Home Categories contemporary fiction A Story of a Snowy Night

Chapter 15 Chapter Eight (1)

A Story of a Snowy Night 海岩 9102Words 2018-03-19
"Xiaowei, tell me, do you love me?" "of course." "Love me for what?" He put a tender face against me, "I love everything." "Love my face, love my body, don't you?" "Love you, love you, everything is included, including the body of course, how can we separate." "Okay then," I held his face in my hands, "then I beg you to promise me one thing, first tell me whether you agree or not." "What's up?" "You first say yes or no." "Always what I can do." "You can do it."

"Of course it's fine. What's the matter?" "Come back with me?" "Where are you going?" "Go back to Beijing!" Pan Xiaowei stared at me in surprise: "...Is there any mistake, what are you going back to Beijing for?" "Let's go to Captain Wu and we can explain everything clearly." "You're crazy, you know I killed Feng Shimin!" "You can absolutely say that Feng Shimin wanted to kill you first, and that you killed him in self-defense." "Do you think Captain Wu is a child? Will he believe any story you make up?!"

"Listen to me," I put my arms around Pan Xiaowei, and at that moment my confidence surged, and I thought maybe this was a really good idea.I must make him listen. "Listen to me, when Feng Shimin died, he was carrying a gun, and he wanted to kill you twice. This is all evidence. You can defend yourself by killing him. It would be even more beneficial if you surrender yourself. And You gave the violin to the government, and you have made great contributions! The mainland government’s consistent policy is: lenient for confession, strict for resistance, meritorious service to atone for crimes, and great service to be rewarded.”

I was secretly satisfied with my eloquent analysis, but Pan Xiaowei got up from me with an annoyed expression on his face. "You're crazy, I won't turn myself in!" I still persistently believed in my persuasive power, "Xiaowei, listen to me..." But Pan Xiaowei jumped up impatiently, and he slammed my shirt on my chest. "Are you trying to betray me?" I saw that he was really anxious, and I said, "Why do you think that way, you know I love you!" Angrily, he slipped on his jeans and yelled at me: "I'm so afraid of you!" I rushed over and grabbed him: "Xiaowei!"

He shook off my hand: "I don't want you to change around like this!" I grabbed him again: "I didn't say it, okay?" I thought maybe my proposal was too sudden and he couldn't accept it all at once. This was also the first time I asked him to forgive me when I was quarreling.I said a lot of words to coax him, and his emotions gradually calmed down. I hugged him and said don't be angry, just give me a kiss.He reluctantly touched my face with his lips, and grunted: "I love you." This afternoon, we boarded the southbound train with the soft sleeper train tickets from Shanghai to Guangzhou, and finally started to our real destination.Along the way, I fully confirmed what Pan Xiaowei said last night. My every move was indeed strictly controlled by his brother, almost even when I went to the toilet at the other end of the carriage, there was a "tail" following me outside.A young policeman in the car took the initiative to strike up a conversation with me a few times, but in fact he was just looking for something to chat with, which actually made them very nervous.When the bus arrived in Hangzhou, the parking time was very long. Many local hawkers sold all kinds of ice cream and cooked food to the windows of the train, and many passengers got off the bus and went to the platform to get some air.I asked Xiaowei: "If I want to jump out of the car and run away, what will your elder brother do? Will you pull out a pistol and shoot me behind my back?"

Pan Xiaowei frowned, "My eldest lady, you never stop, why do you always make trouble like this, I hate this." "Your elder brother hates it. I risked my home and ran out with you. Why does he treat me like this?" "It's not fair for you to say that, and the elder brother doesn't know you well. How can he be careless when he takes a stranger along the way at this time." "I was brought by you, doesn't he even believe you?" "My elder brother only believes in himself." "Do you rely on such a big brother?" "Brother is willing to take you on such a risk for me."

I won't argue with him anymore, his words hurt my self-esteem very much, as if I was brought here by their mercy like a beggar.My heart was sore and my eye circles were red, but I resisted it.I don't want to cry in front of him again! Since then, I have been silent, always staring at the car window for a long time without saying a word.I saw the land outside the window receding rapidly, and I knew I was getting farther and farther away, and I was crying in my heart, but I never made a sound, never shed tears.Pan Xiaowei didn't realize what he said wrong, so it can be seen that I was still a little flustered when I was silent, and kept asking me if I was uncomfortable or annoying. If I didn't answer, he would look at me resentfully and pant helplessly.

So he ran to his elder brother's box and talked with his elder brother alone for a long time. Although he tried to lower his voice, I could still hear them arguing fiercely in the corridor.In the end, I don't know whether the negotiation broke down or an agreement was reached. Although Pan Xiaowei came out with a listless and extremely low expression, the attitude of his eldest brother and the "family members" of the Pan family towards me has changed significantly since then. , are more polite and polite. It was late at night when the train entered Guangdong Province, and I tossed and turned on the upper bunk.Since leaving Beijing, I have almost never had a good night's sleep, and I have lost a lot of weight.Pan Xiaowei woke up suddenly across from me, and asked me why I was still awake and whether I was not used to riding a car.I watched Ah Qiang sitting in front of the window on the lower berth, smoking like a fire, flickering on and off, and the other sleeping with him was snoring like singing, with ups and downs.I saw that Pan Xiaowei didn't say anything, but I have a thousand words.

Pan Xiaowei lay down, turned over, lay on his back like a child, and said something to me dreamily: "Honey, go to sleep." In the early hours of the morning, someone knocked on the door of our box, Ah Qiang answered and jumped up. He woke everyone up, let’s talk, we are here.When I got up, I looked out the window first. The platform was empty, the night had never receded, the sun had not yet risen, and I was at a loss as to where I was. The train stopped at this deserted little station for a minute, then rumbled away.Leave us on the platform in the early morning light.I looked around, wondering, this is obviously not Guangzhou.At the gate of the station, a black bullet van was parked alone. A thin man stood in front of the car, and greeted us with arms as thin as sticks.Pan Dawei nodded knowingly and smiled, and took the lead in striding towards the exit.Only then did I realize that the destination of this trip was not Guangzhou, and they had been hiding this real destination from Xiaowei and me.

Pan Xiaowei seemed indifferent, pointed at the stop sign indifferently, and said to me: "Huadu, what a beautiful name." Conversation 23 Haiyan: Yueyue, when you talked about the Pan family’s attitude towards you and your feelings caused by it, I felt that although you didn’t live in Beijing for a long time, you still have a lot of The personality of old Beijingers.Old Beijingers don’t pay much attention to making money, and they are relatively not that good at it, but they especially value their status in the eyes of others, whether they value them, whether they are sincere, and whether they are loyal enough.Beijingers have a strong sense of mission, sense of ownership, and sense of participation. No matter what happens, they always put themselves in it and don't treat themselves as outsiders.I'm just kidding, I just love being the protagonist too much.If you are rushing for a wedding, you wish you could be the bride, and if you are rushing for a funeral, you wish you could be the one in the coffin. In short, you have to be noticed by everyone in front of you to be happy, and at least you have to ask for an equal.Beijingers are most afraid of being ignored, belittled, neglected, suspected, and excluded from the circle.

Lu Yueyue: I'm not like what you said.Pan Dawei treated me too much. In his eyes, I was either a police spy or a frivolous woman who seduced his brother.I can see that in his mind, if a mainland girl like me can run out with them from Hong Kong, it must be because she loves money and is an act of selling herself for money, so he looks down on me from the bottom of his heart, and even more so It can't be said that I was treated as if the Ming media were marrying me.This is too far from my original imagination when I decided to run away with Pan Xiaowei.I thought that as long as Pan Xiaowei loves me, he will give me everything, not to mention whether he can live happily ever after, at least he should give me safety and a minimum of dignity.It was only later that I realized that my fantasy was too naive and naive. Hai Yan: Yesterday you said that you got off at Huadu Railway Station. I went back and checked the map. Huadu is a small city not far north of Guangzhou. Why did you suddenly get off here? Lu Yueyue: This is also a detail in Pan Dawei's whole plan. He had planned to get off at Huadu, but he bought a ticket to go straight to Guangzhou.After the Meigao nightclub incident, he did not contact anyone, including his company and family, in order to prevent his whereabouts from being exposed to the Beijing, Hong Kong police and Tianlong Gang.It was not until before leaving Shanghai that I called my brother-in-law who stayed in Hong Kong and instructed him to send someone to Huadu Railway Station to pick him up at a certain time on a certain day of the month as originally planned.The skinny man we saw at the exit that morning was the one who was ordered to pick him up. The skinny man didn't talk much, he pulled us up in that black bullet van, didn't stop in Huadu for a while, and headed due south, toward the sea. Hai Yan: Do you want to sneak back to Hong Kong? Lu Yueyue: No, they want to go to Macau. They are worried that the mainland police will report the arrest warrant for Pan Xiaowei to the Hong Kong Police Force, so it is not safe to return to Hong Kong, so they plan to go to Macau first and try to send Pan Xiaowei to Europe in Macau. Or go to Canada, and then Pan Dawei and others will return to Hong Kong.Because Pan Dawei was involved in the murder at the Meigao Nightclub, the police had no evidence. Hai Yan: So many days have passed. After Li Xianghua took over the command of this case, what measures has he taken? Lu Yueyue: Li Xianghua worked very hard, this is his chance to show his talent.It's a pity that this is a hard nut to crack, because there is no trace of Pan Xiaowei and my whereabouts.They continued to work in the Beijing area for the first two days without any clues; they contacted the Hong Kong police but did not get any valuable clues.After analyzing and analyzing, I feel that the possibility of Pan Xiaowei walking by air is very small. If he walks by land, he is most likely to head south and finally smuggle out by sea.The information provided by the Hong Kong police also said that Pan Dawei was suspected of being involved in the business of organizing mainland tourists to smuggle into Hong Kong and Macau in his early years, so he should be familiar with walking by sea.In this way, Li Xianghua decided to put all his eggs in one basket, gave up Beijing, took Liu Baohua, Xue Yu and others, and went south to seek help from the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau.They had already been in Guangzhou for three days when we got off at Huadu. Haiyan: Open the net and wait. Lu Yueyue: No, it's just a general network deployment.The area along the coast of Guangdong is still too large to select key points. Hai Yan: Then after you left Huadu City, where did you go due south? Lu Yueyue: We bypassed Guangzhou, passed through Foshan and Jiangmen, and arrived at an unremarkable small town close to the sea at dusk. This half-fisherman, half-merchant town is called Sanshui Town, and it is very rich. Most of the residents in the town live in two-story or even three-story modern buildings.The town is not big, there is only one lively street.The street is not wide, crowded with restaurants, restaurants, hotels, shops, hair salons, photo halls, dance halls, game rooms, karaoke and other urban content.As soon as the sun goes down and the lights are turned on, the street becomes bustling. There are as many tourists doing business as the locals, wearing T-shirts and shorts and spending a lot of money on this street.This is probably the last stop before we leave the mainland.Unknowingly, Pan Dawei's face showed a bit of relief. He chatted happily with Ah Qiang and others, followed the taciturn thin man, and turned into a brand-new courtyard located at the end of the town. There is also a small two-story building built in the yard, which is also quite high-end, with doors and windows made of aluminum alloy and brown glass.All kinds of household appliances are available in the living room. The furniture is all Western-style, but there are gilded Buddhist altars on the cabinets, and there are vulgar beauty calendars on the walls. The tablecloths and TV covers are also bright red and green. Very uncoordinated. After Pan Dawei entered the room, he sat on the sofa without waiting for the master to let him go. The thin man called down an extremely ugly middle-aged woman from upstairs in Cantonese, and ordered her to make tea, cook and serve cold drinks.Only then did I realize that this small building was the skinny man's home. Dinner will be arranged at the skinny man's home.This place relies on the sea to eat the sea, and the fish, shrimp and crabs are very fresh.Pan Dawei ate two mouthfuls indiscriminately, and then hurried upstairs to conspire with the thin man. After talking for a while, Pan Dawei seemed to lose his temper, and only heard him shout angrily for a while, but the thin man remained silent as if dead.Ah Qiang went up to probe his head, then came down again after a while, and muttered to the people at the dinner table: "Damn it! I don't have to go tonight." Everyone blinked their eyes and were speechless.I think they probably didn't intend to stay here, but wanted to cross the sea by boat overnight.Maybe something went wrong in the plan, so I'm going to spend the night here today.Later I heard that the reason why I couldn't go to sea that night was because the owner of the ship who had been scheduled to gamble with someone was beaten to the hospital. So Pan Dawei had no choice but to call his home in Hong Kong with his mobile phone and inform them that the ship they had sent to the sea to pick him up had changed to wait for his order.That night we stayed at the thin man's house.The thin man and his wife moved into a hut, and gave up the large bedroom on the second floor to Pan Dawei. Ah Qiang and others felt wronged and made the floor in the living room downstairs. Xiaowei and I lived in the thin man's son's room. His son didn't know Going to school or working part-time and never going home. At about ten o'clock in the evening, there was a power outage in the town.I couldn't watch the TV, and the air conditioner couldn't be turned on. The wind was very strong and the cabin was very hot.Xiaowei was tired, so he took off his body and fell asleep on the bed. After sleeping for a while, he got up in a daze and went to the bathroom to take a shower.I stood on the roof terrace, and I didn't feel cool even though I was up high.There is no light in the town, and the sound is cut off as if dead.In the distance, out of sight, there is the sound of the surging sea tide, and the rise and fall of the sound of the tide seems to add to the tranquility between heaven and earth.I think we'll be crossing the sea by boat at this time tomorrow.I have never been in the sea, and I have never been through rough seas.This may be my last night on the mainland. I spend this last night on the edge of the continent, and I am very homesick. I think my mother may be crazy, will she be under any pressure because of me?When I think of my mother, my thoughts rush down like a flood. I think about the village where I lived since I was a child, the small town on the northeast border where I went to school, the first familiarity and unfamiliarity in my work unit after my college life and work. colleagues, friends and teachers.I looked up at the starless sky and felt that I had lost all my relatives and friends, surrounded by darkness and disoriented.I guess the side facing away from the sea is the north.I faced the north and prayed for my mother. I wish I could have a little telepathy with her at this time, so that she can know my mood and thoughts at this time.I firmly believe that my mother loves me unconditionally, she will forgive me, she will understand me, and she will accept me no matter what happens.Although the world is so big, sometimes the only one who can love and care for you forever is your mother. Indeed, Xue Yu pursued me fanatically, but can I still imagine that he will be the same as before?Almost everyone in the team knew that Xue Yu was chasing me. Now that I ran away with others, it is conceivable how people would point at him behind his back, shake their heads and curl their lips.Xue Yu is the most face-saving person. The darkness all around, coupled with the unaccustomed smell of fishy and salty sea breeze, coupled with the sweltering heat of this foreign land, made people restless and restless.I really want to go back and see the city of Beijing again.Beijing, I like the city so familiar and so comfortable, can I go back? There were several sounds on the stairs on the roof terrace, and a burly figure climbed up faintly.It was Pan Dawei, he sighed for a long time, standing beside me and talking to himself: "There won't be a typhoon." I said nothing. He asked me: "Why are you standing here alone and not going to accompany Ah Wei?" I hated him for ruining this environment where I could meditate alone, I suppressed my annoyance and responded, then turned and walked towards the stairs.Pan Dawei suddenly stopped me behind me: "Hey miss, do you really want to come with us?" I stopped, and I said, "It's not that I want to, it's your brother who wants me to follow him." Pan Dawei smiled, "My child, I always have a whim." I didn't want to discuss anything with him, but I still said: "Your brother is an adult now, he should be responsible for what he does." "Yeah, if you really go out with him, I think he will help you. I just want to remind you, don't fantasize about getting too many things." I couldn't help being angry, it was tantamount to insult, "You got Mr. Pan wrong, I don't want a penny from your Pan family." "Ha, women are really scary," Pan Dawei laughed viciously, "Do you know that you have already spent at least one million dollars on me!" He was obviously talking about the violin.When it comes to the violin his resentment is palpable: "Awei always likes to spend money on girls, and likes to date girls. He is very happy that girls are all around him, but this time he played too much." I don't know what he meant when he told me these things. What did he mean when he told me that Xiaowei likes girls?I know what he means. He wants to tell me that Xiaowei has many girlfriends, and I am just one of them. He wants to tell me not to fantasize about being the daughter-in-law of the Pan family, don’t fantasize about monopolizing Xiaowei, and don’t think about the Pan family. the property of.That's what he means! Pan Dawei continued: "However, it doesn't matter whether Xiaowei treats you well in the future. You have your own capital, so you don't have to be afraid of anything." I don't want to listen to it anymore, I am extremely angry, extremely hated, extremely wronged, and I am afraid.I'm afraid that everything he said is true, everything is not as simple as I imagined at the beginning, everything is unexpectedly strange, ruthless, and changeable.In front of us, perhaps, is not a romantic trip to Europe or Canada, but a situation that no one realized beforehand. My heart became extremely chaotic because of this. I touched the handrail of the stairs and almost fell downstairs.Pan Dawei said something behind me that I didn't hear clearly, probably saying that you don't have to be afraid, your capital is the face that makes all men's hearts flutter. I went back to the room and pushed Pan Xiaowei to wake him up. He frowned in a daze and muttered, "What are you doing? He's sleeping." I said you got up and I have something to say.He sat up and rubbed his eyes, full of complaints: "What's the matter with you, you're going to lose your temper again." I stared at him: "Xiaowei, tell me, do you have many girlfriends like me?" "What are you doing?" He was sleepy and lay down again crookedly.I hold him. "Xiaowei, today is the last night, please don't hurt me." When he heard my voice change, he sat up straight and said, "No, did the big brother say something to you again?" "Tell me, because I helped you before, don't lie to me, tell the truth, is there any?" "Ordinary friends, there are always some." "Have you never loved anyone else before me?" Xiaowei shook his shoulders angrily, lay down straight, put his hands on the pillow, and looked at the sky: "You have no reason to press me like this. I can quite well ask you, what is the relationship between you and that Mr. Xue? Aren't you very good friends?!" I tried to hold back but tears still came out, "Xiaowei, Xiaowei, I came out with you and entrusted everything to you, everything! But I didn't expect you to be as unreasonable as your elder brother!" Xiaowei turned over and sat up again, "Didn't you say that you came out with me to find excitement?! Are you satisfied now? Are you bored now? Why do you always make trouble like this? No wonder people say that women who like excitement are fickle!" Maybe we are all too young, and we lose our rationality when we quarrel and get excited, and we all come out with shame and hate and all kinds of harsh and unfeeling words. "You and your elder brother, you people, how many women have been harmed by people like you, and you dumped after playing enough, you swore to me, you said that you promised to make me happy for the rest of my life, have you forgotten?! I really regret that I I didn't see through you! I thought you, your family, and your elder brother were not the same people!" Pan Xiaowei also let go of his voice: "Don't always speak ill of my elder brother, don't forget that he is helping you now, can you get out without him? You have to have a backbone, why don't you go back and find your comrades !" "Good! Good!" I was almost speechless, "I'll go back and find them!" After I finished speaking, I rushed out. Pan Dawei cursed somewhere in Cantonese, probably telling his brother to shut up.Ah Qiang and others stood at the foot of the stairs to watch the excitement, and saw me rushing down the stairs and out of the living room to the yard. Ah Qiang persuaded me, "Hey, there's a typhoon blowing outside." Another accomplice immediately sneered and asked him Didn't you want to take advantage of the fire and use your bad intentions, aren't you afraid that the boss will fire you? Sure enough, it was windy outside, and the wind carried a sticky fishy smell and dampness, which made people suffocate.I cried silently: "Mom, Xiaoxue, Captain Wu, please forgive me..." I know I'm done. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the moisture turned into raindrops. Ah Qiang and the owner of the small building were closing the windows with bangs and bangs.I stood in the courtyard and was drenched in an instant.Pan Xiaowei ran out with his upper body naked, and pulled me back. If I didn't go back, he forced me into the house, saying okay, okay, don't be so willful.In the living room, Ah Qiang and the rest had already laid down on the floor in disorder.In the dark, I heard them say with a smile that you should stop making trouble, we are going to sleep too, the wind is so strong that sleeping is so comfortable. Pan Xiaowei and I went upstairs in the dark.I sat on the bed, and Pan Xiaowei was lying on the floor covered with cheap carpets with a pillow between them. He ignored me and lay with his back to me.I kept turning over and wiping my sweat, but I just didn't look at me. I sat alone in front of the bed, and I thought they were all sound asleep, just like Aqiang’s experience, sleeping is as comfortable as a rainy day.I don't know if it's the violent storm outside the window, or the turbulent waves crashing on the shore in the distance, a chaotic, heavy and messy sound roared, drowning out all the breathing and sleep talking in this small building. Is this a typhoon?The roar of the typhoon is undoubtedly terrifying, but for them, the worse the weather is, the less they need to fortify, the more they can rest easy and feel safer! Pan Xiaowei tossed and turned for a while, and also fell asleep amidst the lightning and thunder.I was the only one awake in this small building, I quietly walked out of the room, went downstairs, and stood in the living room.No one wakes up. I saw the phone on the coffee table almost without searching. I knelt down and dialed the two numbers "01" with trembling hands. This is Beijing! I then dialed the phone number of the duty room in our office. Before I finished dialing, there was a busy voice on the receiver. I dialed again, but the line was still busy. I felt relieved, thinking that this phone probably does not have long-distance direct dialing. function. Just as I hung up the phone, I suddenly saw a black guy lying across the other coffee table. I recognized it as the hand-held phone that Aqiang carried with me. I knew that this number could be dialed directly from Hong Kong. of. I quietly took this big brother and slipped into the bathroom in the living room.I pressed the switch, and with a beep, all the buttons lit up, even dazzling in the dark.I pressed the two numbers "01" and then the number of the duty room in the office. When I heard it, it was still busy.The sweat on my head was dripping down.At this time, someone got up in the living room, and I heard someone get up clearly, walking towards the bathroom.My heart almost jumped out of my chest. At this time, all thoughts in my mind were empty, and a dream from the past suddenly occupied my heart-I was sitting in a car, Xiaowei was no longer by my side, and I was holding a crying baby in my arms. To a man with a gun.The man fired several shots at me, I was shot, I was shot but didn't seem to be dead, I hid in the car and played dead.The man turned and walked away, grinning grinningly all the way—at this moment I heard the sound of teapots and cups, someone was drinking water in the living room, and after drinking, he seemed to be walking back to the original place to lie down.I waited patiently for a long time, but I didn't hear a sound, but I still had lingering fears.I panicked and wondered why this mobile phone could connect to Hong Kong but not Beijing. After thinking about it, I suddenly realized that this mobile phone was registered in Hong Kong, and to call Beijing, I probably had to dial the code in China first.So I hoped and pressed five more numbers 00861. There is a spirit in the sky. After I pressed the number in the office, the call was connected magically. After five or six long beeps, someone answered: "Hey, who are you looking for?" I was too excited to speak: "Hello..." "Hey, where do you want?" The receiver spoke with an authentic Beijing accent, so kind. "Hello, are you in the duty room?" "Where do you want?" The other party was a little impatient.No wonder, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night. I said, "Hi, I'm Lu Yueyue..." "Lu Yueyue?" The voice on the phone was a little surprised, "Hello! Are you Lu Yueyue?" "I'm in Guangdong……" "Hey, are you Lu Yueyue? Speak up, where are you?" How can I be loud, I almost pressed my lips to the microphone and said: "I'm in Guangdong. It's very close to Macau. It's called Sanshui Town. Do you hear me? It's called Sanshui Town!" "Sanshui Town, is it Sanshui Town?" I heard the other party repeat clearly twice, hung up the phone, and cut off the power. The people in the living room were still asleep, and I put the phone back where it belonged. I tiptoed upstairs, feeling very confused and not at all relieved.Pushing open the half-covered door, I was startled. Pan Xiaowei was sitting on the carpet, looking at me with twinkling eyes. I stood at the door and dared not go in. I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do.Pan Xiaowei asked plainly: "Where did you go?" "I, I'm going to the bathroom." Unknowingly, my tone has become as docile as a prisoner answering an interrogation.Pan Xiaowei thought I wasn't angry anymore, and said, "I was taken aback, I thought you ran out and sulked again." Only then did I feel relieved and walked back to the bed and sat down, not knowing what to say to him. "Go to sleep, dear, you might leave tomorrow." I wanted to tell him everything, but I couldn't make up my mind, and I lay down with all kinds of emotions in my heart, and I couldn't make up any ideas. I know I still love him. I wonder if this long distance call to Beijing will hurt him?What will happen to him if our man comes?Would it make sense if he said that killing Feng Shimin was a legitimate defense?Will he be offended if he finds out I made this call?How should I explain myself once our people come?will they comeIf I go back to Beijing, what will the captain think of me, what will Xue Yu think of me, will he still treat me like before?Can I still go to work, leave work, go shopping, and go home happily like I used to?Pan Xiaowei and I, what will happen to us in the end, if I wait for him, I still love him, will he forgive me, understand me and come to me again? It was a chaotic night with endless questions and no answers, and I fell asleep by the end of the day.The rain stopped silently in the middle of the night, and the wind stopped roaring.This may not be a typhoon, maybe it is just a corner of the typhoon.After the rain, the weather became sultry again, and when I woke up from a short sleep, I was sweating profusely.I opened my eyes and saw that the window was open, but the door was closed so there was no ventilation.Pan Xiaowei shook the fan for me while wiping my sweat, he said with a smile: "Ha, you slept soundly, I was afraid that you would be angry with me and couldn't sleep, but I didn't expect you to be more open-minded than me, wow, you have a first-class self-cultivation. " I turned my back to him and said, "Are you really so open-minded?" He said: "Of course, I dare to say anything angry when I quarrel, and forget it after the quarrel is over. I don't hold grudges the least." I thought about my words and said, "Xiaowei, I want to ask you, what if, what if... what do you think I did to sorry you, what would you do?" "That depends on what's going on." "What is the thing you can't stand the most?" "The most intolerable thing is that you deceive me." My heart tightened for a moment, and I quibbled: "My mother said that if a woman stops lying to a man, then she doesn't love him anymore." "Really? Well, I can't tolerate you betraying me the most. There are few women in the world who like men who are upright, but there is no man who doesn't value women's integrity. Especially me, I am very emotional, so the most Afraid of getting hurt." I knew I couldn't speak to him now, so I purposely retorted to hide my panic. "You men always ask women to be loyal to you, but you never think about how you treat women." Pan Xiaowei bent down and kissed me, "Did I treat you badly?" I wanted to avoid him in confusion, but his wet and soft lips insisted on leaning forward.He took my tongue and squeezed gently.I cried out in pain, he let go, and rubbed my face with his mouth again and again as if apologizing, he murmured don't be angry my darling, what I'm most afraid of is that you will leave me.From his movements, I could tell that he was getting excited again. He was convulsing, panting, and talking sweetly in his sleep.I also softened, and when the climax came, I really felt that I should die and not love him. He lay limply on my body, I said you get up and wash up, he said honey, I love you to death, let me lie down for a while, okay?Our sweat flows together, from the chest to the legs, it is lingering and slippery.I hugged him and kissed his mouth and face hard, I said crazily, dear dear no matter what happened, I hope you can forgive me, please promise me.
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