Home Categories contemporary fiction gallop like a boy

Chapter 25 twenty five

gallop like a boy 韩寒 1531Words 2018-03-19
Zhou Lun sang in such a way that many of the judges who had chosen him as the first prize were quite embarrassed. It's okay to sing out of tune, but it's more troublesome to sing pornographically.In the end, the group of judges decided to award Zhou Lun the Best Typhoon Award after urgent discussions.The reason for giving the Best Typhoon Award is that after Zhou Lun accidentally sang a lewd song, he still has professional ethics and did not leave the stage halfway. It is not easy to carry the lewd song to the end. The character Zhou Lun has had a great influence on me in the future. For the first time, he made me realize the importance of power, which is higher than the rights you try your best to defend.

Three years later in the summer, I left this messy school and entered a normal university in another place, which meant that I entered an even messier place. 81 This is the first time I have traveled far since I was a child. With a yearning for a beautiful girl in a beautiful city, I climbed on the train in a daze and went to a city called Yeshan. When Shanghai was far away from me, I gradually felt at a loss. , and fell into a very inexplicable sentimentality, unable to extricate himself. 82 I bought a ticket for the lower berth, and this incident taught me that no matter what, I should never buy a ticket for the lower berth, because my middle berth has very smelly feet, and when I was sitting on the bed and looking out the window, I was in a daze and was sad At that time, my middle berth arrived in a hurry, and the first thing he did was to take off his shoes to show his feet, and then put his things on the bed.Originally this was beyond reproach, but the turning point of the whole thing was that when he came down, he hit my pillow with his foot.After my pillow was trampled on, my top bunk came hastily, and because the man was bloated, he had difficulty climbing onto the top bunk, so he sat on my bed, not wanting to return, until dusk, I I couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to ask this person to move, but unexpectedly found that this person was sleeping soundly in my bed.So I had to climb up to the top bunk again.The space on the upper bunk is small, and the car has no air-conditioning. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I climbed down again and sat in the aisle of the train, looking at the darkness outside.

83 In the middle of the night, the train stops at a small station along the way. The timetable shows that the stop time at this station is three minutes. I was still half asleep before the train stopped, and I fell asleep when it stopped. Nothing, rushing out of the train like crazy, and walking around on the platform.Across from me was an air-conditioned car with the windows closed, and suddenly a person rushed down, ran to the corner to urinate, and then got into the car in good spirits.I saw that the car said to Shanghai, so I had an urge to go back immediately.A minute later, impulse turned into action. I jumped on the train and was chased off by the conductor. The last thing the conductor said to me was, you are so hot and dizzy, you want to turn on the air conditioner.

I was full of disappointment with the school that year, but I didn't pretend to be sharp-minded like most people, and then scolded the school for all kinds of inadequacies.I firmly believe that when a person is completely disappointed in something, his opinion is only four words, nothing to say.And those people who keep scolding the principal and the teacher from waking up to going to sleep, if the school adds 10 points to their college entrance examination, or rewards him with school flowers, this person will definitely write in the weekly diary: Thank the school for giving I such an opportunity.As for me being mixed up like this now, I also want to say: thank the school for giving me such an opportunity.

The above are my thoughts after being scolded by the conductor, and I take this idea intact on the train.The person on my bunk had disappeared, and I guessed that he was going to the toilet, so I immediately went to sleep without taking off my shoes, and pretended to be dead asleep.Three minutes after the train started, the man arrived. I pretended to be in a deep sleep after I heard the noise. The man was probably puzzled for a while, and then he patted my thigh and said, brother, why are you sleeping in my bunk? 84 This extremely slow car drove for a whole night, and finally stopped at a big station. I checked the map and found that the distance we moved this night was five centimeters.If it were replaced with a world map, it would be gratifying. Unfortunately, this is a tourist map of XX Province.Then I discovered the fact that we are still dozens of centimeters away from our destination.

Because I had nothing to do, I started to sit by the window and sort out how I got to where I am today. During the process of thinking, I forgot to sleep and eat, and when I realized that it was already afternoon, I realized that I hadn’t even eaten lunch.So I can't help but sigh, this is what people say is the driving force of thought.Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be as practical as the power of the train, although if the train had such power, I might have reached that place a few tens of centimeters earlier. On the way, I had a very strong urge to write to someone.My upper berth has already met a prostitute, the two of them have very similar personalities, they have been broadcasting the news on my bed, and at dusk the next day, another one came in, and they became a threesome.At this time, I have completed two letters, one for two good friends of mine, and the content of the letter is basically as follows:

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