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Chapter 5 Fives

gallop like a boy 韩寒 2610Words 2018-03-19
During Tieniu's hospitalization, Shujun and I visited many times and expressed our most sincere condolences to Tieniu.Tieniu said that he should take good care of his illness, strive for a speedy recovery, and contribute to the cause of socialist construction as soon as possible. The first thing Tieniu did after he was discharged from the hospital was to take Jianshe 50 for a ride.The three of us covered the car again, but this time Shujun's speed rarely exceeded fifty.When the car drove past the place where our accident happened, Tieniu said that his right foot was aching.We drove to a very strange place, and the car was almost out of gas.But Shujun firmly believes that the gas station is in the field of hope. Tieniu's view is that the gas station is far away, and I don't think there will be a gas station in front of it.Later, we pushed the cart and walked for 30 minutes, only to see a place where motorcycles were repaired. We bought two liters of oil from the owner at a high price and restarted Qingqi.Unexpectedly, after driving for two minutes, there was a gas station in front of it.

In the future, this construction of Qingqi will belong to Shujun.The original owner of the car got into a fight with someone, was cut in the neck and died on the spot.This was a group fight, and with the idea of ​​everyone participating in the national fitness, the number of people in this scuffle exceeded fifty.It is not clear who cut the knife at the end.So all the people were detained for fifteen days. Shujun was very excited about this god-given car.The last time I passed by the grave of the dead car owner, Mr. Shu got out of the car to mourn in silence. Tieniu said that you should say a few words, so the dead can hear you.So Shujun held back for a long time, and finally said, thank you for the car.At that time, I was extremely disgusted by this remark. If everyone is dead, can't you say something nice and sincere?In fact, these words are the most sincere, because he died.

Let's talk about something bright.Bright things from my childhood.For example, once I got a 100 in an exam, I thought what a wonderful world this is.But the world was only beautiful for two hours. After two hours, our English teacher surnamed Yang called me to the office, gave me the same test paper and said, you do it again.So I finished it conscientiously, but unfortunately, the score this time was only 95 points.There's a word called FUTURE, I forgot how it's spelled.I remember that I was blindfolded during the exam, and the result was on the same test paper, but I was excited for two hours, and I forgot about it.Teacher Yang looked at me, and the class teacher surnamed Liu next to me was indeed an interdisciplinary talent. She said to Teacher Yang: With my decades of experience in teaching and educating people, this must be copied.She talked about educating people very loudly, and the consequence was that I failed the exam this time.I have forgotten what grade this was in.I just remember such a thing related to Guangming, because my English teacher's name is Yang Guangming.

There will always be bright things in the future. At the end of the third grade, Tieniu's test scores in various subjects showed a bright trend.At the time he didn't seem to be passing anything except athletics and fine arts.This summer, Tie Niu's father practiced Tie Niu all day long, experimenting with various weapons.But under the coercion of my parents, I studied hard and made progress every day.There are sixty days in the summer vacation, and I am extremely bored.When it is approaching July, I always feel inexplicably nervous because of the arrival of summer vacation.When I thought about it in June, how happy I was to play marbles, swim, watch animation, chat, and play games during summer vacation.But halfway through the summer vacation, I doubted my previous thoughts until the next June.I did research on this, and concluded that last summer I only played marbles twice, swam once, watched TV for half an hour every day, chatted with my parents, and went to a friend’s house to play games once.I began to wonder why these things supported the happiness of my summer vacation. The reason is that in everyone's memory, there are two things that are deeply remembered, happy and painful.The fastest to forget is the boring.My summer vacation has been spent in boredom, but I feel more open-minded than at school, because I can not see my class teacher and others for 60 days.

I lay on the window sill, only seeing a chimney in the distance, and countless trees.Countless cicadas shouted on it.So I remembered that our composition has not been completed yet.Because every summer vacation, my first sentence in the "Summer Vacation Experience" arranged is always: summer vacation is here, cicadas call on the tree.I started using this when I was in sixth grade.When I was in the first year of junior high school, I felt tired and felt that there must be some colorful beginnings, so I conceived for a long time. As a result, the beginning of my experience that summer vacation was: Cicadas screamed on the tree, summer vacation is here.I think I'm tired of it, but I'm not tired of knowing it. Every summer, I sing endlessly and enjoy it.

Tie Niu’s summer arrangement is: get up at 5:00 every morning, go fishing for shrimps floating on the water, go home at 7:00, continue to sleep, get up at 9:00, watch "Calabash Brothers", eat at 11:00, take a nap at 12:00, Woke up at 3:00 p.m., watched a cartoon called "Seaman". After watching it, my blood was surging, I went to find a wooden pole, put a handle on it, ran to the alley, raised my sword to the sky, and said: Give me strength, I'm Seaman...and his dream is to take revenge on all those who don't like him.Eat watermelon at seven in the evening and go to bed at eight.

During a summer vacation, Tieniu and I went out to collect scrap iron and sell it for money. When we arrived at the big chimney, we saw a lot of scrap iron.However, at that time, the way to get rich through hard work was relatively narrow. I saw that the kid from the next class was picking it up, so we almost fought over these discarded things.Then the rest of our days revolved around discussing what would happen if we fought, living in fantasy. At a certain time, people around me leave one after another. When a person gets familiar and leaves faster and faster, I find that it has been a long time since I met the person who was with me day and night.One of my buddies, Tieniu, has disappeared and cannot be found.Tieniu's first girlfriend, Chen Lu, was pregnant in high school and took abortion pills without permission, which caused severe bleeding. She was dragged to the school infirmary and expelled a week later.A month later, she went to Melbourne to study in high school. When she was in transit in Sydney, she met her former classmates, but no one said hello.This is understandable if you are in Shanghai.Then Chen Lu lived alone in Melbourne, and no longer had anything to do with Shanghai.

2 Some time later I had the misfortune to enter another circle of hooligans.My colleague, a guy named Lao Gun, became my friend.This man graduated from a normal school. The name of this teacher is rare and rare, and he has not recited it so far.Lao Qiang's dream since childhood was to become a writer, which is similar to Shu Jun's father.I really didn't expect that there would still be writers at this time, and our enthusiasm would be extinguished before we were in school. 3 Lao Qiang has been in this business for more than four years. This is his painful four years, because our job is to write something, six thousand words a day, and give you two hundred yuan for the manuscript, and then hand it over to the boss.After a month, you can see your things turned into books, which are popular in various stalls. The content is written by you, but unfortunately the author is Jia Pingwa Chili.Lao Qiang wrote two novels by Jia Pingwa and a collection of essays by Liu Yong.The most amazing thing is that he actually wrote something about Qiong Yao in the second year after joining this industry, which was almost made into TV.Later, when those idiots went to Qiong Yao to discuss copyright, Qiong Yao looked at the book with her name on it and didn't recognize her for a long time.This incident once became a piece of news, which made Lao Qian quite proud.Of course, complacency is temporary, followed by emptiness and jealousy.What is empty is that I have been around for four years, and I have written millions of words, all of which have helped others to become famous or notorious, and I don't know what I left behind.As for what it is to be jealous, I don't know.

When I first came here, I was in charge of writing pure love essays on campus, and Lao Qiang was doing Yu Qiuyu's.That's why Lao Qiang was in so much pain that when he rewrote Qiong Yao's stuff, it always looked like this: I lay on the window of the drizzle, saw the boy in my dream, my heart was beating hard, and saw him pass through the rain curtain, I immediately ran out of the classroom without any tools to protect me from the rain.The moment I stepped out of the door of the classroom, suddenly, a heavy sense of historical mission was suppressed in my heart, and how many years of culture was regurgitated in my heart. Staring at me, the rain slid from our faces, he looked into my eyes, I was drunk, and saw his face covered with the vicissitudes of five thousand years.

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