Home Categories contemporary fiction female fugitive

Chapter 37 thirty-seven

female fugitive 海男 2710Words 2018-03-19
"The happiness of destroying a saxophone player is that you are close to him. Didn't you see him playing? In fact, he was very sad when he played, so he took this doomed melancholy home. He said I was cheesy, said I have a cheesiness coming from my toes, fingernails, mouth and he still tortures me with it even when I'm pregnant... You like and go for elegance and you just embody that. Go ahead, Go to him, look for opportunities, talk to him about life, philosophy, he likes to drink wine, I heard he passes through the suburbs on his way home, there is no doubt that the world has changed, rich people and success People are probably getting tired of the city, they migrate to the suburbs one by one, my first man is like this, the second man is still the same, they have a bull-like body and desire, and they migrate to the suburbs with women. The same goes for the saxophonist, when he started to lose his head, he had a band, and he had a suburban garden house. Very young, a backup dancer, very shallow, and they just came home from their honeymoon. I think I brought you here to prevent their happiness, though it's temporary, and I know that a saxophonist talks to every No woman can keep happiness going, he has a fatal desire to kill happiness, that is his pickiness, his weirdness, his nervousness, his madness, his sensitivity... You just happen to come forward, You are walking in the suburbs at midnight, you are wearing a shawl, the shawl is just a prop, this kind of decoration can set off the atmosphere, the sax player needs the atmosphere, and then you pretend to fall down next to his car. Be careful not to cause A car accident, the story can’t go on, I don’t appreciate things that bleed. For example, the Li Shuimiao incident seems too cruel, so a murder case must be killed, so, in order not to die, you are running away. Now, You are still a suspect, you are still a fugitive. However, as long as I keep my mouth shut forever, you can leave the scene. I guarantee that if you cooperate with my wishes and follow my instructions and help me punish the three men, I will leave. You. At this moment, I am already in it, and you are no exception. Well, I will send you to the suburbs"

Aunt Fang always speaks nervously, her thoughts can go back to the past, back to the future and back to the present, just now she mentioned the Li Shuimiao incident again, she always inadvertently hinted at Li Shuizhu: You are a suspect, You are a fugitive and I am a witness. This is the saxophone player. He does not know how many hearts he has enchanted while playing music.In order to get close to him, Li Shuizhu listened to his performance three times, and each time she listened to the performance, she and Aunt Fang sat in a corner.Occupying the corner of the dark cafe, it seems that Aunt Fang’s first choice is coffee, she always chooses coffee without sugar, and asks Li Shuizhu not to put sugar, her reason is to drink the original flavor Coffee can put you in the bitterest scene of life.This went against Li Shuizhu's past habits. She likes sugar cubes and likes to stir the sugar cubes at the bottom of the strong coffee cup. When she was with her ex-boyfriend Cui Yaping, she didn't know and couldn't remember how many sugar cubes were dissolved.

But now, drinking bitter coffee, she looked at and inspected the saxophonist's figure. They were not far from the stage, because it was a side corner, so she saw his face, that thin face seemed to be twitching, indeed , he played melancholy, captivating and lyrical, which is exactly the charm that he can play in and out of the hotel cafe in the dark.When he played, the cafe suddenly fell silent.Aunt Fang's face, like a cloud, is changing from time to time. This is a woman who has been married three times, and there are enough catkins floating inside her body.It may know that it can grow in her body, or it can rot painfully in her body and become a secret.Therefore, it mobilized the language and taste buds in her body as much as possible; therefore, it oppressed her body, covering the center of her body more powerfully than Shi Yan, so she had to burst out.

She found a substitute, which is the weapon she throws, and she must take revenge on the man, because she divorced three times, and the unhappiness brought to her life has always been like a shadow that strongly decomposes her life.Her stand-in: a beautiful and philosophical woman who has become her slave.Li Shuizhu stood up slightly, her eyes filled with tears, and the damn tears were about to burst out. He really has a great charm to touch people's ears and hearts.At this moment, the mobile phone rang, but she turned off the phone. Her spiritual travel seemed to have reached a very illusory state, that is a kind of ethereal surge like ripples, so she was not afraid to approach He, even on the outside, she found a tenderness in contemplating his tormented face.So, at the midnight hour of the night, she was wearing a deep rose-colored shawl, which is only a prop, but also an accessory, and when she walked towards his headlights, she fell suddenly, and he Brake in time - this is the encounter controlled and created by Aunt Fang.

She fell beside his wheel.Just a little bit, the car body may hit her ribs, hit her uterus or ankle. However, she fell down early, and he braked in time to avoid a car accident. He helped her up, and she pretended to be unconscious. Under the headlights, her shawl wraps around her upper body. Just as he was taking her to the hospital, she woke up, she shook her neck slightly, and then recited in a low voice the following lines that Aunt Fang had composed for her: I can finally meet you alone.I have been waiting for you for a long time, every night, as long as you go to the coffee shop to play, I will be there, I am your audience, I have already melted into your saxophone, even if I die under your wheels, I am willing too.

The car stopped on the way to the hospital, as if it stopped at the sound of her confiding, Sachs reached out and stroked her cheek, as if stroking a kind of delicate porcelain vase, she was talking, of course, while she was confiding Aunt Fang's words have been changed unknowingly.In her lyrical narration, she began to dissolve the philosophy and the loneliness, helplessness and sadness in her heart, because of the sudden inspiration from her voice, which happened to be the saxophone The kind of note I was looking for. Of course she is not an ordinary audience in a coffee shop. Her words are a kind of attraction to him. He has played a musical instrument called the saxophone all his life, indulged in a kind of black melancholy and nervousness all his life, and searched for it all his life. At the same time, it is subverting fate.So, he was mesmerized by her pre-prepared lines.The night filled the car window, and he sent her to the middle of the street. She didn't sell her address. A few days ago, they had already left the five-star hotel room. Aunt Fang said, "Let's stay in a two-star hotel. I struggled to earn money and couldn't bear the hand that stretched out from the cashier." They stayed in a two-star hotel, and she left him a phone number tonight, which was the phone number of Aunt Fang's cell phone.As soon as she returned to the guest room, Aunt Fang snuffed out a cigarette in her hand and approached him and said, "I know, he is easily emotional. This is the moment when you and I can punish him."

The next thing is to meet, the next day, the saxophonist called her to ask her to meet, and at this moment, Aunt Fang said that we are going to leave again, let this lustful saxophonist indulge in the world shrouded in the aura of mysticism go.In this way, his existing secular life will slowly deteriorate.Now, let's go back, isn't the boss waiting to marry you?Let's go back to him.Go and see the wedding room he designed for you, and then put on the wedding dress... Experience the beauty of the wedding dress... In this way, Aunt Fang has already prepared the plane ticket for the return trip.

But at this moment, the phone rang, and Aunt Fang approached her cell phone. She had been waiting for a call from her second husband. Tormenting the happy life he already had." Then, a kind of poetry-like wandering wafted out from Li Shuizhu's tongue, and the middle-aged saxophonist said on the phone: "I Goddess, you are the goddess in my dreams, when will you come back?" She just played the role of a seducer, like a butterfly seduces a branch, and then flies away.This little trick made Aunt Fang look very satisfied, her expression was satisfied and sad, like a dark water jar containing infinite and full water quality, and its darkness covered the water jar, so that it The patterns are shaking.

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