Home Categories contemporary fiction gallop like a boy

Chapter 13 Thirteen

gallop like a boy 韩寒 1401Words 2018-03-19
The second method of this publicity is that when everyone wears more clothes in winter, let the students run five laps first when they come up. Sweating on the body can easily catch a cold if it is not drained, so give everyone three minutes to take off their clothes.Gosh, three minutes, that's a lot of undressing. In winter, female students usually wear woolen sweaters inside, which are tighter and their figure is clear at a glance.At this time, this person immediately analyzed and processed these girls, and then stored the data of some plump students, waiting for the summer to come. Another thing is to let female students do strength training, such as dumbbells. Usually, girls are not given the kind of weight that they can lift at once. They have to add a few catties to it, and then observe which beautiful girls cannot lift it in the corner. , immediately appeared behind them, with their bodies clinging to each other, moving their hands from behind, tightly holding the hands of those beautiful girls, and holding both hands, mercilessly, and then using the muscles of their hips, moving forward One top, lift the dumbbells in the right direction, and repeat this movement countless times.

After the matter was over, the group of beautiful girls said to the pervert: Thank you, teacher. Because of the physical contact, this trick is deeply liked by some physical education teachers. If a few dumbbells are stolen, they will buy them with their own money. If there is a leak in the gymnastics room, they will rush to repair it in the rain. At the end of the year, they will be rated as model workers. Our wild wolf teacher went to the gymnastics room for a walk as soon as he arrived at the school, and then bought a few chest expansion machines by himself to complete the sex tools.So every time I go to physical education class, the one who pulls that thing in the corner must be a beautiful woman.The wolf's euphemistic name is: intensive training.

At that time, I had a friend named Da Ben, whose girlfriend was Ban Hua, who belonged to the key spying target of wild wolves.Once in physical education class, when the wild wolf was hugging the class flower, Da Ben threw a dumbbell at the wild wolf. The girl next to him screamed, and the wild wolf reacted quickly. It is estimated that this kind of situation has happened many times before. The wolf dislocated his shoulder and was hospitalized for a week before being rushed out of the hospital.Da Ben was demerited by the school. One day later, Da Ben's father drove over in a Mercedes-Benz and quickly transferred Da Ben to another school.

Since then, Da Ben and that group of flowers have never met each other. After the dumbbell was dropped, that group of flowers turned pale with fright, and then yelled at Da Ben, ah, you are crazy, you are so small-minded.Then he threw the dumbbells to increase the lethality of the weapon, and rushed over with a barbell, but was unfortunately hugged by other physical education teachers who came. At that time, the girlfriend who was not hugged by the physical education teacher had a dream of being a physical education teacher when she grew up; the one who was hugged was to be a principal, who could eliminate the physical education teacher.

48 I told Yifan about this, and Yifan couldn't stop laughing. After I finished speaking, if I become a physical education teacher in the future, I won't give boys dumbbells and barbells to practice. 49 Now we continue with Yifan's life experience.Yifan has been a physical education teacher for three months and feels too free.I don't have any feelings about the convenience of picking up girls, and then this person has been a sports reporter for a year.Several times watching the game, I almost couldn't hold myself back and ran on the field.One day Yifan went to watch the game, and the news said that several new players would be introduced, so Yifan set up his camera and aimed at the exits of the players with a telephoto, hoping to vividly capture the appearance of the new players.When the two new players came on the field, Yifan collapsed on the spot and almost fell to the ground. It turned out that those new players were players from the former junior sports school. They played with him, and one of them scored in that game. The guy who became famous in one fell swoop with three goals used to be Yifan's substitute in this position.

After the game, Yifan went up to interview, hugged the guy who scored three goals in a row, and asked each other what they were doing recently. The other sports reporters were so jealous.Then Yifan asked him, how much is your monthly salary.The guy said, I'm a new player, just picked up from the second team, probably only five or six thousand a month. Hearing this, Yifan was very pleased, thinking that he was not much different from Lao Tzu anyway. One and a half months later, the player scored eight goals and became a rookie. Yifan kindly went to interview him.The guy said, anyway, there will be a press conference in ten minutes, so come back then.Yifan said, I want something exclusive.The guy said, don't, the so-called exclusive things are the privacy of the players, how can privacy be talked about casually.Then into the living room.

Yifan was greatly stimulated, what do you think of you boy, you were still wearing my fucking socks back then.You're so private, I can fucking count everyone you've ever chased.
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