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Chapter 60 Chapter 60: What a ghost, you

swallow 朱少麟 1913Words 2018-03-19
Professor Zhuo directed me and Long Zai to enter the room, and she closed the door behind us. Looking at Long Zai in amazement, I called out the door: "Professor?" "Quiet," she said.Then I heard the voice of Secretary Xu, the voice of the second brother, Long Zai frowned and stared at me, I shook my head at him, but I couldn't hear anything until the loud noise rang out, knocked me to the ground. Outside the door was the sound of knocking nails, like nailing a coffin. Long Zai put his hand on the door, and he also understood what Professor Zhuo was doing. There was a resonance in the wooden room. I covered my ears, and I still figured it out. Fourteen The nails sealed the door.

"Professor." I shouted as soon as the knocking sound stopped, and I slammed on the door together with Long Zai. "professor!" "Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" Professor Zhuo said softly outside the door. I heard Secretary Xu's very embarrassed voice: "...Professor." "You are also quiet." Professor Zhuo said again. "Pharmaceutical bottle." My palms began to sweat, and I knocked on the door and begged her, "At least please give me the asthma medicine bottle." "...No." Long Zai and I sat down with our backs against the door leaf, and sat for a while, the lights were all turned off.Long Zai's room is a mezzanine in the middle, with no windows except for a fan.

Professor Zhuo turned off the main power supply in the classroom, and now she leaned against the door and said, "You two, come out tomorrow morning." Professor Zhuo's wheelchair rumbled away, and he couldn't see or hear anything. This is too much, my shock has now turned into anger, the greatest anger in my life, I am not afraid of claustrophobia, I am not afraid of being imprisoned with Long Zai, but what does Professor Zhuo think she is?What was she trying to bungled open?I yelled, louder and louder, obviously Professor Zhuo drove away all the people, I shouted until my throat hurt, and then I suddenly realized that in the dark, I don't know where Long Zai is, he has no sound at all.

I groped with both hands, and he stood not far from me, his fists clenched. People who can't hear are especially afraid of the dark. Long Zai has lost both hearing and vision at the same time, so he just clenched his fists. He squeezed my hand again.I understand him from the palm of his hand, Long Zai doesn't want me, he doesn't want anyone, what he wants is not in the world, so what will it be?Can I see it for myself, take a look? Holding Long Zai's firm body tightly, I found that my breathing was completely smooth, but he was getting more and more panting. This is a fierce horse that no one can hold the rein. It gallops, and its four hooves are about to spark.

We cuddle with our whole bodies, I know he's erect, and he knows I know it, we just hold on until his lust subsides, I wish I had a way to vent his conflicts like a piercing and bloodletting the power of. In the hug I thought of home and wanted so badly. "That woman with no blood or tears," said the old man. "It's because you came at the wrong time." Auntie said so. The aunt said again: "It's not that we don't love you. At that time, you couldn't touch you at all. If you touched it, you would cry so much that you would spit out your stomach. I have never seen such a wicked baby with my eyes, so I can only put you on the bed and ignore you." , turned into a mute again, neither crying when hungry, nor crying when sick, what a beggar you are."

"Dumb," said the other children. Who am I to believe?What do you believe?I clearly remember that I never cried. It is said that my mother never spoke after she was pregnant with me, but why do I seem to remember that she was always whispering?She seemed to say so many things to me, but she couldn't understand, and she didn't have time to understand. The baby me was so angry, so angry, I just needed a hug, and I couldn't speak clearly after spending a lifetime of language. Memories are pieces of ice floes on the river, gathering and dispersing in chaos, interfering with each other, annihilating each other, in the complete darkness, only the stiff embrace of the dragon boy remains, this is a person who is as lonely as me.

The images of this life whirl through my mind. I recall everyone and everything, except my mother’s face. I have no concept at all. I have imagined her since I was a child, and I have come up with thousands of faces. Thousands of images are in my mind at this moment. The flickering flickering in my mind gradually faded out. Words cannot describe the loneliness in my heart. Confusedly stuffing the clothes into the suitcase, Ron knelt beside me and passed some things for me, her eyes were swollen from crying. "Don't go, Ah Fang, don't go, okay?" Ron En grabbed my pajamas with all her strength, and even pulled it twice, but she didn't let go, and I gave up the pajamas.

"Hey." I handed a sealed letter to Ron En, "Give it to the professor for me, it contains the salary of these five months, if she wants to break the contract and pay compensation, tell her for me, I will remit it again give her." "Don't tell me, I won't tell you, if you want to tell grandma yourself." Ron ran back and ran around the suite in distress, like a cockroach resisting hunting. At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Ron wiped away his tears and opened the door. Secretary Xu supported Professor Zhuo and stood at the door of the room. Both of them looked at me speechlessly, and glanced back at them. I continued to pack the suitcase.

As soon as Secretary Xu entered the door and picked up the chair, Professor Zhuo fell down and sat down. I was taken aback. I quickly got up to support her, and together with Secretary Xu, moved Professor Zhuo to my bed. From the beginning to the end, Ron En kept his hands on his chest, Standing by her desk. After folding the pillow for Professor Zhuo and making her sit upright, Secretary Xu seemed hesitant to speak, Professor Zhuo frowned and waved her out. Ron En also bowed his head and followed Secretary Xu out of the suite. When he walked to the door, Ron En suddenly turned his head back, his whole face seemed to be contorted.

"Professor," said Ron excitedly, "are you happy to drive everyone away? That's what you are, that's what you are! Old stubborn! Old foolish! Now even Ah Fang is leaving, aren't you happy? After the dance I will walk the road to heaven, everyone will walk, and no one will see you to death by then!" After speaking such vicious words in one go, Ron ran away in a hurry. Professor Zhuo didn't get angry, she just took out the cigarette case with great difficulty and started to light again and again. I took her precious lighter with both hands, helped her light the cigarette, and brought my hagi-saki teacup to serve as ash for her cylinder.

Breathing out the smoke, Professor Zhuo put her head on the head of the bed and stared at the tobacco with a dazed expression. She coughed. I patted her on the back, and a few mouthfuls of blood spattered on my bed sheet.
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