Home Categories contemporary fiction Shannanshuibei

Chapter 41 Cats and Dogs

Shannanshuibei 韩少功 1337Words 2018-03-19
As Mimi's skills grew, so did her desire to express herself. When she saw me walking in the yard, she suddenly rushed in front of me, sprinted up the tree, and then sprinted down from the tree. Actually, it was nothing important. , I just want to invite you to experience its extraordinary speed and height. It also has its misses.It doesn't understand that bamboo is not camphor or catalpa, and that the bamboo pole is too slippery and too hard. Once, it rushed all the way in front of me, and rushed up the bamboo pole like lightning, but it couldn't hold it with its claws, and finally fell down. When I got down, I was thrown on all fours. It was really embarrassing.

It quickly slipped away with its tail between its legs, and never climbed the bamboo pole again. When it is really boring, it will think of a dog named "San Mao".Sanmao is a few years older than him, so he is considered a big brother dog.But the elder brother is inferior to the younger brother in skills, he can't climb trees, he can't climb the wall, and he is stupid in fighting. The weapons formed a three-dimensional offensive.Even though San Mao was big and the heavy chariot knocked down the opponent, but the younger brother jumped up the stairs in the air, and quickly retreated to a safe place before the opponent could see clearly.

Sanmao shook his long hair, and found that there was no target, and when he was stupid, he rushed in the wrong direction, searching in and out of rooms, panting, but found nothing.It didn't expect that Mimi was sitting on a high place at this time, waiting for work, wagging her tail leisurely, and didn't bother to pay attention to the enemy's busyness. In the end, Brother Gou was willing to bow down and let the little brother three points in everything.Seeing that Mimi snatched its food, he just stood aside, really annoyed, and then went to the cat bowl to eat a couple of mouthfuls, which was a very useless revenge.Sometimes he would lie on the ground and let Mituo on the chair hang his tail and beat on its dog's head from time to time.

Sanmao half-closed her eyes and endured it. They are generally friendly, and sometimes they can sleep together in a cardboard box, and even put their mouths on each other (like a deep kiss), and hold each other with their arms around each other (like a warm hug).Such dear relatives and friends froze for a while, until the sleepiness broke out, and the intimate scene ended, and each slept separately.They also began to learn from each other. For example, Sanmao learned to catch mice, and Mimi learned to lie on her back when she saw people, showing her belly to show her friendliness.Once, there was a scream from the west of the yard, which sounded like a cat's voice.Before I could react, Sanmao's whole body was shaken, and he screamed wildly and ran towards the direction of the screams. His four hooves scraped the sand and the soil flew up. out of shape.Although it found no snakes or weasels in the end, it only found a wild cat over the wall, but it still sniffed around in the grass for a while before giving up.It must have been worried about the safety of the little cat just now.

This made me praise it for a long time, and the high hats of bravery and integrity were put on its head one after another.Mimi may understand a thing or two, and may be a little unconvinced.For the next few days, I opened the door every morning. Outside the door, there may be a trace of bloody rat intestines or a rat leg—of course, this is Mimi’s record. It was she who cut off the enemy’s head. Report to the head coach.I suddenly understood that it deliberately left this mouthful, just to show that it didn't eat in vain, at least it was no better than the three-haired straw bag. What's more troublesome is that the heads it cuts not only include rat meat, but sometimes chicken or bird meat as well.That is to say, it has never been clear about the scope of its 110 duties, and has always regarded chickens and birds as mice with wings.Especially that kind of gray and black little thing, it must be a mouse in disguise from its point of view, and it must not be let go and be taken lightly.The chickens in my family lost more than half of their size in its mouth several times, which made us dare not buy chicks, especially black-feathered chicks.I was so angry that it trampled on the law.But it stared and didn't understand.

Once, it ran excitedly with a mouthful of black fur in its mouth, causing public outrage again: What are you doing with a bird in your mouth?Ask for a fight?I yelled and cursed, which scared it to hide, but it never let go.I picked up the stick and chased it fiercely, and shot it continuously with mud clods, making it run wild in the woods, and finally hula-la jumped onto the wall.But it still clung to the bird, its eyes were full of grievances and confusion, and it was indignant at me for not rewarding but punishing me. That night, it didn't come home very late, maybe it was stuffed by a bird, or it might want to lose its temper severely.

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