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Chapter 18 Chapter Sixteen The Lame

mud day 陆天明 19033Words 2018-03-19
Finished stacking the firewood on the twelfth wagon.Then make the thick hemp rope go back and forth five or six times, and tighten tightly.Big Di Tianguan said to his eldest brother, "Such a small matter, do you still have to go in person? I'll send someone to do it, isn't it enough?" Xiao Tianfang didn't say yes or no to his eldest brother's persuasion, but just hummed like a toothache.Familiar with his changes over the years Everyone understands that although he did not say anything clearly, it already means that he will not change his previous decision and carry out the

I want to make this trip myself.It's not humming, but his smile, a kind of lukewarm, neither wanting to neglect the other party, But I also don't want the other party to feel that I lack assertiveness. If you really haven't seen him for ten years, you will never recognize him if you see him again suddenly.change too Big.thicker.Bloatedly stacked on the neck.The skin on the chin and forehead is oily and shiny, covered with large Meat bumps ranging from small to small.He always shaved his head.His scalp was shaved green.Wearing an extremely greasy single army all the year round

cap.The people in the town said (Hateragiri village had expanded into a town many years ago), and the hat alone was washed The oil that comes down is enough to fertilize three acres of land.He admits.let it go.He pinched the brim of the hat to the leading edge of the hat ring, Let it be like a peaked cap, pressed low on the incomparably protruding eyebrows, covering the pair of eyes that are sunk deep in the fleshy nest but There are always small eyes shining brightly.The hat was worn too far forward to hide the back of his surprisingly large head. Not to mention the back of his neck, which looked like a charred pole.

Probably because of his body shape, no matter which famous tailor's clothes were worn on him, he would be It doesn't look good, it's always too long in the front and too short in the back.He simply does not pay attention to dress.He doesn't have the time to pay attention to that. Meaning.He seems to want everyone to remember that no matter what bad things Xiao Tian has done, he is still an old man. soldier.All his life he rolled out from under the barrel of a gun.Therefore, he always wears an old military uniform.people found, Therefore, it is also determined that Uncle Tian Fang, Father Tian Fang, and Tian Fang are only suitable for wearing military uniforms.That's right.

He added a wooden leg.At the same time, there is one less fleshy leg.On weekdays, he doesn't use a cane at all. He used his wooden leg as easily as he used the meat leg his parents gave him.Only for serious occasions, guys They were all putting on airs, and he had to do the same when he used his iron-like iron made of yellow ginger vine. Hard, spring-like flexible and resilient cane. "Xiao Tianfang. Made a mistake. Please help." If he thinks he has to deal with you, then he always uses this opening statement to start his relationship with you. He wants you to feel that he is honest with you, that he will never hurt you, let alone pose any threat to you, and that he will replace you.

You do everything you need him to do for you.He is humble before you.But therefore you forget yourself, It's just like a big one, there are five people and six people, if you really don't take him seriously, then you are very wrong.three days later, Or after three rounds of dealings, you will regret your superficiality and arrogance.He is not the mayor, He is not a member of the town committee, not even a "Communist Party", but in the town of Hatjelagiri, he has the final say.Do not believe?you try. Today Xiao Tianfang is going to bring his son Xiao Dalai to the county seat of Sauber County to find the principal of the county middle school and arrange for his son to study.according to

According to the division of school districts by the higher authorities, the students in Hatjaragiri Town can only go to Old Manburg Middle School, or squeeze to Huilinburg, But you can't go to the county.It can't accommodate that much.But Xiao Tianfang insisted on sending his son to this school for eighty years. History, counts the best middle schools in the entire county and region. He must let his son go to the best school and receive the most formal education.He will never allow himself to be like My father treats me the way I treat my son, and I will never allow my son to be like me again, suffering

Earn for a lifetime.He wants him to live a different life and be a different person.Yes, now he has only this last heart The thing—that is the son. Damn, don't worry, I can do it.I want to let you and my own flesh and blood live like that even the Bai family brothers see you Also jealous days.It's not just about eating well and dressing well, it's not just about keeping your word. ...seeing more snow every year The water flows into the Alungu Lake, which becomes wider and more turbid.More and more old trees emerge from the swamp on the shore pimple.The lump is smooth, weird, fine black and iron hard.When the tide is high, the wind will be drawn out, and it will also attract thousands of black

Chick sparrows, with their whirling ups and downs, screaming, and low from the flour mills and oil presses of Hatjaragiri town Skimming over the roof of the shed.The sound of thousands of pairs of wings flapping is like a tank regiment or ten tractors working together. business station.They disappear as suddenly as they appeared.Then came the emptiness and the distance, as if it really happened What, but it seems that nothing has ever happened... That year, Xiao Tianfang went to North Korea with the spy company of the Old Fifth Regiment.In the Volunteer Army, there is no distinction between upper and lower ranks, but

Counting carefully with his fingers, this is the third time he has served as a soldier.He smiled wryly, but breathed a sigh of relief.no matter what In this way, he returned to the queue he was most familiar with.He really convinced himself that no matter what he did, in the end, he still Being a soldier is the most comfortable.Damn you, I'm afraid you'll live to be ninety-nine, and you're still only fit to carry a gun and fight in a goose-step.Unpromising goods. He laughed and scolded himself.I still feel comfortable in my heart.He is cautious.The staff member issued to him by the mine gave him a certificate, saying that he directly

Before joining the army, he was only a farmer, a fisherman, a porter, and he only knew how to use explosives, make a pickle bucket, and nail horseshoes.He pretends I don't know anything, and I don't even know how to turn right or left.He "learned slowly".He wants this army The "comrades" in the team saw that he was determined to be an outstanding soldier.He is most afraid of meeting those who have just been discharged from the old army. Let go of the "comrade".He was afraid that they would immediately sense the soldiery in him that he already had in his heart.he knows this It's hard to hide.Ten people eat together, one command says "start", and they go to grab their rice bowls at the same time, you just It can be seen who has served as a soldier and who is purely a commoner.It's just different.For the first few months, he really didn't even sleep. At that time, they kept their eyes open, afraid of showing their feet.Thinking of fighting the foreign devils desperately, after fighting these battles, returning to the country Inside, others won't care about me anymore, what happened in the old days in the old Manburg United team!he is good At.Transferred to the military first aid station.back wounded.Rinse and disinfect bandages.Pit-holes were dug to bury gun-holed underwear and severed limbs. Arranging the remains of martyrs.He finally got used to this army.It does not allow officers to slap soldiers.commander and soldier He found it ridiculous that soldiers wore the same uniform.With a hoarse bass, he quietly comforted those who suffered from the sudden loss of half their body. Young people who are unable to calm down because of blindness or total vision.He took them in his arms and let them bite him hard finger.Bleeding fingers, they feel better.He even complained vaguely that the armistice had come so quickly. He had looked forward to one day returning to the infantry unit to perform.He will never get another chance like that.he will only be able to bring Returning to China as a "male nurse at the first aid station".He was a little frustrated.Then what happened after that At any time, he couldn't forgive and forgive himself, and he couldn't forgive and forgive the war. The military emergency station was ordered to transfer that day.During the truce negotiations, talk about fighting, fighting and talking.some battles are still won Extremely fierce and ferocious.Some units have more sloppy tasks.The army where the first aid station was located was once sparse.change When he moved to Zhongzhong, he lost contact with the military headquarters and was surrounded by foreign devils who suddenly surrounded him. Most of them were killed or injured.At that time, he No injuries, no coma.There were still two bullets in the chamber.There is also a hand grenade with the back cover uncovered in the bomb bag.he I saw a few young American soldiers, with yellow hair and blue eyes, or red hair and blue eyes, walking along the line they were in. Trench search over.He quickly ducked down.He knew very well what an outstanding soldier should do at this moment.he Indeed, a bayonet was attached.He was about to turn around and charge, and he raised his gun.But now, he remembered son.He is so experienced.He is very clear that in the situation in front of him, with a turn around and a thrust, he will mean something.Using an old-fashioned rifle to deal with the American submachine guns of the Fourth and Fifth Schools, the outcome does not need to be calculated.he suddenly asked Self: dead or not?Die right now?But what about the son?Da Lai Niang... didn't have time to think about it, he seemed to hear Hearing the sound of a string of bullets flying and several blunt Chinese voices yelling at the same time: "Pay the gun!" He just felt I convulsed for a moment, as if being hit by a bullet, instinctively clung to the soil wall, and the gun slipped out of my hand... maybe something That didn't happen either.No spasms, no raising of hands.But then, the exchange of prisoners of war.One came back from the other side's POW camp The doctor at the first aid station testified that before he was captured that day, he saw clearly that Xiao Tianfang was shouting, 'Don't hit...don't hit... "Standing backwards with hands raised. "You stinky shit, you are shameless, you are a prisoner, and you have to drag someone to be your back! You are a fucking human being!" of it? ! He panicked and rushed towards the guy. Later, he turned around and rushed to the toolbox beside him, picked up a With a sharp and bright axe, he shouted: "You don't believe what I said, but I am really...really..." Saying, Then he raised the sharp ax high and slashed at his calf repeatedly.But when the people in the working group woke up from the bewilderment, they slowly Slowly go around, trying to take the ax in his hand, he has already got seven or eight axes on his calf.bloody, already The bare bones are exposed.There is only a thin layer of oily skin and a few twitches between a sturdy calf and the knee. Jumping tendons. But after countless times of heart-wrenching memories, he saw more and more clearly that he had indeed lifted the hand…… Xiao Tianfang was sent back to the village.There is no demobilization fee.There is no settlement fee.The wound never stopped bleeding.District and township health All the doctors in the hospital sighed: "Go home and raise them. If you want to eat, get some food quickly. I want to eat some." He knew Said that he couldn't do it.The pus and blood flowed out in buckets; taking advantage of the moonlight and clear night, I quietly got out of bed, Climb all the way to the big reeds of Alungu Lake, and find the dangkou where Da Lai Niang disappeared.He has no other ideas.he He does not want to die in front of all those whom he despises; nor does he want to let those who should die in his head, Saw him die in the head.He wants to crawl out while he can.He wants to take one last look at the area where Da Lai Niang disappeared reeds.He is afraid of being alone.He is afraid of being forgotten.He wants to crawl to Da Lai Niang, or rather, he wants to crawl to Da Lai Niang go.The reeds, which were faster than the blade, cut through the clothes, the skin, and the gauze bandages that had long been blackened with pus and blood. Once, again, three times.Ten times, thirty times, it plunged deep into his white-spotted wound.he does not Blame those who alienate him.As a veteran, he knew that "surrender" was unforgivable.I should have die.He didn't regret being able to die and return to Da Lai Niang's side.I just feel that I can no longer do my best for this family and my son. No matter how you look at it, you have become a useless person.He made up his mind to die.The next day, the family followed the It was easy to find him with a black streak of blood.Even in the reeds, even in the water, the dark blood Daodao, it didn't melt, it just stuck to the grass blades and reed roots like thick leftover oil. He didn't die, but he came back to life.No blood flow.The new granulation wraps the bone ballast.know hungry.so hungry ruthless.You can drink half a pot of glutinous corn mixed with Wei lard for every meal.What is particularly frustrating is that there has been no A grown head.During those few months, the pumps were pumped up one by one every day.Just like the corn seedlings, after a drought, Drunkly eating the water all over his head, Gaba Gaba shook his joints, swayed, and swayed, like flipping a long fish The leaves are arched upwards.In the first six months, I had to report my whereabouts and thoughts to the district public security assistant every month. Think about the situation.He often went to the big reeds to wait for those few black clouds to appear tremblingly.He waited for the voice.he needs that black Cloud, need that voice.He walked back and forth in the village on crutches.He didn't want to hide.He wants everyone in the village to Seeing that Xiao Tianfang lost a leg, he came back alive.He didn't want to explain, he just wanted them to see that he to stay.Wait till you die.He won't let himself go.Don't let others underestimate you.He sees the sky in the village Walk.For half a year, he did not work.Silently relying on the eldest brother, the eldest sister and the second sister to support them.Wait for the injury to heal, his heart Li then figured out a well-thought-out plan.He sent all his brothers and sisters outside one after another.Those who can join the army join the army, Willing to be an errand.They asked him who supported the two old men and the two children.Seventh brother Tianyi is not yet old enough to join the army. Still studying in Old Manpu.He said, of course I will raise it.They said, you drove away our ten ready-made legs, only Leaving you with one leg, what is the plan?He said, don't ask too much, if you want to treat me as a big brother, just listen to me of.Work hard outside, work hard, talk less, work more.Don't miss this home.I passed two legs At that time, he supported the whole family.Now relying on one leg, he can also support the remaining two children.I just ask you to stay outside Well done and forget about this Hatjelagiri village for years to come!This means that you have fulfilled the Xiao family! They are gone.He fitted himself a wooden leg.I made a prosthetic leg out of the Mongolian standard, and tied it to the broken leg with a leather strap. extremities of limbs.A prosthetic leg is nothing more than a log.Under the log is a small section with a diameter not much larger than an ink bottle The metal rod hit the ground.This is resistant to wear and tear.He began to throw away his crutches and went to the production team to earn work points.At first, the team only pressed Half-worker counts for him.He was silent.But since then, no matter what the job is, he has beaten the strongest man in the team. Those guys.What are they doing, what is he doing.As much as they did, so did he.The team didn't let him do it, and he didn't so to do.If he doesn't give work points, he will also kill those guys.Whether it's going up the mountain to cut trees, going down to the lake to pull the net, or release the water Making adobe with mud, clearing canals, digging silt and sifting sand and gravel... Day by day, the extremities of the stumped limbs were worn bloody by the artificial legs, day by day. His back lumbar disc herniated, and gradually he could no longer straighten his back.Those who work with him day in and day out can hear him The sound of bones rubbing against each other in his body, he shut his mouth tightly every day, not following the accountant's staff Wang Bazizi's team. Talk about the length of the day... In the end he got the whole work point.In the evening, he went to the accountant with his workbook, He said, give me all the work points from the previous paragraph.The accountant said, this needs to find a clerk.The clerk said, we have to find a team Long, the captain said, I have to find the secretary.He found all the bookkeepers, captains, secretaries and accountants in a big room, and put the workbook spread out in front of them.He unfastened the wooden leg, exposing the bleeding extremity.He also took the strongest laborers in the village Let's call together.The captain said: "The second brother of the Xiao family is the cooking squad leader at the county party school, right? The secretary said that the County Women's Federation yesterday He also praised his elder sister.The reporter said that the third child of his family was only cooking tea to feed the pigs at the district government last month. I heard that from this month, the internal office civil servant who became the district chief instructor sent and received management documents.The accountant said, I used to A few days ago, I went to the provincial capital to pull out my teeth, and I lived in the provincial office of the county supply and marketing cooperative. I heard that the fourth child of the Xiao family was in the transfer station of the office. Made a warehouse.There is a large bunch of copper keys pinned to his waist.Then give their boss all the work points. let's go.As long as the abacus rings, the blood from his extremities will bleed for a while.The abacus stopped ringing.extremities do not flow blood. When the commune was established, he suddenly recruited all his brothers and sisters who were away—except the seventh brother Tianyi. He had just joined the army then. In the small Hatjelagiri village, there were not many people messing around outside.Now the Xiao family has gathered four or five A "public family" who came back from outside, which naturally made the Xiao family worth a hundred times.Just like Xiao Tianfang secretly calculated a few years ago As planned, the "balance" on the shore of Alungu Lake once again tilted towards his Xiao family.A brigade was set up in Hatjelagiri Village. There are people from the Xiao family in the brigade.Later, it was expanded into four brigades, and Xiao's family members were added to the headquarters of the four brigades. people.The four brigades were brought together and upgraded to a "town".The post of deputy secretary of the town party committee is expected to fall in the army Xiao Tian, ​​the eldest son of the Xiao family who had just returned from demobilization, had a shoulder. Oh, it cannot be said to be "optimistic", let alone "coincidentally".Everything is how much Xiao Tian puts Years ago, during those sleepless nights after returning from North Korea, I worked hard and planned bit by bit. But he himself is still just an "ordinary citizen". "The one who does rough work".Preparing for the establishment of Hatera During those days in Jili Town, one day, I invited several secretary-generals of the county government to have dinner and sent them to the newly built reception After staying here, Tianguan, the elder brother who worked as the branch secretary of the first brigade in Hatjelagiri Town, and the women's captain in the second brigade The eldest sister Tiangui, the second younger brother Tiande who works as an accountant in the third brigade, and the third younger brother Tianling who is the deputy captain of the fourth brigade. The second younger sister Tianfang who is the head of the tractor station, the third younger sister Tianzhi who is the director of the sales department of the supply and marketing cooperative, and the nominated Tian Yi, the youngest and seventh younger brother, who was appointed as the deputy secretary of the town party committee, came to look for the elder brother Tian Fang solemnly together.They said: "The big Brother, let me arrange a seat for you too.You have worked so hard for us for so many years, you have to make us feel at ease. "he Humming like a toothache, he shook his head.Eye sockets were wet for a long time, sighed and said: "Your words are enough. up.Brother is someone who has made mistakes..." Tianyi said: "In our Hatjeragi, why are you still talking about this? ! " Tian Fang lowered his head, gritted his teeth, pondered for a long time, wrestled with himself for a while, and finally said: "No It's used... I just ask you to make progress, don't forget that your nephew is old enough. Tianyi said: "What are you talking about, forget it?"us Dare to forget our old nephew? Everyone present laughed. Although the laughter was unavoidably a little heavy. Although Xiao Tian is nothing in Hatj Ragiri, there is no other person in the town who is respected like him. His back straightened again.The lumbar disc is also less herniated.There are still all kinds of bones between his bones grinding.But what the people of Hatjragiri heard was more about the little metal stud at the top of his wooden prosthetic leg, On the gravel road of the town street, Gordon Gordon's confident, steady, powerful and fast tapping sound.He hardly goes to work anymore. In the past, only when you had to pretend for a while and make a gesture, you used the walking stick in your hand, but now you can It is always in hand.Now, he's less worried that someone will say he's "putting on airs," or Said he already had to put on a 'posture' more of the time. Of course, he still It is indispensable to tell all kinds of people his old saying: "Please help me. I am a useless person and a criminal." wrong person. ..." What is being considered now is his son's future.Damn, I'm going to send my son out of Hatjragiri and let him do After finishing the dream that I, Xiao Tianfang, wanted to dream since I was a child but never could, I went to Daweidang willingly to follow you meet.How many years, how many days, I, Xiao Tianfang, have swallowed everything I have done, and the roots I have managed Kei, it's all about him, me and your son.I can't hope for anything else.I haven't forgotten you ran to the big reed At that time, it was me who kept calling, and it was our son who kept calling.I'll take care of his life. Damn, please relax your mind... On Saturday afternoon, the school distributes non-staple food.Sometimes it's potatoes.Sometimes it's cabbage.Sometimes half a catty of tofu.Have At that time, there were two pickled and smelly bass fish.The students all let go.Faculty.The family members weighed all kinds of utensils, Queue at the cafeteria door.Su Cong doesn't want it.Youyang told him, you have to ask for some too, don't let other teachers think you are so The family members of a county leader are special, and there are special offerings at home.If you take it back and don't want to eat it, you can give it away.But Su Cong still Do not want.She couldn't bear to be crowded in the big team, and to compete with those teachers who had no other source of non-staple food for that point Point rationing.She and Yuyang are always much better than them.Brother-in-law Song Zhenhe often brought them some market from the independent group Bacon, sausages and old-fashioned Guben soap, black-headed matches, which are hard to see.That was enough for both of them to eat. Besides, in the county party committee compound, things are always being divided.The store shelves are sparse but diverse But there are always various things in it.This is when Su Cong came to Adak Kuduk and felt that it was similar to the ancient city of Wuyuan. Very big difference. (In the current Wuyuan City, many things are not taken from the store, but all kinds of things are bought. Such a compound to divide. ) Looking at the long queues lined up in the lively and noisy courtyards, and then comparing With the desertedness on the street, she always felt that this matter was simply too interesting.But she still didn't want to queue. The principal said, you go and receive a visitor for me.I have to go to the line.Since the "May 1st" has passed, there has been no separation fish.Fish must be eaten. This visitor is Xiao Tianfang.He let twelve fully loaded carriages line up and park outside the school gate, alone Come to the principal.Although it was only the beginning of September, people in Hatjaragiri town used to bring fur coats when they went out.all the way The violent soil and the scorching of the noon sun, the dirty and bloated fur coat, the scorched lips, the hideous wooden legs, the back of the hand The black dirt on the body, as well as the body and hair that have not been washed seriously for four or five days, four or five months, or four or five years Body odor.Mohe smoke and suet and raw garlic.All of these made Su Cong afraid to approach and speak.but that He was a little old man (she looked at Xiao Tianfang, he must be in his fifties or sixties), but he preferred to approach him to strike up a conversation.She had to try her best Suppressing the trembling from the bottom of his heart, he stepped back and let the two merged desks separate him and her, so that he could not Can get too close. 'Are you... the headmaster? "He snorted like a toothache, making no secret of his dismay at the clean, delicate and elegant woman in front of him. The doubts of the reserved female teacher.He didn't believe she would be the principal.Could it be that anyone can play the role of principal? spray! ! "I'm not." Su Cong went to open the window while speaking. "I'm looking for the principal." "The principal appointed me to receive you." "I'm sorry. I still ask you to ask the principal." "The principal is very busy..." "Shouldn't we just share the stinky fish?" He hummed again as if he had a toothache, and looked contemptuously at the entrance of the big cafeteria outside the window. A big guy, tilting his surprisingly big head.With his tone and expression, it's not easy to be irritated at once. Su Cong was irritated.During the period of time in Sauber County, she has seen many little old men and half-old men like this.he Most of them are leaders in grassroots units.They are all on one side of the land, and their words definitely count.all day only People beg him; assign to others, who can live a good life, who must live a bad life, and who will live a fair life Good day.No one dared to say "no" to them face to face.As time goes on, they get used to this problem. Hmph Qingqing, don't care.What is yours is mine, what is mine is still mine.Everyone in the world has to listen to him.for What? !spray! ! 'If you're willing to tell me, let's talk quickly.If you have to wait for the principal, I can only be sorry, please Come next week.weekend off.Tomorrow is a statutory holiday. "Su Cong was decisive and straightened his body. "..." Xiao Tianfang was slightly taken aback.Unexpectedly, this little girl is really competitive.he likes such a girl son.The principal can send such a person to receive him, and he even likes the principal who has not met yet. "Drink your saliva. Will you?" He began to look for an opportunity to ease the suddenly tense situation.squinting slyly, Seriously looked at Su Cong.Also don't hide your interest in each other.These days, getting angry, the corners of the eyes are a little erosive and hairy Red, often sticky discharge.There was always a small tube of eye drops in the pocket of my underwear.Whenever I have free time, I take it out, Squeeze into the crevice of the eyelid.I always order it seven or eight times a day. Of course Xiao Tianfang finally found the principal.The principal initially refused to accept Xiao Tian and let his son go.Xiao Tianfang makes people Drive twelve carts into the campus.The headmaster still hesitated.Xiao Tianfang said, I can guarantee that your whole school will burn firewood all year round keep warm.The headmaster was moved.Xiao Tianfang glanced at the two pitiful stinky fish in the principal's hand, and said, "This kind of The food is with us, and the dogs don't even eat it, because they think it's good. "The principal smiled bitterly: "It can't be compared..." Xiao Tian Fang felt that the last time was approaching, so he hurriedly said loudly: "In addition to firewood, I will provide you with two tons of the best firewood a year." pickled fish.Hatjeragiri pickled fish.Ok?Potatoes and cabbage, I will supply as much as you want.Ok? "he saw that The principal was still hesitating, so he patted the table impatiently, approached the principal, and shouted: "I just beg you to open a Well, give my son a chance to go to school?If you can't squeeze out the extra desks and chairs, I will bring my own desks and chairs.you There is no room in the classroom for my son's desks and chairs, so I let him sit outside the window.There is nothing extra in your student dormitory I rent a hotel for my son.Principal, what do you want me to do as a father!What else are you not willing to do? You want even stinky fish like that, my two tons of Hatjelagiri kippers, don't you want it?I'll give you two more, you let The female teacher wrote it down.I will stamp and draw a charge, and I will admit it wherever the lawsuit goes.First, what I said If you can't give these things one day, you will fire my son.Second, my son must be able to learn his homework well.which day to learn Not good, make trouble, make you angry, you fire him.Xiao Tianfang from Hatjelagiri Town made many mistakes, but There is one, you go and ask, what you say is what you say! " This was the first time Su Cong heard the word "Xiao Tianfang", and it was also the first time she heard of "Hajelagiri Town". Before Xiao Tian could rant enough, the principal thought it was better to agree to him quickly.Of course, two tons of fish cannot be avoided, but the most What I'm afraid of is that the little old man will definitely go to the house and lift the roof at the end of his yelling.The roofs of these offices are ten It hasn't been renovated in a few years.I really can't stand him shaking it down!The headmaster reckoned that those two tons of fish would definitely be bigger than that Repair money came quickly.What matters here is experience, the experience of "cunning".But one thing, he doesn't Doubt, sooner or later the house repair money will be appropriated. A black dog is squatting at the gate of Chengguan No. 2 Photo Studio.The sun shines through the clouds.Other places are convenient to free two pieces Moderately blue sky.The evening sun can illuminate half of the street in a very yellow and strong way, but the other half is not. Still gloomy.Xiao Tian put it in the photo studio to find his old friend Shi Liande.Find a boarding place for my son. "Rent a hotel"? Putting it lightly.Who is so rich?Besides, if you have money, you don't spend that much! That year, they sentenced Shi Liande to three years in prison.in case.A year and a half later, after checking and verifying everywhere, there is no There were hints of a conspiracy he was involved in.There are people who really planned and participated in the conspiracy.But not Shi Liande.to At least not found yet.It was found that during his false post, he often went to the county inspector's house to repair clocks.Twelve years later The wife of the birth inspector miraculously got fetal gas and started to give birth.At that time, the county government's long and short walks In the corridor, there were many gossip about him and the lady.But discussion is just discussion after all. No proof.Even if it is verified, he only hooked up with the wife of a fake inspector, so there is no need to use the leather bag today. Punishment in the name of life.After repeated research, he was spared the remaining year and a half of his sentence.Can no longer be a teacher, I went to the county to open a photo studio.After the public-private partnership, he stayed in the photo studio as a photographer.Live in a photo studio.This photo There are two paved rooms facing the street and a small building in the backyard.It is two rooms wide, with upper and lower floors, and the corridors and doors are The old-fashioned building facing the courtyard.Enough to live in. Shi Liande said: "My son is here. I also work as a family counselor. I will ensure that your son gets excellent grades in all subjects." Xiao Tianfang said: "Then how should I thank you!" Shi Liande said: "You hand over your son to me, and I have to thank you." Xiao Tianfang said: "That's really cheap for me." Shi Liande said happily: "It's also cheaper for me." Xiao Tianfang stopped being polite to Shi Liande.Shi Liande has been living alone since he was released from prison, and has never married Put one by your side.I found a good friend in the town, opened a tavern on the other side of the long bridge, and was busy. Neither of them could pass the other's shop.Who can't do without who.Often after work, the shop is closed, and they walk around with each other walk around.In her place, she also lived alone, and set up a single bed in the small wing room at the back of the shop, which was not lacking in desertion.stone Lien Teh has always liked Dalai very much.This is because he knew Da Lai Niang very early and liked Da Lai Niang, but he never met Da Lai Niang. Lai Niang is good, maybe it has something to do with it.Shi Liande still remembers that Da Lai Niang often gave those guests who went to her place People, make a kind of tea.Soak a green olive fruit in each cup of tea.Yankees can't get used to it. It's so sour. Astringent green fruit.When they frowned, she covered her mouth and smiled.She never drives away anyone who wants to get close to her, but Never really let them get close.Except Xiao Tianfang. Xiao Tianfang likes to hear Shi Liande talk about Da Lai Niang. Shi Liande also likes to hear Xiao Tianfang remember Da Lai Niang. That day, Shi Liande said: "Go, I haven't asked you to meet my good friend for so many years. Today I call you see you.But brother, don't laugh at me when I see you.Of course she did, Shi Liande still grabbed Xiao Tianfang's sleeve tightly, looking Seeing that is about to disappear on the other side is not as big as his mother. " Xiao Tianfang said: "Isn't there only one big lady in the world?" Shi Liande said: "However, my... hands can still stand a close look." Xiao Tianfang said: "Ghost! Who sees a woman exerting force on her hand?!" Shi Liande said: "No matter what, you have to praise her for me in person. Make her happy. A woman Well, everyone likes to hear soft words. " Xiao Tianfang laughed and said: "Men don't like to listen to soft words? Fuck! Let it go! What are you talking about!" Walking past the quilt factory in the military sub-division, the fiber dust particles of cotton wool are constantly floating out of the factory area all the year round. The roof and the trees on both sides of the road were all covered with a layer of gray and white.Going forward, the high courtyard wall of the green brick courtyard of the county detention center, Just stood by the river.The river is not small.It is yellow all year round.There are often big trees floating with their roots.But it flows out for three to five miles, out The county seat is not too far away, the water gradually decreases, and then suddenly decreases.A large gray river beach is empty, piled up with large and small pebble.There is also a bluestone block as big as half a room, with its edges and corners worn away, and it is raised up leisurely and lonely for a hundred generations. Near a clear stream.It was clear, and there was very little water. On the other side of the river, there is the other half of the county.The part of the old city is on the other side.The wider the river, the longer the bridge.this is one A highway bridge completely made of logs, square planks, and piles of nails.The pilings were coated with a thick layer of tar.on the bridge There is a thick layer of fine sand or cinders.The tavern is located diagonally opposite the gate of the detention center, at this end of the bridge.At this time, A specially-made carriage passed by them with a bang and bang, and headed for the bridge.thanks to Old Shi's ears were good, so he heard the hooves and wheels from afar, and dragged Tian Fang to the side of the road.or, He only wanted to find the crippled Xiao Tianfang in the tavern who could stand the scrutiny of his hands and was used to crossing the road sideways. It was really going to be knocked down by those crazy four horses, trampled to pieces, and dragged to pieces. "Damn it...these young Gawa..." After a while after the carriage passed by, Shi Liande looked narrowly at the old city. The carriage in the narrow and winding street muttered. Xiao Tianfang didn't respond, but just stared at the very familiar carriage; after a long while, he spotted the carriage. After he went, he hurriedly said: "You go and take a seat first..." Then he moved his wooden artificial leg and hurried to the bridge. go over there. His ears were deafened by gunfire, but his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's. Tian Fang passed by him in the carriage like lightning. The moment he passed by, he only glanced back and recognized that the people sitting in the car were his daughter Yujuan and his wife. His seventh brother Xiao Dayi. The carriage quickly entered the old city and turned into a narrow street adjacent to several coal yards, brick factories, repair factories and vermicelli factories. As soon as they felt that no one could see them anymore, they slowed down.The moment he crossed the bridge just now, he was really scared. shocked.He knew that his eldest brother had brought him to Sauber County as well.But a fleet of twelve carriages, what the hell, can't Can't go that fast.He took Yujuan to take a short cut. He fully thought that he would find a doctor and end the worrying matter for Yujuan. As for the matter, when they go back, the eldest brother and the others may not necessarily reach the edge of the county town.But we met at the bridgehead. He had no choice but to push Yujuan into the belly of the carriage, picked up the whip, and slammed it on the ears of the shaft horse and the tail horse, back and forth. A series of sharp and crisp whip flowers came out, and he quickly hooked his shoulders, lowered his head, and rushed across the bridge in wild waves.hope gray The dark twilight and the sudden surprise prevented the elder brother from seeing him clearly. Yujuan didn't know why Uncle Mo suddenly became so vicious at that moment.And this moment, but With a livid face, he just hurriedly drilled into the curved street tube, as if he was going to take her somewhere and bury her deeply. She didn't dare to ask, and didn't want to ask.Maybe it has reached the end of the sky, maybe it is going to the end.She only wishes Uncle Yao not to Be so fierce to her again. In the dark twilight, the neighborhood presents the old, crowded and uneven mottled as it should be.it keeps going down 斜,能看清前方街区房顶的起伏,各种院落中树群和衣物的杂色。自行车的扭动。 收音机天线杆儿的歪斜高耸。木板小阳台上的花盆。后院的厕所。猫追狗。揪片子 不搁高汤。 “下车了……”么叔终于开口了。他伸手搀扶玉娟。脸色已完全恢复了平静。 她想问,刚才究竟出啥事了。但现在再问,又有啥用呢?她没接么叔伸过来的手, 她不想在街面上让人瞧见她跟么叔这么亲近。她自己扶着车厢板,挪动坐麻了的双 腿,把孕期反应十分强烈的身子,一点点移下车来。 这边已近城关的市梢。面前是公社卫生所,还是城关大队的卫生所,已无须弄 清。总之,卫生所的人早已下班,空剩一个院子和几棵白蜡蜡的械树。鞋片儿撂到 屋顶上。走廊尽头才有盏灯。那位外科助理果然依的,在他屋里等着他俩。十天前, 天一独自来找过这家伙。这家伙精明得像一匹恰逢盛期的公狸猫。天一犹犹豫豫地 刚磕巴出两句,他就马上明白,到底是咋回子事了。他先古怪地瞟瞥了一下肖天一, 尔后皱起眉头说:“未婚女子……是未婚女子吧?未婚女子做这号手术,可得办不 少手续……到所长办公室去申请了吗?”一边说,一边折腾他屋里那个黑句句的火 炉。他身后挂满了大大小小、各式各样空鸟笼。一个双开门玻璃柜。广口大肚子标 本瓶。被福尔马林浸泡起的粉红的灰褐的可怖的怪胎。天一忙给他递去一个不算厚 也不算薄的纸包。这精明的家伙,不用打开纸包,只用捏惯手术刀的手指,轻轻捏 捏纸包,大概齐就能确定里头包的是粮票、布票还是钱票,或者每样都有一点,各 有多少。他把纸包扔进一个中等大小的鸟笼,拉下蓝布笼套,把鸟笼遮得严严实实。 天一这才注意到,所有的鸟笼有已被罩起和待被罩起之分。纸包被扔进中等大小的 鸟笼,无非告诉对方,你这点出手,不算多,也不算少,马马虎虎还将就得过去。 尔后,这家伙随手从一个黑粗陶罐里抓起一把盐和碎铁骨木,往炉子里一扔,炉子 里立即爆出一声棕黄的闷响。天一不明白他这一手,究竟又表示什么。他只知那纸 包里包着自己六个月的工资。 那家伙把天一推出门去,带玉娟进了手术室。他不正眼看玉娟,总是趁玉娟不 备时,狠狠地瞅她一眼,又赶紧掉开视线。玉娟怕他。当他的手故意触摸她的腿杆 时,她几乎要昏厥了。 玉娟出手术室,天已全黑。那家伙一边锁手术室的门,一边对天一说:“明天 再来。还是这时间。来早了你自找麻烦。来晚了,我也不恭候。See you. ”说着,提 起两个被蓝布套罩严实了的鸟笼,胳肢窝里还夹着一棵大白菜,回家去了。 “走吧……”天一去搀扶玉娟。他不知该怎么去安慰为他遭了罪的玉娟。 玉娟不动弹。低着头,倚在近门框的墙边,索索地颤抖,双手下意识地捂住小 腹部,只是在抖。 “疼……很疼吗……”天一嘴发黏,嘴唇焦躁。他都想不起来,身边的挎包里 还预备了几个生鸡蛋、四两红糖和一包油炸排叉。他偷偷地跟人请教,听说一出手 术室,就得给女人喝两个生鸡蛋。在蛋壳上,一头凿一个小洞眼,尔后叫女人仰起 脖子,稀里哗啦地吸。再用烫烫的水胞一碗排叉,撒进两把红糖,再拿个大碗,扣 住,严严地炯一会儿,趁热用筷子挑来吃,捧起碗喝,出一身汗,歇着,等汗自己 干了,给女人裹上块头巾,再上路。但这会儿工夫,他全记不起来了。 玉娟只是龟缩着。 “怨我……都怨我……”天一磕磕巴巴。 玉娟忽然拧过身去,哭了。 原来,刚才那家伙只是要了玉娟一回,根本没给玉娟做那手术。只是用镊子夹 着酒精棉替玉娟细细地擦。他说高压蒸煮过的手术器械已全都用完。所以手术今天 还做不成。今天只能给你消消毒。天一马上找到那家伙的家。家里也挂满了鸟笼。 天—一声不吭先踩扁了两只用蓝布套遮严实的鸟笼,尔后擒住他手腕,不由分说, 把他拖进大杂院一旁僻静的夹皮巷筒。肖天一在部队当过五年侦察兵。这一手,小 菜一碟。 “你这是干啥哩?”那家伙觉得手腕已接近骨折,疼得想嚷。但肖天一不许他 嚷。 “去替我侄女把手术做了。明天你爱擦谁擦谁去!我侄女明天没工夫再来伺候 you.还不许你在我侄女身上出半点差错,留半点病根儿,跟我玩这哩格儿隆,我叫 你全家好瞧!”天一松手,那家伙倒退十八步。 这一回,肖天—一直在手术台边上监督着。但他一直没敢往亮处看。听着玉娟 一声声的挣扎,哀求:“幺叔……幺叔……你出去……出去……”他渐愧地悔恨不 已地闭上了眼。后来,他抱起玉娟,向卫生所大黑门走去。苍白的玉娟挺沉,也挺 light. ……马车慢慢出了城圈,由砂砾。板土、碱蒿、猪灯笼草组合的漫坡,托起远 去的大路。天一把车棚后门脸上的布帘子卷起一点,让玉娟远远地看一眼索伯县县 城里的灯火。长这么大,她真还没来过县城。大来到县中上学,她跟在马车后头, 送了好远好远。从来没人问过她一声,是不是也想进县中。城区里的灯光白明明闪 烁。苹果花……苹果花开几月白?她突然觉得心酸。小肚子里又一阵阵隐疼。 “我要死了……”她轻轻地对幺叔说。泪珠无声地淌下。漫坡留在了身后。he 们必须在固集海子那一片干涸了三百万年的卵石滩上露宿。卸罢套,让加了脚绊的 马们,在一旁安详地嚼它们的晚餐。除了干草,还有一道主莱——干豆。他俩便并 排躺在大车排子上,盖着厚厚的皮大衣,身底下垫起暄软的干草和皮褥子。听远处, 寒气冻裂了老树。那一声声的喘息,仿佛汪得儿大山在起身巡渠。 天一没吱声,他替玉娟掖紧大衣,便走到簧火旁。他抬起头,让自己尖削的鼻 尖,正对着弯拱起的苍穹。他不知道该恨谁,责怪谁。也许该恨那年不该得罪了团 司令部的那位军务股长。政治处的干部股长。后勤部的膳食股长。他本可以留下。 他已提了干,当了连长。他还年轻,满可以再在部队里干十五年。第一批初拟的转 业名单里并没有他。只是到了最后一分钟……也许该恨自己不该听了大哥的话,去 争哈捷拉吉里镇党委的这把交椅。县安置办原意是要让他去新开的那个矿上去当矿 长。或副矿长。但总有一天会让他当矿长或局长。他不想干。他想去县剧团。他羡 慕做舞台布景的人;在七彩变幻的灯光中,真真假假,假假真真。在那真真假假、 假假真真中,他能做几回平日做不到的人。他知道自己不是大哥那样的人,他不喜 欢去左右别人,摆布别人。大哥要不是有在朝鲜沾上的那一档子事,绝不会把镇党 委这差使推到他头上。大哥会自己干的。现在只有这个七弟能推到那位置上去。Big 哥早想妥了的。年轻,有文化,当过兵,又是个连长。兄弟姐妹七人中,也只有这 老七最聪明,见识最多。肖天放把一切都算计得好好的。 他只是没想到,自己这个兄弟厌烦那种迎来送往的日子。厌烦看着别人的脸色 说话行事。厌烦心里有七分,脸上只能表三分,嘴里更只能说半分,或者什么都不 说,最好。他厌烦对谁都点头。只说些于瘪的原则的话。他要痛快,要快刀子砍肉, 见血见响见火星。他厌烦干涉别人。他不懂为什么不能让大家各奔一摊——只要他 不伤害别人,不欺骗别人,不侵占别人。 假如他不厌烦这一些,他就不会觉得哈捷拉吉里寂寞,不会觉得镇公所里的白 天黑夜太长太长,不会觉得土路旁的木栅栏太老太歪,他也就不会总去问那一块支 在木棍上晾晒的牛皮,为什么老在往下滴发黑的血。水井上的轱辘把裂了又裂。dew 天堆放的化肥撒了又撒。片儿林上空的黑雀群重复了又重复。后来,他甚至都怕看 见羊群。它们坦率、热闹、拥挤、忙活,但又随便被人赶来赶去。他知道自己不该 厌烦,但又忍不住要厌烦。镇公所里有他单独一间住房。值班用。开会晚了,不回 Home.谈话晚了,不回家。陪客晚了,不回家。统计表格晚了,不回家。闲聊乱扯晚 了,不回家。不想回家时,不回家……不回家,大哥心疼他。常叫家里做些好吃的, 给他送去。常常是叫玉娟送。总是送晚上那一餐。一荤一素两个菜,再加一碟下酒 的肉皮冻或水煮花生豆。拿干净毛巾盖上,提着它们,慢慢走进镇公所。家里的好 酒都留给他喝。大哥说:“费一天脑子了,叫他提提神吧。”玉娟总是在一边静静 地看么叔喝。送汤,怕路上撒了。汤就在镇公所的煤油炉子上做。做了两回,玉娟 说,煤油炉子做的汤不好喝,有煤油味。就从家里带一个炭炉。幺叔说,傻丫头, 煤油燃烧,跟那汤还隔着一层金属锅哩,煤油味怎么进得到汤里去?她说,进得去 进不去,我怎么闻着老有那股子煤油味?他说,那是煤油在进行不充分燃烧时,有 一部分煤油燃气分子被挥发到空气中,又被你嗅到鼻子里去了。她说,既然燃气分 子会被人鼻子嗅进肚子里去,它怎么就不会拐个弯钻到汤锅里去?他只好笑了,帮 她一起支炭炉。笑完后,他感到轻松。他给她讲“燃气分子”。讲“气体扩散”。 讲“嗅觉神经元”。讲“煤炭总有一天要挖完”。讲“太阳也总有一天不会再那么 烫”。她好像听懂了,又好像没懂。她愿意听。不只是因为,除了么叔,再没人跟 她讲这些。她愿意听,还因为她可怜这个只比她大四岁的小叔。镇上人人都羡慕他。 她可怜他。她知道他不愿待在哈捷拉吉里。但为了肖家,他必须留在哈捷拉吉里。 她也只能待在这里。 有一天,下大雨。他打回电话来,叫家里别给他弄晚饭了,但她还是给他做了, 又送去了。那一天,假如玉娟像往常那样,只是静静地在一旁看他吃,到底也不开 口,他一吃完,乖巧地收拾碗筷擦干净桌子提起饭篓赶紧走;假如她不羡慕他那些 年在外头的生活,从来没轻轻地要求过他给她讲讲;假如那天镇公所里不是那么静, 那么黑,雨又下得那么响,她全身的衣服都塌透。他拿毛巾让她擦脚,拿自己的军 便服给她换。她害臊,转过身去。他出了屋,让她一个人在屋里。油灯光透过格子 扇门上的窗户纸,艰难地在廊檐下做成半个朦胧。他心跳得厉害。他不知道自己为 什么要去关上镇公所大门。沉重的木门生涩地往一起合,轰轰隆隆,吱吱嘎嘎。he 在整个镇公所里绕了一圈,他一间屋一间屋地去敲,去推。他不知道自己当时为什 么要急于证实偌大个镇公所,的确再无旁人。后来,他在做会议室的大堂屋里站了 for a long time.原先的红砖地,是他让人换成了水磨石地。一下雨,便泛潮,便紧着往上透 阴凉。曾有过的大师椅、花揪木虎茶几、螺钢镶嵌大案桌,自然早就换光。他讨厌 这种老里老气、冷冰冰的僵硬。他让人从镇中心小学借来几张旧桌椅。他宁可要它 them.现在,他站在这些桌子前,强使自己镇静。假如那天他真能镇静下来,再不回 那屋;即使回了,进屋前能得体地先问一声可不可以进;等里边那一阵忙乱的衣衫 声消失,再慢慢推门,……假如那天,玉娟利索一些,把该换的早换了,该扣的早 扣上,她不是那样地犹豫磨蹭为难心慌,没有卷起裤腿,当幺叔猛地推门进来时, 慌张得怎么也扣不上最后两粒纽扣;假如这时他不走过去,不想做一件要跟所有的 人都过不去,特别是跟自己过不去,跟玉娟过不去的事;假如他没“假惺惺”地对 玉娟说那句话:“傻丫头,咋的了?我来替你扣……”假如所有这一切“假如”都 不是假如,第二天,玉娟不再理他,不再到镇公所来,不再正眼瞧他,不再觉得他 可怜,不再愿意听他讲“太阳总有一天也不会再发烫”,她没有在躲闪推拒挣扎哀 求的同时又紧紧地抓住他……那么,结局又会是怎样? 为什么不是那样呢? Why? 老天爷,你为什么偏偏要跟我过不去呢? “我要死了……”玉娟又轻轻地哭道。 天一闭上了眼睛,胸底兀然涌起一股强烈的呜咽。他连连颤抖了几下,眼角便 有滚烫黏稠的火,往下烧灼。这湿的火流,淌过他坚韧黑亮的脸面,渗进鬓发间, 甚至窝集在耳蜗里。有的直接消进嘴角,一股成苦的辛辣。换一种身份,他这时应 该、他也会去紧紧搂住为他受苦了的玉娟。他要对她说一千种最好听的话。让她沉 浸在对他俩曾经有过的最激动的甜蜜的回忆中。他要向她许愿。他要让她索取。where 怕狠心敲诈他。他要亲她,求她别再哭了。Things are over.上帝把所有的苦处都放到 了女人肩头上。他看到了。他懂得了。他没法来替代她,但他会终其一生地小心翼 翼地把她捧在自己的手掌心里的…… 但这会儿,他连碰都不敢再碰她一下。他觉得自己没有资格去碰她。一种深重 的罪孽感缠绕了他,压迫着他。这是比愧疚更深重的怅惘。 他曾经想理智地结束。他曾经试着跟别的女人来往。镇公所里有好些个从粮库 调来帮工的女办事员。在成立镇公所以前,粮库是哈捷拉吉里村惟一国营单位。it 们是“国库”。代表国家在这儿收购贮存粮食。还有一个女办事员是从镇中心小学 调来的,因为生孩子太多,老歇产假,没法再正常带班教学。她丈夫又在县手工业 联社当会计,一年也回不了几回家,帮不上她的忙,就把她商调到镇公所。他留她 们加班。他给她们说笑话。他买饼干糖果偷偷塞到她们挂在椅背上的手提包里,向 她们挤挤眼睛,表示默契……或者装作漫不经心的样子去捏她们肥厚的手背脚背, 让她们高兴地或装作不高兴地向他挤一下眼或啐一嘴……凡是能做的,他都做了, 凡是别人会做的,他也试着去学着做了,但是除了得到对自己对她们更加的厌恶以 外,他什么也没得到。或者还得到了一种少有的鄙视,对自己的鄙视。 玉娟总是静静地看着他,带着阿拌河河
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