Home Categories contemporary fiction Qin opera

Chapter 10 ten

Qin opera 贾平凹 5169Words 2018-03-19
Qingyu went to the brick yard to pull bricks, but Sanju didn't raise the price, and gave him an extra thousand yuan, Qingyu felt that Sanju was enough loyalty.Anyone who is loyal enough is a wicked person. If he wants to treat you well, he will cut off the flesh of his body for you to eat, but if he offends him, he will bite you with his mouth.Qingyu got a bargain, put one hundred yuan into Sanju's hand, and said, "I won't invite you to the restaurant, you can buy wine yourself!" Sanju said, "I'm a preferential intellectual, if you Give me something if you want." Qingyu asked, "What?" Sanju said, "When your father-in-law passed away the year before last, we went to dig the tomb. There was an old porcelain backflow jug in his house. Now that he has passed away, it is useless to leave it there. , you bring it to me to warm the wine." Qingyu said: "It was originally a trivial matter, and I will not be reluctant, but when I took it back, Juwa objected to my drinking and gave it to my fourth uncle, which is not good I want more." San Po said: "You are the one who crosses the river and catches the water, can you send your fourth uncle? You don't want to, but you have to make arrangements for me!" Qingyu said: "Arrange What?" Sanju said, "I have to learn from you, collecting money and women!" Qingyu said, "Don't talk nonsense!" Sanju said, "Zhao Hongsheng showed you sexually transmitted diseases, didn't he?" Qingyu said : "This Zhao Hongsheng planted me so stupidly, I am angry, where is..." Sanji said: "Qingyu, it is not your patent to get sexually transmitted diseases, you can't let me get it too?! I Seeing Hei'e's girl come to her house, you have to let me know!" Qingyu said: "I can't pull this pimp." Sanju said: "Okay, Qingyu, I won't recognize you once you pull away. Huh? Let me tell you, you still need tiles to build a house!"

With the bricks, Qingyu raised soil on the allotted village foundation and rooted the walls.The rule of Qingfeng Street is to exchange jobs for weddings, whites, weddings and funerals. If you help my family this time, I will help your family next time. I only need to pay for food, not wages.Qingyu hired a few well-known plasterers on Dongxizhong Third Street, and then hired a few small workers on Dongjie Street, and said hello to all four households of Xia's family. Days, when firecrackers are crackled, construction begins. After Junting and Junqi returned from the county, they went to the township government several times to secure funds, and then returned to the county to buy a new transformer for installation. They all lost weight.Hearing that Qingyu was building a house, he asked his daughter-in-law Maqiao to help.Maqiao's front teeth were raised, her mouth was raised, and she repeatedly explained that Junting hadn't visited the house for several days and nights, so she couldn't come. Juwa said, "We didn't expect him, just come here." She raised three pigs, and she had to go home to feed them three times a day. Every time she took a wooden bucket and put it in Juwa's kitchen, she would put any slop in it, and if there were leftovers, she would go to them when no one was looking. Fall inside.Juwa told Laba not to leave the kitchen, lest Maqiao take everything back to feed the pigs.

Xia Li was invited to take care of the site, but no one could direct him. He just kept picking up the nails, wires, and half-bricks thrown away by the craftsmen, and the dumb man messed up the cement bag when mixing the cement. It was broken, because Wen Cheng put too much tea in the teapot.When the sun reached the top of the head, people's shadows shrank on the ground. Someone said: "Call work, wash and eat!" Before the baby came to ask for dinner, the big and small workers didn't bother to move anymore, and listened to Zhongxing's father explaining yin and yang.Zhongxing’s father has a goatee, and the little nail on his right hand is very long. While digging out earwax, he talked about how people reincarnate: a person will die for 24 hours. If the top of the head is still warm, the soul will go to heaven. Yes, if the chest is warm, it means reincarnated as a human. If the abdomen is warm, it means that it has turned into a domestic animal. If the legs are warm, it means that it has become a bird. If the feet are warm, then it will go to hell. .Others asked: "They have all been reincarnated, what do ghosts say, are there still ghosts?" Zhongxing's father said: "Of course there are ghosts. Ghosts have escaped the cycle of reincarnation, so they are called wandering ghosts. If a person suffers If he dies suddenly, or if he dies with some kind of anger, he will become a ghost after he dies." Someone asked again: "That Li Jian from West Street was working in the provincial capital, and he fell off a scaffold and died, so he must have become a ghost." " Zhong Xing's father said: "Surely a ghost has changed." Others said: "It really is true! Li Jian's mother said that there was a noise in the kitchen every night, and it was the sound of bowls and chopsticks. She said: "Jian'er Jian'er, my poor baby is so hungry, go away, mother will burn some paper on your grave." Zhongxing's father said, "Think about it, how many cases are there every year in our area, petty theft It can’t be solved, but there was a murder case in the tea house, and it was solved within a week. It’s not that the people in the police station can do it, it’s the ghost who is chasing the murderer!” One person said: “Is Li Jian’s ghost still there? " Zhongxing's father said: "Are you there?" The man said: "Still there? You know how to figure it out, where is he?" Zhongxing's father said: "Do you owe Li Jian money? "The man turned pale and sweated profusely.Xia Li said: "Don't listen to his nonsense!" Zhong Xing's father said: "I'm not talking nonsense." Mouth gurgling, like rice soup in a bottle, he raised his head and said, "It will take an hour before Juwa comes to call someone." Xia Li said, "Fuck you, now let's call it a day and go eat With a wow, everyone was no longer afraid of ghosts, and filled their stomachs with a starving ghost, so they packed up their tools and ran to Qingyu's house.

Xia Li told Qingyu about the situation of building the house, Qingyu stopped letting Zhongxing's father go to help after dinner.Without Zhongxing's father, it is not lively, but Xia Zhi is here.When Xia Zhi came, he would definitely not do any work, and the mute had to bring him a chair, so he could sit and smoke hookah.He doesn't command people, but no one dares to be passive and sabotage the work without commanding people. All the big and small workers are sweating, as if they were fished out of the river, and they are still working with their buttocks up.The boss of the Lu family on West Street received Xia Zhi’s pension from the County Education Bureau on his behalf, and asked someone to bring it. Xia Zhi dipped his fingers in his saliva and counted them one by one. So much money every month!" Xia Zhi said: "Not much." Everyone said: "Not much?! When will you buy us a drink!" Xia Zhi said: "Drink, drink, come to my house to drink at night!" Everyone said "How about drinking now!" Xia Li said, "What kind of wine are you drinking now? I'm helping Qingyu with work. If you want to drink, ask Qingyu to buy wine after work." Everyone said: "The fourth uncle is here, and the third uncle is not you. Supervisor." Xia Zhi said, "I'll listen to Qin opera for everyone, listening to Qin opera is more exciting than drinking, dumb, dumb!" The dumb was playing with mud and said: "Wow!" Xia Zhi said: "You come to my sleeping room Bring the radio!" The radio was brought, but Qin Opera couldn't be picked up anyway, so he kept beating on the machine.Xia Li complained, but he couldn't criticize Xia Zhi, saying: "People are like this machine, they don't beat and make no sound." Xia Zhi said: "There is a propaganda team on the battlefield!" started singing.As soon as the Qin opera was played, people became energetic, and the bricklayers sang along while laying bricks, and the trowels still made the bricks croak.Those who move bricks also run away, and those who carry mud bags also run away.The hand carrying the mud bag was stained with mud, and when he fell, the mud splashed on Xia Li's nose and face.

On this day, Xia Zhi took the radio and played the Qin opera for everyone. There was too much noise on the radio. Xia Zhi hummed the tune with his mouth and said, "It's hot, let me sing "Boat on the Lake." sing. Everyone clapped their hands and said, "Good! Good!" Xia Zhi's face was as big as a pot.Everyone said: "Uncle Si sings so well, when did he learn it?" Xia Zhi said: "I studied in the 'Cultural Revolution' middle school. At that time, I was locked in a cowshed and criticized for three hours a day. I didn't want to live. In the middle of the night, I tied the rope to the window and tied it up. Who is singing Qin opera in the toilet outside the cowshed. The singing is very good! I didn’t put the rope around my neck, and I thought: What the hell? I have never sung such a good opera before! So I untied the rope again. This Qin Opera saved my life! But I can’t sing well, not as good as Bai Xue.” Everyone said: “Look at Fourth Uncle Speaking of the daughter-in-law's name is so affectionate! Let Bai Xuelai sing too, fourth uncle is not willing?" Xia Zhi said: "Is it okay, is it okay." With his eyes, he saw Laishun leading a child over , The child has a round head, with a bunch of hair tied up, like a garlic sprout, and kowtows when lying in front of him.Xia Zhi asked: "Who are you?" The child said: "I am Zhang Changzhang." Xia Zhi said: "The name is too awkward!" Said: "I know you, Uncle Xia Feng." The child said: "I know." Xia Zhi said: "Just learn from him and call him Zhang Xuefeng, and he will stand out in the future!" Lai Shun said: "The fourth uncle is right, this baby is spiritual. Very good, I can still sing Qin opera, let my baby sing a part." When she sang, it was really good.Xia Zhi said: "It's okay, it's okay, remember, if you can sing Qin Opera, you must learn it well!" Laishun said: "You can study well, but his father can't do it, so the baby has to drop out of school." Xia Zhi Said: "Who is his father?" Laishun said: "Is it Zhang Ba who is behind the pot? This summer, Zhang Ba is so bent that he can't lift his head. He can't earn a penny, and he can't do the work in the field. If you can’t afford tuition and miscellaneous fees, you won’t let him go to school.” Xia Zhi said, “This is Zhang Ba’s doll? No matter how poor you are, you can’t lose your child. You did it!" Laishun hurriedly pressed Zhang Xuefeng on the ground and kowtowed again, making a loud knock.As soon as Xia Zhi left, everyone talked about Zhang Xuefeng's singing of Qin opera, which was completely planned by Laishun.Laishun also admitted, saying: "The fourth uncle is the only one who rescued this child! Why don't you find the third uncle?" Xia Li heard it and said: "I have no money, even if I have money, I don't want to eat. Who will give me a second uncle?" Shakufive's tall hat!"

Having said that, I have to interject.In Qingfeng Street, almost everyone is stingy, but Xia Li is the most stingy. Others are stingy because they are poor. Xia Li should be rich. I don’t understand how stingy he is.He once had a quarrel with his third aunt, and I bumped into him in the small restaurant of Shuzheng’s wife, and I said, “Hey, third uncle is out of the restaurant too?” Come on, have a sesame seed cake!" The sesame seed cake is the kind of sesame seed sticky, he took a bite, and a sesame seed fell into the crack of the table, and he couldn't get it out when he picked it out, and he couldn't get it out again, so I said: "Three Uncle, if I slap the table, you can catch it with your hands." He slapped the table violently, and the sesame seeds jumped out of the cracks of the table so high that he reached out and caught them.There are four brothers in the Xia family, Xia Ren died early, I don't understand, Xia Yi has been working in the countryside, so his body is naturally strong, but Xia Zhi and Xia Li's bodies are very different.I asked Xia Yi once: "I heard from Xia Yu that my fourth uncle rarely catches a cold on weekdays, how can he take good care of himself?" Xia Yi said, "There is a secret, do you want to learn it?" I said, "What is the secret? " Xia Yi said: "Do more good deeds!" Xia Yi's words may be right, but Xia Li is petty and selfish, although he has been sick and listless, but every time he gets sick and dies, he comes back to life , why?Whenever I see Xia Li, he either sneaks around with a rag bag to sell silver dollars at the market, or he takes a medicine jar to the crossroads to pour out the medicine residue.I guess, every morning when he wakes up to make medicine, what is boiled in the medicine pot is not Chinese herbal medicine, but cut RMB into pieces and boiled to drink RMB soup.

Those who built the new house, those craftsmen and small workers, including Qingyu, were most reluctant to let Xia Yi come, but Xia Yi still came.Xia Yi took a look at the scene and felt something was wrong, so he measured Zhuang Ji's width with his steps.Qingman said: "Father, father, Shangshan personally measured this with a ruler." Xia Yi said: "Do you trust Shangshan or your father?!" Xia Yi really measured Zhuang Ji's things a whole step wider, He said: "Turn the wall back in!" Qingman said: "Are you making my brother angry?" Xia Yi said: "You're talking nonsense! I'm angry and you don't care?!" The root of the wall has already been built One foot high, Qingman was unwilling to demolish it, saying that he would wait for Qingyu to come. Xia Yi kicked a section of the wall with his foot, and the section of the wall fell down.He said: "If you occupy the group's more land, others can occupy more land!" He squatted there and ate black cigarettes, watching Qingman and the others push down the root of the wall and start digging up soil at the place where they took a step back. Digging.Wen Cheng had already run to tell Qingyu, and Qingyu came, feeling a little guilty, and stood not far away looking this way.Da Hong's head was shining, everyone was wearing straw hats, Xia Yi was bald, and the thick flesh on the back of his neck was black and red and shiny.He said: "Wencheng, why don't you get your grandfather a straw hat?" Xia Yi said straightly, "I told you to stick the bottom of the wall in!" Qingyu said: "If you stick it in, stick it in, I have to put my father's words on hold!" Xia Yi's face became lively immediately, and he said, "Is the brick ready?" Qingyu said, "It's in order." Xia Yi said, "Where's the wood?" Qingyu said, "Is it still ready?" I owe three pillars, and it is already solid, but I haven’t pulled it back.” Xia Yi was about to leave with his hands behind his back, but he asked: “You are building a house at home, who is teaching the school?” Qingyu said: “Just For the dozen or so students, I assigned them homework for self-study." Xia Yi said: "What are you talking about? How dare you delay the students' class?!" Qingyu said: "Listen to me..." Xia Yi said: "Listen to what you said? You go to school now, come back when you find a substitute teacher, and don't come back if you can't find a substitute teacher!" Qingyu said, "All right, all right." Watching Xia Yi leave.

As soon as Xia Yi left, Laishun said, "Qingyu, are you afraid of your father?" Qingyu said, "When I meet this father, I'm a hard-headed man. What can I do? Whoever builds a house will not take more points. Why don't we just pretend that my father is Chairman Mao!" Lai Shun said, "You Qingyu, don't tell me that, if it's really my fault, how can you be so good? Once these three rooms are built, although the land next to them is empty, others can’t build another house, and the land is ruined by chickens and dogs, after all, it’s still not yours?” Qingyu laughed and said: “It seems that I have to invite you When you drink, shut your mouth first!" Lai Shun said: "You are a teacher, you keep your word, so go get the wine now!" But Qing Yu said: "You are greedy, I am going to school now!"

But Qingyu didn't go to Baimaogou School, but went straight to Zhang Bajia on West Street.Zhang Ba lived in the landlord's house during the land reform. The house collapsed two years ago, and he lived in the breeding room in the early years of West Street. The rafters of the collapsed old house are no longer usable, but there are three pillars and four Linghua lattice windows. .Qingyu had already ordered three pillars, then bargained back and bought the windows cheaply, and carried them back in a cage.When I came back, I saw Bai Xue was helping to wash the vegetables in the kitchen, and his mother also came with a cane, and he said, "Ju Wa, mother is here!" Ju Wa said, "What is she doing here, if she can't do the work, she will be in the way! "The second aunt was not annoyed when she heard this, she sat on the side and rolled her eyes, her ears caught everyone talking, and when she heard Bai Xue washing the vegetables, she said: "Bai Xue, you rest, let them do it." Bai Xue saw her clothes There was dirt on it, and she came to beat it, but the second aunt grabbed Bai Xue, touched Bai Xue's face, and said, "Oh, is your face as smooth as glass, did the second aunt stain your face?" Then she said to herself "Blessed is Xia Feng, an ugly person married a good wife!" Zhu Qing said: "The daughters-in-law of the Xia family are all flowers stuck in cow dung!" The second aunt said: "What kind of flowers are you? Dog tail flower! Xia Feng is ugly, he is so talented, he went to university, and read books as thick as bricks! Bai Xue, did you graduate from high school?" Bai Xue said: "I didn't graduate. I am not worthy of you Xia Feng!" Second aunt Said: "What do women study so much? They can use their hands when they go out, they can live at home, and they just need to have a few more dolls." Bai Xue smiled and asked when the second aunt's eyes would disappear?The second aunt said: "It's been seven years, and everything is black." Bai Xue looked at the second aunt's eyelids, and recognized it as a cataract, saying that such a disease can be cured, and it will be fine with an operation.The second aunt shouted: "Qingtang, Qingtang!" Qingtang burned a fire stick to burn the hair on a pig's head, and said, "What's the matter?" The second aunt said, "Bai Xue said that my eyes can be cured, you give me I'll fix it!" Qingtang fell silent.Qingman's daughter-in-law helped Qingtang pull the pig's ears. The pig's eyes were closed, and the pig's forehead was full of wrinkles. She said: "You are an old disease, how can you cure it!" Bai Xue said: "It can be cured!" Qingman The daughter-in-law said: "When are you going to the provincial capital Baixue? Take your second aunt with you when you go, and you must have an operation on her!" Baixue said, "All right." Cursing her lips, the blind daughter-in-law said: "When you get old, you have to have a disease. If you don't have the disease, don't you die?!"

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