Home Categories contemporary fiction female fugitive

Chapter 21 twenty one

female fugitive 海男 2185Words 2018-03-19
Her neighbor's surname was Xiao, and she asked Li Shuizhu to call her Aunt Fang, and she left early the next morning.She is going to another city to collect rental fees.All her living expenses depend on several rental houses in the city.As soon as Aunt Fang left, Li Shuizhu felt much freer.She put her cheek against the windowpane and looked down. This is a very strange residential courtyard. A space downstairs is full of bicycles. There is a retired old man sitting at the door. He is guarding the bicycle while waiting for the gate. .She had a very solid sleep, and there was no man's breath beside her, and no man's beard growing from her cheeks came to prick her skin.Her limbs spread out, and she slept naked again. When lying next to Wu Xueen, she tried to refuse men by dressing.

She checked the distance and found that it took 20 minutes to walk from this house to the former rental house, so she warned herself that in recent days, try not to show up in public, stay away from Wu Xueen, and let Wu Xueen think that she has left up.To make a man lose his expectation for a woman, the best way is of course to make the man unable to see the woman.She stayed at home for more than half a month. Before leaving, Aunt Fang left her a sum of money. Aunt Fang said: "When you have money in the future, you can return it to me." She accepted Aunt Fang's money. Money, money is more important than ever before, if it is lacking, her body and mind will sink forever, she is not reconciled, she sinks into the bottomless water, she will either suffocate to death, or It will float, like a layer of fish that loses its purpose and lives.When Aunt Fang handed her the money, life was drifting along the sliding bar of the afternoon, and she poked her head out of the window. There had never been a moment like this: she became an escaped suspect, not wearing prison clothes, but Curled up in the prison city I built.It's just that there are no guards around to watch over her.

For more than half a month, her feet only moved to the courtyard downstairs, and then moved between the small shop in the courtyard and the narrow street.What surprised her was that there were signs of life outside the courtyard of the house. The streets gathered snack shops, small shops, and small clothing stores, and there were human words, smells, and behaviors of secular life. This world is not Not lonely, even a small corner is living, this breath of life enriches her life.Because she was young, at first, she had no other purpose except to be satisfied with filling her stomach. Later, her body was like a full curve, moving through the narrow street, and no one knew her , and no one called her name. One day, she passed a beauty shop and saw a sign in front of the door, which was recruiting beauticians.

She went to the interview without hesitation. The woman in her forties glanced at her and asked her if she had a history of beauty treatment before. The woman asked what kind of school she graduated from.She answered her truthfully.The woman said: "Your academic qualifications are not bad, I can send you to training, the time is more than three months, after training, I will hand over the beauty shop on this street to you, because I also want to develop other beauty shops It was an opportunity, it had opened its doors, she certainly would not miss it, and to her delight the address was so close to her, at the top of the street, that there was a vocational training school.She didn't want to turn down the opportunity, because she compared the environment she was in to a prison, and she compared herself to a prisoner. Although she had no female guards, she lived a life that had lost her freedom.

She didn't want to wander to the other side of this street to live, she was afraid to see Wu Xueen, she knew that if Wu Xueen saw her, he would definitely grab her with his claws like an eagle pecking at its prey, because Wu Xueen wanted to marry her.Because Wu Xueen has a stubborn idea that since there is a physical relationship between them, there should be a result. In addition, Wu Xueen was betrayed by his ex-wife, which made him become extreme as a man. In short, as a man, he bears the burden of women's torture to him, so when he is overwhelmed, he will become a devil, maybe this is the reason why Li Shuizhu has to run away one.In short, we are tormented by many reasons, we have seen many sick branches and the swaying of the bright blue sky.At this moment, Li Shuizhu has already started to learn cosmetology.When the beautician in the training class explained to her the magical transformation of her face and body, she listened in amazement. The magical transformation seemed to have penetrated into her bones. From then on, she told herself, I want to change. my face.

At this moment, Aunt Fang came back, and she was surprised by how quickly she came back.Aunt Fang said she wanted to take her shopping, but she refused, because Aunt Fang was driving a car, she didn't know where Aunt Fang got the car?When did she learn to drive again? Moreover, Aunt Fang seemed to have become a person, wearing the most elegant fashion and the most extravagant accessories of this era and said to her: "I want to decorate you just like I decorate myself , I have already thought about it, without you, my grandson will not be happy in this life." Aunt Fang pulled her out and said to her, you don't need to be a beautician, you will find a job, with your Talent, you will change your destiny. This is a magical world. From this moment on, Li Shuizhu began to be dominated by Aunt Fang. The bright sun shone on her face that day, and Aunt Fang took her to the Walking around in the shopping mall, there are women's curves fluttering everywhere in the shopping mall. This world can lack some things. The curve of the world will suddenly lose its sense of taste buds.

Li Shuizhu must be placed in her premeditated conspiracy by Aunt Fang on this day.Conspiracy is lovely. At that moment, the lovely flower of conspiracy stands out from the fashion, and the unspeakable conspiracy conveys the sound from Li Shuizhu's high-heeled shoes. It is a charming and strong sense of melody. Then, Aunt Fang bought another one for her. Jewelry, this is an incredible moment like a demon. Fang Jie inconceivably reflects the aesthetic scale and behavior, and embodies this aesthetic scale and behavior in a woman.At first, Li Shuizhu thought it was just a game, just a joke when Aunt Fang was bored.Therefore, when she was about to take off the clothes that fit her body size and the expensive jewelry that she had only seen in dreams in her life, Aunt Fang was anxious and said to her: "These things belong to you, from now on In the future, they will no longer belong to others. Why can't we women dress up more beautifully? Why can't we women throw away things from time to time like men do? At this point, men are better than us, and men are better than us Ruthless, at this point we have to learn like men and live like throwing away garment after garment...  

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