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gallop like a boy

gallop like a boy


  • contemporary fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 71387

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Chapter 1 one

gallop like a boy 韩寒 2243Words 2018-03-19
At some point I had a friend who was known as the Iron Bull, and the characteristic of the Iron Bull was that it looked like an Iron Bull.We were studying a text at that time, and when it was said that there was a small town where there was a sharp bend in the Yangtze River, and there were two Zhenjiang Iron Bulls there, everyone and the Iron Bulls looked at each other and laughed.At that time Tieniu was very heroic, raised his hand and said, tell the teacher, I will go to support the construction of the Yangtze River in the future.At that time, the parents' meeting was held, and everyone congratulated Tieniu's father that the country had hope.Since then, Tieniu has developed a habit of stepping forward to support construction whenever the country needs him.When I was in the fourth grade of primary school, Tieniu and I both repeated grades because Tieniu read my test papers during the exam.There is nothing wrong with peeking, the fault is that Tieniu peeked at me, but because I failed to pass and repeat a grade, Tieniu also paid the price.

In the fourth grade, Tie Niu and I went to school twice. During the summer vacation, we were severely disciplined by our parents, which shattered my dream of going to the mountains with Tie Niu to become monks.At that time Tieniu had a girlfriend, which I found out when I returned to school.Because Tieniu's feet are big, he never tie his shoelaces when he usually wears back-to-back sneakers. The physical education class made us feel itchy in our hearts, wondering when this kid fell and his mother fell badly.But from that summer vacation, Tieniu started to tie his shoelaces, and painted his hair with water to style it. Unfortunately, it is water after all, and its durability is not good.So, after class, Tieniu slammed into the toilet, and when he came back, his hair was silky again, which made us often wonder whether this kid peed on his hands and rubbed it on his hair or something.

A week later, I knew that Tieniu liked a girl from the class before we were repeated. Her name was Chen Lu. Her father was the director of the Food Bureau. This made Tieniu and I very awed. Niu, you have to treat Chen Lu well, otherwise we will have no food.In my eyes, Chen Lu has always been the spokesperson of food, but it is different in Tie Niu's eyes.Tieniu learned to sing the Little Tigers' song for her, and every day he had to wear your heart and my heart through a concentric circle and something.Tie Niu has a tendency to feel inferior because his father is a fisherman. Tie Niu told Chen Lu: My father is a fisherman. He goes out to sea every morning. There is a fishing boat. One standard.This is a more romantic way of saying it.In fact, Tie Niu's father went to electric fish in nearby rivers and rivers every morning, and when he saw the fish floated by the electric shock, he fished them up with a net bag, one at a time.There were fishing boats, but it was just a matter of size. If Tieniu's father lay flat on the fishing boat, the boat would be covered up, and people on the shore would think he was a floating corpse.

Chen Lu is a girl who has just started watching romance. After Tieniu was repeated, she admired Tieniu's fearless spirit. Every day, she dreamed of going to sea with Tieniu, and the two of them watched the stars on a fishing boat.Tieniu learned fighting during the summer vacation. In order to divert Chen Lu's attention from the fishing boat, whenever he was free, he would find the weak boys in the class to urinate together. Just watch the iron bull inside. Tieniu and I studied in the same class after repeating the same grade. When we entered, the teacher taught the students to treat us equally. As a result, she has never treated us equally. When I was in class, Tieniu’s hand was about to be raised immortally. She just said, Students who have questions come to the teacher's office after class to ask.When you meet other people who haven’t raised their hands, you will pick them up and say, ah, student ×××, if you have any questions, please ask the teacher.Tieniu told me after class that I was going to kill her.So we heatedly discussed the plan to kill Mr. Liu, the head teacher.Tieniu's suggestion was to take a stone and put it on the door, and when the teacher pushed the door in, he would be crushed to death.Then I was responsible for dragging the teacher's body to the back of the podium, and Tieniu immediately took a small knife in his hand and rushed to the monitor, and the captured monitor moved towards the door, and he must not forget to say, everyone, don't call me, if you call me again, I will kill you with a knife the squad leader.Then Tieniu estimated that the squad leader would say, comrades, please leave me alone, for the sake of the revolution, please call me.Then Tieniu killed the monitor with a single knife, and he was right next to Song Dan, the most timid girl in the class.So Tieniu grabbed Song Dan and took her out of the classroom. The retreat route was tortuous, because Chen Lu's class moved upstairs a few days ago, so he had to go upstairs to let Chen Lu have a look, and then went downstairs to escape.After leaving the school, we waited for the bus at the station and threw the knife into the river.Here I had a disagreement with Tie Niu. My idea was to throw the knife in the river and we fled. Tie Niu wanted me to wash the knife and return it to the stationery store. At least it was a sum of money. as expenses for the train ride.Of course, I have to return my new pencil case, Tie Niu's eraser and mechanical pencil.We took the car to the nearest train station, and then fled to the United States by train, because Tieniu heard that most prisoners would flee to the United States after they killed someone.

This action was stranded because the head teacher Liu put a five-pointed star on Tieniu's homework, which made Tieniu feel good about the head teacher. Chen Lu went home with Tieniu at this time.Tieniu is responsible for protecting Chen Lu from being bullied by her senior classmates.Chen Lu's home is in the opposite direction from Tie Niu's house, but Tie Niu is not afraid of being treated like a fish by his father when he comes home late, and still insists on sending Chen Lu two hundred meters away from home every time.Tieniu passed on all his experience in chasing girls to me, and said that he should confess his love like this:

The man said: Do you know that I like someone recently? The woman said: I don't know. The man said: Do you want to know? The woman said: I want to know. The man said: She is actually in our class, do you know? The woman said: I still can't guess. The man said: Guess what. The woman said: I can't guess. Note: The woman bowed her head when she said this. The man said: I will tell you the first three (or two) letters of each word of her name. The woman said: You can tell. The man said: The first few letters of her name seem to be ××× (or ××). The woman said: Let me think about it, it seems that there is no such thing in our class...

The man said: In fact, this person is far away in the sky and right in front of us. (Tie Niu's original words were misunderstood as "far away in the sky and close in sight") So the woman bowed her head even more, blushing like the sunset that day. After Tie Niu delivered Chen Lu, he wanted to go with me to practice ninja martial arts on the hill near the school.For example, how to jump from one tree to another, then take out a dart and hit the target.Later, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was stopped, and "Saint Seiya" was played instead, so we changed from learning ninjas to learning how to explode the small universe.Tieniu told me after sending off Chen Lu once, today I was walking on the road, and my small universe accidentally exploded.Chen Lu was shocked and asked me what was going on.I didn't tell her, because this is a saint's secret, and only a saint can know it.Damn it, it's too late, my holy cloth is not ready yet.Tieniu told me to quickly practice the small universe, so that I can also make a holy cloth.We went back very early that day, and Tieniu said that after practicing the small universe, the feeling of walking is different, like flying.The iron ox was flying so fast that day, and it was very difficult for me to follow behind.I said to Tieniu: Tieniu, slow down, I can't keep up with you.

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