Home Categories contemporary fiction gallop like a boy

Chapter 8 Eight

gallop like a boy 韩寒 1857Words 2018-03-19
Then I did a stupid thing, humming for a long time and asked the old lady, do you remember me.The old lady was startled, then nodded desperately, and said, remember, you have been buying cigarettes from me, you are a regular customer. The above is the process of my first visit to this old lady to buy cigarettes. 19 I walked into the classroom and saw people nodding and bowing one after another. I found one who was free and asked: Did you see Chen Xiaolu?I even forgot who that person was, but that person remembered me, not only me, but also the matter between me and Chen Xiaolu, so he said loudly: Chen Xiaolu has gone to Hong Kong.Then a large group of people gathered around, pointing out that I shouldn't have chased Chen Xiaolu away back then, seeing how well she's doing now, she's a strong woman.

I asked them when Chen Xiaolu went to Hong Kong.The answers are varied, but one thing I am sure of is three years ago.That's why I don't understand who I saw in Jianguo Hotel that day.I left early after I got what I wanted.It is said that the two most promising people selected by the monitor that day were Chen Lu and Chen Xiaolu, because one was in Australia and the other was in Hong Kong, although they didn't know what they were doing. And those of us who were present stayed in Shanghai. 20 When Lao Qiang and I saw the woman disappearing from the corner, Lao Qiang sighed again and said, Shanghai woman.

I said, another day, you also go to sugar daddy. Old Gun said, good advice. We took another elevator to go downstairs and find a supermarket to buy things. twenty one About a few months later, I learned that Chen Xiaolu had returned to Shanghai from Hong Kong to visit her family.It was almost the Spring Festival, so I called the place where Chen Xiaolu's parents lived, exchanged pleasantries, and asked her what she was doing, and she said she was on business.Then I must have thought that I was going to borrow money from her, and hurriedly said, I didn’t do well, I lost money, and I owe someone else a debt.

Then Chen Xiaolu's mother asked her to eat.Just like when I called her when I was a child. Finally I asked her, hello, Chen Xiaolu, where were you before one o'clock in December this year? She first replied to her mother, oh, here we come.Then he said to me, in Hong Kong. I said, really, then I saw a person very similar to you in Jianguo Hotel. Chen Xiaolu smiled, oh, really, what a coincidence.I also met a person very similar to you on Nathan Road in Hong Kong. I said, oh. Chen Xiaolu then hurriedly said, I am going to eat, and we will keep in touch in the future.Then hang up the phone.

This is our last contact. twenty two Old Gun and I were staying in the hotel, and we planned to stay up until midnight and make the most of it.But we collapsed before about nine o'clock, the reason being, it was too damn comfortable. twenty three At eleven o'clock in the morning of the next day, we checked out, found a tea house nearby, and sat down because it was warm inside.When we sat until dusk, we showed amazing perseverance.We walked from Xujiahui to Changning District, and passed a beautiful building. It was a row of neat houses, and I couldn't tell what the architectural style was. Lao Qiang said, this is a good place, and we will live in it in the future.

When we approached it, we found that there were still guards standing in front of the house.We couldn't help sighing that it must be a good place, only people with status live in it, otherwise it would be wasteful with such strict guards.Going a little closer we were utterly disappointed because the house was a fire brigade dormitory. twenty four We climbed four flights of stairs to our dwelling.Among the valuable things inside are two broken computers that would take a day to open if Windows 98 is installed, and there is an early Three Kingdoms game inside.A quad-speed optical drive is installed on my machine, and I use it to watch all kinds of pirated movies.This optical drive has been trained by us to be supernatural. Because of reading pirated movies all the year round, this thing only knows pirated CDs.Once, Lao Qiang and I got a genuine disc, but failed to read it for a long time.

In addition we have a portable CD player.It seems that it has never rested since I bought it, except when changing discs.We have six or seven CDs here, one is Qi Qin's selection, which Lao Qiang loves to listen to.It is said that Qi Qin's songs are suitable for listening in Shanghai, but the question is, do we live in Shanghai?One is a famous campus ballad. When I first saw this CD, I bought it without hesitation, because the first song in it was by Lao Lang, called "Yesterday and Today".Thinking that the whole CD was put together by old wolf Ye Bei and Chen Qing, it would be nice to be able to bring together people who are not from the same record company while praising the pirated stuff while paying.When I came back and took a closer look, there were three songs by Laolang, "Yesterday and Today", "You at the Same Table" and "Love Has Been a Song".Unexpectedly, there is something about grandma, and the old gun pipe is called Nanni Wan of grandma.One disc is a selection of the Beatles, including "LET IT BE", "YESTERDAY", "THINK FOR YOURSELF" and so on. Only one song is missing, and the life of the Beatles is in it.One is Kenny Kicky's SAXPHONE, there must be him in it. I have heard this disc countless times, and it seems that it is the tune that I play back and forth.Lao Qiang loves to listen to saxophone most, the reason is that when Lao Qiang imagines that person playing such a big guy, it must be very painful.One is a song sung by a guy named Wenwen.Before 1999, all we knew was that articles could only be used for publication, but we didn't expect to be able to sing.Later, I found out that that guy was specialized in covering other people’s songs, because there are many songs he sang that both I and Lao Qiang like very much, and it’s too expensive to buy them separately. It happened that a guy sang those songs together and bought them. Although the sound is worse.There is also a disc that belongs to the old gun purchase mistake.I bought that disc at the subway station. At that time, the radio yelled that the train was about to enter the station. Everyone pay attention to safety and so on. Lao Qiang was impatient for a while, took a Daming’s disc, paid for it, and ran to the train. , No matter how carefully I looked at it, I always felt something strange.Everyone has studied it for a long time and can't understand it.In the end, the old gun yelled, "Damn it, I bought a VCD."

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