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Chapter 8 Section 8: A parolee's mood

swallow 朱少麟 1955Words 2018-03-19
Listening is an understatement. Long Zai can watch the lecturer and all the other people with amazing patience for hours on end. When we have bilateral discussions, he can control Xu Heng. When we laugh, he is also happy, I guess. He is probably imagining, but there is often an ambiguous gap between the thought language and the real heart.To say that he is quiet just exposes the superficiality of the world with sound, at least I gradually think so, the inner hustle and bustle cannot be transmitted by air, and between us and Long Zai, there is just no sound that can be received by each other.

Long Zai dances better than us, but it is a fact, and everyone knows it well.When we were rehearsing, even the dance students were strictly prohibited from staying at the venue. Professor Zhuo was stingy with teaching dancers who were not well-known, so he accepted such a trainee.Long Zai's identity is ambiguous. Outside of the classroom, he knows his duty to help with various chores, which wins everyone's favor. In the practice, Professor Zhuo is equally honest with him, and never accommodates Long Zai Hearing impairment, everywhere reveals the meaning of letting him fend for himself, which has evolved into a test for all of us. The protagonist in the dance drama is undecided, which keeps us in the tension of competing on the same stage, and there is such a comparison. Our more outstanding trainees, everyone hopes to know how the professor arranges as soon as possible. I think Long Zai knows it well, but he is just properly quiet, shining in the tranquility, he doesn't show off, but he doesn't make mistakes either.

How on earth he danced so well has always been a mystery to me.It is said that the hearing-impaired sense the rhythm through vibration, but in my opinion, Long Zai relies on his memory, which is a consonance that I cannot understand. I also noticed that Professor Zhuo is always kinder when facing Ron En. I can't find any special reason for this. Ron En dances very well, but not as good as Long Zai. Ron En The only special thing is her young age, Ron En is the youngest one, she is only eighteen years old. Since I met Ron En on the day of the interview, our fate has been endless since then. She and I share a private locker. When Ron En's door is opened, various unexpected things often fall out immediately. , according to her daily needs, or as she pleases, she stuffed the counters where class supplies should have been placed with sundries, or snacks for the day, or cosmetics, wigs, or an old dog that was blooming. A cotton doll, once a bowling ball rolled out of her cabinet caused a sensation in the entire classroom and smashed the one-foot-square floor at the same time. Although Professor Zhuo was angry, he did not ask her for compensation. Rong Enzhi was favored It can be seen.On the inside of her cabinet door, there is a poster of the vast prairie, which I find very moving.Ron En also showed great interest in my counter, and within a few days I managed to manage a small private space that belonged to me, and Ron En made straightforward inquiries.

"What's that?" Ron asked me while chewing on shredded squid. "Ore." I said, it was a half-cut black stone. It looked ugly on the outside, but looking in from the cut side, you could see some spike-shaped light purple crystals. It was half a crystal raw ore. Because I cherished it very much, I Especially place it above the grid. "What is it for?" "It's my lucky charm." "Oh. Who is that?" She pointed to the poster I put on the cabinet door again. "Duncan." I was surprised that this was Duncan's most famous portrait, and she didn't recognize it.

"What's that bottle?" Now she points to my vial. "medicine." "What medicine?" "Bronchodilator spray," I said, expecting her to ask what a bronchodilator spray is, and I automatically told her to use it when you're short of breath. "You get it? I get short of breath sometimes." "Oh." Now that Ron noticed her meddling, she mocked her with a series of gestures that I couldn't understand, and then said even more cumbersomely: "I didn't know people who were breathless could dance." Saying goodbye to Ron, I took the last bus back to the office.

This day was delayed due to extra dance practice, and it was close to midnight when I returned to the company. I looked up in front of the office building, and there were those familiar lights, which was expected, but I hoped not to run into anyone else.My company named "Zongheng" is a real city that never sleeps.On the way up the elevator, I held on tightly to the door magnetic card, and I will use it for the last time today.Under such naive circumstances, I entered this place through multiple screenings. It was called a political public relations company. The hand-to-hand combat-like auxiliary selection work made me confused. Something that works, but there is no way to materialize it into a path.I stayed in this company for six years because of inertia. I was immersed in the great ballot analysis all day long, busy catalyzing and strengthening the flow of votes, researching issues, shaping the image, bleaching my side, discrediting the enemy... In the end I found that My work has nothing to do with nobility and beauty. Voters are a series of numbers. This is a world where counting poop is beautiful. It is not personality but the media that decides votes. If the devil knows how to vote, hell can also form a democratic society... Whenever When I was writing the propaganda, I felt the power of deification produced by the artificial media, and I was a little magic flute in it. Although I performed well, my heart never really belonged to this place.

The company made an exception and allowed my resignation to take effect immediately, and I am extremely grateful. After fully understanding the dance performance plan, my boss very humanely suggested that I stay without pay for one year. This undoubtedly reserved a way out for me. He knows that I am a reserved person.I am, otherwise I would not be so fettered in the work where my heart does not belong. When I entered the office, I was confronted by a group of colleagues who were about to go out for a late night snack. After socializing, I finally had time to return to my office seat.I hastily picked out a cardboard box, and I put all my personal items in it. There was a brand new binder on my desk. I opened it and saw that it was a personnel order issued just yesterday. It marked the date I would return to the team next year when I was dismissed from leave. Seeing that I was stupid, I felt like a parolee.

Holding the cardboard box, I went to the design department first before leaving. I wanted to knock on the door, but when I saw the familiar silhouette inside, I couldn't help but fell silent, wishing I could just look at him quietly like this.
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