Home Categories contemporary fiction A Story of a Snowy Night

Chapter 9 Chapter 5(1)

A Story of a Snowy Night 海岩 9152Words 2018-03-19
Pan Xiaowei: "Why did you bring Qin to Beijing? Just ask my elder brother." Perhaps Captain Li also knew that his cunning was stupid. Obviously, Pan Xiaowei didn't know how and by what means the piano would be sent to Beijing on the 25th.So Captain Wu went on to ask: "On the evening of the 25th, you got the piano according to the place and method notified by the Hong Kong phone call, and then took the piano directly to the Meigao Nightclub. Someone has already booked a private room there in advance. Will you You met Feng Shimin, the boss of Tianlong Gang there, and then you handed Qin over to him face to face on behalf of the Pan family, is this the whole process?"

Pan Xiaowei said listlessly: "If my elder brother discussed with you like this, then it should be like this." Captain Wu suddenly turned his gaze to me and said loudly: "Yueyue, on the night of May 25th, you will still accompany Mr. Pan. From the time he received the call to pick up the violin, until he arrived with the violin. Meigao Nightclub is going to see Feng Shimin, you are responsible for protecting Mr Pan's safety." Pan Xiaowei stood up suddenly, and resolutely objected: "No! My elder brother said that I can only go alone, and the police must not send anyone to follow. If the Tianlong Gang finds out, Feng Shimin will not go to the appointment!"

Captain Wu looked at Pan Xiaowei, who was suddenly irritable, but he was very slow, and said with a smile: "That's why we sent Ms. Lu to accompany you. In the eyes of those in the Tianlong Gang, a girl accompanying you, at most they think This is a companion you found in Beijing." Liu Baohua looked at me and made a grimace.I didn't say anything. Pan Xiaowei also glanced at me, still standing stiffly, and protested loudly: "Mr. Police Officer, please speak respectfully, I cannot agree to this arrangement." Captain Wu closed the notebook with a snap, and put on a straight face: "You must agree!"

Pan Xiaowei blushed, stood in front of Captain Wu, and said angrily, "You can't force me, otherwise you won't get this violin!" Enraged by Pan Xiaowei's threat, Li Xianghua stood up abruptly, and was about to speak when Captain Wu stopped him.I didn't expect that Pan Xiaowei would turn against us almost at the last moment. I watched Captain Wu's reaction nervously.Captain Wu stood up slowly, looked at Pan Xiaowei squarely, and said word by word: "You must agree, otherwise, we will cancel your elder brother's plan, and we will start anew, and we will also take back this violin!"

After Captain Wu finished speaking, he walked to the other side of the room, picked up the thermos from the table, and poured water to drink as if nothing had happened. He admired the ink lotus painting on the wall, and slowly sipped the boiled water.Captain Li added harshly to Pan Xiaowei: "If things need to go this far, it will be too late for your elder brother to cooperate with us..." Pan Xiaowei stared helplessly for a long time, had no choice but to vent his breath: "Okay, you can send someone to accompany me, but Ms. Lu can't, I don't want her to accompany me."

Captain Li said, "Isn't it nice for Ms. Lu to accompany you these few days?" Pan Xiaowei said: "She is a woman, she can't protect me!" Captain Li said: "Don't worry, we are all..." At this time, Captain Wu turned around, completely ignoring Pan Xiaowei who had turned his tone into a plea, and arranged to me as if nothing had happened: "Yueyue, on the night of the 25th, you will have dinner with Mr. Pan, then go to his room and wait for the call from Hong Kong, go get the violin together, and then accompany him to the Meigao Nightclub. On the 25th You can be a little more intimate with Mr. Pan that day."

This non-discussion tone made Pan Xiaowei unable to retaliate, he could only glare at Captain Chongwu. From then on until the end of the meeting, Pan Xiaowei didn't say a word.After the meeting, Xiao Xue went back to Asia Hotel first.Pan Xiaowei was left by Captain Wu to talk alone for a while, and I waited for him outside.When Pan Xiaowei came out, his face was still gloomy. The team leader asked me and Liu Baohua to take him back to the hotel. He didn’t speak all the way. Liu Baohua always wanted to find something to talk about while driving to adjust the atmosphere, but Pan Xiaowei asked and answered, and his mood was extremely depressed.

I don't speak either. It's not that I'm depressed, but I can't find words. When we arrived at the hotel, I accompanied Pan Xiaowei upstairs, and there were only the two of us in the elevator.I looked at the slowly beating floor digital display lights on the elevator, and asked faintly: "Why don't you let me accompany you?" He whispered, "I don't want you to take this risk anymore. Otherwise I owe you too much." I said, "This is my profession." At this time, I never expected that Pan Xiaowei turned around and hugged me, and then his mouth was pressed against mine very stiffly.I froze all of a sudden, trembling with fright, but I never expected that I didn't scream, struggle, or push him away angrily...

When I was in college at the police academy, many male classmates chased me, and Xiao Xue also chased me after I got to work, but I have never let a man kiss me.Pan Xiaowei's kiss stunned me, I didn't know how to react, my whole body was agitated, but my heart was extremely terrified, I felt like the sky was going to collapse! The elevator arrived, and the elevator doors opened.Pan Xiaowei still didn't let go of me, he even faintly wanted to use his tongue to open my closed mouth.Xue Yu, who happened to be on duty in the elevator hall on the floor, should have seen everything! He said loudly in the standard language of a standard hotel waiter: "Good afternoon, sir, this is the ninth floor!"

Pan Xiaowei let go of me, he saw and looked at Xue Yu squarely, without any shyness or timidity at all.He got off the elevator, and the moment the elevator door closed, I clearly saw the faces of these two men. Pan Xiaowei was watching me calmly and affectionately, while Xue Yu was strangely indifferent! The elevator went down silently. I was shaking all over and wanted to cry, but there were no tears.I can't tell what the feeling in my heart is, is it grievance, shame, fear, or panic?To this day, I can't describe my feelings at that time in words. The elevator stopped on the third floor, and a large group of young men and women came up talking and laughing. They seemed to look at my face with doubts. Did I have any strange expressions?

The elevator reached the ground floor, and I followed them out.At this time, Xue Yu chased me down somehow. He caught up with me in a corner of the lobby, grabbed my arm, lowered his voice and gritted his teeth: "Are you still a detective?" I shrugged him off and continued walking, and he grabbed me from behind again. "Lu Yueyue, tell me clearly!" I shook off his hand again, and walked towards the gate of the hotel at a faster pace.Xue Yu stopped. He stared blankly at me walking out of the hotel gate and getting into Liu Baohua's car without looking back. talk 14 Hai Yan: Yueyue, in my opinion, since you took over the work of this case, Xue Yu has always been inexplicably sensitive to your contact with Pan Xiaowei.Of course, this sensitivity may only be a subconscious.But after he saw what happened in the elevator that day, the issue became public, at least among the three of you.Xue Yu's state of mind at that time can be imagined, so will he do anything afterwards?For example, have you reported this matter to the leader?And Pan Xiaowei, what exactly does he think of you? After this incident happened, he should have an explanation to you, or apologize, admit that he was impulsive, offended, or... In short, he should have an explanation. Lu Yueyue: Xue Yu didn't chase me that day. After all, he had a mission and couldn't leave the hotel.He took the elevator back to the floor, and happened to be blocked by several inspection cadres from the hotel service quality inspection team.The inspection team immediately asked, "Are you the waiter on the ninth floor?" Xue Yu looked at them with a sullen face and said nothing.This kind of confrontation, this kind of silence, was all regarded as resistance to censorship.The people in the inspection team got angry, raised their voices and asked again: "Are you the waiter on the ninth floor?" The foreman on the ninth floor heard the voice running out of the workshop, and said cautiously, "It's on our floor." The inspection team said: "Do you know that the waiter is not allowed to take the passenger elevator?" The foreman nodded and bowed: "I know, I know." The inspection team's stare: "I didn't ask you!" The foreman quickly looked at Xue Yu, and Xue Yu said hoarsely, "I know." The inspection team took out the disciplinary slip: "You tell yourself how much you will be fined." Xue Yumu was stunned, speechless. The inspection team stopped discussing, tore off the disciplinary slip, and said, "Pay one hundred, fifty yuan is for business, and fifty yuan is for attitude." Xue Yu didn't explain, just lowered his head and took the order. The people from the inspection team left, but Xue Yu still stood still in a daze, his eyes were red.The foreman thought he was worried about the hundred yuan, so he persuaded him, saying that it's okay, and let your leaders come to our security department in the future to return all the money you fined.The foreman said: "It's your bad luck too. The head of the service quality inspection team is now at odds with the head of our housekeeping department. They've been staring at the floor for a while, and everyone is afraid of being punished by them." Xue Yu didn't report this to the team, maybe it's because young people nowadays are very taboo to hurt colleagues who look up and down all day too badly, maybe it's because although Xue Yu hates me, he doesn't hate me. .But the next day, the two captains, Wu and Li, still criticized the two of us separately, saying that we were so unruly and incompetent to engage in personal emotional disputes regardless of occasion and time, and the impact was extremely bad.Later, I heard from Liu Baohua that Xue Yu dragged me and scolded me at the corner of the hotel lobby, and was seen by outside scouts not far away and reported to the team.He also told me that when Captain Wu criticized Xue Yu, Xue Yu kept his head depressed and said nothing. Liu Baohua asked me, what happened to you and Xue Yu? On that day, the outside line also reported that Pan Xiaowei went to the hotel's sauna to take a sauna bath alone after lunch.It is also very expensive to take a sauna in a hotel, and there are very few people who take a sauna. If outsiders follow in, they will be exposed, so they only recorded the time when he entered and exited the bathroom, and did not follow up.According to the records, Pan Xiaowei stayed inside for a total of forty minutes. Hai Yan: I'm not afraid of heat.However, saunas are generally used by fat people to lose weight. Lv Yueyue: Usually few people go to the sauna at noon, but when Pan Xiaowei took off his clothes and walked into the sauna room made of Finnish wood, there was already a person waiting for him, that is his elder brother. Hai Yan: Ah, it turns out that the sauna room is where they agreed to meet up.This is interesting, naked, steaming, these two brothers are ingenious. Lu Yueyue: In the public places of the hotel, the sauna room is indeed the most natural and convenient place to hide from people's eyes. Haiyan: What did they talk about? Lu Yueyue: It was mainly Pan Dawei who encouraged his younger brother, because Pan Xiaowei made it clear to his elder brother that he did not want to participate in this matter anymore. He said, have you forgotten how your father asked you to treat me before he died?Why do you push me to this cusp.Pan Dawei said, don't be afraid, I have arranged everything for you, and Feng Shimin won't touch a single hair of you.Pan Xiaowei said that I didn't want to get involved in your affairs in the past, and there's no need to get involved now, and I can't do this kind of thing.Pan Dawei said, I will depend on you for what you want to do or not, but this time the Pan family and the Tianlong Gang must come to an end, otherwise, they will not only kill me, but also you, and the entire Pan family.Aren't you from the Pan family? In fact, Pan Xiaowei has no choice, at least the Tianlong Gang has tried to put him to death twice. If this threat is not removed, there will be no peace wherever he goes in the future, and the big brother "offering treasures for peace" is not only for himself, but for himself. It was for the Pan family. If Pan Xiaowei stood by, it would be unjustifiable for his own personal interests. In this case, he could only play the role assigned to him by his elder brother and represent the Pan family to meet Feng Shimin. But before leaving the sauna that day, he made a condition with his elder brother. Hai Yan: What conditions? Lu Yueyue: He told his elder brother that he knew a girl who had helped him, and he asked his elder brother to find a way to take her with him after the matter was over. Facing this sudden question, Pan Dawei was of course stunned. He really couldn't react. At such a critical moment, his younger brother would unexpectedly come up with such an extremely absurd idea. "A girl? Did you make a mistake!" Pan Xiaowei said: "Brother, I only beg you this once in my life." Pan Dawei slapped his younger brother: "You're out of your mind!" Pan Xiaowei said harshly, "Do you agree or not?" Pan Dawei looked at his younger brother as if he were looking at a stranger, and his younger brother had such an expression of no hesitation.He was a little anxious, almost pleading: "Is she a local? It's not a word to take away a local, do you understand?" Pan Xiaowei probably knew that his elder brother had been a "smuggler" for smuggling mainlanders from Hong Kong in the early years, so he forced him to agree without hesitation: "If you don't agree, I won't go to see Feng Shimin! Absolutely not!" Pan Dawei knew his younger brother's temper, so he had no choice but to delay the attack first, shook his head and sighed, "I don't understand you, what kind of goblin with three heads and six arms is obsessing your head! What does she do?" Pan Xiaowei didn't reveal my identity, he just said: "I will bring her to show you when the time comes." In the evening of this day, I answered a phone call in the office.The call seemed to come from far away, with a rustling noise.I said "Hi" twice, but there was only a panting sound as distant as a noise in the receiver. I asked loudly, "Hey, who are you?" The receiver said, "Are you alone?" It's Xue Yu.My heart suddenly raised my voice, and I didn't know what to say. Xue Yu's voice was very calm, but he seemed a little old-fashioned. "Yueyue, we should have a serious talk." I was silent for a while and asked, "What are you talking about?" "Someone told me before that you are definitely a girl who can't stand loneliness. It's bad luck to be with a cute girl like you. I never believed it." "Now you believe it, don't you?" On the phone, he let out a long sigh of relief, without saying yes or no, but asked: "Yueyue, tell me the truth, do you really like him, or are you just playing around?" I don't know how to answer such a sharp question, so I can only force my words: "I don't know how to act on the occasion, and liking someone doesn't mean you have to do something." Xue Yu's tone was a little excited: "What else do you want? If you like someone else, I will walk away automatically, but if you like him, then I have to tell you, this is no longer a matter of love between children , This is a political issue. You said a few days ago that you would make a mistake and show me. I took you for being angry, but I didn’t expect you to do what you said. You can like other people as much as you like, I have no choice. The right to interfere. But for him, you have to weigh the consequences!" I knew what Xue Yu said was right, but it was difficult for me to accept his condescending and threatening tone, so I said angrily: "I fell in love with him, what consequences do you say!" I heard Xue Yu's ups and downs and heavy breathing more clearly: "Don't forget what you do, if you fall in love with him, you are a traitor!" Xue Yu's shot made me dumb, and I was so ashamed and hated that I wanted to cry but had no tears!I slammed the phone down. All around suddenly quiet down.It was a Sunday, most people in the department didn't go to work, and the team members probably went to the Meigao Nightclub with the captain.The sky seems to be darkening reluctantly, and the tables, chairs and cabinets in the room silently retain vague outlines.Only two small windows are still dimly lit, like two cloudy cat's eyes, lazily facing people coldly. I sat motionless in front of the phone, feeling hollowed out by something in my heart, and my mood was extremely corrupted.I repeated what Xue Yu said just now in my mind: "Rebellion, rebellion, rebellion..." I thought of Captain Wu again, no matter if something good or bad happened to me, I would immediately think of Captain Wu, guessing what would happen if he found out reaction.I also think of Ji Chunlei, I think old Ji is really loyal and loyal to his duty, he sacrificed his life for justice, he has a wife and a daughter who provokes someone, and he will take his life, there are no ghosts in this world after death, me and Pan Xiaowei Kiss is worthy of him?Lao Ji's bones are still cold!When I think about Lao Ji, I even feel ashamed. I also thought about my mother and my dead father. Although I didn't admit it, I knew in my heart that I was different from others. I was a descendant of a bandit who walked out of a small remote county. When I come to Beijing, I should be satisfied and cherish it and not mess around. The phone rang again, and the sharp ring was startling, and I knew it was late. It was still Xue Yu, he sighed roughly on the phone, and then said: "Yueyue, don't be like this, I know what you said is angry, but you know that your angry words really scared me, I'm really afraid You were momentarily confused." I said, "Don't worry, I know what to do." He said: "Yueyue, why can't I understand you? God gave you such a beautiful face, but also gave you such a cold and fickle heart. I always fantasize that if you don't , What a perfect person that should be." Xue Yu's words made me weak all over. I knew that I was too irrational and frivolous. People like Pan Xiaowei were just a gust of wind that came and went without a trace. How could I be serious and how emotional.But when I thought of Pan Xiaowei at this moment, I couldn't move his white face away from my eyes no matter what.My hand holding the phone was a little trembling, and I choked up a sentence: "I, I don't know what to do... I'm in a mess." Xue Yu seemed to understand something. He was silent for a long time, listening to me sobbing, and finally he said: "Okay Yueyue, then you can do it yourself. I know that feelings are sometimes difficult to explain. But a person must always be loyal to himself. Occupation and organization, this is also the basic morality of a person, I hope your emotions will not affect the work in front of you." I stopped crying, and I said: "Don't worry about that, I'm not so restless, I won't let everyone down." This day was May 23rd, two days before the date of the peace talks agreed between the Pan family and the Tianlong Gang. Next is May 24th, and all aspects are in full swing.The day passed without incident on the surface. On the morning of the 25th, something happened.The finance department of Asia Hotel called our office and asked if this is Ping An Travel Agency.Liu Baohua answered the call, and he replied that it was Ping An Travel Agency.The person who called said that the guests in room 904 you have received have spent more than 20,000 yuan in various items in the hotel, and according to the hotel's regulations, they need to settle the bill once.After Liu Baohua asked the team leader for instructions, he went to the checkout office of the Finance Department of the Asia Hotel and asked for a bill for room 904, saying that he would pay the bill after checking.Take the bill back and show it to Captain Wu. Captain Wu immediately came to the director's office. As soon as he entered the door, he said to the director: "Look, this is Pan Xiaowei's bill for the past few days at the Asia Hotel." The director looked at the captain's face and seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he asked, "Is there a problem?" The bill is typed out by computer, and the records are extremely detailed.The captain pointed to one of the items and showed it to the director: "Look at this amount, it is the cost of making international long-distance calls in the business center, and it is recorded on the bill." The director seemed to understand something: "Business center?" The captain said: "It was a call to Hong Kong, the date was May 11th, and the time was 1:25 pm, that is to say, it was less than two hours after Pan Xiaowei checked into the Asia Hotel. " The director was also surprised. Of course, he couldn't determine the nature of the matter for a while, but Captain Wu was very suspicious of Pan Xiaowei. "The key is that he has been hiding this matter until now. We thought he hadn't contacted the outside world since he moved to 'Asia'. In fact, he had contacted his family a long time ago. Maybe they have been using some method to keep it these days. This connection. I think I have to reconsider which of his words is true now." The director said: "What about your opinion, what should we do?" The captain said: "I think, now we must go to the Asia Hotel to find Pan Xiaowei, and attack him well, maybe we can create something new." The director shook his head, "Don't treat him like a child, he won't say anything." The captain said decisively: "Unless he says something, I'll tell him to cancel tonight's plan." The director said: "Canceling the plan is not good for them, but it is not good for us. Tonight is probably our only chance to get this violin back. Don't make it a failure." "We can postpone the plan, at least for a day," said the captain. The director looked at his watch and said, "It's too late, there are only seven or eight hours before picking up the piano. Even if you can contact Pan Xiaowei now, Pan Dawei may not be able to find Feng Shimin. " The director thinks that there will be no major problems, because the joint location is in the mainland after all, and it is a site that we can completely control.And Pan Xiaowei is in our hands again, if the Pan family doesn't take out the piano in case of cunning, it will not hurt me, but they themselves will be hard to end.The captain thinks about it too, but he goes a step further and suggests: "There is another way. As soon as Pan Xiaowei gets Qin, we will immediately take action to take it back in advance, just in case. We don't need to keep our promise to Pan Dawei. If Pan Xiaowei can't get Qin, we will detain him immediately. Qin is in Pan's house. , we have the phone recordings with Pan Dawei as evidence, we can openly pursue the money from the Pan family!" The director still shook his head: "No, the bureau has just forwarded a request from the Hong Kong police, hoping that we will detain Feng Shimin for illegal possession of national cultural relics after Pan Xiaowei handed over the Qin to Feng Shimin, and then transfer him to the Hong Kong police station for handling. The Ministry asked us to meet the request of the Hong Kong police. Therefore, as long as Pan Xiaowei gets the piano, Meigao Nightclub presents treasures and talks about this play, and he must sing it again." This discussion between the director and the team leader was later told by the team leader.The captain's doubts are well-founded, and the director's words are justified.The captain also understands that the matter has reached this point, the entire action plan has been reported to the Bureau and the Ministry for approval, and all parties are ready to make a change. It is only because Pan Xiaowei concealed a phone number to contact his family that it is of great importance. is not enough. Under such circumstances, the team leader approached me privately, and after lunch on the 25th, he called me to the conference room alone, where there was no one there. He asked me: "Yueyue, do you think there is any problem with the action tonight?" I didn't understand what it meant, "Why don't I just stay with him? What's more, Captain Li and the others are all following me, and the outside line is also hung up, so mighty, what's the problem?" The captain thought for a while and asked, "I mean, you have been with Pan Xiaowei for so many days, how do you feel about him?" The captain suddenly asked such a question, I panicked, I thought he had heard about Pan Xiaowei kissing me in the elevator.At that time, I didn't know whether my face was white or red, and I hated Xue Yu very much in my heart, but he still reported it to the team.I looked at the captain's unfathomable face and couldn't answer a word.Captain inspires me: "Do you think there is anything abnormal about him these days?" I faltered: "No, nothing unusual." "You seriously recall memories, think about it." I tremblingly asked: "Captain, what aspect are you referring to?" He said: "For example, apart from him going back to the hotel and back to the room, did he leave you for activities alone when you were not in the hotel during the day, and did he have any contact with anyone?" Ah, it turned out that the captain asked these questions. A stone fell to the ground in my heart, and my breathing immediately became even.Immediately think carefully about the situation in the past few days, and think about it, we are always with him.Ah, he paid for the handbag at the Scitech shopping center by himself at the cash register, but it is also within our sight. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Ji Chunlei... Ah, it’s a pity that Lao Ji can’t ask.In addition, in Shijingshan Amusement Park, he drove the bumper boat far alone, and he didn't pay attention to him for a few minutes, but on the surface of Langlang Lake, it was impossible for him to come into contact with anyone.As for who he has been in contact with after returning to the hotel, he has to ask the outside line. Have the people in our outside team never lost their tips? The captain asked, "Do you think this man is honest?" I said, "I think it's okay. He's not the kind of person with a deep city, let alone the kind of insidious person. Maybe he hasn't reached that age yet." Seeing that there was nothing to ask, the captain nodded, a little disappointed.He said: "Yueyue, it's up to you tonight. If you are more vigilant, everything may go smoothly as planned, or something may go wrong. The day before yesterday we went to the Meigao Nightclub to step on the spot. It is quite large, whether it is inside the nightclub or the streets around it, the terrain is very complicated. Whether it is the Tianlong Gang or the Pan family, neither gang is a fuel-efficient lamp, and there may be some kind of moth. We have to guard against it. But don't look too nervous, we have enough people on top, you have to master one principle - tight inside and loose outside. Remember?" I said: "Remember." What the captain said made my heart shudder. From the time I came out of the meeting room until I set off for the Asia Hotel in the evening, I kept encouraging myself secretly: People who have reached this point are like fighting a war. If you really get to the front line, you can really see it. No matter how timid you are, you will not be allowed to take half a step back when you are faced with the overwhelming enemy in front of you.And if I'm afraid, even if I show a little nervousness, the heroic image I just established in Shijingshan Amusement Park two days ago will be gone, and I won't be able to mix in the criminal police team in the future.I think I have to at least prove my work ethic in front of Xue Yu! After lunch, we saw no one in the office, and everyone was splitting up to prepare for tonight's action.I stayed in the house alone for a long time. At dusk, I left the office as planned, went to the street and hailed a taxi, and came to the Asia Hotel. Several cars were parked in the parking lot in front of the hotel, and plainclothes forces in the lobby were also strengthened.I didn't stop, went directly to the ninth floor, and quietly entered Pan Xiaowei's room. I didn't say hello to the host. I sat on the sofa in the living room when I entered the room, and looked up at Pan Xiaowei. His hair was disheveled, his face seemed unwashed, his eyes were a little swollen, and he was tired. After closing the door, he stood in the room with his hands in his pockets. Look at me.The shirt was half tucked into the trousers, half hung out, and only the bottom two buttons were fastened. The top was slightly open, revealing a smooth chest.I looked at him and wanted to ask him if he didn't have a good rest yesterday, but I didn't. With a stuffy nose like a cold, he asked me, "You're not mad at me, are you?" I bowed my head and didn't answer. He added: "You didn't come all day yesterday, I thought you were angry." I still didn't answer. He asked, "Did Mr. Xue not make things difficult for you?" I didn't look at him, and said, "That's between me and him." Pan Xiaowei was silent for a moment, and then said: "I know, I am doing something that is impossible. I have thought a lot these two days, and I think that if everything is over tonight, will we end like this?" ?” I looked up at him, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.I deliberately said confusedly: "Of course, if you are interested, we welcome you to visit the mainland frequently, and you are welcome to come to Beijing again." He didn't move, gritted his teeth hard, and said, "Is that what you want to tell me?" I asked, "What do you want me to tell you?" He said, "I want you to speak the truth." I said coldly: "Since you also understand that it is impossible, why bother to talk about it." He puffed his mouth and said, "I want to fight for it!" I stared at him, and told him very seriously and even a little fiercely: "You know, I am a policeman, and my mission is to protect you! This is my duty, otherwise I would not have rescued you in the amusement park!" Don't get me wrong!" I didn't expect that Pan Xiaowei not only didn't hang his head down this time, but instead slammed his fist on the writing desk in the living room as if he was angered. His face was flushed red, and the tears in his eyes were about to fall. "I'm not mistaken, I believe I will never be mistaken! I like you, and you like me!" It's ridiculous, the first time he said that he likes me is like a quarrel.I looked at him coldly, looked at him for a while before turning my face away, and said: "No, I don't like you." "You like me, you like me, I know it!" "Mr. Pan, should you see a doctor?" I wanted to use the worst words to ridicule him, but it suddenly occurred to me that tonight is the final scene of the whole scene, but the actor in front of me is so abnormally emotional, I obviously can't continue to quarrel with him, If I fail to affect tonight's action and ruin the achievements of so many people, including Lao Jiao and Ji Chunlei, who have sacrificed their hard work and lives for so many years, then I will be guilty of a serious crime!I quickly switched to a calmer tone and said to Pan Xiaowei: "Okay, let's stop arguing. Let's not talk about other things tonight except the violin, okay?" But Pan Xiaowei still didn't finish, "No, if we don't talk now, we won't have a chance." In fact, I really want to hear him have a good talk, I want to know what he thinks, but I just smiled and said: "Now I am your protector, you forgot that you promised me, everything is under my command .” Pan Xiaowei calmed down and said, "Okay, I'm not noisy, I'm not noisy, I want to talk to you calmly." I said, "I want to eat, I'm hungry." Pan Xiaowei had no choice but to sigh towards the ceiling, then helplessly called the room service of the hotel and asked them to bring the food up.
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