Home Categories contemporary fiction female fugitive

Chapter 65 sixty-five

female fugitive 海男 2669Words 2018-03-19
Aunt Fang entered the lighting engineer's room. When the door opened, she entered the lighting engineer's room like a fox. Her young questioning voice seemed to grow out of a thorny fence.However, Aunt Fang jumped over the fence. She looked at the structure of the room desperately, and then opened the door of one room or the other. She entered the room desperately, and the young lighting engineer shouted: "You Crazy, who are you? What right do you have, I'm going to call the police." Aunt Fang finally calmed down the storm in her heart, she felt a burst of joy, searched every room, but the sax player was not here, she began to follow the The thoughtful words were sent to the lighting engineer. She stood on the ground very close to the lighting engineer and looked at the lighting engineer's face. She was not beautiful, but she was fresh, and her face was as fresh as buds after the rain.The lighting engineer was not as easy to deal with as she imagined. The lighting engineer said: "I know who you are. This matter will not stop here. You did not knock on the wrong door. You are just lying. I told You, this thing is not going to end like this." She left, no matter what the lighting man said to her, she no longer blamed her, because she confirmed that the saxophonist did not spend the night there.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself: "The relationship between the saxophonist and the lighting man may be pure. However, things were messed up by her. One day the saxophonist came home in a rage, he closed the door, and then Looking at her body, he said: "Vulgar, you are full of vulgarity, why did you go to the lighting engineer's house to mess around, this is what a villain does, it is really shameless. "The saxophone player went out after finishing speaking. It was from this moment that the saxophone player began to betray Aunt Fang. When he didn't come home for three days and three nights, she went out again. This is her fourth time. For the first time, she faced the presence of the lighting engineer. Before, she tried to find her man by phone, however, any kind of phone contact seemed to be consciously closed by the man. She was irritated, and she decided to let herself It becomes even more shameless and vulgar, because only shamelessness and vulgarity can conspicuously attract a man's attention and prick the heart of the man who is addicted to the notes.

She shamelessly crossed zebra crossings in many cities, she looked up at the street lights, her tears were suppressed in her eyes time and time again.She shamelessly entered the compound of the theater troupe. The old concierge already knew her. Before, she had bribed the old man with a pack of cigarettes. From then on, she could come and go freely, as if she was here.She went upstairs shamelessly and dressed herself in the most mediocre way.This is the sax player's least favorite attire, she put on heavy makeup, she put on the pink knickerbockers that disgusted the sax player, the lighting man opened the door, and she entered the room.The lighting engineer whispered: "He is here with me, what are you going to do?" He was inside, in the lighting engineer's study room, she did not expect that the lighting engineer had so many books, so many books, and at this moment, Her man, who was leaning on a chair, didn't seem to notice her existence, so she coughed to attract his attention.The man really noticed her.The man said: "What are you doing here?" She replied: "I am here because I am shameless and vulgar." The man said: "Don't make trouble, let's get a divorce." Said: "You smell like a woman on your clothes, you betrayed me." Then, he grabbed the lighting engineer's arm and yelled in hatred: "You are a young bitch." The lighting engineer looked at him without fear. Looking at her, she said: "Yes, I am a young whore, I seduce your husband, what do you want?" The lighting engineer stood in front of her, as if using her young body to demonstrate to her.Her heart cries, however, she holds it back.When she got home, she wrote the divorce agreement, and three days later, she and the sax player completely dissolved their marriage.

Aunt Fang hadn't fully narrated this true story before. Perhaps, it was not convenient for her to tell the episodes where she made herself shameless and vulgar.Only at such a moment, she becomes real, because she wants to find the purpose.The target that she had neglected, was rising because the old saxophonist suffered from amnesia. Aunt Fang said: "We must find the lighting engineer. I left the city after my divorce, because the saxophonist didn't marry the lighting engineer later, so I ignored her. Now that I think about it, I understand a truth: the lighting engineer The existence of her made me shameless and vulgar. This made me lose my marriage. Ah, my marriage, so, you must be my substitute. Take revenge on this woman." Li Shuizhu opened her mouth in astonishment, she did not expect that in this In the final moments, the gender roles she deals with thus shift, and men become women.Aunt Fang drove to the former residential compound of the drama troupe. Those houses still existed, but the old man who guarded the gate had changed and became a security guard. We've moved." With that said, the gaffer has also moved.

Aunt Fang didn't give up, she thought of the theater troupe, she drove the car, and arrived at the theater troupe's location half an hour later.The name of the lighting engineer is no longer in the files of the theater troupe. An administrative cadre told them: "The lighting engineer resigned decades ago. She seems to have resigned because of a romantic story." The administrative cadre said I don't want to go on here.Aunt Fang opened her eyes wide and said to Li Shuizhu: "This story makes me feel so boring in the world, but I still want to find this woman." At this time, Aunt Fang's interest in the old sax player has shifted to the lighting engineer.

It took Aunt Fang three hours to find the existence of the lighting engineer.During these three days, Li Shuizhu spent almost all of it in her sleep. She hoped from the bottom of her heart that Aunt Fang would never find the existence of the lighting engineer, because she was tired, and she wanted to get rid of the life of a stand-in earlier.However, no one can stop what Aunt Fang wants to do.Aunt Fang's interest changed again like a remote control in her hand.After the lighting engineer and Sa Keshou divorced Aunt Fang, they lived together openly.However, no one could tell why they didn't go on. Not long after, the lighting engineer married another man, a playwright. She left the city with this man and resigned for him at the same time.The lighting engineer arrived in Beijing, and in all the teams of Beidiao, she leaned on the playwright's arm and floated among the overwhelmingly supportive crowd.Her purpose is to use the playwright to find a role as a movie actor, even a small role can satisfy the wish of the lighting engineer.Aunt Fang was probably tired after talking here. She said that she would take Li Shuizhu to Beijing tomorrow, and the rest of the story would be continued on the plane.

Beijing is so far away. As soon as he heard that he was going to fly to Beijing tomorrow, Li Shuizhu's heart began to hang in the middle of the air.However, she can't stop all this, she can't change this route: because the lighting engineer from decades ago is in Beijing at the moment.The existence of this woman has enabled Aunt Fang to overcome the abdominal pain and the long-term exhaustion and restlessness.At this time, the amnesiac saxophonist has lost his meaning to Aunt Fang.She set her final goal on a woman, and Aunt Fang, who had gone through the fire of memories and smelting, was once again full of passion for revenge.They soon came to Beijing, but it was not easy to find the former lighting engineer in the Beidiao team.For this reason, Aunt Fang was running around alone. She seemed unwilling to let Li Shuizhu participate in the search for someone. She always left Li Shuizhu in the hotel, and her single-handed actions always showed Aunt Fang's tenacious and unyielding character and determination. .

Li Shuizhu went to bed as soon as she arrived at the hotel. She wanted to use sleep to overcome the long life of hard labor.She wanted to plunge into sleep, like forgetting a broken dream.However, it took only three days for Aunt Fang to wake her up. Aunt Fang said: "I found the lighting engineer in the past. She was abandoned by film and television because she couldn't even win a supporting role. Now she no longer climbs the ladder." Yen is in an actor's dream, when I saw her, guess what she was doing, she was having plastic surgery, she had a car accident recently, her face was completely destroyed, she was trying to get plastic surgery, she would have Just not pretty, even at her youngest, she was just a little bit prettier. Oh, she's having plastic surgery, and with this woman, what do we do with her?"

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