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Chapter 15 Triple Door 15

triple door 韩寒 6877Words 2018-03-19
Literature is like a beautiful woman, people often admire and yearn for it at the first sight.Engaging in literary work is like the husband of this beautiful woman. Now that he has got it, he doesn't have to pursue it hard, and he can even destroy it.When Yu Xiang didn't join the literature club, he often heard people say how noble literature was. After joining the literature, Du gradually understood that the "getting" in "engaging literature" is a messy, messy explanation. "Law literature".The famous "school writers" in Shinan No. 3 Middle School have a false name. They don't cherish literature as a "home", but only treat literature as a dormitory. The "campus poets" are secretly anxious, unwilling to be "human beings", wishing to call themselves campus poets.

Yu Xiang has been in the literature club for a long time—in fact, not long ago, only two weeks, he felt that there were great differences in the literature club. Prose looked down on novels, and novels despised poetry.In fact, these literary forms are not the center of disagreement. The most important thing is that everyone thinks that they are the best and want to be the president of the company, but on the surface they all humbly say no.Poetry writers are the most arrogant, and they turned their grief and anger into strength after being stared at. They all clamored to publish a poetry magazine, but they didn't form a party.

The current president is a weak person, and he writes prose, novels and poems, so he can't tell which side he is on for a while. He doesn't have the ability of the ancient Zhang Jun to persuade him. Copy me, I copy him", to tell the members of the commune to unite. The literary club has regular meetings every three days, and the latest regular meeting is like a meeting of internal strife.According to the rules, Wednesday's meeting is a group discussion and then finalizes the manuscript, and then arranges the manuscript, and the sample issue of "Chulu" is released.As a result, the poetry writers were dissatisfied, saying that the pages allocated to them were too small; the writers of novels came from behind and made more trouble than poets, saying that each time "Chulu" could only contain one novel, which could not meet the needs of readers—the so-called There are only a few of them left as readers.These people have not cultivated the experience of novelists, but they have inherited the nonsense of novelists. The novels are written like big stories, so that "Chulu" has to cut a large piece of land every time to publish these words.Most people write prose, but people's hearts are as scattered as their articles, and they can't make a fuss.This kind of essayist writes articles like making a platter. The good materials have to be dismantled and put together in order to have the taste of prose.

Yu Xiang is alone, without any contention with the world, sitting quietly and watching the internal strife.Those who wrote poetry were the first to expand the scope of the struggle to the poets of all dynasties.Xu Zhimo was the most unlucky, with a big nose and obvious goals, he was picked out as a weapon: "Have you read "Farewell to Cambridge" and many people like it, this is the artistic conception of poetry! Poetry is the most important thing in literature Genre——" The man wanted to add a "one" to leave a way out, but when he talked about righteous indignation, he even ate up the "one".

"It's an exaggeration." The novelist stood up.With a slow sentence, most of the poet's vigor was worn away.After finishing the draft, the man felt that it was necessary to wear off the rest of his vigor, looked up to the sky, and said, "The frog at the bottom of the well." He made a big mistake.In fact, the way to grind people's spirits is that when the other party is scolding to death, you say something that has nothing to do with the topic but can make the other party painful and itchy.The phrase "a frog at the bottom of the well" aroused the fighting spirit of the poet, and the little poets listed the great poets one by one, and they were all ancient.The novel was only developed in the Song Dynasty, and it suffered a little disadvantage in terms of age. Moreover, the novel seemed to have fallen into a cesspit during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and was stained with a layer of yellow. "Your poems are obviously piled up with adjectives." This sentence should be scolding the poet, but the prose writer is guilty of guilt, and retaliates: "Novels, popular things, and ordinary things will not be elegant!"

Novelists hate that they can't find something that is both popular and elegant to refute, and they have nothing to say. A sentence popped up from an unknown corner: ""Meat Futon"", the four laughed, and even laughed more presumptuously, intending to break down the psychological defense of writing novels.As everyone knows, the novelist's skin is as thick as a fortification, and a few laughs are like lead bullets hitting a tank.A person who published the most novels stood up and cited "Fat Futon" as proud: "What's wrong with this book? It's an oasis in the desert of human spirit! It's a breakthrough to tradition!" "Breakthrough from tradition" should be understood in this way - the tradition at that time was to write pornographic books, and the book "Meat Futuan" overshadowed other pornographic books, which was a "breakthrough from tradition".

The three parties got entangled in the forbidden books of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and refused to leave this topic for a long time. The girls were not far behind, and they all set foot in this unknown land. The president was anxious, and finally realized that he had the right to stop it, and said softly, "Okay, stop making trouble." It is rare for a president to be so bold, and all the members stopped to listen to the president's advice.The president's strength lies in written expression, and the function of the mouth seems to be reduced to eating, so he doesn't speak much, and utters four words: "As before." As a result, they all felt sorry for what they said.

In the end, the arrangement in the "Chulu" newspaper was like this: three essays, one novel and one poem.The first person who wrote prose was to advocate alternative literature. This time he said that he wanted to observe the spiritual emptiness in the world with his own unique eyes. He took a voyeur as the main line and named it "A Snoope Man"; the masterpiece of the president "In the Wind" was also selected because I admired it so much; the rhetorical retro essayist was very unlucky. The artist is proud and refuses to change it, thinking that changing the word is a disrespect for art and this style, and would rather the work die of old age than marry.

Novel has always been a must for military strategists. The supporter of "Meat Futuan" defeated the heroes. His novel about riding a car to give up his position was relatively new compared with similar ones, so he was honored to be selected.There is a saying on the novel column: "Here will make our O. Henry".Yuxiang felt sorry for O. Henry.This "Encyclopedia of American Humor" must have committed some crimes, and it will not be peaceful when it dies. When the poet failed to publish a collection of poems, he played a prank.Modern poetry is more powerful than earthworms. It doesn't matter if a sentence is broken into several pieces, but poets deliberately break the poems.It is said that tearing things down is "one of the highest skills of Western civilization" (Torle is the preface to Prigogine's book "From Chaos to Order"), and poets use this "highest skill" skillfully. look like:

night floating in I of in sleep wind where wind take my Dream Tell I is my heart With the wind exist night sky return yes night sky scattered enter I heart of deep night deep quiet Heart quiet who send fragrant Long Long Long Long Occupy exist mine Dream inside scattered exist I of heart. The president was surprised when he saw it, and asked the poet if he could assemble it. The poet shook his head and said that once the sentences are connected, the rhythm of the poem will be damaged.The president counted it, but it was only a few tens of dollars, but it would take at least one large page for typesetting, so I ran out of ideas.

The poet said: "The current poems are all like this, it's better to publish this collection and distribute it." The president hurriedly said: "This will not work!" Because the fee for "Chulu" run by the literature club was still deducted from the class committee fee forcibly, and then a collection of poems was edited. Scrap paper, if you don't make it right, you will smash the Literature Club.Yu Xiang casually picked up the poem and looked at it, laughed, threw the paper away, and said coldly, "Is this also a poem?" The poet said angrily: "What's the matter if you look down on me?" Yu Xiang sighed distressedly, and said, "What a piece of paper, it was wasted." The poet was furious, because he had recited his identity as a poet, and it was inconvenient to beat others, so he grabbed his treasure and said, "Can you write?" When the two were about to duel, the president hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll use your poem." When the poet heard this, he immediately forgot the resentment with Yuxiang, and held the president's hand: "Please." The soul is fragile, but the poet's body is strong, and there is hatred in the handshake. The president, Naixiu, has a weak body and cannot withstand strong physical dialogue. He said with a wry smile: "Okay, okay." So typography became a problem.In order to gain a firm foothold in the literature club, Lin Yuxiang said to the president: "I can typesetting." This statement surprised both the president and Yuxiang at the same time.The president is as pure and simple as a primitive single-celled organism, and he is not worried about his position, saying: "Okay! I didn't expect it! You are so good. You are better than me!" He can't wait to give up his seat to Yuxiang immediately. Yuxiang is also worried. To be honest, he doesn’t know how to typesetting, but he just heard his father say it sporadically, and remembered some bits and pieces. Now after the baptism of time, those bits and pieces are like buildings in the London fog, confused unclear.The president cherished his talent and asked, "Then what about this poem?" After Yuxiang looked around, he was sure that the poet was not there, fearing that he might have a fifth ear, so he said softly, "Delete." "Which paragraph should be deleted?" "Delete all!" The president waved his hand and said absolutely not. Yu Xiang patted the manuscript paper with the back of his hand, and said behind his back that he couldn't fight face to face, and used the happy method of whipping corpses: "This poem—go, it can't be called a poem, it's a cliché, I read too much. The grade is too low. " The president compromised and said: "Can you use '/' to make it--" He said and chopped his hands in the air.Yu Xiang interrupted the president, clapped his hands on the manuscript paper again, felt a sense of comfort, and said sternly: "This is even more unacceptable, the layout effect is not good, and the entire newspaper will lose weight!" He secretly boasted that he had memorized , What I heard two years ago can still be used freely at a critical moment. The president was afraid of the poet, so he asked again: "Can you modify it, modify it a little?" Yu Xiang spared the manuscript paper, stopped patting it, and shook his head, as if the poem had already suffered from a terminal illness, dying, and could not be cured. The president said anxiously: "What should I do, the newspaper will be published soon." Yu Xiang gave his crystallization of wisdom to the president, saying: "I think the best way is to change an article, or use—" The president said: "Prose poetry, prose is beautiful, poetry is subtle, use prose poetry!" Yu Xiang showed contempt in his eyes, prose poetry is what he dislikes the most, he thinks that whoever writes prose poetry is bound to fail in prose, and if he fails in poetry, prose poetry can combine its two shortcomings to form one strength ; Naturally, the quality of prose poetry can be seen here.He strongly objected: "No, let's start a new column and write some criticism—literary criticism?" The president thought for a long time, finally opened it, and said: "That's fine, I'm just afraid of those people..." "It doesn't matter, they are also reasonable." He said with a Powell-style smile, and asked, "Who will write it?" Looking at the ceiling thoughtfully, it seems that anyone who can write has already gone to heaven.Lin Yuxiang is the only one left in the world. The president said modestly: "I can't write well. And we will send it to printing tomorrow. I'm afraid we don't have enough time. Can you write well?" A voice in Yuxiang's heart was about to burst out: "I'll just wait for your words!" With a surprise on his face, followed by endless melancholy, he said, "I probably..." The president rushed to block the rest of the article, and said: "I just tried it, this is a very new column, you are going to write it soon, it is best to hand it over to me this afternoon. It is a deal!" Said very proudly , when he blocked Yuxiang's way, Yuxiang had no choice but to obey. Lin Yuxiang looked puzzled, and said, "I...let's try it." Then he left. He walked very easily on the road, full of respect for himself, but he didn't expect to live in a group for more than a month in Shinan No. 3 Middle School. He has been tempered so cunningly;? Thinking that Qian Rong's prestige will not last long, he grinned as if seeing his fame rising steadily. In the classroom, Qian Rongzheng was joking with Yao Shuqin.Qian Rong was pointing to Yao Shuqin with a copy of "Formal Logic" in his hand, Yu Xiang was puzzled, can such a serious book make people laugh?I leaned over and saw that the two were reading the sick sentences in the "mechanical analogy" of the "logic case" in it. I admired them for their strength and the spirit of our army to have fun while suffering.The heads of the two people are put together, wishing to embed each other.The passion of love has reached the level of Han Ping, his wife and Lilian Lizhi in "Sou Shen Ji". When people have happy events, they think a lot.Seeing that Qian and Yao are in close love, Yuxiang thinks of Susan who is a hundred times purer than Yao Shuqin. When he thinks of her, his heart is full of melancholy, and he feels so sorry that he wants to cry.The grievance is only on this point - I just had a little bit of a relationship with Susan, and the fate is gone.It was as if a cigarette had just been lit and then extinguished after taking a puff, leaving only the aftertaste of that puff in the mouth.Yu Xiang thinks this is inappropriate, because he hasn't "taken a sip" yet, he just unveiled Susan's mysterious veil, only satisfying the greedy eyes, not satisfying the greedy mouth, just like eating a rice dumpling. After untold hardships, the reed leaves on the top were peeled off, and when I smelled the fragrance, I was eager to taste the first bite, but the zongzi fell to the ground with a "click".He sighed, and put Qian Yao out of his sight, so as not to be hurt by the scene. He only had one thought in his mind, to be like the sun in Shinan No. 3 Middle School.Of course, it is more difficult to be at the height of the sky all at once, the sun is also moving from the horizon to the center inch by inch, Yuxiang also has to take it step by step, planning to gain a firm foothold in the literature club first, and it is best to become the president - only blame China now The hereditary system has been abolished, and the president now treats him like a brother, Lin, otherwise, he will definitely give the position of president to Yuxiang.And then lead the literary agency to surpass the press corps.The plan is to stop here for the time being. The immediate task is to write a review article. If I can’t write a book review, I can do a literary review. Two periods in the afternoon are mathematics.The classroom in Shinan No. 3 Middle School is very strange. Students from the same subject like to squeeze together, like an old deck of playing cards that are not messed up. It looks like they are all pairs.The math teacher was kind enough for two math classes. The second class next door had an unfortunate lottery. He ran into a math class teacher who loved math very much. In order to let the students love with him, he hooked up with him in one morning. The five mathematics classes are an attempt to let students spend more time with mathematics, and make love with each other for a long time.Unfortunately, the students in the second class couldn't get emotional, and they got angry, and anonymously wrote to the school leader, and the leader came back to life, and argued: "The motive is correct, but there are some small deviations in the action." Yuxiang is glad that he doesn't have such a class teacher, When I met Mei Xuan, I was extremely lenient, so I decided to write literary criticism in two math classes. Criticism must have a target, otherwise a lecture will be aimless, and no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless.Yuxiang does not dare to criticize everyone, but he can criticize Xiaojia who has just debuted for fun-for example, if a car stops moving, passengers can get down and push it; if a train stops moving, there is no such thing.However, recently there have been an endless stream of train pushers in the Chinese literary world. Yu Xiang is unwilling to do his work in vain, and would rather do what he can and start from a young age. After determining the scope, it is necessary to lock a victim.Xu Jia who has published two books is a good target, but those two books are like ghosts screaming in the middle of the night in horror novels, only the voice can be heard but the real face cannot be seen.There was a lot of publicity outside, but the two books didn't appear. Yuxiang didn't have any materials at hand, so he developed a rigorous attitude towards academic research. He thought it would not be too late to criticize these two romance novels after the books came out. All eyes focused on Xiao Tie.Xiao Tie's article seems to be that scientists predict that people on earth will have their head-to-body ratio reversed in a thousand years.Moreover, there is often no distinction between primary and secondary, and writing articles is like picking up waste; the most important point is Xiao Tie's iron-like metaphor, "Seeing a composition is like seeing a carrot, and you don't even want to touch it..." See Xiao Tie's original article "Chinese Self-taught" 199811.Yu Xiang commented below this sentence: "I don't understand! So what about seeing the white radish?" He used the tone of Long Yingtai's review of Wuming's love trilogy. Xiao Tie's article can really be used as a negative teaching material. Yu Xiang was full of joy when he criticized it, clapping his hands again and again, just like in "The Feeling of Growth", "It is impossible to turn back, just like the years will not turn back, and the river cannot flow upstream".Yuxiang only heard that it is impossible for the river to flow upstream. In theory, the river has ebb and flow, so there is no problem of upstream flow, which is another mistake.And the newspaper came down two days later. Yuxiang found his masterpiece first when he got it, and finally succeeded in the treasure hunt in the corner. When he saw "Some Criticisms of Xiao Tie", he felt a little dissatisfied, because the title of the typesetting was too long. It's a little troublesome, beauty is the first, the "article" following "Xiao Tie" was cut off, and the whole text suddenly changed its face and turned into a personal attack.Looking at the text again, more than 200 words have been deleted, but the purpose is quite different from the title modification, which is to remove some cynicism.Although Yu Xiang was dissatisfied, this was the first article he published in Shinan No. 3 Middle School, and he still liked it in the deepest part of his soul.I secretly read it seven or eight times, and laughed to myself several times, wishing that literate people all over the world would read it several times. Facts have proved that thanks to Lin Yuxiang's article, the price of "Chulu" straw paper has increased a lot. The students of Shinan No. 3 Middle School are used to reading parallel essays. When they occasionally see a scolding article, their interest is greatly increased, and they all remember Lin Yuxiang. Name, compliments, Qian Rong also came to congratulate a few words: "It's not easy, the great writer finally published an article, congratulations!" Congratulations on accepting it, it's like receiving red envelopes at a celebration banquet. After people go to the building and the bustling sky is over, a person hides and opens the red envelopes, only to find out that this kid Qian Rong has given a few Ming coins—— Yu Xiang is calm After coming down, I tasted that there was a thorn in Qian Rong's words, like being cut by a sharp knife, I didn't feel it at the time, but when I found a wound, the pain would be more severe.Unconvinced, he wanted to scold Qian Rong, but he had no choice but to go to class, the distance was too far, even if he scolded, his voice would not have momentum, and he could not seriously hurt the other party.After thinking about it for a few times, I decided to use local materials, turned around and said to Yao Shuqin, "Hey, by the way, why haven't I seen your master Qian's masterpiece for a long time?" Yao Shuqin's ears are better than Yuxiang's. He heard the thorns in the words, and he finished pulling them out in three or five strokes: "Writer Lin is so knowledgeable and memorized. After accumulating for more than a month, he finally published a scolding article." , how can Qian Rong be worth it?" Yu Xiang couldn't speak, Yao Shuqin chased after him and said, "Great writer Lin, who are you going to scold next? Forget it, I don't have the honor to know, you can do your work, we are all waiting to read your strange article." After speaking, he spread out the notebook and wrote, "Lin Yuxiang spoke in class without reason, disrupting classroom discipline." Yuxiang was so angry that he wanted to commit suicide, and he admired Qian Rong's ability to tame animals from the bottom of his heart. So he held his breath all afternoon, Yuxiang's hot water bottle seemed to be holding his breath for the owner, and someone picked it up on the shelf, and the bottle was cracked.After investigation, it was found that the person in Room 1 touched it. Yuxiang asked him to pay compensation in a low voice, but the richer the person, the more stingy he was.Qian Rong also spoke for the same kind: "Your thermos bottle is placed outside like this, and if someone accidentally knocks it over, you can't blame them. Those of you who are used to living in the suburbs should have a sense of community. Don't do your own way, and learn to be self-cultivated." Yu Xiang burst into anger again, his whole body was hot, and when he erupted, he thought of the consequences of Liang Zijun, and then he calmed down again, and walked into the second room sullenly.General Manager Qian Rong laughed loudly in Room 1, and cursed: "Boorish Pig! Country Tyke! Ignorant pig, wild dog in the countryside." Then he analyzed the national conditions: "Why do Chinese people generally have fiber quality? Not high, mainly because of Chinese Peasantry Farmers. There are too many of them. They don’t have any education. They are rude and rude. In fact, it’s only fair to look at the urban and rural ones separately, Fair!” Thanks to Lin Yuxiang's poor English, he didn't understand a few main words, otherwise he would definitely fight fiercely.The room in No. 2 was much calmer. Xie Jingyuan was reading "Chulu" for the first time, and said to Lin Yuxiang: "This composition is not well written. When writing a composition, you must write the positive side and the bright side. How can you write the reverse side? This kind of composition You can't get high marks." Lin Yuxiang was furious, and after Xie Jingyuan unintentionally provoked him, he finally couldn't hold it back, and vented: "You know what, my article is not an article—not what you said—it's a criticism—" He didn't know what to say How to describe it, the reasons were all in a mess, sitting on the bed, saying: "You don't know how to appreciate, your level is too low." One, Yuxiang has no reason to be unhappy. Shen Qi has a fatness that is rare among rural students. The fat is deducted from his height, and it looks like a piece of sleeping material. Tonight, he was sleeping soundly and was woken up, like a snake after a sting. He came out from under the blanket and asked, "What's the matter, what's the matter?" Seeing that Yu Xiang and Xie Jingyuan were sitting in anger, they went back to sleep.Tan Weidong seemed to be transformed by the probation of Room 1. He ran to Room 1 all day long, but there were few people in Room 2, and his clothes began to change, with short sleeves often worn over long sleeves.Yu Xiang had already lost all affection for this person, so he went to room 205 next door to pour bitter water on Yu Xiong, Yu Xiong enlightened him: "You do what you want, what have you got to do with them? Just leave it alone." Yu Xiang said in his heart: "It's easy to say, how do you explain your punch on the motorcycle back then?" He wished he could speak out to refute Yu Xiong. When I returned to the door of the dormitory, I found that I didn't bring the key. I knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response from inside.It's a pity that Yuxiang has never heard Shakespeare's views on this issue - "Knock on the door with gentle compassion, and even the hardest door will be opened." So the knocking became rougher, and he only complained that he was too thin and the door was too strong. Otherwise, you can imitate the "breaking and entering" in the police and gangster movies, with awe-inspiring prestige.I don't know how many times I knocked, my fingers are numb, but the door is still hard-hearted.Yu Xiang knocked so distraughtly that when he was about to use his foot, there was a crisp sound at the door—someone opened the door.Yu Xiang was so excited that he had a strange thought that if Qian Rong opened the door, all grievances and grievances would be cancelled. An indifferent face appeared on the side of the door, it was Xie Jingyuan, Qian Rong was calling on the bed in Room 1: "Don't open, don't open—" Seeing the door opened, Yu Xiang had already entered half of his body, pointing to Xie Jingyuan and said: " You! Mind your own business." Yu Xiang wanted to thank Xie Jingyuan, Xie Jingyuan turned around and walked to the second room, leaving Yu Xiang there. Yu Xiang glared at Qian Rong, speaking English outside of English class for the first time in his life: "You, Wait—and—see!"
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