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Chapter 43 Verse 43: Clearly appreciates Ron's imagination

swallow 朱少麟 1962Words 2018-03-19
I imagined the age of rebellion on the other side of the sea, and it was a beachhead with raging anti-war frenzy, stalemate of the Cold War between East and West, rampant ecstasy worship, rise of sexual liberation, bards and aesthetics. Which one is more sad?Frowning towards the conflict and chaotic environment of the great era?Or here and now?Great fusion of the market and great reconciliation of enemies, the end of the century that is too warm and soft to focus on?Thinking of this, the rough Mr. Mu's eyes gradually became delicate, and it was even worth wiping away tears. His "Destruction" magazine is showing its effect in Taipei, and some people who agree with it have begun to take sabotage actions. I guess, since we are going to talk about destruction, is the highest purpose of Mr. Mu's magazine self-destruction?Advocating destruction all day long is like a lonely cry in this busy city. I think I gradually understand Mr. Mu, that kind of sentiment, that kind of spirit, and over time he made the fake come true. In the end, he was afraid of failure and also afraid of success.

So under the call of Professor Zhuo, he put down the magazine and joined the preparation of the dance drama. After designing the stage, he began to participate in lectures. He talked about sadness, he talked about destruction, no matter what topic he wanted to extend to modern times In front of him is our group of space-lost gods. Now Mr. Mu talked with everyone about the sense of chaos in post-modern civilization, some members of the group began to speak, and Ron En spoke, and she had a jaw-dropping insight. "The problem is with the eggs." Ron said loudly, we couldn't believe our ears, Ron continued, "We eat so many eggs, businessmen raise millions of chickens, and the chicken farms are overcrowded. Dead people, all the chickens are locked in the fence, so crowded that they can't move, a chicken can only stand in a place the size of a palm in its entire life, they become very angry, and they peck each other until their feathers are bald , the merchants cut their mouths flat, so the chickens are full of hate, they lay eggs full of hate, and we eat them, hate spreads among us, like the flu, no one knows, The problem is actually the egg."

Mr. Mu actually laughed. Leaving aside literary talents, he obviously admired Ron En's imagination. Ron En, who has unconstrained thinking, was selected by Professor Zhuo to play the guardian of the dimension in the dance drama. I'm looking forward to Ron En's performance, and I'm looking forward to seeing Professor Zhuo's intentions. It's almost early winter, and the individual training courses are coming to an end, and we're going to have a collective rehearsal. There are already two groups dancing grandly, and the dance area in the classroom is becoming more and more difficult to divide. In the crowd, Cliff and I retreated to the small yard to practice dancing.

On a clear evening, we practiced a pas de deux under a dead plane tree. Cliff picked me up, threw me sideways, and a small misfortune happened.My arm rubbed against the rough concrete wall, and I felt the tingling pain on my skin immediately. I stood still suddenly and pressed my right upper arm tightly with my palm. Cliff insisted on pushing my palm away. "Let me see," he said. "fine." "Let me see." "fine." Finally, I let go of the palm covering my upper arm, and just brushed lightly on the concrete wall. Because of the rough surface of the wall, a large area of ​​skin on my arm has been scratched.We looked at the wound together, it was pale at first, then red, little by little drops of blood quickly emerged, connecting into pieces.

Fortunately, the wound did not require stitches, and the hospital carefully applied medicine and bandaged it. I figured it was too late, so I simply gave up and rushed back to the classroom, and went to the asthma clinic this month as a detour. "Very good...very good." The old Chinese doctor pinched my wrist and praised me, "...that's amazing." After leaving the Chinese medicine clinic, it was the time of traffic jam at night. I was connected to the taxi in front of me and was stopped by several people. I walked along Guiyang Street. I passed by. It was a team that had just finished the parade. I don’t know what the theme is. From the wooden boards they dragged backwards, the words of grief and indignation could be vaguely seen, and their faces seemed to be slightly happy. .

Standing at the crossroads, I looked at a hand-painted poster hanging on the street lamp. It was a poster for the murderer of a fatal car accident. The words were handwritten in thick ink and could not withstand the wind and rain. Although I was in the crowd, The only passer-by who tried to finish reading it, but the most important words in the poster are no longer discernible, and he can only understand it roughly. On a certain day, a certain person was accidentally hit by a certain car, a certain car escaped, a certain The person died in the end, a broken story happened in a corner of the city, embarrassing into such a vague statement.I imagined how it would end.

The sky was very strange, with bright silver lines protruding from the dark blue. I looked up and remembered that there was a road dance event in the urban area further away. I thought it was the laser beam over there. The distance was too far. Only the low beating of drums can be heard here, like thunder. The feeling of detachment always occurs in the most crowded place. Standing on the corner of the street where people and vehicles are rushing, the so-called Boai Special Zone, the moment the green light turns on, my heart is withdrawn from the body, and I finally forget to walk. , crowds of people and cars passing by in slow motion, I have never been so surprised that I am a small point in a big city, I saw Taipei again from a bird's-eye view, the city that I cursed with everyone but was nostalgic for, In her vision, she seems to be happy, happy, fully automatic, winded up, like a battery, but this kind of excitement becomes chaotic under the macroscopic view, with ten thousand senses of direction. The intersection of the original is a sense of absurdity.

I suddenly found that winter is coming. At two o'clock in the middle of the night, I sat on the head of the bed, woke up from a deep dream for no reason, and lost sleepiness. I could only sit and look at the moonlight this night. It was a full moon night, and the entire row of grilles on the window rails doubled. I put on my clothes and got up, opened the door and went out. Walking in the long alley under the cemetery, I heard the faint sound of the piano again, played very lightly, almost depressing, it was Chopin's Nocturne, I looked up, but couldn't find out where the sound came from, the long alley had a faint scent of flowers.This night the moonlight was as bright as the dawn, and even the street lamps were eclipsed. Looking at my bright moonlight projection, I just wanted to take a aimless walk on a winter night, but I walked back to the dance classroom according to my habit. Locked up, standing under the dead sycamore tree, my heart was turbulent and uneasy. In the dance classroom late at night, there were flashes of violent lights.

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