Home Categories contemporary fiction we are like beasts

Chapter 39 Chapter Thirty-Nine

we are like beasts 何顿 5854Words 2018-03-19
Jiao Xiaohong wants to take wedding photos with Wang Jun.A photo studio advertised on a TV station. Without money, it agreed to take a personal photo album or a set of wedding photos for the TV station to cover the advertising fee.Jiao Xiaohong naturally also received this preferential treatment. The producer of the column gave her a free card to go to the photo studio to take pictures by herself, and she could take whatever she wanted, so she thought of taking wedding photos with Wang Jun.When Wang Jun heard what Jiao Xiaohong said, he was so frightened that he almost fainted.He said: Taking wedding photos?If you don't take pictures, how can you take pictures of my ghostly appearance?I can only take pictures when I am in good spirits and mood.Jiao Xiaohong looked at her beloved boyfriend, what do you mean Wang Jun?This is free of charge.Wang Jun refused to go into the photo studio and said: It's not interesting, but I don't want to take pictures today.Jiao Xiaohong looked at him angrily, and said that you don't seem to want to take wedding photos with me?What the hell do you mean?Have you been lying to me?Wang Jun said: No.It's just that I'm not energetic today, so the photos must not look good.Jiao Xiaohong said: "If you don't take pictures, you won't take pictures. Don't make excuses."He said: Don't you see how confused I am?We will take another photo after I rest for two days.

But two days later, he still refused to take a picture, saying that he was busy with decoration.He simply didn't want to meet Jiao Xiaohong face to face.Jiao Xiaohong dressed nicely and waited for him in front of the photo studio, but he didn't come after waiting for him for two full hours.Jiao Xiaohong felt faintly uneasy in her heart, feeling that her love was hanging in the air like a leaf, what's the matter with me, why did I fall in love with such a man?she asked herself.She couldn't find the answer, and naturally she couldn't find the reason.She left the photo studio and walked heavily on the street, telling herself that I would never talk to him again.But it was useless, at night, she called him again, three or four times in a row, and he answered, speaking slowly on the other end of the phone.She said: Wang Jun, I want you to come to Phoenix Bar immediately.After speaking, she hung up the phone.The Phoenix Bar was deserted, only she and a man and woman were sitting in the bar.She noticed that the man was a middle-aged man, but the woman was a young woman like herself.Teresa Teng's soft singing floated in the dark bar, like fog floating on the river bed.Jiao Xiaohong felt that a series of things made her sad, and the one who made her sad the most was Wang Jun.She was so devoted to him that she rejected several young men who had courted her, but he didn't care about her.It was past ten o'clock and he still hadn't come.She walked over again, picked up the phone on the bar, and rang Wang Jun again, three times in succession.Wang Jun replied, and when she heard Wang Jun's voice, she was furious, saying that if you don't come again, I will die for you.

Wang Jun didn't come.It was Huang Zhonglin who came.Wang Jun couldn't leave, because he and Zhou Yan were drinking coffee in the revolving restaurant of Zhongshan Commercial Building, imagining the future together.He no longer dared to make the mistake of abandoning Zhou Yan and making Zhou Yan doubt him again.He decided to marry Zhou Yan, of course he didn't dare to abandon Zhou Yan and come to Jiao Xiaohong's appointment.He called Li Guoqing behind Zhou Yan's back, asking Li Guoqing to go to Phoenix Bar to comfort Jiao Xiaohong.He said: No way, I can't leave.Hurry up and take a taxi to the Phoenix Bar. Jiao Xiaohong lost her nerve, she was there alone, and said she was going to die for me.Come with me and hold her steady, please.Li Guoqing has already gone to bed, so naturally he doesn't want to go, besides, he really can only take a taxi to go at this time, he can't imagine the money for a taxi. What was left of the fifty dollars his mother asked for would never be able to complete the task.He called Yang Guang's cell phone, Yang Guang turned it off, and then called Huang Zhonglin's cell phone. Huang Zhonglin asked him what was the matter, and he said: Jiao Xiaohong was at the Phoenix Bar and told Junbie that she was going to die for Junbie to see.You turtle, go and comfort her.Huang Zhonglin refused to accept the task and said: Why do you want me to comfort you?The army turtle doesn't know where to go?Li Guoqing said: Wang Jun was with Zhou Yan and couldn't leave.The army turtle wanted me to go, but I didn't have a car.It's better for you to go, you have a car, take her for a ride, let her relax, let her want to drive, you are the best at dealing with girls.Huang Zhonglin was not good at rejecting Li Guoqing, he was afraid that Li Guoqing would call him not enough friends again.After Liu Youbin's treat, he made two phone calls with Li Guoqing a little guiltyly, and asked Yang Guang to make two phone calls with Li Guoqing to ease the relationship.Now Li Guoqing calls him to comfort Jiao Xiaohong, if he doesn't go, what will Li Guoqing think?Huang Zhonglin thought about it and said, "Where is it?"Li Guoqing said the address again.Huang Zhonglin is here.He smiled at Jiao Xiaohong, squinting his eyes.When Jiao Xiaohong saw it was him, her face turned pale.Huang Zhonglin sat down and said that Li Guoqing wanted me to comfort you and that you couldn't figure it out.Hey Hey.Jiao Xiaohong stared at him, you mean Li Guoqing?Huang Zhonglin said: Li Guoqing said that Wang Jun sent him to comfort you, but his wife wouldn't let him out, so he transferred me.I ran here after answering the phone. Look, I forgot to put on my socks.He showed Jiao Xiaohong his feet without socks.Jiao Xiaohong shook her head, I don't want your comfort.you go.Huang Zhonglin's red lips smiled again, revealing two rows of white teeth. Since I'm here, I won't leave alone.I am your comforting angel.Jiao Xiaohong looked down on him and said: You hate it.Huang Zhonglin said: My wife says I am very gentle.He glanced at her and said: Let me tell you, don't take yourself too seriously.If you take it too seriously, you will suffer yourself.

Jiao Xiaohong didn't speak, Huang Zhonglin looked at her lovingly, seeing that there was only a cup of tea on the table, he immediately turned to the female boss and said, "Two bottles of beer, and some snacks."He said: We drink, and when we get drunk, we can relieve our worries.Jiao Xiaohong still ignored him.Huang Zhonglin said again: You have to think about it.The waiter brought beer and a tall glass, put it down, and at the same time put down a plate of cold tripe.Huang Zhonglin held up his wine glass, and asked Jiao Xiaohong to do the same, saying hello, let's have a drink, come.Jiao Xiaohong didn't move, he said again: The biggest problem with you women is that you can't let go of yourself.Jiao Xiaohong raised her head and looked at him when she heard what he said.Huang Zhonglin said again: I sometimes wonder why people are like this?Why don't we thank God?God brought man into this world just to let man have a good time.Why bother?You only live once, so you should live your life happily.Huang Zhonglin laughed when he said this.Jiao Xiaohong stared at him and asked if you were ever unhappy?Huang Zhonglin said: Yes.That's when I had no money.Jiao Xiaohong said: Can money give you everything?Huang Zhonglin took a sip of beer, of course not, but money is indeed a good thing, the ancients said that people die for money.Why?Just because money is a good thing.Jiao Xiaohong said: You men value money so much?Huang Zhonglin said: Drink some wine.Jiao Xiaohong hesitated for a while, but still picked up the cup and touched Huang Zhonglin, and took a sip of the wine.

Huang Zhonglin chuckled and said that you look very ladylike when drinking, Xiaojiao.Jiao Xiaohong glanced at him and turned her head away.Huang Zhonglin beckoned to the waiter, saying that there are two more dishes.The waiter brought shredded squid, cucumber salad and a plate of chicken feet.Huang Zhonglin said: Eat, don't drink booze, you will get drunk if you sip booze.Jiao Xiaohong said: Sometimes I really want to break up with Wang Jun, but I can't.You think I'm so stupid, don't you?She suddenly asked: Do you feel happy after getting married?Huang Zhonglin replied: Only in love can there be happiness or pain. Once married, there is nothing left.Jiao Xiaohong asked curiously: Is this really the case?Is marriage really a grave?Huang Zhonglin picked up his wine glass and clinked it with her, saying drink, take a sip and I'll tell you.Jiao Xiaohong raised her head and took a sip.Huang Zhonglin said: Women are different from men. What women want is to get married and have a stable family.What men think about is career, what they think about is play.Jiao Xiaohong swallowed, and said yes, all women want to have a stable home.Huang Zhonglin ate a mouthful of squid, so women are sadder than men.Jiao Xiaohong said: Why?Huang Zhonglin said: It's very simple, a woman is like a silkworm, weaving her nest wholeheartedly, and finally turning herself into a chrysalis.He looked at Jiao Xiaohong and smiled, men are just the opposite, they are basically like moths, they want to bite the cocoon that wraps them, so that they can fly out.Jiao Xiaohong said: Women are also moths sometimes.Our TV station has several such moths.They married and had affairs just like men.There is a woman in our column group, she is the most open-minded.Her child is three years old, and her husband works in a bank.She is better than a young man who is two years younger than her in our column group.She emphasized: She is thirty-one.Huang Zhonglin immediately praised the woman and said: Then she is worthy of your study.You should also let go of yourself and not hang yourself on a tree.Jiao Xiaohong said: Do you really think so?Huang Zhonglin said: You can give love to only one man, but you can give your body to two or three men at the same time.In this way, you will not suffer.Jiao Xiaohong shook her head, saying how could she do such a thing without feelings?Huang Zhonglin opened his red mouth again, and Jiao Xiaohong's bright white teeth appeared in Jiao Xiaohong's eyes.He said: This is the difference between men and women.Jiao Xiaohong said: Huang Zhonglin, you actually look cute when you smile.

Huang Zhonglin, who smiled very cutely, glanced at her with a pair of meaningful eyes, and said to tell you, don't put too much hope on Wang Jun.Jiao Xiaohong stared at him.She never noticed that he was wearing an olive-colored suit. The material of the suit looked very good. Inside was a khaki cardigan with a pointed collar and a light yellow shirt with a large collar.He has a crew cut and his face is a bit too long, but he looks very energetic and confident, and his single eyelid eyes look a little charming.She asked him: Why do you say that?Huang Zhonglin said: As far as I know, Jun Wang is not bad, but he spent a lot of money.I guess he won't marry you.Jiao Xiaohong stared at him even more, how do you know?He said: "I know him too well.Jiao Xiaohong seemed to smell something else from his words.She glanced at the ceiling, adjusted her mentality, and then turned her eyes back to Huang Zhonglin's face, asking what did he tell you?Huang Zhonglin said: Now he likes another woman.He added: I can only say this, it is hard to say anything else, you have to be considerate of me.Jiao Xiaohong nodded in understanding, and said, in fact, I have been aware of it for a long time.Many people are silly.She laughed at herself and said that they all hope to win the love with one heart and one mind.There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and she said: I am so stupid.Huang Zhonglin said: You are very cute.Wang Jun is a pig, he doesn't know how to cherish you.You are a flower, you should bloom elsewhere.When she heard this, tears welled up, and the tears in her eyes made her feel that the world was floating.Huang Zhonglin stared at her tears calmly, and said that you don't need to be sad, there are many good men in the world.She shook her head and sighed softly.Huang Zhonglin also said: Love cannot be forced.Love is a strange circle, one party gives desperately, just like you.Although the other party accepted it correctly, he didn't appreciate it at all, and was even irritable.Love has never been equal.Jiao Xiaohong felt that what Huang Zhonglin said was too correct, she nodded quickly and said: Yes, yes, exactly.He took another breath and said: I found that I was too stupid.

Huang Zhonglin's Toyota Camry parked on the sidewalk.It was dark, and it was already past one o'clock in the morning.It was drizzling.There were few people on the street, only cars passing by at high speed.Huang Zhonglin pressed the remote control, the car lights flashed, and he said: Get in the car, I will see you off.Jiao Xiaohong glanced at him and got into his car.Huang Zhonglin backed the car out of the sidewalk and drove onto the wide road.He said: Do you like listening to music?She forced a smile and said that I am actually a music fan.Huang Zhonglin said: I also like music very much.Recently I bought a set of very high-end stereos, do you want to listen to music at my place?Jiao Xiaohong didn't feel sleepy on her face, she just wanted to find someone to spend this empty time with her, so she hurriedly asked: Really?Huang Zhonglin said: I went to the home appliance market a few days ago to buy the best stereo and a lot of music CDs.Jiao Xiaohong said: If we go to your house at this time, won't your wife suspect us?He said: She is still living at her parents' house for the time being.The house has just been renovated, and we have not officially lived in it yet.Jiao Xiaohong said: Then go to your place to listen to music.She added: Anyway, I haven't dozed off a bit.Huang Zhonglin was very happy and drove towards his new house.He drove the car to his new house in no time.He parked the car and led her into the elevator.Jiao Xiaohong said: Which floor do you live on?He said: The eighteenth floor.The elevator soared to the eighteenth floor very quickly. He didn't look like a countryman, but like a gentleman let her get out of the elevator first, and he walked out again.He opened the door, and indeed the smell of fresh paint and plywood rose into his nostrils.The living room is well furnished, which makes Jiao Xiaohong feel that this is the most luxurious residence she has ever entered in her life.She sat down on a nice sofa.A chic and exquisite glass coffee table is placed in front of the sofa.This living room has forty or fifty square meters.Opposite is the TV and stereo.The floor is covered with beautiful Russian wool rugs.

Huang Zhonglin went over to close the curtains, and turned on the cabinet air conditioner. The lighting in the living room can be adjusted, and he adjusted it very softly.He smiled at Jiao Xiaohong, walked to the low maroon cabinet, turned on the stereo, and stuffed a Sachs CD into it.When he turned around to make tea for her, very charming saxophone music came out softly from the speaker, fluttered to the walls and then passed into Jiao Xiaohong's hungry ears.He put the tea on the wooden coffee table, sat down beside it, and asked: Does it sound good?Jiao Xiaohong nodded immediately and said it was very nice.The warm air from the air conditioner caressed Jiao Xiaohong's face, making her hair flutter gently in the warm air, which was very beautiful.Huang Zhonglin smiled, got up and went to the kitchen to fetch two Tsingtao beers, snapped them open, poured them into two tall glasses on the coffee table, handed a glass to Jiao Xiaohong, and said, let's do it.The two touched lightly amidst the charming music of the saxophone, and the two beautiful goblets made a slight ding.Huang Zhonglin chuckled and took a sip.Jiao Xiaohong also took a sip and smiled slightly.Of course he didn't just invite Jiao Xiaohong to drink beer.After a while, he inserted a dance disc into the DVD player and adjusted the volume to a suitable position, and then the slow and charming slow dance music came out of the speakers and echoed in the warm living room.In this piece of music, there are not only sounds from saxophone, clarinet, and brass horn, but also melodies from cello and violin.Huang Zhonglin stretched out his hand to Jiao Xiaohong, and said, let's dance to ease your mood.Jiao Xiaohong got up and said, "Take off the slippers."Jiao Xiaohong took off her slippers, and her two pairs of feet without socks moved back and forth to the beat of the music.Huang Zhonglin would step on Jiao Xiaohong's instep embarrassingly, and then say embarrassingly: Our dance steps have not been closed yet.Jiao Xiaohong also smiled and said that I can't dance.Huang Zhonglin said: No, it's because I can't dance well.

Their steps quickly entered new territory in another beautiful slow troika and the following tango, where only peach blossoms, roses and willow branches swayed in the wind, and a golden mountain lay in the distance. Shining bright yellow everywhere.Jiao Xiaohong was opened up by the dance music, and soon forgot her surname Jiao, and fell into Huang Zhonglin's arms, letting him dominate her.When he kissed her, she started to be surprised, saying what are you doing?Huang Zhonglin is very clever, saying can you blame me?You are so beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy, I can't help it.Jiao Xiaohong said: You can't do this, you are Wang Jun's friend.Huang Zhonglin said: Of course not.However, when the two embraced again to a soft dance music, Huang Zhonglin kissed her again.She didn't refuse his kiss, she just said don't talk, don't do this.He knew that she had been teased by him in the beautiful melody, so he became bolder, unbuttoned her clothes and kissed her beautiful breasts.She said don't, don't, don't be like this, okay?But he closed his eyes and let him kiss.He suddenly took off her clothes, hugged her, and put her on the sofa.He praised and said: Ah, your meat is so white.

It wasn't until this time that Jiao Xiaohong realized that she was lying naked under Huang Zhonglin's body, and her pair of breasts were playfully swinging under his burning palms.She said suddenly: Ah, no.I can't be like you, really can't.He said: why?She said: You have a wife.Huang Zhonglin smiled and said that a wife is a wife, you are you, we can be lovers.Jiao Xiaohong said: No, I can't be your lover.Huang Zhonglin said: If you keep your chastity for Wang Jun, then you are too stupid.Jiao Xiaohong said: No, I can't, let me put on clothes, please?But it was too late for her to say this at this time.Huang Zhonglin held her tightly in his arms, kissed her, and took out the method used to make Xiaoqing lose his virginity, and whispered into Jiao Xiaohong's ear: Please help me a little.Jiao Xiaohong asked: What can I do for you?Huang Zhonglin said: I respect you for not allowing me to enter your body, but I want to touch your body well.Your body is very beautiful.The skin is so good, it feels smooth to the touch, since you can see everything, can you let me touch it?Jiao Xiaohong looked at him in bewilderment, and said don't be like that.Give me my clothes.Huang Zhonglin praised her breasts and said: Your breasts are so charming.A hand was stroking her breast lightly.He also praised her shoulders and said: Your shoulders are also very beautiful. As soon as you touched them, they were very smooth.He also said: Your waist is also pretty, and I like your abdomen. If I draw a human body, I will emphasize your abdomen.His hands reached Jiao Xiaohong's abdomen, stroking her abdomen, and gradually touched her thighs, stroking back and forth between the inner and outer sides of her thighs.At this point, her love gate has already been opened, and the water of lust is rushing like a flood, making her voice trembling, saying that if your wife knows that you and I have done this, then she... Huang Zhonglin Interrupt her and say that no one will know, as long as you don't tell, neither will Wang Jun, my dear.He lowered his head boldly to kiss her breast, sucking on her nipple with his fiery tongue.

Jiao Xiaohong burst into tears, and the tears rolled down one by one like pearls with broken strings.Huang Zhonglin hesitated, saying you were crying?Jiao Xiaohong shook her head and said that I don't know why I was crying.Huang Zhonglin said: You should be happy.Jiao Xiaohong shook her head, and said that I really don't know why I cried.Whenever she cried or was in tears, she always wanted to have sex.Huang Zhonglin was hesitating whether to continue, but Jiao Xiaohong suddenly hugged him tightly, hugged him very hard, and stretched out his wet tongue to lick his face.At this moment, her body is full of sensuality, female hormones and her tears are rushing together.She pulled him hard onto her breasts, saying that I want you, and I don't allow you to look at me.Huang Zhonglin patted her face lightly with his hand, and said that you are such a good woman.While pushing her legs apart with his knees, his lower body entered her body.Jiao Xiaohong exclaimed "Oh" extremely sensitively, then closed her eyes and let him manipulate her without wanting to take another look at him.
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