Home Categories contemporary fiction flock of black finch

Chapter 14 14. Sanction decision

flock of black finch 陆天明 4970Words 2018-03-19
It is said that the disciplinary decision was announced to Han Qike by Deputy Director Zhu It is said that the disciplinary decision was announced to Han Qike by Deputy Director Zhu.Deputy field director Zhu told Han Qike that he really shouldn't be the one to announce this decision.But Director Gao insisted that he come, so he had no choice but to come.Han Qike said, it's all right.You come and you come.It doesn't matter who comes.Deputy field director Zhu said that we did not expect his old man to end the matter like this in the end.Han Qike said, is it over?You guys really thought it was over?Deputy director Zhu said that he also released the two escort officials from Beijing.The veterans reaffirmed their determination to really take root in Yaerta and work hard.This matter should be said to be over.Han Qike just looked at Deputy Director Zhu dumbly, and didn't answer.Zhu said, three months later, when he restores your team captain to Ganggula, it will be the same.Han Qike lowered his head and gave a faint wry smile, as if he disagreed with his judgment.Gangura couldn't be the same anymore.Year by year, day by day, it keeps changing.It has been like this for a hundred years, a thousand years, and ten thousand years.There is no other way.You don't understand.He looked at the deputy director Zhu who still had a bit of handsomeness and coquettishness between his brows, and thought so in his heart, but he still didn't say anything.Seeing that he just didn't speak, deputy director Zhu sat there for a while, then got up and left.As soon as I walked to the door, I turned around and asked, do you have anything to tell Director Gao?Han Qike said, if I have anything to say, I will talk to him myself.Deputy field director Zhu said, he asked me to tell you that he won't see you again in the near future.If you want anything, let me take it with you.Han Qike said, forget it.Deputy field director Zhu asked, forget it, what do you mean?Han Qike said, forget it.What else can it mean.Deputy field director Zhu said, Captain Han, you are still young.Compared with those of us who are half-stretched and buried in the ground, you are really young.It's nothing to be punished a little, and you must not give up on yourself.Especially in Gangura, it is even worse; once you give up on yourself in Gangura, it is really like a tofu brain that fell into the slag, and there is no way to clean it up.Deputy Field Chief Li, Director Ma, and Section Chief Zhao, and I have never said anything bad about you in front of Field Chief Gao.Why did he think of suspending your post this time, we really can't figure it out.Leave a stump for a century-old tree.Your future is limitless.A little stumbling on the road of life is just like choking on water or eating.The tiger is domineering and has to take a nap.Will the Maxima lose its footing?Really!Chatting, chatting, chattering, he talked for ten minutes at a stretch, looking very sincere and full of emotion, and then left.

That afternoon, Ma Guihua came to see me at the guest house.Tell me in detail what happened the day before. "Congratulations," I said. "Congratulate me for what?" she said. "I heard that your father found you a good partner." I joked with her casually. "Don't tell a joke..." She stomped her foot anxiously, and her accent changed when she was anxious. "Congratulations on becoming the squad leader." I hurriedly restrained myself. "Don't mention it soon." Her face flushed immediately, and tears flashed in her eyes, expressing great anxiety.

"Sit down and talk. I don't sell standing tickets here." I laughed.Especially when I'm alone with Ma Guihua, I don't want to make the scene too serious.But she still didn't sit down, and looked at me with her pair of very clear eyes that seemed particularly confused and at a loss at the moment, and her breasts, which didn't look very plump, were heaving and falling frequently at the same time.After a while, she asked hesitantly: "Can you talk to Chief Gao? Captain Han, he is wholeheartedly for our Gangula!" She said anxiously, seeing that I did not immediately respond to her request , hurriedly asked: "You don't believe what I said?" His face suddenly turned pale.Suddenly, a thought popped up in my heart, and it hurt me: "I can't help it... I can't help it... This girl has been secretly in love with Han Qike?" The mentality that the neighbor stole the ax is at work, or is this little girl naturally unable to hide herself, the anxiety, pity and care she showed at this time seems to confirm my guess just now 100%.

"You...you probably like Captain Han, right?" I deliberately elongated my voice and asked. "Principal Gu, let's talk about serious business and not make jokes." Her face turned red again, she gave me a panicked look, and then, forcing herself to calm down, turned her back quickly and stretched out her hand Go to the stove lid and pretend to be warming up.Her fingers are not considered slender, but this makes her whole hand look particularly round, plump and strong. "It's all my fault...it's all my fault, I can't hold my breath, I messed things up..." She suddenly sobbed.

"Don't blame yourself like this. No one can predict how things will develop next. No one can say what responsibility they can and should take for tomorrow." "It's my fault..." She covered her face and cried loudly.At this time, there was a sound of quick footsteps coming from under the eaves of the porch outside the door, and it was obviously coming from this side.I hurriedly gestured to her, telling her to stop crying.I don't want anyone to see that Ma Guihua, who just replaced Han Qike as the team leader, came to me and cried.If this spreads, it will cause many unnecessary misunderstandings.Gangula is at such a critical moment of turmoil, it is better to have less suspicion and misunderstanding.It's the same for everyone.

Ma Guihua was quite sensible, so she stopped crying, grabbed my towel, wiped away the tears, and sat down on the bench in front of the fire wall.When there was a knock on the door, she took the initiative to go forward to open the door.The person who came was Mou, the manager of the guest house.He said that he had just received a call from Director Gao, asking him to come and notify me, and let me go to his house right away. "Did you say anything?" I asked. "He won't tell me anything. He just tells you to go right away, don't delay at all." "Okay. I'll go right away." I stood up and replied while sending him out.Before leaving the house, the administrator didn't forget to take the opportunity to please Ma Guihua, who had just been promoted: "Captain of the horse division, from now on, I will go to the guest house to guide the work and give more valuable advice. I don't care what it is if it is useful to me." , despite orders."

"What do you order? Am I just taking care of the house temporarily for a few months? From now on, when I don't care about the house, you, manager Mou, can still recognize me as a little girl, thank God." Ma Guihua sarcastically said to him. . "Captain of the horse division, look at what you said! My old Mo Ke has never treated you badly. If you don't believe me, go home and ask your father. I greeted him last year. When will I hold a wedding for you? , I'll give Zhang Luo a banquet, and it's cheap and decent." As he spoke, he walked away hahaha with his duck steps.Immediately, Ma Guihua became very serious and eager again, and rushed to me, saying, "Director Gao must be looking for you to talk about Captain Han. You must speak a few words of justice for him. Really, really , Qi Ke is absolutely not crooked in his heart. If you say he can't be trusted anymore, then Ganggula has no one who is trustworthy..."

"Are you so sure?" I asked with a little sourness in my heart. "I grew up with him as a child." She cried aggrievedly.The expression on her face at this moment made me clearly see the image of a young "saint".OMG, another "saint".I couldn't help shivering slightly. "But... Can Director Gao believe what I say?" "He believed it. He certainly believed it." "How can you be so sure?" "He has investigated you...he told us himself, he said that you also grew up in the Gobi Desert, and that you are quite a person. He also said that you hang a copy of your own writing in the dormitory. What is written on it...something like 'I will never float in this life, but I will leave a solid life footprint in my beloved Haranuri'. Is there such a thing?"

I am surprised.Very surprised.I did write something like a special petty bourgeoisie.That was when I first entered the office, in order to tactfully express my determination and attitude to the old comrades in the office and the leaders of the town party committee, I wrote it under the glass plate of my desk. (It was not hung in the dormitory. This point is different from what she said.) However, after a year, I withdrew it.After more than ten months of tempering and etching in all kinds of personnel turmoil in the office life, I am gradually getting old, and I can't stand its immature milky smell and the sour smell that almost makes people knock out the roots of their teeth.Some big brothers and sisters in the agency even laughed at me for this.Later, the glass plate also cracked, and the seeping tea stained the note yellow... I put a wide strip of adhesive on the crack to cover the note.Later, I removed it.Who would tell Gao Fuhai of Ganggula about my old sesame seeds and rotten millet?It really did me a favor!

"Director Gao wouldn't have seen me write that note with his own eyes, would he?" I inquired tactfully. "Of course. Someone in your agency told him." "Who is it?" "Then I can't say..." She twisted her body mischievously. "You see, you see, I still want me to go to Chief Gao to intercede for Han Qike on your behalf. But you... But if this really makes you particularly embarrassed, then forget it..." I took a step back on purpose and pretended to be With a helpless look, he sighed softly.This The trick really worked, she immediately felt that she was very sorry for me, she glanced at me guiltily, and then said hesitantly: "I heard it's someone from your town office."

"People from the town office? Who?" "This, I'm not too clear. Director Gao didn't go into details. It's not that I don't want to tell you." People from the town office?who?Who would pay attention to collect such details of my early life and report to Gao Fuhai?Is there really Gao Fuhai's "informant" in the agency?interesting!Reminiscent of Gao Fuhai being able to grasp the situation of the "3508 meeting" in such detail, this "informant" should be someone around Zhang and Song.who?Suddenly, a suspect popped up in my sight——Xiaoha.Comrade Ha Caiying?Yes, how could I have forgotten her?She is someone close to Song Zhenhe, and, more importantly, she is also from Gangura.Yes, she told me that she is from Gangura. Her whole family lived in Gangura for many years. Later, Song Zhenhe transferred her and her family to the town. of.On the night before leaving Haranuri, she came to see me off and gave me a copy of Makarenko's "Educational Poems".When she was about to leave, she suddenly said that she had missed Gangula all these years... She said that people outside didn't know the Gangula Wasteland, let alone the Gangula who lived in this wasteland for many years. Gula people.Nor could they know about the Gondola Moor and the Gondola.She said that those people outside look down on Gangula, and look down on Gangula, which only shows that they are a bunch of very self-righteous and smart guys.In her opinion, each of these guys is particularly ridiculous and so on and so on.Oh, what else did she say?I can’t remember... At that time, I was only interested in admiring her special expression when she spoke—because it is rare to see her who is relatively taciturn say so much in one breath, and it is rare to see her able to speak like this "Tooth Gritting" and "Drip to the Heart."Once I really saw it, I seriously experienced a little girl who is not good-looking, and once "evil is born on the edge of courage", the kind of charm that radiates from every joint is really amazing. Totally captivated by her. "Director Gao didn't tell you whether the person who gave him the news was a man or a woman?" I asked Ma Guihua again.I had to figure out who this "informant" was. "I didn't say..." "I didn't say what I was doing in the office? For example, in the secret room or something..." "I didn't say..." "Oh..." I sighed in disappointment.But I still believe that this "informant" is Xiaoha.Because once—about half a year ago, Comrade Ha Caiying came to my office to inform me about something. Ask: "Where's that piece of paper you pressed here?" I smiled and said: "Why? I tore it up a long time ago." She still didn't believe it: "No way..." I immediately opened the glass plate and verified it for her. Look.She also sighed regretfully: "Why are you tearing it up? That sentence is quite good." At noon the next day, I went to the cafeteria to get dinner.She, who was already queuing up there first, greeted me for the first time, asked me to rush to the front of her, and said such a soft sentence behind her, which is still fresh in my memory.She said, "Hey, comrade 'Footprints', did you tear up such a good passage?" In the agency, except for her, no one would think that this passage is really good.So, it is Comrade Xiaoha who has been "hiding" in the agency of Haranuri Town and providing Gao Fuhai with various "information"? ! ! I subconsciously raised my head again to look at Ma Guihua, and subconsciously compared the "Little Osmanthus" in front of me with the "Secretary Haji" in my memory.At this time, "Little Osmanthus" sat respectfully on the edge of my reception bed, with her legs and feet together, and her hands propped on the edge of the bed, completely like a deep wasteland. The bride who is new to the bridal chamber... She, like Xiaoha, has something in her expression that I am very familiar with and that I especially need. I am restless and longing.From a distance, you can feel that they are absolutely resigned to everything they are going through.But when you get closer and take a closer look, they also have longing, dissatisfaction, and hope.I really want to walk over gently, hold her hand gently, and say to her... Say something... I suddenly remembered that in her big room in the "slaughterhouse", her bed , The legs of the bed are made of soil blocks, and the bed board is replaced by reed handles or red willow.The calico sheets had long since faded to pale yellow, and there was a piece of plastic on the side of the bed, too, but it wasn't like the one on Xiaoha's bed that was bought from a store.Her piece looks more like it was remade from the packaging bags used to transport chemical fertilizers.Four red bricks are neatly arranged side by side in front of the bed, and a pair of black cloth shoes with straps are placed on the red bricks. "Before I entered the house, I even put away my own socks. Why didn't I think about putting away these cloth shoes?" I even smiled secretly at that time.But then, I couldn't stop looking at her shoes on the bricks.It felt as if she was quietly sitting on the edge of the bed, deliberately only showing her feet and shoes, watching everything that was happening outside this cold "slaughterhouse"... At that time, I also secretly reminded myself that she was not yet seventeen years old, and you had just arrived in Gangura, and you still had an important mission.Especially things like feelings should not be rushed, let alone overindulge yourself.But I immediately refuted myself: how did I indulge myself?Why did you act too hastily?Not to mention "excessive"?Didn't I just take a look at her pair of shoes (and secretly), secretly imagined her whole person and her feet... and quietly searched for the hay that filled her room ( Grass?) Smell... oh, have you ever smelled that fresh scent of alfalfa before it blooms in the first ten days of summer?Have you ever smelled the fragrance from thousands of hectares of Osmanthus osmanthus growing up to your chest height, and then bursting out countless purple flowers the size of small butterflies?No, it's not for you to sniff it from a distance, but for you to devote yourself wholeheartedly into it, and "submerge" in the depths of the sea of ​​purple flowers. The kind of breath you can receive is very, very strong, but And very, very light and distant breath... Haha, you don't?Tsk!
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