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Chapter 2 part one (2)

plainclothes police 海岩 7267Words 2018-03-19
Yan Jun and Xiao Lu, who was in the same group as Zhou Zhiming, were both worker-peasant-soldier college students assigned from Nanzhou University a year ago.She was tall and beautiful, and as soon as she went around, she immediately attracted the attention of a group of young cadres, who secretly called her "the flower of the five places".In fact, in Zhou Zhiming's view, even a flower is also a thorny plum.Yan Jun was born with a tomboy temper, and he was tough and sharp.Although he and Yan Jun are working in the same room, the personal relationship is not deep, but in the past few months, he has secretly realized that something is wrong. Yan Jun is always trying to get close to him, and there seems to be something strange in every frown and smile. , She must have thought about that, right?No, no, there are many people who want to chase her, but the situation is indeed a bit wrong, otherwise, how could she have such a reaction when he proposed Xiao Lu as a matchmaker that day?She actually cried. Before that, he always thought that Yan Jun was a girl who didn't know what to cry.Also, the fact that she came to Mengmeng's house is a bit weird. Why bother running around when things can be solved with a phone call?On the night when he came back from Xiangxi, Yan Jun deliberately lingered and didn't go home. He also felt something in his heart. Did she say that to him just to wait for everyone to leave?Her attitude at that time was so solemn that he was inexplicably solemn too.

"I did what you asked me to do." "Really?" He thought something was wrong, "The paging phone in that alley is not easy to make?" "I didn't call, I went to visit." "Oh?" He met Yan Jun's gaze. Yan Jun avoided his gaze and whispered, "Do you know who her father is?" "Who?" "Minister of Political Science and Law of the old Municipal Party Committee, Shi Wanyun." "I know, the first chief prosecutor of Nanzhou City, the old man is fine now." For some reason, he actually explained it to her.But she poured cold water on her head:

"I haven't made a conclusion yet, so I'm hanging on." Yan Jun went to Mengmeng's house specially, and told him Uncle Shi's identity. He could feel a little bit of the meaning, but he wasn't too sure.Now that Mengmeng mentioned Yan Jun, would there be any special meaning in it?who knows. Fortunately, Mengmeng diverted the conversation away by herself. "Hey, Zhiming, Ching Ming Festival will be in a few days, do you want to go to Eleven Square?" "Eleven Square, what are you doing?" He asked knowingly. "Ancheng and his factory's Youth League Committee are going to send a wreath to the Prime Minister at Eleven Square, let's go and cheer together."

He hesitated for a moment and didn't answer. Mengmeng stopped again, and snorted as if she understood something: "No wonder my sister doesn't like being a policeman, you are all cold-blooded animals." "Me too?" He lowered his head and asked. "You, you are a glass of lukewarm water." After a pause, Mengmeng asked again: "You dare not go, are you afraid that your leaders will know?" He opened his mouth for a long time, not knowing what to say.It's not that he doesn't want to go to Eleventh Square, nor is he afraid of the face of the leader.How can he explain his privacy to Mengmeng?

In the past few days, the smell of gunpowder in the air of Nanzhou City has become more and more pungent.Almost the entire city was discussing the unusual wreaths that appeared in Eleventh Square, the "steam whistle incident" in which Shanghai and Hong Kong workers mourned the Prime Minister, and the turmoil of the Wen Wei Po article.This afternoon, Chen Quanyou, the team leader who came back from the Municipal Bureau, quietly revealed a shocking news to him: Someone in Nanjing painted reactionary slogans with asphalt and chlorpine on the train and brought them to Beijing; , someone sent a wreath to Tiananmen Square...

"In the city bureau building, the atmosphere is very tense." The tall and fat Chen Quanyou and Zhiming's desks were next to each other. Although there were only two of them in the office, Chen Quanyou still leaned over half of his body and lowered He raised his voice and said, "I just woke up after staying there for five minutes. No one is in the mood for serious work, and everyone is talking about it downstairs." Zhou Zhiming remained calm, of course he understood what Da Chen was referring to, but he deliberately asked, "What are you talking about?" "You don't know? Someone sent wreaths on Eleventh Square, and there are people who take turns guarding there, don't you know?"

"Isn't that a mourning for Premier Zhou? What's wrong?" He still pretended to be confused, "The people in the city bureau just like to make a fuss." "Ahem." Chen Quanyou also smiled, nodded in agreement, and stopped explaining.Zhou Zhiming knew in his heart that Da Chen was full of courage in his work, but in politics and personnel, he was wise and safe.No matter what it is, I know it in my heart, and it is always rare to say it out of my mouth.Since he was just pretending to be confused, Da Chen was of course even more reluctant to speak out. Mengmeng will not be as evasive as Da Chen is when it comes to the matter on the Eleventh Square, but she seems to have never been as sharp as she is today. He is not afraid of objective facts and his own conscience, but he is afraid of his immediate boss, do you admit that there are such people?"

Why not? Of course he admitted in his heart.But emotionally uncomfortable.He doesn't want Mengmeng to be a sharp person, even though she put a restrictive word "some" in front of you "workers of the police", but things hurt their kind, after all, it makes people unhappy.As far as he is concerned, he didn't readily agree to go to the square with Mengmeng during the Ching Ming Festival. It was definitely not because he was afraid of his immediate superiors. If he wanted to go, he could completely confuse the people in the unit.To be honest, even though he is a police officer, he sincerely hopes that people will come out to make trouble now. These years, everyone has been emotionally unhappy.Sometimes in front of some classmates and friends, he even couldn't help but say a few words of encouragement.But intellectually, he clearly realized that sending wreaths to the square at this juncture is by no means a trivial matter.He was worried for Mengmeng, Ji Hong and An Cheng. They didn't seem to be aware of the uneasiness he was already aware of; if he really followed them to cheer, wouldn't it add fuel to the fire?But if you don't go, you will cause Mengmeng to look at each other again. How can you explain this contradictory mood to Mengmeng?Say I'm not going because of you?That Mengmeng must give him a sneer.

He was silent for a while, then let out a soft breath, "Let's talk about it again, we'll talk about it on Qingming Festival." Mengmeng also let out a sigh of relief: "If you want to be in trouble, don't go, it's okay." He could tell that Mengmeng's words were sincere, and Mengmeng couldn't bear to make things difficult for him.But in the end she said another sentence: "It seems that the police, like soldiers, have no thoughts of their own, and the thoughts of their superiors are their thoughts; without their own feelings, the feelings of their superiors are their feelings; without their own will, their superiors..."

"Come on." He got impatient, "You don't know the police at all, you don't understand, and the police have all kinds of things." Mengmeng smiled, "There are cold-blooded animals, there are marionettes, there are walking dead..." She noticed his expression, stopped talking, and looked at him with a smile, "I'm going to make you cry?" In the distance, the bell of the telecommunications building rang dully, and they stopped talking, as if they were counting the number of times the bell rang silently in their hearts.Ah, it's ten o'clock.At the entrance of the alley, a publicity car refitted from a Beijing jeep slowly drove by, and a passionate voice was broadcast from the tweeter: "...a big debate on the education front has spread to all areas of the country. At present, a small group of people in society 'Hermits' and 'Yimin' create rumors in an attempt to confuse the struggle..."

The car went away, the sound of the radio gradually disappeared, and the street returned to the tranquility of the night, Mengmeng stopped moving forward. "I'm going back. When will you come tomorrow?" "Come on, listen to you and your sister scolding the police?" "Look," Mengmeng smiled relievedly, "I said I was teasing you, but you are really in a hurry. Come early tomorrow and tell my dad about Xiangxi." A cute smile can make everything gentle and beautiful.But he still replied to her in a tone unwilling to be ridiculed: "You didn't scold me, why am I so anxious?" Only now did Zhou Zhiming vaguely understand that tools, using the word tool to describe their public security personnel, is not a good word.It is completely different from the definition of the nature of the institution that people often say that the public security organ is a tool of the dictatorship of the proletariat. As Mengmeng said, it is tantamount to scolding them as policemen who are not human, or just a group of limbs And soulless people, a group of materialized people.He understood the stark pejorative connotation and contempt the word contained. However, who can blame this?Dictatorship organs are of such a "paramilitary" nature. Public security personnel should form the habit of obeying orders. How can they do whatever they want based on their own will and opinions?No, public security is public security, and its discipline is obedience. This is beyond doubt.However, in Zhou Zhiming's deepest feelings, in the simplest, even close to instinctive intuition, he often feels that Mengmeng's words also have some truth.In the debate between him and Lu Zhenyu in Xiangxi, didn't he also hold the same point of view as Mengmeng, but which one is right and which is wrong? He couldn't help but think of the case that came up again. He had been avoiding it desperately but couldn't escape the memory of this case. This was the biggest and most striking exclamation point in his resume of seven years of public security work.In the past few days, he couldn't do without the stack of brown files on his brain screen, and the case number written by Yan Jun in a beautiful and unpowdered handwriting on the cover of the files— —311.It's really "cutting constantly, and the reasoning is still chaotic".Does the outcome of this case affirm Lu Zhenyu or him? Xu Bangcheng, the perpetrator of the 311 case, was discovered on March 11th, but Zhou Zhiming actually came into contact with this case on the day before that, on March 10th. That night he had dinner at the neighbor Uncle Wang's house. Since his father was hospitalized, he had been having dinner at Uncle Wang's house.Uncle Wang is the gatekeeper of the housing management office in Chengdong District. He usually likes to drink a few sips. Although the amount is limited, he can't stop every meal every day.I heard from his wife, Aunt Zheng, that during the three-year natural disaster, alcohol could not be bought, and even alcohol mixed with water had to be drunk, which shows that alcoholism is like life.That day, Uncle Wang was half drunk as usual, and suddenly said such a thing to him while shaking his head. "Hey, Zhiming, don't you think it's weird? An old lady in our unit met her nephew who had been dead for many years on the street. She really saw it and said that her nephew is fatter than when he was young. It’s a little too late, but the mole on her lip is still the same, everyone said she had seen a ghost.” "People in your place are all superstitious, hmph." Aunt Zheng looked disdainful.After a short pause, he couldn't help asking again: "Didn't the old lady talk to her nephew?" "She was about to say it, but in a flash, it's gone! It's really evil." Uncle Wang's youngest daughter, Shuping, has always been reticent, but at this moment she interrupted: "I don't believe it." "I saw it with my own eyes, and you still don't believe it?" Uncle Wang said anxiously, "The old lady is so scared that she dare not go home tonight. Zhiming, do you think it is credible? This resurrection from the dead Son, it has existed since ancient times, the Peony Pavilion..." He smiled and said as if to mediate: "Maybe the old lady misses her nephew usually, but due to the bioelectricity of the brain, she suddenly has hallucinations, as if she really saw a living person standing in front of her, it is also possible. Resurrection, it depends on what kind of death it is. We said in the forensic science class that there are two kinds of death: one is that the breathing stops, the pulse is interrupted, and the heart stops beating. In medicine, it is called clinical death, and in common saying it is called suspended animation. , this kind of death may still be able to survive. The other is real death, that is, the body has fundamentally lost the ability to metabolize, which is called biological death in medicine. Since her nephew has been dead for many years, of course he will not live again .” He didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking that it was just that Uncle Wang was bored after drinking and just put on a dragon gate.Unexpectedly, as soon as he went to work the next day, Section Chief Duan Xingyu stopped him at the gate of the office. "Director Ji just called from the bureau. Yesterday, the Chengdong Sub-bureau received a visitor who asked for assistance in finding relatives. Director Ma of the Municipal Bureau thought it was a bit strange and asked us to send someone to talk about it. Comrades from the sub-bureau today I found the visitor again, you can come with me." The Public Security Bureau in the east of the city was only seven or eight miles away from the Fifth Section. He and Section Chief Duan took a Beijing jeep, walked through several bustling streets, and drove into an old courtyard in a short while. Duan Xingyu had a brief conversation with the two branch cadres, and then walked into the reception room with him.The reception room is small, about as wide and narrow as the office of their group. There is a table under the window on the inner wall. Opposite the table are two long benches without backrests. Two visitors are sitting on the benches—one in the middle A young man and an elderly, fat woman. Zhou Zhiming sat at a corner of the table. During the whole conversation, apart from interjecting a few questions occasionally, he just concentrated on writing down the "questions and answers" between Duan Xingyu and those two people on the manuscript paper in detail. The middle-aged man was relaxed, in stark contrast to the fat old lady's uneasiness. When he spoke, his attitude was casual, and he almost always had a smile on his face. "Oh, our old lady is still a bit superstitious. I was too scared to go home yesterday. We found someone to stay with her for the night. She still has heart disease..." The middle-aged man said in front of the old lady. Expose her shortcomings without hesitation. The old lady shook her head as if suffering from malaria, and kept mumbling: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, what am I afraid of? I'm his aunt! I'm too lazy to go home alone..." When she spoke, the flesh on her face Shaking as if about to explode. "Are you the person in charge of the housing management office in Chengdong District?" Duan Xingyu asked the middle-aged man. "I'm a trade union cadre in the Housing Management Office. I was the one who accompanied her here yesterday. She is the oldest cook in our cafeteria." Duan Xingyu turned his gaze to the old lady: "Can you talk about the situation again. Where were you yesterday and how did you meet him?" "I've said it all, it's on Xinghua Road, the Jinwei Steamed Bun Restaurant on Xinghua Road. I buy steamed buns every day when I pass by there for work, and the steamed stuffed buns there..." "Is it Xinghua Road next to the train station?" Zhou Zhiming asked while jotting it down in his notebook. "Yes, yes. There is a steamed stuffed bun restaurant over there. Every day I..." "What time was it?" Duan Xingyu asked. "It's about six o'clock. I go to work at seven o'clock every day. The cafeteria is supposed to go to work at six o'clock. The leader takes care of my age..." "You saw your nephew at six, didn't you? What was he doing?" "Him? He was looking at the station sign at the No. 9 tram station. Then the tram came, so he got on it." "Is he alone?" "It seems to be, anyway, I didn't see anyone else with him." "So——, you came to the Public Security Bureau, do you want us to help you find your nephew?" "Yes," the old lady was stunned for a moment, and then said again, not without fear, "but he is obviously dead. He has been dead for ten years, how come he is alive again? I know there are no ghosts now, I am not superstitious, but he How did you come back to life?" After a moment of silence in the room, Duan Xingyu asked: "Could it be because you miss your nephew all the time, and mistook the wrong person in a daze? You can recall the memory carefully." "Confused? I'm not confused. Don't look at my nephew who always lived in my house when he was in college. In fact, I don't miss him at all. I really read it right yesterday. He is a little fatter than before, but The black mole on the side of the mouth was still there, I recognized it immediately, and I called him Na, his nickname is Siyuan, I called him Siyuan, he turned his face to look at me He glanced at it, and just as he was driving this inch, the No. 9 tram was coming, and he got on it in a hurry. I can't be wrong. At my age, can I still talk nonsense?" While recording, Zhou Zhiming thought, Uncle Wang is really not talking nonsense after drinking, someone really "resurrected from the dead".Section Chief Duan didn't delay any longer, ended the conversation hastily, asked the comrades in the sub-bureau for materials, and left the sub-bureau in a hurry.Zhou Zhiming followed Duan Xingyu into the jeep without asking any further questions.Although he could not immediately draw any clear and specific judgments from this discussion, he had already realized the urgency of the matter from Section Chief Duan's expression.Sure enough, on the way back, Section Chief Duan took out a piece of paper from the stack of materials given by the branch office, handed it to him, and said: "Look, the action of the branch office is quite fast." It was a scrawled phone transcript.He looked down from the jolt of the car seat. Calling unit: Public Security Bureau of Jishou County, Xiangxi, Hunan Province; Caller: Li Daiyuan. Content of the call: Yesterday your bureau called to inquire about Xu Bangcheng's whereabouts. As far as we know, Xu Bangcheng, born in 1940, was originally from Beijia Village in our county.In 1958, he was admitted to the Western Language Department of Nanzhou University. In 1960, he was placed on probation for promiscuous sexual relations. After graduation, he was assigned to do foreign trade work in the Xincheng area. He was dismissed from public office and sent back because of reactionary remarks Hunan origin.On September 5, 1966, Xu disappeared while chopping firewood on the mountain. After investigation by the Military Control Committee of the County Public Security Bureau at that time, Xu Yin committed suicide and died.Notice. After reading it, his brows were tightly furrowed, Duan Xingyu glanced at him, and asked, "Do you understand?" Zhou Zhiming's eyes fell on this phone record again, and he thought about it: "From this phone, it can be seen that the old lady's nephew died ten years ago. In the end, it's just a casual conclusion of death. But..." He hesitated for a moment: "If this person is still alive, where has he wandered for the past ten years?" "Analyzing the situation from what the old lady saw, he is neatly dressed, and he doesn't look like a wandering 'blind person. The spy department, Director Ma wants us to intervene in this matter, I am afraid it is..." Zhou Zhiming suddenly realized, and took over the conversation: "This guy has worked in the Xincheng area on the border, and is familiar with the border situation. Could he have escaped in 2066?" Duan Xingyu nodded and said, "If your guess is right, we can't delay now, we have to take action immediately." When they returned to the office, Director Ji Zhen was already waiting in their office.The common experience makes these old investigators often come to similar judgments. When Director Ji saw their first sentence, he asked: "What's the situation, is it a human, not a ghost?" Duan Xingyu did not answer Ji Zhen's question immediately, but took out the materials one by one, and after Ji Zhen browsed through them, he said: "The sub-bureau has done a good job. It has already contacted the Jishou Public Security Bureau, and drew a picture based on the visitor's description. The imitation portrait is a bit similar to the photos of Xu Bangcheng when he was studying at Nanzhou University in the 1960s." Then, he turned to Chen Quanyou and said, "Da Chen, you used to engage in outside investigations, as far as you can tell , if you look for this person, which one is more valuable, the photo or the portrait?" Chen Quanyou is a graduate of the Public Security School in the 1962 class. After graduation, he worked as an outside line follower for two years, and was transferred to five divisions to conduct inside line investigation in 1964, so he was known as the "top leader inside and outside."He took the photos and portraits, looked back and forth several times, and said: "The portraits, the value may be more practical, because they are made according to the vivid impressions of eyewitnesses, and of course they are more conducive to the identification of outside investigators. My photos from more than ten years ago are farther away, but the fixed features have basically not changed. You can see that the distance between eyebrows, eye width, nose shape, mouth shape, ear shape, hairline, facial features and bone ratio are all the same as the photo It is very close, and from the analysis of these aspects, this portrait may be relatively successful." Ji Zhen interrupted Da Chen's conversation with a wave of his hand, and told Duan Xingyu to pack up the materials, and the two hurried to the Municipal Public Security Bureau by car. At noon, when Duan Xingyu returned to the department, they knew that the bureau had officially approved the case.Xu Bangcheng's imitation portrait has begun to be copied and distributed.Looking back now, Zhou Zhiming thinks that the beginning of this case went smoothly, although the outside line department was "unshakable" because of the Deng Deng meeting that afternoon, so the airport, railway station and long-distance bus station were not blocked until 7:20 p.m. However, in the name of public security inspections that night, the various sub-bureaus in the urban area were very serious about checking the hotels and the bathrooms of the residents. As a result, at around four o'clock in the night, the Chengnan sub-bureau was on the fourth floor of the "Wei Min Hotel". In a guest room, Xu Bangcheng was found.However, according to their request, the comrades of the sub-bureau did not disturb him. Thus, the first contradiction in this case came out—to arrest Xu Bangcheng, or not to arrest him. Zhou Zhiming knew that Duan Xingyu did not advocate the immediate arrest of Xu Bangcheng, because outside lines and sub-bureaus were not allowed to disturb Xu Bangcheng without authorization. It was he who proposed it first, and Ji Zhen also agreed at the time. No objection was raised either. Based on this analysis, Section Chief Duan, Director Ji, and Director Ma all belong to the "non-arrest faction."However, when the decision-making meeting was held the next morning, it was decided to arrest Xu immediately.Among the participants in this meeting, apart from the three "non-arrest factions", only Gan Qianqian, the deputy director in charge of investigation work, was present.Apparently, Deputy Director Gan is a "capturer". It has been five years since Zhou Zhiming was transferred from the Criminal Police Brigade to the Fifth Division. Judging from his little knowledge and experience in anti-espionage struggle, it is obvious that Xu Bangcheng should not be arrested hastily.He didn't know the reason and background of this abnormal decision at the decision-making meeting.Director Ji and Section Chief Duan came back from a meeting at noon that day. Although they didn't tell them what happened at the meeting, the silence itself was enough to make people imagine what kind of unpleasant atmosphere this would be. The direct contact between Zhou Zhiming and Deputy Director Gan started on this case.Deputy Director Gan has been working in the local area for almost ten years since he joined the Nanzhou Public Security Bureau during the "Cultural Revolution", but his soldierly prestige and decisive personality have not changed at all.Zhou Zhiming doesn't seem to like this kind of personality very much, and always feels a bit arbitrary, close to domineering. I remember that time in the small guest house on the border, Gan Xiangqian saw the book he was carrying in his handbag somehow, took it and turned a few pages, and asked him with a frown, "Pu, Pu, what, Pushkin?" He was a little overwhelmed at the time and let out a flustered "ah". Gan Xiangqian returned the book to him, but asked: "The task assigned by the bureau party committee to read the first to fourth volumes of "Selected Works of Mao" within this year, how is your progress?" "Already started reading the second volume." "Have all the notes been completed as required?" "It's done. I took notes for each article, and each note exceeded two hundred words. Before we set off, the political department of the office specially checked several of us." "Oh," said Director Gan with a smile on his face, pointing to the book, "It's not impossible to read this kind of book critically, but it's better to read less." He didn't know how to explain, "Oh, this book... Lenin liked to read it too." "Is that so? What's the name? Pushkin, ah—a Soviet writer?" "Russian writer." "Hey, you young people," Director Gan laughed. "You need to have a little more common sense. The Soviet Union is Russia. It's the same thing, ah." He can't laugh or cry.Since then, his impression of Director Gan has been greatly reduced.
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