is the Qiligou in Qingfeng Street, if it can be silted up, it will also benefit the descendants of Qingfeng Street." Zhao Hongsheng said: "That's right, in order to protect the grave, the ground must be silted, and the silted ground will naturally protect the grave!" Xia Yi said: "Look at your mouth! You speak so well. Why did you come to Qiligou today?" Zhao Hongsheng said: "I'm at home thinking about making a couplet for Qiligou!" Xia Yi laughed and said: " Make it up for me now!"

Xia Yi didn't get angry with Zhao Hongsheng, but he was still kind, so I was puzzled and said, "Uncle Tianyi, something good happened today?" Xia Yi said, "How do you know?" I said, "Don't you have a bad voice? " Xia Yi took out the stack of project materials from his arms, and said: "I want this back, look, your father and I didn't mess around back then!" The program report reads as follows: 1. Basic situation. Qingfeng Street is located in the southwest of Miaogou Reservoir, with the main canal of Miaogou Reservoir in the north (design flow rate 12m3/S).The village currently has an area of ​​1,000 mu of land, including 300 mu of beach land, 500 mu of plateau land, and 200 mu of slope land.There are 410 households and 2,120 people in the village, with an average per capita of less than 0.5 mu.

2. Feasibility analysis of flood diversion and silting land. 1.terrain. It is planned to divert water at the half-way of the reservoir inlet channel. The half-way is in the northwest of Qiligou. It is 1,200 meters long and the elevation of the canal bottom is 38 meters. The average elevation of Qiligou is 30-50 meters. Water the ground. 2.into the drain. The project plans to reroute the water inlet channel of the reservoir and build a reservoir with a bottom width of 200 meters and a slope of 1/1500. A water inlet sluice will be built in the half-cut road, and the 1,200-meter-long water inlet channel will divert water and silt land with a slope of I=1/1200. .

The silting land discharge time is staggered with the flood discharge time of the reservoir, which will not affect the flood discharge of the reservoir.The masses have a high sentiment towards the silting project, and the cadres have full confidence. In addition to being able to raise part of their own funds, they can mobilize a large number of volunteers. 3. Building design for flood diversion and silting works. 1.It is planned to complete 0.5 thousand mu of silted land in three years, silted twice a year, and each time it is flooded for 200 hours. The sediment concentration in the flood is calculated as 40%. rice.

2.The canal is 2,000 meters long, 200 meters wide at the bottom, 1:1 slope, 1/1500 gradient, and the section is a compound section, requiring 20,000m3 of earthwork. 3.The design of the intake sluice needs to have a steepness of 6?.5 meters, and the width of the sluice gate is 3 holes x 2 meters wide. Fourth, economic benefit analysis. After the ground is silted up, corn is mainly planted.Harvest corn 500kg/mu, straw 500kg/mu, corn price 0.60 yuan/kg, straw price 0.020 yuan/kg, annual net income 1.38 million yuan. I was reading this report, and there were two red-winged birds flying overhead. They must be a couple. They sang one long and one short. In the air, as if doing a kind of performance, the body slides down the ramp and falls into the bird's nest on my tree.It turned out that the pair of birds found my bird's nest on the tree, and also looked for the eggs they were about to hatch quietly in the bird's nest!I shouted loudly: "Uncle Tianyi, look, look!" Xia Yi was in front of the old dam site directing the mute to set the fire.The firecracker rang twice, and the huge sound wave hit the opposite cliff, and then came back from the opposite cliff and hit this side of the cliff. I felt that my feet were shaking.I hurriedly stabilized my tree, worried that the bird couple in the nest would panic, but they didn't move and lay quietly in the nest.Xia Yi shouted to me: "Yinsheng, you come and release, and you also come and release two guns!" I went over to release, and Xia Yi rubbed his back against the door frame of the wooden shed. When he was sleeping, the wooden shed shook violently, making him wince and grin because of the comfort.Zhao Hongsheng stood there, he was almost dumbfounded, Xia Yi said: "Have you drawn up the couplet yet?" Zhao Hongsheng said: "It's not very well drawn, you can take a look when you write it out." He put a stick on the ground Wrote "Learn to do some disadvantages; to enjoy more blessings for future generations".Xia Yi said: "Well, it's okay, I can write it to my heart!" Zhao Hongsheng said: "Am I a roundworm in my uncle's belly!" Xia Yi said: "What do you think I want to say now?" Zhao Hongsheng said: " Uncle wants to say: Hong Sheng, Uncle invites you to drink!" Xia Yi smiled and said: "You are such a good guy! But I don't invite you to drink, I invite you to eat jelly!"

After finishing work in the afternoon, Xia Yizhen invited Zhao Hongsheng to eat jelly.I don't understand Xia Yi, can't he see through Zhao Hongsheng?Cough, Xia Yi is good at everything, he just eats the soft but not the hard, he will be confused when others say good things about him!Xia Yi also bought jelly for me and the dumb, the dumb has no principles, he eats it, I don’t, with a wave of my hand, I went out of the restaurant and sat on the steps of the Temple of Earth diagonally opposite.The autumn crops are completely harvested, and the corn stalks and straws are piled up everywhere in the streets and alleys. Whoever piles up the sesame stalks at the gate of the temple, I kick them with my feet.After kicking halfway down, Xia Li came over from the west and asked me whose sesame stalks are you kicking?I said: "Who is blind and piled sesame stalks at the temple gate?!" Xia Li said: "You madman, your skin is itchy, are you looking for a beating?" I said: "Let me beat you, my skin is itchy My hands are still itchy!" Xia Li said: "Forget it, why don't you think it's pitiful!" I couldn't understand what he said, so I watched him walk by and asked, "Uncle Tianli, what are you doing?" Didn’t you go to the provincial capital, why are you back?” Xia Li said, “The provincial capital is where we stay for a long time?” I said, “Why did you come back, take my brother Lei Qing’s bus?” Xia Li said He said something that made me go down for a while, and he said: "I came back by Xia Feng's car." Xia Feng also came back?I didn't want to see Xia Feng, so I raised my body, patted the dirt on my butt, and went back to my home in the alley.That evening, there was a burning cloud in the sky, and the donkeys in the dyeing workshop brayed for an hour.

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